The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 25, 1961, Page 1, Image 1

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    University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon OOliP
Nationalization Looms
Two railroad presidents say de
ficits or pushing railroads to nation
alixation. See page 2.
Indians Reach Top
The Roseburg Indian football team
surged into first place in state prep
grid poll tor the first time in his
tory. See sports.
Established 1873
14 Pages
10c Per Copy
oSo Troops Alerted In New Berlin Row
wmmmmtm umim - -oys ioiiiii t m
'OKAY' SIGN is given In New York by former President
Dwight Eisenhower, right, as GOP candidate for mayor.
State Atty. Gen. Louis J. Lefkowitz waves to crowd at
tending a $100-o-plate dinner supporting him. Between
them is John J. Gilhooley, GOP condidate for city comp
troller. Eisenhower spoke at the banquet. (UPI Telephoto)
Ike Says Peace Corps
Is Juvenile Experiment
NEW YORK (AP) Former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
says the Kennedy administration
is "confusing me and all my
In one of his sharpest attacks
on the Democratic administra
tion. Eisenhower said Tuesday
night federal fiscal policies are
"shrinking dollars." He called
the Peace Corps a "juvenile ex
periment" and suggested Peace
Corps members might be sent to
the moon.
The former Republican presi
dent appeared at a campaign
rally in support of State Atty.
Gen. Louis J. Lefkowitz, Republi
can candidate for mayor of New
York City. He said Democratic
Mayor Robert F. Wagner, who is
" '
Satellite Detects
Blast Of Missile
The new .Midas IV spy satellite
detected a Titan missile as it
roared away from the cape on a
(.100-mile test flight Tuesday
Bight, an official reported today.
The launching was timed when
Midas IV whirled 2,100 miles
overhead to determine if infrared
sensing devices in the satellite
could pick up the exhaust trail
of the Titan and relay the infor
mation to a ground station.
"The Midas spotted the Titan
about 90 seconds after it lifted
off,'" the official said. "Water va
por and other elements in the at
mosphere probably prevented it
from locking on the exhaust trail
sooner. On the basis of prelimi
nary examination, we consider it
a good test."
Similar successful experiments
were conducted with the Midas
111 satellite launched earlier this
At 90 seconds, the Titan was
about 40 miles high, heading for
its ninth straight success. i
Midas IV was launched from :
Point Arguello, Calif., last Satur
day in another experimental fir-1
ing aimed at developing a system
of missile detection satellites able
to provide the united Mates wun
30-minute warning of an enemy
rocket attack.
The Air Force announced the
Titan met all the test objectives in
one of a final series of flights be
fore the weapon becomes opera
tional late this year.
Rayburn Unchanged
DALLAS. Vex. (AP) Doctors
at Baylor Hospital said Tuesday
that House Speaker Sam Rayburn
has been fed through a stomach
tube "nearly continuously for the I
past week." !
A medical bulletin said the con
dition of the 79-year-old Texas
Democrat, incurably ill with can-!
err, was unchanged and still ter-1
The Weather j
Considerable cloudiness witti con-'
sidersble rain tonight end Thurs
day. Cooler Thursday.
Highest ttmp. last 14 boors t!
Ltwost ttmp. last 34 hours .. . 44
Hifhest temp, any Oct. ('SI) 1
Lowest temp, en, Oct. (-S4) 24
Precis, last 24 hours
Precip. from Oct. I - l.SJ
Precip from Sept. 1 - ).M
t veer, from Sept. 1 .03
Sunset tonight, S:1S p.m.
Sunrise tomorrow, 41 e.m.
running for re-election, has given
the city a diet of "indecision and
But he levelled most of his cri
ticism at Washington Democrats.
The confusion among New York
Democrats is a spring zephyr.
Eisenhower said, wnen compared
with the tornado of confusion in
He said he is confused at what
the Kennedy administration is
getting at with its fiscal policy.
"One day the nation is told the
federal budget is balanced, and
the next that it will produce a
56 7-biliion deficit," he said.
"I believe this nation is in a
time of prosperity if we can't
pay our debts, what's going to
happen?" he asked.
Citing the experience of other
nations with inflation, Eisenhower
suggested U.S. currency might
come to he known as "dollarettes,
there'd be so many more of
Turning to the Peace Corps a
Kennedy administration project
the former president said: "If
you want to send a man to the
moon, send a Peace Corps mem
ber up there. It is an underdevel
oped country."
