of 0. Library Rose burg Wins First Tourney Came By Downing Scots lee5"YPage A, IN ACC RUSH MX, End LOLLING CASUALLY on his jail cell bunk but talking incessantly and often incoherently, a grizzled Steve Solovich tells News-Review Assistant Editor George Cosrillo of his months in the woods before bis capture by three sheriff's deputies. (All "Solovich" pictures in this issue by Andy Faurheree, News-Review photographer , See stories and pictures Pages 2 and 3.) Verwoerd Offers To Maintain Trade Ties After Breaking With Britain I.ONDOV (AP) Prime minister I Hendnk F. Verwoerd offered to- day to maintain financial and ! trade ties with Britain even after breaking away from the Common-1 wealth. His statement was ! promptly welcomed by Prime Minister JlacmiUan. ! "We intend to cooperate fully m : matters of common interest, Slacmillan told the House of Com mons. He also expressed hope that in the future South Africa could "once more play her part in the Commonwealth." Might Quit Macmillan had led the fight to try to keep South Africa in the British family of nations despite the antagonism of all the 11 oilier I Commonwealth members to V'er woerd's white supremacy policies. The South African leader's an nouncement Wednesday that South Africa was withdrawing from the Commonwealth May 31 because of Commonwealth criti cism sent ripples of reaction around the world. South African slocfc slumped on the London market at the news, Verwoerd s political toes acimonweann neeause ot aitacus on home challenged him to put the issue of withdrawal to a referen dum, and the United Nations Gen eral Assembly censured South At- Kennedy Suffers Cut While Helping Caroline WASHINGTON (AP) Presi dent Kennedy suffered a cut over his left eye today while picking up something for his 3-year-old daughter, Caroline. In bending down, his head struck the coiner of a table. White House press secretary Pierre Salinger said the cut re quired no stitches but had to be covered with a small bandage. He described the cut as "pretty deep." vo put tne Salinger said he did not knowlernment, but there was mounting j what the President was picking! speculation that the union govern ! up for his daughter when the ac-jmcnt might withdraw from the! cident occurred. 'A Gift Of God' As Wife Bears PHILADELPHIA f.P "A gift of God." exclaimed William IV. Cutaiar 111 after his young wife gave birth to quadruplet girls Wed-1 nesday night. 'IC nuiie a feeling he 3irf 4.1'. n I .... .t.;J,;.n t back to reality. But tell me, what) do vou do with four at once. I still don't know. 1 can't imagine what it will be like taking care of lour at nnce. "l)o you have children? Well, four times one. Let's put it that way. But just how the heck we didn't slip a boy in (here 1 don't know. "She Ithe mother) was reailv evcited and trying to think- of The Weather ' AIRPORT RECORDS occaiionat ram ramgnr. ir Friday morning oecominfl part-, . . . . . t . ft r Friday morning becomina pan ly sunny Friday afternoon. Littl temperature chang. Highsf fmp. last 24 hours Lowest tomp. last 74 (-ours Highlit limp, any Mar. ( '60 1 Lowost temp, any Mar, ('541 Precip. last 14 hours Proeip, from March 1 Procip. from Sept, 1 55 3 tl 't 1? UM " tfom Sept. . .M Sunset tonight, 4:20 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow, 4.24 .m. Of The Chase riea for its actions in South West' Africa. ' Cold Slumps Delegates at the United Nations speculated South Africa might qjt (ne world organization. Today, Verwoerd took his usual plate at the Commonwealth con- ference, smiling and cheerful. After the morning conference, he declared: "If the United King dom government is interested in maintaining reciprocal trade re.- S. Africa Draws Censure Of U.N. