The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 14, 1961, Page 6, Image 6

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    IT ,
Suin Wiles' Stecord, Wdbh 1 37
Roseburg Connects In First And Third
To Run Season's String To 6 Victories
By NIEL CELLERS I to the Indian six as he skirted' North Salem cams hack and
Newt-Review Sports Writer 1 nxht end. 'the next play taw Col-1 threatened twice in the final ttan
Friday the 13th could hardly be1'"" break oer richt tackle and a. but both limei the defensive
i termed a jinx for the Itnseburg "Shi his way across the goal line unit of the Tribesmen dug in and
i Indians. They proved the opposite,1" knot ll,e "ore at S ail. The held. The first threat reached the
I by handing North Salem's Yikinxs Vikiniis moved ahead on Kelley's I Imlian 12 before coming to a halt,
a 117 aelback jn the battle of un-iick for the I'AT. 'while the second drive moved to
! defeated teams played btfoiei lne Vikinm held the 7 6 advan-, the 21 as the Vikings picked up im
j HuseburjJ fans Friday niuht. lane until the third quarter when portant first downs aftpr appearing
The passing arm of quarterback "'e Indians took the second half to he stopped three times by the
i Paul Brothers paced the winning kickolf and fashioned a sustained Indians.
; attack, lie threw for both tallies. drive Ihat netted victory. When the final buzzer sounded
I Brothers, who had not put on a Marline on their own 35, the In the Vikings were in possession and
truly brilliant air show belore fr..idians afain Moved riownficld. Joel jwere approaching the midfU'ld
day's game, compleled 11) OLt of "n swept around left end on the slripe again.
1 17 attempts, throwing with a leth '"st V'y lmk u" 12 J"1"15 nd Friday' contest was a non
al display of accuracy. Brothers ,,rs' down. 'J he Brothers tossed league encounter for the Indians
was also the leading Koseburg car
rier with 39 yards in 10 carries
for an average of 3 9 yardsper-
Perhaps the brightest spot of the
WORDS OF ADVICE Roseburg coach Roy Thompson
offers Indian guard Paul Nolte some pointers to put to
use during Roseburg North Solem game played Friday at
Finlay Field. The Indians marched to a 13-7 win over the
Vikings in one of the top prep games in the state. (Photo
by Bob Leber).
Warriors Snare Lead
In Emerald Loop Play
The Warriors of Drain gained Seer by Quarters:
file possession of the Kmerald Klmira
League lead rriday by virtue o' Drain
a 13 0 blanking of the visiting Kl
mira Falcons.
to Palm for another seven beforelwho are currently riding high atop
"keeping" to pick up another first- the District 5 Al ladder. Next
and ID. ililhnu the line twice in' week the Roseburg II will knock
succession, Joelson picked up short heads with the Marshfield Pirates
yardage each time. Then, on the in the top Midwestern League game
vim Inr fans 1 1,. r..!ttiud down. Brothers connected of the week.
turn to form of all state end Itay'lln ''aim lor a firsl-and-10. I Statistics for the North Salem-
l'alin who lias been bothered with I diouh-is uuu riuiy Kepi ine noseourg game:
N. 5lm Rtbg.
14 12
168 97
40 106
516 10-17
0 1
3 35 3 4 39 5
0 1
315 210
an inkle iniurv in the earlv ....I drive moving with good ground
son outings. Palm looked like his gamers to move the ball to the First Downs
. J' i vT'S- 'cs'slr 'r.T - -. vi
old self against the Vikings as he
shagged seven passes that came
his way, including a TD pass
which he hauled in while surround
ed by defenders.
Flury, Joelson Shine
Fullback Alike Flury and half
North Salem 22. Two incomplete
hack Al Joelson continued to bePln' Ce, p"
passes had Koseburg fans groan
ing before Brothers hit I,ong for
an eight-yard gainer. Flury pick
ed up the all-important first down
as he bulled Ins way up the center i Fumbles lost
lor four yards. . Yards penalized
Rushing yardage
Passing yardage
Passes intercepted
Scoring: Drain; Henderson 40
yard pass from Cox (Cox kirk I
Going into Friday's contest, the Drain; Christrnson 7-yard pass in
two teams wero tied for first place Uerception (kirk failed ).
in tne r.meraia League wnn iden
tical 4 0 records. The win moves
Drain nut in front with a perfect
5 0 league mark, while the Falcons
drop to second place in the stand
ings with a 4 1 record.
