I Tk Nw.-Rvlt)W, Rostburj, Or Sot.. Nov. 11, 1961 Pertonall OUT OUR WAY Williams Real Estate 34 Real Estate 34 By J. R. LEGAL NOT KB TO creditors A I portent hevtn claims ega-nti the BIT ATE OP I DO AH BDIeON P6LLBTT, DECEASED, new aendlno In tna Circuit Court a DeufUt County' Oregon, ere hereov untitled to present IM Mm, duly verified i required by U, t the wvserslgned at the Uw oHke If George F. Weieum, Court house, RoteaufB. Oreoon. within u month tram the Oat af th tlrtt pwbi Walton at thit rottce wncn del If November A, 141. INA I. PEt,LETT (ecutria at the teat Witt and Testament of COG A ft EDISON Pi Li. I IT, DKMU4. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Nelk It hereby given that Wednesday, ft ec ember erh, INI. el the hour el t 30 'cleck. m., In the Circuit Court Room E In me Courthouse, Roseburg. Douglas Countv. Oregon, hat been lined at the time end piece tar hearing Ob lections, H any, to the final account filed by the undersigned In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Douglel County. PERCINIA M. SUTLER Administratrix with Will Anneed of the Eitete of WILLIAM ER NEST sutler Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned hat been duly appointed Eaten tar of the Estate of SEVERT (VERSON, whose full name was Severt Meivln Ivor ton. deceesed, by order of me Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor-Douglet County, and ha duly Qualified aa awch. All persons having claim eoelnsf tald estate are hereby required to pretent the a me with the proper vouchers, duly vert fled at by low required, to the under signed t the orfkea of Long, Neuner t Dole. SIS S.S. Dougtet Ave. Roseburg, Oregon, within tlx month front the date hereof. Dated and flrit published' October tt, 1M1. ROGER tvERSON. EKOCulor of the Lett Will end Testament and Estate of SEVERT IVERSON. de- MOTICI TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the trndertlgnod hat been duly appointed Ad ministrator of the Eitete of ASTRIO DOR THE A PJELDSETH. Pka ESTHER P JE LO SE TH, dec ted, by order of the Circuit Court of the Stett of Oregon for Oouglet County, and hat duly Qualified at tuch. All per ton having claims against tald es tate ore hereby required to pretent the tame with the proper vouchers, duly verified aa by law required, to the undersigned at the offices or Long, Neuner poie. no s. E Onuglot Ave Reseburg, Oregon within til months from The date hereof. Doted and first published: October U Wl. GEORGE HINSDALE Administrator of the Estate of ASTRIO DORTHEA FJELOSETH. km ESTHER FJELDSETH, da- NO. 14444 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON PON OOUOLAS COUNTY EUGENE A. HESSELGRAVI Plaintiff. vs. ALVA A. HESSELGftAVE Defendent. TO; ALVA A. HESSELGRAVC DEFEND ANT ABOVE NAMEO: IM THE NAME OP THE STATE OP ORE CONt You ore hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on er before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the firs publication of this summons upon you and If you fall to to appear and answer plaintiff will tor went thereof, apply to the Court for the relief preyed for In plaintiff's complaint, suc cinct statement thereof being at follows: for d decree of this Couat forever dissolving the marriage contract now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, a wording to pielntlH all of the reel and personal property oa hit tola and separate property and requiring the plaintiff to dis charge any mdebtedneta thereon said real and personal property and tor tuch other relief at to the Court may seem pitt and suitable, the aforesaid relief being sought upon the grounds that defendant wilfully deserted plaintiff tor more than one yeer Immediately prior to the commencemenl at aid suit. This summons It published by order Of the Honorable Chertet S. Woodrlch. Judge of the above entitled Court mode and enter d on the 1st day of November, 141, di recting the publication of thit summons once each week for four consecutive weeks In the Roseburg Newt Review or Roseburg, newspaper of general circulation in Douglas County, Oregon. Oete of first publication eitt stay of No vember, 141. WILttAM H. JONES Attorney tor Plaintiff 411 Pacific Btdg. Roseburg Oregon SUMMONS Case No. IseM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OP OOUOLAS p. A. McCORMACK. sometimes known at PREO A. McCORMACK and RACHEL S. McCORMACK Plaintiffs, vt. JOHN THOMAS t JANE DOE THOMAS, wife of John Thomas If ho it married) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP JOHN THOM AS, If he It deceased) ELMER THOMAS) JANE DOE THOMAS, wife of Elmer Thorn ai. H he to married) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP ELMER THOMAS. H he ' deceased) ETHEL THOMAS PALMERt EUGENE PALMER) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP ETHEL THOMAS PALMER. H She Is