The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 17, 1961, Page 14, Image 18

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2 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Tuei., Oct. 17, 1961
Chapter Cultural Program
Features Food Specialties
Judith Dean Now
Mrs. K. Wiliams
In t beautiful ettin( of lilac to match; ring bearer was Johnny
and white, the marriage of Judith Bishop, brother of the bridegroom.
Ann Dean, daughter of .Mr. and Ushers were Wayne O'Banion
Mrs. Arland Dean of Kiddle, and Jr., cousin of the bride, and Bert
MR. AND MRS. FRED BATES ore pictured obove follow
ing their marrioge Sept. 10 at the Winston Christion
Church. The bride, Freda O. Prock, is the daughter of
Mr. ond Mrs. Alfred Prock. The bridegroom is the son of
Mrs. Hazel Bates, all of Winston.
Kenneth Roy Williams, ion of Mr. Arena, ihomat Kay Mealer, un
and Mrs. Ralph Bishop, Canyon-1 cle of the bride, served as best
uillp ua tfilpmnirfi' Saturday atl- man.
The lovely home of Mrs. Donald candelabra holding yellow lighted crnoim Sent IS at three o'clock I A reception for 85 guests was
Dole was the scene for the recent tapers , a, (j,, f-lrst Baptist Church in Rid-! held in the Baptif Youth Center
meeting of Xi Omicron, Beta Sig- Those attending were Mrs. Mar-'die. The Rev. Maurice Y. Miller. I immediately following the cere-i
ma J'hi. igaret Buchancn, Mrs. Nick Barry pastor of the church officiated at mony. Reception decorations were
Mrs. C. V. DeCamp reported the and Mrs. David (iruhb, guests; lne impressive double ring cere-;done in lilac and white by Mrs.
group will have a rummage sale i and Mrs. Jim Daugherty, Mrs. W. ; mnny. The church was lovely with Charles Mealer and Mrs. James :
on Nov. 18 at the former Wl cent (Jenrge Krucger, Mrs. Florence . tall baskets of lilac and white Mealer, aunts of the bride; an
store. Mrs. W. (Jeorge Krutger Powell, Mrs. R. L. Wiley, Mrs. I gladioli and aisle ribbons in the i other aunt, Mrs. Kenneth Crimes.'
was appointed to b on the com- H. C. Church, Mrs. Harry Hill. colors. I presented the guest book, while
nuttee to plan for the annual In- Mrs. Craig Short. Mrs. Bill Web- Tne bride, given in marriage by , aunts, Mrs. Raymond Jarvis. Mrs.
ternational Night observance with er, Mrs. Robert Kidder. Mrs. C. her father, wore a white lace and Wayne O'Banion and Mrs. Charles
the other chapters in Roseburg V. DeCamp, Miss Helen Casey, , sil,n dress, ballerina-length, with Mealer, assisted ir serving the
and Myrtle Creek. Mrs. Joe Dent, Mrs. P. J. Jan j fingertip veil held in place by a bride's cake which was lopped
The cultural program, "The nelli and the hostesses, Mrs. Dole crown of seed pearls and orange with the traditional miniature fig-
Chef." was nresented by Mrs. R.'and Mrs. Christian J blossoms. She carried a bridal ures of bride and bridegroom, and
I.. Wiley and Mrs Pat Janelli. f I I bouquet of pink French carna- the groom's rake which was top-
lnrluded in their program wereiti i- l-Ul lvi ICUI I i llon, ped with wedding bells. Av Teal
HoUflnTI-iiiiT'w Mail of honor. Wanda Ruth assisted about the room.
