Tell It -And Sell It-Through News -Review For Sale Ads. Dial OR 2-3321 34 T AO WE VORtAL G A B 0 f-. N kj. JI25 a OR ;-e;6 t WO Bar" hov;se on .E J JO sen, pood W'wi. CR TWO BR Older home. $s--c li:0 $. A River St. Phone OR 2 u.7 FOUR BEDROOM home, v.a' to wll carp-i full basement, Tri City, r-,iUre at Mid way Sarvict Station. SFLL or trade 3 BR turn, hse 1' ..( on river. Tae b-e trailer, or small r-.e Oost In. Ga lermv Call eves, OR y:3. Real Estate DREAM HOME RIVEBVIEW tovety Cape Cod home J br. laroe living rm, fireolece. divide bi-tn, mce hitchen-dmette, u' ('ty, rn-age ad love'v yard, fruit, good weit, river irr.g., eceiienf Raionarily priced $16,900. 5 ACRES seaoous new 3 br home, ',er v e. pUy rin, double carport, itor ago, irnq. svtpm, goal b.irn iS COO, good term. WINCHESTER HOME 1 1 J acre h?i,',Hj grounds, more land available. Fire place, hitchen-dmH". J br. v j h.uM, large utility, outdoor fireplace, gar aqe and guest quarter, city wt-r jnq irnq just I1S.7S3, S3 ml. CLOSE IN tor ret. recent or neVw,-d ri:y 2 br nam, j&ro, SaiO dn. 112.000 NEAT 3 br ho-ne, fiftpic, carpeting, tie cam, garage, patio, fenced yard. Good Gl or F HA. FULLERTON RJEALTY & INS. 723 N. E. Stephens Dial OR'2-,3 172 .eve OR 3-6998 New Listings 1111.500 New, westside 1 bedroom home. Built In rnrqr and Oven, Coir man forced air tyrnace, roloted bathrwiTi futures, brch ru'tt-in in h'tcnei. hard wood floor, l? X 31 toot a'-acned osrAoe. s'dnd gi doorj to patio arid many other eevrable ne home teturts includ ng 10 X 11 loot dining re. Immediate possession ot F H A. Term. J WW With ISOO don. 3 bedroom bon-e with fireplace, oil furnace. Invde util ity room, stffrt. s--r, e'e vs? per monirt art the payments on tnt home which needs some redecorating. J New, wetide 1 bedroom home situated on eVcellent view lot Built in eiectric range win hood, oven, wired and piumtwd tor automatic dish washer, drver, washer, elec Thu Mr ge and bputitul home hm baseboard elec tric heat, hardwood floor, 23 X 21 font carport, IS x 2S toot living room, separate dining room, larcie k-tchen with pamtpd cabinet, stone iireplace. i X 1 toot office space and e X 13 tcot storage space on Ironl of carport. Elr large view lot. F.H A. Terms. 4114 900 Older ranch home on SO qnod acre in the DionviMe area. Land seeded In D'mnent pature, large brn, oVuitjie garage, worii Nhoo, black-top road frontage. The oldr'r house has 2 bathroom Family orchard, abundant spring water with rsroi', S6000 aown or 0ner may consider trade tor (mailer prop erty in the Gnae area. WtQ No Down o'vH nectary to quaHfrfd Federal G I. S-tuafed on the highway between KeUvs Korner and the Winston Bndqe Newer 2 br-aroorn e pandable home on over 'i ace Of good ground. Excellent vifw, fireplace, 2 car ports, storage building, e'c. See this tooay. Owner will also sell equity for S2.000. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE OR 2-1614 Evenings Leonard OK 3-7711 - Sconce, butherlin 26C5 . Stevenson OR 3-8744 Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY IF YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLF-BRFASTED mjiM rtyl) 19 ti q:. Mr. GiMord, OR 1 404. APPLIANCE REPAIR MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. 