14 The Nwt-IUviw, Rettburg, Or. Thur., Oct. 26, 1961 Industry Is Drawing More Heavily On Service Today By SAM DAWSON AP Butinctt Nows Analyst NEW YORK (AP) Industry draws ever more heavily on lerv ices altnoit much an indi luring company, a fourth to pro vide equipment on a rental basis, and still others to maintain the olant. repair the equipment, fur- jmsh temporary workers as need- Beef Continues To Lead Week's Bargain Lists By THI ASSOCIATED PRESS Various cuts of beef continue to lead the bargain list in many su permarket and neighborhood gro cery stores this week, although turkeys and broiling or frying chickens offer strong competition. The steady run of beef bargains reflects commercial production in10" it""' . ...... inn their emnlov fhihtl. . v..r . Thitlmo materials and manufactured specialists look after everything ahghtly above a year ago This trom f ,osse, to ovcrse cretilt IJVJ X Manufacturers long have looked and investment risks. continue for the rest of the year. , h , or credl, lml financing. Corporation, increasingly turn Poultry price Specials Seem!.. .,:..;,,...;.. .j ..,. , th.'l.. ..i.iri. nj-riilit In hi-ln rhart most plentiful in the outh"tconsumlrs, and for such special-i the course of the general economy and midwest. Broilers and fryers id h , ,redit ...j... bill 'or of their particular field. Dun & collecting, insurance, advertising. Bradstreet, for one example, long More recently manufacturers i has been known for setting credit have dipped their toes in such (ratings of some three million things as consumer market re-1 firms. But businessmen now turn search, leasing of equipment, ex-to it also for such specialized in ecutive recruiting, improving their, formation as a food price index, vidual. The general economy gains ' ed. even while the shifting emphasis And many corporations turn to hurts some firms in favoring oth-' financial specialists either to float ers. 1 public security offerings, or to It's getting to be a case of lend needed funds, and to others scratching each other's back. I to finance sales to dealers or con Manufacturers aatl materials pro-lsumers. Specialists may handle ducers use more services. And the I the corporation's stock transfer fast growin? service industries I books, mail out dividends, prepare es are requiring I annual reports. Aim insurance are slightly higher in some mar kets. Meat experts suggest the long term trend is likely to be higher for turkeys, since farmers are cutting back production sharply because of low prices, Round and chuck roast are the top beef cuts in the northeast. while steaks get a play in the southeast and some loin cuts are down 2 to 5 cents a pound in the Los Angeles area, Bacon also is a prime item on the west coast, with prices off 2 to i cents a pound. Wholesale prices on bellies (from which ba eon is cut) have been dropping recent y. Fggs remain good buy, too, with some sites down 3 to 5 cents a dozen around San Francisco and New York prices running 12 to 14 cents a dozen less than a year go after slight cuts this week Best buys among vegetables ire cabbage, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and squash. In the Southeast, Florida sweet corn is still attrac tively priced, too. Other good buys Included toma toes, snsp beans, lettuce, peppers cucumbers, celery and broccoli. Seasonal specialties include tur nips, rutabagas and spinach. With hallowe'en almost here, pumpkins are especially plentiful and prices are generally low. There are many bargains in as sorted types of cheese. Top fruit buys appear to be ap ples, oranges, grapes and grape fruit. Pears and melons are good buys, too, while the cranberry crop Is expected to be large. Troubles Force Diefenbaker Jet Back To Canada VANCOUVER, B. C. (AP) Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's Japan bound jet plane was forced back here Wednesday when undercarriage trouulo was discovered 10 minutes after takeoff. The Royal Canadian Air Force Comet jet made an emergencv landing at the KCAK's Sea Island base