The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 27, 1961, Page 3, Image 3

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    Police Warn Severe Action Due i
For Throwers Of Water Balloons
Roseburg Police Chief John Tru
et. said today his department in
tends to deal severely with youths
who throw wjter balloons as Hal
loween sport nest Tuesday.
"We're not going to fool around
with violators this year.' the chief
aid. "Throwing water balloons is
foolish, dangerous business, ami
CD Director
Fallout Rumor
Arthur Selby. Douglas County
Civil Defense director, said today
"there has been no official state
ment or confirmation of fallout
He said he was prompted to is
sue the statement "in view of mis
leading rumors now being circu
lated freely in Douglas County. We
of the Civil Defense Administra
, lion deem it advisable to contra
'.iict these rumors in every detail,"
he continued.
Reports Regular
He said his office in the Court
house receives daily reports of
fallout situations over the state
and in the last three days, "the
measurement has been practically
normal, with such a small degree
of variation it is not to be con
sidered an increase in any area."
He pointed out that Civil De
fense is prepared to broadcast
"any threat that constitutes a dan
ger and the public will be advised
by radio and television of the pro
gress of that threat and the con
duct to be observed by our popula
tion." Selby also pointed out people
ran make plans in advance to pro
tect themselves and their families,
can be prepared by insulating their
homes properly with the kinds of
materials which will deter penetra
tion of fallout materials. By doing
so, he said, "you will be ready
for any emergency that may
Jitters Cited
Finally, Selby had some advice
'to protect our people from what
1 think is a bad case of jitters."
He warned that rumors should
not be repeated pertaining to dan
gerous fallout. He urged that such
rumors should be checked with ra
dio stations or the Civil Defense
for official information.
"The release of any other type
of information from any source
whatever is not recognized as of
ficial and should be taken with a
degree of doubt until officially con
firmed." Selby said his office is ready to
answer any inquiry. He said, also
that if a dangerous situation aris
es at night, preparations have been
made to broadcast facts on the
Court Order Suspends
License Of Driver
A court sentence will keep Verl
Dean Tandy from behind the steer
ing wheel of an automoble until
January of 1963.
Tandv. a Reedsport resident who
was arrested by Koseburg City
Police on a charge of driving on
a suspended icense, faied to ap
pear in municipal Court to answer
to the complaint, forfeiting his $150
bail bond.
The court clerk noted that Tandy
has a record of two previous li
cense suspensions since February
of 1960. His ast shspension was
ordered by a court on Jan. 13 of
this year to be effective until Jan.
1.1 of 1962. His atest vioation add
ed another year to the previous
violators will ba dealt with ac
cordingly.' Youths reported involved in such
mischief will be picked up and
turned over to the Douglas County
Juvenile Department, he warned.
The chief pointed out that water
balloons have resulted in numer
ous serious accidents in other cit
ies. Severe injuries olten result.
The department will have 15 po
licemen working in cars and on
loot patrols to keep Halloween
night enthusiasm under control.
Truett suggested that trick or -trusters
should be able to complete
their rounds by 8:50 p.m. and re
turn to their own homes. He urged
boys and girls to bypass homes
where no lights are one.
"Many residents because of their
working hours retire early and na
turally do not want to be bothered
by door-ringers," he pointed out.
To keep Halloween night automo
bile traiiic at a minimum, parents
who use automobiles to transport
children on trick-or-treat excur
sions were urged to restrict their
travel to the neighborhood in which
they live.
Hatfield To Speak
At Salem Park Meet
An address by Gov. Mark O.
! Hatfield and an exploration into
the value of water to park develop
I ment will be two highlights of the
Second Annual County Park Con-
lerence November z in Salem.
Representatives from most of Or
egon's 36 counties are expected to
attend the one-day meeting spon
sored by the Parks and Recreation
Division of the Oregon State High
way Department, and the Ore
gon County Park Association. Til
lamook County Commissioner A.