nclU vjl 1 I nUr5QQy O'Banion of Sutherlin, cousin of; For going away the bride wore
Holv Communion was eelehratH the bride, wore while and lilac a white eyelet embroidered nylon
were at Sutherlin at 10:30 a m. Thurs-i nvlon with lilac slippers and white dress with red accessories. After
day at the Church of the II o I y gloves, and carried a heart snapea a nnei noneymoor spent in tu
Spirit, followed by luncheon at the bouquet of white carnations on a 1 gene, the couple returned to Rid
vicarage. The Rev. and Mrs) background of purple net a n d die where the brid" will live with
I John Welch were hosts to the streamers. Her ha malcnea nener parents ana continue in nign
reports on interview held witn
several well known restaurant
cooks in the Hosehurg area. Sam
ples of a specialty food
Mrs. David Cirubb was a spe
cial guest speaker for the evening
he reported on her tup to i ai
Lovely Luncheon Is Given
At Clubhouse InTenmile
carv and Banff to attend the Beta I'l,,.,.,, .u. t ,c,i c,,.i, dress
Sigma Phi regional convention. ijpan(,ry am( their wives I Bridesmaids. Floyce Bishop. sis-
She ha-' many Souvenirs and i . . ,' ' . ter of the bridegroom, and Joyce
pamphlets to illustrate her most ; .nd MrJ Bolster . "ll'ui. wore identical gowns of pale
,i sir. i) . d... green cnuton and carriea near
' ... .. HCV. AOM .
MR. Frie Rnhethron raliro.l 'snP'
of Medford; the Rev. and Mrs.
Albert Savers, Grants Pass; the
Rev. and Mrs. Duane Alvord, Ash-
ana; me ncv ana Mrs. Ko0ertj,he bridegroom, and Patricia Ar
nrunoage, myrie creeK and Dean, sister of the bride.
Kev. and. Mrs. William I.. Blakcr, jhey wore lilac taffeta dresses
Mrs. 'Welch was assisted in serv
ing by Mrs. Brundage and Mrs.
interesting report.
Mrs. Dole, assisted by Mrs. Neil
Christian, served refreshments
from a table covered with a white
cloth am' centered by a lovely ar
rangement of yellow chrysanthe
mums, Hanked on either side by
school while the bridegroom
serving in the U.S. Navy. He left
Sept. 25 to return to his base in
San Diego, Calif.
Out-of-lown guests were Mrs.
bouquets of lilac gladioli j r rank Mealer, grandmother of the
with a background of green net j bride; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meal
ami streamers. Both wore hats toier, and Thomas Mealer, all of Ger
match their dresses. Candlelight- j ber, Calif ; Miss Linda Morey of
Red mull, cam.; and Mr. and
Mrs. Ravmond Jarviv and two
with net overakirls and net pic
ture hats to match. Flower girl
was Julie Ann Mealer, cousin of
i the bride, in pale green with hat
sons of Happy Camp, Calif.
MR. AND MRS. KENNETH WILLIAMS are pictured above
following their wedding Sept. 16 at the First Baptist
Church in Riddle. The bride, Judith Ann Dean, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arland Dean of Riddle and the
bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bishop of
Canyonville. (Picture by Worren Studio, Myrtle Creek).
Mrs. Dee Farmer and Mrs. C.
W. Wilson were hostesses to the
Tenmile Ladies Club Tuesday at
the clubhouse in Tenmile. A deli
cious coveted dish luncheon was
In an afternoon ceremony at ine se .eu .v
Winston Christian Church, M ' s demonstrated the making of cer-
Fredl Prock, daugnter oi mr. a lmjr!,. Mrs. Jonej invited anyone
Mr. Alfred Prock became t h e wishing to learn more about cer
hrkie of Fred Bates. on of Mrs. amies to attend her classes free
,. , d . Kik u', of charge on Wednesdays at Tre
Haiel Bales, both o' Winston. camlcJ sh()p jn w,ns,on.
The bride'i Xathe. gave her in ,he nex, nu.(,,ln((i Nov. 7,
marriage. Mrs. Martha Campbell tbere will be a Founder Day pro
i..,.h ih. iraHilinnil weddinl mu-,sram. Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs.
sic and also accompanied me
bridesroom who ang, "Because."
