The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 19, 1961, Page 26, Image 26

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    12 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore Thur., Oct. 19, 1961
Beans & Franks Casserole Is Hit
Kail change expresnlon la io
numjr ways that our daily living
palM-rna are detinitely InflueuvtMl
by thenu laya crow shorter mov
ing our enterUlnmimt inufde.
Cooler weather brlnaa about a
ichaiiKe to dliRlitly heavier cloth
time and inenuB call for mora hot
mid Bubmantial food. One youu
Qnr food which adjunta itself to
.any n la canned bean &
itranka in tomato aaure.
All auinmer lone the children
lava had these good beam aerved
jiipiDC hot in taUd frankfurter
rolli, heated plain, or aplaahed
with a little relink. And when you
look back didn't yoa and lad
vniojr them too? Of course, you
did but now U's time to put aside
i the childish ways for a new recipe
. . . one rrU!n to please Dad on
any workday eveninjr. or company
on a rhilly Saturday night after
a f cm) thai I game.
Everyone will enjoy Miring
this ciiuerole:
Bcana & Frank Itallanne
1 can (1 pound) beans ft frank
In tomato aauca
tf (Kxm leaf orAfftAO,
;ah jrurlle powder
3 wlem tomato
cup lircdded abarp Cheddar
Blend beans & franks With'
orpxano and garlic Jn a 1-Quartl
casaerole. Top with tomato alioea;'
sprinkle with cheese, Hake in a
moderate oven (350") for 30 min
ute.. Make to S serving:
Everyday Life In Russia Described In Interesting Book By Newsman
Everyday Life in Russia J 42 con
Thuri. 2nd sect inside ruth
Moat Americana never cet a
chance to know how the ordinary
Soviet citizen Uvea. We aee and
hear Rinnan politician! and states
men on televiaion and radio, but
have only a vague idea of what
goea on in everyday life in Mos
cow. Peeks Through Curtain
"Only in Russia," by Howard
Norton tells us in some measure
how it is to live in Russia today.
Norton, hia wife and four children
lived among the Russians for 3'j
years, entirely without dipolomatic
privilege or luxuries, and mainly
on the Soviet economy. The au
thor does not attempt to compare
uie u. a. ana, or to an
alyze Soviet politics. He simply
peeks througj a crack in the iron
curtain and records his impres
sions of the Marxist-Lenin system
and its effect or. the daily lives
of those who must live under it.
Country Girl Transplanted
"Fresh From the Country," by
"Miss Read," is the refreshing
story of Anna Lacey who had
spent almost all her 30 years on
ber Essex farm. She is transplant
ed to a ra new suburb for her
first year as a teacher, and is un
prepared for the things the finds
there. Anna learns to shed her in-
I Si
Dangerous Inconsistencies Mark
Appling's Plan High Court Told
SALEM (AP) Dangerous incon
sistencies plague the reapportion
ment plan of Secretary of State
Howell Appling Jr., Clay Myers,
Portland, has told the Oregon Su
preme Court.
Myera made the statement in
letter to the court dated Oct. 3.
It was referred to Saturday at a
meeting of Eastern Oregon legis
lators aeeking to promote a dif
ferent reapportionment method.
"There art dangerous inconsis
tencies that could ba used by fu
ture legislatures to gerrymander,
to dilute representation of a popu
lout county or to increase that of
a minor fraction county, Myers
Myers had aided the legislature
in drawing up ita reapportionment
plan which the Supreme Court
ruled unconstitutional The court
has not yet passed on the Appling
nlan. which has drawn fire from
legislators whose seats would be
lost or changed and from Eastern
Myera contended In his letter
that "whole numbers were ignored
in at least two instances in the
House of Representatives" by Ap
He said this was done when
Klamath County with ratio of
1.611 per cent of the population
needed for a single representative
was not given even one member
by itself.
He said this also was true In
Umatilla County with a ratio of
1.505 which was denied a member
by itself.