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) The V.N. General Assembly to day censured the Union of South Africa for its actions in West Africa. The action came less than 24 hours after the South African gov- (eminent announced it was with- drawing from the British Corn- aoutn Atrica s racial policies. ihe vole on todays resolution was 74-0 wilft nine abstentions The South African delegation did not vole. The approved resolution assert ed that the South African govern ment was acting illegally in Irv ing to incorporate the former League of Rations mandate into) South Africa. This, the resolution said, "constitutes a challenge to the authority of the United Na tions." The Vnited States and all mem bers of. the British Common wealth, except Britain and Aus tralia, voted for the resolution. Those abstaining were Australia, Belgium, Dominican Republic, Finland. France. Luxembourg, i'ortuKai, Spam and Britain. There was no immediate reac-1 (ion from the South African gov-1 United Nations Says Father Quadruplets ! names. What will I name them ' Wednesday. The car was parked in she kept repeating, and all this and h 1 '" National Bank parking lot j that. She's just so happy. I'll lel,at 619 SE ia,n Kt. her name them. . "We thought thev were going to) be bovs. so e Dirked out names! affnr (tin Wininlo llstfha,., ! Mark. Luke and John. Now we'U nave to etianae all that As for the babies and their moth er, 24, a supervisor at Delaware County Hospital in l.'pper Darby gave this report: "The mother is linmif U'pll Tlje babies jii-p h)Jjnf their own. We haven't weiahed ; them yet but 1 estimate thev weigh satisfactory condition. Thev haves 1 been plared in isolettes (similar to incubators I because thev need all the oxygen they can get." weeks ahead of schedule. I)r. J. Vernon KlKon. who delivered the' quadruplets with help from nine "-jmll(.r phvsicians. said that this is ,,'i , ,i,,i i,.i, MUlIUlHfS Willi j Cutaiar, 2i, who helps his father; 'operate a transportation lirm in n.enc(i lt. ra.. sara weeks ayo to expect rpiafiruplel The Ciitaiars moved from their three bedroom home in ncarbv Ia- nil inln hi narooU' fit, hfilrnnm home m suburban Ilevon because f n,e new addition.. The couple"""1" "". "-""Box 6iB. The two were Ihe occn 'has two other children, William rmer, wnsl watch, electric drill, ( parl(, ( ,h, rar. They were treat i IV, 4, and Sheree, 3. , salmon and a set of bits. ',eii and released. lations between our two countries j to the advantage of both, arrar.ge-1 ments could be made on similar lines as in the case of United Kingdom relations with Eire (the Irish Republic). "In addition. arrangements could be marie with regard to de fense and other matters. I have every reason to believe that this will be Hie case." Monetary Grouping While gold shares and South African industrials slumped on the London market, most British financial experts tended to dis count the long-term effects of the South African action even before Verwoerd's statement. Verwoerd found himself ar rayed against the other It Com monwealth members, on the apar- tneia-race segregation-issue. J,Taigned in Douglas County Speaking to reporters on the (District Court todav or tomorrow, sieps of Lancaster House, where) but the likelihood of the crime of me coiue.rence ts nemg hew, the South African leader defended his country's attitude toward race relationships. "Most of the people who criti cize our country have never been to South Africa to see what it is like there," he said. "1 have been looking around Iondon and have i come to the conclusion that con- ditmns for non-Europeans in South Airica are much better than con ditions 1 have seen in London." Commonwealth lead The sterling area to which he referred is a monetary groiiping of states having currencies linked to Britain's pound sterling, ft in cludes ail Commonwealth coun tries except Canada, which is a dollar area. It has other mem bers not in the Commonwealth such as Die Irish Republic. The rich mines of South Africa furnish most of the gold that sup ports the pound sterling. Rash Of Burglaries Reported To Police A rash of minor burgtorips were mnirl nri fi nJi in tht Jinvihurff area Wednesday. Charles S. Jnsley of Rl. 4. BoxSnlans no action. !S45. reported approximately $20 i worth of groceries bad been stolen from his car between 9 and It a.m. IT ' . ., ... , The theft reported Att employe. Ray S.J (Mike) Stryker. said five coils of;729 SE j3ckfU'n, Kosebnrg, 'was insulated copper wire had bwn taken from a lenceo yara ac inetpif,, a(1(,r bjs rar u,reA overj warehouse at 1W)8 Sh , ahm(t Ua miles eesi of Hosehurg rompany's Flint St. The coils contained 4.6.M leei. iney were vaiueo ai auoui i The wire had been secured by a hole lhro..gh Die fence. Stryker reported two men last ' week had been ordered away from the area when they were picking i up scrap copper. Hubr JP Takan Huhard :ave of ll(o Mul - hnlland Dr. reported to city police someone had stolen fmir hiihoap Imm hi pr sIp it aai irU,t (he Mercy Hospital parking lot early this morning. He was visjl- hi, te who is hospitalij.cd finally, KeRnetli Alexander of Tokelee Kails reported lo the sh-'r- j iff s office that someone had brnk - - 1... 