The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 22, 1961, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Th Nw-Rview, Reteburg,
More Study Urged On Fish Problems
PORTLAND (AP) The design
er of the fish passage facilities
for the proposed Nei Perce Dam
- (aid at a Federal Power Commis
sion hearing here this week that
further studies and tests should
be conducted on the problem of
getting fish past high dams.
William R. Martin, fishway engi
neer for the Washington Public
Power Supply System, a group of
public utility districts, said that
more research is needed on the
effects of deep water pressure on
If I had a picture ... I tell
you whot I'd do , I'd hong
It on the wall ... I'd sit
where I could see It . . . and
never move ot all! That Is If
it were a picture taken by
Chris of Chris' Studio.
Night School Discontinued Indefinitely
619 S. E. Cast Avenue OR 3-7256
' 'censed and Bonded by the State of Oregon
Tk Mlwtn nit 4 trogroine era prints free public service fr Ntwt-IUvltw
attain, aii antral Hinnn
10:00-Prlc It Rlght-NBC
10:10 Concentration NSC
11:00 Truth or Consequeniea NBC
11:30 It Could Bo You NBC
11:55 Newi Today NBC
11:00 Jan Murray NBC
12:30 Rompar Room
1:00 Young Dr. Malono NBC
1:30 From Thau Root NBC
2:00 Maka Room For DadOy NBC
2:30 Hara'a Hollywood NBC
1:00 Walorfront
U StltVICt CUllHT(E0
PHONE OR 3-4123
It Itliaarf II Tim
IMt M JtitUMi it tiKia Villi! let
It S. E. Stephen OR 1-1166
IliOO-Love Of Lit
11:30 search For Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 Camoullege
11:30 At The World Ijrnl
1:00 Full Circle
VW-Hluso Party
2:00 The Millionaire
2:30 Verdict la Yourl
3:00 Brighter Day
3:15 Secret Storm
1:30 Edge ot Night
4:4V Ticourt (Mon-Thuri.)
7:30 Cartoon Tlmt
00 Morning Nfwt
1:15 Cap t. Kangaroo
:00 I Lov Lucy
:-Video VI I Ho
10:00 D.HJbl Expotur
10:30 Swrprll Packagt
11:00 Lov of LIU
11:30 search For Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 Hi, Neighbor Mnn, Thru. Thurt)
Hottest Houo Party iFrl)
17 3rV-Al Tht World Turn
1:00 KOI N Kltcrvwi
V36 Houto Party
3 fjo Queen For A Day
3:30 Open Houe
4 00 American Bandit and
S:0O Renpek the MagnlHctnt
5 30 Lone Ranger
4 00 Kit Carson
4:30 Newt Nino
Radio Programs -Monday thru
KRNR 1490 KC
Newi Broadcast by Columbia Broadcasting
System en the hour from I .m. to 7 I a
Soeclol news program listed, KRNR Music
between programs Trom 4:0J a.m. -10 A M.
IMS p.m. -5 p.m 4:10-7 p.m., 7:35-11 ml
5'4$ Sign On
1:45 Country Muiie Tlmo (et)
KQEN 1240 KC
Scheduleo! Hlnhllohts: KQEN music through
out broadcast day between listed programs.
Local and ABC network; newacesti ot S min
utes before eerh hour througlVhj the day
otter 10 A.M. Special programi el fnllowa;
t oo Wake Up Musle
: Local Newt
0 IS- tnortl Highlight!
:30-World News ABC
4 SS Weather Capwie
1:00 frank Hemingway ASC
aiMi rnuak-newt-and-weother
Ore. Wed., Mar. 22, 1961
salmon, the ability of upstream
migrants to find their way through
long reservoirs, and the handling
of downstream migrants.
Martin and Haran B. Holmes,
fisheries biologist for WPPSS,
called for the further studies when
they were cross examined about
their fish passage plans by repre
sentatives of the Pacific North
west Power Co. PNW, a combine
of private utilities, has filed a
competing license for a dam at
the Mountain Sheep site.
Only one of the dams could be
built on the Snake River.
Both Martin and Holmes said
they believed that solutions to the
fish problems could be found in a
shorter time than four years.
Interior Secretary Stewart Udall
has asked the Federal Power
Commission not to license any
dams in the middle section of the
Snake until his agency completes
a four-year study of fish passage
Starting Monday, March 27
are eubllihte reeolveo- tresis Ida rosMctlvt The Newo-
Mi taoett mtoniitillty tor variation from erifinol echtttlte. fyrnlsheo! Hits ntwiptajte.
