The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 16, 1961, Page 15, Image 15

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an St
Daw Celebration
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Add Touch Of Old Ireland
With Shamrock Coffee Cake
A Popcorn Shamrock is Jus! Right
For St. Patrick's Day Entertaining
If your're enterlainin' durin'
St. Pat's Day week, here's a clever,
unusual, and absolutely delicious
confection a centerpiece and
conversation piece that will make
any Irish heart proud. It's a big
green, glistening shamrock made
of popcorn!
So simple to make, all it re
quires is some cardboard, a bit of
aluminum foil your favorite light
popcorn ball recipe and a few
drops of green food coloring.
When finished, your shamrock
can be decorated with small sham
rocks and set on a doilie on a
cake plate in the center of your
Best of all, you can make your
shamrock days ahead of time,
wrap it in foil or saran, and it'll
be fresh and crisp come serving
These Salad Recipes Are Especially Good
For People Keeping Watch On Calories
Are you on a diet? Or maybe
just cutting doww a bit on cal
ories? Many people are these days
especially since so much emphasis
has been placed on the dangerrs
of overweight.
If you are one who wants to
cut down on the calories and still
enjoy eating, then here are a few
salad suggestions that make a
tasty meal and are nourishing too.
Each salad can be served with
a fresh fruit or vegatable garnish,
rolls, or crisp crackers and a glass
of ice cold milk.
Vege-Tomato Aspic
I 2 envelopes (2 tablespoons) un
favored gelatin
' 3'4 cups tomato juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon minced onion
1 teaspoon salt
' teaspoon pepper
'i cup chopped celery
1 cup shredded cabbage
hotten gelatin in H cup
cold i
tomato mice. Heat remaining to
mato juice to boiling, add softened
gelatin and stir until dissolved. I
Fried Chicken Comes With Spring
Spring brings renewed enthusi
asm for lots of good fried chicken.
And fortunately it's also the time
when the supply of fryers on the
market is up.
This new version of fried chick
en uses yellow cornmeal to add a
beautiful golden color and pleas
antly crispy crust to each piece
of chicken.
Dip the pieces of chicken first in
evaporated milk, then m the corn-
popcorn shomrock
Here's how to make this Irish
man's dream:
Cut a shamrock measuring 10
inches from top to the bottom of
the stem and about 7 inches from
side to side out of a piece of card
board. Cover the shamrock with
aluminum foil.
Pop about three quarts of pop
corn and put in a buttered bowl
in a slow oven (30 degrees!.
Make your favorite light popcorn
ball syrup, and, to the cooked
syrup, add a teaspoon of green
food coloring.
Set aside about a fourth of the
syrup (keeping it hot enough to
stay liquid; and pour the rest over
the popped corn, mixing well with
a buttered spoon.
Working quickly (with your hand
greased or slightly wet) pile the
coated popcorn onto the shamrock
Add lemon juice, onion, salt and
pepper. Chill until gelatin mixture
begins to set. P'old in celery and
cabbage. Pour into IVi quart mold.
Chill until set. Unmold and serve
with gourmet sour cream dressing.
Hakes 8 to 10 servings. 8 servings
35 calorics per serving. 10 servings
28 calories per serving.
Gourmet Sour Cream Dressing
2 tablespoons minced onion
3 tablespoons wine vinegar
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon. prepared mustard
Dash of Tabasco
jb teaspoon pepper
1 cup dairy sour cream
Combine all ingredients . and
chill in refrigerator for 'a hour or
longer to blend flavor. Serve as a
dressing for vegetable salads, slic
ed tomatoes, or cucumbers and
Unions. Makes l'i cups dressing.
26 calorics per tablespoon.
Jewel Fruit Salad
package lemon-flavored gelatin
meal. The evaporated milk will
help the cornmeal cling to the
chicken in an even coating which
in turn produces an even crust
and the best browning. Then you
can "fry" the chicken in the oven
a simplified method where the
chicken browns and cooks with
only one turning.
Creamv giblct gravv is iust
about irresistible along with cluck
en and biscuits. Ihe giblets will
. . - dountry fried chicken
' .... vix' 4
pattern, packing it firmly on all
sides. Build to a height of at least
two inches. Let the mold cool.
For the finishing touches, trim
rough edges with a sharp knife
and using a pastry brush, touch
up any spots not thoroughly coated
with the remaining syrup.