1. 1.,- , ! " . " ' . . m . f""" i i nin y iiji, mi a noi . . i W .tmmmemmrwnmmmewamBmimm w,iwi i'.ii i. p-wumi .imam oe mpem xnnmnimpj.i " " ' ,.i..--..i...a. ., .. ,,. - j Eirablithed 7873 28 Paget ROSEBURG, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1961 63-61 PRICE 5e Reds Demand Immediate Congo Debate UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP The Soviet Union today demand ed that the U.N. General Assem bly begin full debate on the Congo problem before the end of the week. The Soviet demand was in a let ter from Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko to Hie assembly's president, Frederick It. Baland'of Ireland. Gromyko said the situation in the Congo "is steadily deteriorat ing." In an apparent reference to the recent agreement of Congo lese leaders to form a Congo con federation, he declared; "Atlempts have been undertak en of late to dismember the Re public of the Congo, due to which the threat to the independence and territorial integrity of that country has grown," It had been generally agreed a Congo debate would take place early in. the current session of the assembly, but no formal move had been made. Several African countries have been pressing far a discussion. U.S. Chief Delegate Adlai E. Stevenson said last, week debate certainly would be necessary on the financing of me U.N. opera-' lions in the Congo, but he indicat-' ed he hoped the assembly would avoid any bitter and prolonged De bate on the general situation. The Soviet move came as the Jl-nation Congo Conciliation Com mission continued its private meetings in an effort to complete its report on its recent peace mis sion to the Congo. Arraignment Set For Steve Solovich Bi- S(ev. Sooviri, wi)) probably assault with which he has been charged being pressed is unlikely. So says Sheriff Ira C. Byrd. The day before Soiovich was arrested, charges of assauit had been filed against him by residents of the Glide area. It was charged he bad stolen guns from the residents. Sheriff Byrd said today, however, that Soiovich would probably be ruled insane. Meanwhile. Byrd reported he is talcing Solovich out to some of bis old haunts in the hills today to de termine if other property hart been stolen. Solovich has readily agreed to show him his camp. Solovich was feeling ill at his stomach after his capture Wednes day but was able to eat meals at noon and night and again this morning. Solovich was arrested Wednes day alter months-of stalking him by the sheriff and deputies. He save up without a struggle. Sheriff Byrd said. He was not carrying a gun at the time three deputies nab bed him on the Toad Livingston ranch near Glide. Soiovich said he wants to be de parted, but James L. Turner, dis trict director of the Immigration and Naturalizalion Service in Port ; . rr: i I i lZ Vnri he Three In Hospital ! After Accidents ( Tn m,)rmn?. Let Morgan,'j ,taiipn to Oougias C'ommimity Ifos - Ion the North ('niDo.ua Highway. waii' Towing and Aiiinulanre reported (he. car had apparently lurned over twice. It was traveling! on a straight stretch of the high- (way. Morgan's doctor could not he , contacted lo determine extent ol, 1 iniiines. j Meanwhile, in an accident jut two people were tafcen to Sacred ; HeJrt Hospital Kugene, Two; (cars were involved i One car. driven by Joy HuM e; 7he government earlier denied ( iv " " ' ille , ' i Xiij "''V- . Bu harri.n of Anderson. La if . pren, M!se Thomt,e had told ' ''T, "t ml The (hvee art , V' mMhCT' ' ? went out of control, state police nl(t(1 Na,joM TOmmnd noi?? 