Junior Aides' Training Ready Roseburg High School Com munity Aides begin training at the two Roseburg hospitals Nov. 12. There are 22 students set to train at Douglas Community hospital and five girls at Mercy hospital. Classes will be held from two to three weeks. Then the aides will don 'blue and white striped uni forms and work four hours a night two nights a week. The new members will receive training in hospital ethics, cleaning a unit after a patient is discharg ed, serving food trays, feeding pa and taking temperature, pulse and respiration. The aides help the staff and pa tients in any way possible. They must follow the rulea just as any hospital ataff member does. Two meetings are held after school each month at Roseburg High. Also, one night meeting per month is scheduled. This year Douglas High girls will attend the Bight meetings. The president of JC Aides is Roland Beecroft, the only boy in the club. Several of the students work at the hospitals during the summer. Chemistry Course New In Roseburg Chemistry II has been offered for the first time at Roseburg High School as an experimental course, according to a release from the RHS News Bureau. Warren Schwartz, chemisty teacher stated that be is trying to duplicate college fresh men chemistry and thinks that there is a slight chance for the students to get college credit. The only way thia would be possible is for the students to get a high enough score on an advance place ment test at a college that gives credit. Schwartz also stated that high school chemistry is changing, not in subject matter but in the meth od of presentation. James Strasburg, biology teach er at RHS, said science teachers are hoping for mor laboratory work in the future. New Machine Tallies Funds A new bookkeeping machine has been acquired by the Roseburg High School business department. The machine will be used in re cording funds turned in by RHS clubs and organizations. The machine is similar to those used in banks. Stated simply, the machine is geared to keep a run ning tally on each club account. Once a beginning balance is es tablished, each receipt of money recorded mechanically increases the tally while a payment by the club would decrease the statement. The machine provides a fast and convenient method for groups to determine their cash balance. Ralph Snyder, faculty business manager, owns the machine and is leasing it to the school. Future Teachers To Attend Confab Members of the Roseburg High School chapter of Future Teachers of America (FTA) will travel to McMinnviile for the annual FTA state convention on Friday and Saturday. Those who will attend are Karen Sherwood, junior; Marian Stamp ka. senior; Alice Edwards and Patti Doerner, sophomores. Glen Brady, club adviser, will accom pany the group. A banquet will be held Friday. A tour of Linfield College, a busi ness meeting and luncheon will take place Saturday. Pamphlets will be distributed Ibis week by the Roseburg chapter of FTA to business offices in Rose burg. These pamphlets include in formation on improving schools and teaching as a career. Vikings Start Photo Club A photography club has been in stituted at Myrtle Creek High School with teams of students tak ing pictures and developing them in the dark room. Roger Yorton, Myrtle Creek High School chemis try teacher, it director of the group M? V') -I' ' BOY AND GIRL of the month ot Yoncollo High School for November ore Dennis Carney ond Francis Huntington. The two, both highly active in school affairs, were selected for the honor by the annuo! ond newspaper staff. Top Records Of The Week This Last Two Weeks On Week Week Weeks ..... ..... Song and Recording Star The List 2 11 Runaround Sue Dion ( 3 2 2 Hit The Road Jack Ray Charles s 4 17 Fool No. 1 Brenda Lee 3 i 10 Please Mr. Postman The Marvelcttes 2 4 3 Crying Roy Orbison 9 7 T I Love The Way You Love Me Paris Sisters 4 5 5 4 Sad Movies (Make Me Cry) .... Sue Thompson t 12 The Fly Chubby Checker 4 10 19 Tower of Strength Gene McDaniels 2 11 18 20 A Wonder Like You Ricky Nelson 3 12 11 Bristol Stomp The Dovells 7 13 14 18 Everlovin' Ricky Nelson 3 14 17 19 Anybody But Me r. Brenda Lee 3 15 5 The Way You Look Tonight ... The Letter men S 16 12 7 This Timo : Troy Shondell 4 17 13 10 Ya Ya Lee Dorsey I 18 You're the Reason , Bobby Edwards 1 19 I really Love You The Stereos 1 Heartaches .... The Marcels 1 Sutherlin GAAers Attend Club Events Sutherlin High School girls be longing to the Girls' Athletic Asso ciation recently participated in two activities. The first was a swimming party held at the YMCA in Roseburg. It was attended by Donna Vassor, Mary Ellen Farmer, Sharon Be ver, Linda Koch, Annette Ogles by, Roz Medford, Janet Johnson, Mina Guin, Susan Seaburg, Ruby Franklin, Edith Va.