4 Tell It -And Sell It-Through News -Review For Sale Ads. Dial OR 2-3321 34 ONE R mod. houte on 1'i acres, 5 mi. from Roseburg en Little Valley Rd. Biec& toe road, school but end mall To door U600 terms, or less lor cash. OR J-73O0. KEN DRESSER . OFFERS Three Bedroom Home On West Side LIVING ROOM with fireplace, wH to well cerpelipg, dining room, hitch on, breakfast nook, bath with shower ovar tub, utility in one car attached Oarage, garden area with fruit tr, pevtd street, on lewer. Full price. JUJOO. Ttrmt, F H A. or C I. Two Bedroom Special SIX BLOCKS from Court House. Liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, utility, one car gar age with workshop area and fruit room on Mwer and black-top :'reet. Full price, M.1S0, witn SSOO down, bal. ISO per month, interest at a1 Included. and Many ether desirable listings In ill price brackets. KEN DRESSER REALTY 410 S. E. Jackson OFFICE, Ph. OR 3-1711 RES, Ph. OR 1-3M MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Plan for the future and then live it well hy owning your home. DON'T DREAM TOO LONG. 1 0.4OO This lovely well kept home has 2 nice sited bdrms, large living room, inside utility, covered pato and enclosed back yrd, attached workshop end carport on paved street and sewer. This Is a cozy family home. 10 down. TO BF COMPLETED SOON this choice West side view home has 3 bed rooms, 52 living room, sliding glass doors, fireplace, office and large storage area, intercom system and many ether deluxe features. To tal Price $17,SO0. Easy financing available. FIT FOR A KING this ttome with full daylight basement has ev erything. view, location, individu ality, spaciousness and beautiful de luxe Interior. Price $27,500. INCOME PROPERTY 7 unit court apartments with 5 acres on paved highway near country store. Owner witl trade for residential property. Total Prke 114,500. "We can always us another good listing" 916 SE Washington Ave. OFFICE OR 3-5594 Evenings call i'1 Reinert. Satesmanager OR 3-41?f Howard or Hazel Squior Sutherlin 302 Real Estate SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY IF YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-BREASTED suits r est y led I tin qle. Mrs. Gittord, OR 3-6484. APPLIANCE REPAIR MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. BOB MIL LER SERVICE. Dial OR 3-5518. ELECTRA-MAID VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service. Parts and Service for ail makes. Call J E- Newberry, OR 3-3591 or OR 3-7010. Parts Sales Service MAJOR SMALL Uaat atock of applianca parti In county Trowbridge Electric 721 SE Oak OR 3-5521 AUTO BODY LET HARRY DO IT! EXPERT body work Painting our iprclalty. Fraa cstimatai. insuranca and cujtomen. All work guaranteed. Call Pal Motors Body Shop, ?1M NE stronen., 2-7401. BICYCLES Beckwith Cycle Shop Guaranteed e-icyclri for le. Evani tales, am larvlca on an meliei BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. OR 3174l. CARPENTER WORK Reasonable. Call Smith day or night, OR 3-8411. CABINET-MAKING-and "car pent rvTS3-' nr. No business on Sundays. OR 3 453. FOUNDATIONS. house-raisTng,7ieveling," re pair. Work FHA approved. Cement, block work, fireplaces. Free estimates, Cal Mer ge!, OR ?-434S or OR 3-044. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-1361 "NORTH ROSEBURG K I N D E RG A R t 6 N OR 3-303 OR 3-1734 CRANE SERVICE Crane Service EJECTION war, co"cr,Tt pouring. Call Clitf Thornton, flay or night. i OR 2 2W j ELECTRICAL WORK I ELECTRICAL WIRING, tuooHts. Oon 7 davi wk. Lansing 1 Olivir. Oft 1-MM. , EXCAVATING, SAND, GRAVEL OOZING, lev.lin,; io o'avH roc , rrvtr OS -Sl 1 7. RK X C XVat I G Bonded and Inured Nfw Vaisey f ' uw 320 Backhoe D'tch.na and wr worn Oerrel Isaacson -3w-r oe'rafor OO -! 