I City Council Chamber Near .. 'Final Phase' i SOMETHING NEW IN THE AIR The Umbaugh 18 autogyro type rotary winged air craft moy become a familior site, if plans of its producers materialize. Announcement was made this week that the new croft has obtained Federol Aviotion Agency opproval and that moss production will start soon. Paul Dillon Takes Option On Gyroplane Dealership Paul L. Dillun, owner of Rose t)urg Engineering and Machinery Co., announced that he ha taken option! on the dealership franchise for the Willamette Valley lor tne Umbaugh gyroplane. He aaid he has formed the Pa cilic Kotor-Wins Corp. and is in the final stages of a quarter million dollar capitalization program ui preparation for deomonstrators shortly after the first oi tne year. Dillon, local electrical engineer, said he has just received word from the Umbaugh factory of the signing of a 25-year lease on the former U. S. Air Korce jet base at Bartow, Kla., consisting of 1.750 acres and a complex of buildings costing 10 million dollars. This is to become, the home of the Um baugh Aircraft Corp. He has been notified the first assembly line will be turning out finished gyroplanes on a mass, production basis in about 90 days. To Make Trip East Dillon expects to leave for Balti more, Md., and Barlow, Kla., with in a week or 10 days to complete financial arrangements for his cor poration and to see the new pro duction facilities. The engineering department at Umbaugh Aircraft is busy at work on the four-passenger and seven-passenger models al ready, the company announcement Stated. Dillon said he first became in Telephone Company To Do Away With Prefix Letters All-number tailing, designated as ANC, will be instituted in tele phone systems operated by Cali fornia Pacifie Utilities Co. in South Douglas County and Wolf Creek. The change wilt take place when the new directories are issued In Jlarco 19ti2. The chango to ANC is the re sult of growth in telephone usage NOW AVAILABLE In Roseburg 24 HOURS EARLIER! it Seattle Times fcWall Street Journal San Francisco Chronicle UMPQUA HOTEL Lobby T MEMO: To Father Your DEER Is Take Your DEAR Out To DINE At N FOUR RESUBMIT Dim in a" terested in the Umbaugh autogyro type rotary winged aircraft when he saw a movie on it a year io last July. , His interest was immediately aroused, and his opinion was that if this plane will do what it ap pears in the movie to do and is mass produced to sell at the nounced price of $9,995, that we are approaching a real break through in civilian aviation." Saw For Himulf Dillon said that to dispel any skepticism, he went to Hagers- town. Md.. in 19B0 to see the ma chine first hand and to meet and talk with the developer, Raymond K. Umbaugh, and his engineering staff. He stated he was impressed with what he learned there and from conversations with prosper tive users, aviation enthusiasts and business men. The Umbaugh gyroplane ran land and take off almost anywhere and in case of engine failure in flight, the free spinning rotor will let the plane and passengers down safely at about half the speed of a parachute. It is designed for private and business flying. Dillon is also president of the Coos Rotor Wing Corp., which has the agency for Coos County. George Kelt, local flyer and air craft service man who operates Kelt's Klying Service, is the ex elusive agent for Douglas County. which Is causing I shortage of available suitable alphabetical dialing arrangements that can Re assigned to new telephone ex changes. This will eliminate difficulties encountered previously with alpha bets, which -differ from country to country, since the Arabic system of numbering is uniform through out the world. It was noted that billing in the California-Pacific office is already on the all-number basis. Several Oregon communities recently adopted ANC. A large number of systems in other states have had it in effect for some time. After the. change, the prefix in 'use in the Myrtle Creek area will be 863 instead of UN3. At Riddle the prefix will be 874 instead of TR4. Glendale will have 8:12 in stead of VK2. There are actually no changes in the manual dialing in anv of those cases. i In March, however, there will be changes in some of the locations Canyonville will have the prefix of R.19 instead of JE2. Azalea will have 8.17 instead of TF.7. j When the Days Creek and Tiller area and the Wolf Creek systems ra rut into new office systems, the Days Creek Tiller prefix will I be 825 and Wolf t recti will oe m. WINDS n.l0M,AC.OUM.M.M.HT riSr'V sty-'- It. I ' i PAUL DILLON takes plane agency New Pizza, Coffee House To Be Opened On NW Winchester A new pizza and coffee house is to open in Roseburg. at 424 NR Winchester St., on Nov. 4. The City Council recently approved a license application and bond waiver for Jess H. Torres and Byron Belmont, for the busi ness, to be known as Gobblers Nut House. The location is in the building which for a time housed a bicycle repair shop. That business was moved recently. Torres, who will be the operator, is a recent arrival here from Cali fornia. He has just graduated from Valleio Junior College. Belmont, and his wife live at 4.18 NK Russell Ave. They will not be actively engaged in the business. The Imikling is now being re modeled. A kitchen is being in stalled, partitions moved, floor covering put down and other al terations made. The upstairs is In be made over into an art gallery at a