without incident as crash truck lined the runway. Failure of a landing gear door to close was signaled by a red light on the plane's instrument panel and confirmed by the con trol tower at the Sea Island base when the pilot made a low pass over the Held, The troube delayed the prime minister's departure for Anchor age, Alaska, on the first leg of the Orient flight about three hours. It also involved a change of planes and will put Diefenbaker about 10 hours behind schedule on his Tokyo arrival. The jet pilot. Flight Lt. Cordon C. Macaninch of Ottawa, spent 20 minutes dumping 20,000 pounds of fuel into the waters of Georgia avoid the end-of the-year rush. In Strait off Vancouver before mak- doing so, currently valid driver II- ing the emergency landing at 8 censes are to be surrendered and jam. (I'M). New Chauffer Tags Available Chauffeurs whose licenses ex pire at the end of this year can renew now and get a combined op erator s-chsurreur a license author ized by the 1961 legislature. The combined licenses are being issued at all Department of Motor Vehicles field offices, and chauf feurs are urged to apply now and relations with the public, labor, shareholders and the press. Today businessmen may turn over their complicated paperwork to electronic computer centers. They can cail in specialists to handle incentive sales campaigns, to plan and run conventions, to conduct stockholders proxy fights. It's possible for a corporation today to hire a service agency to pick the site for a new plant, a second to plan and build it for the company's special needs, a third to finance the building or to buy it and rent it back to the manufac- a temporary combined license per mit will be issued. The fee will vary from S3.7S to $5,75, depending upon whether the license is issued for one, two or three years under the birth date system. Once all chauffeur licenses are under the birth date system, the regular renewal fee for a com bined driver-chauffeur license will be $4.75 every two years on t h e holder's birthdate. In areas not served by field of fices, applications can be made at driver license examiner stations. Wing Commander James Bord en, in charge of the prime min isters flight to Japan, said the open undercarriage door would have been ripped off at higher speed and altitude. The Comet normally cruises at 450 miles an hour at an altitude between 28,000 and 40,000 feet. TO HOLD RUMMAGE SALE Riddle Bethel 39, Job's Daugh ters, will hold a rummage sale Saturday from S a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, according to Cathy Aker, senior princess in charge of the project. commodity price index, new busi ness incorporations, weeKiy and monthly bank clearings, building permits. Consultants and trade publica tions serve ever growing fields as scientific research both widens and narrows specialized technical industrial inteiests. Consumer research is growing fast. For one example, A. C. Niel sen, Chicago, known for rating ra dio and TV audience responses, also studies sales of foods, drugs, cigarettes, cosmetics, and inter views consumers. It has scores of competitors. Distribution in many cases is now turned over by the manu facturer to a service firm. Leas ing companies have moved into both this field and into manufac turing itself. Service firms set up sales cam paigns, buy the awards, sponsor prize trips, or do all the tedious spade work for sales and other conventions. At least one takes care of the inevitable speech making. Nation al Communications Corp., Chica go, sponsors a Businessmen's Rec ord Club and claims 5,000 active subscribers. The recorded speeches of ex perts are ground out at gather ings in the fields of insurance, manufacturing real estate, auto sales, food, printing and publish ing. Friday: Manufacturers are mov ing in to garner more of those service dollars. If you're an accident-tree driver, you now can enjoy a low-cost automobile insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Company offers you automobile insurance on your own driving