Newlyweds Celebrate Anniversary LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ore. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1961 BEVERLY BROOKE JF B The tfi- -zA ' kv--v; MR. AND MRS. W. T. MELLOR of Son Leandro, Calif, celebrated their 60th wedding an niversary at the home of their son-in-low and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, on Mt. Dodsoa near Roseburg. The honored couple were married in Milton, Ore. ond lived three five years before moving to Riddle to live unt 10 years ago when the went to San Leortdro. They plon to move to Monteca, Calif, the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Mellor hod seven children, six of whom are still living. They have 27 grondchildren ond .23 great-grandchildren. Anniversary Celebrated Mr. and Mra. W. T. Mellor of San Ieandro, Calif., celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at the home of their aon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Airs. George Cooper, at their horns on Mount Ixxison near Koseburg. The Mellors were married in Mil ton. Ore., where they lived for five year before moving to Kiddle where they lived until their retire ment about 10 yean a no. Since then they have lived in San Lean dro. but plan to move to Manteca, Calif., about Jan. 1. . .Mr. and, Mrs. Mellor had seven children, six of whom are siill liv ing. They have 27 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Mellor was attired in blue filaid jersey dress and wore a yel ow carnation corsage, given to her hv Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sabala and 11 r. and Mra. W. l. Dunham. The serving table waa covered with a lace cloth over a maroon foundation to match the bouquet, nf maroon chrysanthemums. The two-Uered cake, decorated with warn, bclla and white rosea, waa cut by Mra. Frank Wright from Walla Walla. Wash. The cake waa aerved by Caroline end Melindi McDonnell. Cheryl and Laurie Dun ham and Rubin Sabala. The punch bowl waa presided over by Mrs. Chr is Sabafa, Mrs. Orlando Mellor and Mrs. Don McDonnell. Present- Cat,-- -as TO BE BRIDE Mr. ond Mrs. Robert G. Compbell of Yon collo onnounce the engoge ment of their daughter, Anne, to Cpl. James B. Proebstel, con of Mr. ond Mrs. R. R. Proebstel of Yoncalla. The bride-elect is a graduate of Yoncallo High School ond Ore gon Stole University and is now teaching second grade in Solem. Cpl. Proebstel is serv ing with the U.S.M C. and is stationed in California. A June wedding is plonned. Friendship Club Meets Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schosso were host and hostess for the Oak land f'reindshiu Club at their home near Yoncalla Saturday evening. The Halloween motif was used in the decorations. A delicious potlurk dinner was served at 6:30 p.m. to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thirle, Mr. and Mrs. Van Hutcheson, Mr, and Mrs. ir gil Chrnoweth, Mr, and Mrs. Law rence llainea, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Man nine. Mabel Allen, Mrs. Carl Bros no. Mrs. John 11 icon and Mr. and Mrs. Schosso. An evening of cards followed the dinner, with Virgil Chenoweth re reiving high score for men and Lawrence Haines, second high. Ha lei Haines received high acore for women and Mrs. Hutcheson, second high. Thelma Brosiio end Mabel Allen received the sweep prires At the conclusion of the evening the hostess aerved Halloween cook lea and other refreshments. The November meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lanoraauz. s Here ing the guest book waa Mrs. Eu gene Mellor. Several accordion se lections were played by Cheryl Dunham. Attending were Dr. and Mrs. Eu gene Mellor and Karen, Bruce, Da vid and Konme. of Manteca. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Mellor and Fred and Tom of Vancouver, Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. Don McDon nell and Caroline, Melinda. Joe, Chris and Michelle, Beavertnn; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Walla Wal la, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Darrcll Davia and Frank rl Scott. Med- ford; Mrs. Eva Catrett, Burns; Mr. and Mrs. William Dunham and Laurie and Bill. Tenmile: Guy Townsend and Pearl Larson, Kid -die; Mrs. Domingo Sabala and Mrs. Julia Yragren, Maria, Nickie and Jaime, Wilbur; Mrs. Krankie McKelvey, Mrs. Jessie McNeece, Mra. Ethel Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ffaff am' Mrs. G w e n Franks, all of Hoseburg. Sending gifts were Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wright. Walla Walla, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright, Huntington Park, Calif.; Dr. and Mrs. Boy Mellor, Seattle, Wash.; Cooley Wright, San Mateo, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sterling and Mrs, Lnella Sterling, Portland; Mr. and Mra. Bud lloyt. Canyon- ville; Mra. Audrey Oahane, Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. Kritt Kooni, Mr. and Mra. Frank Mtlora and Mr. end Mrs. Joe Blackburn. San Leandro, Calif.; Mrs. Bay Bentley. Concord, Calif.; Mrs. Ethel Blun dell and Mr. and Mra. O. W. Angst, Grants Pass; Kenneth Dunham. Camas Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Mellor and Frank. I kiah. Calif., C. A. Mellor and Mra. Christine Paddock. Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Art Johnson, Vancouver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Aikina and Mra. Henrietta Townsend. Riddle; Mrs. Mary McDonnell and Mrs. R. A. Gentry. Seaview, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ton! a, Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. John Durgin, Riddle, and Mrs. Annette Anderson, Spokane. Mrs. Richardson Shower Honoree Mrs. Frank Richardson of Mel rose waa honored at a kivelv pink and blue shower party Friday ev- ning at, the home of Mra. J. E. Conn. Mrs. M. W. Schneider rras co-hostess. Fall flowers, leaves and colorful fruits were used in forming an attractive setting for the pleasant evening. Games were presented after which the honoree opened and dis played her gifta received from Mra. Orval Richardaon. Mrs. C K. Coflell. Mrs. Fred MUler, Mrs. D. O. Bly, Mrs. Charles Bly, Mrs. Alvin Byland. Mra. Gene Stewart. Mrs. Amy Seeley, Mrs. Joel Fcnn.ay ',).,. 2: from 2 to 5 p m. at !. n. rr.i... juii. jr.nnie Blanchard and Patti and Ihrisli Mrs. Jim Conn and daughter, Jen mfer; Mrs. Howard Kaiser and alia, nan V-Uiiu iuo ui iwu nosi- Costume Party Slated The L'mpqua School Association will sponsor a community Hallo ween party Friday, beginning at 8:30 t ut, The program will begin at 8 p m. Children's costumes will be Judg ed. There will be entertainment for all age groups. Refreshments will be served. 1 Reduced ' with I AYDS" UN C 1 iay ' y. V I DIANA D0RS...i J I W I ka. M tu ATta Plia tha uti eandy way t ronlrol your el." Tasaa al d.rarUd. Aydl ViUiaia-M,napal i aniiy rarba yaur 'Rpabta. Yoa aatonalmllf aal nws WPaiaa! Ad rkonxata ar "r oajPT-kard guaeulaa! A MU s Sotff iM. Chapman'i Pharmacy Jsihisa A Ca 0 I 4J1J F" i ' i . : ' n t ' I ... i sf. f L ... . . ' . S' i t'-. X . r- ' HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Don Nuzum entertained of their home on Resron Road in Tenmile to honor their son, Jimmy Joe, on his fourth birthday. Games were played and Jimmy opened his many gifts. A decorated birthday cake was served with the refreshments; beside Jimmy Joe is his greor-grandmorher, Mrs. Joe Nuzum, of Artesio, Calif., Mr, ond Mrs. Don Lewis, Craig, Mike ond Bret of Oakland, Mrs. Harry Nuzum of Camas Volley, Mr. ond Mrs. Ivon Mackenzie and Terry of Roseburg, Mr. ond Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Randy ond Jerry, of Winston, and Mrs. Dewey Chomblen and the host ond hostess Mr. and Mrs. Don Nuzum, and sons, Harry and Donald Jr., and daughter Devonno. Committees Reported Women of the Roseburg Country ley for the year include: card com- Club will meet at a 12 o'clock noon luncheon Thursday at tha club- house. Mrs. Kenneth Bailry, presi dent, has asked all members to be present. An executive board meeting was held by Mrs. Bailey last Thursday and members of the hoard elude Mrs. Edwin Nolle, vice pres ident; Mrs. John lxjnKfcllow Jr., secretary: Mrs. F.dwant M. Mur phy, treasurer; Mrs. W. L. Tiuer and Mrs. Ira J. Sritz, members at large, and Mrs, Al 11. May, junior past president. Committees named by Mrs. Bail To Celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Taylor McCord will celebrate their sdver wedding an- iuHairf at an nwn hnns Sun- ,hrir home lne old North I mp ana highway, ( mile east nf Glide Friends and reiauvea are invited 1 10 ra an are asked to please no. bring gifls. TOZER'S. recommends the BUT UMf EATHR.wm. TM tMf tnilr fttrl Mat twrnfi Hoiti, tu .yd ohum.(tifti tour tjmtir nptil tint on' ( artd !