10 Th New-Revitw, Roteburg, Ort.l Thur., Nov. 9, 1961 I Ranch Rumblings Hotel Role Set For Big Liner Mail Carrier Dies In Two-Car Crash Soldiers Get Death Penalty! State Employes Plan Institute BY WAYNE MOSHER. Douglas Count Extension Agent Next Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, Nov. 16, 17 and 18, the Western Oregon l ivestock Associ ation will be meeting in Coot Bay. Th Western Oregon Livestock Association, as most of you know, is composed of the total member ships of the county associations in the Western Oregon area. Its prim ary purpose is to improve the live- who goes will learn some things from the meeting and have a good time. It is quite interesting to get ac quainted with people from other counties in wentern Oregon and learn how they feel about different things. Lambing Soon Dot It won t be too long now until tock industry in the western part ; lambing starts in many of our of the state of Oregon, and also to i western Oregun flocks. Here in work for the livestock industry at the state legislature and in other ways. Each of you that is member of the Douglas County Livestock Association is also automatically a member of the Western Oregon Livestock Association. One dollar of the duea that you pay to the county association goes for this membership. County Croup Big Douglas County has been, for the last two or three years, the largest single county organization in the Western Oregon Livestock Associ ation. However, participation by members of the Douglas County Livestock Association in the an nual meeting of the Western Ore gon Livestock Association has been very low and for this reason, Doug las County doesn't seem to have much of a voice in what the West ern Oregon Livestock Association has to lay. I think this is too bad, as many times the things that the Western Oregon Livestock Associ ation comes out for are not in agreement with things that most of our producers here feel. 1 would like to encourage as many of you folki as can to attend the Western Oregon Livestock meeting. In the extension office we have aoma cards which can be sent in for reservations at the meeting in Coos Bay. Speaking from past ex perience they are usually interest ing meetings, and I think anyone Douglas County, most of the lambs come in the first two weeks in the new year, in January and February. With lambing not being too far off, 1 think it would be wise for most of us to sit down and think a little bit about our lambing operations how they might be improved and a little bit about the nutrition ol that ewe collision five miles north of Ked- SEATTI.E fAP A Seattle mond Tuesday killed James lal- businessman says a firm he heads but. 36, a Terrbonne mail carrier. has hoiielit the French luxury I State police said Talbot was liner Liberie to use as a floating northbound on U.S. Highway K7 hntrl riurini! next vear'a World when Mrs. Darlrne W alters, 26, Fair Madras, the driver of a south- Mark Howard, president of bound vcnicie, swervea mio ine Northwest Leasing Co., told of the opposing lane of traffic and the! purchase Tuesday. He declined to! two cars smashed into each other. what u.a. nairt for the 0,.17-foot I The drivers were the only pas-1 liner, but in New York it was tensers of the two cars, police announced the price was more i said. tiian S3 million. Talbot, thrown from his car. Howard. 35. said his firm would was pronounced dead soon after take Dosscssion of the shin in U I arrival at Central Oregon District RUSSELL. Kan. (AP) - Two young soldiers who boasted of kill- REDMOND (AP) A head-on iuig seven persons in a cross country rampage of robbery and murder have been condemned to Utah, last June 10. "1 hate Uie world," laid Lath " lha ikr-ann Utnla Fmnlnv. Acn.innrt lf Havlieht RaVinS time! The all-male jury convicted ; ;.,: huini rwtn.)v. nosina tha Board of Control SALEM (AP) A four-day some 50 resolutions. Among them meeting of the general council of are resolutions reaffirming sup- op first-degree murder will consider creation of an insli-1 creases hang for killing a Kansas railroad j ",o"k, "". jUne 8 Zie'der I tule to rlp V?" emPl0e betler ,v .J40"111" mn ih.ii- .i.ih virim. 