U Th. Ntw-Rtitw, Ronburj, Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATIS A4trt,. Mr luiotn itn.a .-' Iims Are Card of TrwiW I Day rat 2 tints ...-.. 100 3 Day rot 2 Imtt 1.75 6 Day tot 2 lmt 2 50 3 4-Day vote 2 lin 5 50 1 Day rat 3 llnot , . , T SO 3 Doy rat 3 line 2 SO 6 -Day rot 3 tines -.- 3 t0 30 Day rat 3 lines 7.5t) CREDIT 4t I'm utct t J ttsts Uryic (re t. CiL OCADLINIS f'tntt Fsrt iertrt.ef I rM. I Frier Ti .n It OK t htS 'nerves tae r pt to cuuitf, east tt ir-ct CutiL A tttf. ADJUSTMENTS iH fj 4ftdiuPtt tseaars MtarrMtif, Mfitf M HT.M(iuf. we it eat be issans ur n's' tM en .nrerrsrt lasarti, tv f MM'tllitf I lulitod t CetrlCt lrti f ,rtiiipat. Ir III M li ItM M n l SUISCRIFTION HATB M tf Halt see , 11 T HKM Mtttt, 111 Ml MIIM, l Hi n , 1IL 0 if Bret If Mul M MM, $1 Hr tbra MMtkl, Si 1 Ml MtM, $tf t e Mir, llVM. Center M4 tiMNrf f. t. Beset N Nil, 11 1; Itl Mtll. ttOWl eee tear, SI1JI. Nr Sfto Cui IN. ttsfl Imm Ami mjin Hi Seeurtabias Hart tt Pfif ft Mima CarJi Of Thanki CARD OF THANKI OU heartfelt thank to all whe eirtended comforting sympathy and help tn our re cent tWMvtmfnl. For the beautiful rv kn, floret offerings, and ether fclrtdnes we ara deewy grateful. Virginia Denny an daughter Wimtt Archambeeu ana M. Cox LEGAL TIMBER KOR SALE. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, ORAL AUCTION if hereinafter designated will be received bjr the District Manager, Hureau of Land Management, 2583 West Harvard Avenue, Kosehurg, Oregon at 9:00 A.M.. PACIFIC STANDARD TIMI, on Friday, November 3, 1961. for all timber marked or designated for tutting. Before bid, are submitted, full in formation concerning the timber. the conditions of sale and submis sion of bids should be obtained from the above District manager. The right it hereby reserved to waive technical defects in this ad vertisement and to reject any or all bids. The United .States re serves the right to waive any in formality in bids received when ever such waiver is in the interest of the United .States. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON: )C AND PUBLIC DOMAIN: ORAL. AUC TION: All timber designated fur cutting on NWMiNE1, S'-jNB1, NWW. NWSWV4, Lots 1 and 2 (S'V SWV.). SIC. Section 1), O&C land; Section IS, pub lic domain land, T. It S., R. W., W.M., estimated for the uurpose of this sale to he 3765 M bd ft. Douglas fir, 351 M bd ft. White Fir, 341 M bd ft. Incense Cedar, 2.1 M bd ft. Ponderosa Pine. 1 M bd ft. Sugar Pine. 1 M bd ft. Western Redredar. No bid for less then $15.90 per M bd ft. fur the Douglas fir, $7 70 per M bd ft. for the White Fir, SS 45 per M bd ft. for the In cense Cedar, $8.00 per M bd ft for the Ponderosa Pine. $930 per M bd.ft. for the Sugar Pine, $4 8.S per M bd.ft. for the Western Red cedar or a total purchase price of $U4.588.M will be considered. Min imum deposit with bid: $6,500.0. Access to the sale area is avail able: (a) by Bureau of Land Man agement controlled road; and (hi hv Public Road. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON: PUBLIC DO MAIN: ORAL AUCTION: All tim her designated for rutting on SKV NW(, Section J, T. II $., R. W., W.M., estimated for the pur pose of this sale to be 444 M bd ft Douglas fir. 36 M bd.ft. Sugar Pine, 3 M bd ft. Incense Cedar. No bid for less than $18.15 per M bd.lt for the Douglas fir. $12 65 per M bd ft. for the Sugar Pine, $7.10 per M bd ft. for the Incense Cedar or a total purchase price of $8,535 10 will be considered. Minimum de posit with bid: $900 00. Access lo the sale area II available: (a I under the terms and conditions of Agreement No. R 552 with CAD Lumber Company. A fee of $2.00 per M bd.ft. is cited among other condition; and (b) by Public Road. . NOTict op Hsstma ON FINAL ACCOUNT Nok H hoy svn lhl Hw vn6tr urM dmlntttr'or rli. ft tt'al ct H;ti c. (.AwarssoN, bM mi im l lh County Cowrl Dcwgr. County, Oregon, hit Flftal Account m u-4 ottot. and mol Mi Court ivii fl.S tno tm day tt Novombor, IHI. M mo hour of 10 0 dock AM, In fht Courtroom of ud Cou-1, Courthoutt. KoiOburo. OrOonn. fr timo one oloct for hoortn ot obloctlonft. H ony, tO M-e Fmol Account on Nwj Mttlo ft '$! 