Eisenhower said there was
"postcard evidence" that Peacs
Corps members "did not even
know what an underdeveloped
country was, so you can see why
I am confused."
His reference was to the girl
Peace Corps member who set off
an international incident when a
postcard she wrote describing
primitive conditions in Nigeria
fell into the hands of Nigerians.
The Republican gathering in the
New York Coliseum was a combi
nation fund-raising dinner and
rally. The SlOO-aplate dinner
reaped $100,000 for the city GOP.
Speakers at the dinner in ad
dition ttf Eisenhower and Lefkow
itz included Gov. Nelson A. Rock
efeller, U.S. Sens. Jacob K. Jav
its and Kenneth B. Keating of
New York, former Gov. Thomas
E. Dewey. Rep. Paul A. Fino, the
GOP candidate for City Council
president, and city comptroller
candidate John J. Gilhooley.
Rockefeller introduced Eisen
hower as "the greatest living
Highway Supervisor
In Roseburg Boosted
Laurance A. Holt, former state
highway department division right
of way supervisor in Roseburg, has
been promoted to administrative
agent within the legal ana ngni-ot-;
way division, the department an
nounced today.
Holt came to work for the High-1
wav Department in Roseburg in
1950 as right-of-way agent from
Klamath Falls and was promoted;
to supervisor in 1936. He has nowj
left Roseburg to assume bis new
duties at Salem. I
Leonard V.. Riley, formerly di-,
vision appraiser at Roseburg. has
been named acting division super
visor until the department selects
a permanent replacement for Holt.
Job Goes Begging
one in Blountstown seems to
want a S! -a-year job for 112 SO.
Blountstown Cit;- Clerk Joe
Plummer. wbo has two vacancies,
said no one has Med as yet for
councilman of Wards 1 or 2.
The qualifying fee is 125 and
the annual salary is SI. The term
is two years and the deadline is
4 pa, today. I
County Gets
$1.3 Million
Douglas County is to receive SI,
3S2.168.18 as its share of receipts
from national forests within its
State Treasurer Howard C. Bel
ton reports receipts of the sum of
$10,224,466.96 as the annual 25 per
cent distributive share to Oregon
counties from Forest Service re
ceipts. The total is approximately
$2.4 million less than 1960s rec
ord high of $12.6 million.
Formula Explained
Under provisions of federal law
25 per cent of the total receipts
from forests go to the states for
disbritution to the counties in
which the forests are located. Each
county's share is in proportion to
the acreage of national forest land
within the county. The law pro
vides that 75 per cent shall go to
the road fund and 25 per cent to
the school funds of the counties.
Regional Forester J. Herbert
Stone reports that Lane County,
which is receiving $2,610,866.20
leads Oregon recipients. Douglas
County is next in line. Lane Coun
ty gets receipts from the Willam
ette, Umpqua and Siuslaw forests.
Douglas County's money comes
from the I'mpqua, Willamette,
Siuslaw and Rogue River forests.
National forests contribute to lo
cal welfare in many ways. Stone
points out. In addition to a coun
ty's direct receipts, the national
forests make permanent improve
ments and payroll payments and
expend other money in manage
ment activities.
O A C Contributes
In addition to the year's total
receipts from national forest land,
$3,441,246.17 was collected from
Oregon and California grant lands
administered by the Forest Serv
ice. Receipts are deposited with
the Department of Interior for dis
tribution by the Bureau of Land
Counties are credited with 75 per
cent of income from O & C lands.
Actually, however, they permit 25
per cent, or more, to go back into j
roads and recreational improve-!
ments on the land. They are paid
approximately 50 per cent.
Eighteen western Oregon coun
ties share in the distribution of
O & C receipts. Douglas County,
largest in area in western Oregon,
receives almost 25 per cent of tho
Tshombe To Free
U. N. Prisoners
(AP) Katanga President Moise
Tshombe ha, formally accepted
ratification of the Katanga-U.N.
cease-fire and agreed to hand
over about 190 Irish and Scandi
navian prisoners this afternoon,
the U.N. Command announced.