After that, slice, serve, and
watch it disappear I
Basic Syrup Recipe
2V4 cups granulated sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
4 cup water
a cup butter or margarine
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix together sugar, syrup, wa
tcr, butter or margarine, and salt
in a saucepan. Bring to soft crack
slate (270 to 290 degrees '.). Re
move from heat and stir in van
ilia and food coloring.
1 can (1 pound) fruit cocktail
1 cup boiling water
! cup gingerale or lemon-flav
ored carbonated beverage
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cups cream-style cottage
Salt to taste
One-third cup chopped nuts.
Salad greens
Drain fruit cocktail and reserve
juice for use with other fruit juices
in sauces or beverages. Dissolve
gelatin in boiling water, add gin
gerale or carbonated beverage and
lemon juice. Divide gelatin in two
parts and add fruit cocktail to one.
Pour into a 5-cup ring and chill
until almost firm. Mantime, blend
drained cottage cheese, salt and
nuts and blend with remaining gel
atin. Pour over chilled layer and
chill until firm
L'nmold on a salad
plate, garnish
with greens and
serve with sour cream fruit dress- assorted snack crackers and salt
ing. Makes 6 to 8 servings. 8 serv- ed cocktail peanuts for munching,
ings (omitting nuts) 148 calories Now let 'em come. You're all
per serving. set!
cook in the time the chicken is
in the oven and be ready to go
into the rich creamy gravy.
Country-Fried Chicken
1 frying chicken, cut in pieces
l cup flour
'.i cup yellow cornmeal
'-i teaspoon salt
1k cup evaporated milk
" cup butter
Wine pieces of chicken thorough
ly. Mix Hour, cornmeal and salt
Celebrate the wearin' o the
green at your house by donning a
cheery green apron then bake
the best-lasting "shamrock" old
St. Pat ever dreamed of.
You won't need any "luck of
the Irish" to prepare this cinnamon-flavored
treat. It's so easy
that even a mischievous little
leprechaun could make it. The
recipe makes two coffee cakes, so
you can serve one for a breakfast
surprise and have another for a
dessert or snack-time specialty la
ter in the day. Or because yeast
raised colice cakes freeze well.
you can tuck the second Shamrock
coflce cake, already baked, into
the freezer for another day.
Tasty, attractive coffee cakes
are high in nourishment as well
as flavor. They offer generous
amounts of B-vitamins and lood
Sharmrock Coffee Cake
1 package yeast, compressed or
t cup water (lukewarm for com
pressed yeast, warm for dry)
la cup milk
' cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoos shortening
2' 2 cups sifted enriched flour
1 egg
Jlelted butter or margarine
la cup cinnamon sugar
Confectioners' sugar icing
Soften yeast in water. Scald
Peanut Pantry Dips
Make Hit With Kids
Peanuts and peanut butter dips
are probably the easiest and most
welcome party food you can serve.
It's no secret that "whipping up"
snack platters and midnight buf
fet suppers has become a ridicu
lously expensive and time-taking
chore the more absurd in that
the majority of people don't really
want a plateful of fried tidbits
and rich pastries late at night.
Take a poll and you'll find that
most folks (yourself included)
would rather much a handful of
peanuts and spread a few cocktail
crackers with a tangy dip, sip
a cold drink or a hot cup of coffee
and call it a night!
So why not give it try? Next
lime it's "his" night to have the
poker game, or the bridge club
is due. line up two or three types
of salted peanuts in a laz.y-susan
or in little wood bowls on a tray
Alternate with assorted crackers
and stir up a "conversation-piece"
spread. Set it out early, tor muncn-
ing and dipping ad lib. Here are
spread-and-dip ideas you can vary
to please the palates of your par
ticular crowd.
Peanut Pantry Dips
Looking for a brand new snack
cracker dip for the poker or bridge
crowd tonight? Here s fun! Stand
in front of your kitchen supply
shelf with a jar of creamy peanut
butter in one hand and a jar of
crunchy peanut butter in the other.
Put some crachers in between.
Now let your eyes rove over the
shelves. What's up there that
might be wonderful with pcanul
butter? How about the herb and
spikes rack, the meal sauce and
condiment bottles, those soup and
salad dressing mixes? What's in
the refrigerator in the way of
tangy or smokey cheese spreads?
Put a few dabs of peanut butter
on a plate and try your first in
spiration now another and an
other! Try them with a cracker.