4 FLOOR FINISHING Sifca'a floor srv.c.. 1( v-a-i ntw.-r, Lavinfl, tanong aa finiafting. om fioora rrin.sht O a 57:? FURNITURE REPAIR ALL PC'NDS furmtye reor refm.i'io F'P etims'es P'CfcuO aeliver. W-lfon turr K' OR 3-f4i J1 V Bi " i Ittti grx a lent war nr a few , fn:e, yu en rearh mnuaand with i a Nw.sievia aiaatifiei a.1 Piioae 1 OR a-iUi. , 34 Will You Be Cold This Winter? NOT IP YOU are in one et our NorihsxM 7 or i bedroom specials with forced burner perimeter duct furnaces. $250 to M down. Quick possession. Roseburg Realty, Umo que Hotel, OR 2-il4. RIVER FRONTAGE Fisher Rood By owner Lovely 3 bedroom, home. Rich gum wood panelling on one wall in living room, fireplace. Hardwood floors. Cer amic tile bath, also half bath for added convenience. Electric heat; built-in appliances. Lots of closet space. Double carport, patio. On ex ceptionally deep lot. Near school but and on blacktop road. $16,500 ... CAX BE FINANCED Phone OR 3-4884 Charming Westside 2 Bdrm 7S WEST PILGER, Irge and roomy, newly decorated inside and out, fire place, trench doors to outside patio, attractive yard and trees, fenced 3 sides, near schools and market. III, 300. Only 3". down on F HA or no down Fed. G.I. Buy ' 1 With Rent NEWTON Creek 4 bdrm., fireplace. bookshelves, blt-in dishwasher, parly room and utility, patio, nice shrubs and tree. Rent ' "a'ied to down pay on FHA or FC cl now, $13,7J0, Walk l o Town 1 STORY older home. exc. condition, bath up and dn, full bsmt. Piped wood or gas furnace, 4 bdrms, mnny bit-ins. Furniture included. $1 5,000. Let us finance. Wide Open For Trade WESTSIDE 4 bdrm, 3 baths, i fire place;, carpeted, dole carport. Dav light basement. Appro , 2300 sq. ft. Accept contract, mortgage or smaller home in trade, ill, 500. Let us work ou ' for you. G. I. Special 1 ACRE, Irge 3 bdrm out North Umpqua Hiway 4 miles. Glide School. Separate dininq rm and utility. Gar age and workshop combined. $10,000. May we show? 5 Irrigated Acres HORSEMAN'S paradise. 3540 sq. ft , daylight bsmt, blt-in modern kitch., I fireplaces, 3 baths, 3 bdrms, party and troohy rm, diesel forced air heat, 4 stall barn and tack rm. Irrigation equip. Included. North Umpqua frontage. 5 miles out. Con tract or business prop, accepted in trade. $28,000. Lets deal. - Lackey Real Estate (An Exchange for Buyers & Sellers) 413 SB Jackson OR 2-1659 Gene Peck Eve's call OR 3-4534 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbanks Morse Domestic and irrigation water systems. Estimates gladly given 648 S. K. Rose OR 2-1616 LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM Rotof riling, weed and brush cut ting. New AAassey Ferguson equipment. M. H. FOSS. Win.ton OS eves. LOANS Loans Auto - Salary - Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager 644 SE Stephens OR 3-6668 MONOGRAMMING MONOGRAMM ING bv Lillian Sladig. OS 0-5754 MOTOR REWIN DING-RE PAIR JIMMIE'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Exclusive Delco Distributor I Motor Rwirdmg RepaTing j 3 SO NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 5-3'3 ' Electric Motor Service Company Al Hammell Prompt repair and rewinding Parts for ALL motors I mile south F air ground, next to Pancake Haute Ph. OR 3-4301 MOVING DELIVERY UMPQUA TRANSFER Waves In all directions Parcel delivery a specialty OR 3-3471 OR 3.5:;i 2664 0:arfond I aire Blvd. PAINTING, DECORATING SPOAY PAINTING, no job too big OT too small. Free estimates, Ofl 3-S08S. : aARK'S Painting Service.