The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 13, 1961, Page 4, Image 4

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    Publithid by Southern Ortgon PublithliHl Co.
545 S.E. Miin St., Rouburg, Oregon
Charles V. Stanton
George Castillo Addye Wright
Aiiittont Editor Buiintis Mtnogor
Jlembcr of the Associated Press,
Association, the Audit Bureau ot Circulation
Entered as second class matter May 7, 1920, at the post office at
Hoseburg, Oregon, under act of March 2, 873
Subscription Rates on Classified Advertising Page
4 Tha Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Mon., Mar. 13, 1961
Economic System
j By Charles V. Stanton
Recently the assertion was made' in this column that
people permit the state and federal governments to with
hold a big chunk of their wages, then kick about high prices
when the producer or seller must charge enough to pay
the cost of the taxes he withholds for his employes.
A reader very politely "called" me on that statement
and asked if I hadn't made an error.
It was indicated that I was in error because taxes are
"withheld from wages." The employee, not the employer,
pays the taxes, it was implied, and the increase in prices
isn't required to cover the "cost of taxes."
The reader is absolutely correct insofar as the with
holding tax system applies ON
TICE we find that the theory
is true that the cost of taxes is
er, but not until the cost has
The employee is being "brainwashed' into believing that
he is getting his taxes paid for him, then blames ' big uusi
ness" because prices are so high.
Wages Increased
What happened when the federal government started
withholding taxes? Immediately the employee demanded
that his take-home pay be restored to its former level. The
tax deduction resulted in an
mands. Labor contracts were made with a provision that
take-home pay not only be brought back to its previous lev
el, but a general wage increase was demanded, and ob
tained, at the same time in
Thus, in effect, the employer was forced to assume the
employee's taxes. He hnd to give as much take-home pay
as he had previously. The employee, who formerly had to
pay his own income taxes, now had gained an increase in
wages, equal to the amount of taxes previously paid, while,
at the same time,' he received an actual increase in his
take-home pay. Thus, in effect, he had his wages boosted
twice within a very short time.
Organized labor convinced
was a "slick trick. The load had been shifted to the em
ployer, the working man was told.
The withholding tax is a painless way for the working
man to pay taxes. Actually he transferred his tax load to
his employer.' His wages never went down for any great
period of time. Rather, they went up.
The New Deal, which put the withholding tax into ef
fect, was an expensive form of government. It needed, a lot
of money. We wouldn't have an expensive government if
everyone had to dig into his pocket to pay his income taxes.
But, because few people suffer directly from paying taxes
with money they never get their hands on, we've permitted
the cost of government to go steadily higher.
Seeing the ease with which taxes could he boosted
through the withholding method, states have adopted the
Bame system.
Complaint Transferred
The public has been "brainwashed" into the belief that
because of withholding taxes
benefitted. The "Soak the
of adherents. But, the fact is,
saler, the retailer each must add into the price of his goods
or his services the added payroll expense, including the
taxes he withholds.
And, all along the line,
round number so that the ultimate consumer pays not only
the tax cost but a little more as well.
The public's complaint, however, is transferred from
the extravagant, costly, wasteful government to a gripe
about the high cost of living.
abused because prices are so
to believe that huge profits are being made, without stop
ping to think that big profits are virtually impossible tinder
our existing excess profits tax system. i
There's a vast amount of
policies propose on paper and what they really do when put
into operation.
"Economic systems" aren't always economical.
Francis Stilley
Cum-Up Of Little Things
Make For Big Annoyances
NEW YOHK (AP)-SomctiniM
It's the little things that get a fel
low down.
There are plenty of them.
To wit:
Penny chewing gum machines
that gum up.
The steady dritzle which begins
just as you get to the ball park.
Waiting in a supermarket
checkout line with only a ran of
beans in hand while four people
ahead get mountains of groceries
toted up and racked.
Trying to cash a check in un
familiar territory, and the diffi
cully of trying to keep from look-
Cardinal Ritter Opposes
Federal Education Aid
ST. LOUIS. Mo. (AP)-Joscph
Cardinal Bitter of St. Louis sav
lie is opposed to federal aid to
education but if it comes, Catho
lic children should share it.
Cardinal Ritter told the arch
diocesan Council of Catholic Men
Sunday: "Do we really want led
rra aid? I personally am opposed
to it. It'i my personal conviction
the parents ought to keep Uie
schools in their own hands.