064. Datpd an fh-jf MOiisha ttt ffttt av t aVOptOfTHMf. IH). CR4IG C. roVNfK Aovntfltttrafw c.l. a. NOT KB OP PINAL SBTTLBMBNT Notice I hereby given that hovamoor 14. mi. at the hour t t J ocieck a at Pacific Standard time, pt Circuit Courtroom B M tho Courthouse. Rnaoburg, Oowglee County, Oregon, hat bean fixed at the lima a-d piac tor hearing obioctiona, N ony, ta the final account filed by ma onaarsagna m ma Circuit Court at th Stat at Oregon Sr Daugias County WILLIAM FPFDFRIC BONEBRAKE william rile v stock Eiacutors of ttt iat tn4 tawtaart of 4. f. BONIBRAsvE. tawt O 4. P. ocaajte. Or Fri., Oct. 20, 1961 Personals DRINKING P0LCMt Call AkaNMt An onymaua. un i-Mv YOUNG WOMEN of any faith neMdlntj cotv rioaniiai aovtca may comae, tairvone (.nar- Miaa, V W. roadway tuftao, Orason. STOMACH tUFFfREBJ raally oaf rui.i wrvtri fhay twitch to Me HBE Li Provan BEST tor 40 yaart. Ecluaivaly at CHAPMAN'S PHARMACY, yogr PrticrtB- fion ipaciaiiiit. IN DEBT? DON'T M ) coat your 1oO, your crodrte vryinin you own I IP vou ra In dabt bayan your aDillty to pay an sincaraly want t t out ot dabt, aaa BUDGET CON SULTANTS and hava wt oapialn our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. Ona placa ra pay ail bill, a a pay mant you can aHorc Na acurily. na cs-ttgnori. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants .UceQSf d and Bonded Koseburg. Oregon Ph. OR 2 3591 433 SE Main St Hunter's Attention 10 NO HUNTING or traspaisinfl on our prop arty. Mr. R. C. Grant, Crtartar Oakt. NO HUNTING or Iraipautng an tha Kmta rot. Rancn. ABSOLUTELY no hunting or trtipaulrvg on my ranch, RobarU Craak. La. la V. Wabar. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING on L. L L- ndcL "HI',on ranchaa. ABSOLUTELY no hunting, tithing or trtv passing on rna Barnard buboa rancn. NO HUNTING OR tratpattlng on my placa at Robarti Craak. Ray Raucn. NO HUNTING or tratpattlng on my ranch Irana Emmont, Slnglaton NO HUNTING, tratpattlng or crossing ovar tha Julian HaMiald ranch. " NO TRESPASSING en my proparty. Darlay E. Wara. NO HUNTING, no tratpattlng. n parmia- alon. Livingston Ranchaa.Gllda. NO HUNTING, tratpattlng, crossing ovar, Lillian Buthnall Ranch, Tanmila. NO HUNT ING, tratpattlng, crossing ovar Ray Rlagar placa. Robarta craak ma. NO HUNTING ORTreSPASSING an my olaca. M. Data Banna". NO HUNTING or tratpattlng on ma Baragar ranch North of Rotaourg, to in Nawton Craak Road. NO HUNTING or tratpattlng on our prop arty on Wlllla Craak, Dor Ma Moor a. Haian pnipps. NO HUNTING or tratpattlng allowod on tha Altrod Gall Rancn tt rial K Road, Surharlki. NO HUNTING ar rrtspaitingoVour prop- arty. Bob Biakaly. Marvwi Sigtrtdtorie John NO HUNTING ORRESPASSINGon tha C. A. Raamuttan Ranch an atarvaoui Craak Rd., Aiaka. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING. P. W. Emmitt, Don Wilton, E. C Woodward. Harold Agaa, Bill Powara. NO HUNTING or tratpattlng on our proe- rtym tha Brockway. Tanmila n Ola 1 1 raa. Nlchola Bros. NO HUNTING or tratpattlng an tha Brotile, Bacon, Halnas. Hanry n pankbonar ranchai. Gardan Vallay Umpqua rraa. NO HUNTING or tratpattlng on tha Max Burkhart and Claud abort ranchaa on Sunthlno Road. NO HUNTING or tratpattlng on proparty in Gtangary and Rooartt mt. araat. viola tion will bo proaacutad. ttria H. Door Ing, Carl J. Doaring, Jack Holmgran. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING ON tha following ranchat! Hlddan vallay ranch on Rattan Rd.. Tanmila, or rna lata cnama Dvsart ranch, Fkwrnoy Vallay Rd., Look Inoglast. Hoyt J. Roblton. Lost Sc Found 12 LOST Nttriinf tcboal pin. Raward. CaN OR W44I LOST Downhjwn Rotoburg. Bordar Coltia. Raward. Myr. tr. UN t-a or or hbi. Help Wanted Men 15 WANTEO ONf MAN) who aarnattty naads to DOUBLE h. PRESENT INCOME. Call Mr. Kalman. OR 3-44JS. WANTED. Man wttti car, for local Foliar Brutn Rt. SlOd par wak to Hart. Pnana Claud Bullar, OR S-IJt. IT'S NEW Wa hood 2 man In tha Rosa- burg aroa to antwor our many rorjuasit for Our NEW GUARANTEED RENEW ABLE hotptlal plan. E scopltonally rt'tfh commits ions paid dally. phJt ranawalt paid avary month. Caraar position. Apply 41 SK Stop nans. tJO to 10 JO am. Wadnatday. NATIONWIDE Real .Estate Co. Has opening for salesmen, experi ence not necessary, will train, top commission. United Form Agency ON M0 tor oopolntmont Help Wanted Women 16 WANTED t WAITRESSES, PtvjOR 112 LOCAL CHURCH aaakt " toddlar't mrrtary attondant. Ratarancat raqulrad. OR 3-753. HOUSE K EE PFR, Ctra tor yoar ekt boy. do housawom Prator hva m. Parmanant. Writa Baa 34, Nawt-Ravlaw. Work Wanted 17 IRONING. Pkfcup deliver. Ait ail kinds af sewing children's a specialty. OR 2-1)43. BABY SITTING, my homo dayt, Winston area. OS -03. EXPERIENCED cook dinner or try. OR 7-1347 CAENTER and cabinet work. A 'to all types of Perm a lnlelled.OS 0-54U. ALTERATIONS, all work "guaranteed. c'i tm IR&NINQ ANO MENDING OR :3! IRONING. 