Wed., Oct. 11, 1961 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 PayStompanatos LOS ANGELES (AP) Actress I.ana Turner must pay $20,000 to the 13-yerr-old ton of Johnny Stompanalo, who was slain in her bouse. Superior Court approved the settlement Monday. Stompanato was stabbed to death in Miss Turner's Beverly Hills home April 4, 1958,' by her dauuhter. Cheryl Crane, no 1'. A coroner's jury termed it justifiab'.t homicide aft er the girl said Stompanato had threatened her mother. Slompraato's divorced wife, Sara Stompanato of llammund, lnd., sought $750,000 from Mu.? Turner and her former husband, Stephen Crane. Sho claimed negli gence caused the death and de prived Stompanato't son, John 111, of support. And Now ... Announcing a Store Lana Turner Must Within a Store! ' Georgia May Change Legal Execution Age ATLANTA, Ca. (AP) - Gov. Ernest Vandiver disclosed Monday that the legislature next January may change the legal age for Meetitionj in Georgia which now is 14. lie said he will grant a stay of execution to a 15 year-old Kero boy under death sentence for murder if his motion for a new trial is rejected prior to or dur ing the legislative session. This would be done to give the lawmakers an opportunity to change the legal age. Vandiver said several members of the General Assembly have ad vised him they want a chance to re-examine the law as the result of the conviction of the boy, Pres ton Cobb Jr., at Monticello. Cobb's appeal for a new trial is pending. He was convicted of kill ing a white farmer for whom he worked. More National Guard Personnel Due For Call , WASHINGTON (AP) Another 2.250 Air National Guardsmen have been ordered to active duty Nov. 1 by the Pentagon. J The callup Monday was for three jet fighter squadrons in South Carolina, Arizona and Ten nessee. They will report to their home baies. The three units have 65 F104 jet Starfighters, bringing to more than 500 the number of fighter planes and accompanying person nel called by the Air Force. Eighteen other Air Guard and Air Reserve units were mustered Oct. 1. ALLEYS BEAUTIFUL RICHMOND, Va. (AP) Charles P. Ford never liked unsightly al leys. So, since retirement as office manager of an oil company, he has been planting flowers in alleys in the area where he lives. EUTEEB your fire insurance to cover these 7 other perils Explosion Windstorm Hail Smoke or Smudgo Land VehleU Aircraft Riot and Civil Commotion For o flight additional charg you con havo this Extended Covtrogo added lo your Art policy. Atk vt for dalaili WE STAND BETWEEN YOU AND LOSS UMPQUA Insurance Agency TOM PARGETER VIC LEWIS DAVE GEDDES JR. RICHARD MANN SECURITY BUILDING Cornav Rom A Lane Sts. PHONE OR 2 3348 FREE PARKING IN REAR OF BUILDING OUR 44 YEAR IN ROSEIURG iCy " F . i " - I I I ITU V . . 2X M JL. .... .... COMPARABLE SAYINGS ALSO FOR Any Quanity Yardage Here are examples of Corstens Easy Rug Terms Square I Colt of Carpet I Down Paymtnt Small Monthly Yards I Including, Pad ! Required I Payment 25 I $233 51 j Down l S t-2 32 I $299.00 I Nothing" Down $10.JI 35 I $327.05 I Nontina Down jSI1.S4 40 J $373.80 I Nothing Down $1 3.20 4S $420.55 I Nothing Down !$14.B62 50 $467 30 Nothing " Down ' $14 44 Carstens Furniture expands again to become Cor stens Furniture & Carpets! To introduce this new department (although we've sold famous Mohawk and Lees carpets for years!) we are going to show you the finest values in carpeting that has ever been presented to the Douglas County area! We are going to show you carpets from many of America's leading carpet mills: carpets that have been chosen by Westore (96 independent western re tail furniture stores and carpet shops buying togeth er: but that's another story) carpet buyers-men from some of the Northwest's leading home furnishing centers. We are going to show you values in carpeting, too, that have previously been impossible to acquire in areas distant from the Metropolitan centers. (This is possible, of course, because of Westores multi million dollar buying power.) We are going to show you ,above all, color coord inated carpets that will blend and complement the rest of your furnishings (don't forget only from a complete home furnishing store can you see how your new carpet will appear surrounded by furni ture and accessories) and be oh-so-easy to live with. We are going to show you along with this the best carpet prices in the area also. (Naturally.) We are going to show you how you can purchase your new carpet from Cars tens with no money down and up to 36 months to pay, if you wish. Come in (or just call us - OR 3-4015) and let us explain our 32 299 plan. (This is enough carpet for 3 good sized rooms.) This 32299 plan enables you to install your new wall to wall carpet for no money down and on ly 10.58 per month. Interested? We've got all of our fine carpets ON SALE right now at Carstens Furniture and Carpets. Come on in -- our selection is complete for immediate installation. - TO - Wall ALL WOOL Installed Wall-To-Wall-Everything Included! Measured, Cur, Sewn, Padded, Laid! No Money Down -Come In Write In -Phone OR 3-4015 Stamina, beauty, luxury . . . here'? 3-ply, all wool velvet weave carpet from the creative looms of the world's largest carpet maker, Mohawk! Moth-proof, crush-resistant, hic'ss footprints and shrugs off soil keeps its glowing color, beauty and resilient underfoot luxury feel. Your choice of colors and patterns. A truly amasing value, while it lasts. We do everything measure, cut, sew, pad and lay the carpet in your home, wall to wall, to your guaranteed satisfaction. Cost for average 32 yard three-area installation is actually just $299 with no cash down, little as $10.58 monthly! While our supply lasts, be sure to look into this. No need to put off carpeting for even one more week! r AD DCTC rUKNIIUKt v.4-ixi . . t 829 S. E. CASS Phone OR 3-4015