University cf Oregon Library Eugene, Oregon OOiiP n a m Alay Resort To Atmosphere Testing iiiennedy Says U.S sH " !? v4b -V' T -. J5crr; CK. Wi tfL FORCE OF THE BLOW of hurricane Hattie on Belize, British Honduras, is shown by this aerial photo taken today. The hurricane partially destroyed the Caribbean coastal town, killing more than 100 persons and injuring many more. (UPI Telephoto) Belize Counts More Than 100 Dead, Many Homeless In Wake Of Hallie BELIZE. British Honduras (AP) Rescue workers counted more than luo dead and thousands homeless today in shattered Cen- irai American coasiai towns rav- aiied bv Hurricane Hattie. The death toll was expected to rise 20 on Turneffe Cay, and 14 on higher. Caulker Cay, islands off the Brit- Harassed officials so far were ish Honduras Coast, unable to estimate the number in- The Guatemalan government re jured by the hurricane which (ported five killed in the jungle roared across this British colon-! orovince of Peten which borders lai capital eany lucsaay wun aai waves ana wuios up m tuv . miT. .n hr malted! of the Buildings Distroytd Hattie destroyed or da an estimated 75 per cent New Finland Pressure Reflects Tougher Kremlin Foreign Policy ti .nic ,.n ti r-..,t; pressure on Finland and Scandi navia reflects the results of the 22nd Soviet Communist party con gress in which the Red leadership, havine destroyed the Stalin leg end, turns more and more to -i"" Ism on the world front and turn ing away from it domestically indicates that the Kremlin, having backed off from the perilous Ber lin crisis, intends to keep the world political pot boiling. This Taises new Etorm signals for the West. While the Kremlin can be ex pected to grab whatever it can from "mulual defense" talks with Finland, the West now will be obliged' to stav alert to the pos-: pose-to deflect world attention 1 we can lor lne Pe0Ple. "c sibilitv that the new Soviet thrust from the internal convulsions of .explained. is at least two-pronged. (communism and provide time to There is a distinct possibility I bring the Red Chinese to heel. M I p -i n that the pressure on Finland and . Peiping seems to have little , lYlOSietTIS DUry I tlB UGOu Scandin. ia also is a diversion in, choice, in the long run. but to go, mi. Al-'-,,. preparation for a move elsewhere. ! along with Moscow s leadership, I All Br AIQiefS KIOTinQ r . hnu-nv.r unna I atatila it mir.1.1 ha I Rayburn Losing Weight, Gets Blood Transfusion 'in nrenare for oniek shifla of . i 7 j . oeiier coordination III planning BONHA.M. Tex. (AP) - House , MiiTnThe iMobircold war lUon!ihst demonstrations. recreation needs. Shaker Sam Rayburn, back in, p," Vcame f necessary to back At least 86 Moslems were killed i He said the Highway Commis Bonham to spend his last da.vsnf from Berin because the soark and 144 injur,d. official accounis I sion is the state agency with the anion ii friends and neighbors, isi ii,j m j.k:,.i . said. Four French soldiers were I budget responsibility for road and down to 130 pounds from his mal weight of 1,6. The Texas Democrat, "9. is suf- fenng from incurable cancer. i u Dr. Joe Risser. kayburn s phy , riliy KOSeDUrg tlOmeS sician, said Rayburn was given1 f, . , a blood transfusion Wednesday I rlFG InSDeCtlOn because his blood count had dropped gradually. Fifty homes in Roscburg receiv- "Cancer patients have a tenaci- ed inspections from members of ty for lile. They live three times the Roseburg Fire Department as long as people think," Dr. R is- j Wednesday in the first day of the ser told newsmen. He added that department's home inspection pro Rayburn "is from hearty, pioneer gram. stock he doesn't quit." One tmck from the main fire "Death could be weeks to months away. He could die to- morrow, but that is not likely,"; Dr. Risser said. i t. 1 ... i,.AnM A n Risser's 15 - bed hospital Tuesday from Bavlor I niversity Medical Center in Dallas. U. S, May Conduct Tests WASHINGTON (AP) The un- When preliminary field r.