11 hour 0R1-374S HOUSEWORK, BY THE HOUR Own trMtportatron.OR 3-7457 WANTEO typino m my ham. OR 1-357 E KPERlENCEO gat "dump truck driver DM Harold Ellenburg, W NW. Cedar. HAVE PICKUP andtraller will domoV" Ing and hauling. Reasonable. OR 3-4 't RETIRED man with carpentry, painting or general handyman work up to H0Q par month, call OR 3-e5et attar i PM. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS OR 3-117 Loans And Finance 21 SaSf CONTRACT far sale with iss iacunt. j Call OR 3-44 ' WANTEuTditcountotf contracts, s's OOUitta ! Rhone OR J-l3 or OR 3-401. REAL ESTATE LOANS H SI . Automobil turnttura n snoturo loans Lourentide IneXistVial arnonco Corp. formerly Com mercial mdUBtrtai Pmanc Cereerten. Si3 SI Oak, OR 3-444. Family Finance 6 meter tee n anlm nt St Aaohngten OR SSit Loans And Finance 21 TO SELL mU mmm4 contract a Cardan Veiiey property. Lib! count. OR a-JOi. Business Opportunities 23 MIDWAY tor ftatlon lor tal. wittt stock an aoAiipmont. Tri City, Ing, at station. ROCK CRUSHER alta. amplg supply hard rock, on County Rd. naar Highway U. ft U-T-M Ranga 7. OS f S4f INCOME PROPERTY now and utad turn itura applianca butlnau. 41 yra tama. 100 Main tt. location. 11 yri old. Must ratira. Gao. B. Icanhowar, W I. M Aim and, Oragon. Commercial Rentals 25 FOR RENT commarcial bdg., M00 so. ft. Larga parklttg vaa. 171 Nt ftlaprtan. Dial OR a-444. WEST SIDE OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS, parking apaca naar door tor cllonti, ground loval, orivata batft. Ona roam witabia tor ratloanco R dattrad. I4 Harvard Ava. OR M7. Wanted To Rent 26 WANT TO RENT: CMhtn, bodroont un tumlthad homo or duplax. Watt stda. Fir Grovo Diat. datlrad, any ditt. contid-at-ad. Man. boy It, a a parttcular car namad "Chasiar." Bator a a p.m. u J-Uil, E at 47, pm. OB 2-JMO. Apartments For Rent 27 FURNISHED APT. Attar lPM.,;lSE Jaektan. FURNISHED 1 BR apt. for ting I lady. 125. UO SE Flood. OR WJd. ONEBDRM court apt. Call OR or In. Gardan Vly Markal. fWOBDRM furnlthad' upttalrt apt. 150, OR J-l4orOR J-aWO FURNTsHEO rm apt. Haat, watar, garb. Incl. ftingl woman prafarrod. OR 3-4470. NEWLY DECORATE O furnlthad apt. I Iga. and I amall. CWta Ri, aduHt. ORJ-lW. MOOERN FURN. 1 room bachalor apt. Watt, ttda, prlvata antranca. 2114 W. Crattvlaw ONE BR upttalrt, furnlthad apt. Clot to city cantor OR Jt-roit. FURNISHED krwar duplax. UtlfitMn paid. 14Q. OR 1-4441. THREE ROOM turn. apt. SM. IS47 S. E. Pm LARGE1 i room turnltha apt. 1 Child. OR M3 EXTRA NICE afticlancy apt'" Sultabla for coupla or amall family. OR 3-431. ONeBEOROOMnjmlihad apta. for rant. 1303 SE Pin THREEWdOM furnlthad apttv Adults. 447 SE Flint CLOSE IN nlcaly turn. 1 bdrm apt. with larga ttoraga apacat, one k tad yard. 1129 kfc puiianon. LARGE 2 BEDROOM down Stair t apt, largo fancad In back yard. Cioaa to Rota School and city caniar. can OR kw. FURN. larga 1 Bdrm duplax typa apt., nlca quiot SE aida location. OR J-J434 or os M74. ATTRACTIVE partly turn. 3 rm apt, haat, watar, garttaga aarvka; MS. Coupi only. OR 3-473. BURNISHED AptY Inc hiding' watar. alac. gar- baga, good location, 40 and M ma. Union Gap Apis. utnarnn, Ji4. THREE room turn. apt. Watar and garbaga paid. Gardan Vallay Bivff. at 141 N.W Fairmount. UNPURNISHEO t bodroom duplax apt. E'ac haat. Aduiit only, na pat.. Call at 101 it. Rooartt Ava. END UNIT f a trl-plai( Rafrlgerator, atova. watar and garbaga turn. Call OR 3-4745 or OR 3-74. ONE BEDROOM APT , clota In. Stova, ra- trig.. wathar and dryar turn. OR 3-4341 or OR 3-4741. FURNISHED APTS-, adult only, 140 and ISO mo. Clota, convaniont location, tU4 SE Brock way Ava. Aplt. OR 2-903. FURNISHED light cltan 3 roomt and bath apt. Otf ttraat parking, 1 bins trom town. Watar, llghU, garbaga tarvlca turn. Aduiti. OR 1-340. LARGE upttalrt na badroom apartmant, prtvata antranca. raady Nov. t. 2 Blockt from downtown. 145 par ntonih, rang and rafrigaralor. Call OR 3-SJM. fHREE ROOM upttalrt apt, outtlda an. franco, partially turn., aoma utilttiet pd SJS m. Clota t lown. Call OR 3-741 waakandl or attar 4. ONE BEDROOM fumlsfvad apartmant. Heat. watar and garbaga disposal fumlthad. Aduiti only. block from City cantar. Phon OR 3-44. Kohlhagen Apts. . Jackson St. at Lang Ava. Modorn roatonabw rant ADULTS OR S4144 "A Good Piaca Ta Ltva" WESTSiDE 1 BRapt. Unfum. Stova and rafrtg. Mt taparata kitchan. tuR bath with tilad-in tub. larga cknats and ttnrto Ground Hoor, off ttraat parking. 