01 UMy, Kan June I. fekier th oublic. I longevity pay a . ." t........ ,.h. r " r0DDC1 1,1 J1- . . Th. nrnn InOih.t. would for Swing and . i " .71 Returning their verdict after de- K v " , 'Vr : " " , ,, workers. Havre around the first of the year and bring her to Seattle. The Liberie is on her final vnvatH the vessel has 1.513 rooms and . believed lerious could provide space needed for .naaaaaaaa visitors to the fair. Howard said the French government also plans to house some exhibits in the ship. Northwest Leasing ii engaged primarily in buying commercial Hospital in Redmond, hospital attendants said. Mrs. Wallers also was hospital ized but her injuries were not nuuaiu lura, 10, ui jdcKsunvuit.-. . . ti l. - - . l i i Ult 5, ine 114., uiu nut ilium as uicy iii-aiu ,.,.. the verdict Tuesday. 'We thought we were doin them a favor by putting them out t0 l(e imprisonment. nf th&i nti.una. In hia ,! rif ' I York said when he and Latham were captured near (Jrantsvillc, Talbot's death brought to 420 ,1 ...Mu ..f .............. LI1I.J . Oregon trlific" Tar inhe Their crime spree began May 24 Associated Press tabulation. In when they broke out of the Army November, three have died. I stockade at Ft. Hood, Tex. in rentals of stale-owned and supporting nd differential pay graveyard shift n.,1. ;n n,nu OUCdM'IS Will Ulllliue liliu, jurors rejected ditense ,. . .,, ,m Mrs. tmily Logan, stale maus- contentions that the youths are in-1, , Information on prob-ttri "nt commisionr; Ken sane and too young to be execut- , . . .lld legislative Dro- ne,h N- BraM legislative fiscal ed. The jury could have sentenced ' legislative pro iffj Meyin cleveland clv,i . . I service commission director; ana The proposed institute program, ' Col E(iward rj Snow, ttate mil idorsed by Gov. Mark Hatfield, i - ,i.Jr,,ni h,t f nnera. would be patterned after the Cali-,jons and trainins. forma Employe As-sociation InsU- ()SEA president Darryl Slorm, u'-,s- j , . .. 'state forestry department em- The delegates also will consider j poye wjU prosjde over the ie. jsion. The sessions also will in. Syria liei on the land bridge ' elude the annual election of ofli linking Asia, Africa and Europe. I cers Saturday. York and Latham were tried! V" fr" l f., 'loul.r-. Halh h,,l in ' signed statements they also ad mitted slayings in Florida, Ten nessee, minors and Colorado. w rin. 'to .Y.mhin. In, Th-la,! from manufacturers and Just..Er'..r '?i:n?: '.Vii leasing them to airlines. Howard month or so before she lambs, she should have a good supply of car bohydrate to that she can keep up her body energy. Pregnant ewe paralysis which has hit a lot of our ewes here in western Oregon is caused mostly by a sudden low ering of the carbohydrate intake of the animal. Test Made Something else to think about is the results we got on the trial we carried on last fall on internal parasite control. We treated ewes in one of the flocks here in the county with purified phenoihiazinc drench in October and early No vember. Where the ewes were kept on good pasture during the spring months and rotated to a new pasture occasionally, we found that it didn't do any good at all to treat the lambs for stomach worms. i This won't work on short pas ture or it won't work ii sheep aren t rotated, but it does said Everett Crosby, head of Bing Crosby Enterprises, is vice president of his firm. In New York, Crosby confirmed purchase of the liner. He said he and Howard planned to meet in New York Wednesday to consider details of the Liberte'i future. Nelson J. Waterbury, who ar ranged negotiations, said in New York several bids were lubmitted for the vessel. The contract is to be ligned in Paris Friday. Santa Fe Plans Witness Parade