Kennedy Wows New Jersey Demos Wild GOP-Need!ing Stump Speech Hi Chrysler, U AW - Reach Accord TRKNTON', N.J. (AP) Pifsi- The endorsement m in a state-'ble assurance that it would be rlent Kennedy wowed New Ji r- merit in the President's name, is- i filled with a scheduled appear sey Democrats Thursday ninht sued as his plane touched downiance in Newark. N J., tonight by w ith a Republican -needling stump i at I. a Ouaniia Field. j former President Harry S. Iru- speech aimed at Minns under- j Thousands Watch 'man. nog mi' n a in j. iiutMies in me the President a motorcade was late's race for governor. 'deliberately routed through such tvenncd obviously eujoved a important political areas as two-hour respite from the burdens lem and the upper West Sid of the presidency as he put on Marhattan as thousands watched the cap of party political leader- from sidewalks. ship-in an outdoor speech in the1 Waaner handicapped bv brisk November air to a rally of Democratic party split his fiaht about IDAHO of the party faithful. for a third four-year term denied By A. F. MAHAN mis leu tar short ol Me 50.000 that Kenneuy s visit to the city dftroit (API chrvJpr Huong that Hughes' supporters five days before election day was Com and the United Auto Work- . iu.iu. ,i..,,u,. ers lmon reached agreement on W;?nC,,B,0, . . Male MlZ- i:va- U,u.,s J; new three year labor contract ne rresioeni l ew io i irnion , win, saiu aner puM.eo. u e . Xnllrsd ay nisht. averting a strike irom :cw or illy, wnerene panic ouiion in xemng iwnneay , The Cnrvsler pa(., bmufM cave a boost to Democratic May- to ao to New York to boost a k..... i-iw i -u or Robert K. Wanner in the lat- sassmg Democratic campaian. i h .u,nmalcer exrent Siudehak ter's race for reelection. Kennedy In Trenton. Kenneoy was in old ; 'h' "'0ake"-'"'?' S'"tZ flew back to Washington alter a lcampaisn form as he told thei h T? j . . j brief reception with New Jersey I cheering crowd that Hushes, op-1 E I I'm l M Democratic leaders and a lo-min-' posed by Republican James f. Tr , ;. j . i Jr'4- I S vS( Va er$y JUS?..- i I, MMUum -- il li im . v J ieMivja Fri.f Nov. 3, -1961 The News Review, Roscburg, 0r. 3 Tiiorton Gets Endorsement Of Morgan For Nomination By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' ' Tl federal Tower t oininissuiner n,,, i-oinin Howard Morcan has endorsed dan ol rtiiv. lien, nooeri i. inuuuuiis eandidaev for the Democratic cu l,ull' "'"V (ilu,l' ost important aspect of primaiy election is that Die Democratic lies of its ."v - ute upeech for Hushes. Kennedy's endorsement of Wag ner in New York was: "I want to take this opportun Mitchell, had had "a lone and up hill campaign." Mitchell general ly is credited with leading in a Dwight D. Eisenhower has said ity to state with the utmost con-) will have a direct, bearing on Re- viction my wholehearted support : publican comeback efforts in ton for the reelection of Mayor Rob-lsress next year. ert V. Wasner. His experience in Not of Sarcasm Motor Co., and American Motors Corp. LAW President Walter P. Reu ther said the Chrysler agreement, which came only 50 minutes be fore the company's 60,000 L'AW represented employes were to strike at midnight in support of THIS WAS THE SCENE 'ti Klamoth Foils Thursdoy os firemen ornved to fight a fire in the Roy Clary home. Clary, his wife ond three children, perished in the early morning blaze. (UPI Telephoto). coping with the problems of this great city cannot be matched Famed Writ erf Humorist Dies With a note of sarcasm in his' demands, was essentially the voice, the bare-headed President, wearing a business suit and no topcoat, told the chilled crowd that Hughes had been downgrad ed too much. "He has been wtitten off on more front pages of more papers supporting oilier candidates than any candidate I know, with the mteuihlo ovf-anlinn nf mvcsll akniil NEW YORK (AP) - James .g month, .. Kcnnejy Mld. Thurber, writer-humorist and car- KelmQdy ,vojded any reference toonist, whose lop-eared dog!to Eiscnnower- who has cam. drawings put people and events paigned personally for Mitchell, in perspective, died Thursday at who wa5 labor 5ecretary in hjs the age of bb Cabinet. But if Democrats felt the Thurber died of pneumonia at Prpsldent thu, left anv kind of Doctors Hospital after undergoing poi,,, vold th(,y had re,50na. surgery a month ago for a blood t clot on the biain. I A master satirist, w-ith a colleague once described a firm grasp on confusion." Thur ber delighted millions with h wit in his books, short stories, bles, articles, and cartoons. He never lost