- Protect " your home wth a fail pamf ob. Prea esfi mates. ark Preston, Ji w. Sncrwood. .C.."J??.?'4SOi ROOFING SHINGLING of all kinds by tf square. Work guaranteed OR l-"44 SEPTIC TANKS GUARANTEED rKappa roar. O.lM Ti't I mw. CARDINAL Tirt rv. OR J-4WI ' i TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPENING, welding 1357 $A Cite Ave. Machine Snop. OR 3-417 j Blacksmith ing. rant laV woriwrn crjmuntrjrs fO' eutomobne Starters. gr. r0's "d elect, motors, ft W Tool SN 5l OnoWY, W.nton OS W0. , WELDING Aluminum, po me'ei, eJ I'i'iless sti . ah traes of Henare weWng. Winston i 1 Cnam Saw. OS -iMl ! WEI i. DRILLING Water Well Drilling ha'-o or-1 v aocovM craatt. - . ELL OOiLLixd C : JJil 'l it Jacno Real Estate Real Estate Million Dollar View Beulah Avenue well built roomy 2 bedroom plastered home. Has attach ed garage with overhead storage. Cr culat.no, ti replace. Near bus and city center. IO,SOO on FmA terms. River Front Acre ChO'Ce loam soil with Irrigation sys tem plus city water. It has really big 3 bedroom home plus two term in to sma l rental nouses. Several fruit ' and shade trees. Located near Happy Valley Bridge about mi its trom Roseourg. SU.OOO, on contract terms. Boating Water Good planning Is evident in this beau tiful river front home at Winchester. The 360Q sq. It. of house includes 3 bedrooms, 14 x W den, huge pan elled living room, family room and sparkling kitchen with coppertone ap pliances in birch cabinets. Wide ex panses of glass focus on the big pa tio and the dear pool. New ideas throughout. Outside there is dou ble carport, irrigation svifem, and 30 i 35 shop with concrete floor, fluorescent lights and loads of stor age spaco. A real value in a tine neighborhood at S3J.4M on FHA or contract terms. Home And Commercial At Garden Valley Keasey oad intersection. Over 1100 feet of high way frontage. Big well-built 3 bed room home. Needs Interior redecora ting. 118,000 On conventional or FHA mortgage. For A Do-lt-Yourself Husband One 3 bedroom and one 3 bedroom conveniently located homes near grade school and transportation. The 3 bedroom is in excellent condition while some repair should be done on the 3 bedroom, not door. To settle en estate, the price for both is only 17,000. The Wise 01' Owl Will agree this 2 bedroom home and extra lot near the Rose School is "BUY." Detached garage contain ing shop and den or extra room, within walking distance of downtown. Owner will consider contract with small down payment and terms. Total price 17,450. Christmas Tree Farm With the home vou always wanted and 17 acres, I mile trom store, ap proximately II miles from Roseburg. Good county road. Has spring, well nd creek. One large nearly new 3 bedroom, and one older 3 bedroom home in good condition. Small amount ot tillable land, some young timber. Now on G.I. 115,000, Don't be sorry you missed Itllt We're Looking For A Young Couple Who would like to get Into section of young modems, for we have lust the place tor them l it's in Hucrest across from school, and you will be maied to find that you can buy this attractive 1 bedroom home tor only 115,900. Roseburg; Multiple Listing Bureau Member Roseburg Realty & Insurance Co. Realtors Umpqua Hotel Lobnv OR 3-1344 Evenings: Bob Horn, OR 3-6740 Lots And Acreages 35 ONE and ONE THIRD ACRES, near Jvrt- lorHighat Gllde.GV 4-333.J. LOTS tor business or show-rm, NE Rsbg. nearRR spur. Box 384, News-Review. LOT MILE NORTH of Roseburg.-Water, electricity and sewer. $150 down, balance $550. Call OR 3-714J. TWO lots, 16?' V wldth.