The More You Tell-The Quicker You Sell! Want Ads Do The Job- Dial OR 2-3321 43 0 C FUEL CO Dry oe Q. U" (r OR . WOOD i Peeler Core Hardwood Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5082 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES 1USINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Fri. at ? P.M. Rosebu.-g Auction Col. V. Mumon. 0Mf and 4uctorHr or a-: Miscellaneous For Sale 45 ASHLEY wood heater, 3S. OR 3-597 USED chain saws tor sale. WWn Chain Saws OS 9-5641 C i R R I E RD E E P F R E E Z E Tl I " cu fl now. HS. OR M46lor OR 2-31. OAKflining seC $71 OS 9-550 FOP SLE or trad 9 horse Wisconsin with clutch. OR 3-4940 after S . GUARANTEED Recond. used appl. TV's. Budget terms. Horn's Appl. OR 3-SS'l. SPARK "Olltieciter Vo've ."deUnoTchelr. Call OR WC40. USED GUNS Bouohl, Sold, Traded. Umpque Guft Store CURING AND SMOKING, pork, beef and poultry. jiVinston Locker,OS-5l33. j GENUINE heavy river loam, no rocks, easy! to hand la.Char lets Keel, OS 1 TV RENTALST" Rent may eDoly on down' pymts. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-SiH. WELL" ROTTED-MANURE widllver, or you haul. OR 3-5041. j 190 HOFFMAN-portable stereo S5 Upright piano, plays good .. . V5 Terms. Pnone days OR 3-4494, Eves. OR 3-3470. 1)1 SE Can St. j OAKLAND wood stova just lute new with j auto, dratt control sell tor 'j price ot a new one New airtight wood heaters, all ses. sell tor fl ott reg. price. Swap 4 : Shop has moved to new location at iM Hillside Ave., 1 block oft 99 BR, east on j J or gens St. It you have anything yau j warn io ire-op, oring it aionq. awap a, nop, M. L. Daniels, Winston, Oregon. Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7272 Fuel SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY it YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-BREASTFO suits r sty led gie. Mrs. GiMord, OR 3-6484. APPLIANCE REPAIR A4AJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. BOB MIL LER SERVICE. Dial OR 3-SSH. PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL Generally 1 da service Best Steele of appliance parts in county TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 771 SE Oak OR 3-5571 AUTO BODY LET HARRY DO IT! EXPERT body work Painting our specialty. Free estimates. Insurance and customers. AM wortc guaranteed. Call Pal Motors Body Shop, 214 HE Stephens. 3-2401. BARCUS MOTORS Inc. Painting, body and fender work to your specification. Free estimates, fast service. All Work Guaranteed 1420 N.E. Stephens OR 3 5566 BICYCLES Beckwirh Cycle Shop ' Guaranteed Bicycles W Evans sales, ard service on all makes ?rt W. Hnrvxrij Ave CR 5i?f) BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. OR 3-741. I w, remodel. COVPLfTE eu.ldina service. additions and repairs. OR z-4e. CARPENTER-WORK Reasonable. Call Smith day or nignt, OR 3-841 1 FOUNDATlONs7house raising, leveling, re pair, work f HA approved. Cement, block work, fireplaces. Frre estimates. Cal Ver ge!. OR J-4J4S nr OR 3-RB44. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-SJ61 NORTH ROSE8JR& OR ?