16 Th News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Mon., Nov. 6, 196 j Hole-ln-The-Ground Is Easily Reached, KkX-K's" Bul U,,le "" Geological Formation rr - I I By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS with water saturated rock, and The Ore-Bin says molo Gun Course Slated By Oakland Lions NEW YOHK (AI) At lcat chiffon and headed fornialwcar. one designer doe not underesli- Kxccpt for those step in dress mate the fury of a woman who es, most of Ixiuis' st.vling was in cannot, despite her contortions retreat. The West toast couturier uniip the back of her dress. : obviously appreciates a tanned it. I. t. i . rn-nhm.!! back, for dome backs are scooped i from Hollvwood. who brought a so low and wide they nearly eliin-, geologic lu.vv nf hBMIifii1 mnHnls and boxes of new fashion idea for , altogether. the debut of his spring collection! Another I ranco American from 'introduced the obi silhouette Thursday during the Monte Sano spring ahow. Being much closer to the Orient geographically, it 'was only fitting that Jean Louis , f,n,inl! nickci or otler mineral of remains. I But there is no foreign EDITH DUNN The Run safety course currently snonsored bv tiie Oakland Lions By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS wun water-saturated rock, and The Ore. Bin says motorists can Cluh is open to children from Hole in the-Ground, Ore., is a expioaea. reach Hole in the (.round by dnv- to 18 and conforms to the stand- vast circular depression, nearly at The force to create such a hole, 30 miles south of Bend on aids set by the state Game torn mile across and more than 400 the geologists say, would be the Highway 87, turning southeast on mission. feet deep, in northern Lake equivalent of about five million Highway 31 and coins 25 miles; Children may register at Buck's County. tons of TXT. to a well-marked Forest Service' Barber Shop of Stearns Hardware It is one of Oregon's unique The water, in that now oarched rud"- """? r"""' ,,,u 'ore aner wnicn iney win oe as Melrose Party Elk Hunting For Week Near John Day A road bulldozed through : sicned classes and instructors. here today One such idea was the "step in" tunic dress with a panel of buttons marching down the front far enough for easy entry, icjt first, eliminating Uie need fur zip pers. Jean Louis' coat dress is an other lipperless style which not only preserves sacroiliacs. It is guaranteed not to deflate those bouffant hairdos which Mrs. Jac queline Kennedy did so much to make popular. Although it buttons down the front like a coat, the style resem blance ends there. Like other so called coat dresses introduced at this spring market, the West Coast couturier's are too fitted and belted to be anything else but a dress. As the show hurried on, the wardrobe progressed from man nish suits with howler hats: to! coats narrow at the shoulder and flared wide from the fitted bosom to floral pastel costume suits; to sultry black crepe cocktail dress es draped in back; and finally to the pumice soil circles the along the top of the rim. Captured By FBI hole should go one better with the Kahuki costume. Those loose, slit sleeves of the The recent light bulb sale con ducted by the Lions was a success with all light bulbs sold. In con nection with its sight conservation program the club has already pur chased two pairs of glasses for children who otherwise would have done without. Dinner Planned Beta I'i sorority will serve the formations, e a 1 1 1 y country, came from an ancient inate the back bodice of the dress reached by automobile but tin! lake that covered the land to Hollis E. Dole, director of the Fort Rock, a semicircular rock; , Oregon Department of Geology mass that juts up starthngly from 'Mfttt Aflfltpn Mfifl and .Mineral Industries, says it the and plain about six miles: IllUJI IIUII1CU I1IUII limb kii much like a meteorite southeast of Hole-in-the.rTroiinrl ' crater that a mining claim was was formed the same way, l'oler- staked out years ago in the nope son and oroh report, bul one Will away hy the, Tiif,i.viv a,;, iidi a,;... muuhik aiunn iob anuie ui hi.,hu a,r,,i,an .r,t ih ' ,;,. , , s:,ir,ia ,h. , itnhert Sawver Fridav. five riavs 1h Vetpt-nn's Mpmnriul UmII ul About six miles west of Hole- aft(.r he had been added to the which time Oakland Lions will inthe-Ground is Big Hole, an-imi's list of in most wanted hnt thsir uii. other of the broad floors of a ! criminals. I The Oakland Volunteer Fire volcanic crater enclosed by a sawver, 30. was stopped in Dept. was called out to a flue steep-walled ring. It has a heavy wickenburg, 50 miles northwest' fire at the George McCIoskey home stand of timber in and around 0f phoenix, by Patrolman Ber-1 recently. No damage was reported, the rim, making detail difficult ard C. Irwin Jr.. who sootled ! geologist, and Norman V. Peter- lo