Manufacturers See Service Industries As Good Money Market For Their Wares 'Mon., Oct. 30, 1961 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 Camas Grange Plans Thanksgiving Dinner By SAM DAWSON .' AP Busirms Ntws Aiulyit -r-i' VdPU' xr...... I and retail chains offering package travel tours. Sometimes the con nection is ohviuus like General Motors and lord subsidiaries fi ! for independent service firms I some by setting up their own chains of coin-operated devices resorts, company sponsored ami teur teams and leagues of all sorts. panics, independent or subsidiary, to their advantage. Rapid expansion of the school age population, a bonanza for pub lihers of text hooks, has put tome makers of school supplies in the i service lminess. Some "2.000 'vending machines nuw seuvicc schools in XJ slates with note nooks, pens, typing paper and the like. The increase in leisure time whether at home or on the road is attracting more business atten tion. 1o that end. leisure Devices. Inc., is being set up for research, development, manufacture and distribution of labor and time sav ing products. The company's aim is "To in crease leisure by reducing radi cally the amount of time consum ers as well as industry now must spend on mundane, nongratlfying i tasks." I Tentative plans for the annual were made at Hie recent meeting community Thanksgiving dinner of the Camas Valley Granjje Home Economics Club held at the Grange i Hall. .Mrs. Donald Lawson presided i at the business meeting prior to l the regular social meeting. The dinner is scheduled for 1:30 'pm. Nov. 19. Further plans will 1 he announced later, according to 1 Mrs. William Ranks, Camas Val ley corresiwndcnt. . Officers Elected I Election of officers for the com ling year was completed. Those elected were Mrs. Louis Pryor, chairman, Mrs. Donald Lawson, vice chairman and Mrs. Leslie I athpole, secretary treasurer. The co-chairmen for the food and kit chen will be announced at the next me tint,. Following the Home Economics Club meeting the resular social night of the Subordinate Grange was held. Several tables of cards and other games were enjoyed by the 25 members present. Mrs. Frank Kinnan, Mrs. Rob ert Wheeler, Mrs. Earl rarrctt, and Mrs. I-ee Banks were hostesses for the evening. i r. iut w ' .Many man ufacturer wish you'd spend mure of your income on their joods. 1 But many others see in the serv ice industries that are Betting an ever larger share of your spend ing money a good market for their own wares. , And an increasing numher of manufacturers and producers are; letting into the sen ire business themselves, either to share in the' wealth or because of a connection between their goods and icrvicej. I . Sometimes the connection seems ay out like Montgomery Ward and Sears, Roebuck mail order for the serve yourself minded. I Cosmetic makers set up their nancing dealer sales of autus on the instalment plan. Sometimes it's a wedding of convenience like that between makers of con sumer goods that sell on the in stalment plan and insurers of the debtor's life. Often manufacturers get in I Standard. Inc.. little Hock. own beauty salons and chain at, I i Ark., began selling dry cleaning ! machines nearly two years ago. i Norge has several thousand in op-1 eralion. ALU, Inc., distributes: Wesfinthouse machines. I'hilro is' ! starting its own chain. Whirlpool health ranches some with a celebrity clientele. Klectronic companies, like In ternational Business Machines. INSTITUTIONS LOSING SPARK liAl.K.SliLHU, 111. (AIM-Amcr-ican business, unions, churches, schools and government are de veloping a "civil service mental, itv." I'rof. Eugene E. Jennings of Michigan State