The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 03, 1961, Page 8, Image 8

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    r "71
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The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri.,
3, 19611
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ten k atp Hs
MRS. W. ERNEST BUTLER, above, is leaving Roseburg Sunday for Portland to take o jet
light to New York City ond from there will board the SS Argentina Nov. 10 for Soo
Paulo, Brazil, to spend several months prior to taking an extensive cruise aboard the SS
Brosil, (News-Review Photo).
Trip To Be
Enjoyed By
Mrs. Butler
Leaving Sunday for Sao Palo,
Brazil, is Mrs. W. Ernest Butler of
Roseburg. Mrs. Butler will leave
here for Portland, where she will
board the United Airlines jet plane
for New York City. She plans to
spend four days shopping and visit
ing in New York, before boarding
the luxury liner SS Argentina Nov.
10, for her native Brazil.
In Brazil, Mrs. Butler will visit
her family for several months. She
is hoping to have Mrs. Oscar Re
vell of Kosehurg join her in Brazil
for I visit and to make the 63-day
cruise leaving New York March 7
board the McLorniack s SS Brasil.
Port of call for the luxury
cruise include Port hverglades,
Barbados, Kio De Janerio, Santos,
Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Tnston
D Cunba, Cape Town, Durban,
Louenco Marques, Mombosa, Aden,
Suez (where they plan to leave
the ship to take a plane for I tour
of Egypt and then go to Rome,
Italy, before rejoining the ship in
Missina. They will also visit Na
ples, Italy, Barcelona and Lisbon,
Spain, and then head bark for
New York, where the ship will ar
rive April 25. Arrangements tor
the planned trip are being made
by Lewii Travel Service in Rose
burg. Helen Casey
Club Hostess
Miss Helen Casey entertained
tier bridge club at a charming 1
o'clock luncheon Tuesday at her
lovely home on SE Blakley Ave
nue. Chrysanthemums formed a
pretty decorative motif lor the oc
casion. Covers were placed for Mrs. C.
B. Wade. Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Mrs.
Chester Morgan, Mrs. H. is. Ja
couton. Mrs. L. E. McChntock
Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs. U. B.
Bubar, Mrs. J. R. Wharton and
the hostess. Miss Casey,
llinh score for the afternoon
contract bridge play was won by
Mrs, Jacobson.
Dinner Party
Given Sunday
Dr. and Mrs. Ira J. Spilt en
tertained at a very lovely dinner
parly at their beautiful home in
Charter Oakes Sunday. A rornuco
pia filled with colorful fall fruits
and dried autumn leaves flunked
by orange tapers graced the buf
fet tabic, while bouquets of bronze
and dark red chrysanthemums
formed the room decorations.
Invited to enjoy the evening with
Pr. and Mrs. Seiti were Dr. and
Mrs. Gene Straus. Mrs. Joseph
Linspa and son. Tom; Mrs. Porter
I.ainhirt, the fiev. and Mrs. N.
Charles Wallin. Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter llrlrh and Dr. and Mrs.
Charles K. Todd.
Visiting was enjoyed during the
pleasant evening hours, i
Luncheon Club j
Is Entertained j
Mrs. Jack C. Davis entertained
her bridge club Wednesday at her
lovely home on SE Azalea Drive
at a 1 pir. luncheon. Dahlias and
the Halloween motif were used In
the decorations. j
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Dudley Wallon, Mrs. Frank Den-1
ton and Mrs. Ralph Dr.Moisy,
guests, and Mrs. S. J. Cooper, Mrs.
B. A. Young, Mrs.' A. 1). Parr.
Mrs. Horace C. Berg, Mrs. Thomas
Martin and Uie hostess, Mrs. Da
Vis. High scores for the afternoon's
contract bridge play were won by
Mrs. Cooper and Airs. Parr.
MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM JOHNSON, obove, were married
Sept. 16, at the First Presbyterian Church in Roseburg with
the Rev. John E. Adams officiating. The bride, Darlene
Jeon Hurd, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weston P.
