Wnr Annivprsnrv To Be Observed Daughtera of the Union Veterans held their meeting Friday after noon at the home of Airs. Jess Bowman. Mrs. Oliver Plumber, president, conducted the meeting. Mrs. Plum er appointed Mrs. Bowman and Jlrs. George Hooke on the centen nial committee to arrange suitable activities for the lUOth anniversary of the Civil War. It was decided that members would make small pillows to be used at the VA. Mrs. Rooke report ed on the meeting held there re cently for the volunteers. The birthdavs of Lillian Hill. Sirs. Boy Langley, Mrs. James JMarr, Mrs. Bob Newman and Alice Baker were honored. A beautiful birthday cake made by Mrs. Plum' er. was served. Gifts were receiv' ed from Seccet Pals. Mrs. Joe Sand won the door prize. The next meeting will be on the evening of March 10 at home of Mrs. Otto Davis. Obligation Night Slated By OES Roseburg Chapter I, OES, met Thursday at the Masonic Temple. Worthy Matron Ann Sanders and Worthy Patron Walter Brydges pre sided. Past Electas were honored. Glad ys Wiley, grand committee mem ber and Katherine Roadman and Ted Roadman, worthy matron and worthy patron of Oakland Chapter 91, were escorted. A report on the rummage sale held by the Star Club was given. Following the meeting refresh ment were served in the dining room. The refreshment committee was comprised of Eleanor Unrath, Verna Emery. Mildred Fisher, Eva I'oerer and Cora Scanland. - The next meeting will be Obliga tion. Night March 16. Hucrest Gynasium Scene Of Pack 133 Annual Dinner Cub Scout Pack 133 held its an nual Blue and Gold dinner Friday in the Hucrest gymnasium. Cub Scouts and Boy Scout guests and I: families were present to enjoy a delicious fried chicken dinner. There were approximately 175 ! present. Among the guests were Joe Scal lon, principal of Hucrest School; Mrs. Scalloo and family; Charles Woodrich, district judge; Mrs. Woodrich; Harold Glover, local Boy Scout representative, and Jlrs. Glover. Mrs. Paul Dillon led the group in I community sing before Cub Scoutmaster, the Rev. Vera Robin son, called the meeting to order. He first introduced all den mothers and presented awards to them. " Awards chairman, Robert hie Kee, presented awards to the fol lowing: Leonard Langley, Gary Chambers, Bill Cooksey, Bill Lesh, Chris Cowbrough, Warren Dillon, Tim Isaacson, Mike Kershner, Gregg Landers, Mark Thompson, Scott Hicks, Michael Roelle, Kent Dillon, Richard Coffel, Bruce Har rison, Thomas Hall, James Freod and Curtis Jenkins. Art Talk Given At Meet Of Mu Chapter Of BSP 1 Mu Chapter. Beta Sigma Phi, ti.lH ftn .ninv.hl. mwlinff W.Hni... day evening at the home of Mrs. Phil R. Singleton with Mrs. Buss . McNcaly ' as co-hostess. As guest speaker. Alan Knudlsen , of Knudlsen Jeweler's, spoke on art and showed several paintings . and different types of artwork. Those enjoying the evening were ; Sirs. James Gregory, Mrs, Bart Garrison, Mrs. Jack Walters, Mrs. , Russ McNealy, Mrs. Lowell Rho- den, Mrs. William Sims, Mrs. Lou I'Lorenz, Miss Rose Marie Stein ' hauer, Mrs. Jerry Coen, Mrs. W. L. Heup, Airs. Loren Loveland. Mrs. Jim Shrum. Mrs. M. L. Hallmark . and Mrs. Phil Singleton. Xi Epsilon Chapter Has Enjoyable Dinner, Party Two enjoyable events, a progress ive dinner and "Mad Hatter's" party were on the entertainment (calendar recently of Xi Epsilon Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, for ritual (members eligible to move forward no exemplar degrees. Xi Epsilon is .one of three exemplar chapters functioning in Douglas County to 'progress in cultural growth through Mludy programs and contribute to community betterment through civ ic projects. Mrs. Vernon Bonebrake, the