-'who is one of the Congress mem-naying the Initcd Slates does not money policies on Britain in an der-round test caverns in Nevada search mmht start or whether it hers urging resumption of L'. S 'have a neutron bomb. effort to stem inflation and an in- k. it if, .h- f,ri in had begun was a tightly held testing in the atmosphere, said1 "If we resumed atomic testing creasingly adverse balance of in may be the site lor ,,"t J"' . gm-ernment aecret. 1 Wednesday the I nited State, tomorrow." he was quo,ed ,ternational payments. 1 V iinn r!imhnmetime, ' But ,ne thr,,ry of n "Mmb" must press "every possible effort , "there are six or seven weapons The new cut in the bank rate of a ncuirun no mi .11 int. .cmed lo 8uoKest that the first to convert the neutron bomb from 1 we have to test, and the neutron was believed due partly to a feel- re, errCQ IO S a otam "death ray' bomb which would kill without leaving wide destruction. The Weather AIRPORT RECORDS rtrny iiwwi " -ii-..-.. ...... . l.i- ti riMuk iM.nki .i a man wt v. -'-i .-...w. Law tooioht 34. ...... ....ui. ra llQnflt limp, li - nwin w . ... . k. tm ... icci 7i nianvsr Twmp. any . Lewftt tamp, any Nov. ISS) Prtcp. last 34 hours PrKip. from Nov. I . Procip. from Sept. 1 . Eicon from Sept. I . Sunset oniot, 5 04 p.m. Sum-iso tomorrow, 4. SI a m. .01 .15 5.01 Jt 'buildings in Belize, a sea-level port of 31.000 which had little or no seawall protection Ihe death list mciuaea w ai Belize; at siancreeK, uie mu- ish colony's second biggest town; u-,isriusn iionouras. nnouier ueaui was reporieo on nuuuuias iiuiui- m at The hurricane broke apart against the mountains of British Honduras and water began to re-, -.l . i i,t .-. ii,, i i be the target. These moves are going to take time. The Soviet Communist party is going to have to digest the S7 LrVT ..... K."i sensational developments of the tnernatflelSld'aT co .nu mufiitM, Uicjr HU ""UIIU wnrio Lammmusi inovemeni. The congress resulted in a pub lic airing of the crimes of the Stalin era. ti. -i.j ii,.:nlies began. A tank truck toured spectacle of a battle within the'Bcllze' distributing chlorinated I world Communist camp, with Rcd ,waler' the only safe suPP'y in the, fhina arraveH nn Iho ti.lo nf tinv . and defiant Albania anainst the Soviet colossus Thus the thrust toward Scandi-1"'?, navia can have yet another pur- It is noteworthy that in the pro gram adopted by the 22nd con Dy tue Z.-nd con - .iv... at. a.i..c .. truue..... article frequently k.. t... i-t.,.k.u. . j nu.u.v. ,c. himself warns world communism nor-;.nre and Kremlin was not 'prepared to fan it into flame station with four firemen works in move out of six primary schools the east side of Roseburg. Anotherjor be forcibly evicted, truck from the Westside station The refugees moved into the I with two men checks home in its 1 . t.. Home inspections provide a vi- tal part of the department s fire prevention program. .. . , . , ;the nuclear reaction would be- have in a test as has been ! worked out by slide rule, com- pnters and projection of nuclear phics facts. The theory is that a harnessed nuclear detonation can be made in piuiiuic a uini ui u.iruc iaui- u.. i.. ..i. a a auoii oj iunn ai-cii. uerp-prur- ,ra..n leil.l n,imn. ,ihnt .k. . .kL. 111-41111 .ut iiiiiiiuirj. nefl,. k. .. ...,i . . ...... ........ 15 bomb.. ia,i iiiliuii of present nuclear Such neutrons, various experts have suggested, could penetrate ieel and several feet of concrete, Similar speculation has come (mm Smiet scientists Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D Conn , cede from Belize Tuesday after- noon: With the recession came the iirst Hurries oi reuei suuDiies ana n i: . nrsi accounis oi me vioiem siorm ; which luiauy siaiiuueu asuoic a"-i er louowing n eanuermg course : - across the Caribbean. cmergMKy ut c arta Gov. Sir Colin Thornlcy de- clared a state of emergency and i placed the colony under martial j i unit; uiurc up muus iuvhuik muics aou inun tu pcisvua. ju the vansuaril of the lnoler were some of the 200 prisoners re-! leased from the city jail as the hurricane approached. 