12 Tlit Nwi-Relew, Roseburg, r ATR0NIZ8 NEWS REVIEW ADVERTISER3 OPENING for LUNCH Monday, Oct. 16 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM The Jersey Lilly REGULAR "JERSEY" MENU AND DAILY SPECIALS OFF Ottin Valfey On Th. AlUr OR 2-191 1 end RADIO SERVICE DIAL OR 3-3002 FOR FAST SERVICE OPEN a.m. t p.m. Whdyt 9 ..m. to 3 p.m. Saturday tfln M.d. la Your Hama ar Our Shop tfiaart Sarvica On Auta, Hama Rama. TV, Sraraoa ar HiFi AH Ward 6uaranraa4 FREE ESTIMATES ROSEBURG RADIO I TatVISION 1435 W. Harvard Tha Hllawtaf fua)l r.4 ttUvIsfon prof rami art Brinta) at a fre asiMic tarvica far Nawa.lt aviaw taadan. All araftam liitinas aa aublishad at racalvaal from Hia raspactiva ttatiani. TKa Nawv lUviaw doaa aat accaat raspaniibility far Tatlatiaa fram arifinal Kliadulai fiirniihtd tlila nawtaaaat KPIC-TV Ch. 4 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1 00 rka la Rloht-NBC 10:30 Concentration NBC 11:00 Truth or Consequence N BC 1! : 30 It Could Ba You NBC 11:55 TV Newa Today NBC 13 : 00 Jan Murray NBC 13:30 Romper Room I 00 Young Dr. Me tone NBC 1 : 30 F rom These Roots N BC 00 Make Room for D eddy NBC J jo Here's Hollywood NBC 3:10 Afternoon News 3 30 Talk a the Town 4:30 KVAL Karioon K a r nival VaS.00 SERVICE ii 1'ivice cosMNTfre PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV It ffatatarf IT Vasrt 1MI Nt tuaksss at lirdu Vallsr Jtt KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY lV0O-4eve Of Life 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Cutdlnf tight 11 00 Col leg Of Tha Air )I 30 As The Wnrid Turns 1 00 Pass The Word 1 JO House Part j 00 Tha Millionaire 1 10 Verdict Is Yours J 00 Brighter Day j-ij Secret Storm 3:30 Edg af Night KOIN-TV Ch. 6 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7 09 College Of Tha Atr 7 30 Cartoon Tlma B OO Captain Kangaroo 00 Calendar f 30 l Love Lucy 10 00 Video Village 10 30 Surprise Package 11 00 Love Of Life 11)0 Search For Tomorrow 11-44 Guldlrvg Light 17 oo Ml Neighbor (Men. through Thuri 17 00 Hostess House (Friday) 17 30 As Tha World Turns I 00 KOIN Kitchen 1 JO-.Mouse Party 7 00 The Mllllonetre 7 10 Ve'dict Is Yours 3 00 Brighter Day MS Secret Storm KEZI-TV Ch 9 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY irOft The 7ean ti: jo love Thef ft oh 1 00 Mlt-rv Report ;ia Retrntoert (Mon-Weri-Fril Oreoon farm Journal (Tue-Thuri) II Make A face 1 00 Dev In Cour 1 M raca at fhe Carfh (Mon. Wed 1 Frl) 116 local Government iTuei-Thwn) I "6 W ifMfow Shooping Vk Seven Key J 00 Queen for A Day Radio Programs - Monday thru KRNR 1490 KC ICRNR. , Rroedcatttng )j hnwt. fi days a week, Monday through Saturday. CBS newt on the hour, Sunday through Saturday. CBS feehjrei on the half hour, Sunriev-Sa! urdey. Frank Goat. 1 JO am, PJT, J S KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY 00 Sign On JO Newt Around The War 4 s Weather Capsule 4 M County Agent f On Hemingway New ABC J 4S local Newa f 10 Paul Harvev ART '15 Stock Market Report KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Beak! Mvetc, New and Woarhar An?- CI 1100 nX irp h Mje irao a m to r OO pm The - a II wney rr- " " ' " v "m nww up v r n m e 17 raj w M (alternate) i he Muk! t1 am. H 4 m pm-The Bnh'Lerny H,tt t-. Wa UP T Musk; Neiwn those IN im. to oe em.