The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 27, 1961, Page 8, Image 8

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    Christmas Ideas Fair And Tea To Be Event Of November 2-3
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sponsor the holiday spirit of "giving" by sponsoring a
Christmas Ideas Fair and Tea to be Thursday, Nov. 2,
from 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday, Nov. 3, from 2:30 to 5 p.m.
and 7 to 9 p.m. in the sociol rooms of the church. There is
no charge for either the fair nor for the refreshments serv
ed since the idea behind of occasion is the sharing of ideas
with everyone on the community. Pictured above left to
right are: Mrs. Harry Coxey, Mrs. Joseph Dent, Mrs. J. P.
Motschenbocher and Mrs. Mourice J. Newland. (News
Review Photo).
1 riJlil
MOBILES and Christmos figurines are shown above by Mrs.
James Rex, Mrs. R. H. Hagg, Mrs. Marcus Brown, Mrs. Lte
Hunt ond Mrs. Charles Church. There will be nothing for
sale os all Christmas articles and exhibits will be shown
only "sharing Christmas ideos" and refreshments will
also be served without charge. (News-Review Photo).
play at the Presbyterian Christmas Ideas Fair and Tea
Nov. 2-3, in the social rooms of the church are displayed
above by Mrs. Bill Gray, Mrs. Robert Beordsley Mrs. Elliott
Motschenbocher, Mrs. E. H. Card and Mrs. Joseph Toman.
All persons interested in attending are most cordially in
vited. The church women sponsored their first fair and
tea two years ago and it proved so successful, it was de
cided to once again share their Christmas ideos (without
charge) with all residents of the community interested.
(News-Review Photo).
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ASSISTING with the Christmas Ideas Fair and Tea to be
sponsored by the women of the First Presbyterian Church
next Thursday ond Friday will be Mrs. Charles S. Wood-
rich, Mrs. Hubert Totmon, Mrs. Gale Wegner, Mrs. Earl
Ullrich, Mrs. James Godfrey and Miss Luella Cunningham.
(News-Review Photo)
Two -Day Christmas Ideas
Fair And Tea Announced
A mot intemting affair of nrxt
Thursday and Friday will be the
"Christmas Idras Fair and Tea" to
ba sponsored for the second time
bv the women of the First Presby
terian Church as a Christmas
sharing project with all the rear
dents of this community. The two-
day affair will be held Thursday.
Tov. 2. from 7 to p.m. in the fo
etal hall of the church and Friday.
Nov. 3, from 2: to 5 p.m. and
from 7 to p.m.
There will be nothing for sale
during the two-day event. Refresh
ments also will he served without
rharge. Mrs, Clifford Domas, pres
ident of the Woman's Society of
the church, reports that much ef
fort has been put into this protect.
Both men and women are cordially
invited to en jot the occasion. A spe
cial room iU be arranged for the
Two years ago the women of the
church decided that instead of try
ing to raise money at the holiday
time, they would instead, sponsor
a Christmas Idras and Fair just
to share their holiday idras with
all the community. The event prov
ed so successful that it was decided
to again sponsor it again this sea
aon. Mri. J. P. Motsrhrnbarher. who
headed the first Christmas Ideas
Fair, will again head this year's
event. Mrs. Elliott Motsrhrnbach
er will serve as hospitality chair
man Mrs. Clifford Brydon will be
in charge of the guest book and
Mrs. Charles S. Woodrirh and Mrs.
D. R. Cummins will have charge of
a Christian devotion center and
Christmas literature, which will in
clude collection of ideas to be
used at home so as to emphasiie
the spiritual aide of Christmas.
Mrs. James Godfrey will hart
charge of the children's room,
which will Include suggestions for
gifts and decorations children can
make, also gifts, decorations and
parly ideal for adults to use for
Mrs. R. II Hagg and Mrs. Ar
thur Rirh will serve as chairmen
of mobiles, to include a wide
variety to be displayed including
types to be hung from the ceiling,
windows, Christinas tree and other
suitable places throughout the
Miss l.ouella Cunningham is to
be chairman of the display of
homemade Christmas cards along
with directions for making and ma
terials needed.
