The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 23, 1961, Page 22, Image 22

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    CIIBCRT'S "What Young People IhW
Teen-agers Favor Part-Time Jobs
BecauseThey Desire Independence
When today's teen-ager is a mem
ber of ihe part-time labor force,
it's usually because ha wants to
be there.
Earning money instead of asking
for it, then spending money with
out supervision means independ
ence to a young adult and inde
pendence is a state of existence
he finds greatly to be desired.
. Parents aren't pushing most ofj
them into jobs outside the home,
say the 973 young people we quer-1
ied this week. Onlv quarter of
the girls told us their parents ex
pect them to tak after school
jubs. Half the boys said such work
is expected of them.
Then we asked them whether
they temselves think teen-agers
should work. Well over half, both
boys and girls, znswered with a
resounding yes. - ,
Why? i
A job teaches responsibility, said
18-year-old Patricia Elmer of Jas
per, lnd. Seventeen year-old Eddie
Heiman of Newark, N. J., mention
ed development of experience and
Karen Edens,' 16 of Waterloo,
Iowa, said her parents don't expect
her to work, but she does. "So I
can get little extras for mvself."
Gerald Bartow, 15, of Stale Col
lege, Pa., buys electronic compon
ents with the money he earns;
Steven Bergen, 15, New York,
saves for a rainy day, buys clothes
and spends his money on his girl.
"I spend on small school supplies,
paperback books, movies, plays,"
says 17-year-old Bill Walker of Eu
gene, Ore.
Most Save Money
A fifth of the workers told us
they bank all the money they earn
at part-time jobs. About the same
number save part and spend part,
and 26 per cent (this is the largest
group) spend it all.
But, they remind us, they aren't
earning a fortune. Only 30 per cent
said they pocket more than $10 a
week from after, school jobs. A
third earn Jess than that; the rest
didn't answer probably because in
most cases they were earning noth
ing. Apparently Irene I,eVine, 14, of
Brooklyn, is typical when she says
her parents earn enough without
help from her. Only 2 per cent of
the 973 teen-agers told us they give
any of their salary to their parents.
Forty-two per cent of the boys
and 25 per cent of the girls we
talked with hold after school jobs.)
A big 86 per cent of the boys and;
72 per cent of the girls already!
have decided to hunt summer jobs.)
For the boys, the most common i
positions are as clerks, apprentices,
delivery boys and newspaper car
riers. During the summer they ex
pect to do the same kinds of work,
plus camp counseling and being
bus boys in summer resorts. The
gins most irequenuy mt?miuneu j
Kalw ittinsf pnfi-:it nffip iv.irir
selling and waitress jobs. They
added camp counseling and
work in hospitals to the list when
we asked about summer jobs.
They Stilt Get Around
Most of the young people say
they like their after school jobs.
Arnold Proctor, 17. Brooklyn, said,
"It gives me a satisfaction and a
feeling of accomplishment." But
W. H. Hadden, 16. of State Col
lege, Pa., commented, "The way
I look al it, you have to learn to
work sometime."
A job does cut down participation
in extracurricular activities at'
school, said 10 per cent of the teen
crs who hold jobs.
But a will can usually fmd
way. Judy Hall, 16, Waterloo,!
Iowa, said she makes time Iter,
schsui functions. ,
Very few of the teen-agers re-;
ported their jobs as harmful io
social lite, studies or health. One!
giri, Ann Constantine, 18, Kew A1-,
banv, Jnd., said school, homework,
work and eight hours of sleep leave
no time for anvthing else.
But Keith Silliman, 17, Eugene,
Ore., spoke for the majority. He
said, "If my job affected any of
these areas," I would not hava the
job." :
Questions Asked
t. Do you have an alter school
2. Do you expect to get a sum-j
mer job? !
3. What do you make a week
during the school year?
4. What do you do with the men-,
ey? 1
5. Do your parents expect you to,
work? j
t. Do you like your job? j
7. Does it affect your social life;
adversely? your studies? your;
health? i
8. Does it affect your ertracur-
rieular activities at school? ;
9. Should high school students
Thur,, Mar, 23, 1961 The Newt-ReWew, Rosc-burg, Ore, 9
3ii. ju m"mt w mut.u.i
A SPECIAL BUY fwm NESERGALL'S Eastern Oregon Feed Lm,
of Madras, MarWed rs perfection, f-aofe trimmed. Tatty anil Tender!
