Portland's Pro Golfer Playing With Bad Wrist ST. PETERSBURG, F!a. (AP) Bespectacled Bob Roshurg, the popular round-faced goiter with the baseball grip, says he will try one more cortisone shot if it will take him to the Masters tourna ment at Augusta next month. The 34-year-old Palo Alto, Calif., veteran, now playing out of Port land, Oregon, has an inflamed tendon sheath in his left hand and admits some doctors have advised him against playing. "I shouldn't be playing, but the Masters means so much," Ros burg said today on the eve of the $20,000 St. Petersburg Open. Thursday he will be among 148 professionals and 11 amateurs tee ing off at the Pasadena course. "I am playing here, then in Miami next week and in the Sem inole pro-am at Palm Beach the following week. I'm holding on for the Masters, my seventh in the last eight years. Best I ever did there was fourth in 1955," he said. "I might just as well play on. This is the best start I have ever had on the tour. I won about $9,500 in less than three months," he said. , Rosburg missed the National Open by one shot in 1959 but won the PGA that year. After that he Sports In Brief By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BOXING MIAMI BEACH Heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson planned to make his next title defense for the reorganized Fea ture Sports Inc. in New York in late summer. MIAMI, Fla. The federal gov ernment hit heavyweight Ingemar Johansson with a $1 million tax bill moments after he lost to Pat terson and ordered him not to leave the country. BASEBALL MIAMI BEACH-The new Na tional League team in New York lured George Weiss out of retire ment to serve as its president for the next five years. RACING MIAMI-Rcparo ($135.90) sur prised by winning the feature at Gulfstream Park. Linfield,Whitworth Lose In NAIA Contests KANSAS CITY (AP)-The going got tough for the Northwest en tries in the NAIA basketball championships here Monday as Whitworth fell in overtime to West Virginia State 90 to 89 and Linfield of McMinnville, Ore., was trimmed by Grambling, La., 107 to 85. West Virginia blew a late 17 point lead but came back with five seconds left in overtime on a pair of free throws to beat the Evergreen Conference champs. Dean McGuire pumped in 17 to pace the Whits. Grambling pushed ahead at he start and never let up in ousting the Linfield squad. Following a 57-37 halftime bulge, the Louisiana reserves came in to finish up the game. Hockey Results National Hockey Laagu By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tuesday Result Detroit 5, New York 2 Wednesday Games New York at Boston Detroit at Chicago Thursday Gsmt Toronto at Montreal hit dry 'wells until this winter. Defending champion Georce Ba- yes, Gary Player, leading money winner tnus lar this year, Lary Middlecoff. Mike Souchak. Art Wall Jr., Bill Casper, Doug San ders, Julius Boros, Tommy Bolt and Ted Kroll are among the top St. Petersburg contestants. Arnold Palmer. 1960 Masters and Open champion, is taking a week off but plans to play in the Sunshine Open in Miami next week, with Augusta in mind. Weiss Gets Job With New Team MIAMI BEACH. Fla. (AP) Retirement for busy George Weiss apparently means a big new job and two salaries. Weiss, who left his long-time job as general manager of the New York Yankees last October (he had passed the club's man datory retirement age), was named president of the New York National League club Tuesday. He win lane up nis duties immediate ly although the club is not sched uled to operate until 1962. The appointment brought up the question of whether baseball law will permit him to receive salaries from two clubs. Weiss, 66, has been serving as a