Interceptions Help
In the hard fought battle which
saw most of the action around the
the work horses of the Indian
ground attack with 23 carries be
tween them. Flury ended the con
test with a total of 33 yards, and
Joelson had 23.
The Vikings were paced by full
back (iary Collele and halfback
I Jim Kelley. tollete ground out 54
0 0 0 0 yards on 15 carries, while Kelley
7 0 0 S 13 picked up 57 yards on the same
Soleim's Romp
Wins For Elks
numbtT of tries
However, with the offensive units
held in check the game developed
into a titbit defensive buttle. The
Indians' line, though outweighed
by the Vikuiu contingent avenging
204 pounds per man, proved more
than equal to the task. Keeping
the middle congested, the Indians
forced the Viks to the outside most
of the evening.
henny King led the defensive
j Scor by quarters:
BRUCE LONG FALLS forward after grabbing a pass from quarterback Paul Brothers in
Roseburg's march to its winning TD in the thrilling 13-7 victory over the invading North
Salem Vikings Friday. Long took a pass from Brothers for a TD in the first quarter of
play, then the Indian quarterback tossed to all-state end Ray Palm for the winning
tally in the third quarter. (Photo by Bob Leber)
the next play saw the Indians .North Salem 0 7 0 07
move out in front. Brothers threw' Koseburg 8 0 7 013
in between the defenders to Palm I Scoring: Roseburg; Long 6-yard
who nau traveled tne 10 yards to pass from Brothers (run failed).
Manley Brothers Spark Oak Win
T.nntf run. tilnMinhtert 1h flat . , nil 3t-tj,r Mnnlou aenin nrnvided VarH nrnalied 5-45
the end zone, ilury crashed over .North Salem; Colete 6 yard run land Oakers' 25-13 victory over the : Oakland with its scoring punch ! Score by quarters:
for the PAT to give the Tribe its (Kelley kick). Hoseburi?; Palm 10- (;lendale Pirates in I'mpqiia Val- this time evading tpcklers for the Oakland 12 7
13 7 advantage. I yard pass from Brothers (Flury lev I.eacue play Friday niaht at final 14 yards. 'Glendale 7 0 0
' Glendale. j Kerney .Manley hit pavdirt for1 Scoring: Glendale; Foster 60-
The Oakers' winning cause was the Oakers in the third stanza as yard run (Rnhison run). Oakland;
sparked by runs of 55 and 34 yards he raced 34 yard through Glen-i Cannon 10 -yard run (run failed).
Capitalizing on
midtield stripe, pass interceptions ; the fourth quarter, the Flkton Pete Butter followed closely with
plsyed a key role for the winning Klks broke inlo the win column 10 stops. Walt l.ooney and Hon
unit for the winners with 13 tackles 6 The News-Review. Roscbura. Ore. Sat.. Oct. 14.
a drive late in from his linebacker sdoI. while!
warriors. The first crucial inter
eeptinn halted Klmira's lone scor
ing threat in the third quarter.
Then another grab of a Falcon
aerial provided Drain with its fin
al TD in the fourth quarter.
Drain opened the scoring in the
first quarter, and had another
drive halted. The scoring punch
rame on a 40 yard pass from quar
terback Gary Cox to end Gil Hen
derson, seeing his first action. He
had just recuperated from a sum
mer injury.
Cox spotted Henderson in the
end zone and tossed all the way
in the air with tarklera surround
ing him Cox then added the PAT
nn a kick as the Warriors moved
out in front 7-0.
rriday with a 6 0 non league vie
tory over the Lowell Haiders.
After battling for three ouartert
without eilher team being able to
reacn tne end zone, Flkton gained
possession on its own 42-yard line
Moving the hall well, the F.Iks bat
tled to the lxiwell 38 where half
back Tom Solenn took over.
Soltlm R ambits
Soleim, on the cross-buck broke
off tackle and raced the remain
ing 38 yards to score the winning
Causey were the big guns uf the
Viking defensive unit performing
well from their line spots.
