By J. R. Williams eal Estate 34 Heal Estate 34 Heal Estate 3r 14 Th Nw.R.view, Ro.tburg, 0r Thur., Oct. 12. 1961 OUT OUR WAY on j Hunter's Attention 10 KO HUNTING or treipouinf on thg KruM ABSOLUTELY no'huntina or IrtnpAMing on ! my ranch. Mooem tree. Lti v. weoor. f.0 HUNTING' OR TRESPASSING ont. L , A. L. end C L. Sing -a on rencrtet ABSOLUTELY no "hunting, fishing or trot- petwng on the fternord GrubM ranch. "NO TRESPASSING onmy property. Derley E. Were. KOHUNTlNG OR lreoeiing en my plect at Rooerti Creek. Ray Reuch. NO HUNTINGor tratpaulrtg on my roncfv Irene Ernnxm. Singleton RrJ. NO HUNTING, treipewlng or (rotting ovor the Julian Hatfield ranch. NO HUNTING, no trespassing, no permit- tion. Livingston Ranches, Glide. ron NO HUNTING, trespassing, crossing over, on Lillian Buthnell Ranch, Tenmiie NO HUNTING, trespassing crossing over Ray Riegar place, Robert Creek Rd. NO HUNTING-" OR TRESPASSING on my place. M. Dale Bennett. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Baragai ranch. North of Rotaburg, to I he Newton j Creak Road. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our prop arty on Willia Creek. Dor Mae Moor. Helen Phipps. MO HUNTING or trespassing a I towed the Alfred Gall Ranch oft Plat K. Road, Sutherlin.. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our prop-1 rty. Bob Blafctly, Marvin .igtridton, Jonn Connlne. NO" HUNTING OR TRESPASSING on the C. A. Rasmussen Ranch on Itarvaoul Crert Rd., Aielea. kO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING f. W Emn,lt, Don Wilton. E. C. Woodward, Harold Agoo, Bill NO HUNTING or trewttlng on r w- ortyin tha Brockway. Tanmilo and OUlia area. Nichols Bros. NO HUNTING or Irespaislng on the airosrlS. Bacon. Haines. Henry and Fen. Doner ranches. Garden Valley Umpqua tree. NO HUNTING or trespesilng on the Mai Burhhert and Clauda hort ranches on awnshmo Road. Notices 11 CARD Or THANKS WOULD LIKE to thank tha temlly who Put out tha grass lira on our property on Doer per Rd. Sunday, October ath. Lyall and Juno Hansel) Lost & Found 12 LOST largo mala Sealpoint Slemeto Left ear split. Ans to nemo of "Ming. OR J-l44 PERSONS who pked""up camping equip- . ment and various Items near Tohetee on road. Pleaso call OS f-ttJl, Help Wanted 14 SEE ME for good Rawleigri B-isiness. Prod ucts well astebiished. Good permanent busi ness tor steady dependabt man. t sell nearby; will help you. Phone Glen Bowles, OS a-4437, Winston, or write Rewleigh. o Adeline, Oakland, Caltt. WANTED Men or women to work full or part timo in tha Canyonvilla, Myrtle Creek, Roteburg and Winston areas. iaay, omni- t,ed work with a trernendout tutuie. Apply 1 at the Rosa Etta Lodge, room 4S. 1041 NC Stephens. Thursday to Id m. Help Wanted Men 15 NEED 2 men. t4 mo. guaranteo. Must be neat, ambitious and willing to work. Call OR 2-a3 Oct. 12. IX 14. Help Wanted Women 16 WOMAN lo baby alt I days weak, my noma. OR 3-411, alter I PM. REPUTABLE woman to" thera my noma. May work out or care tor children wnite I worfc, OR ?-IS73. BABY SITTER WANTED Split shift lnmy homo. 3'i NE Cummins St.. Oiamond Lake Blvd. area. Call Btwn 2 30 and 4 p.m. OR 2-323. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK with llonl bookkeeping. Minimum 1 year bookkeeping experience, tatary open, write PM JfO, Care of Newt Review. MATURE WOMA N " llvolnT"$ "daysa wek. Room and board, plus sa let y , for light housekeeping Must be good with Children. 1 pre-school Child 2 tn school GYpsy t-UU or ORcherd 2-e0;i Work Wanted 17 EXPERIENCED baby sitter Live erences Call Sutherlin 35SD. CHILD CARE My homo, days. OR 3-W4 EXPERIENCED cook OR 2-134? dinner or try. EXPERIENCED secretary desires work shorthand, typing. OR MIU. HOUSEWORK Reasonable oxprfonced71wf, transportation, OR 34574. iMNKCtvitK ano cabinet work. Also an ( types sw rormica installed, os y-sau ALTERATIONS, all work Call OR 4lt IRONING AND M ENDING"" OR JJ4Jt IRONING, SI hwr OR2-344 HOUSEWORK, BY ThEh6uR Own transportation. OR J-MSJ WANTED TYplNGlfl my homo. OR 2 3447 HOUSEWORK and baby "titling. Reliable. References, OR 1-mt. YARD WORK, odd H.ed carpentering. OR 9-444 . - BABYSITTING and Ironing, my homo, or nu RfctlRED man wishet carpentry," painting, or general nana y man work up la 1100 per month. ien uk j-sMv aner a r w. