The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 01, 1961, Page 6, Image 6

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A LOVELY BRIDAL SHOWER porty wos given for Miss
1 Gladys Ollivant, seated ot left, by Mrs. Neol Meyers, Mrs.
Don Monroe and Mrs. Charles Schulze. Seated of right
Party Given
Mrs. Neal Meyer, Mr. Don Mon
Toe and Mm. Charles Schulze were
hostesses recently for a lovely
bridal shower honoring Miss
Gladys Ollivant The party was
given in the Lookingglase Grange
hall which had been tastefully dec
orated for the occasion. Bouquets
of rosea were usc-t about the room.
Gamea preceded the opening of
the gifts. Enjoying the occasion
were: Mrs. Vernon Brenden, Mrs.
Don Ollivant and Tool, Mrs. E. E.
Ollivant, Mrs. Delbert Ollivant,
Jlildred Theil and Pat, Mary Ja
coby, Helen Schulze, Lorna Schulze
and Shelly, Mary Woolley, Knna
Wilson, Shirley Astry, June Astry,
Rulh Ellenwood, Judy Scott, Jean
Scott. Linda Ollivant, GeorRia
fcrhulie. Naomi Schulze. Agnes
Monroe, Ethel Meyer and Martha
Kay Vance.
Sending gifts were: Virginia Ol
livant. Ann Alumby, Veda Mere
dith, Helen Jensen, Dorothy Hoi
int. Marv Petherain. Lila Elliott
Terry Marsh, Neal end Pauline
Meyer, Aunt Adda llllivani, ituny
Vance, Ells Doyle, Pat Boling, De
loris Jacoby, Mrs. Charles Green,
Guyla Rudzik, Lucille Nlehaum,
tgnes Roth and Hazel Marsn.
. -C -.
MARSHA FENDER, obove, ooughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Fender, celebrated her first birrhdoy ot her home. Lovely
gifts were presented to rho guest of honor from her parents
and brother, Keith; Debris ond Loura Longley, Mr. and
Mrs. John Peterson and Tommy and David ord her grand
mother, Mrs. George Niday. (Picture by Wilson Studio).
Cards Highlight
Chapter Social
Tau El a Eta members and
guests met Wednesday at the lovt
ly home of Mrs. Gene Hushlon.
Bridge and pinochle were play
ed during the evening. Vnzet were
won by .Mrs Bill Phillips and
Mrs. Troy Owens for bridge, and
Mrs. Neal Meyer and Mrs. Earl
Jl union for pinochle.
Guests present were Mrs. Neal
Meyer and Mrs. fcveiyn wewan
Members were Mrs. Bill Him.
Mrs. Earl Munion, Mrs. Bill l'hil
lips, Mrs. Earnest Peel, Mrf. Ted
Yrettss, Mrs. Gene Rushton. Mrs.
Wayne Wheeler. Mrs. Bud Elliott.
Mrs. Troy Owens and Mrs. Roy
At I he end of the evening love
ly refreshmcnte were served by
the bosiesa, Mrs. Rushton, and her
co-hostess, lira. House.
Rose Club Meets
Tk Cam flntl will mt ThlirS.
day at 12:30 noon at the Rose
Hotel. Those planning to play in the
club are asked to telephone Mrs.
W C f'olliEnn
Winners for the Thursday after
noon duplicate bridge play were
Mrs. Walter Edmonds and Mrs.
Wglinp IFIrtrh first! Mrs. S. G.
Palmer and Mrs. Russell B. Hum
mel, second; Mrs. J. V. Short and
Mrs. S. L. Kidder, third, and Miss
Helen Casey and Mrs. C. B. Wade,
New Bride Feted
At Lovely Party
A bridal shower honoring Mrs.
Robert Post was held recently in
Lookingglass. The gifts were as
sembled at the home of the Dncies
aunt, Mrs. Velma Jacoby, who
forwarded them to Mr. and Mrs.
Post at their new home in Burns.
Hrineine aifts for the shower
were: Mrs. Earl Jacoby, Mrs.
Nay, Mrs. Arthur Marsh, Mrs. El
ton, jnrs. rseison jmcme,
Mrf. George Marsh, Mrs. Wesley
Meredith, Mrs. George McKwing.
Mrs. Charles Green, Mrs. Arthur
Denny. Mrs. Ralph Wylie, Mrs.