3 ' , !"'k' awi,y 'ro"' y"""e hu L" said, after it hit the "jigale bars )n))ensjve was planned there The! )he nei(thhrhw;K( at (he time, ihe in the center of the hishway on announcement said (he Katanea i w . tT-" . ,f,i('J1 ,n hospital tor treat- Highway 99 freeway. Police said tne oiioosite lane of traffic, hiding me car. Kmx mjiiii, uuiiout-u llbe second car on the lift sulr. The nn.l ,o r u roo .! rod I n I '.Ipnn R anH M.cVj Rre of Rt. Up For The Rebound WWW GOING HIGH info the air is Roseburg's Tom Hobbs to pull down o rebound for trie Tribesmen, The indions won the contest ogoinst tha Oavvd Douglas Scots, 57-48, to advance 'inta the quarter-final p!ay tartight at 8.45 against Wilsoq of Portland, The srote A-) boskerbo)! tourney is being held oil this week ot the University tf Oregon campus in Eugene. (Photo (ab) , France Said Ready To Sfarf Talks With Algerian Rebels PARIS (AP)-Tbe French gov-, eminent announced Wednesday night it is ready to start political; talks n ilh the Algerian rebel gov-i evnment-in-exile on scif-delevmin-' alion for the war-ravaged North! African, territory. . i The cabinet commmiaue said, nothing about a cease-fire, ap-1 parentiy an official retreat JromJ the previous French insistenee that political negotiations could he; held only after the fighting ended. ', The Algerian rebel rabinet. now meeting in Tunis, welcomed the French statement as a "new ele ment' and particularly Die ab sence of (he cease-fire condition. "The provisional rebel) govern ment will certainly consider it during Jls examination of the political situation," a spokesman said, adding that the rebel regime "has always clearly advocated" starting peace talks on (he pohti ca) issue rather lban the military issue.. Observers in the Tunisian capi tal bciieved vebet Premier Ferhst Abbas and bis ministers would ac cept the French bid. for formal j talks. The French comnuiniatie iisued after a eahinel meelini! wilh Pre- ident De Gaulle, said in pa,(; "Thn .-.,tmf nvnfirniMf i ' In una 'militilnrl IrirnnoVi in nH'miai rtel'egadon. taik, concerning tilc self-determination cuiiuiiioiis ior of the Algerian populations aa well) . . . J,TOmt. - . ... txiuis Jotcc, minister of state lac Algerian a 1 1 a ) r s, Ptesumawy Uncled the cabinet on the talks f unman ('resident Katuti Bour-)(),, Dr,fs guiba undertook wo weeks agoi (Viurt a(,ndatt(, 8n(1 g(ortwys as middleman when he met with! nictprt Lleb , A ' De t,aullc near fans. The com- M davs ia nM iad nwmque said Joxe gave an ac- ,he (cs(immvi MmK corning Algeria, bolb within and v...... ... .,, - (outside that territory." The cabinet reference to '"j K at-inry-i I rrtn r 1 itCUCl -rxl Id CIV. F.USA8F.TIIY1I.1.E. Katanea. the Congo (API 'the Katanga attack hy soldiers of the Sttnlcy- ville government on the village of Tambo bad been repelled. armv had moved into nnsilinn presumably Willi Isnonihe s bless- t,,T .' ,(- ' , 7h . ,,lrilii i,mr ' '""'" e Hl.rfint '""!""' A ,w ,v put at the disposal nf the I nrtetf ..vatiuns ac going 10 ae aeptayed., along with se)f-de!ermina)ion toning something about persistent Algeria undouatedty rcterred to a cease-fire. In effect this agreed) lo the reheJ demand that political and military issues be treated simultaneously. The rebel. feel that to o,uit fighting and surrender their arms would mean giving tip their most powerful bargaining tooi for (he poiiticat negotiations. Trial Of Hoffa Stalled 'Til Foil ORLANDO, FU. (API-Government attempts to bring James R Jlofia to trial on a 12-count fed eiat mail fraud indictment ap parently have been .slallcd, at least a(if next fall. Some who attended this week's three-day hearing on defense mo- (ions for dismissai predicted that the president of the Teamsters l.ttiaa will never lace trial in the case. CAPE CANAVERAL, f!a. (AP) U.S. District Judgo Joseph V.lThe J2!h success in 14 ersbing f.ieo turned down a Kovcrnnwntj test-firings has raised Army napes P'eB al u,e c)ose 01 ,),e neanngjor advancing tne operational naie enesrty wnicn wouiit nave set a trial dae for May 15. ' '" 1" " "a al alt," Lieh (o!d James X. Jlowd of Vvasbington. a Justice Bepartment ittora-T- e""- "!PSB wim aim wnen tnit is I Ha nave hnth de ttnti! Mar t jto Blomit wriUen bri,.is. An ad- ; , , , alloM-eill !rn. nismissal molmns and (hose calling for separate (rials,) ia change of venue and bill i,i particulars on the governments'" ibgnt, l ne taunenmg viom case. ) f"' '"'""' CathoKt of Povttand in the thtctt Bolb side inriiraled during- )be s m ftven """,,a,f, tft ,aew' j round. 