U.N. envoy Mahmoud Khiar at
the same time will return to Ka
tangan control the Elisabethville
oost office and radio station taken
by U.N. troops during the week of
fighting last month; also hand
over 210 Katangan prisoners cap
tured in the fighting.
The U.N. Command had feared
that the strong-willed Katanga
president might object to condi
tions attached to the accord by
the U.N. secretariat so that it
would in no way recognize Tshom
be's claim to independence from
the central Congolese government.
Kennedy Approves
Underground Test
dent Kennet'y approved plans to
day for an underground nuclear
explosion in New Mexico as part
of the nation's program to devel
op peaceful uses for nuclear en
ergy. The White House said the ex
plosion probably will take place
in about 60 days, some 1.200 feet
below ground in a salt formation
near Carlsbad. N M.
The blast will be the first in
the Atomic Energy Commission's
plowshare program to evolve
peaceful uses tor atomic explo
sives. Preparations have been un
der way since March 1960.
"This is a further example of
this country', desire to tjrn the
power of the atom to man'e mel
fare rather than hi- destruction,"
the White House said.
Twins Run In Family
MILTON. Fla. (AP)-Navy I.t
and Mrs. Marty Shuman are the;
parents of twins again.
The twins, a boy and a girl,
were born Monday. Another set.
also a boy and a girl, were bom;
17 months ago.
Mrs. Shuman Is a twin and
there are three sets of twins in
the immediate family of Shuman,
a native of Brooklyn, N Y.
"double rig" freighter lies on
of Myrtle Creek. The trailer
landing it on its side in the
Trailer Flips,
A transport trailer which was
being pulled as a second unit be
hind a Los Angeles-Seattle Motor
Express tractor flipped over on
its side and blocked a freeway in
a mishap early this morning near
the Dillard Interchange on U. S.
Highway 99.
Roseburg state police said the
accident occurred when the tract-
np ti-avdinir anuth BtraHriloH
curb divider in the middle of the:s, Tnt,!whS' il h
freewav emisinff the end troiler tn
overturn. Officers said the driver
apparently fell asleep.
The trailer was lying at an an
gle across two lanes of traffic on
the east side of the freewav. There
was room, however, for vehicles to This is the point: The Russians
pass around the end of the trailer I are insisting that the Western At
near the road shoulder and traffic I lie, are in West Berlin only by
wa, being detoured around the ve-l virtue of agreements governing an
Police said the trailer could not
be moved until its cargo was re
moved and officers at mid-morning
were waiting arrival of another
transport which the firm owner,
had dispatched from Portland.
Neither the driver, Allen Leroy
Resburg, 32, nor the relief oper
ator. Howard Dale Popken, 28.
who wa, dozing in the sleeper
unit, was injured. Both men are
residents of Portland.
The accident occurred about
a.m. near the interchange which : possiDie enort to una an agreear- - . ..... .,
is located about four miles north ' solution to the German problem!. It is significant that when a mil
of Mvrtle Creek. The overturned j with the Western powers. But hel''ry convoy of U.S. troop, ,hows
trailer was carrying a cargo of, told delegates to the 22nd Commu-"P lnd frm " escort, the East
frozen foods.
Rolling Log
Kills Trucker
An independent log trucker from
Grants Pas, was killed instantly
this morning when a log rolled off!
his truck trailer and struck him on
the head
Jack Eugene Davison. 32. of 418
SW Westholm Ave., wa, killed at
approximately 8:40 a.m. on a Bu
reau of Land Management project
in the Russell Creek area about 10
miles out of Azalea.
Davison, employed by the Clai
bourne Logging Co., Grants Pass,
had almost completed loading op
erations when the accident happen
ed, the sheriff's office said. His
truck was loaded and two logs put ,he nd when it i, necessary to
on the truck trailer. "nd "P 'or, ,he r,5ht cause. and.
A third log wa, placed on the "amp the forces of aggression,
two. the deputies said, and while I Calling the meeting in Vienna,
another log was being readied to Austria, last May between Krhush
be placed on the trailer the third thev and President Kennedy "one
log rolled off the trailer. Davison!0' " m outstanding events of
was struck on the head by the I 'ir '" ' said the interests of
end of the log ,ne Soviet Lnon and the entire
He is survived bv his wife, Irene; Communist camp were "upheld
B.. and several children. ''h revolutionary passion "
The body was removed to Gant! "
Mortuary. Myrtle Creek. Dr. J ijood tradit M r
Konert scnmiat. meaicai
er from Myrtle Creek investigated
the accident.
