Full Slate Of Bico-B Action Set On Local Scene As Season Wanes A full slate of B gridiron bat tin ii on tip on the local scene today and Friday ai several (ami bring the 1K1 ataion to a close. EUiton's Kiln end the tcason to day at 7 p.m. when they travel to Drain for a clean with the War rior Jayveea. Friday in eight-man action Carn al Valley'a Hornet! will meet the Triangle Lake Lakera at 3 p.m. on the Drain field, while the Daya Creek Wolvea and the Canyonville Tigera will tangle at 3 p.m. on the Canyonville turf. Yoncalla'a Eaglea will host the Lowell raidera in a non-league 11 man contett at 2 p.m., Friday, and the Powera Crimen will travel to Taft for another outing with an A ! opponent uider the lighta at I o'clock. Hot For Win The Elks will be hoping to end a dreary season with a victory aver the Drain Jayvees. To date the Elkton iquad haa a record of 1-4-1 and ended with an 0-2 mark in Bico-B League play. Leading the Elks to battle will be backs Tom Soleim, Kenny Ad ams, and Darren McNeil. The for ward wall will be anchored by vet erans Timm Picknell, John Comp- Detroit's Jerry Gross Leading In Major College Total Offense NEW YORK (AP) Jerry Cross has regained the No. 1 standing in the nation's major college total offense atandings. The NCAA Service Bureau said today that Gross' 286-yard effort in Detroit's losing cause against Navy last week was the best in dividual effort of the season and rocketed the junior quarterback into a commanding position in the total offense race with 988 yards. Gross led early this season, but after an open date fell behind James Earl Wright of Memphis. Gross' effort last week, coupled with an injury-enforced layoff for Wright, gave Gross a 201 yard lead. Tied Far Second Tied behind Gross and Wright are Alabama's Pat Trammell and Iowa State'e Dave (Hoppy) Hopp mann, each with 750 yards. Pete Pedro of West Texas State leads the ball carriers and Chon Gallegos of San Jose State leads Ring Record Fight Results Br THC ASSOCIATED PRISS Phoenix, Aril. Leroy Green, 175., Phoenix, slopped Bobby Boyd, 173, Portland, Ore., 10. Rochester, Minn. Mel Collins, 157, Far Rockaway, N.Y., out pointed Duane Horsman, 161, Outfield, Minn., 10. Union City, N.J. Dave Russell. 172, Hempstead, N Y., outpointed Sam Jordan. 16S, Union City, 8. Cardiff, Wales Terry Crim mins, 120V4. Wales, outpointed Nelgon Estrada, 120'i, Venezuela, 10. MNTtUt LIASUI W L tVirk't OvWW $ Ttim Nft. 1 Tm No. J (We:t Sd Phirmncy 7 S Tun No. 1 tunc ftovrl ' Tcm No. I 7 loom No. 7 13 tiullV N. I 0. Tm No. 3; Lunch Kowl 1. Mork't OutOoor Sior 3; Teom No. 7 0. woiisiot pnormocv J Tet Nft. I 1. YuW'i Trio 3. Hign torfoc John NmI 13M3V-3T1, Wtit $at Pharmocy. Hgh oomo: Barry Smith 10. Wtitiidi pharmacy. Othor high Kerfjr Gory BavXI 133, Barry Smith 131, Latino Wollar 104, Robin Yundt 161, Oto OtBarnardl 131-133. M" Stawart 113, Tommy Hill 103, Tarry Corrvutt 104. CITY LIAOUf W L Hi. Wait Sic Pharmacy Shorn Inauranco Rosatto L04Q0 Pint National Bonk 15 13 1 14 13 71 14 11 ' 1 13 30 mhwo. Bow ' '1 ooi Troohy Sain 13 un was Turn Around Inn 14 13 Roiufta: Mttti LsOit J. wt 3 rnor fnocv l: Snorta InauraiKO I. PoiaOwrg Bowl I ; First National Bank 3, Boot Troohy Sanaa 1 Sun fttvos Turn AroxrM Inn i. High series: S. Morgan 300-301-234 