deceesed; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP EUGENE PALMER, H he tt deceased i MOSE THOMAS, H he It living) THE UN KNOWN HEIRS OP MOSE THOMAS. H he It deceased) and alto, ail ether perttea un known claiming any right, title, estate, iten i or interest tn the reel property described In the complaint herein. Defendants;. TO: JOHN T NOMAS t JANE DOE THOMAS, wife of John Thomas, H he is married) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP JOHN THOM AS If he It deceesed) ELMER THOMAS) JANE DOE THOMAS, wife of Elmer Tho--n-as. If he It married) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP ELMER THOMAS, If ho It deceesed) ETHEL THOMAS PALMER I EUGENE PALMER) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP ETHEL THOMAS PALMER. H the it deceesed) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP EUGENE PALMER. If ho It deceased; MOSE THOMAS. If he tt living) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OP MOSE THOMAS, If he It dec easedi and also, all other parties unknown claiming any right title, ettete. Men or Interest In the real property do acibed In the complaint herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP ORE GON: Vau ore hereby each required to ap pear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs Mod against each of you an the above en titled court and cause on or before tour (41 weeks from the date at the first publication of this twmment. If you tall to to eppeer and answer tald complaint, then plaintiffs, for went thereof, will apply to the court tor the relief prayed tor In said complaint, a ouo efnet tlatement of which It at feftowt! That It bo decreed plaintiff are the own ers in fee timpie and entitled o mo pos session at the tallowing described real prop erty tltuoted tn Dougtet county, Oregon, te-wti: Eatt ha ft of the Southwest quarter and the Northeast querfer of the Northwest quarter af mg Soulheett quarter, Seclhsn 11. end that portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, tying north and weal of North Myrtle Creek and south of what ll known at Skunk Gulch, all tn Township IS South. Renoe 4 West, Wil lamette Meridian, Oouglet County, Ore gon. Em opt that portion tn the County Rood. and that the right of possession and tltte to tald premises be forever quieted m plain ttntf end that tt be further decreed that any claim of defendants or any one or more of them. In or to told premises or any etert thereof, N without foundation In lew or In equity, and that plalntitft are the own- era an fee Of said premise ana e ine whole thereof, free from any and all claims and Interest of sad defendants and any one or more of them, of any kind or nature whatsoever) and that said defendants and all persons Cletrntng By. through or under them, or any one or mere of them, be tor ever restrained end enotned from asserting any right, title, ettete, hen or Interest In or fa said prtmleot or any perl thereati end far such other end further relief OS to the court may appear eouiteftie Thit Summons It served UPM Veu by pubUceiton thereof once each week tar tour (41 successive woofs, making five (II oub Bcettans to all. the Roseburg Newt-Revtew. a wswetaptr of general circulation ot pro vided by statute, published ond Hewed pi Snseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. BY OoOER of the Honor eh Don M Send era. Judge of the ebovo entitled court mode on October lo. mi. the ft-af pub H aen af tttlg tMmmont at On October it. itti. 6E0POE LUOMA , Attorney for Plaintiffs "monue Sevtngs A Lad) tutatftng P O Sea tl? , R sea text. Oregon LEGAL NOTICE OP PINAL HEARIN i NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that Tuev day. h 1th day of November, It I, ot M o'clock am. wi Court Room A, Court Haute. Dougiet County. Peteburg, Oregon, net been toed tar time and piece tor hear ing of abjections, H any there be, to the I final account tiled by the undersigned in 1 the mailer of the estate Of OPAL IRENE Mc KINNEY. Oeceeted. Oeted end first published thi 14th day of October. mi. MERWIN LEHMAN McKINNEY, EnocuIot under the Lest Will end Testament el OPAL IRENE Mc KINNEY Dec eased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned. R. S. Cermicheel, has been I appointed Evtcutor of the Estate of Paul Apptegete. deceased. All persona having i claims against teid estate are hereby noil-1 tied to present the tamo duly verified and with proper vouchera to the Eiecutor at 445 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon, within I si (41 months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Oete of first publication la the lth day of October, 141. I R. S. CARMICHAEL, EOCutorl el the Estate of PAUL APPLE : GATE, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned net been duly appointed enecu trix under the Last Will end T as lament of Elbert