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS OR Loans And Finance 21 1400 CONTRACT te sale wth )JH discount. Call OR j WANTED discour'ed ContrKtS. also equities Phone OH J-41SJ or OR 3-eOtl. TO SFLL well seasoned contract oVdarden Vaiiey property. Liberal discount, OR 1-J0IV FOR SALE Good contract on real ettatt 12300 value will sell tor 1100 Pavmg Q mo at 4S Int. D M Webb, Hub Real ty. at Rxa Hill. VoncalU JtEAL ESTATE LOANS to $7 Wo, furniture pnd Signature loans. Leoien'KH Industrial Fmenct Corp, fprmefly Com mercial Industrial tnaxi Corporation. ij SE Oak, OR 1 S4 Family Finance Home owned and Oorafed Loans Uo to tiwo On motor vetvekea nd twealttirt ?71 SE Washington (.R SSsSI HAVE MONEY AVAILABLE fur discounted conlrscts RICHARD STUVENSON 9G7 SK Pine OR 2 1614 Business Opportunities 23 CROC FRY AND LI VINO e.arH'v bxlwd Kg tiitwret) nJ otocA. OR J Jt M. Buiinen Opportunities 23 I U UNIT APT. Cantor Empirt Oregon MoMy all hfrmitfwd. Hvttng at V4 (' (no, ati Could b incret4 tlSOOQ 'I handt Contact R. M. fa. tVapiaton. CAFft ItVtTH livirto, ouarltrv p.wt 3 apH. Family poritoA H trade tcr Romou'V raMal property. wnll buuncM or Umpqoa ttiytr property. . L C. ennctt, Wagon Wheel (.tie. Wlt Sw, Watft-ngton INDEPENDENT GAS EXCELLENT opportunity tor en teter . nomine) caW Sutrw'lin if - net Km. H en potential ioceton. lod rent, OOOd margin, treflil card. Cleen inventory PwrtheM. Writ het -Rama Bo m MAGNESS REAL ESTATE STAY AT HOME AND WORK TOO WHILE th head of tne houso It worhtng, yow. too, can add to tno savings account. A school luncA room la aomalhing that wttl not take ALL your time, but will bring you met tncomo. tea Ul about It I 916 S. E. Washington Ave OR 3-5594 'Commercial Rentals 25 FOR RENT commercial bldg , WOO tq. . Large parking area. 177( N6 Mepnent. Dial OR 3-44. WEST SIDE OFFICE SUITE THREE ROOMS, parking space near door tor clients, ground level, private bath. One room suitable lor residence it oeureo. 144 Harvard Ave. OR 3 1)77. Wanted To Rent 26 vv ANTED small furnished house tor tingle person. Nor ovar 3 miles rrom komooib Call OR Ml alur 4. Apartments For Rent 27 NICELY furnished 1 room apt- with bath, washer and oarage. Adults. OR tw0 NCWL Y .jecorated apts., I large, 1 small. Cloto In. parking. Adults, or j-iaj. TWO bdrm unlurnltned - apt. Near Glide. R. H. Franks, OR 3M. FURNISHED I BR apt., close In. V SE Pitiar OR 3-71 M aer S JO. NICE APARTMENT lurnlhed, tiled kitchen ena Mm, w. vm FURNISHED APT. tor 1 LADY WQ Flood St OR Mil FURNISHED APT. I Attar 1 P M.. St Jacfcton. 1 TWO room tum. apt. 1757 SE Pino. Call OR 7 or OR 4UI LARGE 2 room turnlnhril apt. I child. OR 3-l3i TWO BR modern duplex S40 mo. Partly turni tried. OR 3-3f)0. I ONE BEDROOM FURN. apt, garage, S3S In Wilbur. Ph. Oakland J'l. EXTRA NICE efficiency "apt " Suitable for couple or small family. OR J-Jlt. FURNISHED-J-rm"ept.Htet, water, garo. Incl. Smgla woman preferred. OR asi'O ATTRACTIVE, well furnished 3 room apt. Call OR after 5 30. or Sal. ONE BEDROOM furnished apts. for rent. 1301 SE Pine CLEAN FURNISHED t room apU 135 mo. I4SJ SE Short St. EXTRA NICE efflclenty opt- Sultebia tor coup la or small family. OR 3-3i4. ' THREE ROOMTurnlshed'apt. Adults. Ut SE FURNISHED rontafapts. In Winston area. Ph. OR 3 094 eves. FURNISHED 1 R APT. Sea Fosback. Dliiard FURNISHED large Ilk raw J bedroom OR 3-3410 or OS -M4. t abcTp HFDflOOM downstairs aot . leroe fenced It) back yard. Close to Ro" School and cil center. Call OR 3-707I. THREE room upstairs furnished apt., elec tric heat. For ! or 2 working adults. $45. In a quiet place for quiet people. OR 3401V. END UNIT Of a trl-plex. Refrigerator, stove. water and garbage turn. Call or or OR 2 M4. ONEBEDROOM APT., ciosa In. Stove, re tng.. washer and dryer turn. OR 3-4311 or OR 3-4741. FURNISHED APTS-. adults only, f40 and ISO mo. Close, convenient location, $44 SE Brockway Ave. Apts. OR 2t03. FURNISHED Apts Including water; alec, gar bage, good location, HO end ISO mo. Union Gap Apts. Sutherlin, 4) 1 4. UNFURN.'duplex apt. Electric heat, neat and clean. Adults only. No pets. Call 10lt SE Roberts Ave. ONE BEDROOM furnished epartment. Heat, water and gertxiee disposal furnished. Adults only. 1 bork from City confer. Phono OR3-4. LARGE unfurnished I bedroom apartment. EkK. ftove furnished. 