Mrs. Chester Morgan will serve
as chairman of the package wrap
ping exhibit, which will include
some interesting and unusual sug-
Timber Town Club To
Observe Anniversary
The Timber Town Duplicate!
Bridge Club will hold its third'
birthday anniversary party for the
junior secuon Nov. (, according to'
an announcement made this week
by Mrs. Walter I Inch.
The club meet! every Monday
night at 7:30 o clock. Two games,
a Junior and major section, are in
play. AU persons with no more
than 20 matter points are invited
to attend and play in the aection of
their choice. Those interested in
playing in either the Junior or ma
jor sections are asked to call either
Mrs. Limb, or Mrs. John Daven
port, . i
Winneri for the Monday evening
play in the junior section were Mra.
K. W. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Robert
Curtis, first: Dr. Albert Morene
and Henry Alexander, second; Mrs.
Karl T. Cone Jr. and Mrs. John
Davenport, third, and Mrs. Ivan
Rrosi and Mra. David Weisman.
The winners in the major section
were Mrs. James Doyle and Wal
ter llrich. first; Mrs. Neil Kaser
and Mrs. Phd Kaser, second; Mrs.
II. E. PeBernardi and Mrs. Dan
Hill, third, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C
McGregor, fourth.
'gestioos for wrapping packages
and directions will be given for
aame. Plans are also bring made
for package wrapping demonstra
tions during the two-day event.
Adult gifla will ba in rharge of
Mrs. Thomas Paigeter and will in
clude large range of ideas and
items such as sewing, needlecralt.
ceramics, painting, candy and food
Centerpieces of plain and simple
idras for table as well as the
more elaborate will be in rharge
of Mra. Hubert Totman. Candlrs
of every type and description will
be displayed by Mrs. Joseph Dent.
Mantelpieces will be in charge of
Mra. Ie Hunt and window and
door decorations will be displayed
by Mrs. Robert Beardsley.
Music and entertainment for the
two-day affair will be in rharge of
the president. Mrs. Clifford Domas.
Mra. Gale M. Wegener will be in
charge of the workshop on decora
tive metal and Mrs. Joseph Toman
heads the committee making dis.
I plays of dry arrangements out of
nature a supply of evergreens.
dried plants and seed pods.
Mrs. C. B. Wade. Mra. Paul H
Helweg and Mra. Maurice J. New
land will be in charge of the tea
table. Chnslmai tree skirts will be
in charge of Mra. Charles Church
and Mra. John I-oolry; floral ar
rangemrata. Mra. Marcus Brown
and pictures. Mra. Karl Tllrirh.
F.very efiort is being made by
the women of the church to make
the fair and tea of special enjoy
ment to everyone attending. Mem
brre of all the rhurchra of Rose-
i burg and all persona interested.
I both men and women, are cordial
ly invited to enjoy the affair.
Dixiette Card Club Has
Social Meet Wednesday
The Dixielle Card Club of Dixon
tille met at the home of Joella
Bryan Wednesday, with mem hers
and two guests present, lrma Han
son was co-hostess.
Winning high pnre wat Jessie
Pyle: low, Mrs. Faye Hanen. The
traveling pnre went to Margaret
Miller. Dainty refrtfhmenta were
8 The News-Review, Roseburg, ore. Fri., Oct. 27,
Portrait Painter Is Guest
At Xi Omicron Social Meet
Committees Are Appointed
By Work Basket President
Mrs. Neil Christian of Rivers
dale was hostess when Xi Omicron,
Beta Sigma Phi met at her home.
During the meeting Mrs. W.
George Krueger announced plans
for International Night to he held
at the Roseburg Woman's Club
Wednesday, Nov. 1.