7$ ma. OR 11577 NOW AVAILABLE At Th OAKHILL APTS. 1 and 2 Bdrm Apts. Radiant heat OR 3-4340 TOOD APARTMENT S l-M bdrm. aptt., furnlthad or unfum. Watar and garb, sat v. provided alt haat In aoma. Rantt trom 13 op. SWIMMING' POOL Tarraca Aptt gat aqulopad OR 3-53I5 Wtncnetter Ct.-Hot watar haat OR l-74ea Vltta Homat Hot watar haat OR 2-4341 Wettvua Ct Washar-dryar OR t-IS03 2-254 Oak hi II Aptt -Radiant Haal OR 3-4340 Rooms For Rent 28 NIC SIEEPINO ROOMS. II? it aiak.ly Av.. liteioclii SE trom but tfooot. SLEEPING IOOX1, 111 If JocltOO. nrf eor to Ponnoy-t. OR S-U1S. Room And Board 29 ROOM ano Boaro Home away from homo. No drinking. OR 3-302. Houses For Rent 30 OLDER 2 BR house, rWso In an watt si. OR 7 344 f WO BEDROOM unfum. modcetta?a Melrose ltt. S2S mo, OR 3-359 ove tHREE lom.partly turn! iOd' houtaTllOa OR 2-34 ONE"t5FOUR Bdrm homes for families or tingh elderly. OR 3541 FURNiSHEOhdutakeapig cabin. 30STNE Stephen. Roaaiand Auta Court. Burnished cabins. Weekiy"ratas. 4 NE Stephens. Pacift Molal. OR 2-73. C"0;v, tmall 1BR turn, houtes "TevalL Very reas. to cpk. 431 N. Stephen. "CLEAN.-3rm turn, house. OR 1-3370. 173 SB Stopnen. TWO BDRM haute on NE Jack ten. Sat ma. OR 3-4732 ONE BEDROOM modem house, Ivm-she. Marking .stan0.03-Ull. OLDFR 3 bedroom hse with flreplaca. oTl haat. located on south Umpowe. near town; U3. OR 3-47. LARGE 2 BR houta. Oil furnace, carport. bis to cfty center. Adult. S'S me OR 1-410, UNf-URNlSMEO?-Bdrm duplet, tova ra trig., water, garb, fwm. tk OR 3 1. 137 SE Eddy. UNFURNISHED TBR house. NE Freamont. Firepioca. hdwd floor, gerrege, wired for washer and dryor.OR 3-47U FOR LEASE Or rant very nice 2 BR un furnished home, claa ht town, tt. OR 3-44). NO T M 5lOf unvm J hadr cxW hou renovated on cleaned 177 so. Adults. Lail OR 3-335 FURNISHED V bedroom cabin, waer ad garftaga diapoul turn, Harti Cabma 2 43 Damon Laae Rivd- OR 3-330 5nF BEDaoOM-housener" Jaeeph Lane Sen. S4 oar monttv Water h,rnltnd Williamson Real Estate OR 3-4X7 THREE ROOM "untyrn. nouse 't "stove. oo Pt, S4. Also 4 room untum house c-oao tn. SMJ. Adult, no drmker n oats PhonOR3-Sil. SMALL but nice t taodraem hout Ha wond floors, e-actrf haat 1 ma One cn-id OR MO'S, Sat. Sunday ar rtar a 30; ONE bdrm rurniahod haw so. 4S. t wnfurmthad housa. S. OR 3-73S4. WESTSIDE Radacoratod unturnithad du- piaa, garag an ttoraga. OR 3-144. COMPLETELY FURNISHED cabin and apt. wincnatrar village, or 3-if4 TWO BEDROOM houta. Cool Too Hoatar carport, rear tivaS40. OR -UM. WINSTON Furn. small houta, 1 plk watt outinata taciaan. o t-4m. TWO Bdrm unturnithad house, 140 mo. 2lafi NW c a mint Rd. OR3w vaa. WESTS'OE I Bdrm cottage, cos uiTun furmtnad. 150. OR 3-4444 davt. AT RIDDLE 1 BR modorn wnfurhlthod homa.uo ma. osf-S$3. tHREE BRHOUSE, NawlonTraak vicinity. tfO mo. OR M04S. FOR RENT -3 badroom house In Winston, OS UI7 NICE 2 BDRM unturnithad duplax, WetU.da. OR 2-1033 OnTBEDROOM hie, fumithadT Look log gia is, h mo. vr j-zeuj. TWO BEDROOM houta, unturnitMd. 2 mile N. 01 Town, SW. OR 3-3043. MELROSE smell 1 Bdrm furnlthad house w mo. on . SMALL FURNISHED houta, couple. Call OR 3-4S40 auitabkt tor SMALL I badroom houta, partly furnithad 050 ma. Nfe Willow. PMn OR 374 Mobile Homes For Rent 31 EXTRA NICE I or Bdrm modern tumlth ad trailers. aXdulti only. Iivxi.ro Peaceful Timber Town Trailer Part. 10 10 Nt Steph ens, on j-uie. Mobile Home Parks 32 SPACE FOR one wide only, at "The Willow" MobHhomea, only si. OR 1-44.71. ONE VACANCY at TRAILER HAVEN. Tha preferred addraat for mobile living It at ne verimg urive. CENTRAL TRAILER PARK 1541 DIAMOND LAKE BLVD. Space all paved. Jutt 4 bktcM 4 business cantar. Adult. OR 1-4)0 TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK 2010 NE Stephens Beat accomodation for all tire tn it er t, Incl. all electric. Paved St., land- seeped, big lawns, mattrad gas, 1 bkuX from Safeway. Adults Only OR 3-4314 Real Estate 34 TWO BR alder homo. SS000. lilt S. River St. Phone OR 2-3402. THREE BEOROOM HOME on Fisher Road. 1S31 river frontage. Pn. OR 3-4440. FURNISHED duplex or 3 bdrm, 2 bath noma on l acre. Glide. 17500, terms. OR 3-3374. WILL BUY real astata contract. Pay with cam and rental proparty. OR 3-4522. FOR SALE OR LEASE 1 BR modern furnished horn. $ ml. in Cardan Vallay. rerr Terms, or nrrv. Are You Budget Minded? FOR S74SO to t7 and t? to S494 down, and SS to 72 par month w cmotng principal, S'4 Intarett, tea at and Insurance, we can otter you ntee I and 3 bedroom homos on sewer, pawed street, bus line. ec. RotabuTB Realty, Umpqua Hotel, OR 2-3344. t Rent Too High? YOU CAN BUY a nice 1 er I bed room horn on pavad street, sewer, and bus lln for S5 t 171 pr month Including everything. Small down pay ment. Rotaburg Realty, Umpgu Hotel OR S-3344. Lackey Real Estate NEW WESTSIDE. 