The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 02, 1961, Page 7, Image 7

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    Speed, Power To Highlight 6-A-2
Glide-Phoenix Football Title Clash
Wildcats Hope To Avenge UVL
Losses To Rogue Valley Champs
Speed versus power will be (ei-
lured when the Glide Wildcats
travel to Phoenix to clash with the
Pirates Friday for the District 6
A 2 championship.
Kickoff time at Phoenix is I p.m.
Each team has already won a
sub-district title the Wildcats win
ning the L'mpqua Valley League
and the Pirates copping the hon
ors In the Rogue Valley League.
Glide marched through the UVL
with a 5-0-1 record utilizing its ex
cessive speed. On the other hand,
Phoenix capitalized on power to
grab the RVL crown with a 60
... big-gun for 'Cots
mark. For the season the Wildcats
have a 7-0-1 record, with a tie
against Myrtle Creek being their
only blemish. The pirates are t i
for the year, with the single loss
being 14-0 setback at the hands
of the A 1 Ashland Grizzlies.
Top Mark
The 'Cats sport one of the top
defensive marks in the state. Glide
opponents have found the end zone
well protected as only two teams
have managed to break through
and score. In all, a total of 18
points have been scored against
the tough 'Cats in eight games
and 12 of these counters went to
the Myrtle Creek Vikings.
Both teams sport I lot of scoring
power with the number two and
number four point-makers in the
state set to meet. Mike Consbruck,
171 nound fullback, rates as the
number two star with a total of 93
mints for the Pirates.
Glide's quarterback, Doug Cop
lin, has racked up 89 points to
rink aa the number (our scorer in
A 2 competition.
Common Fees
Glide and Phoenix have had two
foes in common Illinois Valley
and Douglas. The local A 2 power
swept to 19-0 victories over both
schools, while Phoenix upended Il
linois Valley 46-0. then, last week
rolled over Douglas 53-0.
The Wildcats work from a T
formation on offense, compared to
the single-wing attack practiced by
Phoenix. Even though the Pirates
run from the single-wing, they con
centrate on ground power rather
than moving through the air. Glide
sports a well-balanced attack wiih
plenty of backfield speed for the
end runs, as well as fielding a
Harlem Clowns Set
For Action Friday
More fun than I barrel full of
That is the line used by a mid
western sports writer years ago
to describe the Harlem Clowns,
fabulous basketball wizards and
court comics.
The merry madcaps of the hard
wood will be here to entertain lo
cal fana Friday at 6 p.m. at the
Myrtle Creek gymnasium.
Now a national institution, the
Ilarlemiles gained their reputstmn
in 25 years of traveling around the
country playing a seven-game
week schedule five months out of
every yesr.
Clown Ball
They were originated by Al
Runt" Vullins, one of the great
names of comic basketball. It was
pullins who first tacked the name
of "Clown Ball" on this type of
Pullins was I member of the
original Harlem Globetrotters team
back in the late l20's. He broke
with Abe Saperstcm, Trotter boss
in 1934 and went on the road with
his now famous Clowns.
This is the 26th year for the
Clowns and during that time they
have played thousands of games tn
the USA, Canada, Mexico and Ha
waii. Man To Small
No town is too big nor too small
for the Harlem Clowns. They hive
played before thousands and also
One night, years ago in Monter
ey, Calif., the Harlem Clowns re
ceived $17.50 for their 60 per cent
lit nf the fate.
Talking about it afterwards.
Minauer Pullins laid: "The pro
moter forgot to advertise the
game but he did tell some of his
personal friends about it and they
showed up.
Western Hotkey league)
(Wednesday's Results)
Portland 7, Los Angeles 2
Vancouver S, Calgary a (over
time lie)
, - A;-
deadly pasin illicit with Coplin
Coaching the cluhs will he Oerry
Stick Icy fur Glide and Jack Wood
ward for Phoenix. Stickley is at
the helm for his first season after
graduating from Lewis and Clark.
Woodward is an old hand at play
offs as he is in his 12th season for
the Pirates.
Attampt Reverse
Glide will be attempting to re
turn the UVL to a position of pow
er on the gridiron. The Wildcats
will be out to avenge the losses suf
fered by Sutherlin for the past
two years in the District 6 A 2 play
offs and both years it has been
the Pirates that proved too strong
for Sutherlin.
