Prep Baseball Preview Roseburg Baseball Club Sets Tilts ., ? - . . . - . fa o 8 9? (SHARPENING UP WITH A game of pepper are four Roseburg Indian baseballers as they prepare for the season openers against Grants Poss and Medford this weekend. (Walt Edmonds is swinging the bat, while Gordon Avery fields the grounder. Watching ' now, but busy o couple of minutes later are Jim Beamer and Jerry Boucock. The Tribe will swing into action against the Grants Pass Cavement in a doubleheader set for 2.30 p.m. Friday at Grants Pass. (News-Review Photo) Gene Leek Leads Los Angeles Angels To Victory Over San Francisco Nine By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Gene Leek, remembered as the collegian who precipitated a war of words when the Cleveland Indi ans signed him off the campus, is hitting .441 for the new Los An geles Angels. - The San Diego native continued his torrid spring swinging with a three-run homer that beat the San Francisco Giants 5-3 Wednesday and gave the Angels their first pre-season triumph over a team of major league veterans. They pre viously had won three games against. B squads. Find Right Position Manager. Bill Rieney's problem is where to play the versatile Leek; 23, who was holding down third base for the University of Arizona when the Indians grabbed him. That started the verbal battle be tween college coaches and major league officials that culminated in a rule prohibiting such signings. Balliniore's .streaking Orioles won their fifth in succession after six opening losses by beating Cin cinnati 9-4, and the world cham pion Pittsburgh Pirates brought their record to 10-3 with a 10-1 win over the Chicago White Sox. Philadelpha Wins In other games, Philadelphia whipped Detroit 7-1 the Chicago Cubs nipped Cleveland 2-1, New York outslugged Milwaukee 14-11, St. Louis defeated Kansas City 5-3 the Los Angeles Dodgers edged Minnesota 3-2 and the Twins' B squad walloped Washington 11-3. Leek's 415-foot circuit shot was the key blow as the Angels scored all their runs off Giants starter Juan Marichal in the fifth inning. Ken McBride went six innings for Los Angeles, allowing only four hits, and Tex Clevenger finished up with a three-hit performance. rirares Hit wynn The Pirates, first team (o win 30 games, jumped on White Sox starter Early Wynn for seven runs in the first and coasted behind pitching act Bob Friend. Friend scattered five hits in a seven-in ning outing, walking only one and striking out four. Kobin Hoberts, frank buluvan and Art Mahaffey stopped the Ti gers on six hits (or the Phils and received home run support from Pancho Herrera and John Cam- son. Mickey Mantle knocked in six runs with two homers, a double In The Majors and single and Bill Skowron add ed three with a homer and two singles as the ranks beat the Braves. 1 Junior Gilliam's ninth -inning pinch single with the bases loaded won it for the Dodgers, who got three innings of no-hit relief from Larry Sherry against the Twins. Idaho Game Department Opposes Both Proposed Snake River Dams PORTLAND (API The long federal Power Commission hear ing on Snake River dams may be speeded up by agreement among attorneys tor rival applicants to waive cross examination of sev eral witnesses on direct testimony they had given the FPC earlier. Attorneys have been discussing such an agreement. Wednesday Forrest R. Hauck, Idaho Fish and Game Commis sion fisheries biologist and coor dinator of basin investigations, returned to the stand. He told Examiner William C. Levy he wanted it absolutely clear that his agency opposed both the proposed Nez Perce and High Mountain Sheep dams but BOWLING SUTHERLIN MERCHANTS LEAGUE M 1 H Market Balrds Chevron Sulherlln Auto City Barber Shoo Tolley Hardware Goodwins Appllenca L & H Lumber Scalton Insurance Gllkeson's Chevron 4-Wlnds Restaurant 25 I? 25 1? 