Many Thanksgiving Turkeys Available CORVALLIS (AP) There will be more turkeys offered for tale this Thanksgiving than ever be fore, an Oregon State University market expert reported today. Stephen C. Marks said the rec ord supply of turkeys has led to a proposal for a nationwide market ing order. Hearings are scheduled on tha proposal later this month at a number of points. No hearing has been scheduled in Oregon. If a workable plan for market stabilization is drawn up, the see relary of Agriculture would have to submit the proposal to growers. Two thirdi of the grower! would have to approve the plan before it could go into effect. "Included in the proposed mar keting orders (or turkeys and tur key hatching eggi are provisions for market research and develop ment, regulation of grade, size - and quality at the handler level, prohibition! on unfair trade prac ticea and supply management," Marks said. "Supply management of turkey hatching eggs would be on the basis of a percentage of the eggs handled during a base period or in the alternative, on the basis of a percentage ol currently avail able supplies of eggs," he said. out possibilities. Many folks v. no are not able to rotate pastures or do not have an abundance of pas ture may find that they need to treat the lambs when they reach about 60 pounds. These are some things to think about and plan for in the year head to make a better lamb crop and, consequently, to increase the income that you receive from your sheep. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The Santa Fe Railway Co. planned a parade of shipper witnesses point Wednesday at Ihe Interstate Com- M. J. B. COFFEE ..69jf 6ox. Instant m.1.37 790 PEARSON'S MARKET "At Tht Triongle" Jurors Hear Final Arguments At Trial PORTLAND (AP) Closing arguments were given Tuesday in the trial of ten defendants ac cused of using the mails to collect insurance claims from staged auiomoDiie accidents. V. S. District Judge Charles L. Powell was to instruct the jury today, then turn the case over to the jurors for the decision. The defendants are charged on eight counts of mail fraud, and a count of conspiracy to defraud. A. Lawrence Burbank, assist ant U. S. Attorney from San Francisco, gave the closing pros ecution statement. The jury must make up its mind whether to believe the tes timony of government and law en forcement officials who investi gated the rase, Burbank said, or the conflicting testimony of other witnesses. Attorneys for each- of the ten defendants preceded Burbank with closing arguments. Dwight Schwab, attorney for de fendant Phillip Weinstcin. a Port land lawyer, said his client was taken in, in the same way that the doctor! who made medical re port! regarding the accidents were fooled, Wcinstein, said Schwab, was "a victim of a few big-talking, name-dropping schemers and few lazy young fellows looking for a fast, easy buck." merce Commission hearing control ot Western Pacific. i Cost-cutting survival measures by Southern Pacific were de-i scribed Tuesday by Thomas B. 1 Kircher traffic manager of Sprerk les Sugar Co., which spends $6.5 million a year on transportation. 1 He said truckers had taken over 45 per cent of the sugar beet haul in business in 1959. Then, he said, 1 SP modified 1.000 sugar beet cars so each could carry 145.000 in stead of 65.000 pounds of sugar beets. He said this meant reduc tion of rales at a time when haul ing charges on other commodities were being raised. Kircher added it was high time railroads cut costs, because ship pers had paid eight rate increases i in 13 years. I Kircher and a number of other shippers testifier Tuesday that Southern Pacific would effect greater economies by taking over Western Pacific than would Santa Fe. They said this is because SP has parallel facilities and will be belter able to make terminal consolidations. Salt Lake City Defeats Fluoridation Of Water SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) Fluoridation