Mon., Nov. 6, 1961 The News-Review, Roscburg, Or. 5 f J A )' tut'f ! i MM With First-of-the-week SAVINGS! United Fund Chairmen Optimistic WW S ! -1 V r w ' lfir-S. ntt.ik.1ii iniiir i ' CIRCUIT JUDGE DON SAN DERS, with 10 co-workers, has accepted the challenge of sur passing the $5,1 10 goal to be raised for the United Fund in the Public Employes Division in this year's drive. (Clark Studio) fejai-nkru-iSyir iitfr'ii- mm i HOWARD PETERSEN, chair man of the United Fund s "Unit Plan" division, has en listed the support of 29 work ers in all-out drive to surpass the division's $49,000 goal. Early reports in this group's activities lend credence to Petersen's confident "we're going to beat it!" (Clark Studio). WITH 15 CO WORKERS; j under his supervision, Shirley j McLaughlin is choirman of! (Business Division "C" in the j United Fund drive. Given oj ;goal of $1,320 to be raised i from this particular division, McLaughlin's group expects to be omong the first to com Iplete its job. (Bob Leber) ' HENRY DALPEZ, fairly new to the community but on old hand in United Fund work elsewhere, is head of Business Division "A." Its goal for the current drive hos been set ot $1,400. With 20 workers in his group sharing the work load, Dalpez is optimistic obout reaching the goal for his division. (Bob Leber) Moores Of Days Creek Buy Cattle On Trip To Coast PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS A. G. (Mike) LcLAIN is chair man of Business Division "B" in the 1961 United Fund drive currently in progress. With 14 co-workers, McLain is very optimistic in reaching his divi sion's goal of $1,816. (Wilson Studio) PROPER NAME RICHMOND, Va. (AD A ni-w firm with the down to earth name of Dirt. Inc., has been chartered in Virginia. It will have in office at Woodhridce and will lease land as a dumping area fnr fill dirt. By MRS. RALPH MARTIN Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore have returned from the coast where they bouuht some calves to be added to their herd. While at the coast, th-y visited at South Coos River with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith. The Moores were accompanied on the trip by their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd Ravne of ! Camas, Wah., were recent house puests in the home of their daugh ter Mrs. Stanley dirt, and family. Visit Ralativat ! Mr. and Airs. Clarance Richard- ison visited in Klamath Kalis with their son and his wife, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jarard Richardson. Paul Crume, Don Washburn and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Washburn ' spent the weekend at Elk Valley hunting elk, hut were unsuccessful. j Mr. and Mrs. drover Davis and grandsons. Pat and Billy Kelly, j have returned to Days Creek after visiting in California. In Bellflow er, they visited with their daugh ter, Mrs. Richard Weisgerbcr and family and found the former, who is in traction as a result of a brok en disc, gelling along as well as 1 can he expected. They visited their son G. I.. Davis, and family. Da vis's brother's wife. Mrs. F. H. Davis, died of a heart attack at Long Beach the day they left Days Creek, so while there they attend ed her funeral. Development Group To View Equipment The Cow Creek Valley Develp ment Association will meet at (Jlendalc Hish School Tuesday at 8 p.m., reports Mrs. Gerald B. j Fox, correspondent. All residents of the community are urged to at tend. As a feature of special interst, ! David and Ronald Miller of Quines Creek will have their recently de- , ve loped 'Timber Tyke" on dis play. The vehicle upon which the two have begun limited manu- ' facture, is capable of being man euvered over rouch ground while carrying a heavy load of men and , equipment. t Purpose of the meeting is to find ways of encouraging local in industry from outside the area. Vital Statistics