chap ter's valentine princess who was elected queen by all Beta Sigma Phi chapters at thoir annual val entine ball, was a special guest of honor at the dinner. A gill wai r resented to her from the chapter, lostesses for the dinner wore Airs. J. Alilton Clay, Airs. Bernard Saar and Airs. Ted Shulti. Assisting host esse were Airs. Waller Brillell, Mrs. Stanford Noma and Al r s. Benjamin DuFresne. GuesU included Airs. Clair K. Allen, city sponsor; Alesdames Lou is Lorenz, Eldon Caley, Kirhard Reynolds, Lowell Winters, Robert Schmidt, James Gregory, Alarie Safaris., Fred Rawson, Don 1j Branche, Rollins Page and Ed Zicgler. Olher members present were Airs. Don Gum, Mm. Wavne Crooch, Airs. Robert Norton and Miss Virginia Young. Airs. Shullz and Mrs. Clay were ro-hosteaaes for the second parly at the home of the former in Win- rnrsier. nai creations ran an imag-it inative camut. wilh Aim. I'kl.,n ' Caley receiving a prize for her cocktail creation trimmed With aellier tablets; Airs. Shullz for the I preiuesl, a wide brimmed bonnet t covered with a variety of plastic j flowers: and Mrs. Al. H. Coen for the funniest, a tor kitchen on board festooned wilh grapei and veiling. Refreshments were lerved after a brief meeting. Other guests enjoving the party ,ere Airs. Ted Ranlett, Airs. Paul prr and Airs. Pat Winlera. Mem bers attending were Airs. Robert Norton, Airs. Vernon Bonebrake. Jlrs. lrv Pugh, Airs. Benjamin Du Wedding Large Event ' - a. ;., . t 1 : 1 . 1 . y . .-.!' - Mr., AND MRS. JAMES MARSHALL pose in the, above photograph following their marriage Feb. 25 at 2 p.m. at the South Umpaua Community Church ot Tiller. The bride, Violet Mae Newton, is the daughter of Lawrence E. Newton of Tiller and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marshall, also of Tiller. (Dale Rushton Picture, Tri-City). ., ... . Seoul master Arthur Rich Intro duced Boy Scout committee mem bers who were present and some of the outstanding Scouts present. An impressive Court of Honor was held by Judge Charles Wood rich in recognition of Boy Scouts who have achieved outstanding awards. As a final highlight of the eve ning Harold Glover spoke to the group on "Scouting in General." the benefits of Scouting and what It really means. Mrs. Cal Bowles Is Club Hostess , The Oak Tree Inn at Winchester was the scene of the Tuesday aft ernoon meeting of the Sutherlin Til licum Bridge Club, as guests of Mrs. Cal Bowles. A delicious one o'clock luncheon was served family-style to Mrs. O. L. Torrey, Mrs. Ed Lamoreaux, Mrs. Joe I'errault. Mrs. K. 1) Bridges, Mrs, Frank McCord, Mrs. J. M. Clay, Mrs. Vera Holgate and Airs. Bowles. Prizes for the afternoon's con tract bridge play were won by Mrs. Clay, for high score; Airs. Holgate. second high, and Mrs. Bowles, low. Mrs. McCord receiv ed the traveling prize. The club will meet next on Tues day, March 14, at the home of Airs. Clay in Koseburg. A dessert luncheon will be served, Fellowship Has Session The Elkton Christian's Women's Fellowship met Wednesday at the church with 13 members present. Following the devotional wo gram led by Ethel Alford and the study program by Nettie Complon, birthday cakes were served by Dor is Shinkle and Wilma Higgins in honor of the following: F.lir.abplle Cutlip, Ina Henderer. Ruth Lick- iider and Norene Clemo. Fresne, Mrs. Bernard Saar, Airs. Stanford Morris. Airs. Waller Brit tell and the hostesses. issiJl (k v,A BARBARA IVERSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Iverson of Umpquo, celebrated tier second birthday at o lovely party March 7 ot her home. Besides tier mother and sister, Noncy; enjoying the party with her were Mrs. Jerry