60S MIL LER SERVICE. D.l OR 3-5511. Parts Sales Service MAJOR SMALL Besl lloclc of applianct parti In county Trowbridge Electric 721 SEflak OR 3-.V;:i AUTO BODY LET HARRY DO IT! j EXPERT body work Painting ot- srcla'ty. , Free estimate, invjrance and cus'on,ers. j AH work guaranteed. Call Pal .'otors Body Shop, 2164 NE Stephens, 2-7-CI. "BARCUS MOTORS Inc. raintina. body anil tender work to your specification. Free estimates, fa-t service. All Work Guaranteed 11211 X I". Stephen OK .1 BICYCLES Beckwith Cycle Shop Guaranteed B'Cyc'rs 'or ls. Evans sales, a"d service on ail mjkes W Hrvarrj Ave "1: BUILDERS, CARPENTERS COVPLFTE b'ji'1'ia wrvf", "'A, tcmodd. add ttons and reow,. 0 libit CARPENTER WCRK R' "fl-ia. -3l Smitn day or nM, CR 3811. CABINET' MAKING ar-d c'P",rV, 53 hr. No business on SuntjayS. CR3-S6l2. FOUNDATIONS. bo'.P r,vvg, kvfi-g, re pair. Wom F H A ,ipp'ov-1. Ce"-e-t. C''i m worK, fireP'ac- s. Fr e' -as. Cal V-r-gel. C : or ro i CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery C5 : Ht ""NORTH R 1SL Bu R G KINP" of. APT EN" OP j yfi CO 3 '7 4 sws-w nvsrvvv reiuc ccoviTf Crone Service ETfTiON o'k. cohere' r?i,'.-g. Ca'i C"f Thomtcn. iy ( on 2 :" ELECTRICAL WORK Ei-ECTPifAL A'B . .rr cs Cr- EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL DOt'NG, l-vei -g; a o rr , r,i low a-1 road r-i'-r a s. tn'i i OS9'7. LhUiVt i c, fvH a-1 I- --'d Nfw MiueV fJ..: v F"-.-ne Dar'ei Isaac'"" r c-t'"r co ; -i- LPCO CCNSTFbCT.GN " F ca. on a-d 3 - I type, HCui g C 1 1 d" f'eig. Ft'f qi.a''1 d cre':-s. 13 years in sa-ne kx' on, FOR f'PK.K rSTlMATEs C Al l. iir : " ' 1 FLOOR FINISHING FURNITURI REPAIR ... r :. -, -. ... Fwr.tjra. 3'41. :i A. fi. t. Real Estate 34 FST'ipE c Br home, fireplace, w-w C 1"C :0 101, CrpOM, elC F fJO'ty I '3 0 t-' C'r, assume ft-. S0 yi f-ei G I OR 3-63'4 No aal rail. , Rent Too High? j YOU CAN BUY met 3 or 3 bed room home on paved street, s.wer, no but lint tor IS to 12 per month Including tvfrything. Small down pay irenti. Roseburij Realty, UT,qui Hots) OR 2-3344. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbanks Morse Domestic an.l irrigation water systems. Estimates gladly given 618 S. E. Rose OH 2-1616 LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM RotOtlMinq, w-t .nO bruh cut ting. N,w M.scy Ferguson equipment. V.. H. F9!, Vwinston. OS 0-554. ovej. LOANS Loans Auto - Salary - Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Pick Rurdick Manacer 614 SE Stephens OK 3-6068 MONOGRAMMING WONOGRAMMiNG bv Sladig. CS 9-S?4 MOTOR REWIND ING-REPAIR i - JIV.MIF'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP t tr'uS'f De'co D -.t'ibunr v'O'or R-wirDtng R'-pa-r :rq i'l NF Garden VaMey B'vd. CR 3 312 Electric Motor Service Company Al Hammell Pr-ipt frair and rew'nding art t-r ALL mntor I so'i'h Fa'rq'Ounnii, net tl pa"--ae Mn-j't rh. oi; .1 4.;oi MOVING DELIVERY I .MI'Ql'A Tit ANS F Kit K'y.-e in eH d ree 0" r!li,ery spocittty CR 2 CO 3 J r "5t I ate Riv4. PAINTING, DECORATING spray p a" r i . . n0 hi tw bg 0r too' rr-.'. n'.r-.t-, ORJI S-'IS , VAOn S Pmt ng Servtc. P'0't vo-j"' 1 W"h j fall pat-f oh F' e"i-' rri'n. Va'r rre-'vi, Is v'. Sherwood . r"l) 0R ' I RADIO AND TV SERVICE pa TV. Fl, f-r ffl .,, v,vir. C-! B.