Along with Coplin in the back-
neia ine wuacais wiu nave tiien
Kortuna and l.yle Charon working
from the halfback positions. Run
ning from fullback will be Mar
shall MrCormack. with Frank Wat
kins held in reserve. Coplin han
dles the passing, and a good share
of the running for the invaders.
Fortune and Charon add speed
and agility to the harkfield. while
,.',.,-..,. ,.L ,n,i u.,ik,n .r. ih
power boys of the attack. Darrell
Cellers adds depth for the Glide
In the line the wildcats wi
have Phil Thormin and Hon Pol-
ley, a pair of top receivers, at
the end slots Rob Bbkely may
draw the starting nod for right
end, and if he doesn't, will see
plenty of action as he relieves the
starters. ,
Forward Wall
Filling out the forward wall will
be tackles Dick Reese and Gary
, charging Glide lineman
Kennaday, guards Larry Hadwen
and Dirk Sherriff, and renter Jim
Defensive changes in the Wild-
car lineup will find John Wilver
ding, Wade Sumpter and Stan
young romining in.
The Pirate barkfield will have
Mike Consbruck at fullback, Jerry
Johnson at blocking back. Dave
Johnson at wing back and Gary
Colfax at tailback. Reserve pow
er for the backfield includes Jim
Consbruck, Dennis Grennen and
Ron Williams. Mike Consbruck is
the leading ground gainer with 1.-
109 yards for 122 carries, while
Colfax has completed nine out of
25 passes for the season for a total
of 180 yards.
Phoenix's line will find Greg Esp
and Jon Granny as ends. Rick Sey
niour and Rickey Rtchey at the
tackles slots, Harry Gay and Dave
Westfall at the guard gaps, and
Terry Hanson at center.
Fred Pycksen and Tun O' Mara
will replace Esp and Hanson la
the defensive unit.
u y':!. 'i
r-'&V y
ALL ARMS is whof Konsosj City Steers forword Bryce
Vonn (15) looks like as he goes for rebound during Steers
Son Francisco Saints action in San Francisco Wednesday
night. Actuolly, two of the orms belong to Soints forward
Ken Seors, behind Vann. Watching is Soints center John
Berbench (34). (UPI Telcptxjto)
8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg,
Roseburg's Bill White Tops
Portland St Score Record
Portland State's speedy halfback.' feat two weeks ago against OCS.
Bill "Bye Bye" White, who has I Saturday. Smithwirk used the lor-
already broken the Viking's all-
lime season scoring record, lacks
only five yards of breaking the all-
. - - . rr
j "".. ,u5""' , u .
yards set by Chuck Withers in
White racked up 189 yards in
PSC's win over Eastern Oregon
Saturday to push his season's rush
ing total to 52 yards. He also
added one TD on a 55-yard run to
his scoring record to bring the
loiai 10 M pomis. l ne lormer rer-
' "i l 45 points was set by Dale
Stewart in 1M. The Roseburg
speedster was ranked 18th in the
nation in small college scoring by
iasi weex
White's rushing record looks
even more impressive than With
ers', since White has 552 yards in
91) carries to Withers' 556 yards in
133 attempts.
Another Racord
Another record is within ranee
for quarterback Bob Grant. He
has a chance at the PSC all-time
season passing yardage mark of
631, set by Harvey Neffendorf in
1956. Grant now has 514 yards and
has tied the six TD pass record
also set by Neffendorf in 1956.
He is currently passing at a .424
clip, having completed 45 of 106
Coach Hugh Smithwick appar
ently solved a place-kicking prob
lem that spelled the difference for
the Viks in the narrow 26-24 de-
Oregon St ate Gridders Ready
For Homecoming Game With WSU
Corvallis Well-rested and ambi
tions restored, Oregon Stale's var
sity gridders resuumed workouts
this week for their big homecom
inn clash here Saturday against
the always-dangerous Cougars of
Washington State.
Coach Tommy Prothio gave his
charges plenty of rest last week,
prior to their open date on Satur
day. They were off on Monday.
Saturday and Sunday, put worked
hard other days of last week.
Assistant Coach Bob Gambold.
who scouted the Cougars as they
dropped a 21-19 hearthreaker to
San Jose State last weekend, came 1
away convinced that WSU Is just ;
the tvpe of team that can cause
OSU "the most trouble. It boils
down to one word passing!
On Of Bast
The Cougars have one of the
best aerial games in America,
guarberbark Mel Melin led the na
tion last year and ir. right up near
the top again, while Hugh Camp
bell is the best receiver in college
football history. Oregon Stale's
pass defense has been weak.