-The.UOO p m. to 7 00 pm.-The Bee Neiton Ore. Frl., Oct. 13, 1961 Ybdi Thursday, Oct. 11 ' Driv.r't Lleania Eiaminar, KV SE Roberts St., a.m. to i Dm. B to 10 p m. Army Ratarva. IfiU W. Harvard, IOOF, 10UF Hall. Jackson a.. S p m. Rosburo Llont Club, Umpqua Fluid, 6:30 p m. Umpqua Duplies!. Bridga Club, home of Mrs. Morru Bowker, 7 30 p.m. Glida ShuWI.rs hr-ginnrrs squire danr lessons. Community Build ins, 1 p.m , Krme Gilbert instruc lor. Civil Air Patrol, at the airport, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Lady Elki, KIXl Hut), 8 P m.. cardi. Barbershop Singing, Rickett's Music Store, I p.m. Elks, Elks LodKe, p.m. Hayloft Squares pattern dance I workshop at the barn on Melrose Koad 8 10 p m. j Woman of Rosaburg Country Club, clubhouse, noon luncheon fol lowed by weekly bridge play. Timber City Chapter of Sweat Adelines, Inc., Riverside School, room 19, rail OR 2 4313 for in formation, 8 p m. Rosaburg Rotary Club, Umpqua Hotel, noon. Douglas County Mounted, at the Fairgrounds. Begin riding at 7 p.m., potluclc at 8 30 p m. Myrtle Creak PTA. Oakland Chapter Order of Eastern Star, Masonic Hall, Oak land, 8 pm. Pythian Sisters, at the KP Hall, 8 p m. Rosaburg Chapter of DeMolay, at Masonic Temple. 8 p m. Umpqua Mineral Club, Kpiscopal YOU'LL HAVE GOOSE PIMPLES 1:00 Remer at tha Juno la FRIDAY 1:30 Almanac Ntwsreel i Tip N Trips s 00 Northwest News 4:15 Huntley Brink ley NBC 0:30 Perry Mason CBS 7-30 International Showtime NBC I 30 Robert Taylwt Detectives NBC f: 30 Telephone Hour Nft 10:30 Hera And Now IT :00 Report 11:1$ front Row Center SATURDAY I 10 Pip the Piper NBC t 00 Srvarl Lewis NBC 0 )0 Km Leonardo NBC IT'S EASY TO PLACE A NEWS-REVIEW WANT AD . fN I O A ceurtaaus, helpful ad Just Dial OK 2-3321 ;;. - your ad for bast rasults. FRIDAY 4 00 To Ba Announced 4 30 Uncle BUI Show 5 JO Huckleberry Hound 4 00 Your TV Wt i her man 4 OS Channel 9 Report 4 ti Doug Edwards with Tha Naws 4 10 Sports Spectacular 7 00 Sea Hunl 7 30-Rawhide jo- Route 4 J0 Twilight ?ong 10 00 Unlove hahles 11 00 ARC Lata News U:15-Staga S 3 10 Fdge ot Night 4.00-Peopie-s Choice (M W F), Waterfront (Tu ihtirsl 4-10Cartoon Circus 5 no Rocky And HIS Friends S:1S Man From Cochise (M W-F), Broken Arrow (luelhurs) H 4S Newscene 4.15 Doug Edwards FRIDAY 4 10 Highway Pafrol 7 00 Death Valley Days 7 JO Rawhide JO-Route JO-F ether Of The Brlda 10 OO-Twiiight Zona 10 JO ff yewitness 11 00 Prtrtlentl Wreiftinf II; 44 NtghlKena SATURDAY ? JO-arD 4 I 00 Cartoon Tlma J - 30 Open Noute eOO Amerlren Banritfantl i 00 Jack Boon Show FRIDAY S KV Kit f erwtn a 00 Fvenintj Report New N'e 4 Vl third Wen 7 00 Honeymortne't T W Sireiohfaswev 00 Tha Mthy I 10 The ImtirortM a 00 ! Sttntel Str.e, 10 00 Tert pm, PST, Mnrnlav througri Saturday Lewllj Thnmas 9pm, PST. pnnaitt through Frl. Hav. Soort Time 4 1(1 p m Monday threujh Frtday, S U p m. Saturday. MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY 1J 01 AM N'Qht Show 4 OV-Bob Johnson SNiw I 90 Cliff Engie-ABC I JO to, a I Newa 4 00-B'eakfasf PunABC 10 00 Md Morning New ABC 10 iv-Te'ia lest-ABC 10 ja Fichanoe 10 4S keep Cegon Greee) tt 10 New For Woman H oo