R. Buckingham, deceased. All per sons having claims against hit estate ere notified to present the same properly veri fied at required by law to the undersign ed at the law offices of Geddes, Eeifcer, Walton and Richmond, at 43 SC. Kane Street, Roseburg, Oregon, within tlx months from dale of first publication hereof which is October 7t, mi. sarah a. Buckingham, Executrix under the Las Will end Testament of ELBERT ft. BUCKINGHAM NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Tues day, the 3th day of December, 141, at t oo o'clock a m.. In Circuit Court Room "B", In the County Court House, Roseburg, Dougtet County, Orogon, have bean fled at the time and place tor hearing objections. If any, to the Final Account filed by the undersigned In the Circuit Court of the Stele of Oregon tor Douglas County, Probata Department, and tor the settlement thereof. Deled and first published: November 4. 0. V. WIMBFRLV Executor of the Last Will end Testament and Estate of ROSA S. PARROT T deceesed NOTICE TO CREDITORS Netko is hereby given that the under signed hot been by the Circuit Court of the Stele of Oregon for me County of Ooug let appointed Administrator ot the Estate of HENRIETTA LONG, Deceesed. All per. tent he v ing claims against her estate are notified to present the tame verified at re quired by tew ie the undersigned at Lew Offices of Kelley 4 Garrison, Attorneys et Law, 70S Douglas County Slate Bank Building. Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the dele of this nolka. DATED October SI, It I. DONALD S. KELLEY Administrator of the Ettete of , HENRIETTA LONG, eka HATTIE long. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice It hereby given that aft persons having claims against the estate of James W. Aiken, deceased, are required to pretent them with the proper vouchers within tlx months from the date of the tint publi cation hereof to the undtrtigned at the offices of Yetes 1 Murphy, attorneys at law, aig i t. jecuson ai. Roseburg, Gra in. Deled and first published this lltf) day at November, mi. ELEANOR I. AIKEN. E'OCutrlX of the Estate of JAMES W. AIKEN, Deceased Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. CASH KATIS MmtiiUl Hr l..nm Winn imtot TiMt ATM Card ot Thanks .... I -Day rat. 2 llntt . 3-Day rat 2 linvt . I 6-Day mr 2 lintt . 35-Day rata 2 lintl . i 1 Day rata 3 lino . 3 -Day rata 3 linat . I 6-Day rata 3 linat . 30-Day rata 3 linai , ...$1.5! 1.00 175 . 2 50 s.so t 30 , 2 50 , 3 50 , 7.50, CMOIT j ita ntH MtiKt It VI ttfttt Mrvict cluit Itr ciHIt DtADllNIS mm imiimi i tt. I. Ti tibllt'(A, TN Ni.hvit r,lrvM 1. riM i cuuirr, ant hi C ui IiM J ADJUSTMENTS It ft t4.flf1iMn.tt Own rtcwrtrtlr, ttt tt iamtttui. M ill tM tt rttH.twt tor Mr. tM tn. itrtTTMt ttltrtiM. twt tti tNWittitf k htuttt tt fltfitcl ItMrtitl tf 0frt;Mf.t.t litntti cm nit It ihn Km na i SUiKRIPTION HATB it tMtt tr hi tit (in. ttnt . vai ui atnu, RHi m !, III M. tttttt It tot Of MHt tM BMW. Iirtt lint BMtti. nit) HI nm, t'ti nt , mn. turn mi t.t.MKf P. I. I mm 0. awlt. tvtli attttt, llltj, tn t, iitji. m im cwi m. M Mm 1m Mum tltj IMjrfel Paper Delivery If your ppr k Met daliard Call OR 2 3321 Man. thru Ffl. BtwtMii 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals IN DEBT? OON-T tet tifita reef your toa your credit every rhkr-i you oni IP veu 0r to deaf Bevond vour etvllry H eey end trnrerery enf to ff Out Of deaf, tee BUDOFT COH SW.TANTI end Kavo wa eian our DiBT PEOUCTK) Pt AN to you. One atera to pay 0la. at 0 Mr fnent yM cm afford. NO otcwrify. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Uff n ted and Rondrd Jtoteburs. Oregon rh. OR 2 3591 423 SE Mam Si DRINKING PROBLEM! CH AlcehJk An enymowt. OR lit WANTED: RIDER to Oklahoma, Arkansas or Teiat. Leaving ith IS days. Ceil os u. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing con fidential ad v tee may contact Catholic Char lt.es, V W. Sroadwey. Eugene, Oregon, Dl ft-1441. Lost & Found 12 LOST DOG Medium tired white tang haired (mate. Vicinity of Duonv.lle. Re ward. OR J-IA41. FOUNO Pomeranian female In Roseburg area. Phono My rile Crook, UN J-JS1. Help Wanted Men 15 WANTEO Experienced log truck driver. Call J, JE 1-4S4S, Canyenvilie. Help Wanted Women 16 HOUSEKEEPER for family of three to five In. Salary plus room andboard. OR ?