'Jbe Bams deleated Scap hearing (hat if any f the judge' )"iw-rw?B model ol the aubma-s ws, (Wj. mgrttiag Bzil lo continue rulings were against them, lhelr",a f'"- jln foumey. decisions would be appealed. That I ta ac(iaa t'esfcrdf Roseburg could put the case in mothballs fori Infant D)S JJJ Tilt j Wilson, Mettfwtd, and South Km- monlhs, j Igcna advanced into championship ffa, Henry Ijwer, a formecj CfnHprt Rw Hpnipr wth etocie. They jam. Teamslers local ollirer at Dp. J neutci '.Klaroalb Falls and VorvaHis, wvn- i !.... .", u... J.'- iiT. "Ti. , 7? S Kj , . TO . . , ' rfK(ng cVtereff Vtmagea I JJosebiwg polire report .sevenisaid )be Jirp )arlrd when an Pramtt meters m the Ton tttnet; Hit SK Pine St . had been riamaved hv some vandal. They said thelcrih. afass in (he meters had been btok n i , t, ..i 1, , ,rn on) in the pt le days, ap patently (t ntmmec. 1 1 JFK Handed Big Victory By Senate WASHINGTON' APS-The ale has banded president Ken- nedy a. resounding vtctucy in its) vole to pass a key part tit nis economic program the $J!J, nii!ioa, depressed areas isiii. j The more than 2-1 marsin in Wednesday nighl's roll call com-, pared nM the slim M6 teiiy by 1 which almost an identical meas- ce squeaked through the Senate . two yeavs ago Ihis month. 1 The measure now ps lo Die! House where leaders said today they expert to be abie lo pass it before Vie Easier recess late ihis mo(h. A House Banking subcommittee Wednesday approved a bill almost identical to the Senate vevsioa. Jn lhe pa.st, the House has trimmed scfc legislation, hut it appears la have mora support there this f ue out carries muitnn tct federal loan funds and $4 million in giants designed lo bring new jtths to communities lung suffer imj from high unemployment. As it passed the Senate, ihe measure foiiovfs aimnst exactiy hennedy s recommendations in cluding administration of the new program by the Commerce De- partment. Republicans otcd for the Ml, with 11 Democrats and 1 KepuD- " re"anB iicans opposed - Jcommjtlee, and )be Sovjet Vmon Among those voting e vn& wtiaa nap. Scum tcttarai Sen. Thruston B. Morton, R -Ky., ts m VtATCn wiVh the r tSreciKsion chairman of the Kcpuhtksn Ka- expected the iwo would agree on liona) Committee. Senate Jtepttbli- membership ia-the Ust VS ,cm Leader Everett M. Dirksenl nation EasV-Viest disarmament . lot Ittwmi vinoronsly opposed it. icomaiiltee plus Mexico as cb)i; ' Sharing ib victory with Ken- raan a." committee re nerfv was Sea. Paul 11. CaMa, Pr, twin Both we new mem-1-1II., who has championed the f tu'V empowered to negotiate. bi)l since 1955 and has lour times pito(ed it (hraugh the Senate. For mer President Dwight D. Eisen feower killed two of the previous bills with efoes,. )oug)as pj))pbasi2ed that the till was not an anti-recession meas- uve. hut rather was aimed at ao- pockets at chramc unemployment in both inriustriat ami farm areas. Distressed textile, coal and rail road town in Siew Eaglancf, U'est Virginia and i'emvwlvama . are examples of the communities the measure is designed (o td. Opponents oi Ihe bill argued It sraiild not actually do the job and would arouse many O.fee hopes. They said federal aid would not soive the protilettis hicn nave raused loss ot johs in many de creased areas. The biii carries tlW millinn each in loans lor plants and other facilities to attract new companies lo depressed industrial areas, for the same purpose in rural low income areas, and far public fa cilities such as water systems needed lo service new Induslries, Pershing Firings Raise Army Hopes ot tne tactical missne. One of (he iMfoot, saddfoei rockelu streaked 1W miles Wednesday night and proved its ability to withstand ieient wind susls. iirratic mavemeat were built jnlo Hie inertial gmuance sys i (em. causing (he