Curry and Jill and Jeff; Mrs. Sharon Hall ond Rob bie; Mrs. Som Henry ond Joe, ond Mrs. Cecil Bates, ond Karen ond Jim. Lovely gifts were presented to Barbaro. Mrs. Iverson served birthday coke ond ice creom to the guests. (Picture by Wilson Studio). v i :m TO BE BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rife of Tiller an nounce the engagement of Mrs. Rife's daughter, Aloho Leea Evers to Jesse R. Mount, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Mount, also of Tiller. Miss Evers is a senior at Days Creek High School and her fiance is employed with the Forest Service at Tiller. A late May Wedding Is Planned. 4th Birthday Occasion For Party At Hill Home Kristi Hill, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Jack Hill, was honored at charming fourlh-year birthday par ty al the home of her parents in Winslon recently. Party favors were given to each 'guest and games were enjoyed. The serving table was centered by a beautifully decorated cake. Those enjoying the delightful af fair were Judy and Claude Hall. Tony Hill, Randy and Jana Hill and the honored guest, Kristi, who received many lovely gifts. Card Party Held . The Associated Volunteers spon sored a delightful card party Tues day night fur 75 patients at the VA llospital. Airs. Mary Freese of Myrtle Creek came to Roseburg to assist Roseburg Indies on the host ess committee. Following the card play, refreshments were served. 8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Wedding Place Feb. 25 Alembers of two pioneer Doug las County families were joined in wedlock when Miss violet Mae Newton, daughter, of Lawrence E. Newton of Tiller, and James Al vin Marshall pleged their vows in an impressive ceremony tea. a at 2 p.m. al the bourn umpqua Community Church at Tiller. The bridegroom's parents are Air. and Mrs. Uliilord Mar.inau 01 liner. The Rev. Alice May Wooley. pas tor of the Days Creek , Methodist Church, read the single ring ser vice before a very large assem blage of guests. The bride was attired in a bal lerina-length gown of while lace over taffeta, fashioned with cap sleeves and a flared skirt. Her fingertip veil was of delicate lace, and she wore a single strand of pearls. Her lovely bridal bouquet had been created by Lois DeWald of Days Creek from camellias in. shades of pink, accented ay wnue hyacinths and held with a match ing satin ribbon bow., Preceding the ceremony. Mrs. Earl Tibbels sang "Always" and I Love You Truly. She was ac companied at the piano by Mrs. Vein Lerwill, who also played me wedding music and incidental sel ections while guests assembled. The radiant bride entered on tne arm of her father, who gave her in marriage. She was met at the altar by the bridegroom, attended by his brother, Robert Marshall, as best man. Preceding the bride down the aisle were her honor at tendants, including her sister. Miss Betty Newton, as maid of honor. She wore a wallz-elngth gown of coral rose shade of chiffon over taffeta. Another sister. Miss Clara Newton; three sisters of the bride groom, the Alisses Evelyn, Sharon and Peggy Marshall; and two close friends, the Alisses Jolene Hoskins and Pam Skiens, were bridesmaids. Their frocks were in shades of pastel blue with bouffant net skirts over taffeta. All attend ants wore floral tiaras in their hair. They carried petite arrange ments of artificial flowers fasten ed, with dainty ribbon on white styrofoam hearts, fashioned by Mrs. Don Newman, who also made artificial carnation boulonnieres for the men. Candlelighlers were Billy Mar shall, brother of the bridegroom, and Jesse Lehnherr, his cousin. Ushers were Alichael Donovan and Fred Van Norman. Airs. Milton