4. Short! Insurance. H.gn lomo: T. Kanntrl MS, Tom Aw Othor high scortr V. Whltbtck 707. Lttrt iF V. BouCOCk 3U-303. J. Cummirta 301, A. LOhr JOt), C Short 331. R. Stickling 313. B. Wi(n' N7. B. Hsnbe'0. TOO. D Hansen 331. B. Rotertl 705-300, B. Rad 3U. J. Heyme 301. G Huogins 704. B Jnvtrt 3l). COMMtRCIAL kBAOUl w l Pta. BarlOW ElOCtrfe 14 I 73 R'fltr'Ouf l!r 1$ 30 Winston Pire Dae 13 11 It Knnt of CohjmOua 13 11 17 Winston to Tfvtm 17 13 11 Rtchma ice Crtem n 13 ii Umaxjua Lons t 15 11 Lcmor Salts 7 IT 0 Rasuna: Bartow electric 1. Wnson Fire Oeot. 1; KrngMi f CoKimbui 3, Riehma ko Cream 1; Rioonour lectrtc 3. Wmsten it Tevarn Lumber Seea 3. Umeova Lions 1. Mrgfi serioa: John Pennington Hl-JOl-UJ 140. Barlow ClOCtric. Mign gamf: J0h Pennlntjton 1J. O'Ntr hah Korea: Jm Ytvtoty 111, Chuck irwgM 3C? JUNIOR CLASSIC LRAOUI W L Pl. SB SuOOty 17 7 73 Lansing Oliver 17 7 33 McAllister Cent. 14 10 II Pierce F't'oht U 17 14 umvoua 0"V t u a-Whjo Mkt. I 14 13 Snoeov Servtct t 1 13 A & W Roof Beer I o 10 Results: Pierce Pre -ft 4. Antfarson'o Mtt. Lens" OUvtr 3. B B SwtOtV 1: McAnir Cent. I, Umooue Dairy j. irOP BT Service , A A W Aoa Sae 7 Hign S4K.es Nowol Mowe'tJ 133 Kl-303 533. bab soev N-ftt fomo. Gien Twmor 304- Lansing O- SUTHBRLIN INDUSTRIAL LIABUB 1 w L Town Ce'0 31 7 KetoM tr ii ttonwfsnort U1 1 1' 1 Sowrxom Oregon Conftrwc'en U 14 pv"g A io io Bowt s n Reawlts Town Ce't 4 B"w t; katv er 4. Pivtng A C SowtMrn Oregon Con etrurton 4. Ktnwsrtors 0. H"f Jonn Ti'ov TOO (Sl Lorry Tarrvaor n-fOt.init. H-gn gmo. La"T Trnf 133. ton. John Levenhagen, Charles Jeffcoat, Bob Chapin, Richard Ste vens, uuane Scnulti and Dean Gar rison. Friday's battle between Camas i Valley and Tnangle Lake could well be a preview of the District 1 championship game. The Hor nets are on top in Southern Ore gon League play with one game remaining, while the Lakers are set to clash with Eddyville next week for the right to meet the Southern Oregon champ in the district' playoff. Hornets Undefeated Going into F'riday's game the Hornets are undefeated in eight man action, though a tie in an 11 man game mara their record. On the other hand. Triangle Lake's only loss of the season was a non counter to Eddyville. Camas Valley will have Ted and Terry Buel leading the chargers with their passing, while Terry Volkman and Jim McGinnis do the majority of running for the Hor nets. Leading receivers for the Buels will be ends Robert and Richard Parret. Canyonville'a Tigers will be fa vored to come up with a home coming victory over the invading Days Creek Wolves as they will be the passers, each for the fourth straight week. Bill Wright of Brigham Young leads the punters with a 43.08 average. Pedro, who has carried for 646 yards on 66 tries or a 98 aver age, also leads in scoring with 84 points. Gallegos has completed 62 of 105 passes. Gross is second with 59 completions in 120 tries. LA Lakers Drop Detroit With 120-1 16 Cage Win By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Los Angeles Lakers tight ened their grip on first place in the National Basketball Associa tion's Western Division Wednes day night with a 120-116 victory over the Detroit Pistons. It was the Pistons' home open er and the Lakers' Elgin Baylor and Jerry West gave 5,157 fans quite a