int., Oct, 14, 1961 Tht News Review, Roieburg, Or. .ail". Take the freeway to your new WARDS MONTGOMERY WARD 4ZS; J1U.II,. and meet your friends 1481 N. E. STEPHENS AT . and neighbors XltmWMM GARDEN VALLEY JUNCTION ORCHARD 2-4811 H5, 4LLEY BLVD. PARKING FOR 400 CARSI .,..-., V2vr fi&l SI V--. . i . ; a. v. y ?y & V .... n4"xliJi-W I -w-r -x .0' 1 z r , i ' t .-. ? - - A Ji , i.,A f DISPLAY OF TROPHIES The trophies being eyed by Jim Hunt will be presented, olong with many others, to the winners in Sunday's karting oction at the Roseburg Kart ways. Featured in the racing Sunday will be on endurance test featuring top korr drivers nnrl several hordtop pilots now concentrating on karting. Races will start ot 1 p.m. (News-Review Photo). Yoncalla Wins Fifth Straight By Tipping Coburg Broncs Yoncalla'f Eagles ran their vie lory skein to five straight Friday hy edging the Coburg Broncos 12-6 as they continue to exhibit power in non league B action. The Eagles made use of a stron? second period to roll to the vic tory. They built up i 12 0 lead by halflime after playing to a 00 deadlock in the first stanza. The Broncos retaliated with a fourth quarter tally, but came up with too little, too late. Wilson Scores Sophomore halfback Bill Wilson provided the scoring punch early in the second quarter for the Ea gles when he grabbed onto a three-yard pass from quarterback Dwight Pontius. The Eagles had moved to the Coburg three-yard line when they took to the air. Before halftime "Red" Wiley broke loose and threaded his way through defenders for 29 yards and the second Yoncalla TD. Both extra-point attempts failed. Coburg avoided being shut out when Don Smith pIunEed across the goal line from one yard out in the final 12 minutes. Edge Taken On the ground the Eagles prov ed more than the Broncos could cope with. The visitors romped for 191 yards, compared to a mere 74 j racked up by the Cnhurg 11. Through the air, the Eagles bad the only three yards picked up that being an important three that netted at TD. The win gives the Eagles a 51 season record, with the one loss being in their opener to A 2 Rid dle. Next week the Eagles will open in Bico-B action traveling to Elk ton for an encounter with the Elks. Yonc. Cbg First downs 12 7 Rushing yardage 191 74 Passing yardage 3 0 Passes 11 0-2. Passes intercepted 2 0 Punts 3 24 2 24 Eumhles lost 0 1 Penalties 5 35 0 0 Scot by quarters Yoncalla Coburg Scoring: Yoncalla yard pass from Pontius (run fail ed). Yoncalla: Wiley 29-yard run (run failed). Coburg; Smith 1-yard run (run failed). 0 12 0 0-12 0 0 0 66 Wilson 3-1 I a. WE FASTEST fLOOR ' IN THE WEST! 9 i 1 1 QuikTlor TT I YOU INSTALL 16 SQUARE FEET AT A TIMfi . ill ' "-m v u Situational nw low cost OUIK FLOR corrM in 4' 1 4' panels tnat YOU lust lay down and nail. OUIK-FIOR insitu ever rrw wood sublioo.t or old worn floors. It it Ideal tor new homes and remodeling. Prefiniihed, Ready to Was Harder Than Oak Spot and Sta n Resistant Lasts a Housetimt BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL ... and ECONOMICAL )1 O- 1 1 .! ONLY par 14. PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS Warehouse Soles Dillord, Or. OS 9-8781 MONDAY thru FRIDAY I CO AM to 5 00 PM SAT. 8 AM 12 NOON Illinois Valley Rips Bulldogs Sulherlin's Bulldogs ran into a buzsaw named Dor Johnson Fri day as they came out on the short end of a 42-7 score against the I Illinois valley Lions in a non ; league A-2 clash. I Johnson scored five TDs and I three PATs for a total of 33 points against the Bulldogs. The rugged , hack accounted for all the Lions 21 points in the first half on runs of two, one and"17 yards, and ran for the three extra points. In the second half, Johnson continued on the rampage wilh a 38-yard scor ing run and took a 17-yard pass from quarterback Darrel Gcllert tor the in Johnson Gains 253 For the game Johnson racked up a total of 253 yards gained from scrimmage 151 yards rush ing and 102 on the receiving end of the passes. The Bulldogs wer able to break through the Lion defense to pay dirt only once. The lone scoring play for the