3:30 TV Toplci
3:5-Off To Markat
4:00 Or. Hudson
4:30 Addle Bobklni
5:30 Woody Woodpecker
:00 Northwest Newt
a:15 Huntlay-Brlnklay NBC
4:30 Soldiers Of Fortuna
7:00 How to Marry a Millionaire
7:30 Wagon Train NBC
0:30 Beit ol Poll
.9:00 Parry Como
10:00 U. S. Marshall
10:30 J. Midnight
11:00 Raport
11:15 Jack Paar-NBC .
Piano Tuner & Repairs
With Roitburg Music . ,
Alio Teacher of Guitar
And Other Stringtd Instrumtntt
1634 S. E. Hamilton OR 3-652S
Call ut for all your
refrigeration needs.
Heat Pump Specialittt
24-Hour Service OR 2-4392
4:00 Higher Education
4:10 Uncle Bill Show
5:30 Woody woodpecker
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel 5 Report
4:15 Doug Edwards, The Nawi
4:30 Wilbur it Mr. Ed
7:00 Brother! Brennagan
7:30 Mallhu Run
l:10-Wanted: Dead or Alive
9:00 rand Jury
9:30-l've Got A Secret
10:00 Theater
ll:0O-Flnal Report
2:00 Tht Millionaire
1:30 Verdict u Youn
3:00 Brighter Day
3:15 Secret Storm
3:JOEdoe of Night
4:001 Led Three Live (AAon-VVed-Prt)
Amoav n' Andy (TuThun)
J-W-CnrtckV Circus
3.00 Man From Corhlie (Mon-Wed-Prl)
R.C.M.P Tupt-Truiri
S: DO People'- Choice
4:00 Weather Sptirti . Newt
: 15 Doug Edwards, Newt
4 30 Highway Patrol
7:00 Tightrope
7:30 Mallhu Run
I JO-Wanted: Dead or Allvi
;0O My Suler Eileen
7:00 Behind Closed Doort
7 30 Hong Kong
1:30 Playhouse
f:00 Hawaiian Eyo
tO OO Naked City
11:0O-Newt Nine Final
3:00 Queen For A Day
3 30 Open House l
1 00 American Bandstand
5: 00 Teen Beat
7:30-Frank Goss CB
7:45 Local News
:30 Man and Wife CBS
10: tO Arthur Godfrey-CBI
11:10 Houteparty CBS
11:30 Gary Moore CBS
11:40 Croshy-Cioonev CM
II 30 Intormalict Central-CBI
1 30-Man In Parls-CB
30 Woman'r, Washington CBS
3:30 Personal Slory CBS
;:4-Local New!
I DO Clltf tnola-AIC
1:30 Local Newl
U-l-aul Meryey-ABC
0:00 Breakfast Cluh
10:15 Tello Test ABC
10:30 Farm Evrhango
11:30 Stork Club
11:00 Mid Day Newl
1:00 Business Plnal-ABC
1:M Social Calendar
) K-Lorel New!
i.00 John Daly ABC
e: am to 9 00-The Bob Nlon A M. Show
9:00 em to noon Rambltn with Bombe
noon to 1 00 The LaPey Hint Show
3.00 pm to 30 Bambim with Bamoo
Special Footvroii
Wool Marketing Year
Will End On March 31
The marketing year for the pur
poses of the 1960 wool program
will end March 31, Chairman Cur
tis Barker of the Douglas County
Agricultural Stabilization and Con
servation Committee said.
The wool program is conducted
under the National Wool Act of
1954. Payments under the 1960 pro
gram will be made this summer
when payment rates are deter
mined on the basis of the national
average price received by produc
ers for shorn wool during the 1960
marketing year.