Clothing Prices Up
U. S. Living Costs
prices for new fall lines of cloth
ing pushed living costs to a rec
ord high in September.
The Labor Department reported
today that its index rose two
tenths of 1 per cent between Au
gust and September to 128 3 per
cent of the 1947-49 bsse period.
Clothing prices, rising moret
than seasonally, were up 11 per
cent from the late summer bar
gains of August.
Robert J. Myers, deputy com
missioner of labor statistics, said
another slight rise is expected in
October. But he emphasized that
the price level has remained un
usually stable and is expected to
continue tn register little chanje
from month to month.
- . v
.AUm',ii.i ilia
northbound lones of Highway 99, the second trailer of a
its side at the Dillard interchange about four miles north
this morning had been southbound before difficulties arose
position shown. (News-Review Photo)
News Analyst Gives Reason
For U. S. Action In Berlin
Associated Press News Analyst
BONN, Germany (AP) Com
munist interference with Allied
civilian movement across Berlin's
barriers is part of
barrier, I, part of a campaign I ,rom conUct wjth Germans m ,,,
J. ..ESIMEast. The, continued, however, to
, s"ea wun u.a. snows 01 lorce.
It look, dangerous, but there is
reason to believe the Communist,
are going to be careful in efforts
not to let their drive reach the
i point of an. exchange of fite.
Cromyko Says
Soviets Will
Sign Treaty
MOSCOW (AP) Foreign Minis
ter Andrei A. Gromyko said today
g'the Soviet Union is making every
nist party congress that if this,
fail, the Soviet Union will go
ahead and sign a separate peace
pact with East Germany.
Following Premier Khrushchev's
lead, however, Gromyko refrained
from repeating earlier Kremlin
ultimatums that this would have
to be done by the end of 1961.
Gromyko's speech or at least
that summary of it which was of-
' f,c,aiy released
1 seemed aimed at relieving ten
Nevertheless Gromyko declared
West Germany would become a
cemetery "in which one probably
would not find even grave dig
gers" if German revenge-seekers
and their friends threaten the So
viet Union.
Gromvko told the congress the
Soviet Union is ready "to go to
r"'" '" : ,h "', ".
i V'd "" the foreign policy of
the United States for the develop
ment of Soviet-American relations
all people would rejoice.
As it Is, he said, the world situ
ation still remains tense and un
stable. He claimed. Tass went on, that
more than 40 states now take a
stand on international problems
which "fundamentally coincides
with the positions of the U.S.S.R.
and are adhering, as the U S S R,
does, to a line of peace and peace
ful cooperation."
In Today's News-Review
Public health authorities are
grared to detect first nuclear
fallout, page 3.
proposes tighter reins on col
lege sports, page (.
News of Roseburg etents and
society note,, page I.
occupied city that Is, military
When the Communists erected a
wall between the two parts of Bcr-
lin. they sealed off West Berliners
concede the access right of the
Western Allies.
They evidently intended to en
force their claim that East Berlin
no longer is part of occupied ter
ritory but actually the sovereign
capital of a sovereign state: Lorn
munist-ruled East Germany.
The West does not recognize
such a claim. The West considers
East Germany the Soviet-occupied
part or Germany, and Last Berlin
the Soviet-occupied sector of the
If only uniformed personnel of
the Allies can cross into the Soviet-occupied
sector, then the Al
lies would be entering the city
solely through the tolerance of the
East German authorities. They
would in effect be obeying the
i !r"m?nt ,ney nttst not to rec
dictates of a ministry of a gov
merman ponce step asiae ina lei
it through, though it is escorting
civilians previously denied entry.
That is, the Communists recog
nize only that West Berlin not all
Berlin is an occupied city. They
contend the Allied military per
sonnel's rights of entry are all
that must be honored at this time.
The Allies are saying they can
not and will not accede to this.
Navy Identifies Airmen
Killed In Plane Crash
TOKYO (AP)-The U. S. Navy
today announced the name, of
five of six American airmen killed
in a plane crash in central Japan
Tuesday. Two others injured in
the crash also were identified.