Blade Cut
VI.. "V w'wi,
11 kY"tI N Hn
77 8$ I! U
-DUiit rvunoi
Woman From Louisana Arrives
For Visit With Azalea Residents
Mrs. ftelson Payne of Monroe,
La., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
John Strode of Azalea. Mrs.
Payne's son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Clark, who
have been stationed at San Fran-
Kennedy Plans
Golf Vacation
Kennedy plans to play some golf
during a Florida vacation start
ing next week. But the While
House has made no decision on
whether newsmen will be permit
ted to do any eyewitness report
ing. It has been announced that the
President will fly to Palm Beach,
Fla., March 29 for a week's stay
at the Atlantic shore home of his
parents. He expects to return to
Washington AprU 4.
Except for weekends at the
Kennedys rented country estate
at Middleburg, Va., the Florida
trip will be the President's first
away from the Washington area
since he took office Jan, 20.
During the period Kennedy was
president-elect, from last Nov. 8
to Jan. 20, Whito House press sec
retary Pierre Salinger requested
that there be no eyewitness cover
age by reporters or photogra
phersof Kennedy on the golf
course. Salinger said this was
Kennedy's wish that he felt golf
ing was part of his private life.
Newsmen complied with Ken
nedy's request.
Some reporters wrote stories re
calling that Kennedy had taken
some digs at Dwight D, Eisen
hower for playing so much golf
during the years he was presi
dent. During Eisenhower'seight years
in ofiice newsmen never had a
free hand in covering his golf.
Sometimes reporters and photog
raphers were permitted to watch
Eisenhower off the first tee and
greens near the club house.
ciscot Calif., accompanied her and
visited briefly before going on to
Clark's new station at Sacramento,
The Strodes were also recent
hosts to his son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs, B. D, Eatherly,
and three children of Los Angeles,
Calif., who were en route to an
island in Puget Sound where he
will be stationed for about a year.
Brothers Visited
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Leonard of
Burncy, Calif., visited with his
brothers, Jim and Boyd Leonard,
and their families last week, C. M.
Leonard is a former Glendale resi
dent. Mrs. Ray Mollier and children of
Brooks spent a week recently visit
ing with the Omer Tracy family in
Glendale. Mollier came over dur
ing the weekend and visited brielly
before driving the family back
Mr. and Mrs, Omer Tracy and
family of Glendale spent spring va
cation visiting with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Tracy Sr. in
Oakville. His brother, Leo Tracy,
returned with them for an extended
Cachets To Mark
Ships First Voyage
CORVAIJ.IS AP) The first
voyage of the new oceanographic
research vessel Acona will be
marked in May by three special
cachets for mail issued at three
One will be at Corvallis, home
base for the oceanographic .stud
ies at Oregon State College; one
at Portland, site of the vessel's
commissioning, and one at New
port where it will be berthed.
In addition to the first-day cov
ers, application has been made to
the Post Otfice Department for a
slogan cancellation that would
say: Acona, Oregon Stale L'niv.
Explores the Seas,
Collectors may apply for the
cachets at 20 cents each to Acona,
Corvallis, Ore., until April 15.
Construction of the Acona was
white inside. Biscuits have an un
beatable flavor, and prepared with
enriched flour, they have nutrition-
al benefits that make them even
more attractive. Full of healfh-
Eivine iron and B-vitamins and un-
Kollowing him around the course financed by the Office of Naval i matciied flavor, freshly baked bis-
nesearen. t cuus oeiong ju jour uaiiy uKt.
never was allowed.
