TV- m Z3 w ' r! i rfflPlH ItV VrT" ,111V ai . If? 1 'IT 9ml I. Q V I . Ml I l.liWI: it frill , !HS ! h Hi-Hl-fl Highway Engineers In Race With Weather On '99' Job Fri.. Oer. 13, 1961 The Newt-Review, Rsteburg, Ore. I LEGAL Dl'NSMl lit, la. if ( V Huli way enunt'iTS, rjtms a4.1i i the oncoming rains of winte-, arc con founded t a mourn; moun'jtn. They art- the nu n who aw hmld in ii a six mile segment of V. S 9. a now four-lane divided huh way in the Sacramonio Kiwr can yon between KeddinK and Duns nuur. The river rushe between, nar row canyon wain a tier pom ins from glacial springs near Dunv miur. The en u t nee i s re a I ied they Portland, rontr actors on 'he sec tion between Shotgun i'reek ai.d lastclla, started work in June. ISt.o, engineers figured it would ' cost $1 25 million a mile. j Almost at once, hea y equip me nt operators bean to run into' soil and rock that just uouldn t stay put. To date the original es tun a led cost of the si miles has; been revised upward lo $8 78 mil ! lion. j Herb Miles, district engineer for the California Division of Hiuh j wavj at KeddinK. says that inov-l - ..', . '.SftrrtrtiWW . Its ADVANCED STUDENTS of the fourth through the sixth grodes ot Rose grade School are shown here taking on extro work in the way of books at the Douglas County Library. The students have shown in their studies they ore slightly ahead of their classes. They will check out books, usually non-fiction, and make oral reports on them in about two weeks time. All of them have previously selected categories. (News-Review Photo) Army Enaineers Slate Fallout Shelter Survey Camas Valley Grange Holds 'Jackie, Lady Bird Election, Slates Activities To Visit Northwest Prosecutor To Ask Fall Boehme Trial PORT ORCHARD. Wash (AP Gordon 1.. Warren. Kitsap County pro-editing attorney, said Thursday he will ask that the trial of Dr. Robert K. Roehme, Port Orchard physician Lee Banks presided, reports Mrs. I William Banks, Camas Valley cor-j PORTLAND (AP) A survey of ! respondent. j community fallout shelters in the Obligations Givtn j live i-acinc iwinwesi siaies iS) Bvron Baker was re in,,a,pd into Deing conauciea uy me Army r.n- mpmhorsh.n and Mrs were confronted with a mammoth i"fi the 4iK).ooo additional cubic task wnen they started the 10b of, yards of rock an1 soil, together squeezing four lanes of pavement with additional clearing, possible into this sheer cam on. ' required drainaee and other re Then they encountered the mov- lated work, may run the extra inc mountain alxmt nine miles cost on this one cut up to $."i50.000. south of Dunsimiii. An unstable The state now is looking into section of earth and rock is mak-j the possibility of changing the ing it necessary to remove above' highway alignment to move the original estimates about 400,000 new freeway away from the ma cubic yards of soil and rock. 1 jor slide area at the north end When Slate Hall Hamilton of of the protect. This would require moving the Sacramento River into a new channel and realigning the South ern Pacific mainline tracks fur a short distance. Miles said this could realize a saving in final costs and should eliminate or reduce further main tenance problems in the slide area. litant searchlights are being; used at some of the work areas be held at this sn eartn moving can continue at nigni. Jim Leinbach, superintendent for the contractors, said the ori ginal anticipated completion date aws Nov. 1, liHi2. Now it appears construction may be going on through the summer of 13. Seventy five years ago, building r-l 1 .1 - -1J J 1 J SFATT1 P fAT PrAcilnnl V n as Vallev Orange was held this asked to furnish his own table nedV and Vice President Johnson ,faU s Jur' ,rrm week at the Orange Hall. Overseer, service. probably will be accompanied by I Dr. Boehme, 41, is charged with Mrs. Homer Spurlock and Mrs. lhcir wives wnen they visit Seattle anempung 10 poison his wite. M1I0 Claughton were hostesses and Nov- 16- Tn Seattle Times special Dorothy, 34. under the guise of served refreshments at the close of Washington correspondent said taking a blood sample from her the mertmg. : Thursday. arm. The annual Booster Night pro-' "Mrs. KennedyV plans are not We'll have our rase readv bv orim ill II ha hiM nn .A Certain VCt. hilt at thl d'Af I Vmn m hnr IV 1 n w . tt Raknr urac ..... .1 n-. '. 1 i,j .u. ...:u c l ,. ' '. a railrnaH in flip Karmmpnln ran. 1 .u. v- d ,,,v""" -'( - is open 10 me duoiic. ine next ree-: r win iu wnon i see anv reason wnv ihe rap . - :.r::a?