-4l). LIVE IN BABY SITTER AH nourt, OS t-M Work Wanted 17 IRONING SI HOUR, starching any way, M extra charge. NE Bsbg 0R S-4300. HOUSEWORK,' Si as hour. Own transporta tion. OR MW. IRONING SI HOUR Vt NW Corel Ave.,OR 3-S03S fARPEnlTER and cabinet work. Alto all types of formcd Installed. OS I-S4U. IRONING ANO MENDING. OR 3-3431. EXPERIENCED cook dinner or ruj IRONING, ST hour OR 3-174 or fry. HAVE PICKUP and trailer will do mov Ing and hauling. Reasonable. OR S-4730. Instruction 19 MIVATI DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS OR J-" Loans And Finance 21 WILL SUY real estate contrect. Pay svitti cash and rental property. OR 3-4)73. WANTEDdlscounted""contracft.arto equities Phorve OR Wit) or OR 3-4091. REAL ESTATE"loan$ to 57. WO. Autoirrabile furniture and signature loans. Leurentide Industrial F I nance Corp.. formerly Com mercial industrial Finance Corporation 113 5r Oat, OR 3-44V4. Family Finance Home owned and Operated Leant Up to SI WO On motor vehlclet and furniture m If Washington OR 3-5511 Business Opportunities 23 OROCERV. stock and fixtures. On highway. Living outrlers, Ott 7-m. FOR ALE tsvern and rtstaurvit. GV 4-3345 ROCK CRUSHER site, ample supply hard reck, on county Bd. nr Hwy 47, A. Perron, Iter Rt. Box 34. Winston. OS 9-S4ef. WANTEO TO LEASE smell lunch room by responsible couple with good references. Write Box 400 News-Review. SELL OR TRADE. 4 good furnished rentals. Equity 14,000, Total price m.000, can uh 3-4570. APPROXIMATELY 3 acrtt with four rental units, suitable for trailer perk. In Indus trial area. Reasonable terms can bo or ranged. OR 3-fll. NICEST INDEPENDENT STATION In town. Motor tune-up. brakes, muffler, shock serv ke. Served by direct transport from Port tend, alto, parking let. U.S00 for stock, equipment, down payment on property. Across from Rosa Hotel. Ideal for partner ship. OR Mitt. TEXACO has station for LEASE on Garden Valley Blvd. Good potent ie I Per Information call OR 3-3753 OR 3 3533 Dealer Drafted Good Flying A Service Station FOR LEASE. Located in Sutherlin. Good gallonage, excellrnt minor repair work and TBA aalei. Jhut have substantial capital and ood credit rating. POIl INFORMATION CALL TIDEWATER OIL CO. OK Ml, tr, 0 Win him- Ha. Commercial Rentals 25 PO KENT OR SALI mmrcl.l bullo- loa MM tq. n. Lira ptrkina tr... UH m. im HE SltpMni. Oial OR MM. Apartments For Rent 27 ONI SDRU MM. ctoMI In, US. Pnon OR MIM tvtt. FURNISHED yrm apt. Meet, water, oerb. hncl. Single Vrornan preferred. OR lV5ro. HEATED APTsATTwtHHtet. linen twrn- ithed. tloto City Motel. fHRCi 1 BRaots Westhill Aplt. MM Harvard. All ulilltlet patd. PARTLY fumlsned around floor apt. tst me. sn Flood St. or i-1 too. TWO bedroom upstairs fwrnlthed apt. Dillard area. OS o-ltu. FURNISHED APT. Outside entrance. Adults. Weslslde. I3UW. Crestvlew. LARGE unfurn. downsfalrt 1 Bdrm apt Close tt Roto School City Center. OR nn. NICE APARTMFNTS, torno furnished. NO pels OR S-W. NICELY furnished very clean 1 BR duplet. Elect, neat. Drive 4 Save VA vtc. Water, 0'6. serv. pd. StS. OR f-4S0. ONE bedroom furnished court apt. Washing tec. available. Phone OR S-4203 or Inquire at Garden Valley Market. t H R E E room furnished apl. -tier and Brbeoo paid. Gordon Valley Blvd. AI UU NW Fairmont. PuRNISMf 0 ADtt.lncfudlno water, elec. Qf beoe, pood location, no and SM me. Union Gap Apt t. Jiutherlin. 4J14. Burnished arts., aduttt only, to) and Itt mo. Close, convenient location. Set SB Brock way Ave. Aplt. OM0Jt, PURNISHEO large one Bedroom duprtt tvpe apt. Nke tjuiet SK aide locelion, OR os mn. 6NE BEDROOM furnished aperlment. ' Meat, water end Borbeee disposal furnished. Adwltt only. 1 btotft. from City center. Phone OR SJ2U. fHRFl ROOM upttalrt apt , Outtlrte en trance, parttelty turn, aomo UtlHtiet Pd SU me. Ciete to town. Call OR W4l weekendt nr after a. A BETTER PLACETOTlVE " MOOFON I Bdrm duplea unit and oereoo. 1 ooct to PO and bentt. Avaieie Nov. ?J Adurts. no pets. OR S-Sltl Kohlhagen Apfs. Jectsan si. at Lena Ave. Modern reasonable rent ADULTS OR J C44 "A Gtwd Piece To I've" Bachelor Apt. FURNISHED. Fastsida. fiv-fMK-t. easy wt heep. Large cktse. private entrence. Me ovaintwerd and shower, I or t adufiv S4t ma. OR MS77. rOOO APARTMENTS I -I I bdrm. aplt . furnished er wrur-. Water and gar eerv. provided 0so heat to aomo. Rents from HI utv j SWIMMING POOC I Teref ApN get onuipped Ptl-tlttl Wmchestor Ct.etef werer heef OR ;ae j Visit Hornet -Hot water heal OR 1-4)01 1 Weeivuo tt.-Weereer OR Met t OekMrl AptBaCenf Heat OR S-4MI 1 WHEM WILL. A V OH, THERE'LL V THAT'3 TM' WORST Of f CHAWCE LKTHIS ALWAYS Be y THESE LESSOtOS I I EVEKCOMEASINT OPPORTUNITIES.' ) A LOTOF US WILL rYTHI& GO1 HAP AM J WE SHOULP J BE SITTIW WAITINf , " ' t Y OLP PESERTEP LEARU FROAA WITH A SHEP AKJ' m -yZFJV SHEP WITH SOME ( THISTO BE RUSTV HOOPS TH' 7ZR I RUSTV BARREL READY WHEU NEXT TIME, BUT JStfy '$6(y HOOPS IWTH'VARP-- OORCMAWCE THAT WOW'T BE rVW 5XX' Q PRESTO.' THE LAST W COMBS, WHATTHEVLL J V WM'i WARMAPEH'AAA lf&yhy--. WNT.' J V y&hb f j. aai LLiONAiRS ' rXMJw' r Apartments For Rent 27 THP.EC SOOM turnlahod aplt. Adults. 7SE 1 'inl FURNISHED 1, 7, and 3room tptrtmentu Call Oft 3-S0W Three room tumithed apt. AduHt. Close In. 1014 SE Pino. Rooms For Rent 28 ROOMS, tome with kitchent. Roiling Hills Motel. 2S4I NE Stephens. "HEATEO ' ROOMS prtvato entrance. 