3 blocks from lown Utilities turn. OR 2-43f2 alter p m tit SE Watian. WESTSIDE 1 BR apt Unfurn Stove and retrig. In separate kitchen, full bath with tiled in tub, largo closets and storage Ground floor, off street parking. l mo. OR Mi" Kohlhagen Apts. Jackson St. at Lane Ave. Modern, reetonebio rent AOULTS OR MI44 "A Good Ploco To Hva TOOO APARTMENTS 1-7-1 bdrm. apti.. furnished or tmhjrn. We. ter and garb. tary. provided also boat in game, Hants from $41 up. SWIMMING) POOL Terrace Apts gas equipped OR 5-lll Winchester Ct. Wot water heat OR 3-4 Vista Home - Hot water heat OR J-4344 Westvuo Cf. Washer-dry OH rtJ-2-Wf Oekluu Apis. Radiant Hea OR 3-4ja Rooms For Rent 28 NICE SLEEPING ROOMS. 1)7 SE BUtvely Ave. l'i Blocks SE from bus depot. SiEEPlNGROOMS, Tit SE Jackson, net door to Penneyt, OR 3-JJil. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM," chsso"k Every thing furnished, S31 mo. 414 NE Jackson. fOOM.Prlvata entrance 7J3 S E. Mother. Ph. OR 3-S7J0 LARGE clean room, private entrance vfl street parking. 4JJ SE Burke. CLEAN, turn housekeeping room, ulll, paid. SJS mo. 14il SE Short S. Room And Board 29 ROOM AND BOARD ol JO Awi Boarding Houso, OR 3-47. ROOM ANO BOARD -Home away " trom homo. No drink ing. OR 3-301. Houses For Rent 30 TWO BFDROOM house Adults tve'e-red. ti mo Call after i 30. OR 3 lit ONETO FOUR Bdrm homes tor families or tingle elderly. OR 3-4MI FURNISHED housekeeping cahnX4 Ht Stephens. Rose laird Aula Court. FURNISMfD CABINS" Weekly rates" U NESfephent- Pacific Motel. OR 3 t-t 0ZV, small I BR fwn houses - ? evai. Very reet- to cpie. Mil N. teohent ""CLEAN, Jrm" turn. ho..e OR I in I HI SE Stsneii IN GREEN Ower BR unfurn. houte If UR J4IM TWO BDRM house on NE Je-fcon, a0 mo ' OR 3-4J2 ONI SFOROOM modern,fu. mshed. ' Walking ts.arKO. UR 2-UJI. ) FOUR bedroom, upturn, house. 1' 00 mo or win sell. Call after S P M , OR ) 1 TWO BR HPUSF. 2 miles North of sewn M mo. OR 3 3047 UNFURN house 2 BR, Hje ver."Caknt area OR l-44'7 pftet 4PM TWO BEDROOM hue. garaoo, Uige wt htv ' Call OS t V- TWO BR. partia'iy turn, houso. f SS rnp I Vacant now. OR Milt TmRFE to 4 BR modern house, la N. W Keaav OR 3IW7. TWO bdrm house, ra i-oomsln bee , ment ctoso In. OR 3-aMt ATTRACTIVE small heuso, t ewdroars. "iet I hoot, fir apiece, carport, ttt. Can OR 70og 'or tV VITAMIU PILLS. J PUT THOSE I HAM? SPOSEP Y POWM.'DOMT , V T'SIVE YOU VOL! PARE TAKE " ' - PEP, HAH? y AWVOF7HEM.' C j fV- ., : LESSEE-- THEY'RE FOR ME, I p" ' r"l OWE AFTER J TO KEEP UP WITH I EACH V VOU--OR rvjEARLy.y ' ' ;j l' I MEAL-- I :- ;yy.?,TL WHY MOTHERS 6ET jownii'-i io-' Houses For Rent 30 ONE BR unfurn. house, 140 mo. on Currier Rd. OR J-M74 I NICE 2 BDRM unturnithrd duple. Weslslda i OR 3-JUJ3 i ONE'BR 'house, IIS mo 10 miles out in ! Garden Vaiiey. OR 1 WINSTON 2 BR unfurnished house, ISO. Mo. Call OR 71 12. THREE BDRM houte, encelient location. ouiet and comforiAbie. City but. Close lo shopping center. Ref. req. Ph. OR 3 ?iJ4 k.KAA I I Rriiin tinaiL nrtli, t.irn.thawl a mo. Weter, gero. turn. Adults only. 14 S. E. H-over St. FOR I EASE 2 BRhome, completely fur-1 mwed. II W. Cardinal, or Ph. 0"W 2-14J3 tor eppomlmenl. j FURNiSHfeO 2 bedroomcoinwater"and gdrtxige d'VOsal turn. Hatll Cabins, 2S Diamoitd Lake Blvd. OR 3-3J44 i ONE BEDROOM lOue. nr-ar Joseph Lena Sen. MO per monin. Water turniinm Williamson Reel E Mete OR 3 4i07 THREE ROOM unfurn. houve with stove, Croe In, S4. A i so 4 room unfurn houe. c-osa in, lij. Adults, no drinkers, no pelt. Phone OR 3S4JI. SMALL') Bdrm partlyfurnihed house Oil hvater, electric stove, retng , 3 pc bam, laundry trays. ISO per mo. Call OR aiier 4 p m. UNFURNISHED 2 Bedroom Duplex Hardwood floors, fireplace, batement, furnace heat. Close to hospitals, and high school. Adults only OR 3-502. EVENINGS Mobile Homes For Rent 31 HOUSE TRAILER. Adults, no pets. ST! mo. can uk j-woi, anernoons. EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 Bdrm modernfurnlilv ad trailers. Adults only. Inquire Peaceful Timber lown Trailer Park, joig he Steph ens, OR 3-4314. Mobile Home Parks 32 TRAILER SPACE, walking distanct t town, til month. 