H. Tilden and State Recreation Di
rector Clayton E. Anderson will
share chairman's duties for the ses
sion in the State Capitol Building.
In noting that 26 Oregon coun
ties now have park systems and
several of the remaining 10 are
considering establishing park pro
grams, Anderson has called the
county park movement "the fast
est growing recreation develop
ment in Oregon today." He pre
dicted it would be a major influ
ence on future recreation in the
Tiff Separates Two
Long-Time Friends
HILO. Hawaii f AP Catalino
Sile and Emihano Bibiline, both
Filipino nationals, had been room
mates at Hilo Hospital for 10
They shared the chores of keep
ing their quarters.
Early this week. Sile asked
Bibiline to mop. Bibiline said it
was not his turn. They had words.
Bibiline bopped his roommate
with his cane. Sile retaliated.
Nurses pulled them apart and
moved them into separata quar
ters. Sile is 91. Bibiline is only 89.
HMD Of 1 ffi
ti'i o'moit ot though a
mirocl it happening ot
ow har again cltarly t-tr
mam, television, conctrti,
conversation of fritndt and
loved ones
iwith the re tiny
Qualiton Sub-Minioturi
Thit otoundingly tiny, yet
powerful, htoring aid ft
comfortably and inconipic
itoutly bthind either ar,
It't to tiny, to light, to in
conspicuous, you'll hordiy
know you wtor o hearing
aid. A wholt new wonder
ful world of hearing cart
be yourtl
$? it todoy ot no coit or
obligation. Sub Mmioture
it the tmolleit od ever
mode by Ouohipnel
DIAL OR 3-7137
fof A ppo ntmewt
S3 S. L Jeckio
School Grounds Slated
To Receive Attention
School yards and playground
areas are going to get some at
tention in the Roseburg school
Dr. Vern Anderson, a member
of the Roseburg School Board, told
the board he thinks the school
grounds at buildings throughout
the system are in sorry condition.
He received concurrence of other
board members when he com
plained that playground and land
scaping improvements are badly
needed to "spruce up" school ap
pearances. The administration was urged to
start outlining grounds improve
ments that are needed in the dis
trict and include these as projects
in the next budget.
In the meantime. Anderson said,
many of the schools, particularyly
the high school, need a good clean
ing tip.
School administrators assured
the board that clean-up operations
would be started immediately.
mil (aiev
:. r rat unt'vm pe sT-wMut
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cta'W-a d a i
Oct. 27, 1961 The New. Review, Roseburg,. Ore. 3
Escaped Jewel
Thief Captured
SEATTLE (APt - Jewel thief
Thomas R. Fasenmeyer, who
made a spectacular escape from
the county jail in Seattle Sunday
night, was captured Thursday at
Blaine, on the Canadian border.
Two Border Patrol inspectors on
a routine check found the 32 year
old son of a wealthy Kansas City
auto dealer hiding in brush in a
city park on the northeast out
skirts of the border town.
No Resistance
He offered no resistance and
denied he was the fugitive until
after fingerprints were taken.
Despite his exposure to wintry
wet weather, Fasenmeyer said the
only things that really bothered
him were his feet from his long
getaway walk.
He said he drove a stolen car
from Seattle to Alarysville, walked
on north to Mount Vernon, took a
bus to Bellingham and stole an
other car there, abandoning it
near Blaine.
He told officers he broke into a
cafe in Mount Vernon and stole
candy and some money and broke
into a private garage and took a
sleeping bag near Marysville.
Fasenmeyer, who pleaded guilty
to jewel thefts from prominent
Seattle residents, was one of eight
men who tried to escape last
Sunday. They climbed out a win
dow of the jail on the 10th floor
of the County-City Bldg., slid down
a rope made of sheets to a window
on a lower floor, and then went
down an elevator the rest of the
One of the eight was killed when
he fell nine stories. Five were
captured within a short time.