his sense of hu mor. even when he went com pletely blind several years ago. Multnomah County faS Surveyor Arrested PORTLAND (AP) Multno mah County Surveyer Donald Ewing was arrested Thursday on An accident cost him the sight of a charge of attempting to obtain one eye when he was nix years 1 money by false pretenses, old. He lost the sight of the other I Details of a grand jury indiet eye despite a long series of calar-jment against Ewing will not be act operations. j disclosed until he is formally In his last month of life Thur- i charged in court, ber, who then had difficulty in i Ewing posted S500 hail and was speaking, occasionally hummed j released. Bail was set originally little tunes to amuse his nurses, at $1,000. Thurber. who attended Ohio County Auditor John J. O'Con Stata University at Columbus. nell had refused payment on mile Ohio, where he was born, was a i age vouchers Ewing submitted newspaperman in that city, Paris, j for last spring and summer. The and New York. j board of county commissioners same as that reached at GM and Ford. Reuther and Chrysler Vice President John D. Leary an nounced verbal agreement and said they would initial the contract as soon as technicians completed writing language ac ceptable to both sides. The union estimated that the Ford and CM contracts were worth more than 12 cents hourly in take-home pay over each year. Ihey immediately added a mini-j mum of five cents to gross pay. raising that to an average of Two American Icebreakers To Assault Antarctic Pack CHRISTCHl'RCH, New Zealand ing activities on the ice-capped (AP) Two American icebreakers prepared today to try for history's earliest penetration of the for midable 700-mile ice pack sur rounding Antarctica. The U.S. Navy's tilacier and the Coast Guard's Eastwind will try to batter a pathway through ICC Exerting Efforts To Get More Rail Cars $2 85 hourly fur the production workers. This, plus company assumption continent. Even during the so-called sum mer, inland temperatures can range down lo the minus 40s. The try by the icebreakers marks the mounting of a second major phase of the Navy's "Oper- i ation Deep Freeze 62" an opera- tlu. hillinns of tons of ice almost tion that will involve 3.000 men. a full month earlier than any na-jlo ships and more han 30 air- ful in focusing national attention tion has opened the sea approach I craft by the close of the conti-lon the box car shortages in the in any previous Antarctic "sum-j nent's September-March summer. I Northwest. cA-jcnn I The Kasiu-inH i tn hnv nff Hatfield earlier had voiced con- industry's j lf successfui the two ships will, Monday and the speedier Glacier cern to the ICC about the short- have shown the way to a perma- Thursday. age of wide and double-door Box SALEM (AP) Ten regional Interstate Commerce Commission offices are exerting every effort to accommodate western shippers in need of box cars, an ICC offi cial told Gov. Mark Hatfield Thursday. Paul E. Grider. ICC Zone Su pervisor, told Hatfiefd that the governor's efforts had been help- bernatorial nomination in Oregon. . moderate and majority he- Morgan's position, outlined in J m,.en two or more candidates. . , letter lo former Gov. Robert , m S1K, (.hion as b permit the Holmes and made public Thins- nomination of a third candidate, day, brought words of apprecia subservient to the same special turn from Thornton. interests as is the present gover- "I know yourMclion has helped nor . n,,.scntiivj only a small unify our party." Thornton said minority ol his "nrl." In his letter to Holmes. Mor-. Ml,r.n , ottn entrance gan said: i in ,lr rai.e uim, ,my creaie I nrnliltMiw tin 'I hiiriitoii and cive MvrtiA frpplt Tpfteliprs Su"' s,'n w'l,'r J- 1'eaison of myrne vjeen lencners , ,,r,,an(1 a dvJIKt , wm thB To Attend Medford Meet """ " ,....., i Morgan said Thornton would Myrtle Creek High School Indus- wm ,he nouni)tion from Larson trial arts instructors. URoy Jue ke m , two nlan raw and George Warren will attend the meeting of the Southern Oregon' as he and Mr. Pearson Industrial Art, Association in Med- ' ' .. -J ford Nov. 10-11. according to I-or-,' hav' m V110' . M"rUJ? sa'd- raine Biernhaum. correspondent. Minaar To Sneak on uie niraivvia iun i "v ; , , , .. Dr. Leon Minear. state superintend-j '""""-. " -" ent of public instruction, and Dr. K"n- Winston l'urvine, president of Ore- Pearson, who sa d Thursday he gon Technical Institute. would make up his mind about An exhibit of machinery, tools, j running by the first of the year, books, and other equipment will' said Morgan's