The affair will be a 7 p m. pot
luck with those attending to wear
an international costume if pos
sible. The annual Halloween pot
luck for members and husbands
waa announced to be at I X p.m.
Saturday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. 1. Wiley.
Mrs. A. B.Taylor
Entertains Club
Mrt. A. B. Taylor entertained the
North I'mpqua Bridge Club at a
lovely 12:30 o'clock luncheon at her
attractive home on the North I mp
qua River Thursday.
Covers were placed for Mrs F.u
gene Boise and Mrs. I.. W. Riley,
guests, and Mrs. Fred Schwarts.
Mra. C. D. Glenn. Mrs. Phil Strad
er. Mra. Harry Bruffy. Mra. J. K.
Slattrry, Mrs. A. B. Cacy. Mra
George Wharton and the hostrM,
Mrs. Taylor.
High acore prire for the after
noons contract bridge play was
woo by Mrs. Wharton.
Winners Reported
The Rose Duplicate Invitational
Bridge Club met Thursday after
noon at the Rose Hotel. Winners in
the afternoon's play were Mrs. C.
R. Wade and Mrs Walter Fiher.
first; Miss Helen Casey and .Mrs
Chester Morgan, second, and tving
for third were Mrs. M. I. Hall
mark and Mra. Walter Kdmonda.
and Mrs. C. R. Huston and Mrs
Frederick J. Porter. Those desir
ing to play in this invita:onal club
are asked to telephone Mra. W. C
Callisoa weekly before the play
Mrs. Harry Hill presented the
cultural program on "Art." She
displayed several of her oil paint
ings and told of her growing in
terest in painting. She also told
the alory of the painting careers
of several of Roseburg's well
known artists. Pieces of their work
were also on display. Mrs. Hill
introduced Mrs. Lorraine Martin,
well-known portrait painter from
Glide, who spoke on her art ca
reer and displayed some of her
portraits. Mrs. Martin began a
portrait in pastels of one of the
members present.
Refreshmrnls were served from
a table centered with an arrange
ment of copper colored lighted ta
pers and bronze and yellow chry
santhemums and dahlias.
Those enjoying the evening were
Mrs. Lorraine Martin. Mrs. E. J.
Dockweiler, Mrs. Don Brown. Mrs
Nick Barry, guests: and Mrs. W
George Krueger. Mrs. Bert Shoe-1
maker. Mrs. Jack Young. Mrs j
Craig Short, Mrs. C. V. DeCamn.l
Mrs. Jim Daugherly. Mrs. Bill
Weber. Mrs. R. L. Wiley. Mrs
Robert Kidder, Mrs. Harry Hill.'
Mrs. Florence Powell and Mrs
Birthday Dinner
Is Family Affair
D. P. Brown of Grants Pass and
his grandson. Arthur Peterson of
Glendate. were honored at a joint
birthday anniversary dinner held
at the home of Arthur's parents.
Mr. and Mrs- Charles Peterson
Brown's 70th birthday and Arthur's
10th were to fall on the following
Olher guests at lh dinner includ
ed Browns wife. Mrs I) P
Brown: his brother, Clifford Bt-own
of Grants Pass; his daughter. Mrs.
Clyde Marriott, with her childrrn.
Linda and Johnny Marriott; and
her son and daughter-in-law. Mr
land Mrs. Ronnie Marriott. aU of
I G lend ale.
A brief meeting of the Wood
men Circle Work Basket was held
at the Evergreen Grange Hall
Tuesday evening, preceding the
L'mpqua Squaws drill team prac
tice and social hour following.
The newly-elected president, Ag
nes Veach. appointed her commit
tees for the coming year as fol
lows: Legislature and finance. Phe
be McGuire and Lucy Benson:
lodge activities. Alma Walker and
Evelyn Croucher; home and wel
fare. Bella Holm and Ruby Tuck
er; civic service. Gertie Hess and
Ann Strong: telephone. Ethel Fear
naw and Marjone Doyle. Besse
Cornish was appointed chairman
for the annual Community Christ
mas project.