1 The towering seas that broke over the city destroyed the on. "e n" mc urac.ra u,e "" various forms. Twenty-foot waves rolled into ' al'Kned countries were less con- In New Yorlt ,onle jj women the ground floor of Government, cerned over the Soviet test bomb hed soparate demonstrations out House, the governor's residence ' explosions than over 'the terrible slde lne Sovict ijmoni, dfle. and official headouarters. and danger of the rocket and nucleari a.i hniMin. .nrf th. it washed away all records. lie r.Mi'iib ul me tuaasier uneiwiieiiiieu uur esuiuaies uiu if ot ly greater number of casualties advance arrangements had not been made," Thornlcy said. broad- The British Jioniluras casung system began relaying .i,, t;om: tl-U U..... I the storm was in the area.' Food Kitchens Set Up Food kitchens were set ud and1 the distribution of medical sup-1 Cliy. Thornley said it was impossible '" 'ar ,0 determine the extent of hurricane's physical damage ' R'8ht now we are busy doing all ALGIERS fAP) Moslems be- gan burying their dead today and r r rnrn sill niiril IP n aiM CPIMI. . French authorities relaxed secu - . . . - : ,ry measures alter wennesaay s ue adli ; . mu,t D. enthusiast,!- and often . violent na.L.". a -"!".:'"'.. '" " m...:! klll1d and 16 wounded. Thousands of Moslems, waving rebel flags and banners, surged into the streets of many cities and towns to answer the -exile government's call for a show of support on the seventh anniver sary of the Algerian rebellion. Refugees Cet Ultimatum TAIPEI. Formosa (AP) The Taipei city government has given 723 typhoon victims two weeks to school after Typhoon Pamela de- jstroyed their homes Sept. 12. They have refused all pleas ,o:cnlldren' Goldie' 4' DonnI Kay- 5' hedge from the 28 classrooms : and Roy Wayne, 2, also perished they are occupying. On 'Death Ray' Bomb rnnrnnl tr. nr... tiral reality." Dodd said work on the project had gone a, far as it could go without testing when the moralo- rium on tests began in late 19"Jt He added in a statement: "The neutron bomb would not onlv be a lar moic viici-u.e uaiiieiieui - weapon uiaii any miw aaiiau,e , . J nmv,,i. . .h ik. .1. iihi-l ru.i.iic .1111 niii.iic tci- 1 1 ii..i.n.. .. 1. k, caoatie of Dnxtucing. ! Sen. Clinton P. Anderson. D N M , chairman of the Senate House Atomic Em-ray Committee, who a!-o has called for rejump Hon of atmospheric tots. wa quoted hv the American Kroad- casting Co. Wednesday night as Otoe Established 1S73 24 Paget Reds Reject Nuclear Test Moratorium t'MTED NATIONS. NY. (AP) The Soviet I nion today rejected dressing Douglas County school Salem, deputy superintendent of, include a lower diwsion college. I spread radioactive fallout, would any new I N. moratorium on nu- leaders at a Roseburg banquet public instruction, and Thomas Rig- adult education program and tech- be resorted to onlv if determined clear bomb testing as unfeasible; meeting Wednesday night, outlined by, Eugene, executive secretary of meal skills training. ; necessary to maintain I S. re in practice and fundamentally in- state level proposals on expand-the Oregon School Board Assoct-j Gilbert Weaver Douglas Coun'v -Ponsiluhlics in the world. Ken correct as an approach to ending ing the community college pro-jation. A total 162 people attended. , School Board Association president i110(l' Siml- such tests. gram, tightening state require- Many Attend and a member of the Uvrile Creek l:fn Slll'h situation is In a slashing speech before the General Assembly's main politi-1 establishing an "intermediate of cal committee. Soviet Delegate fice" for county school systems. Semyon K. Tsarapkin charged Speakers for the event in Joseph time after time that the L'nited Lane Junior High School were Dr. States and the other Western pow-;Leon P., .Minear, Salem, state su ers were trying to drag the world perintendent of public instruction; into a devastating nuclear war. I Cecil Posey, Portland, executive "The threat of war can't be! exorcised by resolutions," he de clared. "It can only be removed by deeds by one deed general and complete disarmament." The United States already had 5 rejected the