of the city's water system was soundly defeated in an election Tuesdav. , The vote from 183 of 203 dis-1 trict! was 8,770 in favor of fluori- j dation to 31,338 opposed. I Organized medical groups ail supported fluoridation, arguing that it would reduce tooth decay. Several croups actively opposed it, contending that fluoridation amounted to mass medication: 1 that it was thus a step toward socialized medicine, and that if anybody wanted such use of fluorine against tooth decay, he could get it from his dentist. There is growing production and export of nutmeg, cacao, copra and wood products in Dutch New Suin- Australia'i aborigines, the Arun ta tribesmen, sleep naked in freez ing weather. A United States Of fice of Naval Research team of scientists headed by Dr. H. T. llammell of the University of Penn sylvania reported that the Anmta have an inborn ability to tolerate body cooling. WE FEATURE SWIFT'S BEEF 3 SAVE THIS ADC ROSEBURC MEAT CO. 316 N. E. Winchester . OR 3-5433 . At th Triongta Swift's lector BEEF Younf Steers, Heitrn. Cut t Wrapped Half .f I. Whole lb.OC Hunter Attention! Let Us Cut Up Your Elk! We will cut ua, wr. ft eulck-fratse yeur eatr at medsrett coit-Oinii Sue. t Mon. for HUNTERS ONLY 25 lb. $12.98 501b. $24.98 FREEZER PACK RmnJ, Sirttin. Chuck, Rib, & Swim Stoati. fttf Reait; Short Ribs; GreunJ Bf; Sou tag. Chuck Steak AQc Cube Steak OQc Chuck Roast CCc 0 4 eetiof Ik. Hi Loom, ttrnkr Ik. 07 Roune' bono Ik. JJ Rib Steak crc TZTTZi Z7 Baby B'f Liver OCC Tendor, flavorful Ik. JJ KUttip KOOSt CQC S. eo.4 tor y Ik. OJ You'll wont more Ik. m I 1 " Swiss Steak cqc Beef Stew CQc 1.0.1 u 37 Cross-Rib Roast LZt lt J7 Sirloin Steak AQc " " ' " " Fresh Fryers ZZ TT Ground Beef l in : 1- BoneiieaK LQc . -1 ib.. I I Boloana 00c Youll wo-tmor. Ik. 07 eh... Ik J7 Porterhouse 75c $HtKoa" 43c Franks OQc Steak, Sirloin TQc Chuck Roast jrjc Wieners Qc TSi-, koMlots Ik. I I SYto kont Ik. T SkiMota - Ik. "7 OPEN TUESDAY through SATURDAY, 9-6 . . . CLOSED SUN. & MON. "Z3 REGISTER NOW for FREE TURKEY niMMFP r- V V Y VV i: Finer FLOUR Montana Hardwheat Blend 25 1.59 . bag -; .... . Kraft's Mild, Bulk CHEESE Pride 1 II Jl Ik Oregon By the chunk J i ' "' -Mosej; Fisher's BISKIT MIX ": 2 PAUL BUNYAN STORES Where Your Dollar Goes Farther Winston Rivtndolt Myrtl Crtck Independently Owned and Operated 1 Mix or Match 'Em 4 for MISSION EGG NOODLES 16 os. pkg. Elbow Macaroni 24 os. pkg. Long Spaghetti 24 os. pkg. $100 I Sea our cheese special! KRAFT'S Jet Puffed MARSHMALLOWS 10 or. pkg. Miniature Marshmallowi lO'i or. pkg. 19c 239c M.J.B. COFFEE Drip or Reg. 1 lb. can 59c 2 Ib. can 1.17 4 Ib. can 2.33 6 ox. Instant 79c Dundee r -7- Dundee OLEOJS -" Yellow Quarter 4 l (Q) pk u fi 'I.VU U..vx" KRAFT'S MACARONI DINNERS Stock Up Now and Really Save . 10 Extra Large EGGS "AA" Dox. 7 '! 'I-VV. V:- SAVE GAS SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY YOU CAN DRIVE FARTHER BUT YOU CAN'T SAVE MORE SHOP YOUR PAUL BUNYAN STORE CHUCK n3l.?fe A frt5I Lean Large BOLOGNA Sliced or Chunk lb. 39' Lean . , . Doe not fry away GROUND BEEF 2 J9' SWEET GRAPEFRUIT floo TEXAS RUBY RED FRESH CALIFORNIA DATES HOLIDAY BAKING SPECIAL. Vi VALENCIA JUICE ORANGES VITAMIN "C" SPECIAL Ib. pkg. Dot. 49' 29" Grocery prices jcod frt. tfcrouah Sun. Meat and produce prices food H. and Sat. No soles to dealers. W reserve riaht to limit. PAUL BUNYAN STORES GEORGE'S MODEL MARKETS No. 1 Winston OPEN W,V No. 2 Riversdaie Garden Valley Rd. at Curry Rd. OP FN w-k 17 Wren CLtW Soneors BARNEY'S TRI-CITY MARKET MYRTLE CREEK OPEN Week Days 9-8 Sundoyi 10-8 Cols' Wtothtr Soociol IXL CHILI Cm Come 40 oi. con 59" Nallcy's Country Cupboard COOKIES Kekero or Cecaroon 3 $1 3 Pk9 1 $100 Schilling n CINNAMON 0' POUITRY MASONINO NUTMM. REGISTER NOW FOR FREE TURKEY DINNER f Herthey's Chocolate DAINTIES 12 39c Hi-West Whole Kernel CORN 8 1.00 Archway, Home Style, Freestone peaches"::;; -5 N:.r i.oo IER I 1 t