Tue., Oct. 3, 1961 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. S 1 i'tlw p A W ! J STUDYING RUSSIA FIRST HAND Huldoh Clork, right, the 14-year-old Negro girl from Newark, N. J., chats with her friend, Soviet pupil Tanya Lusheva, at Moscow Boord ing School No. 12 in Moscow. Both girls are wearing the traditional Soviet school girl's costume. Huldoh came to Russia earlier this week because it was the opinion ot her lather that the schooling available to the girl in the U. S. was not os good as that in Russia. Since then, the Russian propaganda machines hove been making hoy with the story, charging thot the girl wos a victim of discrimination ond had to come to the Soviet Union to get on education. (UPI Rodiotelephoto) Spanish Club Pupils At Roseburg Plan Second Summer Mexico Outing Members of the Roseburg High Spanish Club are planning another trip to Mexico next dimmer. The trip is not definite and may Days Creek Picks Student Councillors Student Council officers of the Days Creek High School have been elected. They are President, Ki lecn Richardson; vice president, George Wolske; secretary, Pat Bennett; treasurer, Diana Jones; serjeant-at-arms, Fred VanNor man; activity coordinator, Mary Dunlap. Student Council members are: Freshman president, Dennis Nix on; sophomore president, Don Bon ney; junior president, Rosemary Porter; senior president, Betty Newton; newspaper editor, Pam Voshall; annual editor, Carol Pe terman; Letterman Club president, Fred VanNorman; Pep Club pres ident. Avis 1,-e wis; yell queen, Car ol Brady; fire squad leader, Dan ny Kinney; adviser, Principal Par ry Kline. Roseburg GAA Officers Nominated At Meeting Nominations were held for class representatives during the first Girls League meeting at Roseburg High Wednesday, Sept. 27. Leslie Longfellow, Margarita Yraguen, Cherie Holborow, and Ann Walton were nominees from the sophomore class. Nancy Green, l.oi Horton, Karen Starr, and Car ol Bogner junior class; and Kaye Chapman, Peggy Wolley, Stephan ie Fowler, and Brooke Young, sen iors. December 23 was the dale set for the Christmas Ball. The second half of the meeting consisted of a style show. Kail fashions were modeled by the var ious members of the league. Student Science Club Formed At Roseburg A new science club U being formed at Roseburg High School. Membership in the club is restrict ed to student who plan to take a three year course in science and have a grade point average of two or better. The club will conduct experi ments in science and try to inter est students in going on with sci ence after they finish high school. Science instructor, James Stras burg, said the specimens and equip ment have arrived. Plans are to start the club soon. Science in structor Warren Schwartz is the new club's adviser. Student Newspaper Wins Top Award National Scholaatic Press has juM announced that the Glide Hi LOG was awarded a First Class rating in its 65th All American Newspaper Critical Service for second semester, a 900-61. This included issues 11-27 of the Glide Hi LOG. A total of 878 schools were judged. Papers were divided according to size of school, frequency of pub lication, and, method of publication. This rating is one notch above the Second Class rating received for the fall semester papers. A total of 2605 points were earned. Twenty-five different phases of the paper were judged, ranging from coverage to how well the fin ished paper looked. The LOG re ceived top grades for total cover age, sports coverage, and mater ials, used in publishing a meraeo graphed paper. Low scores went to the fact that some news stories were not properly organized, some leads were too long, and not enough variety in make-up. Commented judge Pafiolis of NSPA, "You can well be proud of the alert staff that digs up so many newsy items." ROSEBURG GIRL ENROLLS Carol A. Alavezos of Rt. 2, Rose burg, has enrolled at Columbia Un ion College at Takoma Park, Md. She is a sophomore at the Seventh-day Adventist college. She is a graduate of Milo Academy and is majoring in nursing. Days Creek Classes Select New Officers Students in the four high school classes at Days Creek have elect ed class officers for the coming year reports correspondent Mrs. Ralph Martin. Freshiren officers elected were: President, Dennis Nixon; vice pres ident. Chuck Vincent; secretary, Linda Martin; treasurer, Robert VanNorman. Members of the sophomore class elected were: President, Donald Bonney; vice president, Agnes Hendrix; secretary, Joni Evers; treasurer, Cheryl Whetzel; ser-gcant-at-arms, Mil.e Lowry; activ ity coordinator, Jerry Campbell. Those elected to serve the junior class were: President, Rosemary Porter; vice president, George Wolske; secretary, Harriet Simon; treasurer, Carol Brady; scrgeant-at-arms, Danny Cr is well; activity coordinator, Deani Campbell. Seniors chosen were: President, Betty Newton; vice president. Sandy Crumpton; secretary, Bon nie Bonney; treasurer, Pam Vo shall; scrgeant-at arms, Dick Bon ney; activity coordinator, Mary Dunlap. LETTERMEN ELECT The Lettermen's Club of Days Creek Hijjh School have chosen the following boys to represent it for the coming year: President, Fred VanNorman; vice president, Danny Kinney; secretarytreasur- !er, Charles Collins; and sergeant- at-arms, Danny Cr is well, reports correspondent Mrs. Ralph Martin. Fashion Activated For The Young Man Martin af California molt this mot sensible jacket of famous Rhvm Heath cote Poplin; lightweight, yot it's nearest thing to iron. The "AIR FLOW" Cure lining it e fabulous insulator thot allows oir to mm thru, adjusts to o4 climates, even indoor tempereturae. Othor custom features: seo man's collar, nylon knit pocket, cuff ond waistband trim, dropped boulder. Water repellent, ef course, and machine washable. Colors Eggshell or Sea Mist $19.95 Credit for Yewr Convenience 557 S. t. Jaektoft St. Phone OR 3-5423 not be made until the summer ul 1SW3. Gilbert Lopci, Spanish teacher, explained the trip, including a vis it to Mexico City and other points of interest, will take nearly a month and cost at least $1,000. Any opportunities to earn money or assistance from local residents will be gladly accepted. Under the leadership of Berton Bailey, former Spanish teacher at R11S, the Spanish club made a trip to Guaymas, Mexico in Itlj9. Their tour was highly successful. Letters were received from Pres ident Kennedy, then Senator Ken nedy, and Governor Mark Hatfield commending the class on their achivemcnt in promoting belter relations between countries. Rose burg students have set a precedent which is being followed by other schools. OAKLAND BETHEL MEETS Oakland Bethel 42, Order of Job's Daughters, met recently with Honored Queen Wanela Wool man presiding. Discussion was held concerning the candy sale, reports Edith Dunn, correspondent. 1 enel : i. 'It i : J ; 'r; ' 1 Jthc f I I makes its I f point v- I Pointedly the collar Baiters you, with its dashing decora tive button-broach. Three quarter push-up sleeves. Fully fashioned to super-soft Angelon, French angora and pure woot. A world of wonderful new colors. 38 & 40 $16.95 yev ia iovs to shot at .... WIS0? 615 S.I. JACKSON ST. PHONE OR 3-5015