--Z-J elected to membership. The degree uiar Grance meetinc will he the attle with the President." Andrew'can't come to trial immediatPlv -von Presented tremendous engi larns ana itocks. hi.noi.,n o.i-n tho nur hv , . . . u.i ni tv... jlcnin( wJ9V fct tho 6" v.. .v t - social evening uci. t at me iisidn- nimr nuust , 'V V , ' V ) ine overseer. Grange Hall. secrelary". told th? newspaper, onn t acme imis.on 01 me, Leshe Catchpoie presented: i Mrs. Kennedy usually d)es not Army engineers, wnicn win super- $20 Q (he (;ranep Reneral fund CUurrU Wnmpn Mt announce her plans more than Vise the survey. ; frnm thp momhpr: nf thp i:ranee nUrCn VVOmen eeT few davs in advance. This survey is in line with Presi . Itm. ivftnfimi,e inh i The October meeting of the V in-1 Brlh Ahi1!. niTsnn.'!! sprrplarv In dent Kennedy'! new program to, Vli i-iaushton. ;rane Insur-'stnn Christian Church Christian Mrs. Johnson, said Mis. Johnson's 69. Port Or- attorney for Rav R. C.reenwood 'chard, chief defense .Dr. Boehme. said he would move that the case he put over untd next spring's jury term. "The proseculion admits it has neerinK challenges when Southern Pacific tracks were pushed north ward from Redding. In the 1930s, building I'. S. 99 from Redding to Punsmmr was considered n engineering feat when the canyon walls were push- r.Mu.i .... u ,'.. , Agent for Lamas alley. re-1 rriiusnii was reia ai - present plan is to go 10 Seattle heen nvesl ealini this rase f,,p at a rihr .ari ... ""-, ported on the insurance program : ' .wra.jrwnn ner nusnann 1.... ,ix months" Green wood 1 surfaced road with many grades and the Juvenile tirange. The numners ana guesis were present. 1 ine president will speak at the . u 1 and manv curves members of the Juvenile Grange reports Phehe McGuire, Winston Centennial convocation at the I'm- sald- 'Surely, we ought to he Riven , aMmany cu"fs' corrpsnonnpnl , cakiiv nF U i,hinainn it A an,n an ennal lime lo nrenarp the rte- I'on i . . jj "r- 1 he tneme of ".New hpint in New at a dinner hononn-. Senator War- fense." was demonstrated with the ren G. Magnuson for his 25 vears ! n, ai,..'. .,;.) ;, jwill stage the seating drill at the! annual Booster Night program I in every city and town. The Northwest and Alaskan Di visions of the Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks and the Seattle, Portland, Walla Walla and Alaska Saturday, according to Claughton. Time: districts 01 tne Army fcngmeersl Education and community serv will make the regional field sur- ice chairman Guy Moore announc vev. . 0H that nut nf pnlnps !hrnn"h Contracts now are heine neeoti-1 out the state of Oregon in the ! wl" h heA Kn. alert ivith arphitept-enainppp firms ("nmmiinitv Service Contest. Cam-: Susan Davis on for marking public and privately-1 as Vallev placed eighth. This was ! All women of the church are invit- owned buildings and other facili- the largest number of entries ever I attend ties in the region which might be received in the annual Sears used for community fallout shel l Grange contest bottleneck in the north- 1 came 1 south traffic by the niid-1930s. educational part of tlje program, of servire in Congress. Seventeen ,' n ' . . . .1 Since World War II, California, The devotions were given by Lois years have been spent in the Sen- sf 1 '"r l- 2 ' ' charRert wilh federal help has been con .nary veaicn. ine next meeting ate. tirsi acgree assauii wim mieni io verting this M mile stretch of 6 at the home of Besides the President and Yice'kill. I highway inlo a four-lane freeway. 1 ivn nend Ave. president, a senators and several congressmen plan to attend the 1 $100-a-plate dinner for Magnuson. C"otr sf. 14860 ' Ruerv, D.itnct No. 12 RCPOItT OF CONDITION 0' TMI First National Bank of Roscburg In tk Stat of Ortf en t fh clot el buiinett mi Sep. 27, 1961. Published in reipentt to cell mede by cemptretltr e the currency under Sechen 521 1, U. S. Reviaed Stefufei ASSETS CaK, boloncrs with othfr bonk,, on cflih tm in process ot" collfction 589,743 46 United States Government obligation, direct ond auaranteed 2,4l,952 99 Obltgation of States and political subxiivisions ... . . 265, 901. 2S r . i i. j ts t nn f r . ral Reserve bank) 13,500 00 ' Loons and discounts (including 58,286 70 overd'cmO 2 221,012 68 BanK premises owned $12,267.12, furniture and turev $55,609.12 S7,87624" Other assets 39,138 87 TOTAL ASSETS $5 689,125 52. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $1,710,71640 Time and savino deposits of individuals, partnerships, end corporations 1,438,539 41 Deposits of United States Government (including postal sov.ngs) 281,193 02 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 1,593.445 20 Cert.f.ed and officers' checks, etc 39,621.55 TOTAL DEPOSITS $5 063,515 58 (a) Total demand deposits . . $2,545,226 66 (b Total time and savings deposits $2,518,288 92 Other Labilities 76,071,28 TOTAL LIABILITIES - $5,139,586 86 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL STOCK In) Common stock, total par $50 00 250.000.00 Surplus 200,000 00 Undivided profits - 99,538 64 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 549,538 66 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . .. $5,689,125.52 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities ond lor other purposes $2,320,026 50 I, S. W. McLaughlin, Cashier of the above named bank, rW hereby dec lore that this report of condition is true and correct to best of my knowledge ond belief. S. W. McLaughlm We, the undersigned directors attest the eorrectne of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us ond to the best of our knowledge and belief is true ond correct. Mall Seelv Paul E. Geddes George C. Gratke Directors tfrg in case of a nuclear attack, the Army Engineers said. December. 1962, is the sched uled completion date for the sur vey and community shelter mark ing program in Washington, Ore gon. Idaho, Montana and Alaska. Army engineers said that the community shelter program does not replace the family fallout shel ter program. Mrs. James Combs reported on the compilation of the Grange His tory booklet that she is preparing.1 Election of officers for the com ing year was held and the follow ing were elected: Russell liar wood, re - elected master; Lee Banks, re - elected overseer; Mrs. Lee Banks, lecturer; James Combs, steward; Byron Baker, as sistant steward; Mrs. Edgar Mark ham, chaplain; Ernest Booth, treas- Warren Releases Convicted Gambler On $100,000 Bail WASHINGTON ( AP) Justice lhc jitstiie said, "that one whs William O. DnuRlas of the Su-;jumps bail and leaves this coun preme Court has granted Mick-1 try for Mexico is not extraditable ey Cohen, I.os Angeles gambling i under existing treaties." figure, release on bail of $100.0001 Douglas said he was greatly In. bail. iimr- l.ft1tn fatrhnolp clprt. MEETING PLACE CHANGED od scrretarv: Havdon Taylor, gate Pue tn the present remodeling keeper, Mr.':. Homer Spurlock. Cer of the Roseburg Woman's Club, the I es; Mrs. Byron Baker, Pomona; Newton Creek Church of Christ will Mrs. Louis Papst, Flora: Mrs. hold services Sunday at the home : Leslie Catchpoie. lady assistant of .lohn Bogen, 1125 SE Main. steward: Mrs. Ethel Brown, chair- The morning service will be at man, executive committee; and J1) a.m. and the evening service Mrs. James Combs and Edcar at 7:30 p.m. j Markham, executive committee members. It was announcer1 that the regu lar meeting of the Douglas County Pomona Grange will be held at GMnn,,li r.ranf. Halt nn Oct 2ft. Ln.,n. . ,th a notlnrk dinner :stnp(easer. ,7nm anH followed hv the hlisi-' f"" SCinst ness meeting at 8 p m. Visiting ! wuntry pending appeals from his ennvic-. tion of income tar violations. Cohen was sentenced on the in-1 come tax charges to 15 years in prison and fined $ j The U. S. District Court in Los ' Angeles and the V. S. Circuit fluenced by refusal of the lower courts to permit Cohen s release on bail. But he commented that he had an obligation to discharge "that none other can assume for me " Inder that obligation, the just- Court in San Francisco refused iice sa,rf. he wa, nprslla(1ed that to permit release of Cohen on bail should be granted for a num ber nf reasons. PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE HORACE C. BERG Sptcial Agent - Room 301 Pacific Building Off. OR 3-7491. R... OR 3-7195 Douglas, in permitting Lonen s Among them. h cited the fact release, commented that before (hat Cohen had been out on bail conviction Cohen was out on bail fr sonle months and never failed and made no effort tn escape. 