-o t"d TV. W43 St: S'eohenj. C R dV'Vi. ROOFING SEPTIC TANKS STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES TIRE SERVICE TC0L SHARPENING WELDING WELL DRILLING Water Well DrJlir sr-t - r-ecf. CR J :-. in SE Jecvyi E DIRECIORY 34 Heal Estate D'LLASD Loe 7 BR like new, modern. ra.icn tpe home on 2 to': thaae trees. t.on, inics. vuoer pa o. 1'tjui.i has t.reo'-ce. fl.jw, oi r- rue a, ruoi. drapes, ui 9-ak'a or OS 9-SHs. 30 ACRES CLOSE tM. considerable timber, 5 room home, barn, spring water. Only f-oOQ good terms. RANCH CONTRACT rr :e l-O,-000 mt, Mill d.scounf. 5 ACRES LOVELY tO room modem hoe, dose n, on the nvf. irrigated clov er, barn, J63. loveiy shade trees. A'most new metal warehouse 30'ieC'. W-tn parting area. WH rent or sell separately. Call OR 3 li l tor detail. Cail toaay. Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor 1M7 SE Stephens OR 3-I5TI Wiley's For Real Estate DO VOU WATER ski' Attractive 2 BR above the dam at Winchester, living room i knotty pine with or culatmq fireplace, tin view overlook inq the river. K 'chen ha built ii raoe, oven, matching retnqerator. garoage dspoai 2 car qarage w'th la'ge 1oraq-util ty room. Beautiful rver frontage w h besch, dock and Shade tree. O Mara 12 tt bot W'th 4S HP motor plus ski's. Appro one acre, city wter and irnqation from nver. Fruit trees. $22,SOO. WESTSIDE 3 Bedroom Ranch fyoe, rim.nq area, breaKtait nook, pat.o. Carpeted livfnq room with fireplace. Well landsraoed lot with paving and sewer. Large garage. SI 4 SCO. ? BEDROOMS close In, Separate din Ing room. Oak floor, attached gar age Large shade trees m rear yard. Not a b g lot Fine for small temily or would make excellent rental. M, 500. EARL WILEY Real Estate, 428 SE MAIN ST. t.fcsS OR 2-2629 tven.nni PH PR J-"0ei, Rnd Sprlnqer Ph. OR 3-3403. E.rt I CI.Ovs YOUNG'S . BEST BUYS' GARDEN VALLEY 3 bedroom home with lull bamenf with room tor I additional bedroom and on 7 acre of qood qround seeded to permanent pasture. House is neat and clean. Will 00 F H A or G I. and only 112 MM. Hardwood floor and t .rep lace and new Oil furnace. J' ACRES w th ? bedroom home on hacktoo road. Garaqe wh snoo. Fruit, bernes and garden. $9,000 takes It. 30 ACRES with qond 3 bedroom home and small btrn. Fruit tree and garden. Some permanrnt pasture. On good road and clo, to new W and shopping. 1st time offered 2 weiis, S17.W0. WP HAVE a number et excellent suburban homes in almost every range. Roy 0. Young & Son 43 YEARS IN ROSKBUHG. 733 S. E. Cass Ave. Pacific Hdg. Phone office OR 3 MM Evening-; rait teNoIr Kruse OR 2-2951 (except Friday evening nd Saturday) Lots And Acreages 35 WINSTON lot Park Street. 100. OS t ut) 20PLEXbui.di"q s.te7 2 blks P 0.Wan ofte'. 4J9 SE Chadwick. LOTS lor business or show-rm, NE Rbq. near RR spur. Box 34o, News-Review. Farms And Ranches 36 FOR RENT Diverif.r-d farm Wut ha e own and good ref. Write Box 39V News Revew. FdRLEASE" 115 iK't ranch itijatd on the ain Uf"Dque P ,yer, 5 mrie Wef of U'T'p oua. Large 3 bdroom time, ecHent well a-d pressure system, acre of garden qrnud. famly orchrd. ba'anre o qround fenrod paM,i-e Ecenenf home. tuHy pWrn. beeutiful k.frhen and bathroom, ti',0 per month on yearly lea e. STEVENSON REALTY 947 S F P ne Phont OR 2 14'4 Horse & Cattle Ranch i AC OF 5, rro fe'-'-ed. sne t" anenl oa 'ure at'd ma'ure Jid qrcw'h tirnher 39 acre Of 'h 0'J'tanfl'rg va'j rm In r-h bottom land w th atr f.rjMj, r.r If -te-1 aCP'Om rr a'e'y 1 4.1 yO""g p'.-ar h trr, pa. t'.-e in syb cl&"', Ood we'l a---j 4 bedrAom hr-e a real u v at I S - r. O' i : ' 0 "r.n If) se1-!