Bulldogs came when Jack Tyler crashed over from five yards out, then Don pro vided the necessary charge for the PAT. In addition to Johnson's scoring in the second half the Lions tal lied on a seven-vard run bv Jim Thornhill and PAT runs by Bob Prathcr and Steve Hanby. Winners Tak Edg Net yardage favored the winners who picked up 349 yards, compar ed to 128 for Sutherlin. Illinois Val ley held a 19-6 advantage in first downs, and gained 120 yards, com pared to 128 for Sutherlin. Illinois Valley held a 19-6 advantage in first downs, and gained 120 yards through the air while hoksjng Suth erlin's passirg attack to zero. Next week the Bulldogs will re turn to Umpqua Valley League ac tion, traveling to Glendale for an outing against the Pirates. Score by quarters: Sutherlin 0 7 0 0 T Illinois Vly. 4 7 14 7-42 Scoring: IV: Johnson 2-yard run (Johnson run). IV; Johnson 1-yard run (Johnson rim). IV; Johnson 17 vard run (Johnson run). Sutherlin; Tyler 5 yard run (Goertzen run). IV; Thornhill 7 yard run (Prathcr run). IV; Johnson 38-yard run Prather run). IV; Johnson 17-yard pass from Gcllert (Hanby run). Butte Falls Rams Days Creek Squad In a runaway battle, the Davs Creek Wolves fell, 47-0, before the fired-up Butte Falls Loggers in Southern Oregon eight-man action Friday. The Loggers grabbed the lead early in the opening stanza, and held it all the way, scoring al most at will. Days Creek never seriously threatened, though the Wolves fought hard all the way. The loss gives Days (.'reek an 0-3 league record going into the contest acainst the Prospect Cou gars next week. Hockey Results National Hockty Leagut By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Friday Rtsultt No game scheduled Saturday Cimci New York at Montreal Rnston at Tornnlo Chicago at Petrnit Sunday Gamtt Montreal at Bntnn Toronto at New York Detroit at Chicago OPEN MON. NIGHT TIL 9 Mm MJ& OPEN MON. NIGHT lliilft TT 'TT P'Wfe Monday Only! BUY TWO km S AVE! I Monday 0nly-' our most popular shirts LUCKY? Rent A Locker Far yewr tftr, t'k ar meeta at DOUGLAS Locker & Storage Pttgfit OR 3-421 S 131 $ I Srkti St. OPEN EVENINGS 1 SUNDAYS MKimtW 2 3.33 j S ) V Tf TZmi- N I H WWtliW t limit 4 to . customar ' JLNfiSs S J t.T '" IS CTIIDRV MIAIITY DJQf r'fl .. " Bleached Muslin M $'n ' Ml Percale Sheets 0 &kM. H m 2ior$322 r SPN V4 TiidS5sv u9.i.8ch advance sciIb I '1'&ffiPlW,V 'UCi- MUSLIN FLAT or FITTED FULL UUVUIIVV 3JIW SlRMWm '1 Perco,eFlfltor Fined Fu,, M NEW DRIP-DRY COnONS 'ftsltlV 1 H NOW 2 f0r ,4.22 0 ' AT WARDS ENSATIONAl PRICES lliBlW Once-in.a-moonoppo.or.apbi, ( 0, 9 , , tlSnfeSlJS ftf 1 fler than .saving, Give .heseshee,, . lot ' MSS SSfl,i ! ! the hand-strekh test. You'll know they are six.. 3 f 6x Six.. 7 I-14 'WvTliliV WiT I IS extra husky. 133 count cotton withstands sM JltS ' M- rugged wear. Preshrunk fitted sheet, 0 Wards ha, "early bird" values for schoo.! Choos. ' . X Itltt! &'694J V .1 i . fin. i . from dozen, of new wash n wear, drip-dry cot- Wk ve RefiN shelve, now , Dan R.yer( p Sfevenj( J gQy f i-'2."Ti f fcsl' at big savings. Hurry in and shop today! g , pa;ds, prints, rich solids. Clever lace, button trims. I S- f SStvI "j. I All in wide whirl skirts. All so easy on care. Out- I I .i iui hi i 1' 1 " i standing values ot low prices. Buy an armful I j -J - . J) w, ' PLATFORM ROCKER SALE! . ' I I rvfivWA' V'. ' '"f.7-'-?t W A FAMOUS BRAND mmmk lff52w ..m. ...p.- ii .1 . . m !'" mr.-ryfl regularly 39c pair BOY'S COTTON ARGYLES Handsome socks in a blend of 80 cotton fortified with 20 nylon to givf xtra wear. Heel and toe nylon-reinforced, rs Elasticized top. Washfasf col- Pn- OOC ors; assorted diamond designs. mi. t-iovi y Wcll-mode, comfortoble. Purchased for Truckload Sale, but arrived late. Choose from several handsome fabric. In select frieze. Come in early for best selection. Reg. 98c pair Mlcr.-meth knit Plain, regular knit These lovely nylons are priced so low we can't tell you the famous maker', name. Stock up now on your favorite style. 9-1). SATISFACTION GUARANTEED oryour money backlEjS NO MONEY DOWN when you "Charge it" at Wards