The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 22, 1961, Page 21, Image 21

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    Cotton Shirts
For Easy Living
Take On Bold Look
What changes are in the wind in
sport shirts?
News is being made as the males
of the species exchange their con
servative pull - overs for bright
stripes and fancy necks. reports
Everett Mattlin, editor of Gentle
man s Quarterly,' the fashion mag-'
vs .;. J J V.
azme lor men.
Yes, indeed, this is the time for
bold fun shirts! Wen and boys
have lots of fancy shirts to choose
from this spring. Hot orange, gold,
green, carnation pink, . air-lorce
blue, all in vivid hues, make news
in lustrous highly polished cottons
A process called mercerization
makes these fine cotton fabrics
more acceptable to the new bright
dyes. It is a method of polishing
the yarn so that colors - appear
more shiny, more lustrous, bright
er. Many sport shirts manufactur
ers carry the Durene label to show
consumers the yarn of their shirts
has been mercerized.
The new hot colors show up in
multi' -, colored stripes, vertical
stripes, Horizontal ttnpes. boater
stripes, ticking stripes and candy
stripes. Striped patterns eo hand
somely with the paisley and batik
prints that are prominent in light
weight sport couls this season.
Polished cotton shirts too. are a
smart contrast to the cool soft
shades of new season snort coats
Pullover sport shirts, the kind
most popular, . feature deep front
plackets with three or four but
tons. On some shirts the placket
practically reaches the belt line of
the slacks.
Also .newsworthy are liigh-V
necks, boatnecks, cross-over necks
. . . .lancy colon ul designs give
sport shirts a sportier, more Amer
ican connotation. . . .away from
the trim, conservative styling.
Sleeves, have lots of fashion in
terest pointing up a less .conven
tional three-quarter sleeve. Knit
shirt stylists have embellished
sleeves with vents, slits and two
button cuff treatments.
Pockets arc oversized and noted
for detailing. They appear at the
' bottom of the shirt and on the
sleeve as well as in conventional
places. . . .details that point up
the smart racy styles of the bold
S, U v ' .
- s i
shaped by wide layers of petals that
form the four-tiered full skirt of this
dance frock. The camisole top is cut
in the lowered new line.
Half SSesved
Dress Shsrfs Are
Ccd Favorites "
Dress shirts with an eye to the
new season have two things in
view; comfort and good looks. The
fancy half sleeve shirt which con
tinues to gain popularity now has
added top interest the Dritish
grip-tab collar.
Besides the British, look collar;
pink-tab length I pointed and round
ed) tables:) tabs and round col
lars shorter button downs plus
tab length collar with moderate
spread will set the spring-inlo sum
lner dress shirt collar trend.
On the cuff, it's a totally differ
ent sury as cuffs will be fancier
than ever with angled tabs, slit
plackets, buttoned versions and
As for fabrics, all are keyed in ,
spring-inlo-Mimnu'r weights. Col-;
01 k arc British influenced in rrisp
stripim's, checks (medium and ha-1
li fe weights!; ivr.ry, mute 1 cold. '
pewter, rienim blue. pink, genmet-
rie v hi'e on whites, sice': 5it;ny !
ne,vits on knos rtrrd stripe. Ail'
look rcair and lave an 0:1.13110
nuahtv. 1
ih iV Wt hij&x Ml vL
- r.'-v H A ' K-r-T-,-- -ft- 1 f J kli
l .
Hi, . f
Town-Clad Year-Around Weight
suits in a handsome blend of
Dacron polyester and Worsted!
Travel comfortably in light -on-the -shoulder suits remarkable for
performance, pattern ... remarkable for the Penney low price!
Go places in new-look stripes, subtle glen plaids, checks and
iridescents. All tailored with special attention to detail, ond
eye for line ond fit . r , all in slimming 3-bulton style. Enjoy
a wardrobe that offers greater variety, longer wear more days
each yeor. At Penney's in regulars, shorts, longs, '
Use Penney's Time-Payment Plan. Pay as little as $5 a month. No tfown payment!
t, i r
Dacron polyester 'n .worsteds
gain the 1961 sport coat title
for casual comfort, good fookS,
fashlorV tailoring. Chooie new
look colors in checks 'n plaiji
men's tizas, regular,
fchirr, long
Pennfy p'onl.d fint flannel
lit' t f iture '.rr art sepirate
woitbunj in IrOrtt