Hurd, ond the bridgeroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Johnson, all of Roseburg. (Picture by Chris Studio
of Photography),
Darlene Hurd
Becomes Bride
j'tl mm ''"''""' ' '-' e.
fl!-.l k
i 1 11
") ' Alt"! ;(vV
LEAVING St. George's Episcopal Church following their
marriage Sept. 30 are bride and bridegroom, Tomyra Kay
Campbell ond Wayne Steven Johnston. Following a honey--moon
to Victoria B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are now at
home to friends at 752 Bellevue E. Apt. 312, Seattle, Wash.
(Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography).
Church Wedding
Takes Place Here
Gold and while were the colors land white organza. They wore gold
used at the Sept. 30 wedding of accessories and heanhands to com-
Miss Tamyra Kay Campbell of
Roseburg and Wayne Steven John
ston of Gig Harbor, Wash. The 3
p.m. double ring ceremony was
performed at St. George's Episco
pal Church in Roseburg. Father
John L. Welch of the Episcopal
Church in Sulherlin officiating.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Campbell
of this city. The bridegroom's
mother is Mrs. Mabel J. Johnston
of Gig Harbor.
plement their street-length frocks.
They carried gold and white chry
santhemums. Best man was Herbert Johnston
of The Forks. Wash., brother of
the bridegroom. Cshenng was
done by Robert Campbell, the
bride's brother, and Arthur John
ston of Eugene, brother of the
Kristie Kinley of Eugene, cous
in of the bride, was flower girl.
Ring bearer was Jeffery Johnston
Gold and white chrysanthemums ',..' 'V " T Z T"
Mrs. Homer (.row. Bob Rohbins
i -;r'. '; ' -.. ' ' '
U'ffi. . k
- ' ' ' ' '
MRS. JAMES GALAJiO, formerly Judi Hensley ot butnerlin, ana her o monrns-oia son,
Tony, have returned to their home in San Diego, Calif., by jet plane, following a visit with
her parents, Mr. ond Mrs. A. G. Hensley. Mr. Galasso was unable to accompany his family
due to his studies in pre-low at Son Diego College. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography)
was soloist, singing
The bride's father
'The Lord's
gave her In
groom. The flower girl wore a yel
llow dress and carried a basket of
'yellow chrysanthemums.
Flowers of yellow-gold and white
marriage. She was lovelv in her mc c.i imi c
floor-length gown of white lace -recepuon was ncin louowmg me
nvw while satin. She wore tlura ! ceremony. Miss Emma W'Klmark
of seed pearls which caught her
waist-length veil. Her bridal bou
quet was a cascade of white rose
and Miss Dee Kokkeler served the
cake, Mrs. David Swenson, the cof
fee and Mrs. James Little, tea.
Mrs. Adolph Damelson and Mrs.
' - " 1
Timber Town Bridge Club
To Have Birthday Party
The regular weekly meeting of play in the group.
the Timber Town Bridge Club was The Senior section, which is an
held Monday evening. Play was
conducted under the major section
only, which is the invitational sen
ior game of this club.
Winners for North-South players
were Mrs. Carl Knudsen and Wil
liam Pritehett, first; Mrs. Charles
Wolfe and Mrs. Raymond Borden,
second; Mrs. Albert Morene and
Walter Ulnch, third, and Mrs.
David Wcisman and Mrs. Robert
Curtis, fourth. East-West winners
were Dr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Todd, first: Mrs. E. H. Hamilton
and Mrs. Henry Sherlock Jr., sec
cn.u . cuiiora miuey presiaea at me
Crescent City, Calif., was maid of ! punch bowl. Miss Sandra Kinley
honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Don had the uest book-
Hoffman and Miss Sharon Barlow. The coupR left on a honeymoon
All of the bride's attendants wore! trip to Victoria. B. C, Canada.
gold dresses with overskirts of gold j For traveling, the bride wore a
Mack suit with black accessories
I and a white rosebud corsage. The
I newlvweds are now at home at
j h ow6 r washBciievue e Apt-3i2, seawe'
ine Dnoe was eraiiuatea irom
Roseburg llich School and attend
ed Orecon State Iniversity for one
year. She has been employed in
the credit department at Weis
field's Jewelers in EiiKene.