-- v, i"c!. i'te'es. r s I R03EBURG pealty & INS. I'Mrgi x Hutu. on 2r,)i Exchange Real Estate 38 TP ACE 4 fi-VBU'd P" F A P ' L A. D ihC'se. P"1 Corjunt lir i Timber And Sawmills 40 LO' -. W X L 'J '' Hi Si A , ! " T I V B L R irVANTFD H 0 Lj"M)r CR d '.A . ANT E D D'4 ,3 s fir. ce-Jar lo:t a-"l i r-, C e o I ft it 1 a-d ha I p ,ri ir- "si b-e roaj. f er Ljn-ter Co. C:l 3 .7;. Building Materials 41 .-M pi tf v : I ---' go tt IX tcn. UVPC0 Ca-f. CR J 1K4 Building Materials 41 PATlO Fiberajatl, A grade, Gutter, 4 ,nh ,- ' 5EAL TAB '"'n ROOFING. reg. U SO roil. . ... 33c tt . .. t4C tt HC1 tq ... ; ' BLACK B4g- paper re. U SO rolt ... t: H 1 WINDOWS, OH . .- - 12 FT. wide floor covering LUMBER ... M 2i4'i. or It tt. unit delivered. 111 SO I CEMENT, kind, gravel, delivered In County ' 12 FT gal van i led Iron, sheet S3 if I ROBINSON BLDG. SITPI.Y : Free Delivery Ph. Sutheri.n 2112 BLACK CAT SPECIALS Continue oil this week on Plumbing Roofing Insulation, building material! CHECK these low, low PRICES GERRETSEN Building Supply Co. Flegel Warehouse CLOSE OUT PV HARDWOOD thickntsi, pantl $1.40 Other siies tvultblt ALSO CLOSE OUT other assorted panels CLASSIC SEN 48x96 $3 50 Pacific Forest Products Halfway Btwn Winston-Dillard I SUITER'S BUILDING SUPPLY FALL PRE-WINTER FIX-UP SPECIALS Nothing down 36 mo, to pay Aluminum Windows Unglaied center section M0 95 '12.95 '13 95 710 X 3 8 910 X 3 8 10 0 X 4'0 Nails 8 onrl 1 6 penny box $ C Q C 50 lb. keg U-OD Roofing 1 5 year bonded Certoin-Teed sHingles $Q QC per square O O J FELT 15 lb. roil $2.65 f&Ait 4T mints- r-- 1236 X.E. Walnut OR 2 2674 Fuel 43 SMALL CORE WOOD Rt4 Box 1365, Roseburg, Ort. DRY OAK WOOD Call OR 3-3604 ) & L FUEL CO Dry Otk, 1" tnfl24'' tiso. 16" fir. OR 3 'WM. WOOD ! i Peeler Core Hardwood i 1 Red Diamond Fuel Co. j OR 3-5082 j LARGEEEU I Large pooler cores split healer size dry or Green. Sawdust Blower or Dump GL'Y & FRAN'CKS GILL FL'KL ' 2814 NE Douglas OR 2 Wood Sawdust PLANER ENDS Pond ' Mies shor! butt tut from oid erovfh fir. S'eb wood D'y oa t'd lajr( trx4 Lage Pee'er tot. Ail Dei.venes COD. ROSEEURC LUMBER CO. j Ph. OS 9-8711 or OR 3 jJC.8 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services rp- sai fs f STA-l S ujine ss Close -nurs Bnv VII Tra'lf Acton tvt'y Fri. tt t P.M. Roseburg Auction Cel. V. Mwn'0", 0r-r d OR 3-k: jGUF.SS WHO . . . .,.-..- " A N i O l .-1 l, n-'o-e a-1 n' K-.e- - . . f: r J y - e. .4 1 it. J.-1- C JS"4 , A an 1 t J - iN'ija i ? ii u-v chi C?T ,; t' Musical Instruments 50; 1 4m ! I ! - , -'.) tl 'i 112 BSs f an.i Aj.Jt'n, reasonable. Ca.l Wrim , V . I i NVA4 '!.. .i...d tend. "fc -ft j r; Sporting Goods 53 W ' $ l , - AkC"RI V. 1 'I tA-.-P T o -VILLI, t,ke re CS -Voi 4 i or OS n'tf K SwT I I' f T camp tr i er tor vale, or trade lor B vd h' ff: !-pfk" 1 .hat troublt holding Miscellaneous For Sale 45 THOR Giadiron, cof'cc table. OR 2 J 1 46 TWO TV'S sell or trade tor tjpe recorder OR 3 48.19 "chrovf set,i:s Phone OR 3-47JI 1 QUAKER oil heater, gcxd ennd , oil drum. j cooper line included, OR 3S'V4 G'VE AAAY Lgt grev davenport .ni . ch.r. You haul. 3tSi SE Downy. ' CURING AND SMOKING, pork, bef and poultry. Winston Lockers. OS 9-SU3. GENUINE heavy river loam, no rocs. easy to handle. Charles Keeiv. OS 9-iil. j USED Kenmore condenser type dryer in good condition Call OR iib'i BUTANE furnace, hot water heater and storage tan. OR 7-3SI V FURNITURE, garden tools, etc? 16: N. W Keasey. TV RENTALS Rent may apply n dun pvmts. Horn's Appliance OR 3-S'S. USED GUNS Bouqhi, Sold. Traded. Umpqua Gun store ELECTRlCretnq , docs, lathe, hoist, tooU. used brick. OR 3-407?. DOUBLE we mattress, end table, misc. furniture. All reasonable. OR I-3.'6 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, me. pensive, :a,'l OR 3-321! or see IM0 SE Hamilton. SMITH-CORONA portable typewriter, WsJ model. 