- liK-tV Mo ttatt wooi'tt. tl mot pt (ftumtn! ' fimU bumM ' t f'tM fnaitNwi. mctKi tit tt ! rwA4 fnf ( Milt- Yur Cmplttt 0)t Stc Htrtnf fial Air CoittJibtMtiftf TOZER'S HEATING-AIR CONDITIONING AND SHEET METAL 108 S. I. .a. OK 2-117 Public Invited To Enjoy Reception Thursday Night The public is most cordially in - vited to attend the reception Thurs - day, Oct. 26. to be held at the First Mrs. O. J. Monger and Misa Eli Presbyterian Church social hall in zabeth Randall from the Roseburg honor of Mi.s Muriel Mitchell, who is retiring as assistant librarian of the Douglas County Library. The reception has been arranged by members of the Roseburg Wom an's Club, who are being assisted by members of all the civic and social organizations of Roseburg. Mra. N. Charles Walhn. presi dent of the Roseburg Woman's Club, is acting as general chair man of the affair and has stressed the fact that all residents of this area are being most cordially in vited to enjoy the -occasion in hon or of Miss Mitchell. Mrs. Humer W. Grow is arrang ing the music for the occasion. Kosehurg's mayor, Peter Serafin; City Manager John Warburton and mitott W. A1 H. May and Mrs. w , . .. . ' .. . , ih lutci, suiisuiue, Airs, r rea I-ockwood, and reservations, Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer. Luncheon was attended at noon by members of the club and was followed by the weeklv bridge play. Winners were Mrs. W. L. To- Uer. first: Mrs. L. W. Mettger. sec- ond. and Mrs. Charles Allen, of Eu gene, third. SUCCESS STORY... : other official! will be on hand to 1 assist with the occasion Senior High School will have four i of the servjee group girls and four of the Kiri librarians present to as - sist with the reception. Presidents of various clubs assisting will be on hand to receive the guests. Decorationa for the occasion are being arranged by Mra. T. L. Good win and Mrs. Maurice J. Newland. Mrs. Arthur Bich aud Mrs. Charles S. Woodnch are in charge of re freshments and Mra. Edwin G. Young and Mra. Philip Beckley are in charge of hostesses. Mrs. Har old Keaume, Miss Carol Trimble and Mrs. John E. Bunyan are also assisting with arrangements for the occasion. Miss Mitchell served as Rose burg City Librarian for seven years and was Roseburg's first trained librarian. During her years as librarian of the city library, she worked hard for the establishing Guest Held Colorful autumn leaves and flow ers provided a cheerful setting for the Oct. 19 meeting of Sutherlin Garden Club, when Guest Day "Bring a Friend" was the order of the day. Fifteen guests were pres ent: including Mesdames: William Blakeley, Boyd Church and Miss Linda Church of Tumwater, Wash.; Jerry DeMuth, Jack Dixon, O. J. F'eldkamp, Roseburg, Melvin Gow- ey. Warren hadas, Kay H. Mor row. A. E. Newell. Joe Perrault, Richard Scott. Maurice Vogelpohl, Agnes Waer and Lee Williams. Members included: Mesdames; L. Armstrong. J. D. Bailey. H. V. Church, Margaret Champie, J. E. Francis, H. L. Frotscher, H. K. Geider, H. K. Halvorsen Sr., U T. Johnson, D. B. Kesner, R. R. League. Frank McCord, C. W. Siks trom and F. Logan White and the hostesses, Mrs. D. W. Beck and H. R. Geider. Guesta were welcomed by the president, Mrs. J. D. Bailey. Mrs Ira Mann was unanimously elected Lookingglass Grange Party Successful Affair Friday The Lookingglass Grange card party Friday evening at the hall featured 10 tables in play with Mrs. William Petherair and Mrs. Neal Meyer hostesses. High scorers were Ruth Maresch and Jon Wil son. Low scort-s were held by Ma ble Hansen and Ora Welker. Jon Wilson was awarded the traveling Dnze. The next card party will be held! afc Ilia llflll x-iivimt. iiiraiM. "i" be Mrs. Fred Scbulre and Mrs. Wil liam Niebaum. Knjoying the Friday eve party were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mere dith, Wesley Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Welker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle, Mr. and Mrs Aubrey Scott, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Man ning, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hansen, Mrs. Rachel Goodin. Jon Wilson, Miss Sheila Aldndge. Miss Sally Sue Keever, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Keev er. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dysert, I Mr. and Mrs. William Niebaum, Over slxfeen thousand families in cur crea now use flomeless electric heot in their homes. This represents on increase of over 400 in 70 years! No other heating system con show thfs proof cf romeoner prefer ence. The sunshifxxfeon warmth which on auto matic electric hooting system brings to so many modem liomes is a miracle of tlie modern oge. It eliminated the necessity of using the oge-old method of heating fire Just as the modem outomobiTe eliminated i of the Douglas County Library, and since it opened, she has served as assistant librarian under Mist Car ol Trimble, librarian. She plans to I retire the first of the month and after she completes arrange- 1 meats for selling her home here, she plans to do some traveling. One of her trips planned will take her to Haiti, where she was a teacher her first year after being graduated from college in Kansas. She baa been invited to be the guest of the mayor in the town she first taught in and Miss Mitchell admits she is really looking for ward to this vacation back to the island she became so fond of when she was a young