Rnv Buell. Mrs. Kicnara uoni, nirs.
c.rl Kiln. Mrs. John Mathis. Mrs.
Velma Jacoby, Mrs. Lee Pillion
and Mrs. Myron fcimore or ray
ette, Idaho.
Social Evening Enjoyed
By Oregon Chapter 0ES
Halloween decorations and fall
flowers set the mood for the meet
ing of Oregon Chapter Oregon
Eastern Star held Wednesday at
the MasAnic Temple In Canyon
ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Worthing
ton presided.
Most important business of (he
evening was agreement br th?
mrmberi to raise the local dues.
Mrs. Mary Scott of Drain, arhed
ulrd to talk on the Endowment
Fund Committee, was detained and
plans to come at a later date.
May Cooper and Betty McCahe
had arranged the flowrrs in the
hall: Mr. and Mrs. Snrthington
were host and hostess during the
refreshment hour.
is Mnry Woolley, .who assisted the honored guest with
th gifts. (Picture by Wilson Studio). i
Winners Told
Winners in (he Roseburg Unit,
American Contract Bridge League
individual tournament held Sunday
afternoon and evening at the Ump-
qua Hotel have been announced.
Winners for the afternoon's play
were Mrs. R. A. Jones of Myrtle
Creek, first; Mrs. L. A. Burnett,
Sutherlin, second; Mrs. Ray I ar
rico. third: Mrs. A. B. Collier,
fourth, and tying for fifth place
were Mrs. E. S. Wilkey of MyrUe
Creek and Dr. Albert Morene.
Dinner was served following the
play, after which the evening play
took place and winners were Mrs.
Kay Cameo, first; Alex Kennedy,
second; Mrs. Waller Fisher, third;
Mrs. A. B. Collier, fourth; Dr. Al
bert Morene, fifth.
Overall winners wire Mrs. Ray
Carrico. first; Mrs. A. B. Collier
second; tying tor third were Alex
Kennedy and Mrs. n. A. Jones;
Dr. Albert Morene, fifth, and Mrs.
I,. A, Burnett, sixth.
Local Physician
Gives Fine Talk
Dr. Carl E. Bonner was a most
interesting guest speaker at Wed
nesday's meeting of Mu Chapter,
Beta Sis ma Phi. Dr. Bonner who
is a psychiatrist at the Veterans
Hospital, conducted a group dis
cussion and answered questions
presented by the group.
The meeline, which was held at
the home of Mrs. Norris Hart, was
conducted by president loretta
Sims. Plans were completed for a
rummage sale to be held Friday
at the old 88c Store building.
Aa this year's service project
Mu Chapter is going to assist a
needy high school senior girl.
This was a model meeting and
Mrs. Dale Clark told the purpose
and scope of Beta Sigma Phi.
Mrs. Jerry Coen told some of the
traditions of Mu Chapter.
Mrs. Lauren Ioveland was co
hostess for the evening. Delicious
refreshments were served to
Siiests. Mrs. Dewey James. Mrs.
Fred Dymock. Mrs. Richard Sny
der director Mrs. Clair K. Allen
and sponsor Mrs. M. L. Hallmark,
and members Mrs. Dale Clark,
Mrs. Jerry Coen, Mrs. Bart Gar
rison. Mrs. Norris Hart. Mrs. Ijiur
en Loveland, Mrs. James Shrum.
Mrs. William Sims. Mrs. William
Steele. Miss Rose Sleinhauer and
Mrs. Jack Walters.
Days Creek Club
Hosted At Party
The home of Mrs. Romie llend
rix in Days Creek was the scene
Friday of a party climaxing a bot
tle drive held bv the sophomore
class of Days Creek High School
Agnes Hendrix was the hostess at
the party and served beverages'
with the wieners and buns masted
over the tire and furnished by the
Dancing and visiting w-er enjoy-'
ed by Sheryl Whetzel. Gaila Card '
ncr. Margaret Shanks. Sandy'
llaun. Mary Dunlap, Sherry Hunt-,
er, Cheryl Butler. John Benson.