The one still missing is Arthur
St. Peter, 37, held as an habitual
Fasenmeyer is back where he
COLLECTOR'S ITEMS are these stamps issued by the Cana
dian postol authorities by mistake. They show an inverted
center and are two of less than 100 known to exist. Stomp
collectors in the Douglas County area will have a chance
to see them at their first known western appearance Nov.
6 at 7:30 p.m. in the County Courthouse auditorium. (Photo
by George Lenci).
Rare, Valuable Stamps Due
For Showing At Club Meet
Two stamps valued at $5,000 will I nardsville, N. J., they are printed
be displayed at the first formal
meeting of the Umpqua Valley
Stamp Club Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in
the auditorium of the County
The stamps, a pair of 1959 5
cent Canadian St. Lawrence Sea
way commemorative, with centers
inverted, will have their first
known showing in the west at this
Owned by George L. Lee, Ber-
Vital Statistics
PEO Council Meet Set
Saturday In Roseburg
Chapter CV of the PEO Sister
hood will host the fall meeting of
the Southern Oregon Council of
PEO at a luncheon in the social
room of the First Presbyterian
Church of Roseburg Saturday at
12:30 p.m.
The council is composed of 14
chapters representing Klamath
Kalis, Ashland. Medford, Grants
Pass and Roseburg.
Chapter BI of Roseburg will
serve the luncheon, which-will be
followed by a business meeting
and prneram.
Unaffiliated PEO members liv
ing in this vicinity and visiting
PEO members, are cordially in
vited to attend.
For reservations call Mrs. Ber
nard Young, OR 3 5149.
Divorce Suits Filed
Wanda L. vs. Robin C. Hayes.
Married July 1, 1961 at Reno, Nev.
Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks cus
tody of unborn child, medical and
hospital costs, and S50 a month
support for child. Plaintiff also
asks award of household furniture
and appliances, with defendant to
have car.
Mary Lou vs. Thomas Warren
Smith. Married Oct. 22, 1958 at
Jamestown, Tenn. Cruelty charged.
Plaintiff asks custody of minor
child and 140 a month support.
Betiy- L. from John W. Beaty.
Property settlement approved and
plaintiff's former name of Betty
Lou Guinn restored.
Roselena Grace from Harry
Saylcs Beleal. Plaintiff awarded
custody of two minor children, $30
monthly support for each and cer
tain personal property.
Mary E. from Edward W.
Freese. Property settlement rati
fied. Home and furnishings at Myr
tle Creek to be sold and proceeds
'The Great Larry' Due
To Appear At Glide
"Coming in person. The Great
Larry, the mystifying master ma
'gician, current star of television
and stage, in his entirely new
product of clean, educational, mu
sical, magical mirth."
This is the billing for a magi
cian coming to Glide Nov. 10. He
will appear at the Glide Junior
High School multipurpose room,
under the sponsorship of the Deer
Creek Community Club. His per
formance starts at 8 p.m.
An admission will be charged,
and money will be used for om
munity club projects.
Lake County Editor
Lauds Quisenberry
The City of Roseburg is con
gratulated by Leslie Shaw, editor
of the Lake County Examiner,
In his personal column, "Wide
Open Spaces" appearing in this
week s edition of the fcxaminer,
Editor Shaw devotes the entire
space to extolling Philip Clay Quis
enberry, who i- succeeding H. C.
(Doc) Wells as district manager
for Pacific Power and Light. The
column also congratulates Rose
burg for "their new acquisition.
Shaw relates Quisenberry'. civic
activities and the great amount of
work let him get his feet on
The editor's observation is that
"he is top man on any totem pole
of community leadership.'
Advising Roseburg, Shaw .ays,
"I bid Roseburg put the man to
the ground in his new job first . . .
maybe grow a web between his
toes. . .and then put him to work
because the range of his civic
abilities is wide and handsome."
in blue and red with the blue in
verted to the red.
Twelve sheets of 50 stamps are
known to have been printed. Can
adian postal authorities recovered
six oi the sheets but 300 stamps
were sold over the counter.