The bridegroom was graduated
ii.. n. Ann n.v.. .h. i. .u. from Pacific Lutheran Colleee and
bride-elect of William Carnco. was UrTn Slate 1 n,v1F","r: He "
rniLiuiy-u sis, civil vriKLnerr nir
A lovely fall wedding took place'
Sept. JO uniting Darlene J e a n I
Hurd. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Weston P. Hurd of Roseburg. andl
William Roger Johnson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Johnson, also ot
this cily. The double ring cere
mony was performed at 7:3d p m.
at the First Presbyterian Church
with the Rev, John E. Adams of
Pink and white gladioli with
white tapered candles formed the
background for the wedding riles.
The church aisle had pink and
white satin hows with lily of the
vallry centers on the pews. Mrs
Homer Grow, organist, played
classical selections as the guests
assembled. Dick Hoskins, soloist,
sang "Because'' and "The Wed
ding Prayer."
Weston P. Hurd, father of the
bride, gave his daughter in mar
riage. She was radiant in a floor
length gown of Chantilly type lace
tunic over a full hoop skirt of mis
ty tulle. Her bridal gift of pearls
from (he hrii!egnom complement
ed th delicate princess rrown of
pearls that held her fintier tip veil
of English silk illusion. The
bouquet Has a lovely white orchid
with white stain streamers knotted
with white stephanotis carrid on
a white Bible.
Miss Gloria Fonlham, maid of
honor, was gowned in a pink
sheath of silk orgama with a lace
overskirt. Bridesmaids were Linda
Johnson, sister of the bndrcnmm,
and Mama Mansfield of Portland.
ho was the bride's roommate at
colleite. They were gowned alike
in aqua sheaths of silk organ'
ith lace overskirts. All carried
pink carnations on a white lace
The candlrlishlers, Janis Hurd.
sister ot the bride, and Kathy Wal-
lace, cousm of uwi uririe, were
gowned auk In aqua dacroo. dress-.
es. The flower girl, Barbara Wal
lace, cousin of the hride, wore a
pink dress with a full skirt and
carried a basket of pink carna
tions. The ring bearer was Jeffery
Wallace, cousin of the bride.
William Irvine of Roseburg was
the best man. I'shering was done
by Jack Heeler and David Lewis.
A reception was held in the
church social hall immediately fol
lowing the ceremony. The hall was
decoraled in white and pink, carry,
ins out the wedding colors.
In the receiving line with the
bridal couple were their mothers.
Mrs. Hurd chose a champagne
colored silk orgama dress with
black patent leather accessories
and a black ribbon hat Mrs. John
son wore a beige brocade dress
with brown accessories and a
brown feather hat. Both wore pink
carnation corsages.
The bridal cake. beautifully
made and decoraled by Mrs.
Charles Packer, was cut by Mrs.
Wally VanAmburg assisted by Mrs.
Charles Packer. Mrs. Lawrence
Wallace, aunt of the bride, poured
coftee while Mrs. Norman Hem
ken served the punch. Miss Pain
cia VanAmburg had charge of the
guest book and the Misses Gayle
Harris and Vickie Miller were in
charge ot the gift table. Assisting
at the reception were Mrs. Emery
Williams. Mrs. Delton Walker,
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Mrs. Frank.
Iin Wilson. Mrs. Jack Chapman.
Mrs. Tom Psrgeter and Mrs. De
wart Saltern.
After the reception, the newly
weds left for the California coast.
For traveling, the new Mrs. John
son changed to a bctve checked
suit, blue hat and black patent
leather accessories. The youns
people are now at home at 4;'J SE
Kane St., Apt. 3, in Roseburg
The bride was graduated from
Roseburg High School and attend-
honored at a charming bridal show
er party given by Mrs. B. G Fen
wick and daughter. Miss Judy Kel
ly, Wednesday evening at the Fen
wick home.
