12 Th Nwi-Rvitw, Raicburj, Lookingglass By HAZEL I. MARSH Vi Rulh Soulhwirk nf Nilinnal Cily, Calif., w a Riwjt recently in the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mr. Kred Southwick of iMkingfjliK. Mm Soulhwick (pent leveral aummera aerving on "Old Blue" lookout during the fire aeasnn. She ia now employed by the tele phone company in National City. Collge People Leave Among the valley young folk away for the achool vear are Don Grass who ia a aeninr at Oregon PECIAL FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY MEN'S & LADIES' 59 mm Across from Court Houso 1019 SE Douglas SOTS Ji - rxrrzxtt &h erg TSo followliii radio mni tolovisio .rooromi an printed as free toodon. All aroaram tiiHnai ara aubllthod as rocolvoa irom tne Roviow dooa not accept roiBoniibility for variatie from ariainol k KPIC-TV Ch. 4 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 10 06 IMtO t Right NBC 10 30 ConcantraMon NBC 11:00 Truth or ConHouonco NIC 1130 It Could 0a You NBC 11 U TV Nwt Today NBC ?3 DO Jan Murray N BC 1J JO Rompar Room 1 00 Young Dr. Making NBC 1' JO From ThtfM Root NBC f 00Mako Room for Dortdy NBC l.JO Hrt l Hollywood NBC Wota World $mrit bataball, nf whtla f omof ra in aack mow SERVICE til S'ivicr cuiMKTtra PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV It tetetarf It Ttart IM HI tUiMu at lar Villtf XL KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Levt Of Lit 1130 Search For Tomorrow 11:41 Guiding Ucht 11 00 Collogo Ot Tha Air 17 30 At The World Turni I 00 Pa it The word 1 30 HouM Party 3 00 The Millionaire J 10 Verdict U Vowrf t 00 Brlonter Day 3 IWSaxret Storm J. 30 EOQO 81 Nqht MONDAY 4 OO-TV Ouettion Bo KOIN-TV Ch. 6 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7 00-Colleoe Of Tha Air 7 30 Cartoon Tim I 00 Captain Kangaroo 00 Camviir ? 30-1 Lo.-e lucy 10 00 Vklee VIMege 10 30 Surpftte Packega 11 00 Love Of Lite 11 30 Search For Tomer rot 11 4V-Guidlng Light U 00 Ml, Neighbor 11 30 Ai The World Tuff 1 00 KOIN Kitchen 1:30 HOUM Party KEZI-TV Ch 9 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11 00-The Te.an 11 JO Love That Rrb 11 00 Mid Day Report 11.11 Ret rowed IMonWedrril Oregon Farm journal (tuei-Thurtl U 16 Make A Fact 1 00 Oay In Court 1 : 30 Adeventwret In living (Men) Boone Cartoont (1ut and Thuri) Foretait IWedl Ilka Chae i e-rl 9 OB Window Shopping Radio Programs -Monday thru IfPKJP 1 tQf IO I IMVIIIV rVt rM. . .r-f! U houra. ai oavt , Monday through Saturday. CHS 'Itoi i a, tha rr, Sunday ttirewQh Saturday. CAS! aturr en tha hif ttour, Sunday tnrvuqh I Saturday, "ran. Gmi, 4 X) a rrv, PST. :U KQEM 1240 KC 4 00 S-o On 4 JO Nw Around The War 4 Waather Catmile 4 SO County Aoaot 7 00 -Wrmingway NtWO-AtC 7 -Loral Nawa 1 10-eawl Harvav-Aftr 7 SS Stack Mart art KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ate' Muatt, Nawa end 'Vtathae snowt 1J 00 v to 7 10 pm-ih n,n I iflf to 4 M p m -C'd fath- Mday: 0 JO am. to 1100 am. Watt Nil how SoacaU on SWrrfY- f S 1 ti-ea eival Hr Svyn davf pr 0 Mjc 00 em. 0 7 10 pm Tha am. t I M a m inlrnjtionl SNI"", , Hmi"i . m- tng t th hour Aaamar Largy Hiatt tng. Tuawlay, Thuraday r- . 7 JO p m. tg JJOgm Ttn 01 Sunday- va at . r,t ih, N' Nri ivmmr.t flay: 0O a.m. tg 11:00 am aa uO '700 gm tg I? 00 f M -(.iCratt Tna i t rt r. Comnv,n.tw ctroar at " -Tho Or Men., Oct. 2. 