11", 1V lVj M It tt U 30 a 40 Results: L & H Lumber 4. Scallon Ins. 0; City Barber Shop 3, 4-Winds Rest, ll Good wins Appliance 3, Gttlcesons Chev ?; Tolley Hardware 3. Sulherlln Auto UN Market 3r Beirds Chev. 1. High series: George Colvln 1 78-1 97-?23 59S. High game: Colvin - Rowntrea 223, SUTHERLIN TOP SIX LEAOUE Exhibition Baseball By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wednesday Results New York 14, Milwaukee 11 Philadelphia 7, Detroit 1 Pittsburgh 10. Chicago (Ai 1 Minnesota (B) 11. Washington : Los Angeles (N) 3, Minnesota 2 M. Louis 5, Kansas City 3 -Baltimore 9, Cincinnati 4 Chicago (N) 2. Cleveland 1 Los Angeles (A) 5, San Fran cisco 3 Thursday Gemot Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh at tort Myers St. Louis vs. Detroit at Lake land Cincinnati vs. Kansas City at Jamna Milwaukee vs. Chicago (A) at barasota x-Los Angeles (N) vs. Mtnneso ta at uriando x-Washington vs. Los Angeles (N at Vero Beach Chicago (N) vs. Boston at Scottsdale San Francisco vs. Los Angeles (A) at Palm Springs Baltimore vs. New York at St. Petersburg Friday Gamai Cincinnati vs. Philadelphia at Clearwater St. Louis vs. Milwaukee at Bradenton Kansas City vs. Pittsburgh al Fort Myers x-Los Angeles (N) vs. Detroit at Lakeland San Francisco vs. Chicago (N) at Mesa x-Los Angeles (N) vs. Washing ton at Pompano Beach Minnesota vs. Baltimore at Mi ami (Night) Cleveland vs. Boston at Scotts dale New York vs. Chicago (A) al Sarasota Los Angeles (A) vs. Vancouver at Yuma x-Los Angeles (N) playing sev eral games with split squad. Smart Shop 23 U Bert's Food Market 23 13 ' Holgale's 10 16 Pelherlck'g Ins. ta M Pat's Broasler u 22 Roseburg Neon l? 2a Results: Petherlck's 3. Bert's Market 1; Holgale's i. Pat's Broasler i; Smart Shop 3. Roseburg Neon 1. High series: Lela Rehwatt UM36-U2 4M. High Game Lata Rehwalt 111. SUTHERLIN MORNING STARS LEAGUE umpqua store Sun Tribune Kenwishers Loggerettes Brown Chevrolet Union Oil Koltea Kup Sulherlln Tire Four Winds Motel Boone Vending Pour Winds Restaurant Mohr Well Drilling Tioton Insurance Results : Suttwrtln Tire 7. Umoaua Slore KoiIm Kup 3, Union Oil Co. 1; Four Winds Motel 2, Boone Vending 3; Four Winds Restaurant Vi, Kenwishers Loggerettes V.ii Brown Chevrolet 3. Mohr Well Drilling 1, Tioton Insurance I, Sun Tribune 3. High sarias: Elsla Frompton JWMll-m-301. High game Elsie Frampton 200. TELCO BELLES LIAOUE w L Pit. 20 I 20 It 12 22'i 13"i 20V IJH 20 la W 12 17 ! H 20 15 21 l!'i 22's 12 U 10'4 25' that if one is licensed, it prefers Mountain hheep. Hauck said Nez Perce would ruin salmon and steclhead runs in the Salmon River, the best re maining fish stream in the Co lumbia River system. Washington Public Power Sim ply System, made up of a group of puonc utilities, is the applicant for Nez Perce. Pacific Northwest Power Co., a combine of private utilities, wants to build High mountain sneep Dam. Earlier Harian B. Holmes, the biologist who helped to design the tisn passage iacuities for Nez Perce, said he does not know whether construction of the dam would result in substantial harm to fish Tuns in the Snake. The hearing entered its ninth day this morning. The session Friday will be recessed early to auow principals to Be flown to Lewislon, Idaho, for an all-day tour by boat, helicopter and plane of dam sites in the middle Snake and (salmon. The party will return to Port land Saturday night for resump tion of the hearing Monday. Hockey Results National Hockey League By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wednesday Result Samifinal Playoffs Toronto 3, Detroit 2 (2 ot) (To ronto leads best-of-seven series, 1-0) Thursday Gam Chicago at Montreal (Montreal leads best-of-seven series 3-D) tinder the direction of coach Bill t April Harper the Roseburg Indians will 4 take to the baseball diamond this weekend, weather permitting, in a pair of doumeheaaers against, rne Grants Pass Cavemen and the Medford Black Tornadoes. The Indians have a doublehead er scheduled for Grants Pass to open the season Friday afternoon at 2.30, then Saturday will