TOs Scored Twice
The Indians marched to touch-
McGinnis Catches Last - Second
Pass To Give Hornets Triumph
by Mickey and Kerney Manley, 'dale defenders. .Mickey Manley
while the longest run of the game added the PAT to raise Oakland's
was turned in by Glendale's John-total to 25.
ny Foster who sprinted 60 yards 'B - .
in the opening minutes of plav. j r -"""
Paced by Foster's long jaunt, Glendale struck again in the ti
the Pirates held the lead until the 1 nal 12 minutes a. Ted Bare con
second quarter wher Oakland scor- "f0'"1 w"h LTint Branum for a
ed 12 points to grab an 18-7 advan-' 12-yard TD pass,
tase bv halftime. The Oakers add-1 Kelying mostly on sophomores
ed another tally in the third pe- freshmen Glendale coach Unn
nod, while the Pirates closed out Rohison felt his bv played their
the scoring with a six-pointer in best game of the season, hut he
the final quarter j said, the running of the .Manley
, , I brothers w as too much for the Pi-
Touchdowns Traded ral05 t0 handle.
Glendale jumped into an early The next round of UVI, action
7 0 lead when Foster ripped off his will find Glendale hosting the Suth
60 yard, and I.arry Rohison add- erlin Bulldogs, while the Oakers
ed the PAT on a run. The Oakers will tangle with the Myrtle Creek
retaliated when Bo Cannon fought Vikings m a Saturday game at
his way into the end zone from 1 Oakland.
10 yards out later in the period. ! Oak. Glen.
But when the PAT attempt failed. First downs
Oakland: M. Manley 55-yard run
(run failed). Oakland: M. Manley
14-yard run (run failed), Oakland;
K. Manley 34-ard run (M. Man
ley run). Glendale; Branum 12
yard pass fro.n Bare (run failed).
Prep Scores
. i i y f ,, I Jim McGinnis provided the Cam- out, then ran the TAT.
.,:, , ,.... ,1 aaa ".X " '""'"y "'"'nets with a 33 27 vie-! Camas Valley now has a 501 the Oakers found themselves down Rushing vardage
earn lime Thmiuh ih liwal ii i over ,h0 -s1"'" 1-oggers in record and leads the Southern Or ; 7 6 at the first break. Passing yardage
rm Mine, iiiuuku us iui.1 ji non ,,aue eight-man game Fri-legon eight man circuit. The llnr-l Karlv in th stania. Miek. ' Pau
i.. .T.;,. ..'. . .ir.)..;! r.r.;C(l daV. The speedy hack grabbed a 1 nets will return to league play I ey Manley moved the Oakers into1 Passes intercepted
pass from Ted Unci and raced into; next week hosting the Canyonvithv the lead when he broke away for Punts
re,-,..,, i,,e vic.ory over ine mgn- ne ,.nd Z(im. Wllh u ,(.conds re. j Tigers.
r t- i ' i. , Imaining to be played
m. ,,,,,, A i i, ,a. a uutli
i 55 yards and a TD. Later in the Fumbles lost
CV WeiWirl
Several nil, ur il, r . i. ,. . . , l vmings ami ine inuians were
,H , . I, ST.? ,",rav ! undefeated in five starts, and were
earlier in the game for bolh teams.
jne K aiders took the opening kick
off and marched from their own
24 to the Flkton 15 before losing
the ball on downs. The initial drive
was the deepest penetration record
ed by the Haiders as the Klks turn
ed in a brilliant defensive perform
ranked as the No. 3 and 4 teams or ,,, exlra (K)ln't M(.(;mnls led Passes
... "" im.i-.sru ,ne ii.nnet attack throughout the
Roseburg's win streak to six. It is
alsmost certain that the Indians
will move up at least one notch
in the state ratings, and they could
jump up more since the top rank
ed Medford Black Tornado was up-
Patt Picked Off
In the final itanza Dennis Chris
trnsnn picked off an Klmira pass
mto'LVnd zone ,. .iv. uVainl Flk.on started a drive in t h -..7 6. by the Klamath Falls Pel.
its 13 point margin. second quarter, moving to the lxw- ,
Klmira's deepest penetration 1 20 before being halted. In the . ... ..... . .,
camT n the third quarter when third quarter the home team! After holding the , kings in the
"e Falcons moved to the Dram ' moved from it. own 34 to t h e T n T'" P V' . ""
ive before halfback Mike Blom-1 Haider nine before a fumble end-1 ?'"" I"" the
berg intercepted a past to return 'ed. the march. Just piror to the r1 ,"" lllt;lr ,-yrd
ih. ni.iM to ih. Warriors. scoring drive, the Klks rtrnv. m 'finding out the yardage the
game, and was credited with two
I Ds, as well as a pass for a third.