196) Couple Visited State University thit year and his later, Nanr, who has enrolled as a freshman there. Jim Williams thai returned to OSU and l.ouis Vanre to Southern Orrson Normal. Mickey Jasper returned to the ; University of Oregon. The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Titus of Galice were overnight guests in the valley recently. The Rev. Mr. Titus was guest speaker at the Lookingglasa Church Sunday. Mra. Kred Southwick attended the four-day convention of the State Woman's Christian Temper Cosh & Carry Minute Servict Available) fccn on OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY OR 3 8291 J OOTBA J: JO Talk. th Town 4:05 TBA 4:30 K.VAL Kxrloon Karntvtl :00 Ramar at tho Junglo MONDAY J 30 Junior Auction 00 Northwttl Newt a I Huntlay Br ink toy NRC 0 10 Ortgon-OSU FoolrMfl 00 Nal'oru.1 Vlvl NBC J0-frK it Right NBC t 00 9tm rrtclnct NBC 10:00 T (VI Irtr NBC trarttntj timm la ba announctd, profratt. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A NEWS-REVIEW WANT AD T I T Just Dial OR 2 - 4"l TBA 4 30 Uncia B'H Show 5 30 Magic Land 4 00 Your TV Wentherman 4 OS Channel S Report 4 IS Doug Edwardi With Ntwi 4 30 Luk. Muiic Co. 7 00 The Reel McCoy t 1 30 Cheyenne I 30 Wlndowt On Meln Street 00 Denny T hornet Show JO Andy Griffith 10 lo Hennery 10 36 I ve Gnt A Secret 11:00 ABC Let Newt TUESDAY 10 40 Morning Newt 10 45 Cocxo Home Show I-00 The Millionaire 130 Verdict It Youra 3 00 Brighter Day 3 IS Secret Storm 3 JO E rtge ot NiqM 4 00 People ChOKO (MW-F), W Iff front (TiMhortl 4 10 f ar toon C l rcut 5 00 Rocky Ana Hit Friend J. IS Man From Coch.t (M W F). Broken Arrow I lueThurt) 4V-Newcene 4 IS Doaig Edwardt ;.0O lignlrope MONDAY 4 10 Mantovenl 7 00 See Hawk 7 30 To Tall The Truth 1 10 Seven Kevt 3 00 Queen For A Day 3 JO Open Houte 4 00 American Bandstand 3 00 Jk Boone Show MONDAY 5 10 Abbott 1 fmteiia 4 00 fvaming Report 4 lMew Nine 4 JO Sweet Stxce. 7 00 Ail Star Iheetrg 7 JO Cheyenne I JO The Rifleman 00 Surfiide 4 10 00 Ben Catey It 00 ABC Net PSI Monday tiw(Hft S'rcMy. lkvil Thom 4 00 p m . PST Wdnflj.y fhrn. n rrxtay. SoO'f T.m 4 10 p m Movlay ihrawon Fror. t U p m. Uivftov. MONDAY THffOUOH PIlOAY 1? 01-p.nitdy Howard 0J OoO Jonnton Show I 00 Cliff Knoto-AftC I -t.oal tr t 90 drrnhtaot evr-Af)C 1 OO Mid Morning Nm ABC 10 IV-Wiw Tail AIC If- 10 f -fharvja 10 4V- h ro O'oon T'a1) 11 for WnmM 1 00 M d Oav Ni 13 Mart twt 3 80 tvaaa) Oragon Vraaf Ilaroy Hift Shew. W(1na.4yj l im, i II OO m wka up to Moncr 11.00 a m to ; 00 pm Tha Bnh Malwm Showr. Salvr-lav : i-"y we-. irB m wf By Niece From California 'ance Vnion held recently at Can 'non Beach. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Griffith and j daughter, Judy, are newcomers in I the valley and have moved into the Hazel Vina Troey place. i Califormans Visit ' I Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wilson of; 1 Kntlewood, Calif., are visiting i with .Mr. and Airs. Iz-slie Black 1 and the Rehert and Aubrey Scott ' ; families in the valley. I Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Meredith have received word that their son, i Days Creek Youngster Suffers Broken Arm In Fall At School By MRS. RALPH MARTIN I Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moore drove Calvin Whetzel, son nf Mr. and, to Grants Pass recently to take Mrs. Krvin Whetzel of Days Creek, I their granddaughters, Ricky. Rae fell from the monkey bars at the ; and Ronda, back to their home. Day Creek School and broke hni Visiting recently in the home of arm. i Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ferguson was lie wss taken to Myrtle Creek ! Clarence Nicholson of Ontario, Clinic vlicre it was found that the i Calif. arm was broken in -hree places Con,ef His arm is now in a metal splint i . . and will remain lo tor some time.L Bob Criswell has returned to his Johnsons Move I lu icvujjcidie huiuwihk Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson have ' surgery at the