9 bdrm, built-in kitch. appliances, birch cabs, corner lot with trees, sept utility, ceramic tile bath, decorator paneled living room walls fireplace, dote carport with storage, slid glass doors dining room to patio, naar grade school and shop cantar. 114,500. Raady soon. 10 COMPLETE 3 bdrm Wettside. 1130 sq. ft., all piped haat, built-in hitvh appliances, slide glass doors, large attach, garage, ceramic -tile bath, rant wmie wait tor loan. 113.500. ICH ROSE SCHOOL DIST . . . corner lot, near swim pool, 1'i bdrms down. 2 up. sap t utility, brktst nook, liv and dining room comb, bath bit-ins, 40X10 lot. Ill down F.HA. S4 month payments Inc. prin. int., tai and , Ins. Call ht sea. WALK TO WARDS. New bdrm. re duced to 1 10. 700 Fireplace, sap t utility, attach garage, ail heat. I0S GARDEN VALLEY a acre, ojiet rale tied family area, large 3 bdrm unit, 1'i baths, huge living room I carpeted) with fireplace, lero com, dining room and kitchan, tep't util ity and ttoraga room. Dble carport and breeieway. Excellent wall. 1J, 700. Buy Fad. or State G I. AUTO AND PAINT SHOP RLDtV plut nice 2 bdrm home on 100X700 tot In town Price reduced to in. 300 for quick tale. Earn your living where you live. Don't past this up. Lackey Real Estate (An exchange for buyers and sailers) 413 S E. Jackson OR2-1659 SERENE LIVING I In the City, with river frontage. sandy beach, shade trees, beauti ful laun, garden, and patio, on I exceptionally large lot, all cleared to the river. Irrigation supplied by pump from the river, for your summer enjoyment. Sewer is in and paid tor. The home is newer ranch style 2 bedroom, with large double garage under the same roof. Cheery flagstone fireplace RuUlins and wall to wall carpet through to the din. rm. with slid ing glass doors leading to the pa tio. Hoomy separate utility off kitchen is wired and plumbed for automatics. Ceramic tiled bath with built in vanity. The bedrooms are large. 1 with 2 separate clos ets, 1 with built in storage, desk, etc. Out of town owner has agreed to immediate possession and low price of S16.0U0 for quick sale. Terms Arranged. See this now. Drive hy 312S West Gilbert. See our sign. WANT TO BORROW $500? We will loan il to you on this i home purrha and you ran save I up your down payment while you I enjoy living in this oil furnace I warmed 2 bedroom cottage on paved st. with sewer, etc. A large 1 50 2io lot for ssfe plavroom '.nd garden. f.iM full price, lm I mediate possession. LIST MULTIPLE LIST WINTER Houses For Rent REAL ESTATE S3 . MOTar A rasa tram H p Sret DIAL OR 3-7043 Real Estate 34i NEW I BR howM. notrry comolotos. In Cklon,. A boroaln. Pn. 1104. 6n RIVER. ) Borm homo, tlroolot. hdw4 floor t. I'. fc.miSH.K0. OR S-4144. r0 MEMORIAL GARDEN tats, SIU M. OR lOSM. SELL or trM S BR turn. ht. ri oc. on ri.,. Tok. hi. fr.llor. or tm.ll hto. CIom In. Go lormt. C.ll ovot, OR 2 NEW HOMES On West Side 1. 2 BEDROOMS, t batht, dot. gar. age, fireplace, ceramic tile kltcnen ard batht, hdwd. floors, built-in ap pliances 31500. 9 1 BEDROOMS, ceramic file bath, oil furnace, birch kitchen with built in appliances, carport. i 2,450. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED THE HOME FINDERS REAL ESTATE 43S SE Main. OR 1-4721 Eva. OR 3413 30 ACRES CLOSE IN, considerable timber, S room homo, bar, spring weier. Only S4500 good form. RANCH CONTRACT for tola SI I,. 00 4 ml, will discount. 5 ACRES LOVELY If room modem horn, close in, n tha river, irrigated ciov ar. barn, 3434. lovely shade trees. Almost now metal warehouse 30xo', with parking area. Will rant or sell separately. Call OR 3-i7 tor detail. Call today. Lloyd A. Wilson Reoltor IW SE Stophoni OR Bauer Realty 1693 W. HARVARD AVE. OR 3-8001 Choice Eastside Location LARGE. 