Hornets Lag
After taking the lead with a 13
point third quarter the Hornets
found themselves behind again
when the Loggers tallied with 1:10
left in the game. McGinnis look
the kickotf from Wesilir and re
turned 30 yards to the Logger 45.
After four running plays the Hor
nets were on the Westtir 26 with
First downs 9 12
Hushing yardage 2."1 178
Passing yardage 75 1.12
Passes 6 13 7-11
Passes intercepted 1 2
Punts 4 25 2 27
Fumbles lost 1 1
Yards penalized 2 20 4 40
Score by quarters:
Camas Valley 0 13 13 733
Westfir 7 13 0 727
Tigers Topped By Prospect
The Canyonville Tigers fell be- Fred Grunst plunged into the
fore the charging Prospect Con-: end zone from two yards out for
gars, 26 13 Friday in Southern Ore-1 the Tigers, and a pass from Grunst
gon eight-man competition for to Loren Powell knotted the score,
their first setback in league play. I A run by Bud Olsen in the fourth
Prospect took a seven point lead quarter ended the scoring for the
Scoring: Westfir: Brewer 48-'o sre the Tigers come back to i
vanl n.iss from Miller i iiimmni knot the score early in the secondiScor V Quarters:
run I. Westfir; Miller 6 yard run penoo. However, tne cougars surg
(Swearingen pass from .Miller).; pd into the lead with 13 points of
tneir own Driore nauiime, men
CV; .McGinnis 27-yard run (Volk
man run). Westfir: llimmel 11-
m-". ..,!, .i.ll ht the vards to the Lowell ?o hefr i.wm, i "load moved towards the men
Pleasant Hill Hillbillies in a league me Dan on downs
contest at 8 p m. friday,
oris neit- uu ine in i o wiiii . . ., ,, , ,
25 seconds remaining. Ted Buel : d ',',ss 1f(r"1" ,MJ
then connected with McGinnis, who! ; i. K"1.''Trt ?0 ?a"'
added an insurance tally in the: run
Canyonville 0 7 0 613
Prospect 7 13 6 026
Scoring: Prospect; Bean 12-yard
(Bean run). Canyonville;
First downs
Rushing yardage
Passing yardage
Passes intercepted
Fumbles lost
Yards penalized
Elmira Drain
14 13
17 164
48 87
613 57
0 3
8 36 5 8 40
1 0
2 20 220
Pelicans Stage
Medford Upset
Klamath Falls surprised Med-
Players Praised
Coach Dick Saladen praised So
leim and Kenny Adams for their
offensive work, while middle line
backer John Co nipt on and John
Ivenhigen came in for pats on
the barks for their defensive work.
The win gives Klkton a 1-3-1 rec
ord for the seasun, and the Flki
are 0 1 in league play. Next week
Klkton will return to Biro B action,
hosting the Yoncalla Kagles in a
1:30 p m. Friday outing.
( 19
3 31
2 30
0 0
0 0
3 7
4 30
Canyonville came in the fourth from Grunst). Trospect; Payne 45-
nn.. r.-...n M..'-...-:. , 1 ilinT 'VUrH na4 frnm Rruer I Pavne
North Salem goal line for a tallylm turn Splinted the remaining .' ',....j ' I ImH Run nrnvlileH lh winners mm Prnsnoet- Ganlner 4',-varH
in 12 pl-ys. With Brothers, Flury distance to the goal line. Ifail'ed) CV- Ted Buel 40-vard run wllh their seven points in the first pass from Gillespie (run failed),
and Jmison taking turns at hitting I Kicking off the Hornets recover- ( Nk.(;mnl, 'nmi Westfir-' Himmel quarter running 12 vards for the Prospect; Bean 85 yard run (run
the line, the Indians moved ed tlu-ball to end the game in pos- .,vard run (Himm(1 ru)1' cv. Mc. i TD. then charging over fur the failed). Canyonville: Olsen 6
to the ai. yard line of the opposi- sessi.m ,..., i Gmnis 26 vard pass from' Ted Buel PAT- i yard run (pass failed).