0 respond: there has been no de- me justice saia mai ennen ain av ln prosecuting an appeal bv help to secrete Candy Barr, ;n-xico while s her was pending ir She subsequently re in Grangers are nsked to bring either turned to the United States. IMHW! AT THE South End Motel Cafe CAR SERVICE Now you can enjoy any of the delicious foods on our regular menu in the comfort and privocy of your own car. Drive in toon and enjoy thil NEW SERVICE. REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES THIS SATURDAY 2 Toy French Poodle Bottle Covers ThM will fc fivtn away FREE. Uw thm for doer it opt, xjpor wtijKrt, tc. No purchaM nciofy( you do not ntd to b protont to win. No 090 limit. CDCC ICE CREAM iKEC COFFEE and DONUTS ALL DAY SATURDAY-OCT. 14th SATURDAY DINNER SPECIAL Roast Turkey With Dressing SOUP SALAD POTATOES DESSERT COFFEE Served From 11:00 A.M. SOUTH END MOTEL CAFE Rote end Ray Bicknell Chef Harvey Walker 1622 S E. Stephen South End of New 1-Way Couplet Cohen to the Circuit Court in San Francisco: questions raised in the appeal have been treated hy both lower courts as substantial, and Cohen's sister bat made on nffi. That episode, said Douglas, was davit that she and her hnshand emphasized to him as showing wl pledge as security for Cohen Cohen's "proclivity for evasive their business which is their only conduct " It also was pointed out, 1 source of income Cohen's moth- another affidavit W. German Parties OK Longer Draft Periods BONN. C.prmanr fAP) 1-j frne Minister Franz .lnef Strauss! levealerl the two parties expert ed to form West Germany's new i government have agreed to lencthen the period of service for draftees in the armed forces. Stra-is said this pronahly meant that starting next year draftees in the army, navy and air force would serve 18 months instead of the present 12. He said agreement had heen reached on an extension but there remained some slight doubt about how much. The defense minister told a meeting of fellow Christian Dem ocratic Bundestag ( Parliament i members that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the Free Demo, eratie party chairman, Knch Mende, derided on the loncer service in their negotiations for a new coalition uovernment. er, in another affidavit, said she I would piedee as security the trust J deed on her home. What is a V Oregon Safety Record j Best Ever In 1960-61 SAI.FM fAP) Oregon's indiM-! trial safety record was the hrst ever in 10-fil. (.'nmmiionrr Km-' ily P. Logan of th Industrial Ac cident Commission said Thruday, 1 Miss I-ogan. addrptnj a S;tUm croup, said that in 1W2 .Vt thrre were T4 5 accidents per million man hours worked. !n the 13ti0-M year, she said, there were only n6 15 accident per million man hours worked. Mi-s I-ocan said the commission will take in some $2R 8 million in premiums this fiscal year from ?, 500 emplovrrs ff.r ind'ufnal ac cident insurance wih the sta'e "THOROUGH CLEAN" wall TO WALL CADPfT ClIANINQ SEDVICI "Tw er Country" Call J. I NIWBIRHr. 0 3-7010 f att.r t M , OR 1-3541 "Ysur Vacuum Claaaar Maa' PROTON? A proton is the positively charged nucleus of an atom. Study of the proton may be a key to scientific progress in the United States. Yet many potential scientists may never study it because they may never go to college. Many colleges are over crowded and in 10 years applications w ill double. We will need more and better college laboratories and thousands more of the high-e-t quality professors. i HELP THE COUEGE OF YOUR CHOICE NOWI n" io you con fc.'p. W"a 'of wa boo.i.t. "O'EN WIDE THE COLLEGE DOC ." lo 34. I SqwO'i S'o'to", Saw York 34t N. Y. r,h J it n rllir rrr ""ii U, , l Bail aaaBBaw . . I v I 'V- at IV-i. tv,-., n ., i ,, J-y ;--;;- ( ;. "Superb" ; : . "luxurious" ; ; ; "beautiful" : : ; "brilliant" there are many words that might be used to describe the new 1962 Cadillac car. But if we were to select from the Cadillac vornhulary the one word that most completely captures the essence of this latest "car of cam" we would choose "masterful". For here is a motor car that has already estab lished it mastery in everything that makes an automobile good and fine and desirable. In appearance, it is clearly Cadillac master-pieie-graccful, clean-lined and elegant. In performance, it it a rovelation. Its power plant is a rr-srrvoir of nlken power and the car ride t ISIT 1 OI R LOCAL and handles with an instinctive ea and sure ness. In safety, it is in a clasa of it) own with a host of exclusive features, including remarkable new aide cornering lighta. In craftsmanship, it is aimply without rival. Every 1962 Cadillac will undergo more than 1400 inspections to assure its quality and goodness. On and on the list could go. But however IcnfHhy, that list could never replace the experi ence of inspecting the car and driving it. Your dealer will happily let you do both. Once you have, you'll understand why the word has gone out so quickly that thia ia the finest motor car ever to bear the Cadillac name. AlTlWRIZtn C .mil. LAC DEALER ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. RO'.E i WASHINGTON STS. Phone OR 3-6651 poat sixty ves Thi tandasio os tms would- i