The dead included:
Albert G. Schunk, Jr., 37, chief
aviation machinists mate, hus
band of Mrs. Lois Marie Schunk,
who reside, at Yokohama, and
son of Mr. and Mr,. Albert G.
Schunk, Heppner, Ore.
No other Pacific Northwest man
was listed.
The twin engine amphibian
crashed 800 feet below the top of
3.2U) foot Mt. Daruma in a search
for the wreckage of a Navy plane The truck driver was reported
'1ihit mM Mondjy. Tin pilot ol.lo be working on a construction
that plane parachuted to safety.ijob east of Miles City.
Wells Will
A veteran of nearly 40 years with
electric utilities in the Pacific
Northwest will retire Oct. 31 to
wind up an activity-filled career
with Pacific Power and Light Co.
and California Oregon Power Co.
Horace C. (Doc) Wells will retire
'as manager of Pacific Power's
; Roseburg district. His successor is
I Philip C. tjuisenberry, who has
managed the company s Lakeview
district for several years.
Wells started his utility career
in 1922 when he joined an engineer
ing firm to work on the construc
tion of power stations in the South
west He later worked for Oklaho
ma Gas and Electric Co.
Engineering Dene
' In 1924, he handled engineering
Soviets Detonate
New Nuclear Blast
UPPSALA. Sweden (AP) The
Souet Union today exploded an
other atomic device in the
Novaya Zemlya area, the Upp
sala University observatory re
ported. tenth as strong as Monday's
iuua. cwiusivu nas umy
perbomb blast which was estimat-;
ed in the west at about 30 mega-
,0,ns1TT'valcnt 10 30 m,lllon 10,18
ir'-.. , .
explosion was regis-'
tered at Uppsab
ala Sfismological
Th. hi. aa . .'... .1
belief that the 50-megaton blast
which Premier Khrushchev has
promised is still to come. He told
the Communist party congress in
i i-.. i. .u-. .1..
Moscow last week that the cur
rent Soviet test series would prob
ably be concluded at the end of
October with a blast of that size.
The current series started Sept. 1
and today's explosion was the 23rd
Prineville Fire
Claims Infants
PRrVFVIT T P r lint
Fire raced thmush n is,,liH ,
ranch house in Central Oregon
Tuesday, killing two infants. 2
and 3 years old, and leaving
their young parents homeless and
with hardly any possessions.
Mrs. Larry Hottell, 21, the chil
dren's mother, said she was heln-
less to aid the children, asleep in'un the tauso rarrvina lis mil,.
an Uostaint bedroom when theiinPU I i
flames broke out.
The young housewife said she
noticed flames in the stairwell
but wnen ,he ,ried torun up the
stair, a mas, of flame, bilked
ner way.
She rushed outside to find a
ladder to attempt lo get in the
seconfl-noor window, she said,iv. . '. .c" " '
but the roof of the house caved in
on the children.
Her husband, 24, was working
on a neighboring ranch in the
sparsely-populated area about 80
miles southeast of Prineville.
A passing motorist brought the
young couple to Prineville. where
Mr,, liottell was treated fori
shock. Hospital authorities said
the names and sexes of the chil-
dren were not learned from the Then, in a gesture of concilia-grief-stricken
mother. ition, the U.S. commander said it
The motorist who brought Uiem
to town, Woddy Fuller of Alaska, I passage of American civilian ve
took the Hottell, to the home of; hide, into East Berlin.
his nephew, James Dunn, about
five miles outside Prineville.
As news of the tragedy spread
through the town, offers of help
poured in. Service organization,,
individuals and the Red Cross
called to see what they could do.
A hotel offered them rooms at
practically no charge.
A group of Prineville women
were scheduled to call on the
couple today to see what could
be done to help them.
Troop Train Hits
Truck In Montana
train conductor and two porters
were missing and a truck driver
was killed in the derailment of
eight cars of a 22-car troop train
near here Wednesday.
The train was carrying mem
bers of Wisconsin's 32nd Division
to Ft. Lewis, Wash. Few of the
386 National Guardsmen were in
jured and these were reported
The driver of a truck into which'
the train crashed was killed. The
truck caught fire and exploded
twice while rescuers were at
tempting to free the driver.
