12 The New-Review, Roteburg, Ort. Tue,., Oct. 24, 1961! if j fv'S l ' V-1" , HOLDS 'HEART' Dr. James Metcalfe, who holds the Oregon Heart Association chair ot cordiovascular research ot the University of Oregon Medical school, shows o model of a heart to two Heart Fund campaign chairmen. At cen ter is the newly-appointed regional director of the Benton, Linn, Douglas ond Lane counties orea, Jack Larson of Springfield. With him is state Heart Fund Chairman, Mrs. C. W. Gunn of Portland. Lorson will coordinate fund rais ing efforts for the Heart Fund in the four-county orea.' Sutherlin Family Attends Golden Wedding Celebration In Seattle I So,on West Took PrPcr Ber,in Ac,ion SALT LAKE CITY AP-Sn. dtmn a wall may hive nrccsfci- in Jeri I.ynn Coney, daughter of Milium Proxmirp, D-Wu., ay tated our ue ul nuilcar wrapon-. Mr. and Mrs. Alun Coney, ha n! aiRree wiin incise who inmK 5ini(. our troops are overwhelm- Tod CALENDAR Of EVENTS mmm lu-l.m'"" cjJTomorrow Wimton Christian Church dis I Wadnatday, Oct. 25 I Ballroom Dancing clatsos, be ginning and advanced, at Klks Local News Tuesday, Oct. 24 . . , . .. Mnrt meeting 7:30 p m. Reteburg Kiwama Club, Impqua Eklon ,,, star, lodije ha Hotel Civic room, noon. ja p m wiiav rv warns kiun, i..iv p.ui. Astociafcd Volunteers card party. VA Hospital recreation bmlduig MUfie room, 7:30 to 9:30 p m. .alrahAlir. InMvmaui. hi II. ment of Pacific Building, 8 p.m..' Temple. 8 pm. Open to public turned from a hunting trip for information. KeKisler at Klks Temple. . mault. Sutherlin Girls Drill team prac- Rattburg Road Runner, Motor. lira, 5 p.m., Kast Crarie School Simp. Harvard Ave., 7 .10 p in. playground, new members wel-1 Air Fore Ratarva, 1014 W. liar- .... ... ...... I U.. OCT Dl i:.ik.rl.n .... I A... a . I ii , wine mi .. hi. iiuiimiin Tdll five, a V III. . . for information rail OK 3-6B29 t Moot Lodgo. Moom Hall, t p.m.i Angeies. Rostburg Duplicato Bridgo Club Doug . Etta, Sheriff s Mounted Mr Manj Rortf. nd Wr and i niHHUi nwi, f.u i.i.L, umt,i id., mhkiuuiiu., ... , i,ee Williams are back at " i V , TiT "their homes in Roseburic. following nvone desiring a partner for the square dance lessons, at Ihe IVevj k H 1.H a. .ti a-o jrj. ! U . v-a lit m ,K " 1 1,1 '"""a nrviU- By MRS. JERRY DtMUTH 'William Wood, a former propne- en'. Mr and Mr. Noah Rofct? . .i II. .t II a.n.1 li.r i.l lh S.iilhtrlln Mr.lt I ll I at V.iri n -it mlr. daughters. Karen ami Kathy, were survived hy bis wHe, vueen, 01. ihe Kev. and .vr. John WeUn oi neen pieanea 10 Aipna M ueitaj"1 "y ",u",u h",f m inyiy uuinamnerea anu tmii Seattle oer Ihe weekend to at- jnmmouin. Mne auincnin r.piscopai Lnurcn oi kororuy i me i imersiiy oi ure " ' ,,v nae nau srx-ai uumuny h'""" tend Ihe ivith wedding anniversary i Mrs. Alike .Mann and children, the Holy Spirit attended a tier- Ron. bne was graduated lrom Suth- u' t"1 ing wim the exclusive ue oi cun- celehration of Mis. Hubbell par- Marcie ana 3iikP, speni ine paKincus ot me uuinern ueanery in erun info acoooi wun ine Class; invaning r.asi nenin, wmcn is venuunai wrapun, ne iiu ui an enls Mr. and Mrs Arlhur J. King- weekenu ai in nonie oi nrr par-1 .vieuiora recently. oi iwi. unaer suviei juuaicuon, 10 mw iniervu w. bam, held at Ihe 4 amhn Hotel. " " The couple Uits married in Kng- land uhilt Kintham wa on leave from the British Navy. They came to SeaMle in V.22. McCordt At Coatr A weekend at YarhaU w n Hived recently by Mr. and Mm. Frank McC'ord. Mr. and Mrs. P. B Keener had as guests recently Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Osleihout of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riggs have been confined to their home tile. past several weeks with the tlu. Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Halvnr sen Jr. spent a day at the zoo and science exhibits in Portland recent ly. They wet accompanied by their four children.' Harry Spragtie spent part of the week in Seattle on business. Former Rtsidont Hora Prentice Card, of Davis. Calif., a former News Review route man, visited friends in Sutherlin recent ly. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Petherick have returned from Palo Alto, iahf., where they attended par ent s weekend at Man lord I n versify. Their aon, Mike, is in his sophomore year there. They visited in San Kraiuisco on the wav home. Dr. and Mrs. I.loyd Rapp were in Portland over the weekend where they attended the alumni banquet of Western State College held at the Anchorage Hotel! They also visited friends and relatives before returning. Waggonor Diet Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wag goner received word of the death Oct. 11, in Independence, Ore., of UP TO 1961 Westinghouse APPLIANCES EASY Ron Frathour, Frank Kern and Jaik Pfeiller of thin cilv have re t Che- i Dava Davit, son of Mr. and Mrs 1 Jack Mavis or this city, is now working for Rainbow Industrie in play is asked to call OR 3 h66. i chern Barn. 8 10 pm Army Ratarva, 1614 W. Harvard. 1 10 p.m. Fair Oakt Cranja, Grange hall. Bartha Rabakaha 1(1, 1UOK Hall Canyonville. Duda Sib ly instructor. I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cray, Mr. and Laural Lodga 1. I Mrs. Gerald loer and Mrs. Curt Drain Chambar of Commarca, Jams of this ritv attended the City Hall. noon. ' Rosehiirg-MarshfieW football fame woman i noma Laagua or ine i r uddy night. Dui d . ri... u.r.. salvation Armv. ii tna cnurcn nital 1 30 nm ' ,:3H P m- ! Mr" Mr- Fr,d Mlehrt of I L.n.i...' Cr.no. Gr.no. Oia-Hard, at Iht clubhouse. 8 CoitaKe (Jrove spent Sunday here k.M I ih,ek Ti't m I viaitmg Mr. and Mrs. Klmer T. i;ro'R.h L Ch.uff.ur., at the clubilSchlenderandMr. and Mrs. Uuane R,brt,h lod9' loor 404 NK Cummins, off 6f Diamond Schlender. Hall, 8 p m. Lak. Bvd 7;30 p m- Rouburg To.itmlstr.it Club, Umpqua Regional Timing At. Mr. and Mrt. W. R. C.t.bear, S p m. call 2-19M0 fir information.! tociation, 404 NK Cummins, :3Mr. and Mrs. I). ;. Palm and Mr. Roteburg J. yet at Bambooip.m. and Mrs. Del McKay of this city Houhe, 6.30 p.m. dinner, 7.30 meet ) Rswborg Junior Woman'. Club, were .miing Rosehurtieia attending mg. at the Woiiiiiu'i Cluhlioiise, 8 p.m., j game at the coast Friday niuht. Retoburg Rota Saci.ty, 7:30 p m. for information call Mn. Paul Ar-1 u . , Win.ron Chamb.r of C.mm.rc., i ramith, OH 2 528.'). i;- nd Mr- Lay.rn Millar of fire hall. 8 p m. i VFW Au.iliary, Veteran's Mem- t0'11-""' 'Pen Ihe weekend in R.Mburg W.m.n'. Club studylonal Hall. 8 p.m. i ? "f h"'fu", Mr- department meeting, clubhouse. Knighft of Columbus, St. Joseph's J,.i ' ,'., , I ."",."n- U'lrr 1 M pm 'Catholic Center Hall. ( p.m. Douglas ( oi.nty sanilanan, before r.. ... w.ii... Suih.rlin J.vn.1. ( omniiinilv moving to Portland. v. ill . . a i v r vi.n. rfi. ami.i ' ' . 30 s- . 50 On Small Appliances SHOP EARLY TERMS Check These Small Appliance DOOR BUSTERS nirw(iwiv.'T6isrii ill .nyem. TRADES 0ne-0f- j rJJJ'' ' I ... ' jp. ...li. .1 Cranio hall n n. ) BlIlldinK. IZ-7 p.m.. 41 p m. I League of Women Vohtr. unit E'kton Mother Singer Croup, at meeting. 