Prothro s club is sure to cause
I the Cougars some defensive wor-
' ries. however. Looking better each
week has been I.eroy Whittle, fleet
left halfback who was injured
I earlier in the season. He'll start
I again Saturday, with tricky Don
Ore. Thur., Nov. 2, 1961
mer Roseburg High combination of
White holding and Jerry llumph-
reys kicking. Humphreys put three
, ,,. ....... ..kt.
! . .. 8
The Vikings now have a 2-4 rec
ord and finished third in the Ore
gon Collegiate Conference with a
, . , record breaker at PSC
22 record. They face powerful,
undefeated Linfield on Nov. 11 and
a strong Western Washington team
during homecoming on Nov. 18.
Kasso at split end.
Trainer Bill Robertson wasn't
sure Monday as to which OSU
cripples definitely would return for
Washington State, but there was
hope that most of them would be
ready ror at least part-time serv
ice. Most doubtful appeared to be
Jim Funston, reserve left tackle
who understudies Mike Kline. Rog
er Johnson is a possibility to see
action at left end.
Top Football
The Cougars traditionally play
top football against Orecon State
land the Beavers catch them just
a week after
i frustrating loss.
Pullman. Oregon
Lnt year at
State overcame an early Cougar
lead to roar bark with an impres
sive 20-10 victory. In each of the
two previous seasons, however.
WSU blanked OSU, by scores of
is u ana id.
Kansas Team Still
Top Small College
Cnbeaten and united Pittshuro
(Kan.) Slate. 40-0 victor over
Washburn last week, retained its
!o. 1 rating in The Associated
Press' weekly small colleue foot.
ball poll.
The Gorillas, who have out.
scored their opponents 2.10 to in
winning 7 straight games, drew 6
of the 8 first-place ballots and 71
of a possible 80 points.
Baldwin Wallace won its fifth
straight last week and advanced
from third to second.
Hofstra. Northwest Louisiana
and West Chester ( Pa ) dropped
out of the top len and were re
placed by Florida AAM (No, 7.
.Mississippi houtbern (No. 81 and
Lamar Tech and Linfieki. (Ore i
tied for loth.
The top len (points figured on
a basis of 10-9 8-7 6-5-4-3 2 1 from
first through tenth places (first
place votes in parentheses):
. Toints
1. Pittsburgh (Kan ) (6)
2. Baldwin Wallace
3. S V.. liiuaisna
4. Northern Michigan
i. Whittier
. Fresno State
7. Florida AAM
8. Mississippi Southern
l.enoir Rhvne
10. (Tie) I.amar Tech (1)
10. (Tie) Linfield (1)
Pre Basketball
Wednesday Rttults
Detroit 111. New York 5
Los Angeles Uii, Cincinnati 113
San Krancisco loo. Kansas City
?'v "' J?
Thursday Gimti
No games scheduled
Chicago at Washington
Friday Gamas
Boston at Philadelphia
M. 1-otiis at Syracuse
New York at Chicaso
Cincinnati at los Angeles
Kansas City at San Franrisre
Don Hogedorn ond Bill Gould topped the "guesspertf." lost week with identical 21-7 records. The high round pro
1 tected Hogedorn's hold on top spot, while Gould moved to within one game of second place Niel Cellers. This week the
! experts will get to try their crystal balls on the prep cross-town rivalries in District 5-A-l, the District 6-A-2 ployott j
I ond manv top collegiate battles.
! Visitors Home
C. Grove Roseburg
Thurston Springfield
No. Eugene So. Eugene I So.
I No. Bend Morshfield
Glide Phoenix I Phoenix I Glide Glide I Phoenix I Phoenix I Phoenix
i ' ' I I I I I I I
Powers Yoncalla I Yoncolla I Yoncollo I Yoncollo ! Yoncollo I Yoncollo I Yoncollo I
I C Valley Butte Falls I Camas Volley I Camas Volley I Comas Volley I Co mos Volley I Comas Volley Comos Voiles) I
fMcKenzie Droin I D roin I Drain I Drain I Drain I Drain I Droin J
Gront Jefferson jGront I Gront I Jefferson Jefferson L?r?"t Jefferson I
lGronds Pass Medford I Medford Grants Pass Grants Pass Grants Poss I Medford I Medford
rWoshingtonSTOSU fCSU I CSU CSU I CSU I Wash. St. OSU
TOregon Stanford Oregon Stanford Oregon Stanford Oregon Oregon
7socEoc fsoc Tsoc soc scc sqc isoc
Linfield Pacific Linfield I Linfield I Linfield I Linfield Linfield Linfield
TCofifornio UCLA UCLA California California UCLA UCLA UCLA
fCOP Idoho I Idoho IJdoho I COP I COP COP I COP
Arizona St. Son Jose St Arizono St. Son Jose St. I Arizona St. I Arizona1 St. Arizono St. I Arizono St. ,
USC Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington USC Washington y
I Mississippi LSU Mississippi Mississippi I Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi
Texas SMU I Texas (Texas I Texas I Texas Texas I Texas .