4 bedroom homo with 1 baths and daylight basement, 7 fire places. Attractive, modern birch kit Chen with ceramic tile, FHA ap praised at 317,500. Sailing eric: Sl. 300. Good term. WESTSIDE FIRST DAY listed an bound to sell faat. S13.750. Perfect young family arte. 3 bedrooms, tireoiace, Souble garage. Nicely landscaped and fenc ed back yard. WESTSIDE TWO BEDROOM, Cap Cod home on 4Ox)00 ft. lot. Fully Insulated, street and sowar improvements paid. Near shopping area. lM. Term. EVENINGS CALL Chariot Mumby OR 3-7301 Roy Barnhart OR 1-331 eWsrgt Martin OR 3-45M Jim S, Helen Bauer OR MOIS DREAM HOMES RIVERVIEW lovely Cap Cod home S brt, targe, living rm. flreplaca. dlvidad bath, nice kitchen-dinette, utility, garage and' shop, lovely yard, fruit, good well, river Irrig., excellent dlst. Reasonably priced $14,900. I ACRES spacious new 3 or home, river view, play rm, double carport, stor age, Irrig. tvstem, good barn S28.0O0. good terms. WINCHESTER HOME I 1-3 acre beautiful grounds, more land aval lab'. Fire place, kitchen-dinette, 2 brt. l'i bvths, largo utility, outdoor fireplace, gar age and guest guarfsrs, city water and irrig. Just SIS. 750, 3 Int. CLOSE IN for retirement or newlyweds corv 3 Or home. SA340, 1450 dn. 312,000 NEAT 3 br home, fireplace, carpeting, ill bath, garage, patio, fenced yard. Good Gl or FHA. FULLERTON REALTY & INS. 723 N. E. Stephens Dial OR 2-3172 eves OR 3-6998 New Listings I SI 3.500 New. wettsid 3 bedroom home Built-in rang and evan, Coleman forced air furnace, colored bathroom fixtures, b-rcft bu.lt-ina tn kitchen, hard wood floors. 17 X 33 too attached garage, sliding glass doors to patio and many other desirable new homo features Including 10 X II foot dining -rea. Immediate possession at F.H A. Terms. 3 400 With S500 down. 3 badroom homo with fireplace, oil furnace. Inside util ity room, pavad street, sewer, etc. 19 par month ara tha payments an this hom whkh needs tome redecorating. 3 SI 7 WO New, wetttide 3 bedroom home situated on excellent view lot. Built-' In electric range witn hood, buiit-tn oven, wired and plumbed for automatic dish washer, dryer, watner. alec. This larga and beautiful home hat baseoorro elec tric heat, hardwood floors. 23 X 31 toot carport, 15 a 35 toot living room, separate dining room, larga kitchen wth paintad cabinets, stone tireoiace, X 13 foot otf-ce space and X 13 foot storage space on tronl of carport. Extra large view lot. F.H A. Term. 4 t' 4.400 Older ranch home on W good arret In the Dlionvilt area Land seeded in permanent pasture, large barn, double garage, worst, ahoo, black-top road frontage. The older house hat 3 betnroomt. Family orchard, abundant spring water with reservoir. 16000 down or owner may consider trade for smaller prop erty In th Gild are. S49!0 No Down payment necessary to Qualified Federal G 1. Situated on tha highway between Keiiys Kornar end the Winston Bridq Newer 2 beoroom ex pandable home on over 't acre of good ground. Excellent view, fireplace, 2 car ports, storage building, ate. See this today. Owner will also sell equity for 12,000. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE OR 2-1614 Eveninas Leonard OR S 7711 . Sconce, Sutherlin 2665 . Stevenson OR 3 8744 Reynolds Real Estate 806 S. E. Cass BIG DEAL LITTLE HOUSE This little I room house en SM acre It lust wnat you retired OiM hav been tooting far. Its m pasture and hav land and about a acres are tillable. You II have a 14X44 barn, a chicxen houo and fool room T haras rut treat, berries and two wails. Don't fight It. it bgger than you think and they II trade tor 10X5 trailer. 15 w.tn isoo down. LET'S GET TO THE POINT I vou need space on a limited budget hare a 3 badroom ekW home en 239 arret kn wfven ail but 4 acres are tenced and 30 acres are tiaMe T (' s a spring for domestic water en plenty af stock water. Some timoer. Taiet aniy I'd. 115.000 w-th S3.000 down. I'M A FRIENDLY LITTLE HOI SE Not b but loaded with ear sons rtty and s small price teg to boot. I'm a 1 bad room tnawe cottage w.tn a vmg room, d'n.ng room comemation and a shower bam I it tn i 77 is X 131 25 m I even have soma furniture I could bo your fr.andiy tittle homo tor only SJliO. SJOO down and 145 g month. TWO BEDROOM BARGAIN Mar' a ntt twa badroom homo on Ce'stn road wfh concrete Ound on and circulating ti rap lata Th t a comtortaoa rjm.ng room and kitcnen witn -.n-washer and garbage disposal This home it prced et only 1000, which is very saw far tn.i area. Call and ask t sea this n now. HOW. TO MAKE A LADY BE GOOD Buv her hom mat will piees her ta th utmost and tt. i r X 13X11 Hving room l la'aa badroom si Separate mng are v Large Cnan i Ampte buT'ns i Doubt oarage -.' w-trt giass h-nt a OM pane wan Bath tub giest nted tneer Eiettr heat v Pa-e a Fenced back yar Hi tat i Low pric. Th. nave with 14 special fea ture fr aiy S'3.73. Phone OR 2-1413 Lou Bassett E. H. "Doc" Pxock