For complete sale, Barker said,
title must have passed to the buy
er, the wool must have been de
livered to the buyer (either physic
ally or through documents), and
the last of the factors (price per
pound, weight, yield, and so forth)
needed to determine the total pur
chase price must be available. If
any condition concerning the sale
is not settled by March 31, the
sale will not be considered as com
plete. Applications for payment under
the 1960 program must be filed
with the County Office, Room 214
Court House, not later than April
30. I
1:30 Music Go-Round
3:30 Talk of Tha Town
4:00 Dr. Hudson
4:30-Addlo Bobklni
5:30-H. Hound
4:00 Northwest Nawi
4: 15 Huntlay-Brlnklay NBC
4:30 Blue Angalt
7:00-Two Faces Wast
7:30 NBC Special
1:30 Bat Masterson NBC '
9:00 Bachelor Father
9:30 Ernie Ford NBC
10:00 TBA
10:30 Tightrope
11:00 Report
11:15 Jack Paar-NBC
after you
have started your
advertiiement in
this space,
CALL OR 2-3321
la reierve this ipel today
The News-Review
4:00 Friendship Circle
4:30-Uncle Bill Show
5:30 Roy Rogers
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel 5 Report
4:15 Doug Edwards And Thl Newl
4:30 Award Theater
7:0O Title Pending
7:30 Ann Sothorn Show
1:00 Angel
30 Two Facet West
9:00 J. Midnight
9:30 Hot Oil the Wlra
10:00 Face The Nation
11:00 Final Report
t:30-l'vt Got A Secret
10:00 Theater
U:00-Clty Desk
11:05 New Wlro
11:10 Theater
J:30-Sclenct Fiction Theater
4: 15-Doug Edwards Newt
4:30 New Horl loot
7:00 Cast of Dangerotn Robin
7:30 Ann Sotharn Show
I 00 Angel
1.30 Zane Grey Theater
:0O Guntllnger
10 0O-Fac The Nation
11:00 City DimK
11:05 New Wirt
11:10 Theater
S.30 Rocky and Hit Pritndi
4:00 Rewder Patrol
4 30 News Nine
7 00 This It Alice
7 30 Guettward Ho
100 Donna Reed Show
1:30 Third Men
00 mv Three Sons
30 The Untoucheblet
10:30 Silence Please
M:0O Newt Nine Fnal
4:30 Sidelights CSS
5:00 Lowell Thomas CBS
5:10 Spomtlme CBS
530-Sports Final CBS
5:45 Fran Goss CBS
5 : is W ea t hr T omo't ow
7 to in Person CHS
7:30 Newt Analysis CBt
7:35-Night Watch to 11:15
11:00-Sign Off
S: 10 Paul Harvey ABC
S IS Eydlo Gorme tMon. Woo'., frl.)
S JO Snort! Hlghllohli
S IS Van Horn ABC
S-45 Headline News ABC
OC-BOw. P. Morgan-ABC
4:IS Local News
4:1.5 Farm Evchango
1-30 Business Pinal ABC
1:00 Vandercoftk Now ABC
l:00-,0:UO Teleoueon
H u&"Cueen Aus4
tl:00-Slgn oft
Headline news on lop ot the hour
Weathorvone et U past the hour
Nawi Summaries V! past the hour
Meeting Momee 44 pom the hour
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Salmon
son and family enjoyed a trip over
the weekend to the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Davenport
drove to Eugene Saturday night
for the final basketball tournament
Mrs. Harry Winter of this city
is reported to he getting along sat
isfactorily, following recent sur
gery. Dolores LartWord has returned to
her home here after a visit during
spring vacation in Brookings with
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Foster.
Ml, irul Mrs Miun..J E-l
nf IHIpiIH o nl M- U. 1 1 1 '
j - , . i . BiKi ana. ti. n.
IJmp nf Rmohtirn lun c. -
a week's vacation' in Nevada and
ai L,ane ianoe.
The Riddl Cadet Band of 46
Dlavers anr) riirpr-tnp laL- Mahnn.
eV. aCCOmnanipH hv tnnr vicitm-
assisted in the social services work
ai me va Hospital Monday.
Mrs. Andrevy (Isabel) Fiiher,
for Pacific Telephone Northwest in
Rnsehliro' has anlaroH Cf vinan,'.
Hospital in Portland, where she is
receiving medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Denial R. Walters
and daughters, 7, 4 and 2, have
moved to Roseburg from Dallas.
Ore. and are residing at 2264 SW
flusun noaa. waiters is a state li
quor inspector.
Mr. And Mrs. VrmA St Ea.m.1
are newcomers to Roseburg from
Modesto, Calif. Forrest is building
snnArintjinri'pnf nf tho n.iu Unnt.
gomery Ward building, which is
unuer uuiioiiucuua.
Tim Ookley, David Bowker. Rav
Myers, Walter Samuelson, Bruce
Person, Scott Campbell and John
Griffin of this city were in Eu
gene last week for the state bas
ketball tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Clark and
daughters, 4 years-old, and 15
months-old, newcomers to Roseburg
from Redwood City, Calif., and are
residing at 753 w. union, Clark is
assistant manager of Montgomery
Ward Co. store.