-3ne3 CRANE SERVICE Crane Service torrnON worn, concrete tsurlng. Can n inormon. aay w nuj,t, OK 2?Wr9 ELECTRICAL WORK Electrical wiring, 0v v.. L",t"rj ft suponfv OPn 7 EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL DOiNG.; o oravel rorn, er Mm ad roao materia 'S. Char tea Keeiy CSJM'l7. Dill EXCAVATING Bonded and lrn'l New t-.'nuey Ferguson 210 B.ickhoe Ditch'fg end iAer wor Dfl'rel Isaac" o-1" operator cr : :4 X'MPCb CONSTRUCTION Ei cava ton a-d trencntrg a ail types, mouding p!.c ta "d d'a.n t es. Fait qua .f ed operat-s. years In same sxat-on. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL OR 2 SVi4 FLOOR FINISHING Lvg. '"I tmojn-rg. FURNITURE REPAIR A..L KiNDS FuNiTuE PA'R- Miscellaneous For Sale 45 MAVF LOWER 43 I aluminum awning. ar conditioner. Space e ioo-M.I Trailer Crl. OR 3-JA40 a'ter a. MISC. Qttice furniture and used parti bins. Priced to Mil. Sm t Papa Brothers Inc. BusmessRt Sovfh. Phone OR 3-611. ORDER-ST ARtfTtruit-trees, sMde, berries. now. Fit anywhere. Nona tlner. Lie. Repr. OR J-S32I. TOP SOIL from new location. Tne best you have aver seen no root or tveedt. RalphFnhtr, Winston. OS 9491 KILNS FOR SALE,' free lessons, glai-s. greenware. Next to Winston Lockers. IRE- VA'S CERAMICS. OS -SI3J. CERAVIC KILN, 1J1JH inside, set ot Jr. ftrttanmce Encyclopedia, electric welder. Pnone JE 3-459, CanyonviHt. OOVERNVE NT GRADED qualihmeets tor best .rearer satisfaction. Custom cutting. wrapping and quck freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS. OS Mm. ElEC. stove, studio couch and chair, wood Circulating heater with thermostat. Aile nd springs with tires tor trailer,, ftlso misc. household items. OR 3-4922. BARGAINS CE WASHER, verv good US l USED refrigerator lo choose from, starting at ... . ( I WESTINGHOUSE rang, TOPS . V TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 SE Oak Ave. OR 3-5521 SUITER'S BIGGEST Aluminum Window SALE EVER $9.95 up All glared, ready to install NAILS 8 & 16 penny box 50 Ih. keg $5.85 jjj iuiioing sumr .co. 1236 N E. Walnut OR 2 2671 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbanks Morse Domestic and irrigation water systems. Estimates gladly given 648 S. E. Rose OR 2 1fi!6 LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM Rototilling, weed end brush cut. ting. New Massey Ferguson equipment. M. H. Foss, Winston. OS -S54t, eves. LANDSCAPING LAUNDRY - DRY CLEANING LAUNDROMAT Laundry troubles? Busy' Leave It. We'll do if. Comer of Court and Mam, Ph. OR 3-30)1. LOANS Loans Auto - Salary - Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager S44 SK Stephen (IR 3-fififi8 I MOTOR REWIN DING-RE PAIR JIIWIE'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP J Exclusive Oelco Distributor i a-'otoc Rewinding Repairing 3sp NE Garden valley Blvd. OR 3-J1H Electric Motor Service Company Al Hammell Promot repair and rewinding All Work Guaranteed I mite south Fairgrounds, pkt to Pancake Housa Ph. OR 3-4301 MOVING DELIVERY UMPQUA TRANSFER Moves In eil arert'on Parcel delivery a specialty or I-J47I c s:?o 'tM O-Vfyti t ate Blvd. RADIO AND TV SERVICE R AD'O. TV. pnono, t"d CH rrto se'vice : C-ew-t RaQ.o ar.d TV. i;3 jg S'ephens. ROOFING Shingling of an k"xis by the aouare W'it irir.r'Mfl r 7-3"" SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Poteourg Um j tflf 01 rvc. Pi oo i-rt STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES TYPING, mimeographing. dwoiica(i"fl. Donna I Gesnn