proposed moratori urn, sponsored by India and fiv other countries, but on wholly dif- ferent grounds. I .S. Delegate Ar . " .. . ... " t thur nan cairi fh m ri sitatna couid not accept an uncontrolled moratorium because there was, 1 n0 assurance that it would not be .;nitn tUm cn.;Ai resumed testing in violation of the 19M mora,oriunl. iu,..i;l. num. ju.. ...t .UI. Tsarapkm refcrrcd ,0 the West- such terms as -waI-iii4e maniacs .. . llroiff . ho nat ln urt!inK 1 ' D,n lrcal Ves,'rn propagandists were do- the White House, and got assur- 'n.thc!r "rtJ' work ,0 "ck !,aiice from the Soviet Embassy 5, Inion from completing its tnat Ule relay , Moscow woud defense,s whlle the ttesl Pre-be carried out. pris-iParcs ... , . .. iwar which looms over us in all. .-. .-. Mark Calls Road, ' Recreation Meet r. . , t- r t for Nov. 20 to discuss the state's highway construction program and explore outdoor recreation needs. It will be attended by federal, state and county officials; farm and labor leaders, and representa- uiea Ml business and outdoor groups. The governor has been concern- business, farm, residential and industrial Drooerties to make way for highway building. Hatfield said everybody wants I mii'.-n'lJTJ'leeTn. inland I-EOPOLDVILLE. the Congo must aso consider the impact of. .... . ' . . , j such improvements on high yield (AP) w0en; J"Ph M'butu de i.i. a clared today troops of the central property, including future busi- ness and industrial sites. "The probable tax loss to local ,,,;.,,.. j. , 'imnr,an, r .... .. t , .. h. caiH lacior, ne sain outdoor recreation planning, but added that its work must be co- . ordlnated "'her government ! Wies "d "h private organ- Five Persons Are Dead In Klamath Falls Fire KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. (API- Fire swept through a mill work er's home today and firemen ci a Home luMd.v aim meiiicD ;feared lve were kllled. I T. , , .... ,. . of Roy Clary some time after he nad returned at 3 a m. trom work at a hardwood plant. Firemen feared his wife Elvina and their i inside. i. no nf th.m" The first thing to be done in ) any development of an N bomb would be to find out the actual inten-ity of neutron radiation, its duration and other charactens tics. For such preliminary re search, atmoiohencal testing ore suinaoiv wuuia noi oe neceksary. ..... ."l ,..n.. mil me carriuiiy coniroiie'i. ,i, .nia.n.rf .J .n ....,. a .... ..,j uiioui ki ouiiu ii-sv tuuin .iti'i a . ,.. inese conditions, ot course. 1 ... . 1 . ' would not lie a full step toward "weapon effects" testing That 1 would follow in an a,r burst well auay -from inhabited areas under conditions approximating its ue asainst troops, tanks and lortilications. m$-Mmw ROSEBURG, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1961 Community College Program Plans Told By Dr. Minear , would never lot in the atmos Alio Sm Pago 1 (secretary of the Oregon Education, 72 two-year colleges. He said tin- pliere for political reasons. Oregon slate school officials, ad. Association: Jamm I.. Turnliull Ivtm-al Iilii.i .:. institution Elmnl,l At ,tm.iili..-0 i a t ..k;..t- ments on teacher certification and Reds, U.S. Get Plea For Peace WASHINGTON (AP A mass pa fnr iwaro ham Kaaon t a ia-1 ha. ... . , . . . . . T Dies ldT neare nil TWfn lam n. . i. .. ----- fore the Kremlin and the White iinuse bv thousand"! nf Ampriran .. .i,. Tuj women wno hplrf ilpmnnilrilinnc i ' Jl A . ' , , The women, holding marches and other rallies Wednesday un der the label of a "strike for ,hrn.',h ,h. Kirst ,.;., , ,u, They made their own delivery at,ru "refu" ,"0"u Over the nation the rallies took Atomic Energy Commission op lerations oifice. Movie actress . Sm oi provming nigner eauca 1 Carroll Baker carried a sign, I'M xlsl technical skill train Uoa.iLn whiiHi.ii n.rt milt ling. He said the state must ex- L..v.i,,,m h..i "End the arms race not the human .race." waa, the theme placards - earned rome 2,000 wno marcnea in uo juigeie. In Cleveland. Ohio, Mrs. Cyrus Eaton, wife of the industrialist who has met freouentlv with