Hunlley, sister of the bride, wore a two-piece en semble of skipper blue. The bride groom's mother wore a navy blue suit. Each wore contrasting ac cessories and corsages of while camellias. Deep pink flowering quince, white spiraea, white carnations and cedar greenery were arranged by Airs. John Donovan and Airs. Mil ton Hammersly in tall white wick er baskets adorning each side of the pulpit. Smaller wicker baskets containing sprays of delicate pink apricot blossoms accented with evergreen huckleberry branches were placed on each side of the communion table which held an open Bible flanked by singe tall lighted tapers. Airs. Kmmitt Belcher and Mrs. Anion F.rlebach had charge of ar rangements for the wedding and reception and coordinated efforts of the others who assisted. Airs. George V. Stone and Airs. Clifford Marshall look care ol preparing the church and Anion Erlebach, Clifford Marshall and Jack lehn herr assisted wilh sealing arrange ments. Airs. J. V. Lewis, Mrs. Ralph Skiens. Airs. Alilton Huntley and Airs. Pat Jenks assisted with wardrobes for the bride and her party. Lovely corsages were presented to all women who had assisted in arrangements. They were made by Air. and Airs. Ernest Dahack, who combined violets and tiny snravs of acacia for a striking effect, and by Airs. DeWald.lwhoi used pink and white camellias ! and olher spring flowers in her lovely creations. Airs. Erlebach j and Airs. Lerwill also helped with ; uorai aiiaugciucius. Flowers for the corsages and for decorations at the church and the reception came from the gar dens of Airs. Ralph Weaver, Air. and Airs. A. Al. Cooper, and Airs. Elmer Standlcy. all of Canyon-' ville; Airs. Leroy Lowell of Tri I City; Mrs. George Sosic of Riddle; j Mrs. David Crispen and Airs. Ro mie llenririx of Alilo: and Airs. 11. B. McNeil and the Dahacks of Tiller. Immediately following the cere mony, the bridal party formed a receiving line at the church en trance. The reception followed in the auditorium of the Tiller-Drew Grade School. Beautifully appoint ed refreshment tables had been ar ranged for the pleasure of guests . by Airs. Belcher, assisted by Airs. I McNeil, Airs. Gilbert Hutlcr, -Miss Sherry Hunter and others. j The Ihreoliered wedding cake.! topped by the traditional figurine ornament, had been baked and 1 decorated by Airs. Alilton 1-ong of Days Creek. Other special cakes were baked by Atrs. William God-! win. Airs. Frederick Ellis and Mrs. I Hammersly. Tiny slices of the bridegroom's cake had been wrap-, ped and tied with nhbon. I After the newlyarcds had cut the first slice of the wedding cake, I the remainder was rut and serv- ed by Airs. Jack l ehnherr. aunt of the bridegroom. Airs. Erlebach j Potluck Held At Church A large group attended the Fam- i ily Night potluck dinner at the Wilbur Alethodist Church annex : Sunday evening. Air. and Mrs. Ber nard Grubhe entertained by show- i ing beautiful colored movies they took on their recent vacation in Hawaii. Ore. Mon., Mar. 13, 1961 Takes alternated with Mrs. Howard Mid kilf al the coffee urn and Misi Fran Newman served the punch. Others assisting wilh refreshments were Mrs. Tibbels, who prepared the coffee; Mrs. Stone. Airs, JUlis, Airs. Godwin. Airs. Butler. Mrs. Lewis, Airs. McNeil, Airs. Glenn C. Rogers, Mrs. J. D. Zimmerman and Airs. C. J. Porter. The Alisses Rosemary Porter, ry Hunter, Cheryl Butler. Joni Gay Evers, Bonnie McNeil and Lana Alidkiff assisted at the gift table, and the Alisses Avis Lewis and Judy McNeil ended the guest book. The bride is a senior at Days Creek High School. The bride groom attended Roseburg schools prior to enlisting in the U. S. Army. He