later date. Afternoon and evening nneninqs are planned. There will be both table service and pizzas, sand wiches and soft drinks to take out. A parking lot to the rear is being prepared. Todd Building Co. Has Four Projects Going The Todd Building Co. currentlv has four contract projects ur.dcr' way, three of major proportions. They include construction of the' Forest Glen Senior Residence at Canyonville. and dormitories on: the campuses of Oregon State I'ni-i versity in Corvallis and at South-' ern Oregon College in Ashland. I The company is also currently Completing work on the council! chambers of the Roseburg City Hall. The work will take about! three to four more weeks, accord-1 ing to John Todd, head of I he company. j TIMBERS LAST When the White House was reno vated during the Truman adminis tration, several timbers aupporting j the second floor were removed, j They had been installed about 1817. i AkliX 1602 S. Clarence fey The contractor on the 'final phase" of the Roseburg City Hall reconstruction program said to day the project will be completed in three or four weeks. Todd Building Co. is con-tractor on the project which includes pre paration of a meeting chamber for the Roseburg City Council, Muni cipal Court room and jury room. Folding doors divide the court and jury rooms from the larger council chamber, but these can be opened to create an enlarged coun cil meeting hall seating up to 120 persons. The police and fire departments were prepared in previous phases of the reconstruction program for the building, whicl formerly hous ed the Rose Motor Co. In the rooms in wrich wo-k is now progressing, the 'nierior wall cover is mahogany which will be given a uniformly light finish. The city acquired the new City Hall properties in an exchange with the United States National Bank for the former City Hall site. In the arrangement, U. S. National purchased the former Rose .Motor Co. building from Hans Hansen. This building, plus $.10,000, was given to the city in exchange for the old City Hall site. . I City Manager John Warburton said the city will have expended an additional S'JS.OOO when all im provements on the building are completed. St rickling, Short Move Insurance Business Offices The Strickling and Short Insur ance Service, formerly Tipton In surance Agency, is being moved this weekend from 724 SE Cass Ave. to 1118 SE Stephens in Rose burg. This latter address is that of the Douglas County Realty, one-half block south of the Greyhound Bus depot. The move will be completed and the place open for business Monday. Ron Strickling and Craig Short recently purchase' Tipton's agen cy. The insurance and real estate divisions will be operated as sep arate businesses. Strickling will be in charge of the insurance division. Tipton, who will continue an association with the firm, will manage the real es tate business and sell insurance. Short will be active in the real estate end but will devote consid erable time and attention to the building of new homes. The Douglas County Realty of fice building has been almost dou bled in size to accommodate the added business. The building has been extended back to adjoin the house located on the property. A new entrance has been provided for the house. Strickling, in commenting on the move, said that the new location will give the additional space need ed, as well as provide better park ing facilities. Tipton established his agency here about 14 years ago and moved later on into a street level office space in 'he Gran''. Hotel. Butler New Proprietor Of Tidewater Station New proprietor of the Associated Service Station in Tiller is Harry Butler, who has leased the busi ness from C. M. IWcDcrmolt, Tide water distributor in Roseburg. He replace Thomas C. Roe of Med ford, who took over the station a month earlier. Butler has had prior experience as a service station employe and plans to offer the usual automo tive services on a seven-day week basis. He arranged for Jack Lehn herr of Tiller to handle repair work. Lehnherr. an experienced mechanic, will offer all kinds of repair and brake work. Mr. and Mrs. Butler and small daughter moved here last spring from l.os Angeles. Calif., and make their home on Scott's hill upnver from Tiller Mrs. Butler is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marshall, long time Doug las County residents, who recently moved to th vicinity of Kelso, Wash , where Marshall is now em ployed, reports Mrs. Milton llammersly, News Review corres pondent. HASN'T FAILSO YET SAUNA. Kan. (AP) Thirty seven years auo iirs. O. A. Grin age found a recipe for a "never fail" chocolate cake in the Salina Journal. In 1!M2 her daughter, now Mrs. F.srI Madison Jr. of Salina. won a school baking contest with it. Now her granddaughter. Susan Madison, has won a blue ribbon for a cake (mm the same recipe in the Tri Rivers Fair. YOU DESERVE IT Because you don't in your cr or business or don't drive over 30 miles a week commuting to work. Frmftre Ine iTnMm t. Stephen, OR 2-2618 V, DeComp, Dist. Mgr. 1 A"l V W " BASEMENT WORK on the three-qoarter million dollor Forest Glen Senior Residence retirement home at Canyon- ville is nearing completion, according to John Todd of Todd Building Co., contractor. The above picture shows Senior Residence John Todd of Todd Bluiding Co , contractor for construction of the Forest Glen Senior Residence at Canyonville, reports that work is progressing