8 Tht Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. Wg, Nov. 8, 1961 Married 25 Years MR. AND MRS. WAYNE REEDER, above, observed their 25th wedding onniversory at a fomily dinner porty ot their lovely home. Pictured obove ore their son Ken Reeder, ond his wife, Kay; Mrs. Wayne Reeder holding Joy Lynn Reeder (daughter of the Ken Reeders); the Rev. John Wright, Wayne Reeder holding Brian Reeder (son of the Ken Reeders), and the Reeders' doughter, Mrs. John (Foye) Wright, of Donald, Ore. The Reeders were married in Jerome", Idaho ond moved here in 1947. They reside on Fisher Road. Reeder is with Suiter Building Supply. (Pic ture by Chris' Studio of Photography). - i y v ? r O Hi r i f : f i v! "i. : ' - f 1:i : r f nr. fciil. ii tmt Mill In i ifcXT.-.tMiMTi.iii1i, "rx- .C- ROSEBURG BETHEL NO. 8 International Order of Job's Daughters, held initiation of new candidates preceded by a dessert-supper Tuesday night. Pictured obove left to 'right Mrs. Robert Elliott, guardian; Morgaret Jane Kenner ly, Terry Carter Loretta Todd, Beverly Hoist, Janice Betcher, Honored Queen Brooke Young, Marilyn Roth, iSondra Borth, Carol Malone, Carol Hill, Potty Cocy and (Associate Guardian, Dr. Byron Woodruff. Friendship Night and Masonic Night will be combined with the Nov. 14 official visit of the Supreme Guardian, Gladys Claypool of Spokane. A no-host dinner will precede the meeting. Bethel 72 members, parents and those with proper Masonic offiliotions invited. Reservations for dinner call Mrs. Elliott 2-1247 .or Mrs. Ken Craig, 2-1194. No initiation will be held (Picture by Clark's Studio). Faculty Honored At PJA Affair A larne number of parents at tended the I'TA and teachers re ception at the Tenmile Grade School Monday evening. Cub Senilis JUik Dwight and Harry Nuium led in the pMne of al lecianee to the flag. Mrs. Ralph DwiKht was appointed prnram chairman to replace Mrs. John Anderson who resigned. Vlnce MeCovcrn. school princi pal, introduced the teachers and each teacher received a lovely corsage. (leorKS Corwin. Dillard School District superintendent jtave a kliort talk. The second tirade entertained with Sonus, Jeanine Blanchard led the singula;, and Ellen Kennedy played the p ano accompaniment. IIotesscs for the evening were Mrs. Warren Lockwood and Mrs Charles I'ayne. Refreshment were furnished by the fourth and filth grade mothers. President Lloyd Thomas presld t d over the meeting. To Celebrate Kricnjj and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. A, K. Broadwater ot Creen are invited to their .Vith wedding anniversary open houce. The aflair will be held Sunday, Nov, 12, from t to 4 p m. at the Aembly of Hod Church, 918 Mi Mah. The rouple bat requested that there be no guts. Caedecke Girls Honored At Party On Saturday Lenora Gaedecke, 8. and Patri cia Gaedecke, 6. both of whom have October birthdays, were hon ored by a birthday party given at their home on Saturday. The host ess. Mrs. Bob Gaedecke, mother of the two youngsters, served ice cream and appropriately decor ated birthday cake. As party fav ors the children received Hallow een masks and balloons. Guests were members of the hnnorces' Sunday school classes. Those present were Dale Darrow, Robert Harrow Dany baulke. Steve Daulke, John Gaedecke, Ver non Gaedecke, Todd Smder, Jodie Snyder, Katnna Gaedecke, Robin Schimp, Candy Schimp, Christina Conley, Esther Gaedecke and the bonorees, Inora and Patricia Gaedecke. Others attending were Mrs, Henry Gaedecke and Mrs Hub Gaedecke :N. Y it i - I' 1l , v ' : - .