1-1 J SK Mill NICE sleeping rooms. 117 SC. Blekfly Ave. li blocks SE from bus depot Room And Board 29 ROOM AND BOARD at JO Ann' i Boarding House, OR J-7t47. ROOM ANO BOARD. Homo owey from homo. OR DOtt. Houses For Rent 30 SMALL house fumlthed or parity. One or two adults only. Call OR 3-Mfl. ONE bedroom furnished house. On but line. close to market, adults. OR S-4S40. NEAR Winchester small unfurn. J DR home, US. OR 3-3574, A.M. or after S. TWO BR modern rtouse. unfurnished, near U.S. Plywood. OR 9-tttO. FOUR ROOM house. Call Rolling Hills Mo- tei, 7Mi ne siepnens. TWO bedroom house 1 ml let north. 150 month, water paid, tome furniture. 2-3048. WINSTON - I BR home, elect, heat, hclwd floors, near tchoolt. Nice ditt. OS 0-5133. LARGE one room furnished modern cottage in a quiet location. OR 3-M34. THREE Bedroom homo, Rlvortldo School Dlst. OR 2-27M. UNFURNISHED 2 Bdrm house, ttec. heat and carport. Hit SE Robert!. NEWrBdrm rwmefor" renf'or tea so. Mutt have good references. OR 9-S379. BURNISHED t BR house, eoiy, clean; very reasonable. 4131 N. Sfephent. COMPLETELY FURNISHED cabin and apt. Winchester Village, OR IW CLEANTWO BEDROOM HOUSE Inquire 3540 Alamosa Ct. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house S3S. Cot tage In Melrose $20. OR J-3t evenings. FOR RENT J BR Newton Creek house on Knoll Ave. StS mo. OR 1-lin. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm hornet for tern I Met or tingle elderly. OR 3-4&4I. 140 FURNISHED DUPLEX 1260 NE Stephens. OR 3-4f FURNISHED housekeeping cabins. 2050 NE Stephens. Rotoltnd Auto Court. Burnished cabins, wtekiy ratet. 4 NE Sttphent. Pacific Motel. OR 3-7t3. "CLEAN. 3-rm turn, house. OR 2-3270. 1243 SB Staohent. ONE BEDROOM modern house. S miiet out black top road. SSO. OR 3-7M0. TWO bdrm house, unfurn , near Rota Sch. PJ0R MS CuTFj furnished duplcK, eutb. washer, gar age, tingle or couple only. 150. OR 1-4551. MODERN, large 1 BR house, with garage, patio and nice yard. Range, retrig, and water turn. OR 3-USt; OS -U7a. NICE 3 Bedroom home unfurnished. M0 pr month on south Hamilton SI. Phone 3-4302. Williamson Real Estate TWO BR unfurnished house on paved street In Winston. Ref. required. Inquire at The Dixie Auto Court In Winston. FOLEASE FOUR bedroom house, 44 NE Jackson. Inquire house m reer upstairs. UNFURNISHEOnewlyredecorated 2 BR house, westside. 175 mo. 1st 0 mo, us thereafter tor permanent tenant. OR 3-7222. SMALL 1 bedroom house, partly furnisrrj. tit NB Willow. Phono OR 3-4574 after 4 PM. ONE BEDROOM house, peer Joseph L-e Sch. t9 per month. Water furnished. Williemton Reel Esiale OR 3-4X2 FOR RENT OR SALE 3 bedroom house with soma furniture, on the westside. No children. OR 3-7)aM. NICE, unfurnished 3 BR duple:, near Jo seph Lane School. 155. Water and sewage paid. OR y$flJ. FURNISHED. 1-2 bedroom cabins. Water ary) garbage disposal furnished. US-US. 3415 Diamond Lake Blvd OR 5-3344. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished duple roe block from Greyhound Depot. Aduttt only, OR 3-7WS. THREE room house, one acre pasture, well and pump, piece for trailer, near Ford's mill in Oillerd. 171 per month. Call OR 3-3433 or OR 3l. LARGE 1 BDRM unfurnished hoirie.-oil-nir. nece. carport. 4 blkt to city center. Adults t'S me, IS I Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 1-4 IM. $70 PER MONTH LARGER I Bedroom home, with sep arate dining room attached gar age, largo tot. CALL OR 2- 16U STEYKNSON REALTY Mobile Homes For Rent 31 Small TRAILER HOU1R tor rent. Win Ston. OS Ut, , EXTRA NICB I SVrBdmrnodern hrri'sh. Od frellers. Adu'lt e-ty. Inqu.re Peecehil Timber Town Trailer Park. JOH Nl Steptv ens. OR 5-)'t- Mobile Home Parks 32 0X100' Rosebwg let Se" or rent. up tor trt'ier. Hea I rm add n wt betti and util rm OS f ONE VACANCVaf TRAILER HAVE NTn P'ehKred address for mofio wvtog it 4 E SterHng Drive. TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK 2010 NE Stephen. Best ayrcomooette tor en a'o tre'k ort. ext. ail aiech-trs. Peved St . ie -oa. to lawna. motored gat. I ick Rem Satewey. A'(H rtFttv OR -4J't 1 Mobile Home Parks 32 CENTRAL TRAILER PARK 1U1 DIAMOND LAKE BLVD. Specet aH paved. Just 4 blocks to butinett confer. Adurtt. OR 3-410 Real Estate Wanted 33 THREE 4 BR home with acreege, IS mm ngMWig. BHJK JTT. CWVKeVieW Real Estate 34 TWO Bdrm house, 451 NE Jackson, 1500 sown Dai. like rent, or 3-4732. TWO BEDROOM HOME, 1 acre on river frontage. Green District. Our equity, 12,100. Call OR 3-364 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE WESTSIOE 9 bedroom with full balht. fireplace, hdwd floors, attach od garage with floored attic room tor storage, improved front end back yard with 2 big wetnut trees. Owner has kept thit property In excellent condition. NEW VIEW HOME 2 fireptecet, 2 baths, Urge family room, 3 bdrms. birch built-int with dishwasher, garb aqe disposal, oven and range, radiant ceiling heat, sun porch and double garage, on paved street end tewer. Ready for occupancy In two weeks. If you are looking for a nice home on the Wetttido thit could be It. WANT TO SELL LIST with us. We have buyers wanting 3 or 3 bdrm hornet 112,000 to 114,000 prico range. 