162 NW Keasey. GUARANTEED- Recond 'used "aopl T Vs. Budget terms. Horn's Appl. OR 3-SSH. WELL Rottfd" manure, we deliver, ot you haul. OR 3 S04I. KNAPP SHOES. Call local representati ve, Sanders, OR 2-3607. MISC. Office furniture and used pari fcinj Priced to See at Pane Brother Inc. Business Rl. South. Phone OR 3 64 2 1 ORDER STARK fruit trees. Shade, ber-e. how. Fit anywhere, hone liner. Lx. Repr. OR 3-S321. TWO 5 20 x 12" Mud and vow t-res a, a 1 2 5:20 X 14 WW with luuei, low mile- age, low price. OS 9-SM3. TOP SOIL Irom now rotation. The best vnu have ever seen no root or weeds. Ralph Fisher. Winston. OS 9fU9j. K ILNSFOR SALE, free lesson gla"", greenware. Next to Winston Lockers. 1 H E- VA'S CERAMICS, OS 9 ilJ3. GOVERNMENT GRADED quatltymealtor best freeer satisfaction. Custom cuttmq, wrapping and quirk f reeling, WINSTON IOCKERS. OS 95133. BICYCLES S!4 opl'floor "lamp7bfd. misr elec. too', davenport, chairs, cotfee Id- hies, mattresses, sonngs, gas range. Acme Furniture. OR 3-3173. FOUR tall ladder-back snhd maple Salem finish chair Pd i20 eacb, p'achcally new sell for 110 each. Tier tahle. and floor lamp comb, maple finish, SS.50. OS 9-5414 tiler 6 P.M. I ELEVEN No. 4 steel" traps" with "stronq I Springs, I0. 2 Ward' nylon tire with good tread. 7 Sterling Nytei almnsl new all 4 40fti, US Ward ma'i e'ectnc Incubator, J10. Rolleicnrd camera, fine shape. 150. Call OR 3 46SS ""SUNDAYS ONLY" I WIFE sav 1 gotta se'l a few hundred Oregon Stat mum in bud and bioom Dwarf roses, camellia, rhododendron, an-t landscape plant. Also deep welt water pump and Silver King pirjeon. BROOKS PIXIE G AW Dr. NS, Ok 3-6113. N. W. Broad, BARGAINS" 13 GOOD cd rdria.r.tort i!arti"1 I GOOD USJ dryers Starting at .... Stt TROWBRIDGE ELF CTRlC 'TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 SE Oak Ave. OH J-5S21 Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchostcr OR 3 "272 WARD'S Used Appliances NKW 17 damaged upright frcerrr . $23 USED Ward's refrigerator $23 MAYTAG SPECIAL w r i n c c r waNhr-r . $.-i0 Other wa'-ltrrs frnrn Jl anl up Montgomery Ward ltltl NK .Strphcna. OR 2 :ml FALL CLEARANCE Used Frceers ALL TYPES all s :rs ALL ASAr.hS Comt (any ard pick your cnci't. New Furniture nff)'e you rvv ay O' ijsd t r h"f ' e vl in (- top qia-V y" p' antes. '"ilu'f '" ,. y.e ha.e 'ura enJ ep. TV Special See Jhcc fd ffify ei-or f"it barga - tt yC"jr Western Auto Store in P'er-g F'tt iF S'c- f,o ir -1 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 4 -b 'Boats And Motors 55 tND 0 SIASCN hraatn I?' runibrti.l i w t (jei-v., s' dnrj hardware, S.'Jw I Pnone OR 3 je-a. Food And Produce 57 English" walnuts For Sale 4 NF.V CROP - LXCILLENT QUALITY I DRIED. READY TO USE IP IRS CR rVPHE DELlVERt-D to your home in RosetHeg and immigrate "icnnty READY NO A PHONE 3-4858 WALNUT and Fi'brrt dryi Bacon 4 Da- con, Curr y t state. WALNUTS, you p.cK,-isc lb. Readynow OS 9 SMtt WALNUTS Frfth. commercially dried. tnqlish wa'nct. t mest quality, economic- ailv pnred. OR "j-eieO SP'TZ. Rome B autes, Or Hey s. Drhcou. Jo-ia'han apilfs Jsc o' Lantern. Boc D'-ars. W a l"i; Is, H -fever's Dii'ard Vark.