A shower gift table was beau
tifully arranged with a large white
wedding bell centerpiece and fall
flowers used throughout the rooms.
Games were played; lovely re
freshments were served and beau-
Century Construction Co.
Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Ma
ne Campbell, Beaverton: Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Johnston and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kinley. Kns-
TO BE BRIDE A June wed
ding has been planned for
Shelby Jane Johnson ond
Robert Deon Miller, whose en
gagement has been announced
by Mr. ond Mrs. Donald K.
Warner of Myrtle Point, with
hom the bride-elect has mode
her home the last four years.
The bride-elect was graduated
from Myrtle Point High School
this yeor and is now a stu-'
dent ot Robertson's School of
Business in Roseburg. Her
fionce, son of Mr. ond Mrs.
Henry H. Miller of Roseburg,
is an engineering student at
Oregon Technical Institute,
Klamath Falls.
invitational game, carries no re
striction in relation to master
points, but Is a American Con
tract Bridge League franchised in
vitational game. All Junior play
ers are invited to play in either
game of their choice, the Junior
or the Senio" invitational game.
Play in the Senior game for sen
ior players is limited to invitation.
Both the Junior and Senior games
were organized and are conducted
for the enjoyment of duplicate
bridge enthusiasts. Reardmg part
nerships or for further inform a-
ond; Mrs. William Carstens and tion about either game, those in-
Mrs. Wendell B. Smith, third, and terested are asked to call Mrs.
Mrs. Edwin Myers and Dr. Bruce Walter Cinch or Mrs. John Daven
Tuck, fourth. I port.
The Timber Town Club is com-j Next Monday evening. Nov. ,
posed of two weekly games, bolhwiu mark thc beginning of another
held Monday evening at 7:30 vear for the jun,or ciD. A spe.
o ciock. The Junior game, which is, Clal partv has boen planned to
restricted in relation Jo master; celebrate the occasion and is being
points, is open only to plavers with i . fc . , ,,, .
less than 20 master points. An ) arranged in observance of the be
players qualified for this junior j ginning of the fourth year of the
group are invited and welcome to! club.
Program To
Be Presented
Tuesdav. Nov. 7. the Roseburg
Woman's' Club will meet at a 12:30
k.a.k , tllA ll,k.
tie and Craig Kinley. Miss Sandra , Z " , li fXwed bv nro-
gram presented by Mrs. Kenneth
Kinley and Mrs. Luella Swenson
all of Eugene: Mr. and Mrs. Ar
nold I'ndem, Mrs. A. C. Kincsburg.
Mrs. Mabel Johnston and Mr. and
uiui gins were preseniea 10 ine Mrs. George Livingston and chil- i
honored guest. dren. all of Gie Harbor Wash I
Invited to enjoy the affair hon-vr. ,,) Mrs Herbert Johnston!
oruig Miss Davis besides her moth- and children of The Forks. Wash.:!
er. Mrs. Worth Davis, who pre-lwavne Samuel. San Francisco,
sented a family heirloom to her I Calif : Mr. and Mrs. John Samuel.:
Hostess chairman is Mrs. Har
rie Booth with Mrs. Lawrence
Burr, co-chairman.
The program topic will be "Ful
fillment of Maturity Sink or
Swim." Participating in the pro
gram will be Mrs. Carl E. Wim-
daughter. were Mrs. George Mil (Cottage Grove: Mr. and Mrs. I r" , ' '" . V," vi. ti'rfM
ler. Mrs. A. E. Elliott. Daunce Adolph Damelson and Miss Dee, Mc , skp ' ,'. u .'-h vjr, Fred
Davis, Mrs. Blanche Buyer, Mrs. Kokkeler. Junction Citv; and 5lisi! i d.-.. p.,k Jrf
Emma Widmark of Klowak, Alas-1 present' , d,(ferent viewpoint or
j aspect of the meaning of maturity.
B.i "I t i Mrs- Hoy Hanford. music chair-
riClQSVwIUD m"- na arranged for Mrs.