Louis Diedrich, Mrs. Dee Farmer,
Mrs. Don Lakey, Mrs. Warren
l.ockwood, Mrs. J. A. Melius. Mrs.
R. D. I.ockv,ood, Mrs. Bill Norton.
Mrs. Charles Payne, Mrs. l.loyd
Thomas. Mrs. Grafton Tyler. Mrs.
jC. W. Wilson, Mrs. Don Nuzum,
Kath Thomas, Donnv and Jimmy
I Nuzum. Linda Sue Farmer and
Linda Norton.
Reception Is Given AtTri-City To Honor
Grand Officers Are Honoredi0re9n Eastem Star's Grand Conductress
At Amaranth MeetOn Friday
The bride was lovely in prin
ces styled lace dress, accented by
1 small white hat. She carried a
bouquet of white roses. The dress
was made by the bride'i mother.
Attending the bride in blue taffeta-
dres vas Misi Colene New
ton of Winston as maid of honor.
Royce Bates, brother of the bride
groom was best man. Russell
rrock.. brother of the bride and
George Specs of San Francisco
were ushers.
The bride'i mother chose 1 navy
blue dress with beige accessories
for her daughter's wedding. The
bridegroom'i molhe.' wore a rose
lace dress with whits accessories.
Both motheri wore white gladioli
corsages. .
Following the cenunony, 1
Lawrence Adams and Mrs. Dewey
Chamhlen will be hostesses. All
I former members are being invited
to the noon potluck luncheon
Present were Treva Jones ot Win
ston, a guest; ana members: Mr.
Lawrence Adams, Mrs. Wayne
Breitenhucher, Mrs. Dewey Cham
blen, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs.
Aliens Are Hosts
At Potluck Affair
The summer home of Dr. and
Mrs. Clair K. Allen on Fisher Rd
was the scene of a very delightful
notluck supper Saturday evening,
Those participating were members
of Mu Chapter, Heta Sigma rni,
their husbands and guests.
The rooms wer" decorated with
autumn leaves and beautiful fall
j flowers.
The Italian men- was enioyed
.by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenkins
pivv" -- . ";
reptinn wa held in lhe fellowship Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller, Mr. and
hall of the rhurcii. The cake was Mrs. Fred Dymock, Mr. and Mrs.
served by Mrs. Dexter Sims, sis- William Aldersnn, Mr. and Mrs.
ter of the bride. Punch was serv-'M. L Hallmark. Dr. and Mrs.
ed by Mrs. Royce Bate and the! Clair K. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
coffee was poured by Miss Leona: Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Coen,
Shepherd. I Mr.. and Mrs. Bart Garrison, Mr.
For her going away outfit, the 'and Mrs. Norns Hart, Mr. and
bride wore lavender sheath with j Mrs. Lauren I.oveland, Mr. and
black patent accessories. Hercor-Mrs. Jim Shrum, Mr. and Mrs.
usee of white rose buds was from j William Sims and Mr. and Mrs.
her bridal bouquet. Jack Walters.
MARRY Thomas R.
Myers announces the engage
ment of his daughter, Dennice
Gayle, to Roger Orley Thomp
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Or
ley Thompson of Roseburg.
The bride-elect is employed by
Douglas Electric Co-op and the
bridegroom-elect is in the
Marine Corps and is stationed
in Hawaii. The wedding hos
been planned for Dec. 9 to
take place in Roseburg. (Pic
ture by Wilson Studio).
e..'.:. rrayvT? rv5' .V' ",5
1 1 in 'x. m 11.. r .
Douglas Court, Order of Amar
anth, met F'riday night at the Ma-j
sonic Temple. Presiding were Inga !
High, royal matron, and James!
Dobbin, royal patron.
Grand Royal Matron Ruby Alton
and Grand Royal Patron William !
More than 500 from all over
Oregon gathered in the Tri Cily
High School gymnasium Saturday.
The occasion was a reception hon
oring Mrs. John Wright, grand
conductress of the Grand Chapter
of Oregon. Order of Eastern Star.