show. Baylor pumped in 36 points and West contributed 33 in boosting Los Angeles to a 31 record in the young season. Detroit is now 0 2 and joins St. Louis and Chica go in the division cellar. Detroit scoring was led by Bailey Howell with 3.1. All other NBA teams were Idle. Action resumes tonight with two games in New York. St. Louis meets Syracuse and Cincinnati plays New York. League Bowling Results Othar high scores: John Aran 317. Morris Thockar Itr UMPOUA LIAOUV W L Pti. Sport Tro'ler 17 4 34 Jenstn-Kees Pbo 13 11 II East Side Market 13 11 17 U.S. Plywood 11 13 14 Curtis Bros. Fum'hJ'O 13 11 15 Toiar's Sheet WMil 11 13 IS Zuck's Raator Service 10 14 14 Kevslona Machint Works ll 11 14 Wilbur Lor. Co. 17 11 Oragonian 1 t IS 11 Results: Sport Troiiwt i, Zuc'i Radiator Service 0; U. S. Plywood 3, Toter Sheet Mat a I Oj Wilbur Lbr Co. 3, Kaystone Ma china 1; Oragonian 7, East Sid Marfcet I. Curtis Bros Furnitura I, Jenian-Kei'S Plfjg. 1. H.rjh series; Ken Hubbard 3JM93-173 J7S, Oragonian. High game? Frank ,, Jansan-Kees; Ken Hubbard, Oregonfan; 110. Otnar high Korai; Sherm Dunham 307. Don Nve 70S. SUTHIRLIN MITROPOLITAN LBAOUf W L POSt CO'O 35 tt Jack's SiOt' 73 14 Wastern Auto 70 14 O'Cft's Shall It 17 Cross Aiiev 10 17 Walkers B M A 1 II Four Winds Restaurant i ii Ctty Bemmdar 14 70 Johnsons Insulation 13 73 Town Cote 17 74 Results: Dkk's Shell 1 Jack's S-onal I: Pepsi Cola 4, Town Ca'e 0; Cross A'i?yi 3. Johnsons Insulation 1 . Wettarn Aula ?. Four Winds Restaurant 3; City Reminder 3. Walkers B M A. I Hgn aeries; timer piuaerd irt-TOt-iT to High game- Owon Alien 373 Otnar tvgn KO'es: Rwjfiar McKaniia 3'l. Hal Oickman 111, Sam Pisnor 311. I -Jl$A r w . TITLE LIFT IS occomphshed by Poliind j Irenensi Palmski in action or Vienno't Stodrholle os He wins the middlt heovyweigt title in the 1961 world we'jhtliftmg champion-ihlpj. out to repeat the triumph record ed earlier in a Southern Oregon eight-man game. In league play the Tigers finished in third place, while the Wolves ended in the cel lar. Friday's outing ends the sea son for Oavs Creek. Work Back'fitld Fred C.runst, and Bud Olsen, Howard Thompson and Glen John son will work the backfield for the Tigers, with Loren Powell serv ing as the top pass receiver from his end slot. Days Creek will be led by backs Danny Kinney, Alan Helvey, Fred Van Norman and Dick Bonney. When the Lowell Raiders invade Yoncalla the hos team will be going after its seventh victory in a row after opening the season with its lone loss. The Eagles boast a 6-1 record, and appear to be the power in the Bico-B League though they still have to face the Powers Cruisers next week. I Quarterback Dwight Pontius is expected to be the big-gun for the Eaglea well-balanced attack. Pon-I tius will be surrounded bv Red Wiley, Bill Wilson and Bill Thomp son in the backfield. Scooper Lee and Don Wiley will be the main stays for the Eagle defensive unit. Hard To Win The Cruisers of Powers have found wins hard to come by against A 2 opponents this season as they currently pack a 1-6 record with the only win being a league vic tory over Elkton in Rico-B play. Rut the Cruisers will try again Friday against a strong Taft 11. Thus far this season the Cruis ers have relied on the passing of quarterback Dennis Getchell