I Iowa Ohio St. Ohio St. fOhio St. I Iowa Ohio St. 1 Ohio St. Ohio St.
Michigan St. Minnesota Michigan St. Michigan St. Michigan St. Michigan St Michigan St. Michigan St.,.
lDuke Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan -
Detroit Army Army Army Army Army Detroit Army
Navy Notre Dome Notre Dome Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame I Notre Dame Notre Dome
Sports Calendar
Cottage Grove Lions vs. Rose
burg Indians, 8 p.m., Finlay Field,
District 5-A-l
North Bend Bulldogs vs. Marsh
field Pirates, 8 p.m.. Coos Bay.
Thurston Colts vs. Springfield
Millers, 8 p.m., Springfield.
North Eugene Highlanders vs.
South Euscne Axemen, 8 p ro.,
Civic Stadium. Eugene.
District 4-A-2
Glide Wildcats vs. Phoenix Pi
rales, 8 p.m., for championship.
Southern Orogon l-Man
Camas Valley Hornets vs. Butte
Falls Loggers, 1:30 p.m., Butte
Emoraid Laagu
McKenzie Eagles vs. Drain War
riors, 8 p.m.. Drain.
1 Powers Cruisers vs. Yoncalla
Eagles, 2 p.m., Sutherlin.
Mvrtle Cree'.c Vikings vs. Doug
las Trojans, practice game with
out seniors, 7 p.m., Douglas.
Roseburg Jayvees vs. Spring
field Jayvees, 1 p.m., Springfield.
Riddle's Fisher
Tops A-2 Scorers
Don Fisher, flashy halfback for
the Riddle Irish, rates as the num
ber one scorer in the state in
the A-2 ranks.
Fisher's 132 points for the 1961
season puts him well out in front
of second place Mike Consbruck
of Phoenix. Consbruck scored 93
points during the regular season,
and if he catches Fisher will have
to do it in olavoff games as the
Pirates continue on this week to
battle the Glide Wildcats for the
District 6-A-2 crown, while the
Irish are through for the season
. leading the Irish to their second
place finish in the L'mpqua Valley
league. Fisher was the first play
er in any classification to break
the century mark when he soared
to 112 points two weeks ago. Fisher
closed out the season with a 20-
point splurge against Glendale last
' , ..!. t... V tnlal
weesena i cuu wim nw j-
Also ranking well up in the top
A-2 scorers is Doug Coplin of
Glide. Coplin's 89 poinLs puts him
fourth behind Fisher. Consbruck
and Sieve Geren of Eagle Point
Los Angeles lakers
May Cop West NBA Title
The way the Los Angeles Lak
ers are going they may very well
win the Western Division cham
pionship of the National Basket
ball Asociation this year
With Klitin Bjylor and Jerry
West combining for a total of 71
points the Lakers won their fifth
straight Wednesday night. 120-115
over Cincinnati. In the other NBA
game of the night the Detroit
Pistons won their first game of
the season. 111-95 over New York.
I Baylor threw in 15 field goals
and U free throws for his 41
J points. He now has 139 points in
seven games, second only to Wilt
. Chamherlin's league - leading to
tal of Z'6.
Detroit ended its 4 game losing
streak by pulling away from New
York in the third quarter on sue-
' cessive baskets by Cene Shoe.
Don Ohl and Bailey Howell. This
gave the Pistons a 75 63 lead and
the Knicks never threatened
ff ymt elk, beef ex pex-k e
Locker & Storage
PkMit OR 1-4115
1)1 S. t. $.kM St.
Don Hogedorn
' 136-36 4
I Roseburg
I Springfield
Don Hill
114 58 4
I Roseburg
i Springfield I
No. Eugene I
Morshfield i Morshfield I
Roseburg quarterback Paul
Brothers was named the Asso
ciated Press Player of the Week
in Oregon high school football,
giving Roseburg the week's two
top honors.