record. Why pay more? UMPQUA Insurance Agency TOM PAH git it VIC LIWIS DAVI GIDOIS JR. RICH AftO MANN SECURITY BUILDING Cemet Res I Lev St. PHONE OR 2-3348 'Ml PARKING IN REAR OF IUILDING OUR 44 VIAR IN ROSIIURft November Lunch Menus Selected The November menus for Hose burg School District was announc ed today by Pauline Bagwell, lunch coordinator. The daily hot lunches are as fol lows: November 1-1 WEDNESDAY Navy Beans. Crisp fireen Salad, Corn Ileal Yeast Rolls with Butter, Apricots, .Milk. I THURSDAY Dutch Pot Tie. Breaded Tomatoes. Turnip Sticks. Bread 4V Butter, Cookies, Jlilk. I FRIDAY Creole Smm. Tnni Sandwiches, Pineapple-cheese sal-' ad. Applesauce Cake, Milk. November 7-10 -MONDAY County Institute. TUESDAY Weiner in a Bun. fluttered Corn, Cabbage Salad. Bread & Butter for seconds, Fruit Cup. Milk. i WEDNESDAY Chili Con Car-! ne. Buttered Spinach. Hot Yeast; Rolls with Butter, Fruited Jello, Milk. THURSDAY Baked Hash. Pick led Beets. Green Beans, Bread & Butter. Banana Pudding, Milk. FRIDAY Vegetable Chowder, Tuna or Cheese Sand., Salad, Choc olate Cake. Milk. November 13-17 MONDAY Sloppy Joe's. But tered Peas, Carrot Sticks. Bread & Butter for Seconds. Pears. Milk. TUESDAY Dried Beef & Cheese . Sauce over Biscuit, Buttered Veg etable. Carrnt Raisin Apple Salad,' Dessert. Milk. WEDNESDAY Spanish fireen Brans, Cheese Wedges, Lettuce French Dressing, Hot Rolls-Butter, Apricots, Milk. ! THURSDAY - Fried Chicken. Potato Salad. Buttered Cr. Beans, Bread i Butter. Applesauce. Milk. FRIDAY Fish Sticks - Tartar Sauce, Surratash, Bread & Butter, Plums. Milk. , November 20-22 MONDAY Spanish Rice. Pea nut Butter Sand.. Fruit Salad with Marshamallow Drsg., Gingerbread with Orange Sauce. Milk. TUESDAY Baked Turkey w-, dressing or potatoes, Cranberrv Sauce. Buttered Peas, Bread A Butter, Pumpkin Custard. Milk. WEDNESDAY - Noodle Casser ole with Tuna. Hot Buttered Veg etable. Egg Salad or Peanut But ter Sandwich. Fruit-conkie, Milk. THURSDAY Holiday. FRIDAY Holiday. November 27-10 MONDAY Bean Soup w-crack-ers. Green Salad, Hot Corn Bread with Butter. Cherrv Sauce, Milk. TUESDAY Baked Potato. Slic ed Cheese, Harvard Beets. Bread It Butter, Strawberry Jcllo or Fruit Cocktail. Milk. WEDNESDAY Old Fashion Beef Stew, Gelatin Salad, Hot Roll with Butter. Applesauce. Milk. THURSDAY Bar b Que Beef on Toast or Bun. W.K. Corn. Bread Butter, Fruit Upside Down Cake, Milk. DanmooreHotel 1217 S. W. MORRISON ST. Portland, Oregon All trontlant (nests. Al tkM He mw, return. Rates eot ItieH. low. Free Geres. TV's m4 Ro4lot. Ropwtotte ta cleanliiMie. ChiWroa 4or a cherao WHEN PURCHASE A f 1 1481 N. E. STEPHENS . . . OPEN MONDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 ... OR 2-481 1 e MONTGOMERY WARD chicken every A SUS1&AY wre A ran W rim Hi u II lll It 11 1 ark - 1 (WOW! 52 OF THEM!) c R R N O M Y D O W N N ' l ' --T MaajaMy''a8g;al-tu'' 'p r',' j ' 'j : : ii I ' iBj'-j 1 52 1 ' r Chickens 1 f - - f nmrnvrinnwrnnvm special freezer purchase 21.1 cu. ft. chest or upright- EACH HAS A SECTION FOR QUICK-FREEZING FOODS Both store a giant 739 lbs. of food at safe, sub-zero degrees. Chest has 2 gliding lift-out baskets, 3 movable di viders. Upright has 4 refrigerated shelves, drop-front storage basket. JO95 YOUR CHOICE NO MONEY DOWN w N It IB .i-r-lm I - w ' - s ' l - t m . i. i : vj-.r j 52 CHICKENS the 17' "suburban" ROOMY 595-LB. FREEZER CHEST Unexpected guests? Plenty of food in this freezer I Special section for fast-freezing. 2 baskets, movable divider. Flex-seal lid fits securely. 259.95 "Power's on ' signal light. I lr - 1 I 1 - Ll 1 52 3 c H I C K E i N I S 455-lb. "space-saver" COMPACT UPRIGHT FREEZER Stores a lotl Uses less than 1 sq. yd. of floor spacel Storage door holds 75 packages. Fast-freeze section. Refrig erated shelves maintain uni- O f Q Q C AW 7i7J form cold. "Flex-sear lid. cu. ft. freezers 525-tB. CHEST AND UPRIGHT TSlu.COI.Oj 52 CHICKENS loch NO MONET DOWN Both have fast-freeze sections. Oeit has 2 removable baskets, divider. Up right has 4 shelves, door storage space.