Crater Osteo-i moved into the Joe K. Swinney I pathic Hospital at Central Point, rental on Beals Creek. Their baby. , Clarence Nichols of Bellmsham,! Rella Renee, born prematurely ,t:ash., visited friends in Days a hospital in Rnsehurg, is remain-1 - f'k recently. He spent some ing there until she reaches the I tlme "h '" ,H- Raymond; weight required for her release. I n" former schoolmate, R. A. Johnson is the fifth grade teacher at Days Creek School. Mrs. Will Derrick and son from Fossil were recent houseguests at the parsonage home of the Rev. Alice May Woolley. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Benson, ac companied by the latler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duncan, and am Holsclaw drove to Portland rerently. The men attended the fection. He is reported to be feel OSU Syraucse football game. While ' ing much better. While in Drain, in Portland they were Ruesls of' the Rev. Woolley was the house Benson's brother-in-law and aister, guest of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cahill. I Mr. and Mrs. John Woolley. Move To Washington State Set By Clendale Family By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Everett Clark of Fortune Branch, near Glendale, has entered classes at Walla Walla College in College Place, Wash. His wife and four children plan to move late this week to join him. public tarvico faf NawiRaiaw ratpectiva ttationt. Tha Nowt- hadulei furniihcd thii nawipepar. 11 00 Report 11:15 J cK Paar-NBC TUESDAY 5 50 Ou irk Draw MfGraw t 0O Northwtitt Newt 4 IS Hunflty Br ink. toy NBC JO Birxofd 7 00-Teen D'a 1:30 Th Oe'endert CBS JO Alfred Hitthcoeh NBC 00 Oick Powell NBC 10 OO-Camt 1 00 NBC 11 00 Renort 11.15 Jack Paar NBC will prtmpt announced tchadulaa ee A couctoous, hilplul ad 3321 'r: your ad tor bait ratultt. 4 00 Around The Home 4 is vitil With City Polka 4 JO Sky King 5 oo unclt Bill Show S 10 Quick Draw Mtftraw 4 00 Your TV Weathermen 4 OS Channel I Report 4 IS Doug Frlwardt With tha Ntw 4 JO It la Written 7 00 Ftlntitonet 7 30 Industry on Parede 7 iS Recreation S'aie ot JMerion a no Dirk VtnDv. Show W Onhit Gili t 00 Red She) Ion t 10icehod end Me 10 on Garry Moore Show n oo ARC Late Newt 11. IS Late Movie I noPate 1 Gledvt a 10 Wmdow On Main Street I 00Onnny Thnm Show JOAr-dy Gr.ffith 10 no Menneey id xu-i ve c.nt A Secret 11 no n gnUcene U.JO 1 heater TUESDAY W Kingdom of the See 7 00 King ot D'amondt 7 kV-Varihal Pii'nn t 00 O'ck VanDvke Show 00- Red Sheifnn a jn-khAhod and Me 10 no--(".rrV Moora Show II PO NiOh'wenO 11 n Theafer 11.15 Newt Nine Fmal TUESDAY HlTn Beat 4 no ! vening Report 4 !W-N,o, h-n 4 VA- ftorfer Pntr(l 7 nn Rrrtnrj Rrannaoan 7 KV- rt-(t Bi.nv I (KV--B( ne iof father 4 V -ivm and Tn Co'nnel ,u-Th niw Breed m (xv- SduAd ( W-All SUr Tneatrt I 1 fVL- An( hj II )(--NeM htne Fmal Friday I nSi-hri. MiH-r 9-13 l!-V.Jt Shew II HvVf,v HHr 4 l(V-4 IV- Q ffc jcnwn SNW I 9 Mrto rr.th StW n , tMt, I 'Z JW"n SNkm, ltia, Trnj'l 3 00 Hamingway Nt- ac S :0 f rha'ga 4 ln-.n,t Hi'v Nw kC 4 fi rw.r N'wi-AKC Tfip,. t H'vy Nawt A0C 5 KV,, -APC 4 V- I it V(wo ABC J -.n a I; 00 S'gn O't Sr on .ly; I l gm n if no a m.--Ho fhr.f,. Sx'va Maan. II 00 a m. to i: 00 p m Scnnay Davot-ftn h Vail ing howf. Kddie, has completed his initial course of l.'.S. Air Force basic military training and has been se lected to attend the technical train ing course for motorized and mis cellaneous equipment maintenance at Chanule AKB. 111. Mr. and Mrs. I-eslie Green who were manied recently at Whidhy Island spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green and family. Islie is sta tioned at Whidby Island with the naval forces. at one time on what is now the I Howard Ward place, and also liv-j ed on the property now owned by I the Dan Ferdues. 