Md Oay Newt 1 so Market Renorl t 00 Keep Oregon 0reei ILeenv Hietf Shnw. Wednesdeyi 4 00 a ts. ta 11 00 am Waae up to Muwi 11 00 a m. 7 00 p m The B- Nelson Show. Satvrdev: Showr 11 00 in. tp J 00 pm -The Boo ' Ne'soti ahew. Special pn Saturday; Its lam. to 00 am -mternatnal Srwweeomi i jo p m. w 1 JO p m -1 een peel Sungay- CALENDAR OF EVENTS omorrout Parish Hall. 7.30 p.m. Jack Hor ton guest speaker. Rosaburg PNG Club, desert sup per, Odd Fellows Hall, 7:30 p m. Friday, Oct, 13 Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club, 12:30 p.m., Umpqua Hotel, open to all players of Douglas County. Driver's License Examiner, 837. SK Roberts, 8 a m. to S p.m. Sheriff's Posse, at the Fair grounds, 8 pa Loyal Order of Moose, game nicht. Moose Hall. 8 p.m. I Homo Croup of Alcoholics Anony-1 mom, call OK 2-4069, 8 p.m. I Christ's Ambassadors of the As- sembly of God Church. Winston, 7 p.m. I PNG Club of Roseburg Rebekah 1 Lodge, rummage sale, 9 a.m. 4 p m., basement of IOOF Hall. I Umpqua Radio Club meeting, at the clubhouse on Klamath Ave., I 7:30 p m. Roseburg Zonta Club, noon lunch eon, business meeting. Evergreen Grange, Grange Hall y "'- Bible Study Hour, home of Ed , Dwight on Lockwood Rd., 7:30! p.m. Lookingglsss Grange, card par-' ty at the Grange Hall, 7:30 p.m. Prizes and refreshments. Public! invited. Roseburg Zulioma Nile Club meeting postponed to Oct. 20. ATTEND SCHOOL MEET M. C. Dcller, Roseburg School District superintendent, and Har ry Jacoby, assistant superintend ent, are in Salem attending the fall conference of the Oregon As tors. The two-day session opened Thursday morning. SPECIAL SPOOK SHOW "The Heodless Ghost" and "How fo Makt a Monster" MIDNITE Friday October 13th BENETTA THEATRE ON YOUR GOOSE PIMPLES 10:00 Fury NBC )0: 30 Cartoons 11:00 NBC Basketball Ind Saturday Matinee tnd Oan tmoot S 30 Update NBC 4 00 Mr. WHard NBC 4 30 Meka Room For Daddy NBC 5 00 All Star Golf NBC 4 00 NBC News 4 30 Roy Rogers CBS 3 00 Man and tha Challanoaj t 30 Welti Fargo NBC I 30 Tall Mart NBC 5 00 Saturday Night Movies NBC 11:00 Saturday Cinema SATURDAY 10 00 NCAA Warmuo 10 15 NCAA Football 1: IS Post-Game Scoreboard 1 30 Saturday Matinee 4 JONFL Game of Week 5 30 This Is The Lite 4 00 Den Smoot Report 4 15 Channel 5 Report 4 30 Steve Allen Shew 7 30 Perry Mason I jo The Offender 30 Have Gun, Will Travel )ft fift Gunsmoka 1) 00 Manhunt HJO-Stage S 30 Sky King f 00 Captain Kangaroo 10 00 Video Village Ju"fV 10 JO Mighty Mouse Playhousa 11 00 A i lak a ram 11 JO Roy Rogers 17 00 Sky King 12 30-My Friend Flkka 1 AO Saturday News 1 ' JO Accent 1 0O-Armchlr Theater 3 30 Red Ounrting 4 00 R CMP 4 JO NFL Football 5 JO Adventure Theater 4 00 Frontier Doctor 4 30 The Callfornieng 7 00 The Third Men 7 JO Perry Mason JO The Defenders JO-Heve Gun. Will Travel tO Otk Gvnsmoke 11 00 Saturday Reporter 1 11:05 Theater 1) 00 ARC Newt 11 IV-New Nmi Final 1 1 ; JO Erttora Thenler SATURDAY 10 00 NCAA Foothait 3 jru-Fllm Fare (Double Reefvre) 4 no FiQht of Aeek 1 ( f merekf f mpire Bowling aV-Make Tht Spare no Taiiahaiee W I JO Leave if to Reaver 00 Lawrerve Walk 16 0O The Rnarlrtg J0' 11 OO New Nine Final It 15 Vov Friday iwst'therlln t 10 verity S Mrxir Show H