1451 SE Short St. "centr'al"trailer"park" 1541 DIAMOND LAKE BLVO. Spaces ail paved. Just 4 blocks tg business center. Adults. OR 2-4104 SHADY POINT Trailer Park Hat 4 Mobile homo spaces aval ladle 3 nice singles I double Privacy, quiet, lovely surroundings. Adults. No dogs. Modern neat trailers only 1 Mile South Hwy ft BR OR 2 1411 TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK roiO NE Stephens East accomodation for all sire trull art. Incl. all eiectrks. Paved SU., land scaped, big lawns, metered gas. 1 block, irom Safeway. Adults Only OR 3 4.114 Real Estate 34 ONE bedroom house, S blocks from court- I house UW0, eay terms OS TWO Bdrm house on NE Jackson, Si50. good terms OR 3-477J , THREE BEDROOM HOME on Fhrr Road , 14J' river frontaua. Ph OR 3 4440. j TWO-BRotder home " isnoo 1110 S. W. River St Phona OR 2-JaOJ. I WILL BUV "real tstatacontractr Pay with! cash and rental property. OR 3-6i7? j TRADF SJWO equity in 3 Bdrm home" In I Sutherlin for rar, boat or anything sal-1 able. OR 3J9SJ. WILL accept pet offer tor'aguity on 2 Mrm houe tiose in Lg. Jot, newly dec. Bal S!00 OR J 411 S4000 fOUITV In 4 BR Hucrel area "Buyer can lake over contract Will consider car. OR 74'M ALMOST new 3 BR, Vt baths, C"'oe n f o. fruit trees, landscaped. 2 biks from Knool. 3') mi from downtown. OR J 4Jifl 14 000 SQ FT., foot of Fowler St 7 near Dia mond Lake Blvd., incl. 4 BR rental. Ac cept a contract as payment. OR 3 4V7. SFLL or trade J BR turn, hse I'y ac on nver. Take hie trailer, or small hit Cioe in. Od terms. Call eves, OR J WW AhSTMDf in 2 Br home, fireplace, ww carpel, 100i 100 lot, carport, Ptc F qinly i."O0 or bett otter, assume bal. t'fO0 On Fed G I. OR 3JU No Sal. calls. Dm RD Loe 2 BR like new, moder raiKh type homo on Y lolti shade trees, flowers, shrubs. Outdoor patto. ttrepiae Houie has fireplace, dnhwasher, ol ur nat.e, ruos. drapes. OS f U't or OS M11 Are You Budget Minded? FOR Its to and SJ to S40 dw-n. and to t'7 per montn n- (tj("g principal. $ intet ta. ei end msu(aH.e. we can oee uu r i ) a-Sl J beoroO'n homes on ee' paved slievt pus eK fcvi'burg Realty, LinMMtva Hot I, UR 7 , 44 Will You BColdThTr Winter? NO IP YOU Ore le pnO 0 r Northsne 2 or J bedav" srar.ra vttrt forced burner per-meier Snt h.meces t.'V) te down. Or . poisei-dn Pnebu'O Rea'tf- Urnp- t.a Hoei. OR i U44 Rent loo High? YOJ Can BoT t nkt 2 or I bed room homo on paved street, fewer, evsj bot tr for to 1'J per nvih axKrdinf evtr, thing Small down pay rnantt. Roseburg Ratv, lmpooa He'tl OR 2)144. I 34 Bdrm home 2 blocks from Courthouse, OR ird4. QUALITY HOME West Side LARGE 2 bedroom i fireplace! 0-1 furnace; TV Cable; drdpri; inside utility room; hardwood floors. Lot M x 140; covered paiio; sewer in and paid, beautifully landscaped; trul trees; flowers; garden; garage with worn, bench and cabmelt. Sit. M0. Shown By Appointment Only Call OK 2 1875 - No Brokers See This To Believe BASEMENT, torcnl air GC furnace (newi. Lung wooded lot, 4 bedrooms Wilh walk in CHet, 2 baths, long JO H ii'ility porch, screened, oft kite nan, out of this world kitchen cabinet, copper sink. Big dining room, Hull, tivrng room, itxTO, separated from dining room by columns. Beautiful off the en try hell open bannister staircase This la less then a 4 or 5 room I cracker bo) house. Full price 19, mo with very reasonable terms. Eactusive with : LEHMAN REAL ESTATE OR 3 6193 EVKS OR 3 6091 Near Roseburg High Grade School 1405 SO. FT., Texas type Llvinfl Room, massive fireplace, parly-giving Dining Room, Space age kitch (all-blt-msl, brktst nook, sept utility. 3 bdrms, UI5 Master, ceramic tiled bath, carpeted thruout, perfect trati tic control, French doors to roof line patio with outside fireplace, walnut tree, landscaped. Paved si, curbs, wains, liqnts. Owner built. Ml. W0, Finance FHA, Fad. G l. or State G.I. Wests. de New Construction 1 170 SO FT, 3 bdrm, Ceram.c tiled bath win countertop, oil tired piped heat, kilch wtn bll-ln range, hood. Oven, slide glass drs Irge dm i rig room to patio, birch cabinets, attached over size garage. See and buy at 113.500. Financed FHA (10) or Stale G.I. (IS-.j. Wide Open For Trade WE ST 5 IDE 4 bdrm, 3 baths, 2 fire places fdaylight basement!, dhte car port, storage rooms, nr schools and shop center. Contract, morfaage or homo accepted in trade. S2.M0. What have you? G. I. Special GLIDE WAY, 11J4 tq. ft, 2 bdrm, b'h. Living Room, Dmtng Room, Brkfst Nook and sep't utility. 