-. Cleave, Ruth Harvey, Sherri Hopper, Barbara Shorey, Sharon Kenwisher, Edna Williams, Palsy Samarron, Chris tine Harvey, Sandy Bowler and Ei leen Kenwisher. The other activity was the Doug las High GAA Playday which the Sutherlin girls attended. Participating in this event were Linda Noodie, Patsy Samarron, Karen Chandler, Toni Gilbert, Bon nie Findley, Sandra Drake, Mary Jarris, Barbara Probst, and Bar bara Ames. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS. REVIEW ADVERTISERS WIN One of the Above TOP TUNES 45 RICKETT$ CLUB LUCKY NUMBERS Is Your Number Here? 76 144 209 357 458 598 643 776 822 923 1086 1155 1238 1398 1489 1549 1671 RICKETTS MUSIC STORE, Inc. 702 S. E. Jackie St. Miene OR 3-3202 Ida Future Teachers Club Formed At Canyonvile The Future Teachers of Amer ica chapter at CanyonviUe Bible Academy has begun its second year of organization with election of officers and outline of the year's activities under the sponsorship of L. C. Masters, principal of the school. Frances Birch was elected presi dent; Joyce Storm, vice president; iiu .iitfiiciiB tt uuui, secretary. There are about 20 members in the chapter. Recently, each member audited the class of his or her choice at CBA, observing teaching methods. Several of the members plan to replace teachers who will be ab sent Nov. when they attend the Douglas County teachers' institute. Plans have also been made to visit a CBA faculty meeting and to visit other local schools. "Teaching Methods" is the study subject for meetings. TO WEAR TO GIVE TO GET your BIRTHSTONE RING sparkles forever! See the town's most eompee display ot ReMbwrf Jwbrt ivy Now tor Christines 4 WAYS TO PAY lT Weekly Term LATAWAT IN Mrwy Dew! Cnera Account A CASH too M A U hK Is 11 WbwIDttoflf J Tuet., Nov. 7, 1961 The Newi-Revicw, Roseburg, Ore. 3 'Androcles And The Lion1 Set For December; Cast Selected Cast for Myrtle Creek High School's drama ot "Androcles and the Lion" has been selected. It will be presented in rooms B 1 and B-2 of the high school Dec. 7 and 8. Cast and roles are as follows: Nina Wilbanks, the lion; Marge Meier. Megaera; Steve Smith, An drocles; Vic Fitipatrick, Centuri- Publisher Slated For School Talk Logan White, publisher of the Sutherlin Sun-Tribune, will speak on the need for national unity and the threat of Communism as it pertains to the teen-ager at a spe cial Sutherlin Junior High School assembly program at 2:15 p m. Thursday, according to Mrs. Jerry DeMutn, Sutherlin correspondent. Program State-Wide The special program is a part of a state-wide program to promote more enthusiastic Americanism among the youth of Oregon. Preceding White's talk a group ot eighth graders under the direc tion of Mrs. Georgia Clarke, will sing several patriotic songs. Stre - e siEy'tf Remember W YOUR ) ftiANTA $ YOUR ALLOWANCE Ladies' Slippers Wonderful it far Mom. Sixes SVi lira Vs. pink k Mm Orion Pullover Shirt mW. If., X-lfl. Frm m Men's Deerskin Slippers Fleece Hned, ter toeity cemforr. Sisee Him 12, natural. . S H GREEN STAMPS FREE GIFT WRAPPING an; Doug Frcntr, Captain; Shar on Freese, I.avinia; Rex Iambert, Lenthulus; Tom McDonald, Metrl lus; Dwayne Redwine, Ferrouius; Eddie Kokos, Spintho; Bob Gal bos, Menagerie Keeper; Wendell Bruit, .Call Boy; Howard Gallios, Kctearius; Gordon Naylor, Secu tor; Bob Stevenson, Editor; and' Scott Graber, Emperor. Other members of the csst in clude Jenni Smith, Nancy James, Beck Hanna, Linda Knox, Vickie Cornelius, Charline Barnhart, Bar bara Roberts. - Sylvia Doolittle, Karen Steinhauer, Donna Juelke, Linda Graves, Linda Roth, Gwen Dee Evans, Mary Fairfield, Billie Davenport and Linda Birenbaum. Glide Honor Society Prexy ! Is C. Bakken Clarence Bakken, junior, is the new president of Glide High's chap ter of the National Honor Society. He was elected by secret ballot at the organization's Oct. 22 meeting. Other officers include Alda Brumbach, vice president; Norma' Haas, secretary; and Arlene Paul son, treasurer. This year, Glide High School will host the annual NHS initiation banquet March 8. USE MARK'S LAY-AWAY PLAN Gift hold till Dm. 21st.' Convenient payments arranged. - e - tch Ladies' Slips A rl Mom pimr, Imc trimm4, pim SitM 32 to 52, wkit, tack ft pttlt. From - H 198 i- 5" Jpf' S Dept. Store