which has not proved overly effective. Top receivers for Getchell are Lou Lamhert. Shorty Lawson and Jer ry Adamson. Kansas Grid Team Tops Small Colleges By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pittsburg (Kan.) State's unbeaten-untied Gorillas yielded their first points of the season but retained their hold on first place today in The Associated Press' weekly small college football poll Fort Hays (Kan.) State drove 93 yards for a touchdown the first time it had the hall against Pittsburg. Their coal line crossed for the first time, the Gorillas roared back for a 41-7 victory, their sixth of the season. There were several changes In the makeup of the top ten. Two teams Lamar Tech and Texas A & I were dropped and two added Northwestern Louisiana (6-0) and Mississippi Southern (5-1). The top len (points figured on a basis of 10-9 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 from first through tenth places: first place votes in parentheses): 1. Pittsburg (Kan) (4) K! 2. Northern Michigan 60 3. Baldwin-Wallace (2) .V) 4. S.E. Louisiana 37 5. Whittier 29 6. Fresno State 21 7. Tie Hofstra 20 7. Tie. N.W. Louisiana (1) 20 9. West Chester (Pa.) 19 10. Mississippi Southern 15 MOOSf PUN LIAOUB W L Pts. Rsbg OHica Machines 13 7 IT KRNR It 7 14 Ed's Laundry 10 I 13 M & M Printer 10 I 13 Independent Tractor Servce I 10 1? Town A Country Int. A Rity t t 10 Go-Go C leaner s 4 17 I Electric Motor Service Co. S 13 7 Results: Rtbg O'tice Merh 3, G0-G0 Clenners 1; KRNR 3. Indapondent Tractor Service 1; Town A Country Ins. A R'ty Ed's Laundry 1; M A M Printers 3, Electrk Motor Service Co. P. H.Qh series Roy Stutken 314-MJ 30o-543, Electric Motor Service Co. High gm: Roy sty man 314, Electric Motor Service Co Other high score: Dei I Peirsol 310, Lou Simon 300. Geo Aiken jot, Jerry Denny 301, Roy tum en 204, Don josn 704. SUTHIRLIN MERCHANTS LIAOUE W L Pti. City Barber Shoe It I 34 Sea l Ion Insurance H , 74 Goodwin Appliances 17 10 33 LAM Lumner Co. 14 11 31 Tor rev Hardware IS 17 70 B'de A Wee CaU H 13 30 M A H Market H 17 It Magic Gas 13 14 It Suth. Auto Parts 7 30 t Gilkeson Chevron I It t Results- M A H Vkt 1. L A M Lor fl Goodwins App 3. Sunset Amuse 0; City 8a bar 3. Torrey Hdw 0: Magic Gas 3. Bi4e A w?e i; burn auo p. l. &fesn Chev I; See l ion tns 1, flibg. Neon 1. Hign serin- Jim Frampton 1t4-ltO-331 415. Goodwin Appi. High game: Larry Ouocan 113. Rsbg Neon Othr high games' Dln 304. Hard 304. Haskett 70a. Crom 300. McGriH 303, A. Olson ?. Rownireo 711, Scott 703. 1 i" aV. i r ... aaa w rr m j BELLY LANDING was negotioted by Bob Nethercutt of Los Angeles when he ran off the Loguna Seca Grand Prix race course with his Lotu XX. He landed on hay bales placed to protect erring drivers. Nethercutt was racing in the For mula Junior race at Monterey, Calif. Here, he runs away from his cor to escape possible fire. MONTGOMERY WARD 1481 N. E ., STEPHENS AT 6ARDE.N VALLEY JUNCTION ORCHARD 2.4811 5lwT--- i . i o A 4-SQUAM GUARANTEE WiM J t4 mt- tv Wa arf AP-aV Km 14. Sanxi tft4 J I WaMi tMittl an M s IjsN Jfrt 4-SQUAM GUARANTEE . Atrium X Aeja-t'tlaV S.M. t. 4. V.'n'awtn ftfCraM.ril waMi tXMf) va-a s FREE COFFEE While You Wait FREE NATIONWIDE ROAD GUIDES II ill ""stansi trn WHEEL BALANCING 1.40 Mr whet! For lenr tire