miviie to sharp- iy chanse direction several times, simulating shifts which conld be created hr severe wind, buffeting. After each deviation, the guidance put the rocket bark on lis course, Th Pershing hemg dcvel- oped as a mobile field weapon selective range of 50 lo JW nines A Prfari missile was success j ty iatinched earlier (i 1.SU0- rf iwu rm cm. month old Daniel Worliek died in hvs cTib when an eievtne nea(e started lire in )bp room wheninuthts action seMnt s.4. latent al shtck. fr'lvo. f(wf Chaves f?ilh Jr. (eiectric heateC touched oil some 1 iTitlnmmaMn Tna',TV( TktaT thtf - j The child's room was chacrctf, ?v, i,. , t ,i,. t,mm iw,i jbut the rest nl the hmist sulfeTedj (only water and smoke damage, August Dale Set By Adlai, Russ Envoy UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. f AP) The United Stales and the So viet. Union were reporved astewl fodllV o renew rYls.irmampnt np. j Ralialion nest tug. 1 provided l they can a(so agree on basic ! principle.? lor disarmament and the mateu? oC the negitiaAuvj TfOMp. I Agntmtnr Reich t'.ii. Ambassador Adiai E. Stev jrnson siiid eimeviiiy jjijbt he f ttisn' Ai-fti 1 WvCa "seneraBy reached agreement" a date for cesututniact of cw gotiavions, -which tfve Soviet broke off )a.l June 27. J!e would not giw. the ciate but other sources sairi it -was Anj. 1. EarVier President Kennedy said at his news conference that the. Vnilrd States first sufiesied September sod then "August at the latest" as the time to stait. ' 7)k With Cromykit Kasa had an kor's ta(t; wilh Gvomyko VferincstSay, bis third such in JO days. He said he hsd arransed teutativeiy to see Oromylto again Friday and that they were working on a resolution to be submitted to the Genera! Assembly. . Steveasaa said' Ike resolution , was intended to ewer the vim and place lor new negotiations, the caittpasittait a t!te uer cic?5 listing committee and some basic principles for disarmament. This indicated that the United. Slates had made a concession. Other diplomats said privatelv that at eariy meetings Vfith DromyVo, Sieyenson "had opposed, ttientioniag principle itt atty reso ivilion since the new Kennedy ad ministration had not yet tan. lated its disarmament policy. Ken nedy told his news conierence bis experts are "working full time on devefoninz an American wrevtion." I . Stevensoa oaid the United Stales The fast eonvtnittee intiuded th L'niled Slates, Britain, Canada, France, and Italy Cor the West and the Soviet Union, Bufgaria, Czechoslovakia, Toland and Bo mania far the East. K ctegattated tor three months, got nowhere and the Vnited States was about (a present new proposals when the Communists walked nut. charging thai fie West was stalling. Crewmen Removed From Broken Ship LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP Twenty -tivo crewmen were evac uated from the grounded Greek freighter Dominator alter a hose crack develooed amidshinx todsr. ( (mt the captain remained aboard. Ureal waves were crasnjjjf over the skip as the crewnten were taken alioard a small -boat and Iranslerred lo a Coast Guard cut ter. The Coast Goarii said the skip per, Capt. C. 11. Vapamcopopo ious, decided to stay ahoard' t protect )be vessel ii'Dm salyage claims and try to save radio equipment and part o the cnjo of 9,0t tons ol grain. The dcisoan. ta evacnaf crew men came at tlawn us the Qom- wator listed lo starboard. Because "of darkness, hidden rocks and heavy seas, the rescue craft were unable to get closer than SS yards to the I,0SS-ton, 441 Soot vessel Wednesday night. The snip fii radioed. dtstres signal, saying tt was breaking up. The Dominalor, en route lo Al giers, was headed far Las Angeie to refuel when it went aground, ft Is owned by Diamaalis Yaleras a tireefe. eonvpany. Sl HeksSr Rams Win At Tourney tit actios tacky et the ttafc A t basketball tournament. St, ffelen advanced m consolation play by pawning La Grande, S3-3, s S7 )JeJ(VM H,jn meet Centra) ( nerst in Tuesday night tetion. Tioscburg's Indians meet Mfilson !if I'ortland m tlie final game ot to- Levity Feet Rant By L. f . Reiienifein fSOS mY Cam a food M W A. ,JM ! ' (o.-.i. i. ; lower. tKorh or deter- ,SeB-i i