So- vjet Premier Khrushchev, was among 90 who gathered in the public square carrying signs and passing out pamphlets opposing nuclear tests. In Chicago some 400 marched downtown and another 600 met in suburban Winnetka. Mnbutll MOVCS St6adifv I '"uvlv disuuiij ntn f pntrfll Kntflnfld j l,onK "tnl "'". along a wide front more than 35 m"-5 m' m a'nK rruvincenf the car whlrh carried Mrs. la in a general effensive to end; i the long-standing secession pro- claimed by Katanga President Moise Tshombe. Occupying villages and mission stations as they march, Mobutu said, his troops have been joy ously received by the north Ka tanga population. The beaming army commander in chief told newsmen flags of the central government are being planted all along the march from Kasai Province into northwestern Katanga. "The missionaries and villagers are rushing out to greet us, giv ing our troops food and candy," he said. fc RftfiL Qf EllO fond CUtS i.iijjimiim .wi 1 ItlterCSt RateS Ofl LOCHS LONDON (AP) - The Bank of England rate, which determines he pattern for interest on loans in the sterling bloc, was cut to- day by half a point from 61 to 6 per cent. The rate had been reduced from 1 per rent on Oct. 5. It was raised from 5 per cent in July when Selwyn Lloyd, chancellor of the exchequer, imposed stringent ,n0 of nliliPatmn In th 1'niterl States to end the flow of Ameri- can gold to this country where it has taken advantage of the high interest rate on short term loans. More Deaths Counted nc-r-rrr D-.-il in. n i llr.Llrr-, Drszil lArl Branl' . ...ihnrii... u-.,l.... .. l,n airline authorities Wednesday night revised the number of iv".nd .".Vs 'Tf1 , .iZA rle..t?L 01 . ,l- . l oeams in ine nere weoneso . - , , ... " l"" "" lrisneo. A company spokesman earlier By friday, he said, It may carry reported 48 dead and said only 81 . southward over western Canada. persons were aboard. "There ia a chance it might The four engine DC7. en roule'brush some of the northwestern from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, states late tomorrow," last add - smashed into a hill and burned, ed. inciuueu were scnooi ooaru. School Board, presided at the meet-i """ u ,u aiu, icsis m members, school administrators. Iing Arthur W Lamka chairman' atmosphere would be under PTA, farm groups and civic and o( tne host Ros'eburg School Board, I ti,kcn ,onl'.." ,h.c d!"';r(',e ni'c service organizations from through-1 save an address of welcome and i "Jry orderly development out the county. ; Dr. Minear said the state De-, parimcm oi tuucauon is -moving slowly and cautiously" toward the. community college but with a real-1 uunuu uni cuucKe laeuiue.i oe expanaea to provide instruction for the enormous loads of students which are seeking college educa tion. He said the college facility pro gram is complicated by the fact that there is a "big rush coming iif U'ni-IH U'ai 11 rhiUrAn aim ur. now. "hmg college age. .- - Students $ay Home Minear explained that the goal of the junior college program is to carry Oregon public education through the 14th year. One of its important benefits is that it keeps students at home where they can more readily find employment and finance their own college careers. mfn,1 ProKrs. .'. 'n'P I "ho' Plant facilities in the ; decade. . "Now the idea is spreading i"ihir0).!.1i past inu that we need to get additional use out "c sal- ",5ses ,he paratroop of these school buildings after they "s ''re1 aho"t one-third those of closo each day about 3 p.m.," saidllne reueis. the educator. Technical Training Nedad But the speaker said he believes the state'a biggest gap in its pro- oand technical vocation education I ' proviae iraimng ior me siuueiu, of:woo pians on mamng m . """ dooks. ... Minear noted that California hasjunBia and rubber growing area ; that atretchea ia an arc north of Hunt For School Teachers Fails YAKIMA fAP) A slow, con centrated search of the west side of White Pass was made Thurs day by officers hunting two miss ing school teachers trom tast Wenatchee. The Slate Patrol had officers walking