U N ICE F Drive In Glendale To Be Aided By Adult Escorts Former Melrose Resident Visits With Friends In Area By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Glendalr am ichnul children will combine their annual Hallo fi trick n' treat collection of goodies (or themselves with col lection of fundi (or I'NICKK, the I'mted Nation! Children's Fund. Children wishing to participate are asked to meet at the Glendale Grade School at 5 30 p m. Tuesday to he given identification tags and assigned to adult escorts. PTA members acting as escorts will include the (ollowing: Mrs. Bobbie Howard, high school area: Mrs. James Korthof. Humphrey Addition; Mrs. Neet Wells, locker plant area: Mrs. George Wells and Mrs. Tommy Prestianm, Old High way 99 Junction area: and Mrs. Harold Stapleton and Mrs. Floyd Taylor. Superior Mill area. Boys III Edward Chupp of Azalea and Marvin Van Norman of Glendale were hospitalized recently with se vere throat infections. Extension Meets Mrs. Calvin Fricke of Azalea, formerly a home extension agent, was the guest speaker at the re cent meeting of the Glendale- Az alea HE II held at the Azalea Grange Hall. Mrs. Fricke gave a resume of the work being done by the Home Extension service and told of the Azalea House girls' dor mitory on the Oregon State Col lege campus, for which HElT groups in the state raised half of the cost. A potluck luncheon was served It noon. After the luncheon Mrs. Fricke showed slides she and her husband had taken in Iran where they lived (or a time before he accepted a teaching position in the Glendale schools. She also showed samples of clothing worn by the women of Iran. Party Held The Glendale Cub Scout Pack held its monthly meeting at a Hal loween party at the grade school recently. Awards Given Following the game period Jeff ROAD PROFITS ESTIMATED NEW YORK (AP) A banner road show season is expected by the Theatre Guild American Theatre Society, which books cross-country attractions. The 22 year-old agency, with a record subscription membership of 127,000 people in 20 cities, expects the box office gross to reach 64,-700,000. i Apperson was inducted as a Boh Cat and several boys received awards. Steven Elst, now a scout, received his official cord as den chief for Den III. Pat Brady re ceived his Wolf Barise and one sold and one silver arrow; Bimbo Reed received one gold arrow: Randy Estcs received his Wolf badge; and Jerry Gregory receiv ed one silver arrow. I It was announced that Pen 2 had earned the top place in the i inspection of the Cub Dens at the I previous meeting. A new plaque, I which is to be awarded to the i winning den at each meeting, was ; given to them to hold until the No i vember meeting when it will again I he awarded to the winner of the , inspection. No inspection was held at the Halloween meeting. It was I also announced that an attend , ance banner will be awarded at each pack meeting to the den hav ing the largest percentage of par- ents present. By NETTIE WOODRUFF Mr. and Mrs. William Keys and Kennette and Gregory of Manhat tan Beach. Calif., visited friends in the Melrse area this week. They are on vacation and are guests of his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs Ken Hansen, of Canyon ville. Mrs. Keys is the former (linger Kettleman of Melrose. She reports that her mother, Mrs. James Shortt, is now a resident of Weschester, Calif. Game Attended ! Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young and Mr. and Mrs. Don White were in North Rend to attend the high school football game. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reece, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney and Mr. i and Mrs. J. R. Roark spent the : weekend at the ooast where they attended the football game at North Bend and visited points in Florence and the beach. Here during the weekend at the Roger Reece home were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Welborn and Gordon of Grants Pass. Funeral Attended Among those from out o( town coming (or the (uneral semces held Tuesday (or Mrs. O. O. Mat thews were Mr. and Mrs. K. L Matthews. Mr. and Mss. Darrel Hicks and family of Prineville; Mrs. George Johnson of Winlock. Wash ; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Young ren and Kay of Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Horn of Port land; Mrs. Mark Mauldin of Den ver. Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews of lone; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crane of Forest Grove: Mr. and Mrs. I.ou Holtzman of Reeds port, Mr. and Mrs. William Tolls. Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Bed of St. Helens. Mrs. T. H. Pargeter was in Sa lem this week to attend to business Mon., Oct. 30, 1961 The News Review, Roieburg, Or. 5 l F 7 A If TAfVI EC HDAUA in connection with her work with rine Base at 29 Palms. Calif,' the Lions Auxiliary's blind pro- spent a few d.is this week with NEW York (AP) Walter' He will portray a man fihlin V. Mr. and' Mrs. C. A. Coffcll. 'Slcrak. who usually appears on the to he declared lejally sane. The Meliose Grange blister night Fdwin Hamly and son, Ronnie. i stage in comic exercise, is tackling script is hem; adapted from a Ger program scheduled for Nov. 7, has of Eugene visited Tuesday with a ilitft-n-nl kind of rule in "The man satire hv Ihe hu.hand wile been cancelled. various relatives in Melrose and Classmate." a drama recently add- team of l.adislaus and Mary Bush Mr. and Mrs. K. R Kirkendall Roseburg. Ronnie expects to be ed to Hroadway't schedule lor this Fekete. Hubert Montgomery is to and daughter, Marie, from the Ma- sent overseas soon. .season. ditcrt. Births Roseburg Juvenile Official To Speak At Tiller Meeting BYRD'S nRST-W-THE Mercy Hospital HART To Mr and Mrs. Garv C. Hart, Umpqua Star Rt.. Box 30 A, Oakland, Oct. 17. a daughter, Carmen Renee; weight 7 pounds 11 ounces. CAMPBELL - To Mr. and Mrs. Jessie A. Campbell, Box 42, Rid dle. Oct. 18. a daughter. Juanita; weight 7 pounds 13 ounces. KING To Mr and Mrs. Dale W. King, 1455 NW Beacon Wav, Roseburg, Oct. 18. a daughter. Kimberly Dale; Height 8 pounds 6li minces. COVEY To Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin I,. Covey. Rt. 1 Box 333. Mvrtle Creek, a daughter, Edith Ann; weight 7 pounds 7 ounces. I BUCK To Mr. and Mrs Ted L. Buck. 3031 NE Jackson. Rose burg. Oct. 20. a son. Brian Keith: weight 7 pounds 7 ounces. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Anderson. Rt. 4 Box 815, Roseburg. Oct. 21, a son. Jim my Dean; weigh'. 7 pounds 4'- ounces. By MRS. MILTON HAMMERSLY Ernest Shippen, counselor with the Douglas County Juvenile De partment in Roseburg, will be the special speaker at the next meet ing of the Tiller-Drew PTA sched uled for 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7, in the gymnasium. ' His topic will he "New Juvenile Code." according to Mrs. Richard Williams, program chairman. Mrs. Waller Cook, membership 'chairman, and her assistants are currently contacting local residents in the annual membership drive Hunting Trip Made j Making up a party of waterfowl ; hunters who went to the Klamath Falls area over the weekend were i Harry Gibson. Stan Sorgenfrei. Ed 'I-ohmeyer, John Everwein, Cleon Puetz and Jack Vtley, all employ ees at the Tiller Ranger Station. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard DeWeese of Portland spent a recent week : end with the latter's brother and I sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I Cook and family at their home 'near Deadman Creek. Mrs. De Weese was the only successful deer hunter in the group, but Cook and DeWeese killed a small black hear while hunting near upper Zinc Creek. Studies In Alaska Holland Huffman, son of Mr. an I Mrs. Fred J, Huffman, is enrolled for his sophomore year at the Uni versity of Alaska near Fairbanks where he is taking a geological en ginecring course in the College of Mines. He