House Elections Committee Sets Reapportionment Plan SALEM (AP) The House Elections Committee voted 6-3 this week for a legislative reap portionment plan that would make very little change. The three minority members, believing that Western Oregon population centers are entitled to much more representation than the bill provides, promised to fight it on the House floor.' In the Senate, Tillamook and Washington counties would1 share a senator, in addition to the one that Washington now has. Lincoln and Polk would share a senator, giving Polk a loss o one-half. In the House, Hood River, Was co, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow and Wheeler counties would share two members. They now have a total of three. That loss for Eastern Oregon would be made up by giving a seat iointlv to Multnomah and Clack amas counties. Washington Coun ty would be increased from 2 Mi to 3. and Yamhill would be cut from 1V4 to one. The three dissenters are Reps. Phil Lang and Ed Whelan, both D-Portland, and William Holm strom, D-Gearhart. The plan, however, has a good chance of being approved by the legislature. .It has support of the Republicans, Eastern Oregon leg islators, and some others. McKinneys Return To Umpqua Following Trip To Washington ' The plan probably will be con sidered by the House late this week. Whelan tried to amend the bill by removing Multnomah County's subdislricting for its 16 House members. It was defeated 5-4. The amendment would have given a big advantage to the Democrats because the county is overwhelm ingly Democratic. Some of the subdistricts are Republican, how ever. . By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mckinney have returned to Umpqua from Centralia, Wash., where they were called by the illness and death of the lattcr's sister, Mrs. Minnie Claybaugh. Mrs. Claybaugh was well-known guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolfe for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mohr and Mrs. Harvey Roeder drove to Eu gene recently where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole. They returned home the same j jjj1 evening. Word has been received in L nip in the Umpqua area, having visited I" "' 1 1 here many times. Portland Trip Mad , William Howard went to Port land last week where he was a Kinney of Sitka, Alaska, of the birth of a girl, Michelle Rae. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hodson of Paradise, Calif., were recent over night guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leon ard, on Millwood Drive. Mrs. Leon ard accompanied the visitors home and spent several days at their place. She then went to Pine Crest, Calif., where her son, Vernon Leon- is a director of a youth camp. She then visited at Lodi, Calif., where a grandson, Charles Leon ard, is attending school. She then returned to Sacramento, Calif.. Calif., where she spent several days at the home of a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Hamilton. She returned to Wed., Mar. 15, 1961 Tho News-Review, Rceburg, Ore. her home in Umpqua last week. Mrs. George Munson has return ed from Portland alter attending the l'Jtil annual meeting of the Oregon Slate 4-11 Foundation. The organization is made up of the trustees and one 4-H leader from each county in the state. Mrs. Munson is the Douglas County rep-: resentalive. j Rush Clarke of Umpqua has re- j turned from Wheeler Hot Springs j where he received medical treat-1 mcnt. He is reported to be much I improved. ' RED WATCHES MOSCOW (AP) Tass. the So viet news agency, reports a new factory going up southwest of Moscow will manufacture yearly l'-j million battery-powered elec tric wrist watches. USED HOMES BARGAINS AVAILABLE Terms You Con Handle IVAN P. EDWARDS Builder-Developer OR 3-7493 Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed by loos fltie teeth slIppiiiK, dropping or wobbling when you eat, talk or laugh. Ju:t sprinkle a little f A3TEETH on your plates. This pleasant powder gives a mnnrkRble of added comfort and security by holding plates more tirmlv. No Rinnniv, ooey, pasty tasia or feeling. It's alkaline non-elcO. lrtt FAfcSTEETU at any druK counter. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Vital Statistics t Judith Kay vs. Thomas Alfred! Hollamon. Married June 23, 1959, at Kemmer, Wyo. Custody of one child and $50 a month support ask ed by plaintiff, who charges cruel ty. Personal property settlement asked. Hazel C. vs. John A. Caudill. Married Oct. 26, 1957, in Albany. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks cus tody of child and refund on income tax return. Sam C. vs. Jessie Moon. Amend ed complaint following reconcilia tion. Married Aug. 5, 1956 at Rose burg. Cruelty charged. Custody of child asked by plaintiff. Susanna vs. Vertis Leroy Handy. Amended complaint after reconcil iation effort from first complaint filed. Plaintiff asks custody of child and $35 a month support. Property would be awarded to defendant, who would be responsible for bills. Loretta J. vs. Lloyd J. veacn Married at Colton. Calif., June 25 1945. Plaintiff asks custody of three children and $50 a month support for each and properly settlement. Cnmnlaint states defendant con victed of felony Feb. 24, 1955, for failura to support wife and chil dren. Helen M. vs. Thomas Daniel I.effler. Married April 4, 1951. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff states she is owner, as a tenant in com- 'mon, of an undivided one-half in terest with her daughter, Sandra Langlois, of property at SE Cass Ave. and SE Pine St., on which is located the Lariat Room and lounge, and property at Flint and Oak on which is located home oc cupied by plaintiff and defendant. Complaint states defendant has no interest in property. Plaintiff asks that she be declared the owner of one-half interest with her daugh- ter and be declared owner of house hold furnishings and telephone company stock. One of two cars would be awarded defendant. Or der issued by court, restraining de fendant from molesting or mtei ferring with plaintiff during pend ency of suit and from encumbering or disposing of any of the prop erty and particularly, but not lim ited to, the assets of the Lariat Room and lounge during pendency of suit. , William Grand vs. wanna aue ; Spain. Married at Reedsport Aug. ! 2. 1960 and on Nov. 30, 1960. Cruel ty charged. Plaintiff asks that de- fendant have custody of unborn i child and he offers to pay $50 a j month support. 1 Divorce Decrees frma Jean from Neil Dtiane Fike. Plaintiff granted custody of their three minor children and $30 a month support for each. Bonnie M. from Ervin Havron. Ruby. from John K. Nelson. Cus tody of minor child granted plain tiff" with $50 a month support. Per sonal property settlement order ed with defendant to pay suit costs. Carolvn H. from Frederick Theo dore Hoffman. Plaintiff granted custody of minor child. Marjorie Leila from Arnold Du Pont. Custody of one child and S50 a month support granted plaintiff, who also gets furnishings and fix tures and 1949 car. Defendant awarded 1955 pickup. Restraining Order Marilyn Marie vs. Terry Gene Counts. Restraining order issued against defendant, who is also or dered to pay temporary support monev pending suit. Ruth Elizabeth Snead vs. James Helton Snead. Order of court would restrain defendant from en tering residence of plaintiff and defendant near Drain, restrain him from selline, leasing, encum bering or changing status of prop erty and from molesting plaintiff or their son. I LADIES OR MENS iSSL AUTOGRAPH GOLF SET 3-5-7-9 Irom end Purler , 1 3 Woodi-Custom Made k True Temper Steel Shifts Ventililed Rubber Grip! WiUon Golf Bag Men's "Bob Hagy" ladle.' "Hazel Hlxon" PERMANENTLY PLEATED fOt EASY OPERATION DURABLE EASY-SLIDING METAL TRACK INDESTRUCTIBLE NYLON GLIDE EASY TO CLEAN WITH JUST A DAMP ClOTrl . COMPLETE . . . READY TO ASSEMBLE COLORS: BEIGE AND ClOUD WHIIt Reg. 5.98 ONLY WALTZ - 8 M.M. MOVIE EDITOR k COMPACT-PRECISION ENGINEERED EXACT FRAME FILM EDITING 400-FOOT REEL CAPACITY FOCUSING MAGNIFYING VIEWER SPLICER AND QUICK SPLICE TAPE 88 REGISTERED " CLUBS 65.00 VALUE mm V. I-, i r 24.95 9 by 12 Quality Tufted .Broadloom Rugs ' n..:u : 1938 P JW. Pt f IfKlffl rVith Sheari tS S Jk'm -4 i 5ci"on-Con,b pi PRICES Built-in Foam Rubber PAD 39c Girls Nylon Panties Sixes 3 to 14 399c 59a LADIES PANTIES 39c pr. EFFECTIVE 0 MARCH 15- 2.29 Pedal Pushers . 