The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 08, 1961, Page 16, Image 16

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    2 Th New-Rtiew, Roteburg, Or. Wed., Nov. 8, 1961
Nigerian Students,
Peace Corps Now
On Friendly Terms
1BADA.V Nigeria (AP) Ni
gerian students at luadun I ni
vcrily College, where the row
started over the Margery Michel
niore postcard, have nuw resumed
friendly relations with U.S. Peace
Corps members.
Miss Michelmore left Nigeria
Oct. 18 to return to the United
States after dropping a postcard
she hi J written home and con
taining comments about livinii
conditions in this country. The r
maininff 36 Peace Corps members i
continued thi'r special training it
lhadan University College. They
will take up teaching appointments
throughout Nigeria early in the
new year.
Abidoye Babalola. the new
president of the student body,
said Sunday: ''The students have
resumed friendly and cordial re
lations with the Peace Corps."
Babalola was addressing the
students' Representative Council,
the supreme governing body of
(he Student Union.
Mils Michclmore, 23, of Fox
bnro, Mass., offered to resign
from the Peace Corps after her
postcard was found near the uni
versity campus. She was urged by
President Kennedy to remain in
the Peace Corps program and she
did so, accepting an appointment
in the organization'! Washington
e Fcbt THie IKta
Washington Leads
In Power Output
OLYMPIA fAP) Washington
generated more than three times
as much electric power as Oregon
last year, the Washington Depart
ment of Conservation reports.
The agency said 36 million kilo
watt hours, or 63 per rent of the
total for the Pacific Northwest.
were generated in Washington. Of
that amount 4.3 million was
turned out by private utilities.
Oregon generated 11.7 million
kilowatt hours, or 2t per cent of
the total, the agency said. I he
amount included 4.2 million kilo
watt hours from private sources.
Idaho generated 9 per cent and
Montana S per cent of the Pacific
Northwest total of 55 million kilo
watt hours.
The agency also released a
comparison to show that electric
rates charged by mutuals and co
operatives average 1.27 cents a
kilowatt hour, rates of private
utilities average 1.22 cents, public
utility districts 1 cent, municipal
utilities 96 mills and irrigation
districts 75 mills. .'
Truman P. Price, supervisor of
power resources, said the main
reason cooperatives charge rela
tively high rates Is that thev
serve mostly rural areas with
high distribution costs.
The lowest charge in I mm part
son of typical electric bills for kilowatt hours a month was
$6 40 at Coulee Dam.
On the same basis, Lakeview
Light & Power ranked lowest
among cooperatives and mutuals
at $7.87 a month. Cowlitz county
among puhlie utility districts at
$8.10 and Puget Sound Power and
Light Co. among private utilities
at (1028.
More Conferences
Due On Snake Dam
Interior Department says there
will be more conferences Willi
agencies concerned before any
thing is done about Reclamation
Bureau studies relating to the
proposed Pleasant Valley Dam on
the middle Snake River.
James Carr, undersecretary of
the interior, said the action re
affirms Secretary Stewart Udall s
letter of March 15 to the Federal
Power Commission. Udall asked
that any derision on licensing
dams on that part of the Snake be
withheld until problems of grtting
fish past the dams are solved.
Dr. Gerald E. Collins of the
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries'
research laboratory in Seattle is
conducting the study.
Carr said Monday, "It may be
that interests of the Pacific North
west and the nation can best be
served by conducting studies of
high Pleasant Valley Dam concur
rently with the fish studies.
"The department, however,
wants to make a careful evalua
tion of this possibility before
reaching a decision."
Carr said the decision will be
affected by the department's re
view of the recent report ol the
Army Engineer? dealing with the
Coluirbia River Basin.
The report includes recommend
ations for alternative projects in
the same part of the middle
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