lion in 10 'ilavs. nesinr hhik a tv leao hi ine , t-.ji. ... .. . I
Pcndlrton 20, Redmond 6
Beaverlon 18. Clackamas 8
Lincoln 50t Cleveland 7
Madison 0. Bcnsor 0 (tie)
Jefferson 20, Franklin 13
David Douglas 19, Astoria 7
Phoenix 31, Lakeview 7
Vale 20. Nyssa 6
Myrtle Point "3, Gold Beach 0
McMmnville 28. Oregon City 7
Prineville 7. Baker R
Springfield 28. South ?:ugcne 6
Willamette (Eugene) 7, Oak
ridge 0
Taft 20. Siuslav 0
Sweet Home 12. Cottage Grove 7
Triangle Lake (Blachly) 3t, Mo
nawk 12
Crow 7. IIarriburg 6
South Salem 19. Albany 11
Corvallis 21, Lebanon 12
Grants Pass 6, Ashland 0
Milwaukie 23. Hilhhoro 21
Klamath Falls 7. Medford 6
Bend 41, Ilcrtniston 0
Seaside 28. F.stacada 20
C'nquille 43, Pacific 0
Hood River 39, Clatskanie 0
Bandon 31, Brookings 19
La Grande 23. The Dalles 13
Central Catholic 27,Gresham 12
Toledo 26. Sllclz 0
Mapleton 27. Waldport 14
North Bend 19. North Kugene It
Dallas 26. Forest Grove 13
"""'ro's'e hot e l'
Fine Food Served
(Volkman run)
Flury took the first crack from first quarter liuzer as Harold
inside the 10, but was stopped at Brewer pulled in a 48 yard pass
the initial line of ainmmago. : from Dennis Miller, and Mary, nnrtc In Rrief
Brothers then faded hack and H nel ran the PAT. Farly in the "'r-'VJI ,M Brlet
threw a strike to halfback Bruce' second quarter, the Loggers in-
Long who took one step and was creased the lead when Miller trav-j TENNIS
in the end zone. After puking up el.d six vards to the goal and a RoMK-Jon Douglas defeated
a five yard penalty the Indians pass added the PA 1'. Fausto Ganlini and Whitnev Reed
were loiced to try for the extra Camas allev then struck for lo,,k , (,t lfa(1 over Nicola
point from the seven, and the run the fust time when McGinnis rip- p,eirangeli before the match was
was stopped inches short. ped oil 27 yards, and Volkman add- bv darkness in the opening
North Salem look the kickolf ed the exli a pom;. Alter an U- singles ,',f the I S Italy interzone
from Roseburg's Gary Gum and aid pass from Miller to lliimncl ,JUS t up ,,lu
started a drive of its own. Kelley 1 muM'd the Loggers farther in! GOLF
and Collele were the big gainers f"'"L the Hornets clicked as Mc j IVTIIXMST. ANNKS, England
as the Viks mined to the Hose - Gmnis tossed a 40)ard pass to -he I nited States tiiok a 6 '
burg 28 belore the buzzer signified Hohert Panel before halftime. ' i,-ad in the Ryder Cup competition
the end of the first peiiod. Volkman, Buel Remp 'againu England alter completion
Vikt Move Ahead A 44 yard run by Volkman and of the eight foursomes matches.
lontinuing to march the visitors a 40 vard taunt bv Ted Buel out i RACING
0 0-0 had a fourth and Ine situation on the Hornets on top in tlie third NEW YORK-Tntoma ($10 50)
0 66 the Roseburg 18. and getting the quarter. The Limners retaliated Willie Shoemaker's third winner
scoring: r.iuon; Soleim J yard nrst ot several big plays in crucial late in the linal stanza when Him-, on the card, scored a half length
run (run failed I. 'situations. Collele moved the ball-mel charged in from three yards decision in the Aqueduct feature.