consultant to President Dan Topping of the Yanks and has been receiving a salary under a carry-over contract which has five years to run. The new arrange ment was made with Topping's approval. Asked about the dual salary situation, Weiss said: "1 see no reason why not as long as one is not dependent on the other and there is no conflict of interest. Actually my income irom tne Yankees is at a reduced scale and represents deferred compensation. It is money 1 earned the previous year. That income will be ; further adjusted now that I'm with another club." As consultant, Weiss reportedly was receiving about $35,000 half his former Yankee salary. Estimates put his pay as president of the still-unnamed new club at $70,000. Pro Basketball NBA PLAYOFFS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tuesday Results Syracuse 115, Philadelphia 107 (Syracuse leads besl-of-five series 1-0) Los Angeles 120, Detroit 102 (Los Angeles leads besl-of-five series 1-0) Wednesday Game Detroit at Los Angeles Thursday Game Philadelphia at Syracuse Southern Cal, UCLA Lead All-Star Vote SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - From the all-conference basketball team selected by Big Five coaches, you can expect the power to stay in Southern California next season. Seven of the 15 players who re ceived votes from the coaches Tuesday are from Southern Cal or UCLA and only one of those seven is a senior. The Trojans' high scoring John Rudometkin and versatile Chris Appel were ' unanimous all-confer ence selections. Bill McClintock, California s captain and the only senior on the first five, was the only other unanimous choice. Bill Hanson of Washington, like McClintock a repeater from the 1959-bO all conference team, and Gary Cunningham of UCLA round out the coaches' 1961 dream team. The second five included Earl Shultz of California, demoted from last year's first team; John Wind sor of Stanford, Clint Names of Washington, and John Green and John Berberich of UCLA. Honorable mention went to Bud Bowling and John Hendrv of Stan ford, Ron Lawson of UCLA, Ken Stanley of UbC and Ed Corcll of Washington. Of the seven sterling Southland ers, UCLA's Berberich is the only senior. It verified what Big Five coaches have been claiming all season: Despite conference champ USC's sensational Rudometkin, who set a Trojan scoring record this year with 576 points, the Bruins had the best balanced team in the league. Berberich and Green were named to the all-conference sec ond team for the second straight year. Green, Cunningham and Lawson, who was just a sopho more this winter, will give the Bruins a great nucleus for next year. They were second this year. The champion Trojans, with Rudometkin, Appel and Stanley coming back for their senior year should have another great team. Wed"., Mor. IS, 1961 The New-Review, Roieburj Ore. 7 Yankees' Luis Arro In The Majors Exhibition Baseball By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tuesday Results Cincinnati 7, Detroit 4 Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 7 Chicago (A) 5, Minnesota 4 Milwaukee 4, New York 1 Kansas City 2, Washington 1 Los Angeles (N) 8, Pittsburgh 3 Boston 6, San Francisco 5 Milwaukee B 6, Chicago (A) B 3 Chicago (N) 9, Los Angeles (A) -BOWLING- CRAZY EIGHT LEAGUE PH. 24 21 Umpqua Llont 11 Flegel Movers 22 LaVera's Beauty Shop w Luvernes IS Red Diamond Fuel 15 Anderson Market 1? Ed's Laundry H'i Savrft Volkiwaaert 11 Results: Red Diamond ruei 4, Anaerson Market 0; Umpqua Llont 4. Flegel Movers 0; Luvernes 3. LaVera'j Beauty Shoo 1; Ed's Laundry 3. Sayre Volkswagen 1. High Series: Jean OeVore 127-1 64-203 4U, Luvernes. High Game: Jean DeVore 203. other Hlrih Scores: Arbella