2 Th Newi-Review, Roicburg, Ore. Thur., Oct. 5, 1961 WHEN YOU SHOP BYRD'S LOW COST SALTED PEANUTS Planter's Cocktail 7 ounce cans in a 98' 3 CAN PACKAGE MARKET YOU REALLY... N B C CRACKERS 39 They're fresh because they are fresh baked in Portland c 2 LB. BOX BUDDY BOY POPCORN 57c Your choice of white or yellow 4 LB. BAG - Ecjm) tho squotio on your budgor but don't budgo on tho quality - vvy I quantity of tho food you buy! How? It'i ot toiy 01 thopping l1. 'S Eoio tho tquotio on your budgor but don't budgo on tho quality or quantify of tho food you buy! How? It's ot ooay 01 thopping BYRD'S LOW COST MARK V. For horo, you kayo a STOREFUL OF LOW PRICES not kandful of "ipacioli" fivo you savings right down your marktring list . right through tho tostiott menus; for 21 morvtlous mtolt a wook. Soo for turo ikoa Byrd's today, whero you rocoivt SILVER DOLLAR STAMPS with ovtry purchaio. APRICOT NECTAR Made from fresh apricots and blended into a smooth drink. 46 Ounce Cans .We Feature One Stop Produce Shopping IETTUC YV -VW LargeSolid Heads V3 TOMA : WESSON OIL d Mix F and P 46 oz (Thick, Flavorful, slightly lolled Cdtl Betty Crocker's New Convenient Blend Tasty! 19c 449' Pure Vegetable Oil For All Your Cooking And Salad Dressing Needs QT. BTL. J tor Ay P:'::':- t:i Local - Extra Large Green isfcssi'r. 7 nrnnrnr rcrrcij SKIPPY DOG FOOD F A Big Budget Buy In Pet Food 12 PANCAK OUR Pillsbury's 4 LB. BAG LOCAL (ASABA MELONS .,3' RED VELVET YAMS 2,b,25e CRISP CARROTS nb.Pk9,2f.rl5e 39 iZHOOD RIVER APPLE CIDER SOLID PACK TOMATOES SALTESEA CLAM CHOWDER c No.l Cans 81b. bag Gallon Jug F and P A REAL Buy No.l can 19 99 77 77 f 19 489 c c c c c BUTTER STEAKS WHOLE KERNEL CORN PILLSBURY'S FLOUR FOLGER'S COFFEE FRUIT COCKTAIL HALEY'S BEEF STEW SEGO LIQUID DIET Willbon'i Your Choice of Vtal or Beef Hi West No. 303 con .. No. 303 Con 59e 899' 63c - 1.25 51.00 69c 599' HARD TO FIND? NEVER FEAR! THERE'S LOTS OF GOOD MEAT IN OUR HAMBURGERS Mad from our own froth ground boot and orvod at you liko thorn plain or with all rho trimming. Try thtm! You'll Liko Thorn! BYRD'S BURGER BUGGY In The Farmer's Market UMPQUA COTTAGE CHEESE - 25 .-.45' Lean-Meaty-Blade Cut Shoulder PORK STEAK TRAVEL BAGS For diapers, trove!, school, Red Ploid ... 2.99 With lot of meat Big 40-oi. con ... New! Your Choice of 5 Flarort lO-oi. can BALL POINT PENS SU'lT: 89c CIIDT I rMPTUC A complete skirt trom dom- n Q ANTIFREEZE MINCE MEAT lb. estic or imported materials Permanent, Unico, Gal. Anti-Rust Can Pennant 26-or. jar . BONELESS FROZEN STRAWBERRIES Hi-West 10 01. Pkg. FARMER'S MARKET SPECIALS Delicious Apples Bu.hd b0 3.95 Jonathon Apples uuhei b. 3.75 Concord Grapes ib. 10c 5 99 111 v"n rw - Mm m 9tt nan mm untt 1 im . m .mi rtn im . ti.rtT -1. 930 W. Harvard - 2 Blks. W. Of Community Hosp. PORK ROAST ib. 55c Boneless Hams wom - Funy cooked ib. 89c LdTQe BolOSna Armour's All Meat-by the piece, Ib. 39 Plire LSrtl Armour's Star 3 lb. pkg. 59C Polish Rings Rather 2 f0r 59 Fresh Pork Hocks 29e Fresh Pacific Oyslers 120 59c