Mon., Oct. 23, 1961 The Nevs-Review, Rojbjri, Ore. rTW I, 11 ipmiiai'lliliMHI 1 1 in mi t an . 1 . .Mwiipi , i t - -- -- - -r ' iiictani Jt " 1 ? Ms. wrjL- OSU Scuttled; Ducks Triumph I'nivcrsity of Orreon manascd to topple the San Jcue Stale Spar tans. 21-6, Saturday, but the Ore gon Slate Beavers were 24 23 vic tims of a fantastic last-ditch effort by the Arizona Slate University Sun Devils. Kor Oregon, -the win was a pol ished, workmanlike job, hiKhlmht ed by the line work of 214-pound Ron Snidow, a tackle. He recover ed two San Jose fumbles, caused another and spectacularly inter cepted a pass to romp to a touch down. It took the backficld short Ducks only 7:45 of the first period to score their first touchdown. I'sing a double reverse. Mickey Bruce handed to Li Bain for the score from the 10. San Jose made it 7-6 in the second period, but Orepon slammed hack immediately for an other, making the halftime score, 1 4-6. Snidnw's great interception came in the final quarter. Oregon State appeared to have its game in control until the last 90 seconds. It was then the Beavers fumbled the ball and lost it to Arizona on its own 48. The Arizona squad went to work to the tune of The Vikings of Myrtle Creek and .after kicking off to open the sec-t Newman was praised by Myrtle 'he frenzied screams of partisan the Oakland Oakers exchanged pos- ond half, then marched 60 yards Creek Coach LcRoy Juelko for his i ,ans- " "' Piy. neAsun Hions in the L'mpqua V a 1 1 e y in 10 plays for another touchdown 'SUGAR' LUMPED Denny Moyer of Portland lands a hard shot on the face of Sugar Ray Robinson during their ten-round middleweight match Saturday. Robinson won a un animous decision. (UPI Telephoto) Vikings Tip (takers To Take Third League standings as a result of Sieve Newman and Boh Beanblos the Viks' 200 win Saturday, In winning the battle for third place, the Vikings displayed too much weight in the line for the Oakers. The winners stopped the home team with a minus 33 net yards gained rushing as they fore- outstanding job on offense, while wc,ren ,, ,e u A PM Ed Cadman and Don Kichardsonl " 10 ,l,e '! ,nd, '" rammel il led the Viking defensive unit. Eu-1 f0"'5?' Thls. cftJh,?m 8"" J": gene Anderson. Cannon. K e i t h1 ii Crenshaw and Paul Hansen ed the Oakers to the air. Effective defense by both teams near the midfield stripe during the first quarter ended in a 0 0 dead lock at the first intermission. The Vikings struck for a single touch down in the second period, cap italizing on a fumble by the Oak ers. Jim Byrd, playing alert ball for the winners, picked up the fumble when a pitchout from Bo Cannon som led the spirited Viking drive, with Newman charging his way into the end zone from four yards away. Graf again kicked for the extra point. i land coach Chuck Halstead. ine unai iauy lor me iRmK5i i..e victory Rives aiyruei reeK ! terback ,nd hc (ound DaIc Keller came in the fourth quarter when a 311 league record, and third w,ih a pass that did the trick to he iniprrnntrH as the crowd re- j ,u. tj ceived pats on the hark from Oak- Aflr rH.r .., rstnrfj ih. Jacob replaced Joe Zuger at quar- they kept a drive going which net ted them 79 yards in 15 plays. New man provided the scoring punch as the powerful halfback dove over from the one-yard line. Final Try Fails Oakland's final attempt to get on the scoreboard came late In the final stanza when a pass from Can non to Eugene Anderson which went for a touchdown was called place in the current standings. Oak land now has a 3-2 0 mark, and rests in fourth place. Both teams will end the season this week with Oakland hosting the Glide Wildcats The Arizona victory was parti cularly sweet ot he Devils as thev trailed 23-8 at the end of the third quarter. In other games involving West and Myrtle Creek traveling to Suth- Coast learns, the scores were: In I to Jim Archer went astray and de rson'had slepped out of bounds Byrd rambled 34 yards for the six ,., Mn 1h. vikin- a points. Ken Graf kicked the extra point. Oakers Threaten Oakland came hark In threaten late in the first half, driving from just before crossing the Viking 20. The call caused