Twu ii a telescoped into one
Members of the Army unit were
from Mauston, Tornah, Wausau
and Arcadia, Wis. They were en
route to Ft. Lewis, Wash., for ac-
jtive duty training.
Retire As
I work for the construction of a
steam-electric generating plant in
Coos Bay, built by Mountain States
Power Co., which merged with Pa
cific Power in 1D54. For the next
several years, he worked with elec
tric and water systems of Moun
tain States in the Willamette Vat-
After serving as manager of
Mountain States, Cottage Grove
and Coi-vallis districts, he joined
California Oregon Power Co. as
I Roseburg district manager in 1938.
During his years in Roseburg, he
has participated in many phases of
community activities.
Quisenberry. meanwhile, has
been at Lakeview for 14 years. He
joined Copco in 1934 a, an operator
of the Klamath Falls West Side hy
Tanks Driven
Up To Wall
Dividing City
Hl'IIT V tn til i - r
sem,ral a,crt ... h,JiZ
, le milM of seeslwjl)g ovr
the r.rf.1 of Americans to enter
'East Berlin. Ten U.S. tanks were
brought ud lo the wall rfi.,Hm n,.
At one state, the Armv sent
'JIT'p! . . bayonets into
' "u uf ""'"'"i
ins'st,ni'f on J1 right of Amen-
f" rC'Vh r '1 ec,or;
Later the East Cermans turnerl
back two U.S. sightseeing buses
and were allowed to get away
with it, the Army explained, be
cause women aboard the buses
might be imperiled.
Guards Ship Aside
East Berlin border guards
stepped aside when armed U.S.
military police escorted an Amer
ican civilian car into the Com
munist sector.
A few hours later the guards
refused entry to two U.S. Armv
sightseeing buses which had no
rmed escort-
The buses turned back to Weat
Berlin near a spot where Ameri-
I"" tanas ana armored personnel
' carriers were stationed with guns
pointed at the tail German po
The East German police held
I ,Lv' '
j (hat the officer in charge identify
u". .:.;.: . T?' :Vlf" 1
'he Communist EaJ Term.n re
lLV' Z
; ,
Lln n ar,ler Incident the East
American civilians in an Army
licensed private car to pass
through the checkpoint without
identification. But the U.S. com
mand ignored the East Germans
and sent the car through with the
armed escort in assertion of al
lied rights to free movement in
" Restricted
was temporarily restrictini the
ine announced American re
striction on movement to East
Berlin apparently applied only to
civilian vehicle,. The buse, wera
U.S. Army vehicle, carrying mil
itary personnel, although there
were about 20 persona in civilian
clothe,, including two women, in
the lead bus. The second bus had
about six passengers in U.S. Air
torce uniforms. i
Both the United States and Brit
ain moved tanks up to the border
in a show of force during the day.
Ten U.S. Patton tank, and an-
other armored personnel carrier
rolled up to stations at the Fried
richstrasse crossing point, the
only one open to allied personnel.
The British moved a second
company of infantry, three Cen
turion tanks and supporting arms
into me Tiergarten, a wooded
area opposite the sector border
near the Brandenburg Gate. The
British normally maintain a com
pany of troops in the area and an
army spokesman called the rein
forcements precautionary.
French Dispatch Patrol
The French dispatched a milita-
ry patrol of eight men to set up
an observation post at the Ge-
sundbrunnen elevated railroad
station overlooking the Commu
nist sector.
Traveler, from East Berlin re
ported the East German police
had wheeled up a water cannon
and a small armored car to with
in about 300 yards of the border.
The water cannon, a favorite
weapon of the Reds on the bor-
I der. can spit out a powerful jet
1 of water, capable of knocking
man off his feet
droelectric plant. He subsequent
ly served in the Klamath district
in various capacities.
Appointment Given
He returned to Copco after serv
ing in the U. S. Navy, and from
1947 until 1959 served as assistant
manager of the Lakeview district.
He was appointed district manag
er in April 1959.
In Lakeview, he has served as
president of the Chamber of Com
merce and member of Rotary. Ho
was president of the school district
and board member for many
year,. Since 19.19. he ha, been
chairman of the School District Re
organization Committee. He hi,
also been president of the Lake
view Planning Commission and
Lake County Budget Committee.
su-itr.n. ni.. mZ