1 The Rev. Alice May Woolley has! returned to the parsonage after j being called to Drain to visit hen father, Arthur Woolley, who has! been hospitalized with a leg in- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones and family will move late this week to Auburn, Calif., where Jones has been working as a timber faller. Mrs. Jones has been employed dur ing the past summer as office at tendant at the Glendale Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson and children of Orinda, Calif., drove up last weekend to visit at the home of Mrs. Nelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Place. On Sunday they drove to Eugene where Shar on Nelson remained to enter the I niversity of Oregon. The rest of the family returned to Glendale for the evening, starting back home th) following day. Mrs. Mike Guinan of Glendale is serving on the Douglas County Jury. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Williams and son have moved into the Jim Holm an place on the corner of Third and Willis in Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. George Newman of Azalea drove to Eugene on busi ness Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brooks of Medford were over night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston Monday night. School Closet The Glendale Seventh day Ad ventist School was closed Monday through Wednesday while the teacher, Mrs. Robert Appel. at tended a teacher's institute. Dorothy Tinkley of Port land has arrived in Glendale ani plans to spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. Ed Pinkley. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Snyder of Vaneta, Cve., spent a few day with the former's sister, Mrs. Ed Pinkley of Glendale. returning home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don lliggins of Grants Pass, former Glendale resi dents, are the parents of a 7 pound 3 ounce baby girl, Johnnie lr raine, who was born at the Jo sephine General Hospital Sunday. Farm Rureau resolutions were studied at a recent meeting nf the Cow Creek Farm Rureau held at the Azalea Grange Halt. A potluck dinner preceding the meeting was attended by 18 members. Portland Woman Guest Of Relatives In Oakland Mm. Gladys Foster of Portland spent a rerent weekend in Oak land with her aunt. Mrs. Jennie Haines, reports Edith Dunn, cor respondent. Mr. and Mrs. I-eo Sparks visited his sister. Mrs. Ktta Wallace, at Sacred Heart Hospital in Kueenr recently. Mrs. Wallace had under gone major surcery. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mannine vis ited coastal points on a recent weekend. SKo oSaVt tor "votM ..hi ho mtntiontd ol thow RIY. MOLDS REAL tSTATl horn. We. i . I0o S. I. Com o coll OR 2-1411. t p - a V : .Ai " i 7i iti i I 'laati n W ii ruilr"'-- - . ... .-NajA.-v NEW DOUBLE-SAFETY BRAKES with a tandem master cylinder having a separate hy draulic system for front and rear brakes is standard equipment on all 1962 Rambler models. Also standard are self-adjusting brakes. In addition to these safety features, the new Ramblers also require less maintenance expense. For example, chassis lubrication on Classic and Ambassador models (shown above) is needed only every 33,000 miles or three yeors, compared with every 1,000 miles previously. Normal engine oil changes now are recommended at 4,000 mile intervals, instead of 2,000. New models go on display Friday (Oct. 4) at Utne Bros. Chico Sets Welcome CHICO, Calif. (AP) Mayor Ross Lawler and other officials of this Northern California city Movie Showtime I MONDAY, OCT. 1, 141 i INOIAN THEATRE DOOM opn 4 JI j Complete tnowa 7.00-9:25. "Fenny" 7.IJ- i 41. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open Fri-SatSon CLOVE RLFAF DRIVE-IN (Suthrl(n ) Bm ! Office Open 4 JO. Shows start fit dusk. I "Nikki, Wild Dog ol the Norm" and "Don-1 GRAND THEATRE (Sutherlin) Box Of tice opens at 4 30. Show tlarta el 7.00. : "The Sundowners " I TRt CITY TMF AT PE Sbowa start at : dusk, "The Hoodlum Priest" ng "Eie- 1 pnent Walk " INDIAN THEATRF Doors open 4 41 Complete shows 7 00-9. 10. "On Tng Dou ble" 7-2-9 U INDIAN THEATRE Doorf open 4 45 Complete shows 7.00-9.10. "On The Dou ble" JH9U TUESDAY, OCT. S, 1941 INDIAN THEATRE Doors ooen 4 45 Complete shows 7.00 9: 10. "On The Dou ble" 34-9 14 STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open Fri-Set-Sun only CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutherl.nl Box Office opns 4 30. Shows start at dusk. "Nikki. Wild Dog ol the North" end "Don- 01 " GRAND THEATRE (Sutherlin) Box Ottke opens et 4 30. Show Harts at 7.00. "The Sundowners " TRI CITY THFATRE Showf start at Ousk. "The Hoodlum Priest" and "Ele phant Walk." i m Gwe Your (Met tfw fwlfi ImM avl caiionai SSm ufi Wei ! Ill li Mil aiiU pill sSil AND 'i ' Pi fl "4 "1 i'H 1 1 i 8 I li 1 REFERENCE rBili bookJ Hp rBUY A BOOK A WEEK- COMPLETE YOUR SET y Makes Homework Easier by supple- 1 completely New and Up-To-Date y meriting School Assipnments with knowl- V Information written and authenticated edge your child needs for Better Grades by the world's leading educators A New Concept In Education to build confidence at an early ape by teaching children to work independently v7 Creates a Y will last a lifetime Vol. No. 5 Now On Sale For N. Y. Families were prepared today to welcome 12 fa miles from New York and New Jersey who were driving here in a motorcade with plans of es tablishing homes in Chicago. The reason for their exodus from the East, the families said, was to seek haven from the threat of Nuclear attack. The motorcade had announced pi a to spend Sunday night in Reno, but police and the Nevada highway patrol said they hadn't encourtered them anywhere. 'We've checked from one end of Nevada to the other," said a highway patrol dispatcher in Reno, "but nary a trace of 'em." PIERRE Don't get caught with your cord down . . . OLCC ID card that is. You will need o picture for identification. It tokes 2 weeks for proces sing the card so better phone Chris of Chris' Studio today for on appointment fv o Sit ting. Phone OR 2-3212. BILL Love of Learning that PATRONIZE NEWS REVIEW ADVERTISERS Tonight Kirk Douolor. Deborah Kerr in "THE 5UNDOWNERS" In Color Now thru Tuesday Walt Disney's "NIKKI" Wild Doa of the North in color pi u and Walter Winchell in "DONDI" David) Ja niton. Parti Pago Tha kid who captured tha army! Over 2,000 Comprehensive Illus- trations in Full Color to stimulate young minds and w iden their intellectual horizons Accept only the genuine GOLDEN Treasury of Knowledge Cooaeiowaaao, ' A STEADY JOB HARTFORD. Conn. (AD Dan Jes;e. football coach at Trinity College, claims the nation's Ion est unbroken head-coaching tenura at one college. He has been at the Hartford institution since 1332. I- Tonight The most fantoitic story evr told ... oil true "THE HOODLUM PRIEST" Don Murray "ELEPHANT WALK" Elizabeth Taylor Dana And row Op.0 6:4S...Showi 7:00-9:15 thru TUE only DANNr DANA KAYE WYNTER On The Double, lUinUfOUD BOM . starts WED!... Rock Hudson Gina LOLLOBRIGtDA Sandra Dee Bc3ejy Darin ., WALTER SLEZAK BOBBY ingi "Multiplication" L v I.Ot Om. 'no 110 tm. to 7.01 9 m. Tng too KaMn(