Highlights of the evening includ
ed introduction of many distin
guished guests, grand officers,
grand committee members
gene; Jack Kenny, past patron,
Medford; Fay Aplanalp. associate,
matron; Laulette Norton, conduct
ress; F.lla Bryant, marshal: ODal
tieea. page; jiaroir snield. assist
ant lecturer: and representatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvorsen.
Reed, both of the Grand Court oi ck.jj uu... v I representatives, grand trailers anJl Twentv-eicht conductresses from ' grand matron; Mary Lou Dcnham,
Roval matrons and patrons nres- u,ree exceuem aaaenaa. i the Portland vicinity presented me Kranu treasurer; Virginia vvrisni.
Elbert Nash, Myrtle Creek. Musi- cision drill and a Virginia Reel. I associate grand conductress; Vida
-a entertainment was presented A most unusual addendum was giv-' Robertson, grand chaplain; Helen
by Carol Sphun, member of Job's en by the Southern Oregon Asso Hart, grand marshal; Dortha Lea
Eight members, most of "avis, grana musician; sniarea
Daughters from Myrtle Creek. The grand matrons, Mattie Hermann,
first addendum was presented by I'1 Wimberly, Irene MeKinley,
... ,, .,, .u,, v.ior.iir.. 'Lorena McNair, Carlotta K. Wise-
the three host chapters, valentine,, . ' tn;. ,
r l man and Anna M. btlis; past
Mistletoe and Oregon. They sang grand patrons. Morris Boughner,
three songs, the last, ''The Rose Eddie Cox, Ronald L. Gilson and
Sone." composed by Mrs. CarLt-es'ie oass. t.rand otticers tor
Palo. During the singing, each sing
er gave Mrs. Wright a potted
grand plant. itron; Florence
1961-63 included Elsie Oliotti,
worthy and grand matron; Maid
wyn C. Evans, worthy grand pa
tron; Florence Jaeger, associate
Oregon, were given honors and es
IVIll-U IV m V. IIWIIUI. n. ,ur I'n.. IL'-
Others honored were grand offi-' zie Court. Springfield; 'Barbara
cers: Imh Hunt, gas', matron, Eu-1 Swing. Roxyann. Medford; and L.
Marion and Margaret Lilly, Wash-
Mtelwwiiia'i!ii iiiiiii i. mm iii
mgton. Portland
Honorary memberships were
given to Mrs. Altor and William
Fall flowers decorated both the
court and dining rooms. Betty
Moore and Mrs. Henry Halvorsen
were on the committee.
Mrs. Halvorsen, assisted by
women of Douglas Court, were in
charge of the no-host dinner.
Beulah Withers headed the re
freshment committee.
Anniversary Observed
By Mr. and Mrs. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young en
tertained Wednesday evening at
their home on Lockwood Rd. in
Tenmile to honor his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Young, on their
30th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Young served a delicious
dinner to Mr. anr" Mrs. A. F.
Young. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wafer
and son, Frederick, and dauchter.
locrv DArAu...M ,,UBn r,.mA t-n ii- i
the engagement and approach-1 " ,';rh" Young and sons. Mi- " " Mor,n'
. l Li...: a u ,chael. Paul .nd Scott; Rnsie. Vick- Roseburg with
nU mu.Muso ....r uuuy,,- je ,,, and B,,ly A1,fn. nd . ,3 IJ
icr jiiuiuii v-cnicij, iu rsuuei. me nost and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
Pillion, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young, and sons, Richard,
Lee Piiiion, Rt. 4 Box 1360, Rob'rt nd ""y
Lookinggloss. The wedding is Combination Party Given
planned tor Nov. 3 ot 7 p.m. I . . , .',
at the First Christion Church , At Harbaugh Residence
in Roseburg with Jomes Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Don Harbaugh
pastor, officiating. The bride- were hosts recently at a farewell
elect was graduated f r o m ' ml birthday dinner at their home
o.K, ..r. r; u:k c,ui m Llkton. Their granddaughter.