918 SE Washington Ave. OFFICE OR 3-5594 Evenings call 'r't Reinert, Satesmenager OR 3-417 Howard or Haiei Squer Sutherlin 3027 Reynolds Real Estate 806 S. E. Cass HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL HERB 1$ o deal for the man who la handy with tools. A nice bedroom home with 0 large 121e living room. Has a good garden spot. The lot It 50 100'. Thit It a good chance to make tome money. For only 1450 down, thit can bo yours. The full pfK IS 17,000. COZY -WITH VIEW THIS CHARMING 2 bedroom home w.th wall to wall carpet In the living room will give you a feeling of warmth and relaxation the minute you step in the front ooor. Shower and tub for those who Ilk both. The peto It shaded with nke large shade trees tor the ultimate In summertime living. All this, plus a garage for the car, tor only 17,000. Owner will consider trading for acreage. EXTRAS LIKE CRAZY NOTHING ELSE to buy this one hat everything A large 1 bedroom homo with a Roman brick, raised hearth fire place In the 17 x 14' l' living room. The forced air furnace will keep you warm and coiy while you din In the ti M l'i' dining room. The 10 s 10V kitchen boasts of a dishwasher and toads of built ins. The utility room lor washer and dryer. Hardwood floors through out the house. Keeping the nicely landscaped ground up will be no problem neat summer tor there is an underground sprinkler tvitem no draoging hoset or walking on wet lawns. This home was out It tor someone who wants a home, not rust a hous. la that someone you ??? Could M call now and tee. SH.500. TRY AND BEAT THIS TWO BEDROOM beauty with circulating fireplace. For once, you will find that you have enough built ins. The dishwasner and garbeoe disposal will bo a bg help m the kitchen. There it a screened beck porch tor those cool summer evenings and electric heat tor those cold winter nights. Thit home it on a con Crete toundation for yeart of low cost maintenance, and It on 0 largo M x 100' lot for only S,000. SPACE VESI You wont feel cramped on this M acrtt with a lovely 4 bedroom home. The land hat 40 acrtt level cultivated river bottom long with 40 acres waier rights. The irrigation equipment includet O 15 HP pump, 40 Iprinklert and 1W0' of 3 and 4" aluminum pipe. Th it goes with the piece. A well for go mesttc water and the river for Irrigation. The land ft all fenced and hat a large born tor stock or equipment. II vou have hed the urge lo do a little farming, you Cnf go wrong on thit deal. Call now tor mor In tor matron. 2& 000. Phone OR 2-1413 Geo. Keller OR 2-1935 Elton Zuver OS 9-5339 E. H. "Doc" Pocock OR 3-8259 Lou Bossett OR 2-3838 Dick Scott Sutherlin 4058 New Listings )-viwi RIVER FRONTAGE ESTATR situated on IV I Rio Rm4. f Bedroom ew pendable home with fireplace. I bethronmt. hardwood floors. Inside utility, dnub'e gerooes, family orchard abundant lawns and flowers, excellent well and prssure svs'em. irrigation system from North Umpque River and 12 X 14 tool utility but Wing. Thit Is one Of the very few Roman Brick constructed hornet In Douglas County. Th Interior It lmihed In Mahooany and wood paneling. 15.000 aown aog owner will carry balance on contrect. W0 PRICE RFOUCEO or Out tale Thit neat 1 bedroom expendable noma silvered an hgrwy 5 s mites South el Rnsenurg is but an free toil of over ' acre. Fireplace, 2 carports. M-nny kitchen with lots of built-lns. full be'h rnom. mside uMity a'd room hv- fveks. ch'Cken house, horse bam, etc. ve oown payment recesarv to quel-f-ed Federal G.I. 10N Down to Jtate CU or l rt down and etswmo present contrect. J-f VI ) BEDROOM home on . acres of fmd ground, pmpe-ty Situated West O Swerln Good well end pressure tvtm, nsde utility room, e Mr active kitch en, svort, thnp. 7 parage, new ror. eC. Thit it 0 OOOd buy. LO t try your C I. Loan. 13.000 down on contract. t) 700 ACRE bi-'Wrtg Site tlhja'-d between RfteN.r end MvrtlO CreeO Pam. itv orchard, rat-o-wr to laving, pood road trenieg Ce to CWverteef. tUJO own. J-1?4 tSB SVF5T JiOE NF PliPLEtf 1 hertnoms eff a-d dining rttmi car ports, tectrc baseboard heat, pad street, sewers, etc. VM down. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS r. fici arevenson Kcairy 967 S. E. PINE ST. Eveninos Lronird OR l U Sconce, Sulhrlm K6J S'.evtnwa OR jr 34 W Aces good bottom land. mile frontage on highway 4. 