travel to Medford for a 1:30 p.m. twin bill with the defending slate champs. Far From Top Form Lacking ideal practice conditions the Tribe, which has been working out for only one week, will be far from lop torm tor the openers, out. with a nucleus of lettermen back to build around Harper will be ready for the weekend outings. Be cause of the lack of practice time the squad that will travel south this weekend will include varsity and Jayvee lettermen back in uni form and one freshman. Jim Beamer who played Legion ball during the summer, and two trans fer students. Monday will be the day that Ibe remainder of the boys trying out for baseball will get their chance. Harper is expecting a turnout of around 60 ball players, including the freshmen who will be out fight ing for positions. Strong Infitld Set A strong infield will be the key word for the Indians this spring as an experienced group of high school and Legion players will be on hand to lead the team. At first base for the Tribe will ie Son Lake, when he is not handling the piiciiing cnores. sum xiouus win play first when Lake is pitching. and will come in for a lot of mound duty himself. ! Reading around the infield wilt, be Jim Jarvis at second base, Marv French at short-stop and) Gordon Avery at third. Jarvis and I French are returning lettermen, and also Legion players. Avery, J on the other hand, is a transfer student who starred for the Rose burg Legion club last summer. Two Good Catchers Two boys with experience will : handle the catching chores foe the Tribe as Chuck Hiney and Beam er will be in action. Hiney is a re turning varsity letter winner and I has played Legion ball for the past ; several years, wnue Beamer is a freshman who showed well during summer ball and who exhibits great promise for the future. Pitching the Indians have Lane and Hobbs back to share the du ties with Arlan Foote and Scott Crenshaw. Crenshaw is the only one that is not a returnee as he is a transfer student from Doug las. Also capable of handling some pitching for the Indians are two sophomores in the form of Jerry Boucock and Jim wassom. 1 Battling for outfield positions at the present lime are Walt Ed monds, Larry Burr, Jerry Bent field, Bob Manning, Wassom and Hiney. Hiney is expected to see action in the outfield when not elected to handle the chores behind the plate. During practice sessions (his week Harper's crew has looked good in hitting, with several boys showing well connecting on the long ball. The infield has looked sharp when able to play, which due to the typical spring weather has been very little to date. Commenting on the chances of playing the games this weekend the head coach feels confident the Indians will be able to play Med ford in Saturday's contests since the games at Medford have never been rained out. About Grants Pass he does not feel quite so cer tain, but is hoping the weather will hold off and allow the games to be played. Assisting Harper with the coach ing chores will be Art Thompson who will also be in charge of the Jfly vecs. At the present time the Indians have 24 games scheduled and have five open dates they would like to fill. ROSEBURG INDIANS 1941 Baseball Schedule March 24- x Grants Pass at Grant Pass, 2:30 p.m. 25- x Medford at Medford, 1:30 p.m. 28 Grants Pass at Grants Pass, p.m. Thutv, Mar. 23, 1961 -The News-Review, Rmebutg, Qtev7 South Eugene at Roseburg, 3:30 p.m. ' 7 North Eugene at North t'ugenc, 4 p.m. , S-x Medford at Roseburg, 1.30 p.m. 31 Xhurslon al Ttoseburc, 3:30 p.m. U Willamette at .Willamette, S-.TO p.m. 1S-X Crater at Crater, 1:30 p.m. 38 North Bend at Roseburg, 3:30 p.m. 25 Springfield at Springfield, 3-.30 p.m. 28 South Eugene at South Eugene, 3.30 p.m. tV'ey 2 North Eugene at Roseburg, 3:30 p.m. S . Thurston al Thurston, S'.itt p.m. B OSU Hooks at Corvallis, 1 p.m. 7 Corvallis at CorvaHis, 4 p.m. 8 Willamette at Roseburg, 3:30 p.m. 33-x North Bend al North Bend, 1:30 p.m. '13 