along sections of the highway while other officers trailed them in cars. Those on foot were scanning rugged slopes be- i low the highway with binoculars , 5ee lney couy jmd any trace sowers 48. and Miss Marian De B,r 47 Thev left for Loncview : issi Friday. A cafe operator at packwood, west of the pass, said Wednesday she recalled serving dinner to the missing women Friday night. But a state patrolman said the cafe operator may have been mis- supervisor for Doualos County, i, and another check of the Wjb, 43, or would be made. He said the . , . ,r ' , taken, pass sides of the highway from Pack wood west had been searched, and nothing was found. "It would be pretty difficult for a car to go over the bank on that part of the road (west of Pack wood) and not leave any indica tion," said Sgt. II. Cusic of Cheha- lis. Mrs. Irvin Kuhnhausen, co-owner of the Packwood Club Cafe, said she clearly recalled serving the missing women about 8:30 p.m. Friday. A service station attendant in Yakima said earlier he put snow tires on Miss DeBoer'i 1951 green Studebaker, and the women asked , Presfdent Harry S. Truman ac- forth the grratnesi of America lo directions of White Pass. ciued the Eisenhower administra-l meet tbe challenge! of today. W. Dale DeBoer, brother of the lion today of having held America jThey were too timid, he said, or missing woman, and personnel of back by "wrong and unwise poli-ithey "did not understand how to various state agencies checked 'cies at the top." Now, he said. call forth the full atrenglh of this White and Satus passes Wednes- j comforting, courageous leadership' nnchty nation." day. is giving the nation a chance to The Eisenhower administration, Repeated heavy snowfalls have do its best. Truman contended, had "false no- blankctcd White Pass, but west "I look to the da and months itions about economy." He said of Packwood the area was fairly 'ahead with confidence," Truman j these resulted in curtailing the re clear, the State Patrol said 'said with reference to the admin- sources needed for national de- With the pa'rolmen on the re-, istration of President Kennedy. fense and "served neither to ha! newed search of the pass and its I And, peering hark at his own ance Ihe budget nor to strengthen west side were deputy sheriffs tenure of the White House, Tru-:the national economy." and rangera from Rainier Nation- al Park. Radioactive Cloud Due Over Alaska Tonight WASHINGTON fAP) The the club called the political up Weather Bureau estimated the 't h century-Truman's un- radioactive debrii from the R,i sian . foot winds over the Aleutian is lard chain today toward Alaska K"ra;Ch.'kr RobfVM r "P'cted the invisible cloud to "f""" uiiaiuir n.. nu ; pgs, over parta of Alaska tonight. 258 61 10c Per Copy introductions were made bv Eu- gene Fisher, member of the Elkton School Board. Douglas County Ku l eh,mi Rar,i .rf .r.,. r... .h. ..i,..i Board Association. Viet Soldiers Beat Back Rebs SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP) Communist rebels using "hu man sea" tactics were beaten back with heavy losses by South Viet Nam paratroops in a bloody name in rnuoc Thanh Province, about 25 miles north of Saigon, a military spokesman said today. More than 100 Viet Cong guer rillas were killed and a large number of wounded carried off by ; Communist forces retreating into the jungle after the Wednesday f'!1,t'n8. ,,le spokesman said Three rebel battalions about ,000 men look part in the am- bush attack on the smaller para- j troop unit, the military spokes man said. ,-, ..j . Tbe let Conff tried to over. . ? ... whelm the paratroops with three mass assault! "uke the 'human sea' tactics usod by the Chinese communist in the Jvorean war," ne sam. rnuoc -inann frovince is in NEW PARKS Department rived in Roseburg this month ond has been handling devel opment of the county s porks. He formerly was with the Ore gon State Highway Depart ment, state porks branch, Salem. (News-Review photo) laaiKuu. I Ike's Administration Held America Back Says Truman WASHINGTON (AP) Former man declare! that