-i PAT PHILLIPS, above, observed her sixth birthday ot o delightful party Sotutday given by her mother, Mrs. R. G. Phillips Jr, Favors were given to Pat ond Debbie Stritzke, Debbie Murphy, Backy Robinson, Judv Denton, Sonja Gib son, Michele Modson, Terri Boshford, Tammy Holcomb, Koren Kruse, Cindy Nendoll, Eloine Hughes, Terrie Benton, Terri Butler, Gretchen Gratke, Mrs. Chorles Howe, Mrs. Alvin Nendoll and Dick ond Kirk ond the hostess and guest of honor. Lovely gifts were presented to Pot. A lamb birthday coke ond other refreshments were served follow ing the social hour of gomes. Card Party Held At Lookingglass Mrs. Fred Schule and Mrs. Wil liam Kiebaum were hostesses for the delightful card party held by the Ionkingg'iass Grsnge Friday. Mrs. Jon Wilson and Perry Dysert were hih score winners. Mrs. iMahle Hansen and Melvm Reagles low scorers and Mrs. Ed Moon won the traveling prize. Enjoying the ocration were: Wr and Mrs. Paul Hansen. Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson Sr. of Sisters: Mr. and Mrs. K.d Man, Mr. and I Mrs. Carlton Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. tJon Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul i Maresrh, Mr. and Mrs. M, C. Eck iley,. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dysert, I Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reagles, Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Engle, Mr. and IMrs. M. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Meyer, le ollnsnt, Jlr and Mis. William Niebaum and I Mrs. Fred Schulre. Mrs. GiiNla Ritdiik and Mrs. Roy- leell Paulson will be hostesses for the card party which will be held at the hall Nov. 10. Guests may ar rive at 7 30 pm. and play will i start at I o clock. Couple Honored At Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Dellon Allen and son of Yoncalla entertained re cently at a turkey dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ridpath woo are visiting from Yuma, Calif. Present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson and fam ily of Myrtle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wilson and family of Aloha; Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and family from Winston; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson, Mrs. Merle Lane, Mrs. Darlene Cox and son. Carl, and Mrs. Roberta Turpin and children, all of Yoncalla. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Auman of Lebanon: Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Auman of Drain; and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lane and family and Ted Peter son, all of Yoncalla, visited. Mrs. Ridpath is a sister of Roy Wilson and Mrs. Merle Lane. Open House Set Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Peterson of 1741 NE Freemont will celebrate the occasion ot their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house re ception Saturday, Nov. 11, at their home. The affair will be given by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Peterson. Friends, neighbors and relatives are invited to call between the hours of 2 and J p.m. Dixonville Girl Feted At Party On Birthday Mrs. John llane of Disonville was hostess to a party Saturday, honoring her daughter, Joyce, on her sixth birthday. Ice cream and a beautifully decorated birthday cake were served to Nancy Bnles. Dicky Buchko, Janice Rrvan, Jean- iie Hamer, Mary Jo Schmid, Susan Schmid and Barbara and Jolrne ! Hane. Games were played and iJovce received loely birthday ! gift. Chester Campbells Host Guests From Out Of Town Dinner guests o' Mr. and Mrs Chester Campbell of Dixonville Wednesday evening were M r s Keith Vinson of Portland; Mr. and I Mrs. Kenneth Wheat of Oakland. Calif.; Mrs. Ilattie Ingram and I Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Uge ollivant and Charles Rose. After dinner the I Campbells showed slides of their I trip around the world, taken re leenlly, . , , lansaaw A family party honoring Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pargeter on their silver wedding anniversary was held Sun day evening at the C. E. Reece home in Melrose. ' Following a dessert supper, cards and visiting were enjoyed. A four tier decorated cake, baked and decorated by Mrs. Dale Busenbark, was served with other refresh