The Indians earlier were ranked
as the best team in the state by
a poll of Associated Press sports
writers and broadcasters.
Brothers scored three touch
downs last weekend and prevent
ed a South Eugene score with
his sharp defensive play. Rose
burg sewed up a state playotf
berth by rolling to a 26 0 victory.
Brothers scored on a 40-yard
punt return, and runs of 19 and
10 yards.
3 New Rules Of Conduct Set
For College Cage Mentors
NEW YORK fAP) Three new
rules and a code of conduct for
coaches will be in effect when the
college basketball seasons opens
next month.-
The changes were recommend
ed by the National Association of
Basketball Coaches and adopted
by the National Basketball Com
mittee of the U.S. and Canada last
Trwy will:
1. Eliminate free throws when
a foul is called against a player
on clfense and in control nf the
ball. The touted team will be
given possession of the ball out of
bounds as is now done in the pro
Offering you the fastest
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George Castillo Jerry Cornell
112 60-4 1 17 55-4
I Roseburg IRoseburg
No. Eugene
So. Eugene
North Bend i Morshfield
Is Top
Others nominated for the honor
Brian Carter, Albany fullback,
who gained 153 yards and scored
twice in an 18-13 victory over
Sweet Home to break a four
game Albany losing streak.
North Salem quarterback Dar
rell Elfeldt, who completed 12 of
18 passes for 185 yards and three
touchdowns in a 27-6 victory over
Quarterback Kent Hunsaker of
Klamath Falls, who scored three
touchdowns and passed for an
other as the Pelicans trounced
Crater of Central Point, 58-7.
Teammate Dave Stippich also
scored three times, on an 82
yard punt return, a 41-yard pass
fessional leagues.
2. Stop the clock after every
violation in order to give coaches
greater opportunity to make sub
stitutions. 3. Create neutral and buffer
zone .along the free throw lane to
separate the first and second
players by a foot when they line
up for free throws. The rule
makers felt this would tend to
lessen shoving.
Under the new conduct act,
officials are instructed to penalize
coaches or players on the bench
who persist in' stomping, throwing
towels or committing other acts
considered unsportsmanlike.
service, the most modem
wards new tiro service centers ere designed for product ion
line) efficiency and speed. Factory trained wrvic mm equip
ped with tha lot est installation tools assure fast, depot) dabla tor-ict.
Bill Gould
I 129-43-4
Niel Cellers
I 130-42-4
) Springfield I Springfield
"TNoTEugene I No. Eugene j.
North Bend Morshfield
play, and another fullback who
was mentioned who was an earlier
player of the week, John Ripper
of North Bend. Ripper crossed the
Thurston goal line three times.
once on a 72-yard run.
John Buller, McMinnville full
back, earned mention by running
up 113 yards and accounting for
three touchdowns in a 26-20 vic
tory over Dallas.
South Stephens Market 74 I
RouDurg Lumbar 2? 19
McKay Motors 12
Dudt's Gun Shop 17 IS
Ttam 4 IS l?
Roseburg Lanes 14 11
Ricketts 11 ?l
Elbow Room 5 11
Results: McKay Motors 0. So. Stephens
Market 4; Dude's Gun Shop 4 Team Four Ot
Rickctt's Music 3. Roseburg Lane Ij Elbow
Room 0, Roseburg Lumber 4
High Series: Mary Redding VM IM1 2 PI
Roseburg Lumber.
High Garnet Mary Redding 71 J.
Other High Scores: Joyce Ferrarelll 177,
Iris Linemen 1 77, Bee Howard 174 Hazel
Chamberlain Tina Withers 171, Meryl
Hess 173-193, Flora Waechter 111, Dee Jen
nings 176, Clare Ruhlin 14, Lue Huise l
Phyllis Wolf 210-172.
W L Pis.
Dougtet Vee 14 1 11
Four Lads 14 7 17
Pi's t 17 13
Bearcats 17 13
Gangsters t'j II Mi 12't
Straight Shooters V 13' i 10 t
Results: Pi's 0, Douglas Vees 4; Straignt
Shooters Of Gangsters 4; Bearcats I. Four
Lads 3.
High Series: Dean Llndermen 190-110-17
546, Gangsters.
Hiqh Game: Dean Llndermen 10.
Other High Scores; Bill Johnson 112, John
Hastings 112.
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