C 3 or CO J-?;;i i TIRE SERVICE Gu AP ANT E FO recapO "g rwr, i CDiNL T -e Gtes Ti 0 3-4?ee j TOOL SHARPENING 1 P.0M Sw A RPF N "s)G. yH.naj iiiJ $ i Cat- Ae Ve- --e S'-oo C J W WELDING aluV'N-jw. pot e--d re - lett An trxi O' weJ.i4J. KV.nston C"S - St C5 Ut t WILL DRILLING Water Well Drilling NoTWrg oewn on en0'9v4 ri'to t. " cm a. WEwL d'llsi CR I ?1.;! w;j ik JKon Miscellaneous For Sale 45 I ALMOST new 30" Westinghouse elect, range. pert. cond. Cheap. OR J-tl attar S p m. SEVEN cubic ft. Gibson upright Veeter. Unit Overhauled recently. OR 1-J97J 40" HOTPOINTe!ectnc range, 0OOd COnd OR MUM attar 3 JO p.m. POWER CONVEYOR UNIT ApproMtmatety SO FT. VVPQUA DAIKY OR 2 26.1 JV SERVICE All Brands CREDIT Montgomery Ward 1481 NE Stephens OR 2-4811 WE HAVE ON HAND a good selection of 14 inch and IS inch used tires. ALSO a large assortment of recaps. All sizes are available. From $7.77 and up, plus tax and re trcadible tire. Use your credit at Montgomery Ward 1181 NE Stephens OR 2 4811 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED Used water chlorinetor, OR ; v k j-sii) eves. WANTED used furniture and misc. Rote burg Furniture. 243 SEJachson.OR 3-5104. WANT- InteresMn-I0OO or more Douglas Fr Xmas trees. Will transport. Writ PO Bo 69, ElKgrovo, Cajit. WANTED ANTIQUE coins, guns, chire, glassware, jewelry, clocks. Prise ilia's An tiques. 747 SE Jackson OR 7-147! Trade Miscellaneous 48 170 bass Recanati accordion with case like new. Trade for tar or trucK of equal value. OS -SS40. 1 Sewing Machines 52 REPOSSESSIONS ELNA automatic Zig-Zg portable Has open arm tor aarntng. Only one -naif new price. Zig-Zag portable, sold new for 11 3 balance due S4l 90. NECCHI ELNA 4St S E. Jckson OR mil Sporting Goods 53 WANTED Good 5 Horse outboard motor, OR 3-4977 BUY-NOWFOR ELtTSEASON Tote Goto, S200. OR 3-S4J7. FACTORY aluminum pickup canopy for Chev., Ford, Dodae. Int , Jeep, all except Wide box. S6&. OR J-45S5. Food And Produce 57 WALNUTS, 70c lb. ORJJj)le WALNUTS' NEW CROP OR 3-4797 NEWCROP dried wainuts7orsale. MrT O E. Clayton. OR 2J001. WALNUTS and" Fitberfs, 2ic. W. E. 0, at Garden Valley Bridge. WALNUT-endF7iber1 drying. Bacon ! Ba con, Curry Estate. SPITzTRome Beauties! OrtleyV Oelicioui. Jonathan apples. Jack 'o' Lanterns. Bow pars. Walnuts, Hercher's Diliard Market. APPLES-" De'iciousr-Ortfey. other varie- ties. Bring containers. Marsh Ranch, 1 mi I nftfcinnal. tnrt DO lAJMH .n.tiei Of apples. squ.h nd mclont. Owen's DHI.rd Market, BR W Soutn. APPLES.t theirTest. severaTv.rletl.s o Garden vallev's finest cleaned and Pol lined. Harry Wesley, Lower Garden Valley Rd. Ph. OR Bilnfl container!. HOVE AADE clderTlocafapplea all kinds, dried prunes, walnuts, squash and olner produce. HARVARD AVE. FRUIT STAND Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 FOREST RICH garden mulctt. Blue Star Tim ber Products. OR 2-U51. i SUNDAY ONLY Surplus sale of Ud- scape plants. Hundreds of mums, fire tnom. rhododndron. camellia., hedo p:.nrs etc ! dens, end Broot-t. OR 3-4111, Pule Gar- N W. Broaa. BARGAINS BARGAINS LIQUIDATION SALE NEW CARS USED CARS CHEVROLET FORD STUDEBAKER LARK NASH DODGE ALL CARS TO BE SOLD AS IS, AS MARKED II ycj CO." u-, on. o t.s. CO'l t- I lost con bm youf - Tfrme con