1.99 2.49 Ladies Easter Blouses . 1.99 87c Mayo Spruce Briefs pr. MISS MARVEL LEE SEAMLESS NYLONS 1st Quality Guaranteed 16-17-18-19 INCLUSIVE EASTER CANDIES 5cCreme EGGS ..41 5c 43c Fruit 4 Nut EGGS 227c 29c Milk Chocolate Hollow Mold Rabbits, Chickens ... 257c 33c ,,b. Bo9 Jelly Bird EGGS 257c 33c 10-ox, Marihmollow EGGS 257c 69c BAYER ASPIRIN PINOCHLE CARDS Whifman 2 Decks .. 89c Whitman POKER DECK QQc 2 DECKS 100 UBS. 1.00 MENNEN SKIN BRACER 77c 1 00 TANDEM SHAMPOO The One Thai's Really Two FERRY MORRIS Reg. ISc 677' Concntrattd llQUID-FISH BASE FERTILIZER Compltttly Deodoriwd. Will ttot burn whn used di rctid--WiM provide a luth grwn liwn in 4 days. REG. ALUMINUM Lawn Edging 1 88 4 inches High 40 Feet Long Vet Penicillin 300,000 Units 10 cc VIALS 1 cc 77c ummmmm 2.00 QUICK HOME PERMANENT 1.39 98' DENNIS0H DIAPER LINERS 77c it ANCHORGLASS Reg. 69e 11-ounce TUMBLERS 59c CombioticlOcc Vial 277c 49c LAMBS NIPPLES 33c Pockaga of 6 3.95 GALLON 99 4.50 6 Foot by 20 Foot BAMBOO FENCE Mode of Bamboo Peel 2.99 Reg. 69c CANNERS RUBBER GLOVES 2 pr. 1.00 EVERAIN OSCILLATING f FACIAL TISSUE1 237M coZr 235C MODESSV-Form 13 Sanitary Naphini M$ Package of 12 jfjf 33c 4.17 50 DOSE . Pulpy Kidney VACCINE 2.85 Setof459c ANCHORGLASS 86 ounce icelip PITCHER Reg. 89c 77c LAWN SPRINKLER Schools Get Funds By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare has allo cated funds to two Oregon school districts because of a large num her of federal employes in the areas. Thpv are Tillamook Send District, which receives' S34.7C7 and Alsea School District No. 7 C which gets $7,000. BiBBPaaaaHBi llll r in BOOK MATCHES D f -w 35- k AUTOMATIC DIAL CONTROL JUST SET IT AND FOROtT IT GENTLE RAIN LIKE SPRAY COVERS 35x45 FOOT AREA REG. 6.95 99 1961 MODELS h Fun Liiil a a Corton QP q J'c n olBBaiBBBBIB ' 'BJI, 1 POWER MOWERS -.. & POWERFUL Si H P. J CYCLE CLINTON ENGINE RECOIL ST POWERFUL V, H P. J CYCLE CLINTON ENGINE RECOIL STARTER FINGERTIP AND THROTTLE CONTROL HEAVY GAUGE STAMPED STEEL BASE WITH OFFSET WHEELS BIG 20-INCH REG. 59.95 VALUE CUT CRFFMf 25F001 Vi inch riCC... 1 .50 VALUE 50-FOOT New Gratt Catching 3.9S Valua Bag Complete 0J ? 77 Mounting Bracket MM. 10 YR. GUARANTEE GARDEN HOSE FIRST QUALITY MADE 7.9S 2 Ply Free Flow 5 GREEN COLOR DOOR MIRROR Metal From 1Z by 48 4.9! VALUE 33 89c Maypole Knitting YARN 4-ot. Skeint Allotted Colors ,rjirirr.ri . 8" VINYL HCSE fjfYf 1 w IIS HEMORRHOIDS PILES ore being corrected through the use of the latest approved electronic techniques. Descrtp wt booklet on request. E. R. REYNOLDS N. D., D. C. Proctology 1742 Willamette 01 3-81)1 Eugene. Oregon SILVER ALLOY CAR BATTERIES rtTJb Res- ''8 4 vot y?iW355il U month tt " - Guarantee 6.88 ' Reg. 1J.9J 6 Volt 3 2 Heavy Duty i yeor guorontee 9.88 19.95 12 VOLT HEAVY SERVICE 2 Year Guarantee 14 CQ No Trode-in Necettory 1 '00 WORKMANS LUNCH KITS Block or Grey Re. 2.95 1.99 PAINT ROLLER AND TRAY SET 87c 2.50 Value Pete Cooper Golf Balls (or 1.99 MEN HANKtES PAC of 10 77 50c ; FILM White .J0.U0-127 Ked.threme SLIDE FILM 35 mm 099 FLASH BULBS S-Carton of 12 I 4 M REG. tt 1.65 1 Kodichrome MOVIE FILM 149 3Z 21 Gallon Garbage CAN 2.99 tfs Vett DOG FOOD 323c 114.00 VALUE fi " I 9 J ft )kS WAX I B Tames Crew Cutt. Rule hp. 1 Au and hard to manage hair I J TRIPLE LANOLIN gS Ve. Non-Greasy ItSS'i KODAK Completely Automatic CAMERA KODAK (yjymAjlL,2S Complete with fUSH . With Preceding I With Preting I lA' .. s ( ;., '