Roseburg Senior High School sh(.rr. ,ehrille(, fer ffth hblrth.
rhis year and is attending day; their son, Glen leaves this
Roseburg Beauty School. The month for Korea and the I S. Air
bridearoom - elect ' attended ' Korre ,n,ir son. Kenney,
. .1 I- c
Roseburg Schools ond is em-
. , ? . . w lhe surprise familv dinner also in-
ployed by A. J. Young in ,.U(ll.d Mrs. Glen' Harbaugh and
Garden Valley. idauchters and Donna.
Mrs. James Andres, Rt. 3.
i.'.''L. j
Stuay Of Mexico
Enjoyed By Club
Xi Tau Chapter. Beta Sigma Phi.
met at the beautiful hilltop home
of Mrs. L. L. Burr Wednesday
evening, with Mrs. Paul Hult and
Mrs. Robert Kent as co-hostesses.
Mrs. Bert Griffin continued the
program study of Mexico with an
interesting tour of Mexico City.
She elaborated on the architec
ture, points of interest and traffic
whom are descendents of the first Roudabauh, grand Adah: DclVonne
Czech family in the Merlin area. ! Patterson, grand Ruth: Muriel
did a Chechoslovakian folk dance Field, grand Esther; Georgia Kin
in authentic costumes. ' sley, grand Martha: Anna M Lee,
Distinguished guests were: Past ran(! 'rder and Kenneth Blair,
B.a..u at.,...., vi.
Others honored were the honor
ed queen of Bethel 39 'Job's Daugh
ters, Canyonville: honored queen
of Bethel 18. Myrtle Creek: past
grand guardian of Job's Daugh
ters, Mamie Wilson; worthy ad-
Iviser of Rainhow for Girls, Can-
yonville; worshipful master of Ma
ple Lodge, Myrtle Creek, and
guardian and associate guardian
i of Bethel 18, Myrtle Creek.
I Among those introduced were
'two deputies to the grand master
! of Grand Masonic Lodge; grand
treasurer of Job's Daughters;
'about 14 eranri committee mem-
A special guest. Mrs. David , bers; 12 grand representatives;
Grubh of Alpha Iota Chapter, re j anH W(,rihv matrons and worthy
'ported on her summer trip to the nalrnns (rnm 71 chanters
MRS. ROBERT C. GILBERT, ; Beta Sigma Phi regional conven-: General chairman for the rccep-
iS back in "on ,l Calgary. Canada. Mrs. tion was Cordelia Rice. Assisting
her husband Grubb " de,eS,le from 1 h e her were Milly Doud. program;
iiiaHic. a .hi: . .ia ieei, reiresnmenis; noma
son, ,.. .:t.i j
Johnny. Mrs. Gilbert is the Refreshments were served to the Mr. and Mrs. William Arhogast
former Pauline Wells, dough- above and to Mrs. J. R. Wharton,; are worthy patron and worthy ma
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn honorary member; Mrs. Laurence Iron of Valentine Chapter. Musi
Wells of this city Her hus-1 Peterson. Mrs. Cecil Naas. Mrs. cian is Ester Hogg,
band olso on ex-Marine is'J- S' Hoonn- Mrs- Jo Barnes. I Escorts were Jack Dnud and
rxina, oiso on ex marine , s,Mrj j,r,nk K(,lkf Mr, Melvin, Miles Feero. Introductions were
trom Hint, rviicn. ine Oil- Kcnnedv, Mrs. Rollin Pase. Mrs. done hv Eva Feero, conductress,
bert family has resided in pan Dimick. Mrs. Bill Pritchett and Mrs. Berl Danner, associate
Flint for rht last two years, and Mrs. George Strand. i conductress.
w-Tf '
BOARD OF DIRECTORS gathered of Canyonville Bible Academy last Tuesday to ded
icate a fountain ond park to the late Rev. A, M. Shaffer and to participate in faculty
board banquet held after that doy in the school dmtng room. Rev. N. D. David9on third
from left front row was moster of ceremonies for the occasion. )
Tut'Mlay evening, the Canyon
Mile Bible Academy Board of Di
rectors held it annual banquet for
j faculty and slaff ir the CRA dining
I loom with the Rev N. P. David
Son of Brooks as Maler of Cere-
1 monies.