Elton Zuver Geo. Kellr Real Estate 34; IY OWNER 3 Borm horn) I Bkack trom Courthouse. OR 3-ecl. THREE Bedroom hte Watt S topes, wesfucte Newly paved street. S I4.00Q. OR 3-5MI. REDECORATED 1 BR horn, hdwd. floors.. enacted garage. Partly furnished S7ttQ, V down, i arms. rn. eutneriin jva. BRAND NEW THREE bedroom, furnace, plastered, BUitt in range. On West tide. OR 3-4014. $400 DOWN TWO bedroom hom south of city. Lots ot kitcnen and linen c losers, fireplace, electric heating, 74' 100 lot. Ins.de utility. .. Douglas County Realty CRAIG SHORT Realtor 111! SE- Stephens OR 3-4020 BIB Tipton OR 3-341 Martha Thomas OR 2-352 Low Down Payments 57 ACRES, aver St a. In young timber and Xmes trees. 3 bdrm homo In good condition. 1 walls, chicken houses and soma fruit. 14,500. SI .400 On. SEE THIS, t bdrm. homo m process of remodeling, jvtt finishing needed. Sower M and paid. Lot 170 X 42. innass prarnpts this sale at SaOOO S50 dn. FOR LESS than value of 1 lots you get this property. A small 2 bdrm house, not modern, but sewer ready to connect. Lot 130 X 214. Price S1S00 with SIS0 dn. Winston Branch Bauer Realty OS 9-5511 NORA CRACR0FT OR 2 3627 QUALIFIED BUYS PINE STREET. . .GOOD INVEST. MENT or comfortable older 3-bed-room homo. Large living rm., kit chen, bath, utility room, storage room. Soma furnftgre included. Owner ' transferred, immediate pot. Only S5.2S0, try S700 down. NEAR CITY CENTER. . 3 bedroom home, carpeted 14x24 living room, PLUS den, kitchen with dinette, sap. utility room, double garage, pet- slab. Cedar thane tiding, corner lot. and alley on sowar. F.P. S0.900 terms or refinance. WESTSIDE. .3 Bedroom plus family room, larga living room full d-ning area, tile bath and shower, utility room, beautiful landscaped large lot with green house, garden area. Sew er, sidewalks, curbs in and paid. Asking SI 3500. Lee Jones Realty 433 W. Military Ave. (West of Oak St. Bridge) I OR: 2-2511 LESLIE SLACK. Satoiman OS lll OR 2-3833 OR 3-8259 OS 9-5339 0121935 Real Estate 34; POOR BEDROOM home. wall-to-waH carpet. fed battmem, Tn City, ingiur at aAad way Sarvic Station. WESTSIDE nice 1 Br homo, tireplac. w-w carpet. 100x100 tot, carport, eic Eguity Si 1C0 r bast offer, assume baL fTfus an Fed. C I. OR 3-43t4.NoSal.eaU. DILLARD Lg 1 BR Use new. modern, ranch lyp hom an 1 tots; shade treat. Hovers, snrubs. outdoor patio, fireplace. Houta hat flreplaca, oishwasner, wl fur nace, rug, drapes. OS t-l74 or OS t-Sl. Melrose AT FORKS OF RIVER 5 4 Acres lancad, large trees along 400 river from age. irrigation system, lots ot fruit, berries, shrubs. Larga 1 BR home, wall bed off living room, fireplace, oil fur nets, good well weier, filtering system. See at Rf. 3 Box 100 or call tor ap pointment, OR 3-4442. Will You Be Cold This Winter? NOT IP YOU r m en of ur Norths loe 2 or 3 badroom specials witn forced burner perimeter duct furnace. S250 to S450 down. Quick possess ion. Roseburg Realty U mo one Hotel, OR 2-3344. Strout Realty Bonded Representatives Ranches, Homes, Income Property OR 3-7202 OS 9-5509 NEW BY BUILDER 3 Beautiful Bedrooms SHOW PLACE Birch kitchen with snack bar and built In appliances, pleasant dining room. Ceramic til and vanity in large bath, a larga friendty living room with beautiful panelled fireplace wail. PLUS Term it resistance. Only S1U0 with terms. Coll TODAY OR 3-5977 WESTSIDE NEW 3 BEDROOM hom with 1 roomy bedrooms, sliding door closets, large batn, big living room, dining and birch kitchen, attached garage. Lot top-toiled. S12.900. FHA or Gl terms. Douglas County Realty CRAIG SHORT Realtor till S E. Stephen OR 3-4020 Bill Tipton OR 3-361 Martha Thomas OR 2-332 Lots And Acreages 35 WINSTON lot Pork Strut. SOX. OS .-W43 LOTS tor bosintu or show-rrn, NE P.bo. naar RR spur. Bos Mo, Nu-Ivi Farms And Ranches 36 FOR RENT Diversified f.rm. Mu.l hove own oamp. .n, good ret. Writ. Box 39i. Now. RCVI.VV. FOR LEASE IH sere ranch situated on tha . ain Umpqua River, S miles West of Umr oua. Large 3 bedroom bom, excellent well and pressure system, t acres of gardan groUhd, family orchard, balance of ground fenced pasture. Excel lent home, fully modern, beautiful kitchen and bathroom. SI 10 per month on yearly lease. STEVENSON REALTY 47 S E. Pine Phone OR 3-1414 Horse & Cattle Ranch 54 ACRES, cross fenced, some perm, artenl pasture and mature 2nd growth timber. 3 acres of this outstanding value are In rich bottom land with water rights. Included ara approxi mately 10 young peach trees, pas tures In sub clover, good well and a bedroom home. A real buy et sit. 000, only S3. 