Myera cited numerous other
counties aa being subject to dis
Former Iowa Couple Picks
Tiller Area For Retirement
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whitford
are new arrivals in Tiller, hav
ing purchased the home of Mr.
and Mra. Clarence L. Hartley some
two miles uprivcr from Tiller on
the South Umpqua Rd.
The Whilfords are former resi
dents of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
where Whitford waa employed by
Wilson Packing Company. Follow
ing hia retirement they went to
South America where he represent
ed a New York firm in Venzuela
for the past eight months.
The couple chose Oregon for
their retirement after visiting
many aectiona of the country over
the years. They made a trip to this
state in 1948 and found it to their
liking. That first visit influenced
their decision to settle here, they
Forester Visits
Alfred D. Hunter, who presently
resides in the Los Angeles area,
was a recent visitor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. l'oole at
the Tiller Ranger Station. He is
retired from the Forest Service,
having once been communications
officer for the Umpqua National
Forest in Roseburg.
Mr. and Mra. Km mitt Belcher
made a recent business trip to
Mrs. Howard Ward returned last
week to her teaching duties in the
primary department of the Tiller
Drew Grade School. She had been
convalescing at her Days Creek
home from a fractured rib and oth
er injuries received on the sec
ond day of school when she slipped
and fell against a waste basket
In her classroom. Mrs. John O.
Wilson, who substituted for her,
taught the classes of Margaret
Shanks and aome of her pupils
were on a field trip.
Carl Wilson, young son of Rang
er and Mrs. John O. Wilson,
brought down a fine doe with a
single shot Sunday to fill hia antler-
less deer permit and become the
first successful deer hunter in his
family this season. He hunted in
the Jackson Creek vicinity. Earlier
in the acason his father killed a
bear in the Beaver Creek area.
Jon Lilligren, aon of Ranger and
Mra. Hillard M. Lilligren, put vem
son on the family table when he
filled his antlerlesa deer permit the
previoua weekend.
Unusual deer trophies were
brought in by Ray Looney and
Harry Gibson, employees of the
Cow Creek Hanger District, who
made a weekend trip to the Bly
area. Looney killed a mule deer
with six points on one side and five
on the other and with four eye
guards. He estimated the animal
to weigh about 190 pounds. Kn
route, in the Prospect vicinity, Gib
son killed a blacktail of about the
same weight, which had seven
points on one tide and aix on the
public ssrvut by lh
A lady suffering from various
pains and ailments called on a
chiropractor for advice and treat
ment. For a period of about two
months she received treatment
from him. After thia time she re
fused to return and aomewhat over
two yeara later consulted a medi
cal doctor who diagnosed her ail
ment as diabetes and began treav
In suing the chiropractor for
malpractice she contends that his
failure to diagnose her ailment
correctly caused her to suffer for
over two yeara and a permanent
damage to her eyesight.
there was some evidence to sup
port the lady's contentions, she
waited too long to bring her ac
tion. A state statute provides that
injuries not arising from contracts
must be sued upon within a two
year period. Here the action was
not commenced until more than
two years after the chiropractor
had terminated hia treatment of
her. She had lost her cause of ac
tion against him, Dowell v. Moss
berg, 355 P. 2d $24 (Ore. 1960).
This column is to present general
principles of law. It is not to bo
taken as legal advice. Slight chang
es in the fact may change me
outcome of a case. If you have a
problem, too an attorney.
Schrunk New President
Of Oregon Cities Group
PORTLAND (AP) - Portland
Mayor Terry Schrunk is new pres
ident of the League of Oregon
Delegatea attending the league's
annual convention in Portland
chose Schrunk today to succeed
Mayor John W. Snider of Medford.
Mayor W. L. Jackson of Baker
was elected vice president and
Corvallis City Ma.iager John K.
Porter was reelected tresvrrr.
Elected to the board were E.
W. Bauer of Gladstone. R. F.
Bonestcele of Salem, Hugh Mc
Kinley of Eugene, Brewer Mills
of Coos Bay; Richard L. Neil! of
Ashland. J. D. Puzey of Clatika
nie, G. II. Rhinehart of N'yssa and
Arnold Swanson of Astoria.