Stanford 19, j Sadie Leweilyn 178. Helen Carter 1 71 Ruth unworm io. SUTHERLIN WINDY TEN LEAGUE W L. Ring Record Fight Results By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Boise, Idaho George Logan, 202, Boise, outpointed Frankie Daniels, 194, New York, 10. Santa Cruz. Calif. Roque MaraviUa, 179'4, Santa Cruz, out pointed Artie Dixon, 174, Los An geles, 10. SKI MEET SPOT CHANGED DENVER (AP) They'll still be skiing, but in a different spot. That was the word Monday from officials of the National Junior Alpine Ski Championships, who switched the meet from Stowe, Vt., to Sugarloat Moun tain at Kingsville, Maine, March 1618. Twenty-six youngsters will rep resent the Northwest in the meet. 12 14 Porter' Excavating City Variety Umpqua Dairy Cornish U'Sava Sulherlln Truck Golden Rula Douglas Co. Stale Bank Page' union ' Peosl Cola 10 Baird's Chevron S 24 Results: Porter'a Excavating 4, Douglas Co Bank 0; City Variety 4. Baird's Chevron 0; Cornish U-Save 4. peosl '.Ola u; ump qua Dairy 3. Page's union 1; Sulherlin Truck 3, Golden Rula 1. High Series: Dolores Hayes 144-169-187 530. High Game: Dorothy LeGort lGf. 20 la Veneer 1B 21 Starlightera II 22 Fireballs 15 25 Alley Call 13 27 Results: Misfits , Big Flv. It Starlight- ers 3, Four Roses 1; Veneer i. Fireballs l; Ply Boys z. Alley cats z. High Series: Denny Spires UM84-177 550, Misfits. High Game: Vent Creasey 223, Misfits. Other High Scores: Ron Raadt 203, C. Wheatiey l?B. BANTAMS LEAGUR W . 4S',4 3' 34 1 30' l 2? West Sidt Pharmacy Tigers Bob Smith's Flying A Vundl's Trio Roseburg Bowl Team Eight Lions Lunch Bowl Mark's Outdoor Stars Results: Lunch Bowl 0, West Sid Phar- rnacy 3: Bob Smith's 1. Roseburg Bowl 2; nons 4, i igers i: aaarits 0. Yundrs Trio 3. High Series: John Noel 152-134 384, West siae rnarmacy. High Game: John Noel 152. Other High Scores: Boys Tommy HIM 133, Gary Bevill 131, Robin Yundt 114. Girls Dolores Penned 108, Jean Sork 104. 30 32','t 34", 42 24Yi 33 41 Ace Southpaw Fractures Wrist By MIKE RATHET Associated Press Sports Writer Beset by ambushes along base ball's exhibition trail, the Ameri can League champion New York Yankees were faced today with the prospect of opening the season without southpaw relief artist Luis Arroyo. The portly 32-year-old left-hander was struck on the left wrist in batting practice Tuesday by a line drive off the bat of rookie catcher Jesse Gonder just before the win less Yankees went out and lost their fourth in a row, 4-1 to the Milwaukee Braves. Arroyo, who won five and lost nnn u-hilo molrino- 3Q roliftf flnnpar. ances after being brought up from j the International League, sutfered an oblique fracture of the ulna bone. He will be out from three to four weeks. The Los Angeles Dodgers made the world champion Pittsburgh Pi rates their first victim with an 8-3 win that snapped the previously unbeaten Bucs four-game winning streak. In other games. Don Zimmer's two homers led the Chicago Cubs to a 9-5 triumph over the Los An geles Angels, a ninth-inning rally gave the Chicago White box a 5-4 win over Minnesota, four homers powered Cincinnati to a 7-4 vic tory over Detroit, Kansas City edged Washington 21, Philadel phia beat St. Louis 8-7 and Bost ton nipped San Francisco 6-5. Doubles by Joe Adcock and Charlie Lau and pitcher Carl Wil ley's single accounted for two Mil waukee runs in the sixth before Hank Aaron clinched it with a two run double in the ninth. Don Notte bart, 25-year-old right hander, pitched four innings of perfect ball against the punchless Yanks. The Dodgers put it away in the first against Pittsburgh's Vinegar Bend Mizell, with Frank Howard's 450-foot homer the key blow in a four-run uprising. Don Newcombe, I