decision did not al be reviewed by the instructors, feet him "in the least." I Pearson, who has not an nounced plans to enter the race. aid. "If anv candidate would bo c.omP?ny ,s,sum5"on;nent svstem of getting cargo ships I This second phase of -Deep cars facing Oregon's plywood and of the full cost of hospital-medical , h (h , , . vjta; Freeze" - the Navy's supporting lumber shippers, insurance and other improvements '..."l... .... .;,, ..., u,.niiA. w n.. ..f . h.i.,,.,, I rorf in tlio eiUIJiiivni ml uic ni""""s "l- in fringe benefits figured in the UAW estimate the contracts were worth more than 12 cents in take home pay. Six at plant agreements, which will supplement Chryslers nation al contract, stiU were to be worked out when Reuther and Leary announced their settlement, but union chiefs expressed con fidence all could be settled quick ly. Reuther said he anicipaed no trouble. ditions thus reducing the need scientific program ever attempted for more expensive air freighting; by the United States in the An ile joined the New Yorker mag azine in its infancy. For some years Thurber and E. B. White wrote "The Talk of the town." a column-like preface to the mag azine, and it vas White who per- vuaded thurber to make doodled drawings public. supported O tonne s contention that the vouchers were not sub stantiated. A county emDlove has driven for Ewing e er since the 1 1 1 e Department of Motor Vehicles his suspended Ewing s drivers li. cense. He was recently convicted Thurber collapsed in a New at St. Helens on a charge of York botel room Oct. 4. The nignt orunx driving. before he had attended the open- Ewing. who appeared ill and ing of the Noel Coward musical, shaken when he signed hi bill Sail Away, and addressed the : receipt, said the arrest "prob cast aftervard. Thurber and his i ably had something to do with wife resided in West Cornwall, I this expense account business." Conn. HARD OF HEARING! world's first high fidelity Hearing Aid J Cow In tody I Of pr0"t wirfvr frequency ratio bnnqt tn sounds nvr before reproduced through present conven tional hearing aids. Vastly Improves! the heart no of out of It wearers tested in actual test among people who wear hearing aids. Thtt'i alt that it rcauirrd to convince mot anynne nh a heart nf lo. hrrc n the clotcu thiri. to normal hcar mf next 10 normal hcannf 7WIt 'LIVINO SOUND" sS1 1 Hearing AtOs ZtmHi Rteretcntativt will b i mtr stare 9"ry Stwr4y. SOUTHERN OREGON HEARING AID SERVICE CHAPMAN'S PHARMACY JeckiM t Com OR 3-4S31 SAT.. NOV. 4th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hospital News Visiting Hours I t 3:50 p.m. and I ti I p.m. Douglas Community Hospital Admitted Mtdical: Harvey Caldwell, Mrs Franklin Richardson, Mrs. Rich ard John Jr. all of Roseburg; Mrs. Lloyd Nickel. Dillard; Mrs Dale Bennett. Sutherlin: Mrs. Ken neth Eastman, Idleyld Park; Mrs lister Martin. Glide: Mrs. John Storner. Canfield, Ohio. Surgery: Billy Ray Williams. Roseburg: Mrs. John Spencer. Win ston; Burl Magby. Sutherlin; Eu gene Morris. Riddle. Discharged Louise Meyer. Patrick Hender son. Mrs. Jeanie Dulour, Arlon (iilliland, Mrs. Wayne Wagner and daughter Julianne Louise, Mrs. Tom Harris, all of Roseburg; Ed die Dunham. Winston; Mrs. Ray mond Riepe and son David Wayne; Canyonville. in the early stages of operations The ice. which forms on Antarc tica's stormy seas during the long winter when temperatures far inland range down to more than 100 degrees below lero. must be broken up yearly to allow the return 'of support ships for Ameri can scienific and weather-walch- tarctic is a seagoing phase The first phase involving air lift activities to and within the 5'? million square mile continent! Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Herb began in late September. ert Hubbell in Sutherlin. 23 CORRECTION Ground Beef listed in our Thurs. advertisement should have been: Ground Round frtih (round in our own moot deport-11 1 a R ID Nazarene Church Holding Revivals Dr. Weaver W. Hess of Palm dale, Calif., is currently conduct ing revival meetings at the First Church of the Nazarene, According to the Rev. Robert llempel, minister of the church, : V It ' 1 v: DR. WEAVER W. HESS . . . Conducts revival meetings Rural Electric Meet Set At Sacramento The Douglas County area will have seven representatives at the annual Region IX meeting of the National Rural Electric Coopera tive Association held in Sacramen to. Calif., Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Harold Backen, manager of Douglas Electric Cooperative, I plans lo be present. Board of di