tV-(;nt; B'nck U in vnntf Smith Shnw in .pic .In no son Shew TOO-CBS Block 7 iv N Qht Match 11 OO All Night Show 3 00 Hem.ngway New ABC J 30 Ischano 4 no Paul Ma'vey New ABC 4 10 A'ev Dreier Newrs ABC flO-Paut Marvy New ABC 5 to News ABC CW-Fd Meroen ABC 4 lV-t oral New 7 no R"00 OO Teeuen 11 00 S-gn O'f - Show. Specie en Survsayt 1 am t 10 00 a m. Mow Chr.t.n SVenre HeeH i II 00 a m H 11 00 p m. Sunday Devton Leegu' a 00 p m. ta a JO p m 0d Fesfv loned Revival Hrxtr Seven day per wee- : Needtinp new an top of the hour . vane at 's, rest the hm.r New at t past the he,,, Ij PaU the Beur , KPIC To Feature Anti-Red Program A nationwide anti-communist tel ecast is to be featured by TV atation KPIC Monday. The pro gram is to he given for a period of three hours, starting at 8 p m. Residents of the southern part of the county will be able to pic k up the program from station KBF.S, Medford. "Hollywoods Answer fo Commu nism," or "Ami - Communis! School," two names being given the broadcast, will be in the form j of an outdoor rally in Los An geles. I The program over KriC will I pre empt time normally used for the shows National Velvet, Price is Right, 87th Precinct, King and I Tightrope. I Presented under the auspices of the California School of Anti-Coin-I munism, the telecast will offer among other speakers Cong. val I ter H. Judd; W. Cleon Skousen. ex- rui agent and author of "The Naked Communist;" Dr. Fred C Schwarz. author of "You Cant Trust The Communists," and oth ers. The sponsoring organization is non political, non-religious, non partisan. It is devoted exclusively of a school to alert Americans of I II, J l : """'' Wife Prefers Cats, Says Man Asking For Divorce DETROIT (AP)-John H. Buck says his wife, Terry, prefers the company of her 22 cats to him so he wants a divorce. In a suit filed Thursday, the suburban Garden City man charged that the cats have alt but evicted him from his home. He complained that friends refused to visit because of the cats. I Also, he said, since started acquiring the Mrs. Buck1 cats three! years aeo it has cost him $3,000 to care and feed them. The couple March. 1957. was married TU SPECIAL MONDAY NIGHT October 16 Live and direct from Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles See and hear for yourself the true nature of the Communist menace to our country Speakers will include Senator Thomas J. Dodd, member of the Senate Internal Security Committee; Congressman Walter H. Judd, foreign affairs expert; W. Cleon Skousen, formerly with the F.B.I.; Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, author of "You Can Trust the Communists." ...Plus leading figures from the entertainment world. 8-lLn, KPIC-TV This telecast is being rresentcd in kcer'rtf! with a long-standing tradition of public service by RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION JERRY TRIPP DANCE STUDIO 633 S. E. Jackson St. (Above Fullcrton Drug) FRIDAY, OCT. 13th, 9:00 PM to 12:00 1 REFRESHMENTS SERVED I Dance To The Music Of The OLLIE FOSBACK TRIO 1 Come In Any Tim See Our New Studios I I..I, , II... ,m.. r ;;.