1:30 p m. home of Mri. '"J Rrrt" chool. 6:30 p.nr George C.st.llo. 1497 NW ,slerJ $um.rlin Cwnmunity Cr.ng. United N.fion. dinner .45 p.m.i72,."' ,he "" . . at Country Club. league of Wom-LwK"n "" T;V,m,,,,7!n en Voter, and AAUW joint .pon a"b- 1)ouSla "'" s,n001' ' p.m. ""L' .:-: -i ! South Douglaa Aii.mbly. Rain- ,u" v "::! how for (i.rls. Masonic Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davit, Mr and Mrs. frank Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Kmi Ramberrg and son, Doug, and Mr. and Mrs. Verni Anderson are back at their homes here, following Ihe weekend at their duck hunting ramp at Kuego, Ore. WKTINGHOCS. WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE I WESTNGH0USE I m r ti i Dog-O-Matic IRON Food Mixer Coffee Maker Hot Dog Cooker Can Opener Steom and Dry Reg. 20.95 1188 Reg. 19.95 1J.88 Reg. 9.95 88 Reg. 24.95 1 188 Reg. 16.95 in88 NOW I ' NOW 1" N0W.. t" N0W. NOW .. Ii Mrt. Charl.t Allen has retmnerl Canyonville, 7-30 p m. (to her home in Eugene, following Garden Vall.y Garden Club, 1 a slop over here to visit her son- ,-iPm. ! m-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Zonta Club, social meeting, a John Longfellow Jr.. en route home P m. i from San Francisco, where she Green Home Eatention Unit, : has been visiting another daughter. I I tvergreen t.rancr. 10 a m. , jirs. I rank Dams. DflVC CrPPK llfirOPn Xi-T.u Chapter of B.l. Sigm. iuya vicciv wuiucii phji lt the h(me of Ml., M c, Mr. nd Mr, Jonri Lonof.ow Bowker. 1367 hK Main. 8 p.m. Jr- and daughter. Leslie: Jennifer Elk ton Lion. Club, dinner meet-1 Babhitt and Mrs. Howard Brothers ing at the lodge hall. 6 30 p.m. f this city drove In the coast Aialea Sunshine Club, at home r'riday for the Rosrbiirx-Marsh- meet in the home of Onela llendrix lr- wt oy nyoer. l p m. I "' Rme. I ney were at 1:30 pm. Thursday with Mrs. ague or women "" '"'' "" ""warn Drainers J-'lla Rov and Mr. Clyde Schroedcr h"-,"n " hnm' M" Ar,1,,lr nd A", M " who are working .. h2B ,i.y Mr. "10 SEMagnoli. Drive.. 8, n a dormitory the Oregon p m. Mate I niversi'y campus. Calapeoia Ladie. Club, card .. ... narlv at the clubhouse. Luncheon' .m.r " mr: Dck Highway 99S across from Kcllcys Korner. 7:30 p m. Inter-Se Study Club, 1 15 home of Mr.. E. L. I.lndell, 358 SK Claire St. ts Creek Garden Club Sets Meeting The Day. Creek Garden Club will arranging. as hostesses, report. Airs. Halph .Martin, Day. Creek correspondent. .Mrs. Archie Ferguson will give'' .., , ' ',' , al their home here, following a va- tallr mi riiiurwf arrin.inff . ..r . ' ralmn Inn In th. li......... i.l i- i fca-1 Hand, 2751 or Klsie .Monetl, r -..--... i.-i.iku. 2j7g , 'hey made the trip hy Pan Amen-1 .n nuiiu Airways oim oi I'oruano aiKt were accompanied hy Mr. and I Mrs. (Jrant Jensen of Bend. Ore . i Ki-u vni:k- (ni inhn n "' CI1J- n.-en nas re RiH'kefeller HI will receive the talk on flower Chairmen Named Mrs. Lloyd Harter, president, ha. named the following a. chair men for the year; 1'rograin, Airs. Clyde Schroeder; corsages, Mrs. Archie rerguson; horticulture Rockefeller Gets Award the Rose S. National sumed his position i Mr. ,. Ivan Kelly: litter bug and. 19(i, lllsk(,r lw,rd in ,lliinll, r Branch of Ihe I roadside, Mis. Bruce Jergusun; I .P1.Mlmi fr, the iMannrd n'nK- puhlicily Mm. Clarence Richard.! 