-3t3deepongood graveled road, Vi blocks from highway at Union Gap. 143 SE MH'er Ave. OR 3-4349, after S. Farms And Ranches 36 Ranch Wanted OUR bona fide out of state buyers want place that will carry 330 beef cows. We also have a client tor ranch in $30,000 price range, and newcomer wanting a 3 to S acre building site. ROSEBURG REALTY, Umpqua Hotel, OR 3-3344 Magness Real Estate 10 ACRES with lovely 3 bedroom home, all in permanent pasture with small barn, chicken house, taxes lust H09 a year. We ere happy to o"er this choice property for ust $17,500, located on paved highway. Owner will take bare acreage or small house close to Roseburg. SECLUDED ACflFA-.f W acre? with large nice 3 bedroom, I year old home, fireplace and attached garage, 3 springs and 3 small barns. Total price 1)4,500. 916 S E. Washington Ave. OR 3-5594 Income Property 37 WILL SACRIFICE wilt equipped small motel on new Hwy 101 . Loe home, ac. Low dn, eaiy terms. Write eJt South 22nd. Reeds port, Oregon. Exchange Real Estate 38 IF YOU have a good t or 2 Bdrm trailer house, and want to trade for equity w good Bdrm home. Call Oft 3-U70. I Timber And Sawmills 40 ; WANTED Large or small tract of timber. OH 3-6301 LOOS, ROUGH LUVBER AND TIMBER WANTED. Hub Lumber, OR 2-33S5. WANTED Douglas fir, cedar logs' and cordwood tn mu'tipiei of t ft. We load and haul If piled eii"g accessible roe 3, Keller Lumber Co. OR 3-1 71. Building Materials 41 j SAVE $$$ NEW LOW COST Ceiling Panels $1.65 Sheet Economical Par-wood Hawaiian Wall Panel 4X9 Sheets V-QrnovM to give plank e"ect $2.75 Sheet ! Still some cut bjck pieces of J Parwood Interior MORE SAVINGS AT THE WAREHOUSE Pacific Forest Products Halway Betwern Winston Dillsrd 4 Building Material! FIR REJECTS, 111 50 per unit. Also -try I owe-rot. C 4 D Lor. Co. Riddle, Ore. I TR a-3311 tKVWObbBLOWS complete stock. See us tor I your best buys. Ml. Scott Kil Yard, utrvrlm Phone VU. LOWEST PRICES you will ever find en ROOFING CORRUGATED, galvanized ... per sq IUM ROLL rooting, mill ends 13 and uo 0 LB. Slate, per r0n i.0 DISCOUNT on quantify orders on ALUMINUM, tab shingles, fiberglass, plas tic pipe, nails, feld fencing, etc. CLOSED SUNDAVS RANCH EQUIPMENT SALES I Mile E. of Days Creek JE 3-4413 WARD'S Your Headquarters for Plumbing Materials Specials! Beautiful 30" Medicine cabinet with glass sliding doors. Regularly $38 50 Now $24.88 52 Gallon Glass lined water healer. Guaranteed 10 years! Now $69.00 Montgomery Ward OR 2-481 1 Fuel 43 SMALL CORE WOOD Rt. 4 Box 135, Roseburg, Ore. It" OAK wood, delivered or you haul. OR J-3734 O 1 C FUEL CO. Dry oak, li anT 34" also, II" fir. OR 3-7508. FIREPLACE WOOD, planer ends, mill ends and kindling. CO D. Call OR 3-1171 OR 3-17 evenings. WOOD Peeler Core Hardwood Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5082 LARGE PEELER CORES Large peeler cores split heater size dry or green. Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1524 Wood Sawdust PLANER ENDS Pond II I let short butt cute from id growth fir. Slab wood Dry oak and laurel wood Large Peeler core. All Deliveries C O D. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Frl. at 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion, Owner and Auctioneer OR 3-M2 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 RUMMAGE SALE; also refrigerator. 1331 SE MIKSt. GENUINE: heavy river loam, no rocks easy to handle. Charles Keely, OSf-3117. STANLEY'HOME "PRODUCTS call Virginia Miller, OR 3-395, Of OS I-W09. New00le 4-p ly nylon tire; "Pedler B-flet clarinet with $1ind- 0B LARGE Ashley heater. See at 1133 NE Stephens, evenings. USED DAVENO, Call OR 3-S7S3 LARGE International' oil heater, SIS. Can yon vl lie. JE 7-4606. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down pymts. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-SS1I. UPRIGHT OAS wall heater, "including pipes', $10, OR J-iWl. WARDS table saw. GE IfM automatic dish washer. OS -S364. NATIONAL cash rgister,lilienew! Cost $14, used I years S775. UN .on 1-3765, Myrtle Creek. TuP SOlL fromnew"locationhebeit you have ever seen no rooti or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS -U3 KILNS FOR SALE, free lessons, glarM, greenware. Net to Winston Lockers. TRE- VA S CERAMICS, OS MJ33. PANT STARK'S miracle fruit trees thfs fall In that empty yard or vacant corner. Order now. Query welcome. Lie Repr. OR 3-5321 forenoons, evenlrgs. GOVERNMENT GftADEDqualitymeeli"tor best freeier satisfaction. Custom cutting. wrapplno and quick f reeling. WINSTON LOCKERS, OS -S133. BARGAIN APPLIANCES SVLL HOTPOtNT apt. tlra rtar., vary U) THOR DRYER I M ! WESTtNGHOUSE LI wa.f'-er. (rtra Soacial ' - $4 5 KPT. SIZE N(it Hi: VAGNAVOX TV, BaMar Mwrryl . . fja SS ' TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 S E. Oalt Ave. OR 33321 LOST HIS JOB This Kiroy bach lie new. Betence $69.50 Terms tl H per ma. Kirhv Co Can or yy4 I Miscellaneous For Sale 45 KNAPP SHOES. Call total representative! u. v. aanaers, UK ELECT ROLUX vacuum cleanerTreconditloned. J- E. Newberry. OR J.0IO Of OR 3-3.31 . USED GUNS BougM, 5oid, "Traded,"" Umpqua Gun Store CURING ANO SMOKINGrporkbeeftnd puwurr. nmirgn Lockers. Oi f-JlU. Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7272 REPOSSESSION Electrolu vacuum with all attach men's and polisher, Balance . $19.40 Compact with attachments and has sock. Balance $39 80 NECCHI-ELNA 453 SE Jackson OR 3015 WARD'S Used Appliances Pink 'Vestinghousc dryer. Like new $39.95 Airline 21" console TV, ma hogany. New picture tube $95.00 Blonde 21" console TV... $75.00 Repossessed Signature Su preme automatic washer $150.00 Kelvinalor refrigerator ... $55.00 U" Philcc portable TV. Ideal 2nd set $50.00 Montgomery Ward 1481 NE Stephens OR 2-481 1 NOW IS THE TIME To buy tft n.w cDpli.nct. 'U Models rt coming. '.I MODELS MUST COI BIO Trdt.n Allowinc.t Prlcti cot lo now lowi Hurry for bttf Mltction PHIL'S APPLIANCE S.lts and Servlct Phil Wild! 17,1 w. Hirvard OR 11700 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED uiod furnlturt and fnlK. Rolf borg Furnlluro, 34 SEJ.ckson, OR 3 SI04. WANTED ANTIQUE ralntTuniTctilni, gl.itwar. walrv, clocks. Prlscllla's An fiquts. 341 SE Jackson. OR 2-1431. Trade Miscellaneous 48 TRADE KENMORE electric dryer for table aw or wnar nave you? Oft 2-lKt. Musical Instruments 50 TRUMPET with case, $30. Cenyonville, JE 3-4404 PIANO LESSONS. Studio 3 blocks from Fir Grove School. OR 3-7131. FRANClNI ACCORDION $135. Clarinet $30. Old! trumpet $45. Phone OR 3-46CT. PIANO TUNING OR 34535 UPRIGHT PIANO In very good condTfion, good tone, good price. OR 3-4070. UPRlGHTlANO,$7S "" OR 3-144 Sewing Machines 52 REPOSSESSION Round f jbin electric machine In walnut cabinet. Has forward-reverie stitch. Balance $22.40 Necchi-Elna 4SS SE JACKSON OR 3-4175 Sporting Goods 53 TELESCOPE RIFLF SIGHTS It bouoht from Jt. wa Imtatll I'm. H n.m is factory drilled. Umpgua Gun Store. 1 MAUSER DEER rifle; 17 ga. Remington auto, Stevens 33 pump. j75 Cetaiine Ave nue, Town end Country Trailer Court. HUNTERS save your ikiniTenmng and making coati, .. Clos and moccasins, tl 75 pr. Tanning, 40 cents ft, Ross Glove Factory, Myiite Creek, Oretjon. Hunter s Delight New 8' CAVEMAN CAMPER. Sleeps 4 all the comforta ot home 'way out in the Wildeme". Mounted on one real sharp 19.'