Springfield at Roseburg, 3-.TO p.m. x-denotes doubleheadcrs Open dates: March 31, April 1, 21 and 22; Jlay Iff. Utah Sets Clash With Cincinnati Cleveland Browns Sold; Paul Brown To Remain KANSAS CITY MP) Jck Gardner, a hitd. and persistent campaigner for basketball cham pionships, has hopes this . is the year liij University of Utah Red skins villi win the National Col legiate crown. Utah, ranked 11th nationally on a 23-8 record, trill oppose the A'o. 2 Cincinnati Bearcats 125-3) in the semifinals of the NCAA tourna ment Friday night. The top-ranked, undefeated Ohio State Buckeyes (26 0) and St. Jo- jscph of fhiUaelphia 124-4) tan gle in the semifinal opener. The championship trill be decided Saturday night. "We've had what appeared to be stronger clubs at the start ot the season," Gardner said, "but these kids have worked harder and better as a unit and have shown more desire and improve ment than any team I've coached." This is Gardner's fifth NCAA tournament team in eight seasons at Utah. None of the other four entries got past the second round. CLEVELAND, Olito AP) The Cleveland Browns have changed hands again, but the old master who has been the lield stneval since the professional football club was organized in 194S Coach and that type ol thing," ilodei) said. Brown, who retains a small aj?iounl oi stock, has an option lo buy more. Dave R. Jones continues as pros1 , r, .:n : i . Juut-s lu; raui orowu sun is summit uierinM i nw.n 11 l-.i.. mn. l?thr ft Mnrtr.ll r,t YiyrV llnues as vlce president and treas- I t-Li.'i T LIi?n "rer-cac' naving a substantial 36, a television and advertising ex-1 : :, interest m tlub- r,tffr?J vi ' C MaeSI;n, in invest wfL SLrt l,U ""-n' 1""kcr, and John A. Wells, oTvn?owre ! s a,,or, also have been They also gave ftim an eight-year. na,"tc""a- contract. ( The 'ransaction is the largest in "I retain control over those . piu.-iunai muiuan nisiuiy. things J ronsiner essential to Ihel Tbe stork soared Irom SI.0W a operation of the team," Brown said at a news conference Wednes day. Modell, who became chairman of the 3xard and chief executive offi cer, said reports that about $4 mil lion was involved in (he transaction wtve substantially torrctt share to over S26.000 a share in the deaf finalized Wednesday. im Waxes leads ievos HOMESTEAD, Ffa. (AP) - ftt IveMtv Jim Eas thttVied into Brown remains as Eeneral man-lcamp Wednesday and promptly iger and rice president ot the )ied Porliand"s Bearers lo an 8-7 National Football Leatme club. Mo- exhibition baseball victory over dell said Brown will decide any San Juan of (he International questions about player personnel! Ltagire. and field operation. I Baxes tripled home a run and "I ant assuming the responsihillsparkled at third hase as tiie Pa ity for such, things as finances, ad-lcitic Coast League team won its missions to the league, promotion I second exhibition game in a row. M 1 15 Yellow Pages 3 Coins Key Pulurt Wronp, Numbtf DA S 13 IS 11 ot Too n Bui $gnH 11 17 11 Non Puo 7 31 T Results: KV Pu'MM Buiv Signals 0: 3 Cotni 0. OA'S 4; Dial Totes 3. Wrong. Numbers li hion Pvbt 3, Yttiow Pages T. High series: Judy Harvey I37-HJ-2IS 50?, DA'S. HipH game: Judy Harvey ??. Other high stores: Mltlli Allen 1M, Char lotte Miller HI. INDEPINOENT LIAOUC 14 PtS. U F,efeTaf Order of Eagles 20 Pojtburg Otf-c Machines 1' ftoseburg fieeury School IT Garden Valley Barber Shoo 13 $hrJOCkf M O.O. Men 13 Studio of Hair Design 9 Drive-N-Save Market 11 McKav'i Market 7 Resutlv. Fraltmal Ordtr el tag'es J. Drtve-N-Save Market 0; Ros?ourg Beauty School 1. Sherlocvs M O 0. M.f 6; Gtvn Vaiiey Barber Shoo ?, Roseburg Of'tc Machine 1; Stud of Hair Oeugn 2, Mc Kay's Market . High sriei: Lou Simon 313-193-143 S4f, Bmrburo Ottict Matehinl. H 0 game: Oon Akre 224. Orlvt-N Sv Marfcpt. Other hioh score : Lew Simon Ji3, Henry Shervoc 1ST. tm a What does a PDCA Man Do? All This and More! 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