1 acre. 1 0.000 G.I. or SISOO dn, $75 mo. contract. $500 Down 1 BDRM dn, 2 up. SOxlOO lot. Cedar St , new toundatron, Iroe siicMmmq Rm, back, porch, heat. Only StS trtlh contract pay ts. 1050 Acres 44 PERM. Petturg, 730 acres young limber, tree soil, 720 acres tilled, year around Creek, livestock, full line Implements, woven wire fenced, 3 bdrm older home. 2 new barm, shop bog 'A good farm, $90,000. Term) can bo arranged. LACKEY REAL ESTATE (An Eicnanoa tor Buyers 4 Seileril 413 SK Jackson OR 2-lt;:9 Gene Fn tvf l Call OR I 4534 JIMBEVANS , REAL ESTATE CAIL US AND ARRANGE TO IN SPFCT, IN A L fc ISURELY WAY, THESE GOOD BUYS. YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy a really ' LIVABLE home Oownvtairt hat leroe livino room with tirepiaie, terje separate d-ning room, den w 1 1 n fireplace Lovely kitchen with Sliding glass doors on cabinets, dshwAiher, disposal and brekiatt noon, glared In sun porch, halt ba'h down, Iratt.c tiee living room and den ar ramie ment, 3 large bedrooms upstairs wm . huge close-is and sloraoa, large bath up. full basement oil forced air furnace. 4 car carport, sprinkler ivs tem in front ya'd Laroe pat'd With fireplace and landM: Aped rock garden in rear SEE FOR YOUR SFLF TODAY This A1 horn priced at Ul.bOQ, Owner will carry conlra.t. JUST 1 1ST ED Very livable, modeif. ly orKed 3 bedroom home on en If a lArge lot. On wall tumat-g, pleniy of btiiitms. double greoe. hardwood fioofS. Sewer aid Street aisewments paid. Price. 17.0 with Si. W0 down. COY HOVF in N W Reieburg. 2 Bfd'Oom now w,ih n,re bu'i". el "oor letiarale viv. hardwood floor atraiiv-d oarsoe. 0"tr wM 1 Pt Mr dOAitown hone. Pfie, t -oo w-th term. 4 A(OE RANCNO ahOw '0 m e otil. 3 Air tril.aAied Aii (rre son per re"ent pasture, woven we . et. p-e"t of wAter fi oinvr i a ( ft. 1 we n 2 tMon' M-f J .a S ined a-d roo ' tx Sma'l ba-n P-Kr, I w n i) Oflwn. tH for Vr. D. too" on th.s oe. Jnt AC OF tfANCM A I r. tfltt-M permanent pa'. JOO A. Citt ad. Voi nAn a e ier (em irve r-ee ang 4 At ns .OVd be r,gated teH ed "d i'i erv ed ti m,, . Vivi- n 3 ll'W" hO"-e J Vf i-kN O lar je " - pre new new "WKl"t nel JT V V.. h..e, I... s'e can be rnxa"t at i-a r p e. t'lW w m ir r.., e be -ift. can tr Mr. D i owr on tni - "57 N E Stephens Jim Bi ijni. (K 3 sj 1 H llirk-. OK 3 ;.'4 1 Jin re mU-. OK : 2-3731 or 3-6231 Real Estate 34 TWO CHOICE lots, Roseburg Memorial Gar dens. Call alter 5 PM, OR 2-IJ07. NEW BY BUILDER 3 Beautiful Bedrooms SHOWPLACE Birch kitchen with snack bar and built in appliances, pleant dmtng room. Ceramic tile and vanity m lerqe bath, a large friendly living room with beautiful panelled fireplace wall. PLUS Termite resilience. Only SU.uOO with terms Coll TCDAY OR 3-5977 MOVE IN I ENJOY PRIVACY. Newer J bedrc home, 11 acres, douDie garage, buildings and fruit .SO. MS. I WELL BU'LT 3 bedroom home. heat, assessments paid. Nice yard. S'G,- 900, term-.. J SUBURBAN 3 bedroom home, river frontage. Approximately I acre. SM.MM. Fullerton Realty & Insurance 723 NE Stephens Dial OR 2-172 eves OR 3-6998 McAneney Real Estate TWO B R. Modern home on aopro. 'i A. Austin Road. Try lOsO cash. NEAT 1 8 R. near Mark's. Secluded back yard. Carport. Sewer and pwfd St. A buy at S6400. 11000 down, bal. like rent. Imm. Possession. FIVE A plus of good ground. All fenced. Barn. Good modern home ov orlooHmg river, f (replace. Cool-Top furnace Carport. Graqe .and work shop, Family orchard. Ecelient qr den, trrigrition system. You will like this One. SU.500. McAneny Real Estate 16.14 S. E. Stephens OR 2-1371 trventnas Jim Cook OR 3-6747 Matme Sevll OR 2 -295 Paulino Reese GY eJ2?4 Million Dollar View Bulah Avenue well built roomy 2 bedroom plastered home. Has attach ed garage with ovrrhead Storage. Cir culating fireplace. Near bus and City Center. StQ.iOO on FHA terms. River Front Acre Choice loam soil with Irrigation svs-tr-m plus city water. It has a realty bg 2 bedroom home plus two furnish, ed small rental houses Several fruit and shade trees. Located near Hapoy Valley Bridge about a rrnies trom Roseburfl. 