-.. .ev.! SEAL ADMIRED Mr. ond Mrs. Harold Backen of Rose burg and C. C. Clorkson of Portland, right, newly-elected president of Oregon Society for Crippled Children ond Adults, admire society's 1962 Eoster Seal during organiz ation's 15th annual meeting in Portland. Backen is a trustee of the society, which obtoins most of its revenue from the sale of Easter Seals in the spring. Gobel's Broadway Show Pleasing Stuff For Two Kinds Of People NEW YORK (AP) Gcorsel The nags-to-richps musical fa Gohel's first Broadway show. hie opened Thursday night at the "Let It Ride!." is pleasant stuff! for two kinds of people: Those' who used to lauch their heads off I at his comic antics on TV, and) 'those who like old-fancied, brassy in entertainment full of action and Sirls. Channel You Arc Invited to our... OPEN HOUSE PARTY Eugene O'Neill Theater. With J it- tie bitty buddy are Sam lvene. Barbara Nichols. Paula Stewart and some knockabout performers in lesser roles. Hotel makes the jump from video to stage with poise, but shows some signs of needing more polish for the demands of big au ditorium performance. Somebody ought to turn up the sound sys tem when he lifts his high tenor in song. In the adaptation of the famous farce "Three Men on a Horse." Gobcl plays the timid rhymester who can pick racetrack winners just like that, with an assortment of the hop-skip, head-scratchine. low pressure japery which won his airwave acclaim. The book, by Ahram S. Ginnes, has awkward moments. Songwriters Jar Livingston and Ray Evans supply Gobel with two touching ballads. "Everything Beautiful" and "His Own Little Island." Other high points in the score are "I'll Learn Ya," "Love Let Me Know" and "Just an Hon est Mistake." The latter is a show-stopper when belted across the footlights by a rousing chorus of cops. Burglar Has Bad Luck JACKSONVILLE. Fla. fAPl-A burglar had some bad luck after he broke into a motel room and stole the pants of two men while they were sleeping. The wallet fell out of one oair of pants and the burglar didn't get it. Police said it contained i $1,400 while the wallet the burglar I did get contained $.". j SATURDAY RADIO LOG KRNR 1490 KC (AAutic F.Nceot At Lif4) 5'iS Sion On Br Jnhnofi Show 1? 10 Vortt Smith Show 4 00 CBS B'ock 5 Si Sport) Time 7-10 Papov' PlaMer Parfy 12.00 S.gn Off KQEN 1240 KC (Music Except A LUted) f OOKQfrhJ Wu.ic 4 JO New Around The World ABC 4 Weather C0)ue 7 45 Local Newt, t 30 Local Newt 10 30 Evchenoe 10 i Keep Oregon Green 11 JO Paul Harvev Nev ABC 1? 00 Vid Day News 3 00 Keep Oregon Green 3:30 Echarge Music, newt & Iporta II 00 Sign off KYES 950 KC Ralc- music-new -weather 4 no am tii noon t L"v Miaff Show , noon till S JO Boo NfltAt P.M. Sh Spec a I features: i Headline newt on top of fha hour i Weathervane at past the hour ! News Summenet 'i past "he hour I Meeting Memos past the hour i 10 X) to 11 em Teen Bt j J JO to 3:30 pm Teen Bet I J JO to 4.30 pm Hi-FKliib GOLFERS OH TV TTlAVI, Fla. (AP) - Most of the golfers who play Arnold Palm ers new country ciun m .Miami i course will be on television. Closed ' circuit television will be shown throughout the clubhouse whenev ' er golfers tee off at the first hole. Movie Showtime PntJiy, Oct. 11. 