Los Angeles starter, picked up the win although touched for a two-run homer by Smoky Burgess. Zimmer's homers topped a 13 hit Cubs' barrage that included a pair of doubles by Ron Santo and triples by Al Heist and rookie Nels Mathews. Pitcher Bob Rodgers and Ted Kluszewski homered for the Angels off Chicago starter Glen Hobbie, who won it. An error by the Twins' Aose Valdivielso on Minnie Minoso's grounder in the ninth opened the door for the winning tallies, with the clincher scoring for the White the bases loaded. The tallies were the bases loaccd. The tallicr were unearned. Frank Robinson, Gus Bell, Gor don Coleman and Elio Chacon smashed homers in the Reds' vic tory against Detroit. The five-hit pitching of Jim Archer, Dick Hall and Bob Hartman carried Kansas City to its win over the Senators, who pulled a triple play after the A's scored twice in the third in ning. Phils' rookie catcher Clarence Coleman stroked his fourth single in the ninth to score Bob Savage with the clincher against the Cards. San Francisco's Willie Mays and Boston's Jackie Jensen traded ear ly two-run homers, but the Red Sox won it when Billy Harrell walked with the bases filled in the ninth. TWO BOWLS FOR DUKE DURHAM, N.C. (AP) Duke University's football team already is sure of two bowl games next season. The Blue Devils meet Virginia at Richmond on Sept. 30 in the Tobacco Bowl game and on Nov. 11 they play Navy in Ihe Oyster Bowl test at Norfolk, Va. KOFFEE KLUTCHERS LEAGUE W 23 17 Ptl. 23 22 30 16 Jackie Robinson, former Brook lyn Dodger baseball great, was an all-Pacific Coast i Conference se lection in basketball at UCLA in 1940. The Elbow Room McKay Motors 22 Roseburq Lanes 21 South Stephens Market 31 Dude's Gun Shoo 30 Roseburg Lumber 30 Ricketts Music 17 WAlt't Gat & OH 14 Results: The Elbow Room 3, wan-s oas 8. Oil 1; Rickett's Music 2, Roseburg Lanes 2; McKay Motors 1. Roseburg Lumber 3; Soulh Stephens Market 1, Dude's Gun Shoe 3. High Series: Ethel Kramb U9-16S-I53 507, Dude's Gun Shop. High Game: Meryl Hess W, The Elbow Room. Other High Scores: Dot Mason 180. Elra Smith 175, Margaret Cornult 177, Beulah Lyon 175. U.S. PLYWOOD LEAGUE Misfits Big Five Four Roies ' Ply Boys LOCKED BE Economy Grade Lite-Weighf, Grain-Fed Good or Choice to CUT, PACKAGED & QUICK FROZEN! USE OUR BUDGET PLAN CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS BOYER MEAT CO. N. UMPQUA HWY. OR 3-6323 V. Don't Buy A Water Heater 'Til You Check Our Prices! A BIG 52-GALLON Quick-Recovery HEATER FOR LESS Than You Pay For A 30-Gal! With trill another SAVING!! S3 COO U 1 itt. i : msmmm K4 CAL-ORE BONUS FOR YOUR TRADE-IN ACT NOW! SUPPLY OF THESE HEATERS IS LIMITED! 630-648-658 S. I. Rom 635 S. E. Stephens Phong OR 2-1616 Homs-Owned and Optrsttd REMODELING? W Finish The Things You Havo Started. No Down Payment IVAN P. EDWARDS Buildor-Developer OR 3-7493 yo rart 1 11 1 'mii wjw wi7iil7iWu iTi Muiiu... 1 1 Wr'wmmmi!ii I BtjssssMSMLeMsssssasiMeMitesMBMMSMSsMl nnln I MH. ii f, JHn rHMm iirBlrsWttj!!!-.!!!?! &rit$xmtmmi. m riWIN A FREE TRIP FOR I, ' . iUVj'jHk' PTSI 2 AROUND THE WORLD Jffi 28 Days V '3 S WMllWiJ r 11 Countries i2K$ it end register QMSfeSm WP9 No Coff or Obligafion Jo Buy! M., ?.' IE WIRELESS Al'A AWp ' . REMOTE CONTROL "m &?S with purchase of wide choice of TV V5s - m(nUI I models. Turns set on and oflf, changes - Four vials in handy UMWUIO channels, adjusts volume. . purse tube. P6nUm& .- , I I ifSTPHILCOl ' g down only r IS .H America's slimmest, Built-in "Pivot-Tenna" I ; New, exclusive Cool-Chassis design "beats the heat" JTn'lyffv? Indies deep! piroteto TbesUiaU ' ' ' t t ... the major cause of TV failure. 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