Ah there's one that sets vour
eyes sparkling! Stir up a bowlful
tasting as you so. Circle it with
in a pie plale. Dip chicken pieces
in evaporated milk, then in corn
meal mixture. Meanwhile melt
butter in baking dish ( llix7M,x
la4) in hot oven (400 degrees F.).
Place chicken pieces in one layer,
skin side down, in baking dish.
Bake for one half hour, then turn
skin side up and bake until done,
about one half hour longer.' Makes
4 to 6 servings.
Creamy Giblet Gravy
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup evaporated milk
'-i teaspoon salt
' teaspoon pepper
Chicken giblets, wing lips and
H hay leaf
Parsley or celery leaves,
or both
Simmer giblels (except the liv
er), wing lips and hack of chicken
along with bay leaf, parsley and
celery leaves in water to cover un
til tender, about I hour. Add liver
during last 15 minutes of cooking.
Drain, saving broth. Discard bay
leave, parsley and celery leaves.
Cut giblets into small pieces. Melt
butter in a small saucepan. Re
move from heat and stir in flour.
Add chicken broth, then evapor
ated milk and seasonings. Conk
and stir until hot and thickened.
Stir in giblets. Serve immediately.
Pictures mi eccompenyinff
stories: Evaporated Milk As
sociation. I'opcorn Institute,
Swift & Company, Wheat Hour
Stories: .1. Waller Thompson
Co, National Pcanul Council,
(ieneral Mills, Inc., California
Knods Research ln.titutp. Na
tional Dairy Council, Vacific
milk. Add sugar, salt and shorten
ing. Cool to lukewarm. Add enough
flour to make a thick batter. Mix
well. Add softened yeast and egg.
Beat well. Add enough more flour
to make a sotl dough, luiu out on
lightly floured board or pastry
cloth and knead until smooth and
satiny. Place in greased bowl.
Cover and let rise in warm place
until doubled (about I'-j hours).
When light, punch down. Divide
dough into 2 equal parts and shape
into balls. Let rest 10 minutes.
Shape each ball into shamrock cof
fee cake. Kor shamrock, roll ball
into rectangle 5 x 22 inches. Brush
with melted butter or margarine
and spinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Roll up like a jelly roll, sealing
edge. Flatten roll slightly.
Cut into three 6-inch pieces,
leaving 4-inch piece for "stem."
Kold 6-inch pieces in half length
wise and seal edges. Arrange on
greased baking sheet in shapes of
spokes of wheel with cut ends to
ward center. With scissors or sharp
knife cut each roll from folded end
to with 'a inch of center. 1, a y
each roll open to form petals of
shamrock. Roll 4-inch piece of
dou under hand to 6-inch length
Place at base of "petals" to
form "stem." Let rise until dou
bled (about 45 minutes). Bake in
moderate oven 1350 degrees i) 15
to 20 minutes. When cool, frost
Willi confectioners sugar icing,
Makes 2 coffee cakes.
Here are tongue . tickling pea
nut butter spreads or dips to
spark your imagination. Vary
them, combine them, enjoy them!
If any of the mixes need thinning.
stir in a small amount of peanut
Open Sesame 4 tablespoons
toasted sesame seeds and 1 cup
creamy peanut butter. Toast seeds
in pie pan m a very hot oven
(450 degrees K.) 2 minutes, watch
ing carefully.
Blue Dip 1 package niie
cheese salad dressing mix and 1
cup cruncny peanut nutter.
Bermuda Blend J cup dehydra
ted onion soup mix and 1 cup
creamy peanut butter.
Bar-B-Cue Tang 1 to 2 table
spoons smokey barbecue sauce, 1
tablespoon celery seed and 1 cup
creamy peanut butter.
Wheel 1 to 3 tablespoons pre
pared horseradish (depending on
strength) and 1 cup crunchy pea
nut butter.
Blushing Parmesan Vi cup grat
ed pal incsan cheese, 2 tablespoons
cnui sauce ana iz cup creamy
peanut Duller;
01' Smokey Vi cup blue cheese
spread alio ii cup cruncny pea-
nui Duller.
Nutty Gariie 1 pkg. garlic
salad dressing mix and 1 cup
creamy peanill Duller.
Oink-Omk Special 3 strips
crisp inea oacon, crumrjlcd tine
and cup creamy peanut butler,
Serve Rice Dish
With All Meats
feveryhody's "Irish" on St. Pat
rick's day, and your family will
be looking forward to a special
food surprise.