1 1 4,000, on contract terms. Boating Water Good planning Is evident in thu beau Mo I river front home at Winchester. The 200 sq. ft. of houie includes 3 bedrooms, 16 x JO den, nuoe pan elled' living room, fami.y room and sparkling hrlchi'n with cooper tone ap pliances in bi'ch cbmts W'je e panses of glass foc on the bq p tio and the e'ear pool New idfas fr-rougnout there i a oou Me carport, .rngition system, anrl 70 7S sh'M) wiih concre'e floor, tKiOrescent lights and loads of S'or ge NOate A real value in a m-iqhborhood at (73 4)0 on FHA or contract terms. Home And Commercial At Garden Valley Keasey oad intersection Over 1100 teef of hian way frontage p.rj well built 3 bed room home, heed inter ior redecora ti"g I'lCWO on tonvenlional or FHA mortgage. For A Do-lt-Yourself Husband One 2 bedroom and one 3 brdr'oom conven.enfiv tocatrrt homes near grade tuul and transportation The 2 bedroom ts m escenent condition Wihie some repair shmud be doe on the 3 beflroom, net door, i q settle an or,tt, tha p' ice tor both la only 7.WQ. The Wise 01' Owl Will agree this 2 bedroom home and fill a to nea r the R i - Sc oo t i a 'BUY" Defahed garage cpntam. n0 snop and den or ea're room, Svthm wk,ng d'stonce O' downtown. Owner W'H COS'er contra in small down payment a'td terms. letal puce Christmas Tree Farm W''h 'He home v-hj i.iv wanted and I M'r. I n- t-om toe p pr0iirnjlrl, 1 1 m,tf ''y RouDv a. l-XJ coiir'fy mm Ha. r'"g weil pn ceeft 0"e large "ea. ly " J hertrirn a,d o o'fte' 2 te-- oc hW'e n gvXMt CO", mali a"Ov 'f o' i-uarie ia-d ." v.i'S ' c' t on l". i ' .M. Don I pe sory u nsted it 1 I We'ie Looking For A Young Couple Ve fx 1 e 'o e ifQ a o ytfu 'g rvxe - lor we v k t I t-e o. a. e r -m n s Hni fctss tram (,-mxii ano vOu w il be i a-a.'l o -d a nX' ( f v i a't- a, "ye 1 beooen hova tor y IV Rrsevv-g Vt 'c.e L it -g B.rrau Ve" i Roseburg Realty & Insurance Co. Rco'tors U"'Mi, s,oe' Inr CR IV, L.w''4. Boo no,-. CR J.'aj Real Estate SELL OR TRA06 equity in 1 bdm horn i years 0a. Lg living room, trep'ce, tep flnrng rnom, etlecnr gerege. ig t)l t rrtoet iOtth Of RoveDurg, $.9UQ tvil prca. OR j-elrl Strout Realty Bonded Representatives Ranches, Homes, Income Property OH 3 7202 OS 9 Bauer Realty 1693 W. HARVARD AVE. OR 3-8001 WESTS IDE fHTOO WILL FHA OR Gl. Newly completed 1 bedroom homo in neigh borhood of better homes l'i tvns, fireplace, Ooiit-.n appliances in kitch en. Near markets and schools Pav ing aog sewer in and paid tor. WESTSIDE $15,000 TERMS. 2 bedroom ranch type home with magnificent view on ' ? acre beautifully landscaped lot. Small orchard. Wall to wdii carpet in living room. Covered patio and largo ooubte garage. Choice large suburban lots, level and hillside. 60 ACRE RANCH $14,000, 55 ACRES In pasture. Both spring and well water. Nice 2 bed room modern home, 4 yrs. old. Wood sy location with beautiful view of tno valley and river. Some small timber. EVENINGS CALL Charles Mumby OR 730l Roy Barnhart OR 1-3931 Marge V art in OR 3-6W1 Jim & Helen Bauer OR 2-10IS New Listings 1 S7SO0 S.MJ0 or less down buys this large 4 bedroom newer home situated on l'i acres ot excellent ground. Owner transferred and cannot make payments on 7 places. This home needs some otk under the house and wnen put in snaoe should be worth over $11,000. Fully modern, inside utility, out-door f. replace, covered patio, large work shop, abundant concrete work, lots .of trees, flowers, garden ground, etc. It you are a handyman or looking tor an Investment, be sure and call today. 2 S'O.SOO Home and duplex situated within easy walking distance of city cen ter. fve in ine large 2 bedroom home and let tne duple make your payments. The duplex it fully fur mined and has private bathroom in each unit. SiiOO down. J LARGE building lot situated on Terrace Drive. Over i acre. Priced at iTVSQ with SWu down. Excellent location on the F.sst stopes ot town. 4 SW0O No down payment necessary to qualified Federal G f. Large 2 bedroom home on a acre lot. Paved street. City water, etc. Separate dtning room, coram, k tiled dramboards in kitchen, attractive bathroom, attached garage, lawn and flowers. Rent home until loan goes through. Jl.SOO oown lo Non G. I. 5 110.500 Newer 4 bedroom home situated in the Northwest area Large 100 x lOf foot lof. double attached garaqe, cone -de foundation, etc. A good buy in a 4 bedroom home. Owner's equity is UiOO. No Oown Payment Necessary To Quad lied Federal G. I. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. Pine Phone OR 2-1614 trp Leonard OR 3 7711 Sconce, Sutherlin 2fm5 - Stevenson OK 3-8744 Reynolds Real Estate 806 S. E. Cass WHITE HOUSE YCS this Is the feeling you will hve when vou step Into this attractive ? bed room home situated on l i acres of nice ly landscaped Grounds, if otters such fea tures as a den, dining area, tile floors, and garage. There's a utility for Mom and a, shoo tor Dad. You'll kerp warm this winter with tha popular Cool-Too furnace. All this plus paved streets for tt low price ot only SflSOO, 11500 down. Balance at 6S per month including inter est. Owner may consider a good car as part payment. COUNTRY LIVING THIS IWi acres ha everything needed for country living at lis best. Along With the nice 3 bedroom home with double garage. It has a barn, chicken house, shop, truit room, and woodshed. There's a good well to water that money-saving vegetable garden next spring. If you've been wishing to gef away from the noise of the city here's vour chance This Gentleman's farm is offered to vou fcr only $J.S00, C. T. L. or finance. Will trade for good home North of Roseourg up to 1 19,000. WHY WHEN thu lovely 3 bedroom homo has everything you row Id ask for Beautiful living room wilh Flagstone fireplace. Nice large guest closets. Many bultms around tne built-in ranoe with hood. For even mora space there's cabinets m the utility room and storage In the double carport. This plus elect heat, hardwood floors and intercom system puts inn homo into a Class with the finest. Priced at only i;,S00. Can be financed. 15 OF GOOD land in the Garden Valley area oer you the opportunity to do with as you p lease. Bund the home you've Ion a been tor. A cow and some chick ens co id give vou Ihe teeimg of thai od farm ot grandma t. Deal today on tn on at only U0CC. GOING WE HAVE on Page road (one of the most popular areas in Roseourg a TOOuOO building site This Ste it nicely wooded wth Oak. Fit and Pine tree:. City wa ter and exclusive neighborhood. Could make tour homesites or a nice country estate. Better ferry on this one. feSuO, $1)00 down. Phone OR 2-1413 Lou Bassctt E. H. "Doc" Pocock Elton Zuver Geo. Keller - DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY HUCREST EMERGENCY TP.EMENDOVS sacrifice below FHA Apprai.ial. 3 bedrooms plus finished party room, large living room with fireplace and natural wood, Vt baths, convenient kitchen with dishwasher, dining room, inside utility room, patio, double carport, extra storase room, oil iheat. Immediate occupancy. You this location. $11,900. HAVEN IN FAIRHAVEN f NKAT 2 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, dining room. handy kitchen and larse utility, oversized garage, fruit room, double ; carport. Corner location, lovely yard, fruit and garden. Kcc!!ent buy for small family or retired couple. $10,300. TWO WESTSIDE BEAUTIES 1 NEW three bedroom roomy home on paved and curbed street, ini ft. lot. l'j baths, fireplace, inside utility, double garice, all built in 'appliances. Interior finish in birch. Low down paxment. $13,900. ANOTHER new three bedroom. 18X22 ft. lmng room, sliding glass patio doors, bath with xanity, walls and ceiling inubted. all plas tered, fireplace, lare garase. Ill or K11A I.nancing. $12,900. j RIVERSIDE DR. LAURELWOOD EOt'R bedrooms, l'i b.nhs. w-w carpeting, living room with fire place, l.rice separate dining room, spacious kitchen with eating i space, basement, oil heat, garage. "In need of some repairs but a ! sound family home in terrific area, just 3 blocks to High School !$13MI. I ' ELEGANT VIEW EASTSIPE three bedroom home on large corner kit, f.iepiace. spa cious rooms, all in good condition, harduood f.oois, central heat,nj inside utility, carport, $9.2."0. i CALL cr specded service either buying or sellmg' HIS S E. Stephens St. Phone OR 3 4'CO A Martha Thomas OR 2 3U Criij Short MODfcBN 2 bedroom house, newiy decor at. I ' ed. large wainut trees, gar Jen I'M on.. i UiW bat. UN J-J20, MvMte Cree. IREDCCOBATED 2 BR home, hdwd. floors. at'acned garage Partly rurmsned UM, oown. lermt. Pn. Sutneritn J77a Calling Canyonville Calling Riddle Buyer 1 Where ore you5 118 ACRES with River frontase, 1 1 e c reek a nd 3 springs t u be stolen. 