I'niversity told a meetins here. ' Our whole society is developing this bureaucratic mind, Crest men are subordinate to efficient men. The executive type has dethroned the leader." Remington Rand and Ceneral Electric, find the services offered smaller companies by computer centers is good business, as well as that from large companies that can buy or rent the big machines full time. Makers of trucks and all sorts of factory equipment have found doing business with leasing com. lis putting dry cleaning machine volved in the service industries as the bet way to promote use of their products. Appliance makers have been making a good thing out of laun dry and dry cleaning centers, some by furnishing the machines in some American Oil Co. service stations. The fast growing recreation in- 1 crease has put manufacturers of sporting equipment knee deep in the promotion of such things as i bowling alleys, skiing and other I iiiini!fHBf'ti;p!Bftf'gtfflT-j You're on your way to a wonderful time with.;; Halloween Hin-Tbods Fun foods . . . party supplies . . . grand grocery savings; you'll enjoy shopping at your nearby Safeway store. Hood River or Town House if Pressed from finest quality tree ripened fruit. Smooth mellow flavor. Regularly 79c. Buy plenty! p jf bi i m b fa Mrs. Wright's "Oven-fresiV in Pi Plain or sugared styles. A perfect 'party mate' for opple eider. A "Trick or Treoter" favorite, too! At i tf'U 1 V V 7 . - i ii- .si . A . 1 AS f 1 ill I &J. & first- . 'Am Or Crape Drink, Lucerne non-carbonated, ready to pour. FREE MASK with each carton. HALLOWEEN CANDY Remember, the "Little Spooks" ond "Goblini will be out Tuesdoy . . . Choose from these suggestions. a my All your favorite Box Q"l Candy DOTS Sent varieties .... of 24 O C t Cm I Rixbury, Indiv. Pkg. A Candy bticks wd 0f iooovc Wrapped Treats b-k 39c Colored, spiced I -lb. J Jelly Beans ooc "Pops" Suckers AFio 0r. e,k6o49c 2Ha,f ZlC bS 4Smm i w 40 Vears Serving the Northwes jaa.jSSjI ember 1, at Safeway in Roseburg ond Sutherlin. We reserve the nqht to limit. Milk Duds chocolates pg. 623c ICE mm Vanilla or Neapolitan. Rich, smooth textured Snow Star. Reg. $1.55. Money saving Gallon On. Large AA' Eggs Dnstaint Dry Milk Soap Powder Ltipe Olives Zee Paper Towels Cream 0' The Crop Locally produced. Guaranteed quality. Lucerne. Special savings on this BIG size. Dox. A I95 size White Magic Gentle, get clothes Autumn Harvest Select size. Top quality ot a LOW price. 20 OX. pkg. 19c $00 Strong, absorbent. Reg. 33c. 5 No. 1 cans Giant 2 It's Safeway for the finest fruits and vegetables! ANANA Golden ripe, flavorful; carefully handled and cared for at Sofewoy. Red Delicious Apples Bobbin' Good ib. 19c Ruby Red Grapefruit Sweet, juicy . 5,0,49 Florida AYOCadOS Large size, creamy texture .... ea.l9C Cheese fl.389c Mustard F'(d 9- 19c Corn Chex np:g, 31c Hershey's 23c Crea m of Rice M, 'SP 39c Easy On ,5B' 69c Santiam Corn 5 3S $1 Nine Lives 2 29c Eugene Beets c;r' .J,21c Kat Nip CU 3 5a4 29c '"':"::?itfi'iy Safeway Meats Are Guaranteed To Please! Ill Is "USDA" CHOICE Aged Beef Scientific aging insures perfect flavor, tenderness, and eating pleasure; carefully trimmed before weighing. Beef Rump Roast Full (qC "USDA CHOICE" Flavorful lb. Clam Chowder Snow's 15 oz. TQg Homemade f lovor can More Grand Meat Values! Boneless rolled beef roast Trend powdered Detergent l oz pkg. 32 oz. in. Sirloin Tip Ground Round Pork Sausage Extra lean Sweetheart Mb. Rolls ,89' ,69' 3 w 1" CUBE STEAKS 98e Jjneless "USDA CHOICE" Beef lb. Deviled Ham 2 ,39 Underwood 2' i oz. Tins For Extra Savings ... We Give GOLD BOND STAMPS The Golden Treasury cf Knowledge Vl. t m Ml .. Fels Liquid Detergent Gentle! 99c