Mrs, H. H. McLaughlin, of Tilla
mook, enjoyed an overnight visit
here with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Mc
Laughlin, on her return from Cali
fornia where she spent spring va
cation visiting her two daughters.
Mrs. McLaughlin is a teacher at
Beaver, Oregon.
Mrs. Byron C. McFarland of
Roseburg will travel to Sacramen
to, Calif., . Thursday to spend the
weekend visiting the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, Keith G.
Hamilton and family. She will
travel with Dean McFarland, who
is returning to California after a
short visit here.
Miss Patricia Shumard, director
nf Christian Education at the First
Presbyterian Church, Miss Mar
loiie Martin and Mrs. Riley Pat.
terson, advisers, accompanied the
Senior High Westminster Fellow
ship of the church to a spring re
treat and planning conference at
Camp Christian, near Springfield,
over the weekend.
. Mr. and Mrs. Semuol W. Let Jr.
of Corvallis, joined their baby
daughter, Elizabeth, here at the
home of Mrs. Lee's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elton V. Jackson, over
the weekend. The baby has been
at the Jackson home for the last
10 days and will return to Corvallis
with the Lees after the spring va
cation. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lee are
students at Oregon State College.
Mr. Lee is spending part of the
spring vacation at Hampton, Ore.,
with his brother-in-law, David
Mrs. F. D. Morgan and son,
Dick, went to Eugene the early
part of last week at which time
the latter remained to see the bas
ketball tournament. Mrs. Morgan
and her niece, Mrs. J. L. Flynn
of Eugene, went on to Portland to
visit the latter' father, G. B. Spen
cer, who is confined to St. Vin
cent's Hospital. They also visited
Mrs. Spencer who is staying in
Portland to be with her husband.
Also visited was Mrs. Morgan's
daughter, Miss JoAnn Morgan, who
is employed in Portland. Fred
Reeves of Hermislon accompanied
Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Flynn back
to Eugene where he attended some
of the tournament games. F. D.
Morgan joined the family group
Friday to see the final games,
then returned to Roseburg with
his wife and son.
j " -"I-'
CalOre Electrical league dealers are
prepared io PAY YOU
. . . in special bonus allowances . . .
for trading that old stove or water heater
or both for modern electric appliances
fj,f' httilt fa iht iukt
4!tflty!t ik'it tmhltm
U kit tltft wnJfw...
Community News Briefs
Mr. and Mrs. B. A, Seer and
family of this city enjoyed the
spring vacation in Arizona.
Mrs. Andrew Hanson returned
this week to her work at tht Doug
las County Home after being ab
sent due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. James f. Putnam
and daughter, Janet, have returned
home after a visit with relatives
in Sacramento, Calif.
Mrs. Arthur Olson and family
have returned to Roseburg after
spending a few days at Winches
ter Bay with Arthur Olson who is
working temporarily in tha area.
Mrs. Caloo Salle, who works in
the business office of The News
Review, was taken Sunday to Prov
idence Hospital in Portland to re
ceive treatment for a back injury.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eriekson
and sons, John and Steve, are back
at their home here, following a
trip during spring vacation to Dis
neyland and Palm Springs, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Crocker Jr.
and children, Rick and Danny,
were recent visitors in Rio Del,
Calif., at the home of the former's
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. George Crocker, and family.
Mrs. C. R. Wooluns and son, 3,
have moved to Roseburg from Cor
pus Christi, Tex., and are residing
at 1378 NE Lane Avenue. Wooluns
is presently serving in the U. S.
Navy in Iceland.
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson
and son, lVt. have moved here
from Lincoln, Neb. and are resid
ing at 2110 N. Stephens. Johnson
is employed by Roseburg Lumber
Tom Martin, a Business Admin
istration student at the University
of Oregon, is spending Spring va
cation at the home ol his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Martin,
745 W. Stanton St.
Mr. and Mrs. Thai Allen of this
city drove to Portland today to
take the latler's mother Mrs. Pearl
Foster, who took the train there
for her home in Quincy, 111. Mrs.
Foster spent the last month here
visiting at the Allen home.