Now aged L7jfu" years Kentucky Bourbory at its peak Still at same low price Now in its 40 millionth bottle mm Marriages LictrtMt I Melvin Ross Stowe and Kdith j Louise Bailey, both of Grants Pass. Jack Kugcne Palm and Betty i Mae Roberts, both of Roseburg. Dean Royal Pfnender, Charles ton, and Linda Marlcne P arret, Brook iocs. Karl Kldon McKinncy, Roseburg and Sandra Cicelia Smith, Dillard. I Donald C. Washburn, Roseburg, and Donna Moody of Tacoma, I Wash. j Gary T.yle Cripps and Judy Ann 'Able, both of Riddle. I Oscar E. Weeks, Myrtle Creek, ' Sherwood, Wash. I Richard I Anderson and Louise Davis, both of Myrtle Creek. Larry Edward McCord and Mar I cella Gale Martincau, both of Suth i erlin. Cliff Coleman Prices and Sharon Ann isenaaii, Doin 01 noseourg. Divorct Suits Filed Norma vs. Lyle Simons. Mar ried July 3. 19.19, at Albany. Cruel ty charged. Order of the court is sued restraining defendant from assaulting the plaintiff, threaten ing or otherwise interfering with her liberty or action during pend ency of this suit. Lula Belle vs. Ray Dale Mann. Married at Reno. Nev , Julv 9. 19.S4. Cruelty charged. Custody of two minor children and $.0 a month support for each asked by plaintiff. Rilly John vs. Claudia 0 Brink ley. Married at Winston July 19, 1W1. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks that defendant's name be changed bark to her former name, Claudia G. Norton. Josephine vs. George Armstrong. Married at Reno, Nev., Nov. 26, 13.Vi. Cruelty charged. The success of the "Ages" $46u again! mm AND L 'iiS s2" AGfllH!rt AND bourbonJ - AGAIN! feiS 3 Glendale Church Group Plans Special Program I The Men's Vellowjhip of the Glendale Olivet Prehytenan Church has nrheduled a special i prosram for Tuesday eveninK at nn pm in the church parlors, reports Mrs. Gerald B. Fox, cor respondent. 1 .toe Anderson of fortune Branrh will show motion pictures he has 1 taken of elk hunting and other outdoor sports in the area. Jim Wilson, prnsram manaEer for KA.Io. Grants Pas. will he present to tell of some of his experiences. Refreshments will he served. 1 All men of the community are inuted to attend. STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY 7 YEARS OLD 86 PROOF ECHO SPRING DIST. CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. Public Invited To Hear Talk By World Traveler The public is initrd to the TVtiiglas County Lihrarv Wednes day at 7 30 p m. to hear William T. Kan cie a report on his latest traeit. He will show color sliHes of in teresting views of Hong Kong. Viet Nam, the Philippines and India, i Y.n. who has been around (he unrld many tim''. plans to soon leae again for an exteryifd trip W $ 1,500 IN PRIZES! BE SURE TO Wteh For TWIWFC In Wecfnesdjy NEWS-REVIEW COUNT FLOUR MST. COFFEE 79' OIRTENINsl Driv-N-Sove, Pur vegetable CATSUP 20-Oz. Rattle ALIA COFFEE CAKE MIXES Reg. or Drip Cinch Yellow, Devil's Food, White and Spice 1.09 5 $1 5:99' Smith's EARLY JUNE PEAS Drive-N-Sov 300 Tin Dry-toaked . SALAD DRESSING Q,Jor. Drive-N-Save - i .ni Qt.Jor Ducky 4 VWMMWAIW l-WU. UtltKOtNl Gi-ntPkg. Armour's CHILI CON CARNE .Jin Hoody's PEANUT BUTTER TENDER YOUNG BEEF LIVER1' BAR 'S' Boneless HAAAS Half or Whole ... lb. 79' APPL Rome Beauty Golden Delicious Red Delicious Jonathans J0C ROME BEAUTY APPLES 1.99 Bushel Box 26-oi. Jar . Pennant MINCEMEAT Stokely's PINEAPPLE JUICE 46.6l TiB Market, Slice or Halve W It A FREESTONE PEACHES NTiB3.03 . 0 I 39' 19' Holcy's PORK & BEANS No. Vx Can Dog Food FRISKIES Cubes or New Mix, S-lb. bag . McLeod's Pure HONEY S-lb. Tin . 19' 55c 99c Reg. 1.98 Folding IV Trays Ant Designs Men's Crew Socks Multi-strip tops, assorted sizes 15? Boy's Reg. 1.99 Western Jeans 13-J4 Oi. denim, sites 6 to 16. 159 SPECIAL SERVICES trail Ckxhl Carttt. P.rwaal May Ord.r. off. SamBi Far Sala fl O fitnl PracaMin Pricti Effective Mon., Tuct., Wed., Nov. 6, 7, 8