-I Appiti ,,,.... d, nfi r.nlrlen D.'l.r,. H SO b"" aid up Neal ot Lookmgijias. APPLE S Dali( iocs, Lrtlev. other varie ties. Brinrj conta.nor. Maf'h Ran h, ml west Loakinqqiais Store OR 3-6405. HA i. L OWE L N PUMPKINS tomatoes, msny varieties of appl.-. snufl'-h and melons 0en s Dillard .'arket, BR v9 South. APPLES, ton aloes, squash, pumpkins, and melons Hurks rd Son, Blue fruil stand m D lard A-""Lrs at thir b'-st several varieties o' Garden V"ee' finest cleaned end pol ished Harry We ey, lower l.ardert Valley Rd. Ph OR 3-SS9 7. container. HOf.'C MADE cider," irxal appirs - "'all kind, d' I'd prunes, walnuts, squash snd Olhnr rrnrlnti'. HARVARD AVE. TRUIT STAND Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 "U,JWJ wu FOREST PlfH garrien mc-ifh. Blue Star Tinv bt-r Products, OR 2-1BJ. Hay And Grain 611 Oregon AlfalM, any lots. Will tak live - FOR iALE t astern amount. AKr) in 5 ton stock cr sheep in trade. Ph. C Res well T W S-JJW. ALFALFA hay Mountain Grown, grain hay and grain straw, direct from grower lo your barn. Terms art cash. Phone or writ Tuielake Growers Association. Tute lage, Calif. 667 5714 COMPLETE LINE OF Feed, seed, fertilizers, petroleum, hay, straw and farm supplies. WESTERN FARMERS ASSOC. Closed MotlflaVS OR 2 1181 1 Ml. So. Highway W Bit & Tipton Rd. Livestock 63 ! POLLED Hereford cattle sale. Call j OR 3 444 l RF GIST F BED Horn-d Hereford txjM Ph ! Bob Hall, UN 3 4411, Wvrtle Creek. i 10 BRED ewes, 1 to S van Old. Barto'tf SUne. OR 3 7714 evemnqs j 20 yearling EWES, sell or Irade. Suther-1 hn J"07, no Sal. cal'. PALOMINO Quarter Horse, wHI lieined. Call Camas Valley 506 ONE Year od p-lled Hereford. Registered. Call Suth-rhn 211J. MILK CCWS. calve. , r,t'errs"Call "a'ter '.30 weekoys, or weenrrd. OS 9 1814. HORSE SHOEING and training Jjck Aoamj, GYpsy 6-1170, G'ide wool'receivcd DAILY. Nir-0rs S'ore OS 9-t9"T CALVES,-a'l aT--. for lale. OR 2 ?r,l ' WaTn'tFD Cattle of ail kinds. UN 1-415, I or UN 3-TjM 7r!le CreeK. W. A. Blacnert. FPF SH "r.d ca'f HoMem cow With Wh.te , face h-ler tt-' Gave 5 qal 1st veer. ! Ru'h Si7i Ph. Oakland 4747. evenings H At r- VOW-AM half Gua't-r, t yr o'd i g- dtng T, t. 4 R-. I W0. 1 ml, up LW'rKi'.'at R1 o'f Harvard. I 'COVPLETE of a-d pack enuif Good, 3 ml. soytn old anway 99 SMF ( P'f N Si-n'rh 'niapherrj pups, Irrm onod y,T"ig s'oc". Lsrr, iullierhn, Pii'jr-.e sm Douglas Livestock Market We are now buying Sunns Lamb and Yrariinsi Wethers W-nl a-d r-n'-r re'e,,ed rte-iy. S'V1 t -e a a- e For fi ""r !ntr;-maf ry- j I ri CR 2 4.(1, evef) M,rt Cree. UN S'.'iB ' i R A V'' A'fTlCN i Pi-i Suhr ,n 2 46 I Livestock ' every Saturday I at i; 30 p m. ' A'vv a "-"nd tctive market fur ! kind 1 Of I'veOC:. Schr mer t"i Son, fit Mgr. t, A fl'lwn, KVe'lhm',lr D'. Dn Po"e, Veterinarian Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur Oregon I. ABLY CO'.S'fHVf NTS for TIIU!, OCT. n S- e I'arfs tt 1 p m. 21 head rjf O-xv) Qa .ty pr,r9er cns d o j'od Q'.a ' fa-i T mo --4". ' ti'fl 1 day e d it iV2S, FURTHER tNCAPMATIOM, PHON B CR iaC'l Wgd-. 18, 1961-Th Ncw.