Chuck Vincent. Dennis Nixon, Tom j
i and Mike l.owrv, Jav Sevmour.l
Dale Gilbert, Jerry DeWald, Ur-j
i ry Eamigh, Pat O'Neal, Jerry i
! Campbell, Donald Bonney. Hick'
i, Alton Doss. Bill llowren and
j traohera Winston Smith, Edward
Shanks and .Miss Kay Prirkett
Reception Held
Mrs. Art Treman, Mrs. Harold
i Austin. Mrs. Floyd Sqmer, Mrs. j
: Iamiis Putman. Mrs Ed Clark. Mrs
i Jerry DeMulh and Maurice Griger
attended a friendship meeting and I
I reception at the Kerby Chapter
No. M, Order of Eastern Star in
Kerby. Ore. Saturday evening. The
'reception was honoring Fay Snider I
member of the Endowment Com
mule of the Grand Chapter v(
I Oregon. i
r ". ' -
- A -
and Mrs. Roy Matrfeld of
Comas, Wash., announce the
engagement of their daugh
ter, Anita, to Richord R. Lind-
strom, son of Mr. ond Mrs.
I. J. Lindstrom of Ashlond,
formerly of Melrose. The
bride-elect is employed by
Surburbon Gas, Portland, ond
the bridegroom-elect wos grad
uated from Roseburg High
School in 1957 and is employ
ed by Crown Zellerbach Paper
Co. in Camas. The wedding
has been planned for Dec. 8.
Vera Gowey New
HEC Chairman
The Fair Oaks H. E. Club met
Tuesday at the Fair Oaks Grange
Hall with eight members and one
guest, F'ern Craven, present.
The group voted to send $3 to
A public spaghetti dinner sched
uled for Nov. 11 was planned and
it was also decided to buy first
aid supplies for the hall.
An election of officers was held
with Vera Gowey elected chair
man, Rachel Newell, vice chair
man, and Virginia Williams, secretary-treasurer.
The next meeting will be a no
host luncheon Nov. 21 at the hall.
STORY. . .
8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. Wed., Nov. 1, 1961
Church Wedding
Event Of Oct. 14
The double ring ceremony was
used Saturday, Oct. 14. for the wed
ding of Carol Ronnell Morrison,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Morrison of Dillard, and Jack Eu
gene Anderson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. I .eon Jack Anderson of Win
ston. One hundred guests were
present at the Dillard - Winston
Methodist Church for the S p m.
nuptial service read by the Rev.
Mr. Knight.
The church was beautifully dee-
orated with white and orchid dahl
ias. Mrs. Robert Schulze was or
Ranist. Two duets were sung by
Ruby Tavlor and Martha Vance.
Miss Vance also sang "The Lord's
The bride s father gave her in
marriage. She was lovely in a
floor-length gown of white satin
which had been made by her
mother. A rhine stone-studded tiara
secured her fingertip veil, match
ing her rhinestone pendant, tier
bridal bouquet was of white and
orchid dahlias.
Miss Sue Frey was maid of hon
or. Mary White and Carolyn Fox
were bridesmaids. All wore sleeve
less sheath dresses of pale laven
der and carried bouquets of white
and orchid dahlias. Camllelighters
were Colleen Story of Lebanon and
Anita Hutchinson ot Mill City.
They were dressed in white frocks
with full skirts and lavender sash
es. Flower girl and ring bearer were
Linda and Billey Wishon of Co
quille. both cousins of the bride.
Gary Fox was best man. Usher
ind duties were performed by Lon
nie Exeen and Jim Buettner.
Public Invited To Holiday
Affair Thursday And Friday
The Woman's Society of the
First Presbyterian Church has in
vited all friends and all members
of churches of this area to attend
the Christmas Ideas Fair and Tea
to be an event of Thursday. Nov.
2, from 7 to p.m. in the social
hall of the church and from 2:30
to S p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m.
Friday. Nov. 3. There will be no
admission charge, nothing will be
on sale and refreshments will be
served without charge. The affair
is being sponsored as a good-will
Christmas sharing of ideas project
and is the second such event to be
sponsored by the women of the
Presbyterian Church.
A highlight of the exhibit will be
the original scrolls of spripture
verses by Kate Krause Ball of
Dessert Luncheon Precedes
Meet Of WSCS Members
The general meeting of the Dil
lard Winston Methodist WSCS was
preceded by a dessert luncheon in
the social room of the church in
Dillard, Thursday at 12:30 p m.
with Donelda Ledgerwood and Cle
ta Callahan as hostesses.
