j j Canyonville Hunter Suffers Heart Attack While On Trip I Wed., Oct. II, 1961 The News Roiew, Roseburg, Ore. 13 By MRS. R. E. PROCTOR M. WATCH FOR I BLACK CAT SPECIALS IN THURSDAYS News Review I Convalescing at home from a heart attack kuslained just before hunting season bean, is Klmer Stanley. Together with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davidson. Stanley had laid out his camp sue in the Fort Hock district and was headed back to Diamond Lake fur a day or two; of fishing before hunling season' opened when he became ill and: had to return home. Klootttrt Have Cuetta 1 Guesti at the Conrad Klooster home the past two weeks included Mrs. David Christie of Oakland, and Mrs. Mike Michaels of An chorage, Alaska. j Knrolled as a sophomore at ML I Ansel Academy, Ml. Angel, Ore., is Nancy Chaney. daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. John Chaney. Guests at the horn' of Mrs. Rob ert Thomts are Mrs Charles Ilult berg of Richmond, Calif., and Mrs. Frank Bogue of Seattle, Wash. Both were here to attend the fu neral of their uncle, Robert Thom as Mr. and Mrs R. N. Emerson of Seattle, Wash , are guests of the Bill Browns and are here espec ially to visit wit' their newest grandson. Steven Emerson Brown, born Oct. 3 in a Roseburg hospi tal, and weighing eight pounds 13 ounces. Steven joins two sisters. Wendy and Leslie. Paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Brown. j Charles Kelley returned to his duty at Ft. (Jeorge Meade, Mil , Monday alter spending a short leave with his parents, the Gioitie Kelleys. Hunters Opinions Divided J Opinions about this year's hunt ing season are mixed around Can yonville. The suecesslul hunters de clare the hunling good, but those unlucky ones without a bag as yet say the hunting is slow. Walt Dixon. Blaki Hardy. Mrs Keith Johnson and Mrs. Kenneth Bell were the lucky ones of their , party who hunled at the Beaver; Marsh area last week. Jean llam filled her doe tag on an Eastern Oregon hunt last week and Clay llam gut his deer at Chiloqiiin. Reed an' J.nkie Cross brought hunii; a small doe from the Crane Mountain area. Local Hunting Good ' Many local hunters stayed close to home to get their deer and de clared their bag in prune condi lin. Included were Tim Mittendorf who took a five-pointer. Mrs. Lar ry Fuller with a tour-pointer back of her house, and Dave Crockett on Picket Butte with a four point er that dressed out 108 pounds. Claude and Duiinie Long shot their deer near Milo. Mr. and Mrs. El mer Hryson iiuJ Lesier bagged two forked hornr. and one three pointer on Canyon nuninlai. and Chandler Brvson a four-pointer near Milo. Itay Guthrie and Jack Middlelon bagged does. Buck Allen a forked horn and Geoig' Kelley shot Ins deer at Zinc creek. If Your Paper Hai Not Arrived By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 & 7 P.M. R0M NINE TO FIVE By Joe Fischer IVL'MP r" Co. Pioneer Umpqua Resident Makes Move To California ATTENTION KIRBY OWNERS If you hove purchased a Kirby vacuum cleaner on or before 1955, call the local Kirby Of fice about factory replacement. This offer it limited . . . call now! DIAL OR 3-6356 2157 N.E. Stephens By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON Martha