Priest Gets Aid
From Portlanders
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) A
New York Catholi- prirst, headed
for a mission on Ponape in the
Mariana Islands has received
substantial aid from four Portland
Jewish brothers.
Schnitzrr Bros., owners of the
Monro Drdock yard for industrial
development at Oakland, crossed
about $4,000 worth of medicine
and medical supplies off the list
of an industrial auction to close
Uie yard.
Instead they will give them to
Father Hugh Costigan, who now
ia in New York raising funds for
his island mission.
Leonard Schnitier. the youngest
of Uie brothers, said he met Fa
ther Costigan while on Guam with
Island Equipment, one of the
many Schmtzer enterprises.
He called the priest "sort of a
Tom Doolry."
He said Father Cosligan had
built hia own church and school,
digging sand from the ocean as
material for eonereie blocks.
The three brothers of Leonard
Srhnitzer, a former doctor, and
Millon J. Wershow, a jn Angeles
auctioneer, Joined in the fift to
the priest.
Ike Won't Build
Fallout Shelter
NEWARK. N.J. (AP) Former
President Eisenhower, a grand
father, taya he would "just walk
out' of a fall-out shelter if the
rest of hit family were not with
him and were exposed during a
nuclear attack.
"I wouldn't want (o be left In
that kind of a world," he added.
Eisenhower laid it had been
suggested that be build a fall-out
shelter on his Gettysburg, Pa.,
farm as an example for others,
but he feared such a step might
alarm people.
Asked if he thought present Civ
il Defense measures were ade
quate, he replied: "I have never
known really the proper answer
all these years."
But Eisenhower said he hoped
Americans could shed the uneasi
ness and worry he said he had
sensed in them. "We are a free
nation, we're never going to be
anything else," he said.
Eisenhower made the remarks
Tuesday during a day of cam
paigning for James 1'. Mitcneil.
Republican candidate lor tne new
Jeraey governorship.
Bonneville Slates
Final Line Tests
the Bonneville Power Admims
tration'a $6.7 million Big Eddy-
McLoughlin transmission line
were scheduled to be completed
If the teats are successful, aaid
BPA administrator Charles F.
Luce. 200.000 kilowatts will start
flowing over the new line later
this week.
The line originates at Big Eddy
Substation near The Dalles and
ends 60 miles away at Portland
General Electric Co. a McLough
lin substation near Oregon City.
The line has conductors that
may eventually carry 500.000 kilo
watts. Luce said. He said it will
permit power to be transmitted
from The Dalles and McNary
dams on the Columbia River and
from PGE's Pelton Dam on the
Deschutes River into the Portland
area and the Willamette Valley.
Man Dies, Woman Hurt
In Washington Crash
car hit a power pole her late
Tuesday, fatally injuring an Iowa
man and hurting two women.
Earl C. Stroh. 57, of Independ
ence, Iowa, died in a hospital at
J'lJ p m., about three hours after
the accident.
Fern Zinpher of Independence
waa hospitalized in Bellingham.
Mrs. Bertha Click of Anacortes
was taken to a hospital here with
cuts and bruises.
Police said they did aot know
who waa driving.
inocent trust in her elders and to
; discard the weighty theories of
I school and college days. Through
out her first year she finds her
country standards and sense of fun
I carry her alon.
Thrilling Voyage i
"The Lonely Land" by Sigurd F.
Olson tells a true tale of thrilling
white water adventure by canoe
down 500 miles of Canada's wild
Churchill River. The trip re ex
plores the same rapids, lakes, por
tages ancient campfires and
primitive wilderness haunts of the
voyageurs of an earlier tune. Ol
son served as boss of the trip,
chose the routes and picked the
camp sites. His companions and
he relive for all readers what life
waa "then" in the wilds of the
Canadian Northwest.