Miss Kay Johnson, who attends
beauty school in Springfield, spent
the weekend here visiting her moth
er, Mrs. Erma Johnson. She was
brought to Koseburg Dy Alvin But
ler and his brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McWil
liams. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loomis and
daughters, Beverly and Linda, vis
ited here from Salem over the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George
Loomis. Bill is affiliated with the
State Trades and Industries pro
Mrs. Leonard Sutton and sons,
Jeffrey and Dennis, spent several
days last week at Winchester Bay,
joining Leonard Sutton who is pres
ently working in the area. Mr.
and Mrs. Sutton and the children
returned to Roseburg Sunday, he
leaving the following day to return
to his work at the coast,
Mrs. Roy Hertford and sons,
Terry and Philip, and Mrs. Har
old Backen Jr. returned to Rose
burg Sunday night after several
days visit in California. They spent
some time with Mrs. Backen's
daughters, Miss Mary Anne Back-
en and Mrs. Tom Cottle and fam
ily, and also enjoyed trips to Dis
neyland and other places of in
terest. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roark have
returned to their home in Rose
burg following a week's honeymoon
in California. They visited places
of interest in San Francisco, Lake
Tahoe and Carson City and stopped
in Ukiah to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Rideout and Candy and Mr.
and Mrs. George Hanson and Joyce
and Linda. They also visited for
mer Elgarose area residents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hargesheimcr.
Miss Janet Inman, Paul Dillon
and Fermin Dillon, Roseburg stu
dents home for spring vacation
from the University of Oregon
Tuesday joined a group of 12 to
IS Methodist young people and ad
visors from Lane and Douglas
counties on a work camp at Loon
Lake, me Methodists of this area
will be using the Loon Lake site for
their summer camp this year. The
group will stay until Sunday and
do cleanup and repair work to im
prove facilities for the summer
camp. The Roseburg Rroup was
joined ny Miss Jen ismith nf Med
ford. They met the others at Drain,
then went on to the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Gum and
family of this city spent the week
end in Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fisher have
returned to their home in Laurel
wood, following the last week in
Portland attending to business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mutgrovo and
son. 2 weeks old. have moved here
from Salem. Musgrove is pastor
ot the rour Square Gospel Church
at Winston.
Bill Myers, student at Oregon
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
noss Myers, sts Mam street, dur
ing spring vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dunning
and family and Dunning's mother,
Mrs. Marian Patrick, spent the
week of spring vacation at the
Patrick floathouse at Siltcoos Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Young and
daughter, Brooke, and Miss Penny
Welch of this city were in Eugene
last week for the basketball tour
nament games.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchings
have returned to their home on
SE Blakeley Avenue, following the
weekend in Portland visiting their
two daughters and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Whitfield
and son, 15, and daughter, 11, have
moved here from Woodland Hills,
Calif, and are residing at 710 Mor
gan Avenue. Whitfield has the li
quor store at Winston.
Jack Hilaedick. student at Uni
versity of Oregon, has left for his
home in Oakland, Calif, to spend
the remainder of the spring vaca
tion, after visiting here at the Har
ris Whitaker home on Germond Av
The) Rosoburg Past Noble Grands
Club will hold a plant sale and
clearance of rummage friday from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Odd Fel
lows Hall. Plants may De Drought
from 2 to 4 p.m. to the basement
of the hall on Cass Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson
and infant daughter, Kathy, of
Portland, visited over the weekend
at the home of Mrs. Peterson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
M. Chapman, on west mversiae
Drive. v
Mrs. Lucy Harris of this city is
spending a few days at Alsea, Ore.,
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Bill Wingfield, and fam
ily. She took Mrs. Wingfield and
and family back to Alsea Sunday.
The family spent last week visiting
J. El wood McLaughlin returned
Sunday to Burns, Oregon to com-
filete a log scaling job there, fol
owing a weekend visit with his
family who reside on urant smitn
Road. Mr. McLaughlin expects to
return to his home here in a few
Mitt Choryl Ramberg, M 1 S s
Barbara Smith, Miss Kay Chap
man, Miss Lana Mittendorf, and
Miss Carole Geddes returned to
their homes here Sunday from a
5-day stay in Eugene, where they
enjoyed the slate basketball tour
nament. Jim and Bruce Wassom, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wassom, and
Dennis Rudolf, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Rudolf of this city at
tended the basketball tournament
in Eugene last week and were
houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Bailey and family. The Baileys
brought them back to Roseburg
Sunday and were dinner guests at
the Wassom home. The Baileys for
merly made their home here. Mr.