And we have just Ihe thing a
wonderfully flavored "green' rice
that can, if desired, be molded in
a shamrock shape. It's such a good
dish that you will he serving il
with all manner of meals, poultry
and seafood throughout the year.
The fresh green of green pepper,
green onion, and parsley make a
pretty color contrast wilh the while
rice in carrying out your St. Pat
rick's day theme. If time is im
portant, you can prepare this dish
quickly by cooking atop Ihe range.
If you prefer, you can bake it in
the oven in a casserole or a one
quart shamrock mold. In cither
case, you'll find that using chirk
en broth as the liquid for cooking
rice adds to its good taste.
St. Patrick's green rice will be
delicious wilh almost any enlrec
you choose. For the orcasion,
braised beef in a rich sauce, with
carrots, onions and peas would be
in the Irish tradilion. Serve in a
chafing dish or pretty casserole
for thai "company" look. T h e
menu can be completed with a
lime clulfon pie for dessert and a
St. Patrick's Green Rice
cup minced green onions
3 tablespoons olive oil r
'a cup minced green pepper
1 cup uncookpd rice
2 cups chicken broth
1 teaspoon sail
U teaspoon pepper
' cup minced parsley
Cook onions in olive oil until
soil but not brown (use tops as
well as bottoms). Add remaining
ingredients, cover and cook about
IS minutes. Fluff with fork, then
press into shamrock mold and let
stand one minute.
Lnmold and garnish with oars-
ley in shamrock design. (The
green rice may also be baked in
a covered ca.scrole or 1 quart
shamrock mold, covered, for about
45 minutes, or until set). Makes 6
Note: To color rice, add two
drops of green vegetable coloring
to the chicken stock.
For quick peach cobblers, place
canned peach halves and small
amount of syrup in individual bak
ing cups. Mil each pcacn center
with cream cheese cube. Top each
wilh baking powder drop biscuit
and bake in vcrv hot oven about
1 13 minutes. Serve hot.
l i T.
,L t
A Gourmet Dish For Even Beginner Cooks
Is Chicken Topped With Flavorful Gravy
Chicken paprika golden fried
chicken topped with a creamy,
paprika-flavored gravy is a
gourmet dish even beginnec cooks
can prepare with case. The secret
of this recipe's goodness lies in
the gravy, which is made rich and
smooth with sour cream, and is
delicately flavored with paprika
and instant minced onion, th a t
easy-to-use, moisture-free product
you simply spoon from a jar or
foil packet. The delicious gravy is
served over the chicken, with more
to pour over hot noodles or rice.
This delightful company dish
needs only the addition of a hot
vegetable and a tossed green sal
ad to complelo the menu. For
dessert you might like to serve
warm apple pie with wedges of
Golden-- S' '
Oregon Fresh Fryers are especially good when prepared
by this interesting method. Only five ingredients . . . and
you'll find them all on display at the store where you
buy your Oregon Fresh Fryers.
I .
At Hilt ilmpf com trlipad rcip
of YOU STOII fedoy,
, shamrock coffee cake
cheese, and hot coffee.
Chicken Paprika
1 (3-pound) frying chicken
Two-thirds cup sifted all-purpose
flour '
1 teaspoon salt -
2 teaspoons paprika
One-third cup cooking oil '
U cup water
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon instant minced on
ion or, ' cup finely chopped
raw onion
' j pint commercial sour cream
Hot rice or noodles
Have chicken cut into serving
pieces. Sift flour with salt and
Va teaspoon paprika, and turn into
a paper bag. Shake chicken pieces
a few at a time in bag with flour.
Heat oil in heavy skillet, add chick
Fill In lk coupon Mow mil null it to nclWe our feoolUk ee "Mow te
prtptre broiUrs snd fryrt" and "How te oorve chietM.
N.m. .
City SIte
Linciittr Drive, $.., Salam, Ortqon
xp ; v
en and brown slowly on all sides.
Add water, cover and turn heat
low. Cook very slowly until chick
en is tender, about 30 minutes.
Transfer chicken to hot serving
Turn drippings from chicken into
measuring cup, and spoon off all
but U cup. Return the cup drip
pings to skillet, and stir in 2 table
spoons seasoned flour from dip
ping chicken. Add remaining l'i
teaspoons paprika. Blend in milk
and onion, and cook and stir until
mixture boils thoroughly and thick
ens. Stir in sour cream, and heat,
but do not boil. Taste sauce, and
add salt if needed. Spoon ov e r
chicken and serve with hot rice or
Makes about 4 servings.
grown in