ments. White and silver tapers and silver service graced the serving table. Bouquets of fall flowers were arranged in the rooms by Mrs. M. C. Doyle. Gifts and cards were presented and Mrs. T. B. Busenbark, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Busenbark, and daughter, t.eta; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Bu senbark. Royce Busenbark, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Phillips and daughter, Daph- Jack r. Bathnck and daugh ter, Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Heece. Mr. and Mrs. Pargeter were mar ried Oct." 30, 1938, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. tiusennark. Ihey are the parents of Mrs. Myron (Carolyn) Phillips of Pullman, Wash., and Brian Pargeter. U S Navy, who is on the U. S. Pyro now en route to Hong Kong. Mrs. Pargeter chose a black silk dress with black and whit acces sories for the occasion. Brunch To Be Nov. 9 Women of the Roseburg Country Club will hold their annual Thanks giving brunch at 10:30 a.m. Thurs day, Nov. 9, at the clubhouse. Res ervations must be made by calling eitller Mrs. Harold Schmeer or the clubhouse by this evening. Progres sive bridge will follow the brunch. Members are privileged to invite guesta. Winners for the weekly card play Thursday at the club were Airs. John Longfellow Jr., first; Mrs. Al H. May, second, and Mrs. E. C. Klein mer, third. Women Of Guild Fete Mrs. Swift A lovely event was the party honoring. Mrs. Wilson Swift, which was held on her birthday Tuesday at her home on East Sixth Ave. in Sutherlin. ' I Members of the Episcoapl ; Church Womeif's Guild and the! hostess, Mrs. Ray Parker, gave her lovely gifts, a birthday cake and "Happy Birthday" greetings. The rake had been prepared and naked Dr Mrs. John U Welch. Enjoying the happy evening were Katherine Fenley, Edna Ad-1 ams, Antonia Hansen. Mrs. John! L. Welch, Hazel Green. Mrs. Otis Christy, Mrs. Ray Parker. Mrs. Swift and Cora Smith of Camas. Wash., who is a houseguest at the Swift home. Glendble People Feted At Dinner the hosfess recently for a joint birthday dinner in which she shared the bonori with W. P.I (Uncle Bill) Miller, also of Glen dale. Both Mrs. Snyder and Mil- ler were observing their 83rd birthdays, with the dates only a few days apart Other guests at the party were' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brooks, Mr.; and Mrs. J. J. Summers, Clarence Dietrich, and Mrs. Snyder'a son I and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. I Ed Pinkley; and her daughter, Viola McGuire. Mrs. Snyder has been a resid ent of Glendale and vicinity for the past 2J years. Miller is also a long-time resident. Rose Club Winners Told The Rose Invitational Duplicate Bndge Club met Thursday at the Rose Hotel. Winners were Mrs Harry Hildeburn and Mrs. J. M. Bevans, first; Mrs. Chester Mor gan and Miss Helen Casey, sec ond: Mrs. C. B. Wade and Mrs Walter Fisher, third, and Mrs. S L. Kidder and Mrs. J. V. Short, fourth. Those desiring more information regarding the club or desiring a partner for the club play are ask ed to call Mrs. W. C. Callison Pinochle Party Hosted At Dick Saladen Home Mr. and Mrs. Dick Saladen of Elkton were hosts at their home recently at i pinochle party with the following guests present: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Winterbotham, Mr and Mrs. lo Crisman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grimsmd. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hrnderer and Mr. and Mrs. I Bill Weathrrly. I First pntes were won by Mrs I Crisman and Carl Gnmsnid. Low jprues were won br Mrs. Weather ly and Mr. Hrnderer. A midnight i supper was served by the hostess at the conclusion of the evening 1 Surprise Coffee Honors Mrs. Colley Of Elkton A group of friends from Elkton had a surprise coffee hour Mon- 'day for Mrs. Ted Colley at her home on her birthday. I Those present were Mrs Alvin ' Keslerson. Mrs. Gene Sneed. -Mrs. I Darretl Swearingrn. Mrs. Dick Uil ley and Mrs. Vera Clemo. The guest of honor received birth day cards and a gilt fiom the group. J-., .v. " I V as. . jr . , . - . . . .... if n . nr.m - . : J L: -r n nUrnt A fheir MR, ANO MK). inuwa) rsutlts, promineni resiuenii ui mis silver wedding anniversary Sunday ot the home of the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ond Mrs. C. E. Reece, in Melrose. Pargeter heads Umpqua Insurance Co. in Rose burg. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography). Women Of Moose Hold Convocation The 19G1 Convocation of Women of the Moose was held in Portland Sunday under the auspices of Col lege of Kegents. Clara M. Eld ridge, deputy grand regent was in charge, with Evelyn Tanory gen eral chairman; Eva Ahrens, regis tration chairman; and Laura Bres ler. recording. From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p in. a delicious luncheon was served at the Moose home. At 1:30, convocation was opened with an address of welcome by Marjorie trnison of Portland. The response was given by Mrs. Ernie Myer of Eugene. A very impres sive capping ceremony followed, at which time junior graduate re Rents of several lodges in Wash ington and Oregon received their green beanies. The address was given by Mrs. George Jameson. College of Ke gents chairman of the Roseburg Chapter. Mrs. Waldon Rout ledge, grand council member of the Rose burg Chapter, gave a very inter esting speech. After the formal fn eel in 3 was closed, a social hour was held in the social room. Members front the Roseburg chapter attending convocation were Mrs. deorge Jameson, Mrs. Waldon Routledge. Mrs. Lee Ramsdale. Mrs. Lucille WUkerson, Mrs. Jerry Hansen, Mrs. John Farnsworth, Mrs. John Andrews. Mrs. John Wimer, Mrs. Willis Wamboldt. Mrs. Doug firiggs and Mrs. Raymond Olsen. Pink And Blue Is Shower Theme A pink and blue shower was given at Elkton recently for Elaine Clark at the home of her Mother, Mrs. Harry Whitfield, with Sadie Knypstra. Shirley Baimbndge and Delores Smith as hostesses. A potluck luncheon was served at noon with the following guests present: Marge Riley, Lois Leven hagen, Jean Monner, Dons Swear ingen. Judy Monner, Marilyn Wil ley, Betty Mitchell, Lucille Moore, Delores Smith, Ina Henderer. Wil- nia Whitfield. Shirley Baimbririge and Sadie Knypstra and guest uf honor. Llaine. After playing several games the guest of honor opened her lovely gifts. A door prize was won by Marilyn Villey. Two W0M Receive Honors Monday In Portland Women of the Moose met in the lodge hall Monday night. Plans for the coming year were discussed. Reports of standing committees were given. Official notice has been received that Betty Wambolt has earned her cap and gown, and Leon a Brigges has earned her green beanie, both presented at the convocation in Portland Sunday. Mrs. George nm.ui ua a featured speaker at the convocation which was at tended by several members from the Roseburg Chapter. ' After the business meeting, re freshments were served and a so cial hour was enjoyed. new hair care sensation! unexcelled f or dyed, bleached or damaged hair (.';) -'IWro-' v Mr.,Mlrf i I. SSJ. ; 32S2- ' I Tj iiiiieaei n jf ' . "H'lniHinifn'im - "Tjj Softone Shampoo A natural blend for all hair types Easy "comb outs" Combats dandruff and itchy scalp. Ideal for hard or soft water Money back guarantee sri You and Your Family Are Cordially Invited to Rickells Baldwin Organ Parly Jit Person! a hi ji,.s I ... !! I c H ,,. . . . playing your favorite melodies on the new Baldwin Home Organ This notionolly-famoot radio, TV, ond recording star play your favorites bring your family friends. Don't mist this male up o party. Frank Stilt Thursday Nov. 9 at 8 P.M. ELKS' TERRACE BALLROOM (Courtesy Roseburg Elks). z y 1 m J VST ( I3ai.dvix ) : - - - EVERYTHING IN MUSIC :z7 INC. 702 S. E. Jackson St. Phone OR 3-3202