weer, smoother ride, lieve includmf your wheels bolenced by eioert servicemen. weifhtt FREE MOUNTING TKur., Oct. 24, 1941 Tk Ntwt-Rtvitw, Rouburf, Ore. 7 Groza Looks More Like Banker Than A Grid Star CLEVELAND (AP) "He looks more like a banker than a football player," commented Cleveland Coach Taul brown in jest before the start of the season. "We brought him bark because he adds class to the club and looks so good sitting around hotel lobbies. " He was talking about Lou (The Toe) Groza. the Brownss' remark' able 37-year-old kicking specialist. Rangers Hold First Spot In NHL; Canadian Second By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The New York Rangers were bark in undisputed possession of first place in the National Hockey league today, one point ahead of the Montreal Canadiens. The FiajiRers and the Chicago Black Hawks battled to a 11 tie Wednesday night in the only ac tion. The tie gave the Rangers 10 Take the freeway to your and meet your friends and neighbors e0De poie (ms- . H eV who has come out of a one year retirement for his 15th season in professional football. The "banker" actually he runs I m Muuiauir iiiMiiiiiuc ouMni-.tft al ready nas usea nis somen me lor clutch field cojllx to nrnnrip fourth. I period decisions in half of Cleve . land's four triumphs. rieed of the gruelling offensive tackle duties he handled in prior points, one mora than the Cana diens. Bob Turner, Hawk defenseman. put Chicago which now has played four ties in seven games in front at the 57-seeond mark in the second period. But Ken Schinkel tied it at 10:37, blasting home a 20 footer after taking a pass from Harry Howell. V V PARKING OR 400 CANS) IF YOU BUY ONE Riverside NYLON 64 GUARANTEED TUBELESS, BLACK, ANY SIZE WHITEWALLS, ANY SIZE Pluj excise tax IF YOU Riverside SAVE $2.00 MORE GUARANTEED TUBELESS, BLACK, ANY SIZE WHITEWALLS, ANY SIZE "Plus excise to IF YOU Riverside SAVE $6.00 MORE 56, ANY SIZE TUBE-TYPE BLACKWALL GUARANTEED 24 MONTHS TUBELESS BLACK, ANY SIZE WHITEWALLS, ANY SIZE 'Plus excise tox NO MONEY DOWN years, firon is kicking like a young colt. His accurate boots have registered three pointers on 11 of 13 attempts. The only misses wera irom a to 50 yards. He alio has made good on 14 of 16 conversions. Groza kicked three field goals and a trio of extra points in the Browns' 30-28 decision at Pitts burgh Sunday. The final field goal came with 2:49 left and sealed tha verdict. A month ago Groza crack' ed a tie with 35 seconds on the clock by connecting on a 19-yarder for a 10-17 victory over St. Louis, this Sunday'a opponent for Cleve land. In other action Sunday. Dallas will be at New York. Chicago plays at Baltimore. San Francisco is at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia goes to Washington. Minnesota is at Green Bay and Los Angeles is host to De troit. Groza has won an even 20 games with his accurate kicking for tha Browns since he joined the club as an original member in 1946. A 1 1 have come with the pressure it tha boiling point. new WARDS FOR ONE ANY SIZE TUBE-TYPE BLACKWALL 24 MONTHS . $3 MORE $2 MORE and your old tire BUY TWO NYLON 64 FOR TWO ANY SIZE TUBE-TYPE BLACKWALL 24 MONTHS $3 MORE $2 MORE ond your old tire BUY FOUR NYLON 64 00 FOR FOUR . $3 MORI $2 MORE ond your old tire