b. orronged. COVE TO PAL MOTORS OLD LOCATION 840 SE Stephenj Su OR 2-2572 BARGAINS BARGAINS REAL BARGAINS BARGAINS GUESS WHO.;: i .,,o. ... is a siltnl partner Hay And Grain FOR SALE Eastern Oregon Alfalfa, any amount. Alo In J ton lo's. Wilt take live stxk or sneep In trade. Ph. CReswell TW S23I9. COMPLETE LINE OF Feed, seed, fcrt;Iiiers, petroleum, hay, straw and farm supplies. WESTERN FARMERS ASSOC. Closed Mondays OR 2-1481 1 Mi. So. Highway ft BR & Tipton fid. Livestock 63 JERSEY MILK COW end calf tresh 2 weeks.OR -'3 . THREE QUARTER reg. Arab stallion, com ing two. Reasonable, pn. CYpsy BREOewes; reg.- Polled Hereford" bull calves. Louis Brady, Azalea TE 7-54??. SEVEN YEAR OLD" black gelding. Saddle and bridle. OS f-5370. HORSE PASTURE-" for" rent, miles from Roseburg. OR 3-797 eves. HORSESHOEING and training. Jack Adams, GYpsy 4-3170, Glide. WOOL RECEIVED DAILY. N lcholsStore OS t07 WANTED Cattle of all kinds. UN 3-4515. or UN 3-334 Myrtle Creek. W. A. Blacken. 01 SS MILK COWS, calves, steers. Call after S: 30 , GERMAN. ENGLISH, JAPANESE Motor weekdays, or weekends, OS -U34. j M mnd MlC. Back-rith Cvcte saddle end bridle. MIXED feeder calves. 500 to 400 lbs. Call.. ... .. un 3-303 .Mobile Homes WHITE FACE STEER, Holstein steer. White- tac he.ler. All 22 mos. old end been on dry feed 3 mos. OR 3-6922. 10 GUERNSEY heifers' out of artificial breed ing. To freshen Jan. All or choice. TW 5- 2389, Creswell. SHEEPMEN Scotch Shepherd pups, from good working stock. Dick Carr, Sutherlin, Phone 3297. SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlin 2144 Livestock tale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always good active market for all kinds of livestock. Schrlcker md Son, Owners Mgrt. G. A. Brown, Weighmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon Early Consignments For Thursday NOVEMBER 2 Sale starts at 1 P.M. SO Head of whltetace springer stock cows. 75 Head of good quality white face feed era Load of butcher cowt One lot of young breeding awes. For further information phone OR 2-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 REGISTERED SIAMESE kitten, femaie a, mos. old. Call OR 3-4ttl. REGISTERED BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES Cell OS t M9i 1 Autos For Sale 81 REAL ALL MUST Pets & Pet Supplies 67 ANGORA PERSIAN kittens, subject t9 regis tration. One Chihuenwe puppy. OR 1141. FRfcNCH POODLE PUPPIES. Call MyrtleCreen UN 3-XJt LU-EL-IN Kennels Toy Pomeranians. Call OR 9-703 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Seotty Ani mal Shelter. OR 1-107. ROBERTSON-BOARDING KENNE'lS. cats ed dogs. 'I ml. NE of Diamond Lava Blvd. on NE Rifle Range Rd. OR 3-7i4. OBfcOIEtTCf TRAIN YOUR DOG Boitn Kennels OR S-40'I Kasce Dog Food Dealer fHREESiemeie kittens, female. T 9i eath l Siamese male kttten, HO. Call Oakland I77. Poultry And Rabbits 68 RABBIT FRYERS Ready for your deeo freere. Free del, an Tueiday. O R 7-2i24. WANTED Live poultry. Roseburg Poul try, OS -$400. Ne Sunday calls. Farm Equipment 70 EARTHMASTER tractor. J H P. larger than Cub Farmall. hydraulic Hfts, 3 bottom plow, double disc, spring-tooth harrow. 4 ft mower end dorer biede. MIS. Western Auto riding mowing machine. 4' t H.P. motor. 