Following the luncheon mem
bers and guests met in the fire
place room where president, Mar
garet McCord, conducted the meet
ing The women are collecting un
usual stamps which are turned
over to the I'nited Church Over
seas Relief to furnish milk for
needy overseas children. A plea
was made to everyone in the area
to save stamps and donate them
'to the group for this worthy pur
pose. I Mrs. J. C. Johannes spoke brief
ly on Prayer and Self Denial
Margaret McCord and Beth Gor
don were in charge of the pro
gram and worship. The program
entitled. "Churches for New
Times." included a short play with
Over sixteen thousand families in our orea
now use flomefess electric beat in their
homes. Tlnis represents on Increase of oyer
40096 In 10 years! No other heating system
can show this proof of hcne-owner prefer
ence. The suns!iine-cfean warmth which on auto
matic electric heating system brings to so
many modem homes is a miracle of the
modern oge. It eliminated the necessity of
using the ogc-o!d method of heating - fire
just crs the modem outomobile eliminated
For her daughter's wedding.
Mrs. Morrison wore a beige satin
brocade sheath with brown acces
sories and corsage of pale yellow
chrysanlhemums. The mother o(
the bridegroom wore a slate blue
sheath dress with three-quarter-length
sleeves, black accessories
and a corsage of white chrysan
themums. The bride's parents were host
and hostess at a reception held
later in 'he social hall of the
church. Th- table was beautiful
with its lace tablecloth, lighted
candles and the wedding cake.
Cake, punch and colfee were
served by Mrs. Charles Coldani,
Mrs. Hubert Jackson and Mrs.
Adelle Hutchinson, all aunts of the
bride. Mrs. Eugene Storey, the
bride's cousin, nrehentpd the ffuest
book. Mrs. Jerry Wishon and Mrs. 1
Calvin Wishon had charge of the
A special guest at the wedding .
was Mrs. Floyd Wells, grandmoth
er of the bridegroom, who flew
down from Ketchikan, Alaska. Oth
er out-of-town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Isler of Seattle. Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hutchinson.
Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Storey and family. Lebanon; Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Wishon and Wen-
die, Corvallis; Mrs. Charles Col
dani, Lodi, Calif.; Mrs. Hubert
Jackson and Mrs. Jerry Wishon,
Salem: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Head
and Billie and Linda, Coquille;
and David King of Creswell.
Both young people attended
Douglas High School. The bride
groom is employed at Byrd's Mar
ket. Texas. These scrolls have just been
exhibited in Salem and were
brought to Roseburg especially for
this two-day exhibit. The scrolls,
which appea in every issue of
the magazine "Ideals" has several
featured in the Christmas Ideals
magazine. Mis. Earl Ullrich is in
charge of this exhibit.
All types of Christmas gifts,
wrappings, cards and decorations
as well as foods will be on exhibit.
A special room has been arranged
for the children attending with
their parents.
Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher is
general chairman of the event and
has issued a most cordial invita
tion to all persons in the com-
Imunity interested to attend the
I two-day affair.
Beth Bushong. Vivian Burgess, El
sie Koegler. Margaret McCord and
Beth Gordon taking part, after
which a general discussion was
The annual Christmas bazaar
was discussed and the date was
announced as Dec. 1 in the social
room of the church beginning at
10 a m. and continuing until 4 p m
The next general meeting will
be held Nov. 16 with Eva Nichols
and Helen Rummell in charge of
the program and worship. Mar
garet McCord and Carmen Hunt
are hostesses for the monthly
Members and guests attending
were: the Rev. and Mrs. J. C.
Johannes, Vivian Burgess, Phebe
McGuire, Gladys Van Orman. Beth
Bushong. Elsie Koegler. Helen
I Rummell, Belh Gordon. Margaret
McCord, Bertha Rummell. Belle
Clark. Grace Barnes. Florence
Kroesler, Jean Hill. Eva Nicvols,
i Marjorie Varner, Myrtle Painter,
Cleta Callahan and Donelda Ledgerwood.
hi iri illii
MR. AND MRS. JACK ANDERSON, pictured above, were
married Oct. 14 at the Dillard-Winston Methodist Church
by the Rev. Mr. Knight. The bride, Carol Ronnell Morrison,
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison ot Dillard
ond the bridegroom is the son of Mr. ond Mrs. Leon Jack
Anderson of Winston. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography).