14SJ00 oeorge wane, Rt, 1 Box 327, Cation, Or. NEW BY BUILDER S Beautiful Bedrooms SHOWPLACE Birch kitcton with tnct btr and built in applitncM, pl.Mnr dining roam. C.r.mlc tilt tnd v.nity In Urgt bth. . Itr. friendly living room with b.utitul Bn.lld tir.pl.ct w.ll. PLUS Termite rsist.nc. Only .14400 with terms. TAKE TRADE. Coll TCDAY OR 3-5977 Bauer Realty 1693 W. HARVARD AVE. OR 3-8001 490 ACRES ONE MILE? of river frontage on South Umpque River. It) ecret of wal nut orchard, prune orchard. Appro. 150 acres plow land, large part In permanent pasture. Four bedroom farm home with 2 baths. Large barn and many other bldgt. Close to tovm, school but and mail at door. Thit properly it priced to tell. 10,000. Terms. 114.500. TOP CONSTRUCTION, Choice location, better two bedroom home on Westside. Lennox oil furnace, tire place, large unside utility. Beautiful ly landscaped. Oversized lot with cov ered patio and private garden room. Fruit and walnut treat. Fenced. Good terma. EVENINGS CALL Chariot Mumoy OR 37301 Marge Martin OR 3-4.503 Jim 4 Htlen Bauer OR 2-1015 PLUS . n . -ii. . PHONE OR 2-1614 g Real Estate V ON RIVER. J Bdrm tstvrwj, firUce, hdwd ftoort, lsbafh. tl40. OR i-U4 TWO LOTfc Cardan ot Meditation. RsPg Memorial Caroen. Ph. 743 SutherHn. PURNISHEO lBRlrrVwttvi,r0fI Near Vetsran't Hospital. OR j-hjjr FOR SALI by owner. 1 bedroom hous. Low down payment. Low monthly payment. 1t4 NE Tedd if. OR MIU. 4 NEW HOMES t Bedroom, built-in appRancet, Bra piac. other detirable teeturtt- Hlr IVJ to 1 1 4. tOO. ReetoneMO torma. Possible lease option. THE HOMEFINDERS Real Estate 43S S. E. Main ' OR 2 4721 Evei. OR 3 8148 TOP HOMES NEW t tv homo f baths, bulttin birch kitchen dtnetta, family rm. fireplace, living rm, dbl sealed garage, patio, lenced yd. Owner transterrod. Hit kott your gam at 1 4,350. ONE ACRE nke 3 or home, Are. place, oil furnace, rooted patio carport, am bm, good well. 0.1, appraised lli.400. BEAUTIFUL river view expendable home, apecloua living rm, fireplace, handy kitchen, dinette, l'i baths. utility and extra -m, (go patio. Truly a dream home. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION tpaclout ) br homo In good condition near Hue rest. Sacrifice tela. $7000 FOR i br heme, cone, tnd, '(replace, new roof, 1750 dn. NEAR VETERANS facility, J br homo on tt and tewer S43S0, $400 dn. FULLERTON REALTY TO NE Slaphens OR J-J173 Re. OR lef Lackey Real Estate (An Exchange tor buyera and sellers) OWNER SAYS SACRIFICE. Off Catk. Ins Road. Large 2 bdrm, ndwd floors, ptastered.tlrepiece, lerga dining rm, plywood kitchen cabinets, double tlnk, eat area in kitchen, utility space. Urge patio, topi garage, 100 X 1 lot, FHA appraised $11, S00. See ut tor offer and terms. Let ut show today. NEWTON CREEK 3 bdrm, paved tt, tewer. nice fenced yard, carport' '0- 100. Buy F H A . Fed. 0 1. or take over owner' contract US month pey1t N E. SECTION, 1)00 tq. ft . 3 bdrm, Yt baths, fireplaces, carport end st or age room, patio, tree. I It, WO. Pick your own financing. GREEN DISTRICT. Beautiful ) bdrm, circulating fireplace, hdwd floors, larg sept, dining and utiHty rmt. Urge bdrms with doubl wardrooe closets, H3.W0. 10 ACRES GARDEN VALLEY peech ranch, approx 1500 tg. ft.. 3 bdrm home, fireplace, Vi baths, shade trees. Can bo Irrigated. S27.100, RENT UNTIL loan goes through en Fed. G.I., Garden Va I ley. N ice 1 ttory horn with dlesel forced air heal, fireplace, view. I bdrms down, I up. 3 acrtt. Rent MO month. Sea today. 7 ACRES. 3 Irrigable, live spring, t bdrm homo. Little River Area, S500. Lackey Real Estate 413 S. E. Jackson OR 2-1 659 Gene Peck Eve's OR 3-4534 Eva Lowtt Call Oak 2143 SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY If YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-BREASTED mill r.Ityltd te tli 91.. Slt.tS. Url. Gifford, OR APPLIANCE REPAIR MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. BOB MIL LER SERVICE. Dl.l OR 1-5SII. PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL Gnwr.lly 1 dy Mrvic. B.t Itock ot .ODllence D.rt In county TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC Til SE O.H OR 3-1511 AUTO BODY LET HARRY DO IT! EXPERT body work Painting our specialty. Free estimates, insurance and customers. All work guaranteed. Call Pal Motori Body Shop, 214 NE Stephent, 2-3401, BARCUS MOTORS Inc. Painting, body and fender work to your specification. Free estimates, fast service. All Work Guaranteed 1420 N.E. Stephens OR 3-5566 BOOKKEEPING BOOKKEEPING SERVICE. Pick up tnd d livr ioc.Hy. RMtoneokt rtlM. OR BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY nd Ct6ln.lt. Merry E. Young. OR J-J.lt. COMPLETE building tervlc, new, rtmodtL ddillent tnd repeln. OR Mtt FOUNDATIONS. heuM rtising, leveling, n pair. Wort FHA .pprovM. CernOTt, block work, flr.pl.cet. Free eslinwlet. Ctl Mr el, OR i-4Ui er OR HUi. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN OR MOel OR -!3M CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE ERECTION work, concrete pouring. CM Clirf Thornton. d.v tr nigrd. OR 2-2609 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING, tuoDIIM. ODn ' devt wk. Lwing 4 Oliver. OR yuM. EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL DOZINO, lev.llngi . t Or.v.1 rock, rbff loem end rood mtteritit. Charlet Kttly. OS Ml 17. D&R EXCAVATING Bonded nl lnturd New M..MV Fguton TM BKkto. DitcMng end .or work Dtrrtl ItMCien . tportttr OR T-3rt. FLOOR FINISHING Mik.'t Floor Service. 15 vrt eDr,nc.. L.vmg. undmg end flniilwHj. Old ttMrl r.n-thd. OS t-iTSl. FURNITURE REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE R E PA ' R rtn,H. mg. F nlimil Pickup dellvw. Wtl. ton Fwrmtwro. OR -tul. til W. B.IM. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbankt Morse Domestic and irritation water systems. Estimates fladlr cit-en tl S. E. Rfttg OR 2 1SII FOR SALE OR TRACE 3 Bdrm homo tor ranch Phone OR 3 VU- NiCE 3 bedroom home in NC Roseburg Fire piec. hardwood tktort. oil furnace. SiOOo. or ywi. WESTSIDE modern ) bdrm. Fireplace, wall to-wall carnet, doubl garage. Lot UalW. By owner. NoSel. calls. OR VMU TWO-BRhome. herdwood"'tioort, fireplace. Fetrheven dtl. Call OR 2-43U Hr A and 13 ACRES Available Nv. 13th No. Ut S A. tillable. Family orchard. Hwy front ago. Live crook. 3 Bdrm home, tpring water, good out buildings. Near tt and tchoolt. S4.500 Terms. STROUT REALTY OR3-7202 OS 9 VV9 FOR SALE BY OWNER New I bdrm home, 134 Terrace Ave. Living and dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook, bath. Full basement with office nirmnc; Inside and outside, wood lilt for fireplace. Drap eries, elect, heel. Insulated. ALL CLEAR, OR J-MJl. SPACIOUS older hous n excellent condl tion, near downtown. Full basement, taw dust furnace. 3 large bedrooms and full bath upstairs. Large dining room and liv ing room with beamed callings and fire place. Plenty of storage space and other quality features. Would make ideal board Ing house. For appointment call OR Ml ft. Are You Budget Minded? FOR S7450 to SfTSO and 33S0 to 4Sfj down, and 5t lo ITi per month in cluding principal, S'i Interest, tax es and Insurance, wo can otter you nke 3 and 3 bedroom homes on tewer, paved street, but line. ate. Roseburg Realty, Umpqua Hotel, OR 3-3344. Rent Too High? VOU CAN BUY a Rico 1 tf 1 bad room homo on paved itrtot, tewer. ondbut0ntort5fto73pr month Including everything. Small down pay ment. Roseburg Realty, Umpqv Hotel OR 3-3M4. Will You Be Cold This Winter? NOT IP YOU or tn on of our Northtid 3 or 3 bedroom specials with forced burner perimeter duct furnaces. S350 to S450 down. Ouick possession. Roseburg Realty Ump qua Hotel, OR 3-3344. MELROSE 35 ACRES of heavy toil, plno to build tor retirement, near Grange hall. Frontt on 1 blacktop roads, all fenced, barn. Priced to tell at $4000, S500 down. $50 month at int. COMPLETELY FURNISHED JUST WAITING It thit 3 bedroom (older, but nke) horn. Withia walk Ing distance of C"V center. ImmedU t possession. Total price 99. 7M, Buyer pay expense ot sale and own er will trad for what have you tor balance of equity. HANDY REALTY HARVARD AT PILGER OR 3-5458 Doue Wtrrtn. $ltim.n OR S-40M LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM Rototllllng, md and bruth cut ting. New Messey F.rguMn equipmjit. M. H. Fost, Winiton. OS t-SSa. .vet. LANDSCAPING Quollty nursery stock, reasonable prltret. Brown's Valley Haven Nursery. OR J-M10. LAUNDRY - DRY CLEANING LAUNDROMAT Laundry troubles? Busy? Leave tt. We'd do It. Corner of Court and Main. Ph. OR 3-3011. LOANS Loans Auto - Salary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dirk Burdick Manager 844 SE Stephens OR 3-(ySK MOTOR REWINDING-REPAIR JIMMIE S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Evclutivo Delco Distributor Motor Rewinding Repairing WNB G.rden Velley Blvd. OR J-Jltl Electric Motor Service Company AI Hammell Promot mrtlr tnd rewinding All Work Guarantee 1 mil touth F.irgroumlt. next te Pnc.ke Hou Ph. OR 3-4301 MOVING DELIVERY UMPQUA TRANSFER Moves In all directions Parcel delivery a tpecielty OR OR S-S330 344 Diamond Lalre Blvd. RADIO AND TV SERVICE RADIO. TV, none, and CB radio service. Crown Radio and TV. 124a SB Sltpnent, OR 3-3501. ROOFING SHINGLING ot all klndl by the oquere. Work outrentrd. OR SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED RotabwrB Sane ration Service, Ph. OR 3-tSS. STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES TYPING, rnlrneograonlng, duplkatinaa. Dortna Gleeson OR 3-l4 or OR 3-1734. TIRE SERVICE GUARANTEED reeepong repatr. Gtea T''t taet. CARDINAL Tire S-r. OR 7 rm. TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPENING, weldinf. JJ Cesfte Ave. Mecn.e Snoo. OR J-4tT WILL DRILLING Water Well Drilling NtrMng dnwn en MOrovM ertdit. VOHR WELL DRILLING OR Mill 1771 SE Jock to Srop! Vou may Find Just What Yoj Are Looking Far On This Pojg).