On Aug. 20, 1959, a block of 30
I St ate Welfare Commission Head
Claims Remarks Misconstrued
I SALEM (AP) Dr. Knnis having performed this operation
Keirer. chairman of the State and is .h.ill.' ih,. ,,i,.,i
Welfare Commission, said that of the doctor to prescribe proper
remarks he made in Redmond i medical care."
that were called uitemperate and!
prejudiced by Sen. Robert Strauh,
D-Kugene, had been misconstrued
when they were reported.
Dr. Keurr, North Bend physi
cian, said he only used a hypo
thetical explanation to explain the
law under which the Stale Wel
fare Commission works in a
speech to the State Nursing Home
Association in Redmond.
Straub quoted Keizcr as saying
that an 83-year-old welfare recip
ient was operated on for a hernia
when he would have been as well
off with a less expensive truss.
Straub said Dr. Keizer called
this a flagrant abuse and asked:
"How does Dr. Keizer know that
this is an abuse."
Keizer said he wrote Sen.
Straub asking if they could meet
so he could obtain Straub's help
on the problems faced in provid
ing medical care for welfare re
cipients. Keizer explained that under the
law the commission is allowed to
provide only the minimum ade
quate medical care.
"1 was only trying to point up
the law that if the commission is
to provide full care then the law
must be changed," Keizer said.
In his letter to Gov. Mark Hat
field in which Straub registered
the criticism of Keizer he said:
'It would seem to me that Dr.
patronize Nf ws-review
Don't Miss
Saturday Night
of the stamps was discovered liK i w,i , Z, ! . ,1
Winning k.riin. irt . .e.rh fr ' V.1".'- ralher than entiling the
Winnipeg leading to a search for
other copies.
However, today less than 100 cop
ies of the error are known to ex
ist. The rare display has in it one
mint stamp (uncanceled) and one
which was canceled through regu
lar mailing operations. Lee recent
ly presented a canceled copy of
the stamp to the Smithsonian In
stitute in Washington, D. ,C.
The philaelist shipped the stamps
to Roseburg for display through
his friendship with Dr. George Len
ci, Roseburg stamp collector.
The club, open to all stamp col
lectors in the county, will vote on
a constitution and bylaws to be
presented for adoption at this
meeting. Officers also will be elected.
Operations of the U.S. Post Of
fice will be depicted in a 27-min-ute
film during the meeting to
which the public is invited.
elderly man on welfare, is con
demning his fellow doctor for
Salaries Aren't Reason
For Teachers Quitting
Are Roseburg school teachers
satisfied with the district's salary
A report prepared by Supt. M.
C. Teller and presented to the
school board this week indicates
dissatisfaction with salary has not
caused teachers to terminate con
tracts in the Roseburg system.
Deller said his office has been
keeping a record on reason, why
teachers quit the system since
1958. He noted that last year 38
teachers terminated their con
tracts but salary schedule and per
sonel policies were not a reason
for temination.
Of the 38, nine teachers left be
cause they wanted to advance
themselves professionally and an
other left to enter private industry.
Others resigned for a variety of
reasons. The two previous years
showed only a small percentage of
resignations for salary reasons.
Deller said the district has a
normal turn over of personnel. The
district's salary schedule is rep
resented among the top schedules
in the state.
Hospital News
VI.Hino) Hour.
I te 1:30 D.m. and J to I p.r
Hospital Officials
Attend Eugene Meet
The Oregon Conference of the
Catholic Hospitals Association held
Catholic Hospitals Association held
at the Scred Heart Hospital in Ku
gene recently was attended by
Sister Mary Delphinus and Sister
Mary Simeon of Mercy Hospital
and Paul Bellendorf, assistant ad
ministrator of Mercy hospital.
The constitution was revised dur
ing the conference to include nurs
ing homes in the membership,
according to Sister Mary Noreen,
Mercy Hospital administrator.
The Oregon State Hospital Con
vention held in Eugene for three
day. following the Catholie Hos
pital Association meeting was also
attended by representatives from
Mercy Hospital, including Sister
Mary Noreen, Sister Mary deLellis,
and Bellendorf.