nothing re- jlaled to my experience mere portant thing .no matter what the I came up to disturb or to haunt -future may be, is for both in 1 me dividuals and nations to prepare The former chief executive t tor jt t0 t, be,t of their ability, forum was a luncheon at the Na- ..Bcfore (hjj Jmm,n tional Press thin. It wa staged j() .. ' M h.j on the 13th anniversary of what,. . . mnff , . .. ri. "iernog viciory over 0,, . r. - 1 election. .S;'"; i"e Kit ".ate. There ha. been a fortunate. ledly0 b,r, Z Ii ThCohange in direction w.lh our ,w'0 fl)rnlrr prp,Kient never have change in leadership, he said. , i,,rnier nresi , personal peace. p ,aK 0( n,r Republican Fi ,enhower administration that "it was one of the more unfortunate periods in Ihe history ol American , government." I The men at the helm of gov- U. S. Eyeing New Russian Test Series WASHINGTON (AP) Prcsj. ili'nl Kennedy said today tho I nitt'd States mil make picpara lions to set off nuclear tests m the atmopliere iT they become necessary to safeguard free world security. Security Council Moots Kennedy, in a statement read personally to newsmen after a meeting of the National Security : Council, said the Initcd States of nuclear weapons. And then, Kennedy said, a point would have been reached in which progress would not be possible w'"out suin weapons tests. Kennedy once aaain empha sized that the United Slates is nrong militarily strong ennush to retaliate with devastation if at tacked. Large Blast Unnecessary Kennedy also said the United Slates, to demonstrate its nuclear capabilities, would not have to fire a nuclear explosive of .Si) megatons or more such as the Soviets detonated this week. Kennedy read his statement to a room crowded with cameramen and reporters after a morning meeting of the Security Council the nation's top policy-setting se curity agency. Former President Harry S. Truman, a visitor in Washington, was invited to sit in on the meeting for a half-hour or 'so. Top Officials Present A number of other top govern ment officials including Adlai Ste venson, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations; and Gen. Lyman I.einnitzer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also were present. rhe council itself is made up of ""'V ".ve members: tnc i'resident. - 1 v Ke resiiicni i-ynuon a. jonn- I,. ', V" , , , , husk, aecreiary oi ueiense non- . 7 . , . en a. niciNamara ana rranx n, Ems hcad ot th(l otlce oJ Emcr. Uienrv Ptanmnn 'ri. i niierf Kile U ear.ll assessing" the current series of Soviet tests. Kennedy sakf. a Th ..,rHin it c (announcements.' have so far exl ploded at lea;.t 28 devices in Ui. air since Ihey broke the 1958 mor atorium and resumed tests on I Sept. i. Underground Tests Held This country has announced three underground tests of its own since tho Russian tests began. Kennedy said the Soviet detona tions have been in "complete dis regard for the welfare of man kind." The Sovict tests in the atmos phere have loosed radioactive de bris which comes to the earth as fallout. There is no fallout from the underground testa the United States has conducted. Kennedy accused the Russian of preparing for testa while nego tiating toward a test ban treaty at Geneva and "then contemtu ously" unleashing fallout over the world with its atmospheric explo sions. He called this a piece of the "Soviet campaign of fear," but said it was also a possibly im portant series of tests which would enable Soviet leaders and scientists to improve their capa- oiuiies. Stork Ncars For Meg LONDON (AP)-Midwife Anne Thomson who will attend Prin cess Margaret at the birth of her baby moved into Clarence House today, indicating the stork may be nearby. I ernment. he said, could not call Truman said he believes the iin- at the top. Now it is being given a chance to do its best." , k,.m, in ,i,. u,,iai, el,. I "We now have a president who not only reeoaniies that a pros- perous nation is the best assur- ance of fiscal integrity, but also realizes that there are some things even more important than a balanced budget,' he said.