1130. OR 3-I75S. NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING end sheathing nouses, barns and outbuildings. 24 studs, I' boards end 1" construction lumber. Avail. Die r most tiiea t wholesal', prtcea. Umpqua Mfg. Co. I ml. S, on ft BR OR S-7411 NEW EQUIPMENT Cyclone tractor mount seeder t V 73 Lone star 3 point tcraoer 105 CO Sturdy f position eoiuttment FOR VRED EQUIPMENT Fencing, roofing and all kinds of used machinery see RANCH EQUIPMENT SALES Days Crew, Oregon Ph. JE 2-4413 Logging Equipment 74 WE HAVE FINANCING AVAILABLE GOODYEAR TRUCK TIRES VP to H mo. tMp payment,. 1. p.y with CARTER TIRE :U SE SIMIwnt 09 203,3 Trucks For Sale 76 I94e JEEP ' wheel drive. PhoneOR ifil FORD pickup with 5i engine. OR 3-4541. 647 NE Casper. 160 ALL WHITE Ford pickup. New white wall tires, heater. This is lust right for your camper. Priced lo sell. Call OR 3-4Sii. Motorcycles 77 13 DUCAT I 700 cc, S300 cash. OR 7-917. Co. 771 W. Harvard, OR 3-4170. 79 195, j.Bdrm, 47l. awning and cooler. Take trade. OR 3-4301 '54 1 bedroom 41hI' Paramount Flbergiais awning; excellent condition. Cell UN 3-421. Myrtle Creek, after Shady Point Trailer Sales I mile S Hwy tf BR OR 7-U3I C. H. BONIOLS GOOO BUYS in used trailers nowt FULL LINE of trailer supplies roof coat ing, lacks, Eai-Lift hitches, heat tape. Insulation hits, sewer hose. EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES Co. Venus Henslee RoHaway Vacation Models by JEWEL Complete Line Trailer Supplies 1W NE Stephens OR S-33S SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF QUALITY built Mobil, homes at surprisingly low pricM RELIABLE TOWING DRIVE OUT TO Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 BR ot W.nchester BARGAINS BARGAINS GO FIAT PLYMOUTH BUICK OLDSMOBILE LINCOLN Mobile Homes 79 JJi.r l BEDROOM, front h tcnen. a nun wnin. tceiienl Cod. OR i-4J4j it. ItM Plart trailer. Tandem ae, 1100. OR J-4i4S. "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes At J & J Trailer Soles 4J1 NE Garden Valley Blvd. See It Now 'M Mobile Home With 1- x 18' Living Room Angeles Airstream - Troveleze Autos For Sale MOCK'S MERCURY CITY '61 FORD Ranchwagon 6 cylinder '57 CHEVROLET BetAir 4 door. Power Meertng, OufomotiC tronimiixon, R4H '60 FORD Goloxtt 4 door sedan. R & H, power steering '60 FALCON 2 door sedon. R &H, deluxe package, like new. '60 FALCON Ronchero. Standard transmission, R & H '59 FORD Galaxi Victoria. Full power, low mileage '59 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door hardtop '55 CHEVROLET V8 2 door. Air conditioned, stick shift '57 FORD Victoria. R4H, Automatic transmission '56 FORD Custom 4 door. R&H, automatic transmission '56 FORD Foirlane 4 door. R&H, automatic transmission '56 FORD 4 door station wagon. R&H. outomotic transmission 56 FORD 4 door station wagon. R & H, 6 cylinder, overdrive '56 FORD Country sedan. R&H, automatic transmission '59 ENGLISH FORD Tudor WORK CARS FROM $99 UP. FINANCING ARRANGED TO MEET ALL BUDGETS BE SMART AS A FOX BUY AT MOCK'S Mock Motors 1590 N. E. STEPHENS No Under No '60 OLDSMOBILE 88 Tudor hordtop. R&H, ltondord transmission, low miles. Shorp $2498 '56 PLYMOUTH V8 4 door. R1H, push butlon drtv., Special ot only J598 '53 CHEVROLET 2 door. SPECIAL ,298 '53 HUDSON Jet idori. Economy plul