Clarke and her sister, Mrs. Kalhryn Smith, left by plane Thursday lor Los Anscles. Miss Clarke, who has spent the last tew winters there at her sis ter's home, plans now to make her home in Los Angeles permanently. She is 85 years old and was born near t'mpqua where she lived un til she was 22. (or the next 30 years she was a buyer at Meier and Frank Co. in Portland. She then returned to the home place on Millwood Dr. near t'mpqua, where she has been since. Great-grandson Arrives Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole announce the arrival of their first great grandchild, a boy, Douglas Clyde, born to Mr. and Mrs. Clint Perky of Drain. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bacon and daughter. Judy drove to their cab in at Diamond Lake to spend last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L'rben of Portland were guests this week at I the home of I'rhen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul trben. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spackman have returned from a vacation trip in Colorado. Al Denver they were I guests at the home of their son in law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Krwin Spcnst. They visited the ' Red Rock Outdoor Theatre, the .' Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cahrim on a mountain top and the grave and 'museum of Buffalo Bill on another mountain over 10. 000 feet high. They also visited the! Planetarium and the ghost town of Central Cay. Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols and William Nation, all of Eugene, were overnight guests recently al the home of Mrs. Archie Moore. JS3 Good A0rnin( Ira J- s Famous Folks "Don't yell at me like that!" ACROSS 1 Ftmotn Ritbl 5 Yurm I' S. pri.deitl, i i $ b.mni4D. Billy 12 American humor il and family 13 Artrru '.ardnr 14 Oriental ruler is 1I 17 fiitfrni 10 App-.tin.nimU 20 Turn twimaid 22 Flermiv 24 Operated 25 Speak haltingly 29 Edith Civell ,13 Sailor S4 Jacob a brother 36 Lamprey M Imitated 39 Father 41 Egyptian king. inkhamen 42 locale eliewhtre 44 Pantnek 46 Westerner Maatrraon 40 Former I N. 40 JFK a former job M Salt water fih 57 Redact 58 Pole 60 S.mf. CI Pronit 82 Month 43 Church - aeaaoo 4 Burn nS Before M Uurel tree DOW? 1 Henrv BMcher 3 Hiatal rhed ' ' 1 Im 4 WffrTjMl , 4 Kenard highly IIaFtIa' TKl TM IuumIQIB ft Uuurmaa m KlAll. tT Agu B nc Calloway mT uTlT It f 1 'TT? ISiatf !iE"r?Mr jJbITt E,B g 7 Tardier ' ' 1 iMi ' f B Income ajAlMHfojWpBTTZTgi Biienera'-dle uiTftrl! TvlA , l. I'luTaTTI 10 Keati 11 t.aelic IV Part 21 rtor Hfflm 23 Robert Mack TV role 2 Famoua peraon iib Kind of recorder 27 War r.h! of 2fi Sora 30 Network .11 Disparage 3i Superlati aulliua SS Soviet mer 3A A r tier 40 Ditmrri foddeu 4.1 Uake lae 4 Herman offirer tn the American Kevol Jlion 47 Mel 49 Tebnis termi SO Adams 51 Ship of Columbus 2 He I low .V Kecioa hS w W DlIMl oV Color I p 11 U I 14 14 ft I i i Iii 111 n i 1 f? i7 ii np n z r--Ub- &V- 31 "W33 3TH.1 1 1 1 ITVia 1 1 1 ja ii 1 ?Vr tttk- 5J ""3 m 55 Ii 52 55 U 3 5! I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ii COUGH COUGH COUGW WILL Ntl3G:3 Y0J AbAlN. POVWTHIM ITS S0CDF0E SOUR PATENTS TO BE ii'iVS ON THE SKiAlX THAT WAV? : j MO WORSE THAM &Tl!Kv !4 A DOCTOR'S COLD EXAMWINS RtXW FOR FORTY 4MNLTE5 WHILE rlES TCEATiNd 50i&& L5i AAark of Service Umpqua Dairy is your home-owned and operated dairy, serving this area for over 30 years. We are proud to be a part of this growing and progressive community and are profoundly interested in its continued advance ment. That's why Umpqua Dairy and our SO employees feel obligated to con tinually support continued progress. You will find Umpqua Dairy actively sup porting and working on numerous worthwhile community activities throughout the year, such as our current Child Sofety Crusade. This is a part of our service, as a local industry, in growing community. . . Mark of Qua We know that when you buy dairy products, you wont only finest quality. That's why Umpqua Dairy Products are produced and processed with the utmost care under the most exacting standards possible . your guarantee thot your family will always enjoy the most healthful, nutritious doiry foods avoilable. Here is the Umpqua family of dairy foods availoble at your store or delivered to your door by our route men: Homogenized Milk SkimMilk Non-Fat Milk -Whipping Cream -Light Cream Half&Half -Cultured Sour Cream Butter Ice Cream Umpqua Freeze rMellorine Buttermilk Cottage Cheese Chocolate Drink --Green Spot Orange Sunkist Orange Sherbet -Egg Nog (In Season) LOOK FOR THE INDIAN HEAD -YOUR ASSURANCE OF QUALITY 41 ItULNtlKSOTriK i. i i Luuon . . , . . . ii 1 au u ' i 1 I Bill on another mountain over 10.- j . I (PwEAScM JJWh I r .. TriAS I 1 . I .fAUD ' II V S II 4 V' r I ! 5 m?mm - - I ! - - " - - ' ' I T I I I ill s- 3 f r . ' J ' -' I f. I P Iwishwedbe To learn what kind For surely you To thinU of all W!Ji n lesseaerm I of people miijht Y apree it's not .' those folkg in Space r r4&' Jf Our probes of V Be livinp there f A happy picture, . Returninrf us V;-vJ p Outer Space someplace.- U 'J. -3 our vi-s.t?4 y 1 - on, kv GOSH, R.KtEl I fount) 1 1 look WOT Ki T INCREDIBLE! vtxv WOuiO-l I &0iiV, IT COULD (KH1 X V THOii KNPtl W ohvioiilvVb vi.ooi Mf-H0LV fM0KE! W: th- st'. A OH.rAV 40UL AMD BOpy. w MUW whim t (P0V0UKU0W Vyt-:- A iJemiSr c0i le' QUICK! trU LIP?UKS,C0l0RE00U D0WT thiwk THAT'S fOUNO.M1nSY MJkT TMtt VV- ' P u?bIXT" I -M'lTl TTU Of K100- UM V0U W IMlHSICSI mOIITMIINIce,IWS. rAEAHS?' Sv - 7 IwOUOfK-' II IM'H'SWKIMOTlr-1v. II II -nTTf M HKIK-WyiM Sr-M ! tVlI i , I I Z7rXv " ' ' I I m SHUCKS, ME 3 1 I OUNNO r I KTTER TAKE mJlmWm- 1 ' N0B0W9 1 -vv V nMNTEP! y THIS CSITtTO JO CLASS OR NOTl ii . I? V. E"oN0VV' J V J"- 1 'SOW , lsXS ir- 1 I PONT THINK HPt MAKE TOO I i N( "'-V PT N El ITWPSHOWVVAS nfl llHAVENTL i WmU; We WERE IN THE TWEATtR. i UMPQUA' its MlDMIGHr ajd i-3o fcot ' called a f he FixeoTDURCAsoir j'.ri I , IM NOT HOME TET 0O6- PO REFRESHMENTS I MECHANJIO J OH. WONT GO j rafS" A,"' JJ so "too wavf tore-, gone ao tl-so forThe; VEr'iyBur "Vv - fy vTVp-: Ai 'Wy R WBURSE ME FORTWE? ICAR. MECHANIC CI I ' A'.O FF7 Af,'- E COSTOPTMISTWIRP) v -itl k 'SMk tl0 lfl I X&L' " i ,' l' CV MS OlTHEP?- ' I ILL HAVE A DISH 0 r 1 L--. .. f HOW COME t I LIKE SPINACH ' I 1 VlvCHJ CANTvjOUK rprMroso,N:rt 1 ' J AH. f-" vrx like I V BECAUSE I ,; LTMETIM--. AND A iPMACH J - T""! L ( SPINACH IT'S GPPtTN, I I i. V i . i If: V. I