.6 cnevroiet long wheelbase pickup, V8 engine, 4 speed transmission, radio, heater, heavy duty bump er, new 6 ply tires, overload springs. Pickup is red, camper white. Jacks included with camp er. You can lift the camoer on nr oft the pickup in 30 minutes. This $2498 Hansen Motors Used Car Center OR 2 1309 DoukIbr at Stephens Food And Produce 57 COMIC I end Bosc pears, ft, A tusen barR. Rt. 1, ftof 4t0 OR 311. DEliCiOUS and Jonathan apptes,' 17Sou. II basket. 1444 Landers Ave I JCOTT RANCH, M Irene Melons end oth er produce. CalljOf) 5t. j GRAPES 'u PiCkTst lb. B'infltonte.ner", Oeie Zeller. Brochwav-Lootringgiais Rd ' f ALL APPLES Jonathans, otley, and' Ot-I liciows,Mercner's Oniard Market. APPLES Delicious, Ortiey r-tner-vtrim. ' t'1 Brifej contameri. Marsh Rr(t, ml wett Looalnogiass Store. OR 144i5. MALLOVE EN "PUMPKINS-" tomatoes, may vanet.es of apples. SQuash and melons. Owens Oi'lar Memet, R Soufrt. ENGLISH WALNUTS For Sole j Nl COf j EXCELLENT OU AL IT Y 19 tns ca A0C DELIVERFO ta Your Kama in ftoaaourg a"d Immaoiaia vKrtr. ' RLEA5E 0Df NOW PEAOy JOON PHONE OR 3-4858 GUF.SS WHO . . ; .will use the car tonight. Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 FOREST RICH garden mulch. Blue Star Tirr bar Products, OR 2-1134. Hay And Grain 61 BALED STRAW Call after 3 p.m. OS t SMf FOR J.ALE Eastern Oregon Altalfa7any amount. Also in s ton lots. Will fake itvestocpt or sneep in trade. Ph. CResweil TW 5-3389. ALP ALFA hay Mountain Grown, grain hay end grain straw, direct from grower to your oarn. Terms are cash. Phone or write Tuielake Growers Association, Tule lake, Calif. M7-3314. Livestock 63 HORSESHOEING and training. Jack Adams, GYpsy 4-3170, Glide. FOR SALE CHEAP Sorrel" mare, green "v. jc i.anyonviiie. TWO GELDINGS FOR SALE Call alter 4 p.m. OR 31704 WANTED weaner and feeder pigs.hone 3635. Oakland. WOOL RECEIVEO DAILY. Nlehol's Store OS W07 CALVES7TliqTs7TorMle". OR 3-303. WANTED Cattle of all "kinds. UN 3-4515, or UN 3-3314 Myrtle Creek. W. A. BUckert. SINGLE HORSE trailer, good, not covered. 1150. W. c. Zeigler, Dry Creek. QUARTE RHORSE filly, no papers but good Diooaiine. uouoie, covered single axle trailer. Padded seat saddle. OR 3-5477. TO LET 500 sheep on shares. All or part. Must be close to Roseburg. OR 3-5733 eve nings before I p.m. COMPLETE line of riding and pack equip- mem. Alien s western ooooi, 9 ml. south of Dillard, Old Highway . FOR SALE Palomino Welch stallion "with white mane and tail. Gentle and easy to handle. Reasonably priced. BUI Tipton, Rt. 3. Bom 933. OR 3-341. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN FOR best quality service In Airplane seeding obs be sure to cell Douglas Cr-jttv rancher's friend and nelohbor. "MecFar- lane's Flying Service." 11 years seeding in uougiaa touwy. en. sum. airport, 3)17 SCHRICKER , SON AUCTION Phone Swtherlin 3146 Livestock sale every Saturday . at 13.30 p.m. Always a good active market for all kinds or iivesrocK. Schrlcker and Son, Owners Mgri. G. A. Brown, Wei ghme star Dr. Don Rone. Veterinarian Douglas Livestock Market We are now buying Spring Lamb and Yearling Wethers Wool and mohair received dally. SacVl and iwine avaiiaoie. r-ar further Information call OR 2-4071, eves Myrtle Creek, UN 3-3033. Airplane Seeding Call George Felt OR 3-6743 Felt'i Airport Calkins Road Pets & Pet Supplies 67 BEAGLE and Springer puppies lor sale. 15. Call OR5 3775 after 3. E IGMT Black and tan and Redbone pups, with good background. S7S each. OS -J27S, PARt" COCKER PUPS)Uweeks, alt "col ors. OR 3-3066. LU-EL-lN Kennels Toy"Pomerenlani.Call