seBi son, field geologist for the de- NEW YORK AP) A tile at daytime dresses, uieater suits, floating chiffon, rustling satin, and even sober black floor length dinner gowns. Although other American de signers seem to have deserted os trich feathers as well as clinking crystals, blinding beads, shim mering sequins, Jean I-ouis with a Hollywood following could hard ly eliminate the showy costumes. And to prove how well Jean Louis does at dramatizing a not-exactly-young figure, a grand mother modeled a glittering ser pentine floor length gown, trailing a stole of twinkling silver sequins behind her. The crowd applauded wildly. The model was Marlcne Dietrich. mineral,""' old lake. resulted from a great volcanic explosion, not from the blow of a meteorite. The story of its formation is told in the October issue of Ore. Bin, the department's publication. Iiv Edward A. (iron. Portland sawyer s car on tne nignway and nut jioie-in-ioe-urounu is rini lonoweu nun iiuu toe i-ny. aaw at the dividing line of timber and yer offered no resistance. By NETTIE WOODRUFF F.. S. Wright. Clyde Wright, Pete Jordan. Walter Thihedeau. Mr. and Mrs Waler Thihedeau Sr.. Mr ami Mrs Art Cool and Mr. and Mrs. Olen Thibedeau are spending a week elk hunting in the John Day area. Parents Visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cilbert and children spent the weekend at liarrisburg visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ward have returned from a two-week tr'p which took them to Boise. i.l-.h.. nk tl.su i-itifal hie nar. . luaw, ""f'S ,.s j ...,... , l. Dt-Afimic In that lllA Wards and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Engle hunted deer in Jordan Valley, then went to Vale and Ontario for pheasant hunting where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Engle. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Burr and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lindbloom. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young and sons went to Diamond Lake Sun day to close up their cabin for the winter months. Ray Petriquin is in the Veterans Hospital in Vancouver, Wash., for medical treatment. I Mrs. Irene White of Rupert. Ida ho, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laderoot. Mrs. Ken Welborn and Gordon nf Grants Pass are spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Roger Reecc, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller spent several days recently at the coast where they went elk hunting and visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Busenbark were overnight guests recently in Corvallis where they visited their daughters and brought home their granddaughter, Lynn W'ithjcombe, for a visit. Charles Doerner is now conval escing at his home following sur gery in a local hospital. partmcnt. The two recently com pleted a detailed study of the area and established that the hole was produced some thousands EPISCOPAL SITE CHOSEN desert. It is so close to the line ( Brought to Phoenix, he waived 43id Street and 2nd Avenue, three that along its western wall, where preliminary hearing and was held blocks from New York's Grand shadows hold snowa longest and in lieu of 550,000 bond on charges : Central Station and near the Lni- of years ago when a great i result in moisture, there is a of robbing a branch of the rirst ted Nations, has been chosen for mass of molten rock surged up stand of trees. The eastern wall, W'estside Bank of Omaha, Neb., the new headquarters building of through a vent, came in contact a mile away, is in the desert. 'last Aug. 7. the Protestant Episcopal church. MASS IN ENGLISH MARQUETTE, Mich. (AP) A new Roman Catholic directive in the Marquette diocese provides for congregations to recite five of the main prayers at low mass in Eng lish. The prayers traditionally are offered in Latin. Bishop Thomas I.. Noa told parish pastors to make the change. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Gat, talk. iRUgti or sneeze without fear of lujecure fnl.se teeth dropping, lipping or wobbling. FASTEETH holds pities firmer ,ud more com fortably. This pleasant powder has do (tummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Doesn't cause nausea. It s iilkullnft non-acid ) Check "plate olor' (denture breath) (jet FASIEETH t oj drug counter. Wedding Of Niece In Idaho Attended By Tiller Relatives By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLY Airs. J. V. Lewis and daughter. Avis, of Tiller, the former's moth er and grandmother. .Mrs. Mabel Helms of Kiddle and Mrs. Clara Wilson of Canyonville, and her brother. William Randall of Cot tage Grove, have returned to their homes following a weekend trip to Twin Falls, Idaho, to attend the wedding of Iris Cherry, neice of Mrs. Lewis. The visitors stayed overnight at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cherry. Five generations of the family were rep resented among the assembled guests, with Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Helms in the roles of great-grandmother and great-great-grand-mother. David Lewie stayed at the Gil bert Butler home during his moth er's absence. Montana Visitors Leave Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scalabrin left Monday lor their home in Butte. Mont., after spending week visiting at the home of their Safe Scheduled ByTenmilePTA By MRS. WALTER COATS The Tenmile PTA is sponsoring a rummage and baked goods sale at the Winston Fire Hall Nov. 