-Rc.icw, Ro,cbu9, Ore. 15 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 N A a-nea. Dal l.R 2 i 'at'.'r, R.-q 2 yr. Old lema'e, $,( Jv'u N V.'Ht Rd - tyrtle Creek, Ore. LU L L IN kr" ie'i CO - KL R PU-'i tnr at lac Krnnr H OH J-iV3 OOI'OLaC c JUNTV MUMANES0C'tty An.' mal Snei'. ' OR 7 J0'. A i or D At. E - Scaved fem . ebctt ence trained. Country home , th ad, t omy. sis. OH 3-St tit R 1 ION BOARDING KENNELS, cats NE R tie Range Rd. OR J-'5U. ORFH NCt TRAIN YOUR OOG Bolen Kennels OR 3-401 kaito Ong Food Dealer t DACHIHUNO tenie "" ' H',iH Span cis. female. Golden I C OL I Ifc . ma e 1 (.( R'.'AN Snt-oherd, mlt I IMVl R 1 PAR German Sheprterd "d Shepherd. I CO; Lift and shepherd, female I HOt J N O. male 1 PAH I Rearjie. ...ale 1 BORDER Collie and Hound, male SI If CT ION ot part Labrador pups i PART Hound puo s PANT Toy Colhe pup 9 PART German Shepherd p.ippie 1 part Golden Retnever and Colli puppies Douglas County Human Society OR J-jvO; Poultry And Rabbits 68 RABBIT FRYERS Ready for your deeo Ireee. Frfe del. on Tuesday. OR 7 JJ34. WANTfcD livt poultry. Roseburg" Poul try, OS 9 -1400. No Sunday calls. ISO NEW HAWP. putlets, 6 moT gd layer, l 0 ea. OR 3 6934, 3350 N W. Bower. Farm Equipment 70 NEW no. 700. 1100 IRRIGATION SYSTEM, complete, 10 horse, W'sconvn motor OS 9-5334 twtore 4 P.M. or wr.le Star Rt , Bo St. Winston. EARTHMASTtR tractor," 2 HP larger thai, j Cub Earmall, hydraulic lifts, 2 bottom I plow, double disc, spring tooth harrow, 6 tt mower and dozer blade 1825. Western Auo riding mowing machine, 4' i H P motor, tl JO. OR 3-0255 Ranch Equipment Sales J DEERE power . $J7S AO ilartcr, FARMALL A Starter and lift CAT 32 Blade, wide GA CAT IS Bart, but very good Closed Sundays 1 Ml. E. Of Day Creek ... ms itn un JE 5 4411 NEED LUMBER? ,F0R fraw,no sheathing h0ui barn and outbu. Wings 2.4 stwd. I board and 9" construction lumber, Avall- ui in most Hies l wholesAit pnett. Umpqua Mfg. Co. I ml. S. on 99 BR OR 3-7411 Logging EqU.pitlCnt 74 j n r rD INTERNATIONAL cat Equipped fir logging. Will lake malltr cat wifh blade in trade. Phon OS 9-5444. ... HAVE FINANCING AVAILABLE on GOODYEAR TRUCK TIRES to pay with UP to 24 ma. Skip payments. CARTER TIRE IU SE OR 1-Ut) Auto-Truck Parts 75 '47 to '51 BUICK, stand trans, wanted lor parts. OR 3 3030. FACTORY !umlnumpickup Cnopy for Che v., Ford. Dodge, Int. Jeep, til tictpt wide box. IBS. OR S-458S. Trucks For Sale 76 '54 CHEV. pickup, 4, overdrive. Terms No trade. 1795. OR )-4tt3) OH 3-5233. tves. 1947 I ton DODGE truck, 1265. pl Trail er Court. Myrtle Creek. " TWO TON, 14 ft "bed, vantntl;ttkt. Phont Sottstrlln 2900 m5W ILL YS "jeep, ecelltnltond. Call OSt-S471 1957 FORD-!'- Ton flatbed, good condi tion, s00. Call Camas Vellty, 326 titer t p m. FOR SALE or "tradt"foreaf59"lnttr- national ' ton pickuo In good thapt. Ph 4091, Sutherhn, after 3 30. '49 HUNTING Jeep, perfect motor Mow "bar. huh Fd Sine Chevron tit., 310 N S. Winchester. '55 JEEP Warn hubs, tow bar, heavy duty bumper, full canyai top, E ctllent rondifion A btrgaln for 99 cash. 9 554 titer . Motorcycles 77 GERMAN, ENGLISH, JAPANESE Motor rvcle Sa's ad service. RecKwittl Cydt 1.0. ni w. narvero, ok j-hjo. Mnk,l- Hnmo 79 35l' 1 BFDtfOOM, front fciknen, t'umlnum awning. LuctHent Cond OR 1-404 aft. 9 I ti? Piatt traner, Tandem axii, licensed 11600. OR 3-4515. SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF QUALITY Mob.l. horrM at lurpriiingly low priCW RELIABLE TOWING DRIVE OUT TO Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy 9? ER ot Winchester "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes At J & J Trailer Sales 1 NK Garden Valley Blvd. Sec It Now '.