Mercy Hospital
Medical: David Nickel, Clinton
Clemmons. Mrs. Edward Shiflet,
all of Roseburg; Mrs. Jerry Ben
son, Winston.
Surgery: Mrs. Harry Dunning,
Mrs. Richard Gadway, of Rose
Robert Montgomery. W 1 11 a r d
Smith, Mrs. William Paulin and
son Gary Dean, all of Roseburg;
Jack Laughlin, Myrtle Creek; Ber
tha Barge, Sutherlin.
City Building Inspector
To Attend Short School
O. W. Eggleston, Inspector for
the city of Roseburg, will atend the
tenth annual short course for build
ing official. Nov. 5-9 at Washington
State University. j
Sponsor of the short course is
the Washington State Institute of
Technology. . 1
Model SP50W
O Automatic Retractable Cord
O Quick Loading Racks
O 3-Cycle Pushbuttons
O Exclusive Power Shower
O No Special Plumbing Costs
Prices Starr
I Model SP30V h
Hearings Set On State
Metropolitan Problems
SALEM (API The legislative
Interim Committee on Local Gov
ernment will hold public hearings
on Oregon's metropolitan prob
lems Nov. 14-15 in Salem, Rep.
Ed Whelan. D-Portland, the chair
man, said this week.
Hearings already have been
held in Portland, Eugene and
Coos Bay as part of a series to
hear directly from citizens about
specific metropolitan problem, of
the state.
TAMPA. Fla. (AP) Dana Ces
sna, ciime reporter for the Tampa
Times, had to borrow a typewriter
from the police department to write
his stories.
His own typewriter was stolen
from the police headquarter, press
"Tewo or Covntry"
Cell J. I. NIWtERlY. OR 1-701 1
r (Her P.M., OR J-1J1
"Ynr Vecooro Cleaner Me"
Consolidation Loans
$50 to $1500
Consolidate all your bilk ana payments Into ana smaller
monthly payment at Family financa.
Loon. On Your:
ftoM.uro't Only Hem. Owno4 4 Oeoforee1 Fioema Ce.
Where Eemin.t Work tor Community Improvement.
72 S. E. Woshieato Are, (lotwom Rom m4 Steolioni)
Free Coatomor Porkinf
Hoors: 5 Doily; Fridoy 'HI I; CIM Sot.
NowmpfANcw World of Worth front Clievrolet
New Impala Sport Sedan tnih ISody bt t'Uher crafltmanthip
Jaunty new beaut g ivilh a road-gentling ridel
In came the now '62 Chpyrolet and oat went the days
when yoa had to plunk down a big bundle to ride
around feeling like a king.
Look at that fresh ntyfinfe thoee big solid doora, those
Ma-wide seats and that rich nev decor. Power? A
fuel-shy 135-hp. Six or your choice of new V8 vigor up
Slurdg, ttgl'uh and a tllckler on tavingn!
Here'. . tpriirhtly new fine ot nvw-aieed cart nir modXa
including sedana, station wagona and the anon -to-be-available
hard to'p and convertible. Sturdy new easy-riding
Mono-Date rear spring. Bolt-on front fendem. A fuel
n anting 4- or aamier 6-cylinder engine (you have a choir
in moat models). Ready to do aome plain and fancy laving?
Have a Chevy II talk with your Chevrolet dialer!
to an optionaJ-at-extra-eost 409-hp. whirlwind. AH
this plus a Full-Coil Jet-smooth ride, front fenders
with new rust-resisting steel underskirts, and a goods
gobbling deep-well trunk. Really, about all the '62
Chevrolet leaves to be desired is a prompt powwow
with your Chevrolet dealer.
A'ne CIutj II 300 t-Door Sedan new reamer wuk loti of room
Set the '62 Chevrolet, the. nne Cherg II and '62 Cormir at ymir local authorized Chevrolet denier' I
ORchard 3-4446