Bailey is with the telephone com
pany. starts
OPEN 6:45
we SMmsmm mmm
(nous m nuiNt
MSr' 0 1 al ia 11 1 4M
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Forrest of
this city spent the weekend in Port
land attending to business and visit
ing. Miss Nancy Whitaker, student at
University of Oregon, is visiting
here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harris Whitaker.
Miss Marorit Bowker is home
from Oregon State College to spend
the week of spring vacation visiting
her mother, Mrs. M. C. Bowker,
on SE Main Street.
Mrs. C. M. McDormott, Tide
water Oil Company distributor
here, spent Tuesday in Salem at
the Oregon Legislature.
Mrs. Kenneth Shank and three
children returned to their home
in Bend after spending a week
here with Mrs. Shank's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Chandler.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Curwick and
sons, 19, 14 and 11, have moved
here from Marshall Minn, and are
residing at 447 W. Fair St. Curwick
is a plumber with Kier and Crooch.
David Forrest, student at Oregon
State College, Corvallis, is home to
spend the spring vacation visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gilbreath
and their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cummingham,
and family, have returned to their
homes, following a few days en
joying a stay in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mursell
and daughters, 6, 5 and 2, who re
cently moved here from Portland,
have purchased the residence on
Star Route, Box 465. Mursell is I
with the Oregon State Highway of
fice here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Insley and
daughter, Shirley, returned home
rnday from oan Bernardino, Calif.
after visiting the Insleys' son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Huff. They also visited rela-1
lives in Glendale, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armson and
three children left Tuesday fori
their home in Klamath Falls after !
a visit here at the home of Arm
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-,
neth Armson. Jim Armson is dean
of men at OTI. j
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Treber 1
have returned to their home in
Koseburg. following a trm to
Jamestown, N.D. to visit the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hcl- j
mer Nannenga. They report espec-1
ially fine weather while on the :
trip. . I
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Brady have
returned to Coquille, where they
are Doth teachers, following the
week of spring vacation attending
the basketball tournament in Eu
gene and visiting in Roseburg with '
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Ellison.
Mis Darleno Hurd, Miss Gayle ,
Harris and BUI Kelsay, all fresh-1
men at Lewis & Clark College, j
have returned to Portland to re-
sume their studies following the
spring vacation period spent in !
Roseburg with their families. j
Mrs. Emily Judd of this city and
her daughter, Mrs. Robert Kelly, j
and twin daughters, Elnora and I
Emily, of Myrtle Creek, and daugh- j
ter. Miss Myra Kelly, student at j
University of Oregon at Eugene, '
went to Portland over the week-:
end, where Mrs. Kelly attended the
teachers association educational
meeting. They were accompanied
home by the Kellys' daughter,
Miss Ann, who is a student at
Portland State College, who with
Myra from U. of O., will spend
the week of spring vacation in
Myrtle Creek.
TONIGHT at 7:30
- JL:?, if tlil AL.ULAK
From Hit flarninf a)(l tf jp-is
j! tht woild'l ill-time best- !Ls.
i ... ... . & - 45-
seitinf iuiM Iht Mnulional y-ay
I lion of I Dtlnct win ttM E-
snips! jmmicmii win in imv.
Mrs. Henry Pep Sr. and Mrs.
Henry Pape Jr., of this city visited
recently with relatives and friends
in Eugene.
Mrs. Jack Cummins and son.
Ken, and Ron Frashour, were in
Eugene last week for the basket
ball tournament.
Mrs. Erie Johnson of Clover
dale, Ore. is spending the week
here visiting her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Stults, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dirksen are
back at their home in Roseburg,
following several days in Portland.
While they were away their chil
dren were cared for by their ma
ternal grandmother, Mrs. Joseph
Movie Showtime
INDIAN THEATRE Doors open i:S.
Complete show at 7:30. "Ben Hur" at 7:30
INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 4:45.
"Ben Hur" at 7:30 only.
STARLITE DRIVE-IN Gales open 4:30.
Show starts at 7 p.m. "Hieh Powered
Rifle." "Patterson-Johannsen Fight pic
tures" and "Ferry to Hong Kong"
starts at 7 p.m. "Tha Rat Race and
"Walk Toll"
Thursdoy thru Saturday
Tony Curtis Debbit Reynold
Willard Parker Joyco Meodowi
Kent Taylor
Open 6:30 . . . Shows start 7:00
Official Blow-by-Blow
Fight Pictures
See the knockdowns
plus 2 FMfuret
and STRANGE Adventure
&S$j' :
. W.e--
(under 12) 75c
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