First downs
Rushing yardage
Passing yardage
Passes intercepted
L-..n.l.tA. !...
ford Oregon's top-ranked team in i Yiird!1 pfMill(.d
he Associated Press Poll. 7 1 in Scor. bH ,,,,.
the major upset in high school ow(11
football iction Friday night.
nun nieoura leaning o u, rviam
ath Falls recovered a fumble on!
the Medford 44 yard line. Ten
players later Gary Rorholz scored i
from the !l and the Klamath con-1
version was the victory edge.
It w as Klamath Falls' first win j
Oicr Medlord since 1953. I
Klamath Falls had been ranked
IVo. 10 in the poll. I
Roseburg, No. 4, edged third- Myrtle Creek s ikmgs cclebral- then got Into the act when he 211 league record, ami a firm'RvrJ pass from Graft. MC; Clarke
rated North Salem, 13 7. ed homecoming with a smashing puked up a Douglas fumble and hold on tourtli place. Douglas has 35 vard run tkuk failed) Me
niere was another surprise. . '.10 victory over the Douglas Tro- raced 35 arils. Ed Cadman con- a 14 mark in I VI competition. Hint 35 vard recovered fumble
Madison played Benson, rankedans in I mpqua Valley League tinurd the ikmg rampage as he Nevl week, the .kings will clash (kick faded MC- Cadman lvard
fitih in the poll, to a scoreless tie. action Friday. plunged over from one vard out. with the third place Oakland Oak- run ,i:r;if ki.-ki vt i'.,lmn 5?.
Bosehurg. the No. 4. team, heal: Tn, i ,i . h...u .. ,iir si n.iint and Graf kicked the I'M'. To end eis. while the Tivuns will face vard cm ,l.eV fnle.ti Mi': Ron.
Myrtle Creek Crushes Trojans, 51-0
third ranked North Salem, 3 7. i,id in the first three quarters as the scoring in the fu -t half Cad the powerful Glide Wildcats.
,.r.r,..,.,, ..u. 4., .ri vi...i l0aih I.eKov Juelke gave all his ""n raced 22 vants to cross the
"'i' if'f" . j . . ,ho)s a chance to plav. In com- "' hue and give Myrtle Creek a
Tendlelon, No. 6, downed Tted ,( on ,he ,lclorv Juri.e comfortable 320 lead al halftime.
morid 206 and Granl, Pass ,,,,. , We ,,,,,, ,ne bttlAi ,, i Hob Beanblossom paced the Vik
ranked No. . was hard pressed lu)lk ,(vanlage of them." ing allack in the thud quarter
to edge Ashland. 64). h. ,,,., , , , ii , .,.,, ., r. .,, . .,,
the second period, 'to continue Completing the h-l of
rare, edged Franklin, 20 13. Jeff
was iso. in ine pou. ,k- r - ii... ,.i.. .,.rm.rn, ,m.,, mr(, m , ,hl(d q,rtrr ,rgr . , ,,y ,j J)tcr
hen Graf gave Mvrtl Creek Us
initial lead on a tot aid TD run. Vl", Demmate
then passed to J i in Bvrd for the; The Vikings dominate-.! the
lentra point. 'game's statistic esecia!ly on
. t" roun.i where thev picked ip
Statue Ui.d 1 413 yards while holding the Tro
Marling the hie second period. ' lanv to 6.1, Douglas managed to
i Harry Clarke rambled for r-.t sards outgain the winners by one var.l
: on a ''Statue of l.iheriv" plav to thrtMigh the it.
,inrrrae the iking lead. Byrd' The win gives Mvrile Creek a
Thurston cf Springfield today.
D909. MC
First downs s :4
Hushing vardage t',1 41.1
Passing yardage 47 41;
Passes 5 12 4 11
Passes intercepted 3 2
Fumbles lo-t 3 0
Yards penalircd 5 50 4 35
Score by qoarters:
Po.igijs 0 l) 0 0-0
Mvnie Creek " 19 0-51
Sroitng: Ml'; Graf in yard run
som 1 vard run tkick failed 1.
Beanldossom 10 vard run
.if kick' MC: Barkhurst 13-
"irt a.luvoail Cnuron
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