. -' . . George Gratke. vocal soloist, to be
IS hntSrtQinGQ I guest artist for the occasion. There
iwill be no board meeting preced-
Mrs. Joseph l.ansna graciously ' in the regular meeting this month
entertained her badge club Wed
nesday at her beautiful new
a I o'clock dessert- luncheon.
George l.uoma, Mrs. 1. C. Fitz
gerald. Mrs. Ted E. Williams, Mrs.
Frank Webster. Mrs. Julius L. Ben
ham, Mrs. 11. 1. Bailey. Mrs. Ho
mer Gallap. Mrs. Helen Carnco.
Mrs. Pearl Dietsrh, Mrs. Thelma
Tester. Mrs. Myrtle Baker, Marn
helle Jones, Helen Casey, Mrs. L.
E. Gilmore and the two hostesses.
Fnends and the Eblem Club
snumHaii-a em int'lliul in a t f ft rA tha
wio WVTL Th. ST ver, were placed a. an attract
Christian Church in Roseburg.
lively appointed table for Mrs. J.
. i P. Motschenbacher, Mrs. A. B.
I Taylor. Mrs. W. C. Holmes. Mrs
Mrs. N. Charles Wallin. president.
will be in charge of the meeting.
ed one year at Iwis and Clark
College. The bridegroom was grad
uated from Roseburg High School
and attended Oregon State I ni
sersity He is now with the Doug
las County Road Department.
Coming from out of town for
I the w-edding were Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Thomas. Portland: Mr.
and Mm. Walter S. Hurd. Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Hrmken and Mr
and Mrs. Carl lewis, all of Rock
ford. Wash.; Mrs. Jack Roberts
and Mr. and Mrs. Ijiwrenre Wal
lace and children. Kathy, Barbara
i " V, ! :,' 'guests present. Three tables of
wn.. .mi .m. ..ii- .ii ,...i ,t in n'jv ih
Matie Club Has Meeting
The Made Club of the Glendale
Chapter of the Eastern Star met
Friday at the Howard ChiavariS
rorrest McKay. Mrs. James By- home near Azalea. The evening
ron, Mrs. Ray Doemer. Mrs. Roy was spent in playing games.
W. Sedell and the hostess, Mrs j Mrs. Chiavaras served refresh
Lanspa. ' ments.
High score for the afternoon'i
contract bridge play was won by
Mrs Motschenbacher with Mrv
McKay winning the traveling prize.
To Meet Monday
The Golden A;e Cltih met Mnn-j
day evening at Ihe Veterans Me :
monal Building on Garden Valley!
Boulevard with .7 members ami
the re
enjoy ed
mourg anil cmitiren. r.enny ana m,1in,j,.r of the
Palncu, Yakima, Wash ; Mr. and (lancine
Mrs. T. A. Gillmore. Springfield: I ,-,,, R.rsenbark was chairman
ansa Jiargarei HiiKcnson. i'an-,,f the retrcshments and later in
'ridge; and Mr. and Mrs. tnc evening served reireshments
: Crane and children. Jeanne, Steve 1 carry ing out the Halloween motif.
and Susan; Mr. and .Mrs. David. The chih w.ll mee' Monday. Nov
Crane and Mr. and Mrs. Gene fi. at 7 30 p m. at the Veterans
Uojer, ail of Redmond. I Memorial Halt.
l k( dim tMib. ilk At-t Plan
trf nTr fit hutifry or jillery!"
Tin aiiwtiHl b-'for mi .
A i i n"i your ppstit. You
f rttwitf n-t'f t lr . ourts:.
Al - now m rhocotat fulir-(vn
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The New, Beautiful
makes a
picture window
of your
r;-v?-i .: ! e:- - 3 - i
f 7." : 4 -'.-':. fc-. .2 . ,9 A
Hert it o ftfeploct screen from o Qreof riarrm In finjploct
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of your fire ... GLASSFYRE by Port'ond-Willomette. Solid
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The snug tit agamst the fireploce holds wood in ond keeps soorks
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Dual dratt controls too ond bottom mc it easy to regulate th
flame. Styled to standard rectangular, comer ond orch-too designs.
See The Display In Our West Window
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