OR 2-703 COCKER PUPS forsele. Jo' KcnnelSv OR3-623 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society-AnT-mal Shatter. OR 7-307. FRENCH POODLEUPPIES Call hjyrtle Creek, UN 3-303 REG. POM. puppies, VI NE Alemede". Dial OR 3O770 SELL OR TRADE Reg. German sKepherS puppies. GV 6 3510. ORFOIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Boien Kennels OR 1-40)1 Kesco Dog Pood Dealer ROBERTSON BOARDING KENNELS, Cats and dogs. i ml, NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Rifle Range Rd. OR 3-75)4. I Poultry And Rabbits 68 ' RABBIT FRYERS Ready for your deeo- freeie. frn del. onTuesday. OR 7 3374. .WANTED Llve'pouttry. Roseburg" Foul try, OS 9-S400. No Sunday calls. Farm EaUIDment 70 EARTHMASTER trertor, 3 HP larger than Cub Farmed, hydraulic lifts, 3 bottom plow, double disc, spring. tootn harrow, 6 ft. mower end dom blade $7S. Western Auto ndlng mowing 'machine, 4' HP. motor, $130. OR J-IIii. NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING and sheathing houses, barn. e"d outbuildings. 2w4 studs, 1' bnardt end i" construction lumber. Avail able in most stts at wholesale prices. Umpqua Mfg. Co. I ml. S. on R OR 1llt ranch" equipment SALES JOHN-DEERI tractor I, starter and n m;s; JOHN DEERE modal H, manura apraad- I 17)1 N EOtfO. Sha.mar. frana . . MM agnail Crawiart. iiki, narrawa SEE LS TO SAVE on nil your equipment needs! Cletad Sunday t mile E. of I)y Creek JE 2-44M Stop! Vou may Find Just Whot You Are Looking For On This Page. Wed., QC. 4, 1961 The Logging Equipment 74 'WANTED - 4?1 GVC desel block and crank shaft, or complete eno,. Camai V. ? CARCO MODEL E winch, with attachments 17M. Call TR 1113, Riddle. 1J3 MOi)EL N. HD-J "tractor,-equipped for loqg ng, .iO0.OR 3-4W3. WINCH tor D3 cat. Reasonable Seelnd'l Tractor Service, Diamond Lake Blvd. Roteourg. Pnone 313 Oakland TO RENT or sell I No. SJ4 I''vdTTor ram truck -mounted thovel, equipped tor grapple loading. EnceNent condition. For information, call GV -33l3 or OR 3-SM3, Trucks For Sale 76 ItiJ WILLYS Jeeo. real good shape. 147 J. ton Int'l pickup, 4 SDeedkni wheelDese,overloads. OS 5057. UNIVERSAL JEEP 44rWarn hubsSaM OR 3-U30. 49 HUNTING Jeepperfetmttorto""bar. hubs. Ed Smes Chevron Sta., HQ N t Winchester. H S3 CHEV 1 1 ton panel 4spd.too cond. R1H, spotlight, t ply tires, heavy rims, dean. 133. OR MWt. Motorcycles 77 '5 BSA single 30 , jsoo terms. Call OR 3-3443 GERMAN, ENGLISH, JAPAN FSE Motor- dairirjj ( I D 1TH l,yCie Co. 331 W. Harvard, OR 3-11 30. Mobile Homes 79 157 3-BDRM 431, awning and cooler. Take trade. OR 3-4301. $700 tor our equity In 140 1 BR Flamingo. j iown ana wouniry irauer (.own. EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES Co. Venus Henslce Rollaway Vacation Models by JEWEL Complete Line Trailer Supplies 110 NE Stephens OR 3-3354 INVENTORY REDUCTION NEW LINES, NEW MERCHANDISE coming in. We must make room for these new models. Our stock of mo bile homes and travel trailers must be cleared, so It's a buyer's market. SEE THEM NOW! Also see our full line of parts and accessories. Shady Trailer Hwy. tf South Point Sales "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes At J & J Trailer Sales 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. See It Now '55 Mobile Home With 12' x 18' Living Room Angeles Airstream Traveleze DRIVE OUT to RAINBOW Trailer Sales Old Hwy 99 ot Winchester Set the wid selection ot Mobile homer including . . . ELCAR With Its 15' x 18' living room NEW LUXURY In mobile homes, where quality speaks (or Itself. KIT An old honored norm In mobil homes, known throughout the land. FLEETWOOD