according to schedule on the million dollar project. usmess By Leroy 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ex-Riddle Youth Designer For Ford A former Riddle school boy, Wil liam A. Dayton, ha made a name for himself as designer for Ford Clarence And Ada Burd Again In Century Club Clarence and Ada Burd, repre sentatives at Roseburg for United Farm Agency, were given a spe cial citation by their company in September for their requalification for membership in the Century Club, inter-company organization recognizing outstanding salesman ship. Between April of this year and September, the Burds produced sales of rural real estate in Ore gon having agross valuation of sub stantially more than a quarter of a million dollars. The Burds became associated with I'nited Farm Agency in May 1958 and since then have been recognized for Century Club at tainment five times. from M ' i 1 )M MONTGOMERY WARD I . II 144" DIRECT or GEAR DRIVE 100 BALL & NEEDLE BEARINGS ROLLER NCSE FOR 20 MORE CUTTING POWER NOW- IS PRUNING TIME Mk WARDS Your Headquarters For All Pruning Supplies Corona Hand Pruners from 1.19 CORONA Lopping Shears . Pole Pruner .At 1 sy-fe2 J 1 ' '""" He said most of the basement work is now completed, and that construction should continue through the winter months except tin periods of extreme unfavorable I weather. Completion target date is Scene B. Inman Ore. Sot., Oct. 28, 1961 Motor Co., and as such is included in the ranks of men who are re sponsible for the appearance of the modern American car. It is esti mated that there are probably not more than 1.000 automotive stylists in the United States. BUly. as he is known locally, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dayton of Sweet Home, and the newphew of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dayton and Mrs. H. V. Hiles of Riddle. At one time he lived with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dayton and attended the Riddle elementary school, and has visited her fre quently in later years. Dayton was graduated "with great distinction" from Art Center School in Los Angeles in 1958 when he joined Ford. He is a stylist in the Advance Styling Studio and designed Ford's current exhibit at Wayne State University in Detroit, at an automotive styling show. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton and daugh ter live in Detroit, reports cor respondent Erma Best. New At tmingtoii CHAIN SAWS . from 3.45 6.59 I basement walls and other priliminary construction work. Completion on the 109-unif building is scheduled for sometime next summer. (Picture by Virginia Proctor), Work Progresses sometime next summer. The retirement home will con sist of 109 units to house up to 149 persons on six floors of living units. The basement will provide for storage, hydrotherapy, hobbies 'and mechanical spaces. Lounges and hobby rooms will be on each living floor. The facility will be an adjunct to the existing Forest Glen Hospital and Clinic. A kitchen in the new building will serve both hospital and retirement home. The hospital will provide infirmary facilities for the residence occupants. Plans call for reinforced con crete exterior walls, floors and roof. Some interior bearing parti Pouring Of Deck For New Bridge To Be Next Phass Placing of reinforcing steel rods and mesh preparatory th pouring concrete for the deck of the Wash ington Avenue bridge was contin uing this week by contractor Tom Llllebo. Pouring of concrete is scheduled to get under way very soon. Meanwhile, pre-slressed steel and concrete beams for the two end spans has been completed. Stripping, or finishing, of the con crete remains to be done. The contractor is hoping to com plete most of the main bridge structure prior to the start of high water periods in order to salvage I as much falsework materials as possible. Much of this would be I washed away by high water if not removed. The bridge, even if completed prior to the time specified in the contract, could not be put to use until the connecting approaches and streets are constructed. This is not planned until next summer. 1481 N.E. Stephens OR 2-4811 . WARDS OUTCUT. OUTLAST 'EM ALL! -NOW IS THE TIME TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME with TOP QUALITY NURSERY STOCK from WARDS GARDEN CENTER MEXICAN FAN PALM 5.98 ORNAMENTAL DATE PALM 5.98 EVERGREEN ALDER 4.98 EVERGREEN ELM 4.98 OTHERS from 69c i tions will be reinforced concrete and others reinforced block. There will be interior finishes of resilient floor tile, painted block and con crete and some painted plaster. Complete air conditioning is plan ned for the building, which will have 68,000 square feet. The home is designed for the elderly persons. It is backed by a group of doctors and a resident of Days Creek who comprise the board. FOR ONLY 0'5 YOU CAN HAVE THAT EXTRA TV SET NOW! Chota of textured metal Snishet VYestinghousegU 19" PORTABLE K, Feature for feature, lha Attache'l9",iayour beet Juv for the money... more Picture new '39' tube opens up 172 jquare im hps of Vic-win area ...MORE TUNING CONVENIENCE Master. Control Panel with fingertip tnoin? adjnstmeotfl ... JIOKU RANGE Cnipola tele ecopin? antenna J'XterKj tip to 36. . . MORB KKLiABiLrrr wait Terfornianee.provfd 'SeeiIatic,, eircn.it center chassis. 3'o em bt tvrt, if iC$ WeftiKghotur! SO UI PARTS AND UBOR WARRANTY 721 S X Otk OR 3 SS21 $2 minimum (Nrcttm tfrtrtUf ym H ONI HOUR mi PARKINS t 7