teacher there. She also plans to spend some time in Denver, Colo, with her sister. Oth er plans for the future are as yet indefinite. All fnends of the Douglas Coun ty Library are most cordially in vited to enjoy the reception honor ing Miss Mitchell Thursday evening. uav is Thursday secretary to replace Mrs. O. L. Torrey .whose resignation was ac cepted. Interesting reports were given by Mrs. Champie on horti culture, and by Mrs. Armstrong on conservation. The guest speaker was Mrs. O. J. Feldkamp of the Town and Country Garden Club of Roseburg. whose interesting talk and demonstration on the preserva tion of leaves and flowers was well received. She showed a number of lovely arrangements which had previously been treated. A very beautiful mantel arrange ment nf fall flowers in a colortul urn, flanked by a huge copper plate, was done by Mrs. Bud Holm and the shadow boxes were artis tically decorated by Mesdames: Armstrong, Church, Bailey, Thompson and Kesner. Delicious refreshments were served at the tea hour. The beau tifully appointed tea table was pre sided over by the hostesses, Mrs. D. W. Beck and Mrs. H. R. Geid- er. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reagles, Mr. ' "l Rudy Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moon. Mrs. Lena How-' ! 'nd, R. A. Busenbark, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Busenbark. Mr. and Mrs. Bill White, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Eckley. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mar esch, Mrs. Tom F'indlay. Tiller Sewing Group Hosted By Mrs. Godley Mrs. Del Godbey of Tiller en- tertained members of the Forest Service sewing group at her home recently. In addition to regular members, two special guests were present. They were Helen Ballen tine and Rosa Dillon, both of Glas gow, Mo., mother and aunt of Mrs. Bill G. Onstott. Following a pleasant eveing of visiting and sewing, the hostess served desicious refreshments. Mrs. John Loeblein will enter tain the group at the next meet ing at her home near Coffee Creek. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM E. LOCKE ore pictured above following their morriage Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Assem bly of God Church in Roseburg with the Rev. C, O, Ross officiating in the presence of 10 guests. The bride, Betty Anne Hammond, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Hammond of this city ond the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Edno Gillmon of Roseburg. Pat Hammond, sister of the bride, and Larry Elliott were attendants. A wedding supper followed at Turn-Around-lnn. The bridegroom at tended Roseburg High ond is now stationed at McCord Air Force Base, Tacoma. The bride attended Roseburg High School and for the time being she is remaining here with her parents. (Picture by Photo Lab). Dessert Given By Mrs. Wolfe I Mrs. Charles Wolfe entertained Monday at a delightful 12:30 p.m. ! dessert bridge at her charming : home in Happy Valley. Lovely bou-1 quets of dahlias were used in dec-1 oration. I High scores for the afternoon's contract bridge play were held byl Mrs. Albert Morene, Mrs. Edwin Nolte and Mrs. C. E. Bonner. Enjoying the day were Mrs. Mo rene, Mrs. Bonner, Mrs. Nolte, Mrs. Charles Todd. Mrs. C. R. Hu ston, Mrs. J. M. Williams, Mrs. J. M. Alnutt, Mrs. Kenneth Luder man, Mrs. Raymond Borden. Mr3. Loyd Bennett. Mrs. John Brooke and the hostess. The Finest Electric Heat In The World! ' FULLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEAT CLEAN EFFICIENT k DEPENDABLE CUSTOMIZED ECONOMICAL "INVISIBLE" the horse end buggy os a method of trans portation. Grandma had to heot with fire, but you don't! Only electric heat is flamcTess, fumeless, ond foolproof. That's why modems prefer it. And prove their preference by installing it in the great majority of new end modern ized homes. Get the compfeta ctcctric heat story from a ColOre Electrical League member before you choose a heating system for your home. il form ' J Lions Auxiliary Plans For Visit Of President The Roseburg Lions Club Auxil iary held its monthly dinner meet ing at the Bamboo Inn Monday. The program for the coming year was discussed. The next meeting will be held Nov. 15 at winch time the state president will be a guest. Other auxiliary clubs of the area will participate in this meeting. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Leila Shultz and Miss Bar bara Saar. Miss Saar was the speaker and told about her trip this past summer to several Euro pean countries. She also showed beautiful slides of the places she visited. CHANNELS AIR SAVES' SPACE SIMPLE COUPLINGS 10-YR. UNCONDITION AL GUARANTEE For mof information, ottimotM nd terms - m mto