much irritation for the Oakland fans and ended in a 15-yard penalty being called. Regrouping their forces the Oak ers got back to the Myrtle Creek its own 36 to the Myrtle Creek 14 j 27 before losing the ball on downs where it was first-and 10 as the The Vikings took over and ran two halftime gun sounded. plays to use up the remaining time. Myrtle Creek held the Oakers Newman Praised erlin First downs Rushing yardage Passing yardage Passes Passes intercepted Fumbles lost Yards penalized Score by quarters: Myrtle Creek Oakland Scoring: recovered rliana 33. Washington Slate 7 M. Crk. Oakld.lLSC 28. California 14: Southern 9 HI 11 2 13 1 7 65 7 33 97 5 15 4 3 2 20 Oregon College 6. Oregon Techni cal Institute 0; l.infield 52. Whit man 0; Willamette 31. Pacific 14: Washington 13. Stanford 0; OLE 26. Portland State 24. ATHLETES OF THE MONTH Fred Von Norman (left) ond Donny Kinney (right) were chosen as the outstanding football stars by the members of the Doys Creek Wolves. Van Norman is a junior holfback, while Kinney is a senior, ond olso works from a halfback slot. The honors came to the two stars when the team was asked to pick an "athlete of the month" ond came up with not one, but two. Prospect Downs Days Creek Days Creek's Wolves found the going rough in a Southern Oregon eight-man tilt as the visiting1 Pros pect Cougars ran off with the con test. 44-6. The Cougars built up a comfort able 190 margin by halftime, then continued to roll after the break, climaxing their performance with an 18 point final stanza. The Wolves picked up their only tally in the fi nal 12 minute period to avoid a shutout. Bonney Romps Dick Bonney provided the Wolves with their lone 6 pointer when the flcelfootcd back skirted the end and outraced the defenders for 45 yards. Bonney"s long run proved the longest scoring romp of the afternoon. The passing of Ron Gillespie was a big factor in the Cougars' win. The flashy Prospect quarterback tossed to Mike Payne for two TDs and passed for one PAT. in: addition to scoring on an H yard run himself. Steve Wayman was the big-gun on the ground for the Cougars. Wayman opened the scor-i ing by plunging over from two I yards out, then came back in the fourth quarter with a 28-yard scor- ing ramble. I Prospect's other TDs came on a 40-yard gallop by Payne and a 13 yard run by Jim Bogcns. Saturday's game ended league play lor the Wolves with an 0-4 mark, while Prospect's final South ern Oregon league record is 31. The Wolves will end the 1961 sea son Friday when they clash with the Canyonville Tigers in a non- counter. Friday's game will start at 3 p m., and will be homecom ing for the Tigers Pros, 11 DC 2 65 r.i 26 6 29 4 n 15 First downs Rushing yardage 211 Passing yardage 125 Passes , 613 Punts 00 Fumbles lost n Yards penalized 3-55 Score by quarters: Prospect 7 12 7 1 Days Creek 0 0 0 66 Scoring: Prospect; Wayman 2 yard run (Wayman run). Prospect; Gillespie 11-yard run (run failed). Prospect; Payne 22 yard pass from Gillespie (run failed). Prospect; 1'ayne 40 yard run (Payne pass from Gillespie). Prospect: Bogcns 15-yard run (run failed). DC; Bon ney 45-yard run (run failed). Pros pect: Wayman 28 yard run (run filled). Prospect: Payne 40-yard pass trom Gillespie (run failed), NOW AVAILABLE fl Excellent Office Space In the Conveniently Located PACIFIC BUILDING Very 'sirabfe effice area ell ene flf tome s-rfvete effects eftr elevator ana' niter services furnished', lets f pertine teece in vicinity. Call Room 301 or Phone OR 3-7195 H. C Berg New York Sugar Ray Robin son. 1591. New York, outpointed 6 20 Penny Mover, 157, Portland, Ore., 0 0 io. Manila. Philippines Johnny Gonsalvcs, 141. Oakland, Calif., outpointed Roberto Crui, 14m, Manila, 10. 1 inn nl;..i nfi Vine Fight Results , i33 Nigeria," stopped Rudi Lang- Milan, Italy Duilio I,oi. lns.jcr, 133' 2, West Berlin, 2. Milan, world junior welterweight! Tokyo Yukio Kalsumata, champion, and Ecdie Perkins, 1 130' i, Japan, outpointed Winnie 139. Chicago, drew. 15, title bout. ' Rcbolado. 134"., Philippines, 10. 0 7 0 O MC; Byrd .",4 yards on fumble (Graf kick). 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