Nineteen churchmen from all
!oer Oregon are included m the
'hiaid headed by the Rev. David
:on, and all were introduced dur
ing the program hour. The Kev.
, Kenneth Hayttead, Kirt Aemhly
at 1'ortland. and general 1'retivter
by the CUA rohed choir under
the direction of Mrs. Dan Johnson
and a vocal duet by the Rev. and
Mrs. Claude Malan. Student body
officers served dinner to the dis
tinguished group.
The dining room was- decorated
in the autumn motif with especial
ly art Mir favors made by Mr.
Harvey Blake, who was in charge
of decorations.
Karlier Ihat day. the group as
sembled to formally dedicate a
part of the Campus to the mem-
Past Matrons Club Enjoys
First Session In Autumn
I Elkton Rebekah Lodge
' Plans Sale In November
nf ANsrmtilies of iIihI. was the orv of t tic Kev. A M. Shaffer.
nimn speaker of the rvfiunt. fonmr prevident o' CBA. Mho died
MiKU'al numlHTi were proutled latt sprini;.
The Roii hurf Pa' Matmm I'lub jram piesen'.eil. Wet. Kran
held its first fall meeting Monday .,., I.jmott plavei" the electric or-
l iiiv urnuiiiiii uumr ti -ins,
(Gordon Stewart in I.aurelwoud A-
gan and Mrs. 1 1t-inline- and Mrs.
l-Ming hostesses were Mrs. K I..
Whipple. Mrs. M. J. Newland, Mrs.
Khiaheth lieinhn and Mis.
A dainly desser supper was
served buffet il)le from a loHy
linen damatk cohered table decor
ated with a goriinnjs bouquet of
The Rebekah Lodge of KIkton
met recently with 20 ir embers
present During the meeting Paul
ine McNeil was recommended for
district deputy.
A turkey dinner and fwncywork
sale wa announced for Nov. 18
to be km en by the Three Links
Club at the hall. Nominations of
otlit-ers will be held at the
loslees, er- Mrs. Ralph nixt meeting.
IHff, Mrs. Ci. M Kinlav, Mis. I Several members from Drain
Hampton, Mrs. Y o r r e s t , presented a Inelv program; Mrs.
Stewart alternated in arrompany
inw "at the piano. Member joinel
fn sinin. sonic old familiar re
fi am.
Msyiibers present, in aiMitinn to new
the -in
wine colored dahlias arranged in; Holme. Mrs. otto I.anite. Mrs ilaude Bmk sans two solos
a crystal vase. A bowl of artis iD. II. l-eno. Mrs. Frances I. in- compamrd by her daughter. Mrs
tieally arrantted pink rosebuds nr ((!, Wrs. '. j. Micelli. Mrs. P II. Norman Kwlcll. Several poems
orated the mantel. Mrs. Hemline Morgan. Mrs. II. II Turner, Mrs. and short stones were read,
presided at the (liter coftee and R. P. Williams. Mis II u r n n Refreshments were sened hv
tea service. t'lnimh. Mrs Archie Klliott and Mrs. John McNeil and l.aura
Alter the meelin., a musical pro- Miss Fthel Webb 'Snearmscn.
there's a
10 yr. Warranty
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721 S I. O.k C J 5521
bt! ;;1L
PER SLICE. A girl with
a really cro! fipurp aelrlom
jets left out in the cold.
Hollywood Bread let'a yoii
watch your diet for there a
only about 46 calories in an
IS gram slue. It's vitality
packed, loo. for there ar
16 vegetables and grains
in it. formula,
noc-liciou. Your
f.tmily will love it.
Si' Imjmj lm mm rw