returned to civilian life last year after serving two years, most of which was spent in Korea. Fol lowing his discharge, he has been employed by National Plywood. The newlvweds are now at home at Tiller, residing in a Cooper ana ruling rental. BYRD'S PLAY RADIO T. COPPERTCNE KITCHEN GIFTS TOMATO SAUCE WAXED PAPER INS ALLSWEET PCNICS ORANG WHITE "AA" SMA RIVIERA SPICED Chili Beans CANADIAN SPHAGNUM Peat Moss FOR BIGGER, BETTER Ass't Hair COMBS 10 DIFFERENT STYLES Married MR. AND MRS. PERRY SMITH celebrated their golden wedding Tuesday with a few friends and relatives gather ed at their home east of Yoncalla. Maude Tucker and Per ry Smith were united in marriage March 7th 1911 ot Car penter, Wyo. They have two sons, Perry Leslie Smith and Albert Smith. They have four grandsons. A large, beautifully decorated four-tiered wedding cake, baked and decorated by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kirkelie, was ornamented with gold bells ond white roses and was cut and served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and two sons; Ruby Tucker and Ethel Slabough of Rose burg; Mr. ond Mrs. Jim Tucker of Eugene; Mr. ond Mrs. Charlie Kirkelie, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Beck, and Mr. and Mrs. Rapheal Wise; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stenseth, the Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Otto and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Smith, Jean Cow an, Mrs. George Edesr Irene Sparks, Mrs. Noble Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Latham ond Mr. and Mrs, Tim Miller of Yoncallo. 1 LOW COST MARKET'S FIRST - OF - THE - BINGO! CARDS AVAILABLE AT OUR CHECK STANDS COCOA VALUES TO $1.50 p) (5c (2 SWIFTS Margarine Nebergalls Short Shanked Lean and Tenderised ES BREAD LI EGGS 3)1.00 ,ai 2.98 40 OZ. TIN SAVINGS, WE GIVE 930 WEST HARVARD, A't 50 Years 4yKA? &V '4 HUNTS 8oz. tin ZEE 100 Ft. ROLL MIX HERSHEYS Mb. tin SALTESEA MINCED CLAMS or CHOWDER Sweet and juicy - Full of Vitamin A Sunkist Navel Oranges PATTERSON'S NEW FLUFFY LOAF BYRD'S NULADE BETTY CROCKER BISCUITS Ec 10 BISCUIT TUBE " (Limit Pleote) & REDEEM SILVER AVENUE WEST Roieburg't ina! cod tvt urn, ftUrrt 15. lmttitioM Waffle Breakfast Held At Winston Airs. A. W. AIcGuire entertained at her home in Winston Thursday morning at a charming waffle breakfast for members of the Woodmen Circle Umpqua Grove 51 and a few neighborhood friends. Gathered at the ecru lace-covered table were Lucy Benson, Alma Walker, Gertie Hess, Evelyn Crou cher, Alice Hill, Sarah Cyrus, Al ice Christensen, Viola White, Ethel Slabaugh, Robbie Lee Cooper, Bel la Holm, Marjone Jjoyie, imaiee Van Dermark and David, Helen Miller, A. W. AIcGuire and the hostess. Airs. AIcGuire. Visiting wa3 enjoyed and plans were discussed for a trip to Port land Mareh 18 to attend the dis trict convention of the Woodmen Circle District 2. Areme Club Sets Dinner -March 18 At Lodge Hall The Areme Club of the Elkton Eastern Star Chapter met Aionday evening at the home of Mrs. Clyde Rydell with 12 members present. It was decided to have a ham din ner at the lodge hall Saturday, March 18, serving from 5:30 lo 7:30. Anyone wishing to play cards in the hall following the dinner is welcome. Following the meeting, the hostess served refreshments. Bertha Rebekahs Meet Airs. Harold Burgin and Airs. John Larson were hostesses at the social hour of the meeting Tuesday of Bertha Rebekah 188 held at the I00F hall in Canyonville. Airs. Leonard Clifton, NG, and Airs. Sylvester Tucker, VfJ, pre sided over the meeting. WEEK 411.00 5:1.00 3? 10c 5 1.00 2 69 $$ STAMPS IN CASH Firtt & Finest Saving Center ritt riitnrtd.