spent part of the sum mer working for the Alaskan rail way. In a recent letter to his par ents, he told that the temperature at Fairbanks had already regis- I tered 2 degrees below zero. Becky Peterman, freshman at Southern Oregon College at Ash ! land, will spend the weekend at i the borne of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wayne Peterman of Tiller, j Ernest Dahark joined friends from Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Earl , Ruddiman, for a deer hunting trip I in the Paisley area. They were ! among a party o( nine hunters, six ' o( whom were successful. FOR ONLY $7995 YOU CAN HAVE THAT EXTRA TV SET NOW! Madal F S1TO Choice of iwturttl metal finisfiet Westingtiouse 19" PORTABLE Feature for feature, (he Attache'lS" is your best huvfortriemoney... JIORE riCTL'RE new JT tube opens up 172 square inches of viewing1 M...JI0RR TUNING CON'VEXIENC K Master Control ParH with fingertip tuning ndjustment.s ... MORB KANGE Unipole tele, scoping- antenna extendi tin to .".. . . JIORK RELIABILITY with perform ance. proved "See-Matic" circuit t enter chassis. You rm b ttrt, if it's Wettinghovtt! 90 DAY PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY r 721 St. O.k OR J 5521 SI iimi pyrch.M mMIm yea t. ONI HOUR (llll PARKING el to know Penney't nowl Ivory deportment brings out its boat of the year... freth, fabulous buys now as this Novomborl Chock tho extra savings you got fright nowl Don't mist a day of tho spectacular values going on solo right now for m to A'. 11 ft' ah. Va 3 1 ar XaVfal im I 1 I I 'I PROCTOR 17-JCT STEAM AND DRY IRON. Only 2Vl lbs! Fingertip fobric diol. Instant switch.over. MARY PROCTOR HIGH SPEED TOASTER. Thermo, slot, color control. Snap open crumb tray. vili MIRRO ALUMINUM 3 - 10 CUP PERC. Eoty to cleon. Automatic. Pilot signal light. Submersible. OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. SPECIAL PURCHASE! DELUXE APPLIANCES BY TOP MAKERS 88 LANDERS PORTABLE LANDERS 11" SKILLET, HAND MIXER. 3 pvns. HEAT CONTROL, COVER. HonoV botfr ejector. Wide Completely submersible, fin heel rest styling. Fries, stews, bakes! 5"j QUART DEEP FRYER, SEE - THRU GLASS COVER. A cooker too! Even heat ing aluminum surface. LANDERS ELECTRIC CAN OPENER. Orn civ mn, even ar&"s Izw. Mage- t.C I'd l'r. LANDERS HAIR DRYER 4 HOOO Tnb'e moo I, teovet "wit ?. La'ge hood. Pirn eno-neleo". PROCTOR - SILEX TOAST. ER-BROILER. Tomtt. g'.iU, hroils' Temperature tmg, heat control. ftps pijfe fSQSiW WEEK PRICES GOOD TODAY, TUES. AND WED. STAMPS FOR ADDITIONAL SILVER DOLLAR SAVINGS WE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE UNDERSOLD! If you find a lower everyday shelf price, anywhere, please tells us and wc will adjust our shelf price to match spaghetti canm soup with cheese sauce Chcf-Boy-R-Dce 155 1 oi. con The fine selection of good Habitant Soups a favorite of the East can Campbell's Tomato Sou ABC Crackers 10 ox. OVEN FRESH 2 lb. box 49c 1? ME BABY RUTH BARS 69c BUTTERFINGER BARS tiSL 69c HERSHEY BARS "S.fVSL 87c JACK-0-1ANTERN CANDLES pr 625c HALLOWE'EN CANDLES . . 10c ASS'T HARD CANDY iSX( m. 79c WRAPT MIXED CANDY 3es 79c Dog or Cat Food canned orden s Mayonnaise Grated Tuna Fish Byrds Meet Department BEST BUYS Armour's Star Smoked Picnics Hormel Bacon Ends -lb. Box 100 Finer No 1 tin quart Dundee No. ' fin Crisp Green LETTUCE Texas Pink GRAPEFRUIT For Halloween CARAMEL APPLES Spray Starch Pancake Flour s Peanut Bars Fruit Cake Mix an CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE FACIAL TISSUE apple tmm all grinds your choice Scottict Box of 400 Hood River Sorry, we did not have enough last weekend but a new shipment hoi iutt arrived. Limit, pleote 15r or esy sir 49' :. can - illsbury IX V lb. baa .... . V 389' 49' 99c 499' gal.491 Giont Sixe Loaded with nutt 2 lb. Can Fresh made in our store CAKE DONUTS 3 d... 1.00 Decorated Donuts dozJ 53c mm m mm All ric.l i Hi.. afrtiMfi in atfact Htm W)iMr, Niuk 1. 930 WEST HARVARD -WEST ROSEBURG