'Homecoming7 Is Highlight
Of Roseburg OES Meeting
Roseburg Chapter 8. OES. met,
Thursday evening, -with Worthy!
Matron Ollie Krueger ard Worthy!
Patron R. Cloyd Riffe, presiding.
The chapter room was decorated
with beautiful red dahlias accent
ed with white Michaelmas daisies!
in large baskets. I
Invitations were read from West-l
era Star Chapter, Kerby, and
from Josephine Chapter, Grantsl
Pass, to their friendship nights
which will be held in the near fu
ture. Members from the local chap
ter will attend each of these func
tions. Announcement wai made of the
inauguration of a new chapter of
the Estcrn Star in Salem. Mem
bers reported on their attendance
at a reception in Tri-City for Vir
ginia Wright, grand conductress.
Highlight of the evening was the
attendance of about 40 past ma
trons and patrons at the annua!
"Homecoming." They were pre
sented and honored with sings and
addendum;. Mrs. Carl Wimberly
responded for Grand Chapter as a
past grand matron. James Roving
don, for many years worthy pa
tron of Oakland Chapter, respond
ed for affiliated matrons and pa
trons. Mrs. Ralph Cooper, presi
dent of the worthy matrons' club,
responded for her group, and gave
the chapter two lovely carafes for
use in the dining room. Carls Page
responded for the past patrons, and
Surprise Party Given
For Mrs. Kenneth Brady
Mrs. Kenneth G Brady of Glen
dale was honored at a surprise
birthday party held at her home
near the Glendale Junction Wed
nesday afternoon. After the honor
ee had opened her many lovely
gifts, refreshments were served.
The birthday cake had been made
and decorated by Mrs. L. M. Shep
herd. Those present were Ida Basye.
Mrs. Fred Kafer. Mrs. Fred
j W right. Mrs. Gordon Mehl. Nancy
Mehl. Mrs. Jimmy Doss. Mrs.
Irv Hill. Mrs. Dean Smith. Mrs.
'Dale Wright. Mrs. L. M. Shenherd
! and the honoree. A number of pre-j
school children were also present. !
Mrs. Life Edson was unable to'
attend but sent a gift.
the horse end buggy os a method of trans
portation. Grandma had to hect with fire, but you
Only electric heat is flamefess, fumelcss,
ond foolproof. That's why modems prefer
it. And prove their preference by installing
it in the great majority of new and modern
ized homes.
Get the complete electric heat story irom
a ColOre Electrical League member before
you choose a heating system for your home.
d e I arm 4
presented an identical gift from
his group. These groups were
thanked by present officers: they
were then honored with a beauti
ful addendum cleverly executed by
Harmony Bedes:' at the close, the
past matrons and patrons were
led through a star arch, and each
was given a gift and a bouton
niere. Continuing the "homecoming"
theme, the Harmony Belles then
gave a clever cheer, and distri
buted pennants commemorating
the year of service of each ma
tron and patron. A very clever
pantomime number was given by
Mrs. Waller Hansen and Mrs. Rob
ert Hansen.
Officers and members were re
minded of the school of instruc
tion to be held on Nov. 2. with
the associate grand matron in
Delicious refreshments were
served m the dining room from
tables beautifully decorated with,
handmade Halloween place mats
and lovely natural arrangements
of fall materials.
The committee in charge was
made up of five members from
Glide: Mrs Forest Kennaday,
Mrs. Orville Reese and Mesdames
Viggo, Robert and Walter Hansen.
Group singing was enjoyed under
the direction of Mrs. Gordon Stew
art and R. Cloyd Riffe.
Given For Rookes
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rooke and
daughter, Linda, were pleasantly
surprised Saturday evening when
a group of friends gathered at their
new home on Casper for a house
warming party.
The Rookes just recently sold
their ranch in the Dixonville area
and have moved into Roseburg.
Enjoying the party and bringing
gifts were: Mr. and Mrs. George
Casebeer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Malone. Mr and Mrs Felix Rad
dalz, Mr. and Mrs. George Rooke,
Mr. and Mrs. Doc Doyle, Mr. and
Mrs. Merle McGinnis and son: Air.
and Mrs. Laurence Peterson and
children: Mr. and Mrs. Don Rooke
and children; and Mrs. D. H. Kelly.