HW.MIWMI,I!"I I..W !.. a
r Z & t . . I
i - .' ! . - .t. ' , VJ
rv.! m it... , ; i u
xrr I LIGHT, EASTERN PORK fresh lean mmw
rv V &rpsrmm ground Jlli
hrlsr i vk ID) Ad Q) V BEEF Js I
V'(ciS wiJ j .. X yz Nj (.f I a I;:
t sjnmi 1 I C U ITU 11 Ei Donf M. Our Se3 Food Displayed
i mt settwaw W I ' On Clean Sparklwf lee
SS3 nc. p'WJ) 1 I! i - jm STAYS FRESHER :
vMffinllK Jc HALIBUT MgJt
V4- jjiilS) lLB STEAKS 49J
3 j j
6-giniyi.' Miyii t msw
Ljm mm 0) (f "I 9 V dills m c
mm&m lrII,liilLI2) tins each A3
DON'T SHOOT! Look tlos-
er, Jvir. Hunter. This isn't an
animal. The horswoggled T JTS ft Fl I f r "
SHafS S ;(0)lUI Occident iill lbs PtiTr
bearing the antlers of a can- ,j XSrJ J IW I llii mmfSt If M , If
bou shot with bow and arrow. f U VA - U K&r
SPAGHETTI 1 AN ? , frish I
IJ .rrriirr t irr i
4 rc 11
LLLLliT Bunch U U
ib. 191
ii .nun rt.W. .in
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Rowe of Eu
gene, former Glendale residents,
visited with the August Moschkau
family, the Palmer Strand familv,
the Ed Steins, and others in Glen
dale last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Johnson and
daughter of Gold Beach visited
with Glendale friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen wens, Mr. ana Mi
Calvin Overcash, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill SHgh, and others over the
past weekend.
Wedding Attended . v .
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eempcl and
family of Glendals and her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ltaes WyekoiE,
of Berkeley, Calif., drove to Port
land for the wedding of friends on
Saturday. Returning home, they
stopped in Dallas to visit with
Rempel's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Rempel.
Stanley Vanderwal of Glendale
attended the OEA convention in
Portland last week, then visited on
the campus of his alma mater,
Willamette, at Salem.
Willis Cobb, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Cobb of Glendale, has re
turned to the Eugene Vocational
School after spending spring vaca
tion at home. He is taking his sec
ond year in appliance repairs.
Fritz Magill of Glendale returned
home last week and is reported to
be making a good recovery from
surgery at the Providence Hospital
in Portland on Feb. 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Morris of
EI Ccntro, Calif., visited the Connie
O'Roke family in Glendale last
week. Residents of Glendale and
Azalea for several years, they re
cently moved to El Centre, Calif.
Tonight for dinner "bake up
a biscuit. You it have to go a
Civil War Group
Holds New Meet
On Race Conflict
War Centennial Commission's rul
ing body met for more than two
tone wav to find a more tempting i hours today on a racial eontro-
treat than a light, tender, golden- j versy complicating its plans for
brown biscuit, hot from Ihe oven, (observances of the war's lOfrth an
with a generous pat of butter or j niversary . Afterward newsmen
margarine melting over its creamy : were told the matter "sUll un
der consideration.
Mai. Gen. U.S. Grant III f Ret.),
chairman of the commission, re
fused to say whether the organi
zation's executive committee had
reached a decision.
The controversy arose recently
A PEEKING PEKE CrowJnl out on the ppr letfl of vision, on Ptkin
inf foond his on pfephol lower in the war at his miMrfM station wimi In Aaimkim,
Eitf. Th ii photoienie Pdti were bound for London to tompde in a dnf hw.
when a Negro member of a Kew
Jersey unit complained she was
denied a room at a Charleston,
SC., hotel. The commission has
been planning a national galher
ing of stale affiliates in Charles
ton on April 11-12.
Grant said the commission plans
to reply to a letter from Presi
dent Kennedy who told the group,
created by Congress, it has a
duty to avoid racial discrimina
tion in its meetings.
Grant, grandson of the Union
general and president, indicated
there was no serious division bi
the committee.
"1 don't think there's any boot
of conlention," Grant said while
acknowledging there had been
considerable argument on the
question. t
ihe commission enairmsa said
a statement would be issued some
time In the future but that he did
not think there would be another
meeting of the executive commit
tee on this question.
8-OZ. PKG.
REG. 31c Ea, ..... Ea.
Deal Ends Sunday Night, Apr. 2 I
TICKETS VOID, after April 3rd
..,,, Bunch
You can count on puffy eggs su-
preme to stretch your food budget. I
For 6 servings, beat eggs, '
cup milk, 1 teaspoon sail and '
teaspoon pepper until frothy. Pour
into a buttered 1-quart casserole.
Add "i pound cubed sharp Ched
dar cheese and bake in a pr?heat-
i ed 350 degree oven for 30 mBtes,
Serve with bu'lered toat pomis.
(if 1
930 S. E. Stephens OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.