Fine value, excellent quolity. W believe this to b one of th finest values on the market for the money. Drive Out To . . . RAINBOW Trailer Sales and see theie and other fine values. Old Hiway 99 ot Win chester. Closed Sun days. Automotive Wanted 80 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cosh Price! Befort you tell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1 358 SE Staphmi OR 2-3421 Used Cars - Pickups Wanted Cih or trade (or equity. Johnson and Thiele 1358 SE Stephens, OR 3-6391 CASH OR TRADE Yar your equity in clean, lati model urd Tan! NAPIER Auto Sales 1240 SE Stephens. OR 2 2243 Autos For Sale 81 ll HAT, wilt an ar trad, aqvlty. pnora) OK 1-UM. News - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 ; Autos For Sale 81 TAKE OVER payments 'SO Lark wi'n OO Ut 54 m., pal of 11.411. OS Ills, THE SWEETEST performing little '34 Che v Sia. Wgn. in town. OR i-471 1 II S3 CHEV i 'ton panel 4 iptf. toocond RiH, spothgnt, e piy i, ret, heavy rim, ciean. SJS.OR 3-109. WORK CARS, secor.cj cars," cleanarslSea JALOPY JUNCTIONJirstOW Hwy tt S, Take over payments on 'S3 Merc. 333f Mdtoo. OR 35011. 343 N W. Cecil. iJ CHEVROLET " Bel-Air "' Hardtop. "SK sh-tf. OR 3-3340. US' VAUXHALl, real economy 30moa, new tires, clean. Guaranteed. Sell lot two-; value. OR 3-4747. BEAUTlFUL black '$7 Oldimobile-W4dr. Hdtop. All power, will lake car tor m equity. OR 3-JJ40. GMAC contract on '41 red-Chevrolet "door Hardtop Impale My equity $500. Car considered. OR 3-47M. AT YOUR JEEP DEALER 'St WILLYS Station wagon, good condition 'M WILLYS Station wagon '37 WILLYS pickup Umpqua Tractor 334 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-4547 Quality Headquarters Lincoln-Mercury-Comet MOCK'S WISE BUYS '60 COMET. 4 door don, stonrl ord Irons., SIOC R & H I 7tJ '60 PONTIAC 9 possmrifr station wagon, power steering & brakes. wagon, power JH TQC '59 CHEVROLET Impalo, 2 door hardtop, automatic transmis sion, power steer- $0 O Q C ing, very nice. w '59ANGLIA, low mileage, iust ...J895 '57 CHEVROLET V8 Bel Air, 4 door sedan, automatic trans mission, power $ 1 Q Q C Steering I - J '57 FORD Foirlant 500, 2 door hardtop, 10Q radio Ia-7 J '57 PONTIAC 4 door station wa gon, power $ 1 Q Q C steering, radio I dCs J '56 FORD, 4 door station wagon V8, automatic transmission, power steering. $QQE Very nice ... J '56 MERCURY, 2 door hardtop. 795 '55 FORD Crown Victorio, Auto matic transmiuion, J7QC R & H. ....., . 7 J '55 OLDS 98, 4 door $QE Mdon, R & H. ....... 07J '54 FORD 2 door sedan, 6 cyl, standard transmit- tAQC sion. Very clean 1 J NOTHING DOWN UP TO 3 MONTHS TO PAY ON APPROVED CREDIT MOCK MOTORS 1590 N. E. STEPHENS OR 2-3358 BARCUS Used Cars '59 DODGE V-8 edn lorqueuiie, nan, top condition throughout $1638 59 FORD Club coupe. Stand- ara transmission, K4U, ex tra clean. $1498 57 CHEVROLET, cyl., 2 floor standard transmis sion. Real Economy, only $1098 57 DODGE, ( cyl.. 4 door cdan. RcTcll Torqueflite transmission. Real Clean $ 998 57 PLYMOUTH V8 2 door hardtop, power atcerinr, Torqueflite, Rill. $ 993 56 CHEV 6, 4 door sta tion wagon, R&H, Tow erglide $ 998 56 PONTIAC sedan. Hydrama- uc, KH, Special $ 393 54 WILLYS 4 door sedan, R os 11, overdrive, only $298 53 PACKARD sedan, stand ard transmission $ 298 5J HUDSON Jet sedan, econ omy plus performance (or only $ 398 IMPORTS '60 SIMCA deluxe sedan, only 16,000 ctu-! miles $ M8 '59 SIMCA station wagon $ 998 '59 FIAT 600 staUon wagon - $ 798 59 TRIUMPH sedan $ 798 '57 SIMCA Delia sedan $ 598 TERMS TO SUIT YOU BARCUS Oan availing til I swioaya II fa 4 0 S-SSM N. Itapnm at Oaraan ValNy Ra. )