3 mi. eat of Canyonville. We expect the 2 dwellings and in onst nm oak trees to be taken alo. The loot will include UX) level clear acres, some timber and poles. Approach with caution. You may weaken because the whole set up is just wonderful. $35Ki will swing the caper, but ou will net years at $70 a month to pay for it. The sentence will be $16,000. Come in or phone Ko. 1. Over and out. LAURELWOOD LOVELY 3 bedroom home with separate dining room. Fireplace, and more closet and storage .space than you ever dreamed ot having, finished basement with sawdust furnace, also elect, heat if you prefer it. Well established lawn, shrubs, trees and flowers, in this clean quiet neighborhood, for just 515,900. LIST MULTIPLE LIST WINTER REAL ESTATE High School DIAL OR 3-7043 BUILD ACRES TO BUILD OR 2-3838 OR 3-8259 OS 9-5339 OR 2-1935 II have to see it to believe it ini OR 2 :4.5 ESTSCfc LARGE 1 bedroom ho'.ve on 1 ft. lot. Over 7000 ft. ot liyirg arte pius douoa Carport and of-re room Bum n a do ances. 2 full baths, living room li.J wm large Teas stone fireplace. Cai OR ii2i NO. Frl. evening or Sat. Cahs. RIVER FRONTAGE Fisher Road By owner Lovely 3 bedroom home. Rich oum wood panelling on one wall m living room, fireplace. Hardwood floors- Car m.( in barn, also half bath tor aoaed convonianca, Etoclric heal; built-in appliance. Lot of cwset space. Douoie carpori, palio. On e ceptionauy deep lof. hear Knogl but ang on blacktop road. 10,500 ...CAN BE FINANCED Phone OR 3-4884 A MEDLEY OF SOUTH DOUGLAS Real Estate Buys AUTUMN LEAVES are starting to tall from the lovely shade trees on this park-ad lofning lot; attractive 1 bedroom home with dining room; large living room with cheerful fire place; 111,400 total price, $2,000 down, or F H A. terms. SOME BODY LOVES ME proclaims this home, and we hope you are the One who will love this sturdily -constructed 2 bedroom home on a I acre lot In the East Myrtle area; a real buy at only li.9M, 11,500 down; lets tor total cash. THIS OLE HOUSE Is not really to old, but if badly needs repairs and cleaning; the home it on a W aero piot on South Myrtle Road, and pric ed at Si. ISO is lust right for the size able family wanting en inexpensive place; 1?00 down will put you Into this home tor an original cost of less than 11 SO par square toot of floor pace. So PUT ON YOUR OLD GREY BON NET and come to our office. We'll oo pur utmost to find your HOME, S-VLET HOME. MYRTLE REALTY CO. Myrtle Creek VN 3 3571 Lots And Acreages 35 LOTS for business or show-rm, NE Rsbq. near RR spur. Box 3U. News-Review. TWO lots, 162' ' width, 213' deeo on" good graveled road, I1 blocks from highw.v at Union Gap. 163 SE Miller Ave, OR 3-4349, after S. Farms And Ranches 36 FOR LEASE 11! acre ranch situated on the ,'Aa-n Umpqua River, 5 miles West of U nip qua. Large 3 bedroom home, excellent well and pressure system, I acres of garden ground, family orchard, balance of ground fenced pasture Excellent home, fully modern, beautiful kitrhen ard bathroom. 11I0 per month on yearly lease. STEVENSON REALTY fo7 S E. Pine Phono OR 2-1614 MNESSREAL ESTATE Potential Chicken Ranch 14' i ACRES, 2 chicken houses has carried 1,000 chickens each, brooder house, barn, storage shed, all hog wire fenced and In alta fescue and clover. Tha large 2 bdrm and den homo is very comfortable. 916 5. E. Washington Ave OR 3-5594 Income Property 37 BUSINESS BLDG. ON JACKSON ST., big roomy mason ry bldg , approximately WOO sq. ft , full basement, toilet facilities, good tor any type business. Owner will acreot trade, house, contract or other lesser property as down payment. LEHMAN REAL ESTATE OR 3-6193 EVES OR 3-6091 Exchange Real Estate 33 WILL consider trade of commercial building, HOO Square teet, tor houso with small acreage. Phone OS 9-S729. I IF YOU have a good 1 or 2 Bdrm frailer house, and want to trade for equity mi good 3 Bdrm home. Call OR 3-83 W. Timber And Sawmills 40 LOGS. ROUGH LUMBER AND TIMBER WANTED. Hub Lumber, OR 2-3315. FOR SALE ?W M 11 Timber,-moitlDoli 1 and primq, ntar Sulharlm Ph. o. M. Wtbo, I Mutt Realty. Yoncalla. Vl 9-2V7. anytime. WANTED Douolas-fir, cedar-loot-and cordwood In multiple of I ft. Vva toed j and haul if pned awno, accessible read, Keller Lumber Ca, OR 3-I7B1. Building Materials 4 1 USED mattrmlt. 1300 NE Steotwt Or call UWPCO Cort. Co. OR 150 SHEETS of uwJ gal-roofing,-"'," ' od 10'. tl per tiwet. OR 3-27D0. TIME TO BUILD BwttvSrii0lat-Rustic (nring-MuarM D"W-ni.on, 7 arvcj widf, all grci jocd lo your tMi. Swoal eutilnm a rt from Mwmili. Alio lew Citnup kMds r Mxoal prtcas. Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 GAr6n Valley rar RR Let Ward's Do It... Let ui re-roof our hom NO.V rh VARD ASPHALT SHINGLES. it 15 Year Guarantea jtf Nothing Down 3 Years To Pay Cail For FREE ESTIMATES Buy It Installed Montgomery Ward OR 2 4311