Other new arrivals at the li
brary thia week are:
New arrivals at the library are:
Adult Non-Fiction: The Faces of
Justice, Sybille Bedford; A Crew
of Two, Beth Eberhart; A Com
plete Guide to Fishing, Vlad Evan
off; Farewell to Fear, T. Keitlen;
Hemingway, Leo Lania; The Frog
Pond, Joyce Mclver; Bamboo Hos
pital (Henderson), Katherine Read.
Winning Chess Openings, Fred
Adult Fiction: A Talent for Lov
ing, Richard Condon; The Af
rican, William Conton; Sow Not in
Anger, Jack Hoffenberg; Sweeney.
Squadron, Donald Plautz; Eye!
Witness, Dorothy Tillett; Mry Fa j
ther Sits in the Dark, and Other
Selected Stories, Jerome Weidman.
Young Moderns Non . Fiction: j
World of the Wiad. Slater Brown; I
Patrick Henry, Firebrand of the
Revolution, Nardi Campion; Of
Men and Cars, John Christy; The
Complete Book of Karting, Dick
Day; The Eddie Mathews Story,
Al Hirshbierg.
Young Moderns Fiction: Hot Rod
Reporter, Allan Johnson; From
This Day Forward. Elswyth Thane.
Juvenile Non-Fiction: Chinese
Myths and Fantasies, Cyril Birch;
The Castle Book, Alfred Duggan;
The First Book of New Zealand,
Edna Kaula; Kitchen Table Fun,
Avery Nagle; Adventures With the
Gods, Catherine Sellew; Western
Butterflies, Arthur Smith.
Juvenile Fiction: Haddington
Helps Out. Michael Bond: The Bur
ro Who Sat Down, Doris Garst;
Aloha, Susan, Helen lloyt.
Easy Books: Flower Girl, Myra
Brown; Somebody's Pup, Myra
Brown: My Time of Year, Kath
erine Dow; The Wing on a Flea,
Ed Emberley; Everybody Eats,
Mary Green; Little White Foot,
Berta Hader; Backward Day. Ruth
Krauss; Spring Things, Maxine
Kumin; First Grade, Eleanor Lat-timore.
(( ) ,11 (hKIMG shj)
vvStw Jyv ST0RES ssw " Hy
JJJJJ' "Hivondole Myrtle Crook . gjg00'
Oflc I A" Ve9e,ob ' rftc I Spro in.
.... Box 07 SNOWDRIFT
Shortening .. 3 ,..,, J7 STARCH Ia.0. .. 47
Chocolatt or Banana
SWEETIE PIES fitMii. ...
i "77(3)' I
Hunt's 32-oz.
. Del Monte 29 oz.
. 6. pkg.
Blue Bonnet
$100 I Hi
4 i.fc. ,kgt. j CC
Whole Ktmcl O 30J cons
Fresh-Frosted . . . Fine With
Noodles or Dumplings
7V1.1 frU
U. S. D. A. Good
Nabergall , . . Sliced
BACON Blue Label
1 1 V S Stalk
Mb. pkg.
Stew Weather
Mix or Match 'cm
Potatoes "Sn
20 49'
Grocery prices good Friday through Sunday. Meat and produce prices
good Friday and Saturday. No sales to dealers. Wt reserve right to limit.
Save now
I M. I 'IK. , - I I
1 1 u.s, ukih. isri viraii n.
llouiihland. self-styled King of the!
Parking Metera has left for more IAI FUUU
xenue neias in uie n est. 1 .
Tall cans
No. 1 cans
. 3 ,0,39c
3 ...25c
10 t '1.19
For three months, he raked grass, Puss 'n Boors No. 1 ) Cf
wind parking meter, searchingi riln M,at Zm tanl JmJ'
for dropped coins. He figured he
netted $irs from hia work oo 21,
000 meters-
No. 1 Winston
No. 2 Riversdale
Garden Valley Rd.
at Curry Rd.
Week Doyt 9-8
Sundays 10-8
2 lb., $1.17; 4-lb., $2.34
6-01. Instant 79c
1-lb. can
25 fluid ounces
Sunshine 1-lb.
Buy plenty box
Zee ... Giant 3
Site Rolls for