1llml,hood Federation Tuesday Mr. and Mr.. H.rold Pattern aon; wildflower.. Mm. G. M. hrell;!..,,!,. I n.,.k . . .,,. . , i, . . . oinMi. are oacK at their home in Rose- hospilahly and welfare. Mr.. Wil Rm kcfellrr was named winner , burg following a two week vara IV'm i'TT K,'Tb0Ilk Vtl"' ,h """ S,,n,Uy n,tM "" -n trip to Reno. T.hoe and long Dclbrrt Foole; birds. Mr.. Kuh- -leadership in railing attention toiHearh. Calif They were eceom ard Williams: conservation. Mrs. the need (or governmental action i pa.,) nome Dv ,P latter's moth llaydra IJiircnce: and junior gar- to cope with the unprecedented , rr jr, ,, u.(iitney who will dener.. Mrs. Richardson. .growtn of world population." . vuiit here Patterson returned to his woik with tierretxen Building Supply Monday and Mrs. Patterson resumed her work in the office of the .ews-Keiew. -aVt- '! rSl B LOW E Bi SE ft W If F I : R0SEBUK& LBW. CO. : SAWDUST . . . WOOD (Blower or Dump) (Dry or Green) POND LILIES Clean Old Growth Dougla. Fir DRY OAK t LAUREL WOOD LARGE PEELER CORE SLAB WOOD PLANER ENDS All Pakveriet C O D. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. PH. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Librarian Back From Workshop Mis W.lmt l.ort. Xlvrllf Creek I High School librarian, hat return- I ed to her duties tullowint! attend-, a nee at a series of wortuhops on lihrary xtantUnN tn K.iuene. 1 The nrk shop w ere n(Hnnre1 hv the Oregon I ihrjry Associatmn library stimUid eitmmiltee and the Ore con Mat Orpartmrnt l education, reiHrti lname Biren aum, ctrrr.p4tnlent. Represent in t school librarians on tha panel was Mi Mary Frances , KeniHin. cti rector of the school li- I hrarv dexelopment protect of Ihe American Association of School l.i branans. The school librarians parliripat ed in the dicuvMns of tandeirt; tor school hbrarv pronrams and evahiaiioa of minimum iandards Similar meetinns are beintT held this fall thiougliout the state o( Drefnn. Westinghouse Wettinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse LAUNDROMAT Under-Counter ELEC. DRYER 30 IN. RANGE Bleach Dispenser, 5 Cycle Select- D I S H IrV AS H C IV r t e i Automatic Timer-Oven and Out- ion,. Automatic Lint Ejector ... J 11 U ,X 5 Temperature Selection. ef pug Qut 0yen Hearerj LAB 30 1 only Automatic Dry . . . DAB30 KDB 30 N7QR - MQR - N?8 - s168 - 389.9S WtO 269.9S " 170 299.95 wJLJQ 229.95 wUU trade Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse LAUNDROMAT PORTABLE ELEC. DRYER 30 IN. RANGE Weigh-to-Save Door, Water Saver, DISHWASHER Direct Air Flow Syttem, Internal I 1001 Heats, Divided Top, I Simplified Control, . . LBB30 'Vkli'' only"'" L'nt C"etiB ' " ' D"3 " "wf 5:995 1278 M w188 218 , w168 Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR UPRIGHT UPRIGHT 40 IN. RANGE 10 cu. ft., 35 lb. Freeier FREEZER FREEZER 2 0,e'"' Roti,serie' Rooit Guard FMl,.d,,Cilp,e,' Aqu0 , , Thermometer, KAA40 ... 1 only RLB 10... 1 only 12 cu. ft UM12 . . . 1 only 14 cu. ft UFM14...1only ' E188 fe 1248 a, HI! -445 Westinghouse 0ympi Westinghouse Westinghouse Combination TRASH WATER 21 In. TABLE REF.-FREEZER BURNER HEATER TELEVISION 13 cu. ft, 103 lb. Free.er, Auto- WWIBI.B "CMItlX . bi . sunt i , Wood ... Front Speaker motie Dero.t, ' onlv 1 only . . . Shop Early 52 Gallon, 10 Year Guarantee T3701 ... 1 only 319 95 278 79'995 w 65 109 '5 W 67 249 95 W 98 Westinghouse j j WesHnghou,. 23 In. Console CZT1 9srff3 'A 23ln.Tablc TELEVISION nJtM TELEVISION W"11 721 S. E. Oak Ave. OR 3-5521 i