rectors members scheduled to at- . i , i. .1 K Vminer leilU III: scasiuin .s.. . . - T. of Roseburg. president; Norman I Comnton of Elklon: Neal Meyer of 5 Lookingglass: Neal Brown of Cam as Valley: Bruce Cunningham of Drain; and George Wilson of Oak land. About 400 rural electric coopera tive leaders from eight western states are expected to participate. Special emphasis will be placed on the contribution of rural elec tric cooperatives to the nation's defense and strength. The need for electric power supply, rural areas development and the use of the cooperative concept in foreign aid will be among the topics discussed during the three-day meeting. Roseburg Firm Bids Low On Forest Service Job the services will continue nightly i Apparent low bidder on remodel at 7;30 (except Monday) throuxh 1 ing of a warehouse for Lmpqua Bankruptcy Asked A Roseburg man and wife have filed for bankruptcy in C. S. Dis trict Court in Portland. They are Robert Calvin Scott, a painter, who lists debts totaling $2.6) 83. and Betti Louise Scott, a saleswoman, who lists debts of $2.79683. Both live at 1161 NW Kcasey Rd. Nov. 12. The Rev. Mr. Hess will speak "at both the 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. services on Sunday, as well. The Rev. Mr. llempel stated that the speaker has served the Church of the Nazarene as pastor, district National Forest, this week, was kj James V Stritzke, Box 126, Rose-' jti burg. Bid was $23,640 as reported by the U. S. Forest Service. Other bids received were 5,- superintendcnt and evangelist KB) by Todd Building Co.. and 5!i. since 1914. boo by Ben Ruckle. Both firms In 1936, Pasadena College con-1 are from Roseburg. ferred the honor of Doctor of Di vinity degree upon the Rev. Mr. Hess in recognition of his out standing work in the church. The public is invited to attend. T W I w 1 C Tiller Had Most October Rainfall ' I'ndoubtedly one nf the wettest ! places in Douclas County in Oct-; ober was Tiller. I Correspondent Mrs. Milton Ham mersly reports rainfall totaled 5.1 inches, and almost half of that fell in two days, last Thursday and Fndav. In 19M). October rainfall totaled 2 06 inches. The South Lmiiqua after Friday's rain had risen to 6.3 feet at Tiller. By midweek of this week, it bad dropped back to 2 2. Snow was also beginning to pile up in the higher elevations. A foot of snow was reported in the Buck eye Creek area and on the summit between the South l mpqua and Diamond Lake ranger districts. ROGER'S TUNE-UP SHOP 0pooit Vct'l Entronco Jyft 0f Harvortf Ave. 425 W. WKortoo St. O 2-4022 FAST SERVICE ON Automotive Ton Up Corporator it Of rotor Rebuilt Broke ft el into1 Lvencetie YOU CAN DEPEND ON US! Flegel Named To OTA State Sen. Al Flegel of Rose burg has been named r member of the Oregon Trucking Association's 12-man legislative committee. He was named by Robert Wilhelm, OTA president. by ROT 0. YOUNG "SERVE YOURSELF" work' fine when you're buying gro ceries and many other tilings.. hut there are oth er necessities that don't fall into the do-it-yourself cat egory. Take insur anee, for example Protection for your home and il - mul ate-4 over th 1 posvpsMoni, acru yearn .... securit) against heavy damaKcs from a serious automobile accident.... these art not things you can pick casually off the shelf. You need the -professional help ol an experienced, competent in surance counselor who ha your interests at heart who car advise you on cnverane to fi' our specific needs.... and wh Mill he there to stp into thi breech if trouble ri' strike Why not call us novt? ROY O. YOUNG & SON Our Oh Year. rt. J9I6 Pacific Bid. . OR 3 W71 A Oca ' El GUARDIAN COUNCIL TO MEET 1 1 I jj 3 The Guardian CouncU of Bethel Gil J (y CaA-eLe' W''' $ H 42 Job's Daughters will meet I I lJmmmmmJS!BijXtt.ti'd 11 r ywj.L v.i',4-.. w n 7ii i i i uiBir nine lafiRA. T.U-ULX r7ne 1 1 "'MiZr. rTi' TOP EQUALS BEAUTY TTFTIiraSr I P Lr FOR YEARS ifOjllil fciin?li '-i4tjL, " g i f Governor Carver choirs moke 11 I frii nfSF' FwimZISP&tX X bis dining group ust the fr" jfjijjr;'rf thing for Early Americon din. V AK Vi'f f1 Vrtai from ?4?.S0 to 95.00 El I. a T If r&- ' 6 i M 5 M BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ' PARK WITH EASE ELEGANT WOOD GRAIN TOP PLUS SIX PLASTIC COVERED CHAIRS. Table 36"x48" that tstends to 40" with wood groin plot tie top for easy clt-ontno. Soc formfit chain thot wipe off with o damp rag. You will enjoy this set for many years Table and Six Chairs Other Dinettes pri'.d from 9f.S0 to 2J.S UOGET TERMS AVAILA'll lHOME FURNlSHlNGb W . m' 1100 N. E. STEPHENS CR 3-5577