pfrformorvt lor only $398 '56 '59 5IMCA Stot.on Wogon '60SIMCA sedon delue Open evening 'til 7 Tues., Oct. 31, 1961 Th Automotive Wanted 80 A ANT E 0 Let. mod.l station .aon. '! traoa 'M FORO seoan, a poor, pay ence Warlm fntm.rson, Alamed. Trailer I Court, tpato U. cashI'rade For your equity in clean, late model used Cars! NAPIER Auto Sales 1210 SK Stephen OR 2 32 Used Cars - Pickups Wanted Ca.h or trade (or equity. Johnson and Thiele IZiS SE Stephens. OR 3 8391 81 $2295 ...'1295 1995 ...M595 ...M595 M995 ...M995 '695 ..1095 $695 795 795 $895 $895 s895 . OR 2-3358 NO TRICKS TO THIS TREAT Go blins The Hood Spooky When You Trade At BARCUS Stop in and see any one of the Gremlins and tell him Witch car you want. DODGE V8 2 door stotion wagon R&H, push button drive. Local one owner, a reol buy at $998 IMPORTS $798 $898 '59 TRIUMPH '59 FIAT 600 TERMS TO SUIT YOU BARCUS MOTORS INC. Sunday$ 10 to 4 N. Stephen, at Garden Valley Rd. Ntws - Rview, Roseburg, Or. 11 Automotive Wanted 80 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cash Price! Be fort vou tell $: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1328 SE Stephens OR 2-3421 Autos For Sale 81 1r STUOERAKER picKup prKed lo Mil. Ml hb Oouoias. US HUDSON JET. New Iktnse, economical trans. PhortO OR 3-4460. I SHARP 'Si Olds." full power, or wil take older car in traoe. Call OR JU days. FREE"" EQUITY 7et Impale Hardtop". OR J-47RO Iflt MODEL A Roadster. Si SO casri. Can be seen after 4 p.m. OR 1-4140. '4? BUlCKgWWkcarriit7" 14M W. Myrtle Ave. OR ?-3S4. Ji METROPOLITAN Convertible. U00. OR raiM l3T FORD PICKUP. t4 Cadillac, ftotti tor 1M. OR 7-nit after 4. 100 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe Micro-out. fnv maculate cond. OR 3-li24. QUICK SaTe ' Gaod33 Marcgry, best o'ter over SIM. OS t-S4l3. 'St OPELJ-dr sdnwhltT sidewrii"s7Te7"H. OR 3-3UO, attar 4:30 p.m. W0RiTCARS. secondcarsTciean-cart. ' See JALOPf JUNCTION first. Old Hwy. S. iM VOLKSWAGEN, 2 siat" plchupGood condition tUJ, J9 down and take over payments. Ptwne Sutherlin JS. MUST" tell 'nlC31Sl Ford stationwagorC New nylon tires, good condition, ijaJ. UNion 3-43TO If S3 DODGE VI Hardtop. Jet black with new red end white seat covers, White side wj II tires that are almost naw, radio aivd heater, windshield washers, back-up lights, etc., etc. Motor end running gears all w. good shape. BEST OFFER. Call OR 2-40 after $30. CLEARANCE SALE "THEY GOTTA GO" 'SI STUDEBAKFR, i cyl.. It.nd.rd transmission. Hav. had this so Ion. Jwst mk. oecent osttv. NMdl horn.. u MIRCURY. Mon. blu., nc.ptimlly clMn, A l ysaot mKn.nic.lly. 'si DODOE VI, hardtop Real Choice 'SI PONTIAC HARDTOP 'SI Ot-OS Suptv II, motor tv.rh.ut. Sk rltict priest n MERCURY tin tact set have I .1 thwnl NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Jalopy Junction On. Mt. South on Old Hwy Phone Oil 2-4661 USED PARTS AND WRECKING YARD Deals '59 DODGE Custom Royal 2 toa, hardtop, R4H, power equipped, famouf MOO motor. A SHARPIE $2098 '56 CHEVROLET 4 door .lotion wagon. R&H, Powerrjlide. A real buy at $958 '53 PACKARD sedan. Standard transmission. $298 '53 PONTIAC 4 door edan. R&H, outomotic trans, mission $198 sedon notion svaaon. .... $698 $698 Phone OR 3-5566 i-e. F'o sit.m4,s. P r aci Ft'" 'we. CR J-