500 down and 54 SO semi annually, incl. interest. Call ROSEBURG REALTY & INS. UMPQUA HOTEL Evenings call Bob Horn OR 2-3344 OR 3-4740 Exchange Real Estate 38 TRADE bedroom hse m Coquili for Roseburg property. OR 3-5011. FARM LAND to trad for small trailer house. Ph. 447 Camas Valley. EQUITY in nice 4 Bedroom Winston vie- home. 14x24' llv. room, fireplace, separate dining room trade lor smaller home or Urge trailer house. OS -Si32. Timber And Sawmills 40 LOG5. ROUGH LUMBER AND TIMBER WANTED. Hub Lumber, OR :-J3l5. WANTED Douglas fir, cedar logs and cordwood In multiples ot S ft. we load and haul If oiled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 3-1791. Building Materials 41 SUITER'S BUILDING SUPPLY FALL PRE-WINTER FIX-UP SPECIALS Nothing down 36 mo. to pay Aluminum Windows Ungleted center section M095 '12.95 M3 95 7. 10X38 9 10X38 10 0X4 0 Nails S orH 1 6 penny box $ C Q C 50 lb. keg J OJ Roofing 1 5 vear twodvd CertairvTd shinglti $Q Q C per squort O O J FELT 15 lb. roll $2.65 (surtR's i rv luiloiNe svr'iT ca 14 VS. walnut OR 2 W7 Building Materials 41 USED Building material. 130 NE Stopnen or CtllUMPCOConst. CO. OR 7-J3C4. PLYWOOD BLOWS complete stock. So u for your bU buv. t. Scott fc.t.i Varda Suhvrim P none 7737 CERAMIC TILE ttrxx tall Out ALL item go at 45c s. ft- Trim member a at 10c each. UMPCO Const. OR 3-130. TIME TO BUILD Boards-Ship lap-Rust k-fncing-fjurt Dimension, 3 i 4 an wioer, al grade priced to your needs. Special cuttings di rect from sawmill. Also few claanup loads at special price. Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near ft, track! Fuel 43 SMALL CORE WOOD Rt. 4 Box 134. Roseburg, Ore, DRY OAK WOOD Call OR 3-304 O C FUEL CO. Dry oak, I" and 34" also. It" fir. OR 3-7500. WOOD Peeler Core Hardwood Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5082 LARGE PEELER CORES Large peeler cores split heater size dry or green. Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-15? Wood-Sawdust PLANER ENDS Pond lilies snort butt cut trom old growth fir. Slab wood Dry oak and laurel wood Ltrge Peeler cor. All Deliveries CO D. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3 5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSEUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction evtrv FrL at 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction CoL V. Munlon, owner and Auctioneer OR MOM USED FOREST SERVICE VEHICLES FCR SALE Public Auction Sal of approximately 33 units of equipment consisting of sedans, sedan deliveries. 'Vton and 44-ton pick uos, 4x4 1-ton pickups. 1-ton and ?-ton stake trucks, carryalls. TD-ll tractor, l'i cubic yard loader, A-w grader, etc Inspection may be mad from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on October 70 and 33, and from :00 A.M. to seta time on October 24, 1941. Payment must be by money order , certified or cashier's check r barnc draft, payable to tha Forest service, USOA. (Personal check or cash cannot be accepted. ) PLACE US. FOPST SERVICE WACT HOUSE. 131 i. McAndrews Read, Medford, Oregoi. TIME 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, October 24, 1941 Full informal on available st th For est Superviso 's office. Rogue River Na tional Fore,, Room 315, Post Offic Building, Vjrdfrxd, Oregon. Miscellaneous For Sale 45 SNAP - ON TOOLS Over 5000 items for the mechanic Weion hoft automotive electrical lasting eauio men. Write or call C. E. (Chuck) Sotge Car of Tower Motel,. Rosetturg. Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7272 Wallpaper Sale Colorcraft Paint and Wallpaper 721 SB Stephens OK 2-2252 BARGAINS HOTPOINT apt. sir refrigerator S44 WESTINGHOUSC washer S3 S THOR dryer (55 00 TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 711 SE Oak Ave. OR 3-5571 REPOSSESSIONS! S COMPACT vacuums, like new All att. and storage cnesl. new price. Guar anteed. ELECTROLUX with att. and polisher. BaL Si. 0 KIR BY in A-l snap. Balance due. Sis. LEAYT with rotary rug brush and att. 140 model. Balance only SJI.70. Trade and terms. JOHNSON floor polisher. He new. Sold new tor 144 50 baianc du S29 00 Necchi - Elno Sewing Circle Vacuum Cleaner Specialist fioj SE Jackson OR 3-6325 WARD'S Used Appliances NEW 17 ft. upright freerer damaged $225 USED Ward's refrigerator $29 MAYTAG wringer masher SPECIAL $00 Other ahrrs from $29 and up Montgomery Ward 1481 NE Stephens OR 2-4VSII WORK 4gj