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Church Parly Held The Tenmile Assembly of God Church held a halloween party for members recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holloway sear Camas. The Church Boys Club will bold Its meeting Nov. 11 from 1 to 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Stoffal and children. Thomas, Jerry and Julie apent several days in Cali fornia visiting Sloffal's relatives at Stockton and Mrs. Sloffal's rela tives in Napa. Calif. En route home tliry stopped in Crescent City to visit friends. Mrs. A. L. Steves of Satita Bar bara. Calif., spent a week visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thomas, at their home on Itcston ltd. Hunter On Trip Lloyd Thomas is elk hunting in eastern Oregon. Mrs. Pealla Farmer of Chowchil la, Calif., is visiting her son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Farmer and family in Tenmile. son in law and daughter. Mr. and .Mrs. Philip Jones at Canyonville. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones are em ployed by the Cow Creek Ranger District at Tiller. The visitors ac companied their hosts on a week end trip to Reno, N'cv. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Butler and family had as recent overnight guests Mrs. William Lowes of Al turas, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Halscy Butler of Lomita, Calif.. who were en route to their homo following a visit with other rela tives at Creswell. Mrs. Lowes is a sister of Gilbert and llalsey Butler. Former Classmate Visits I Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stamy and children of Chclatchie, Wash., spent the weekend as guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clauson and children at their home at the Til ler Ranger Station. Stamy is rang er of the Canyon Creek District of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and was a classmate at Iowa State University of Cow Creek District Ranger John O. Wil son ot Tiller. Mrs. Wayne Norris and daugh ter GaUa made an overnight trip to Eugene last week to visit the former'! mother, Mrs. Effie Cary, who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gallup of Madera, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neidermeyer of Jackson ville were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Da- hack. The Gallops and the Da hacks are friends of more than forty years and both families formerly lived at Eagle Point. PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE HORACE C. BERG Special Agtnf Room 301 Pacific Buildinf OH. OR 1-7491, Ris. OR J 7195 Children Join In Peace Appeal NEW HYDE PARK NY. (API "We the children of the world do not want to be the last genera tion. We do not want to die before we have had a chance to live." With those words a group of children in this suburban New York City community are launch ing a program to get youngsters around the world to ioin in a peace appeal to the I nited Na tions. In three days, some 30 local youngsters have obtained the sig natures of about 3.000 children on their petitions. The signers arc limited to those over 6 and under 21. The petition was composed by several children living in the neighborhood of Haiel Kaufman, who is credited with the idea nf the appeal from and by girls and bovs themselves. She assisted the initial group in preparing the petition. "We ask President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev to meet at the I nited Nations, not for the purpose of telling each other how powerful they are but for the pur pose of settling their differences. LOCKER BEEF SAVE MONEY - EAT BETTER, TOO S Economy Grade 3 3 lb to Good Grade 48' lb. Cut Packaged Quick Froien Call ar visit our stote-inspecfed plant. USE OUR BUDGET PLAN BOYER MEAT CO. J-MIUS IAST ON N. UMPQUA Hwr. PHONE ORchard 3-6323 WARDS FESTIVAL' VALUES D ME AM M E AND WILL STAY Will f i IPRfl 1481 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4811 Ml w ON APPAREL FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! ON HOME FURNISHING ITEMS! ON COLD-WEATHER AUTO NEEDS! ON EARLY-BIRD GIFT SPECIALS! IN THIS 5-DAY-ONLY EVENT! In OF VA i n "pa LP IzatdS TUESDAY, NOV. 7 THRU SAT. NOV.11 SAVE TUES. NOV. 7th thru SAT. NOV. 11th