Members voted to allow a cash
donation to i family in the nearby
area whose home and belongings
were recently destroyed by fire.
The next regular service club
meeting will be held at the home
of Marjone Doyle with Ruby Tuck
er and Ethel Fearnow as co-hostesses.
Following the drill team prac
tice held in preparation for a spe
cial drill to be presented at the
Western District 3 Convention in
Eugene, Nov. 4. a social hour was
enjoyed with Lucy Benson and
Alma Walker as hostesses.
Delightful refreshments were
served to Agnes Veach. Bella
Holm, Ethel Fearnow. Sarah Cy
rus, Ann Strong, Ruby Tucker. Al
ice Christensen, Marjorie Doyle,
Jessie Thomas, Phebe McGuire.
Evelyn Croucher and the hostesses.
O'Neils Hosts
At Two Dinners
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. O'Neil
entertained at a lovely dinner Sun
day at their home on the North
Lmpqua River to honor their son
and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
James O'Neil, of Eugene, on their
third wedding anniversary.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. O'Neil and son, Michael: Mrs.
Bert S. Corkrum, Mrs. W. S.
Plimpton. Peggy and Bruce
O Neil and the host and hostess.
Monday evening Mr. and Mis.
O'Neil and Teggy entertained at a
turkey dinner to honor their son,.
Bruce, on his 16th birthday. Rich
ard Bakala
was an additional
Roseburg Clubs, ACBL
Report Week's Winners
Couple's Club
Enjoys Potluck
St. Georze'i Couple's Club held
its bi-monthly potluck meeting Sun-j
day at the Episcopal Parish -Hall.
Morris Kclley. last year's ex-i
change student to Germany, spoke'
of his experiences while living with
a family in ltzehne. a city of 35.
000 in northern Germanv.
Kelly was sponsored directly by
the Methodist Church in Roseburg
The student exchange is set up
through the International Chris
tian Youth Exchange under the di
rertion of the Natonal Council of
Morns devoted the first 30 min
utes to showing slides he had tak
en He discussed religion, the edu
cational svstem. types of food and
living habits, as well are recrea
tion and government.
The next meeting of the club
will be Nov II.
The Roseburg Duplicate Bridget
Club of the American Contract I
Bridge League met at the I'mpqua
Hotel Friday afternoon. Winners
were Mrs Loyd Burnett and Miss
Gertrude Rast. first; Mrs. William
Norns and Mrs. Ira J. Seitz, sec
ond; Mrs. Charles Wolfe and Mrs.
Harry LeBeau. third, and Mrs. D.
B. Bubar and Mrs. Russell B. Rum
mel, fourth.
Tuesday master point play was
held in the evening by the Rose
burg Club of the ACBL at the L mp
qua Hotel. Nine tables were in
play. North-South winners were
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Patterson, first,
Mrs. Lyle Bodenner and Miss Ger
trude Rast and Dr. and Mrs.
James H. Harris tied for second
and Mrs. M. L. Hallmark and Mrs.
W. C. Calhson, fourth.
East West winners were Mrs. Ira
J. Seitr and Mrs. Harry Hildeburn.
first: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bevans,
second; Mrs. G. W. Marshall and
.Mrs. L. E. McClintock. third, and
tying for fourth were Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Hernott and Mrs. Alva Perk
ins and Mrs. K. W. Fitzuerald.
Don't Miss
Soturdoy Night
Commencing Nov. 2nd - 7 P.M.
At Ricketts Music Store
By Antonia D. Hansen
Test. Fr4vtiMi
Cmd Brwfkinf
Avtfc.rit.4 fer.Mnt.tiv. .1 Frans Nlt4 Nw T.rk
Enroll Now At Rickertt . Clou Limited
Choir Director! Take Nate