-.j Muliilf llnmf With IS x IS' I.mnjt Ruom Angeles Airstrcam Travelers 79 ! EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES Co. Venus llenslec Rollaway Vacatiun Models by JEWKL Complete Line Trailer Supplies IfM NE Stephen OR 3135. SHADY POINT Trailer Park Has 4 Vobil home spaces avljl 3 nice Singlet 1 doubt Ivivicv. qtntt. lovely surroundings. dogs. Modern neat trailers only I I Mil South Hwy 99 BR Automotive Wanted 80 CASH OR TRADE Knr your equity in clean, late model used Cars! NAPIER -Auto Sales 1240 SE Stephens OH 22213 Used Cars - Pickups Wanted Cash or trade for equity. Johnson and Thiele 1358 SE Stephens, OR 3 6391 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cash Price! Btfort you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1328 SE Steohi-ns OR 2-3421 Autos For Sale 81 '47 FORD 2 dr. Good cond. New tires, good paml. OR 1-4354. '54 CHEVrSt.Won. veryoodcondjpwf steering, clean. 1445 OR 3-6773. EQUITY lo " Mtrcury7Ilt Of-trad. OS9-S1IS '40 LARK . radio heater and ovtrdrivt, 11250. OS 9-IOIS. 1939 Ford CP. With '52 Old! ng, lOij NE Bartger after 4 . TAKE over payments on 3MerT 2-dOor Hdtop. OR 3-50U. JNW. Cecil. '54 CHEVROLET with S9 1 spd" CorVeW engmt. OS 9-5006. '31 CHRYSLER, goxrf-workcar,"ood "riib ber. Reasonably priced. OR 3-5269, eves. '31 FORO 7 'door-! club "couptTI HlciTtnrJ overdnvt. OS 9-5327. '37 SAVOYPLYMOUTHTOOrHTTtlcil shift. Good cond. OR 2-2003. WORK CARS, second cars, clean cars, Se JALOPY JUNCTIONfirst.ld Hwy. 99 S. VOLItSWAGEN pickup with Porchtmotof plu camper and canopy. All In A-1 shape. A bargain, oh 3-4661. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1961 Ford-Country sedan, delu ttaturei. Call UN 3-4269, Myrtle Creek. rJ9 INTERNATIONAtravtl AH, t past. FWD, 1750 worth txtras, low mileagt. Cost 14100, will sell for 93200. Ralph Haggard V6 2-4410. Glendale. YOUR Jeep Dealer Says Julf .rrlvfrf (WW supply ot IMJ JEEP PICKUPS. Umpqua Tractor I'M NE Diamond Law Blvd. BARCUS Used Cars '59 DODGE V8 trim, Torque flile, R4H, top condition throughout $1093 57 DODGE 8 cyl. 4 door se dan, R & H. Torqucflite trans. Real clean $ 993 '59 FORD Club Coupe, stand ard transmission, R & II. extr clean J1398 57 PLYMOUTH VJ 2 door hardtop, power steering. Toiqueflite, R & II $ 998 'M PLYMOUTH V8 4 door. R & II, push button drive. Special at only 538 '5 CHEVROLET 4 door sta tion wagon. R & II, Power glide. A real buy at S 9?8 '54 WILLYS 4 door sedan. Kill, overdrive. Only .... $ 298 '53 PACKARD sedan, standard trans t 293 '53 IIUDSOV Jet sedan, econ omy plus performance for only $ 398 '53 PONTIAC 4 door, R at II. automatic trans. $ 198 COMMERCIALS '53 FORD V8 1 ton 4 speed, R tt H, dual tires, insula ted van, equipped with walk up approach to haul horses. IMPORTS '59 SIMCA Station Wagon t 798 '19 TRIUMPH sedan $ 693 '60 SIMCA deluxe sedan, only 16,000 actual miles. . .... $ 898 '59 HAT 600 station wagon $ 693 '57 SIMCA deluxe sedan .... $ 498 TERMS TO SUIT YOU BARCUS Opan avartineja lil 7 SwdaYI 19 to 4, on i-um N. ItapHanl at OarOan jrallar (a. Mobile Homes I