11 IHD'AN THEATRE Doom ten i 45. Corw pi.t .now. 7 00- 10. "Grtytnar'i UOOOy" J 40 JTASUITC DRIVE-IN Giant Spoo Ware Ihon. Gale, open 30. Show. ter1 at J 00 4 future! hon one. time only. "Ttran- tul." "Horror O Drecule." "Biood of trte Vampire," "Craalure from trie Block La tjoon " BENETTA THEATRE (W-nitoo) "AtaheV and "Ootrtion cmol". Also mifJ rnte woo thow "Tht Heioicti Grtott" nd "How to rVonitr" Clove rl eaf drive- n isuthHin) o Otftc opens 7 30. SNw lTrt it i w Batil t Bloody plus "Momt Bor Darh" GRAND THEATRE rSuthrlinl Box 0iCt ooeni at 4 Show ltam at 7 00 "Sro wriila and ltt Threo $toogi" and "Th Sitol Claw" Sooo SM do o"c op" t 11:45. "Ttrror from Vtr 5000" P'WI "Tt Scrtammg Sholl" TRI CITY THEATRE "Marinai Lat'i G" and "Tha Brj Show" Saturday. Oct. 14., mi BENETTA THEATRE tWmiton) "Ala kaiam" and "Operation Camel" CLOVE RLE AF DRIVE-IN ISumarlln) Box off'Ct opens 4:30. Snow starts at 7 00. Dusk to Dawn Show i Features, "Battle at Bloody Beach," "Home Betort Oarh," "Curse of the Undeed," "Walk Like A Dragon" and "Terien Tha Magnificent" GRAND THEATRE (Sutherlin) Bo office opens 1:10. Matinee. "On tha Threshold of Space" plus "Shot In tha Frontier" TRI CITY THEATRE "Mannas Let'I GO and "Tha Big Show" Friday and Saturday "ALAKAZAM THE GREAT!" Frenki Avolon Dodi Stffvtnt Jonathan Winttr plus "OPERATION CAMEL" Tonight thru Saturday "MARINES, LET'S GO" Tom Tryson David Hcdison Tom Reeto plus "THE BIG SHOW" Either Williams Cliff Robertson Tonight "BATTLE AT BLOODY BEACH" Audio Murphy Gory Crosby Dolores Michaels plus "HOME BEFORE DARK" Sot., Oct. 14 Matinee, 1 :30 "ON THE THRESHOLD OF SPACE" plus "SHOT IN THE FRONTIER" and CARTOON Tonight thru Soturdoy "SNOW WHITE AND THE THREE STOOGES" plut George Montgomery Of the men with "THE STEEL CLAW" Both in Color TONIGHT ONLY After the re u lor ihow it erver the box office will open ogoin ot 11:45 for Our FRI. the 13th SPOOK SHOW "Terror from Yeor 5000" plut "The Screoming Skull" Children muit be oo componied by on adutt. ft OR 3-7101 OR 2-3706 J WIN FREE DANCE LESSONS! Friday 13rh Could B Your Lucky Day! Dre. tKii coypo. in tHt hth bowl fcfr t fAt Pri., 13tfcj ... Y.ii snd not b .rM t. .m NAME . . ADDRESS PHONE . DANCE PREFERENCE P A I R O N I Z h. NEWS-RFVIEW ADVERTISERS PIERRE Abwut ready to move into your new home? When you do give some senous thought to a Fam ily Portrait . . . that will odd the final touch in your room decorating. A phone call to OR 2-3212 w,ll hove Chris "Johnny-on-the-spot" for o Family Portrait in your beauti ful new home. BILL ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! Bett Foreign Film of Yeor NCWSWEEK- 'The Virgin Spring everywhere bears the? mark of its director's astonishing talents, his ability to summon up o sense of life? more completely than anyone now working Iti films Tuesday October 17rfi c.r..'; indian thru Monday only Complete Shows at 7:00-9:15 MATINEE Saturday at 1:00 Sunday at 2:00 WALTDISNmT? (jrrpffiriars BOBBY m&i "Goliafh jlfcv the Jr.d" t .PLUTO TONIGHT ONLY! Open 6:30 Shows srorf 7 GIANT SPOOK Marathon 4 HORRIFYING FEATURES! 61 HOURS OF 2 NIGHTMARES "TARANTULA" "HORROR of DRACULA" "BLOOD OF VAMPIRE" "CREATURE FROM tht LOST LAGOON" Regular Prices! SAT & SUN ONLY ""i'lHllJT.a - MClt ;CIS0I . IEUT VAUIUI y PLU INGM&R 1