"Nevertheless, federal a I d
might, before the year is over,
become a fact. As it is now pro
posed, there is no question in my
mind but that it .discriminates
against children who attend pri
vate schools. If public funds are
raised for the educational benefit
of the children of America, then
all children should share in that
Oregon Newspaper Publishers
is completely fallacious. It
paid eventually by the work
been magnified several times.
immediate round of union de
most cases.
the union member that this
the working man has been
Rich" policy has gained a lot
the manufacturer, the whole.
the price goes up to a good
Big Business is roundly
high. The consumer is made
difference concerning what
ing like a suspicious character.
The mosquito which pounces in
the middle of the nicht then, in
cowardly fashion, hides out when
you get up and try to find it.
mat wreicn who. upon Doing
told he has the wrong number,
hands up with the sarcastic im
plication that it a ail your num.
Garbage collectors who start
clanking at 4 a.m., S a.m., 6 a.m.,
most any time.
Shoes that are too tight.
People the sumo way.
Burned toast.
Scraped burned toast.
Too much work.
Much work.
Crash Injuries Fatal
In Motorcycle Wreck
C. Dalton. 30, Ashland, died in s
hospital here Saturday from In
juries suffered when thrown to the
pavement from a motorcycle.
Mrs. Dalton was Willi other
memlwrs of a motorcycle club
making trip to Portland when1
her mutorcycle suddenly fell over,
on a street in downtown Central
Point Friday. . I
Police Chief Wallace Rowrn laid
s tire apparently came off the
Mrs. Dalton is survived hy her
husband and two tons, aged 3
months and 3 yean.
It was Oregon's 72nd traffic
fatality of the year and the 12th
in M, rch in the Associated Press
In The Day's News
In a telegram to the Radio and
television r.xecuiive society
U'hirh is hnldinp ils annual mm-t-
ing in New York, . Ex-Vice-Presi-
ucm iiixon say;
leievuiun is powenui mm
yet it is only an infant factor
in politics. Its full force is yet to
be seen and employed.
"But it will never supplant the
printed word."
It is generally agreed that TV
was the factor that upset Mr. Nix
on and elected Mr. Kennedy. Wide
use of television in a political
campaign tends undoubtedly to put
a premium on personality, skil
ful use of it gives an advantage to
the finished actor just as skill
ful use of radio a couple of dec
ades ago enabled franklin D.
Roosevelt to capitalize his excep
tional ability as a persuasive and
appealing public speaker.
The printed word has this in its
That is important.
Among other things, the REC
ORD of the printed work tends to
make orators who are seeking
voles more careful in what they
say. Without the record of the
printed word, they would feel freer
to soar off into the wild blue
yonders of political showmanship.
We have enough of that already.
May heaven save us from MORE
of it.
From Washington :
"President Kennedy yesterday
sent to congress a $3.25 billion
save the - cities housing pro
gram, to be run by a proposed
James Marlou)
Nixon Suggests New Blood
For Republicans In 1962
M. Nixon has urged Republicans
to look for "new blood" and new
"talent" to help in their efforts
to beat the Democrats in the 1962
congressional elections.
The former vice president,
making his first political speech
since losing the presidency to
John F. Kennedy, was not re
ported as having urged the Re
publicans to look for some new
ideas, too.
The Republican leadership in
Congress represents i conserva
tism which the voters have re
jected all but twice in the past
15 congressional elections, going
back to 1932, and four times in
a row since 1954. '
The Republicans could not even
Support Increase Price
For Products Ordered
tary of Agriculture Orville L.
Freeman has ordered increases
in government support prices for
dairy products, rice and peanuts,
a move ho says will boost farm
income by from SI to $2 billion.
Freeman said Friday the in
creases will have small if any ef
fect on per unit consumer prices.
He denied there was any con
nection between hit action and
Senate debate on President Ken
nedy's emergency feed grain pro
gram. Eastern senators have
argued the feed grain bill will
increase feed grain costs for the
dairy industry.
Sen. Geo"c D. Aiken. R-Vt.,
said during ihe debate that since
the hike in dairy support prices
was planned by Freeman he. was
dropping his effort to force this
action by amendment to the feed
grain bill.
The support price for milk used
for manufacturing was set at
$3.40 a hundredweight, up 18
cents, The support for bulterfat
was put at tiu.4 rents a pound,
compared with the old rate of
59.6 cents.
The Cartoonist
new cabinet-rank department
nousmg and urDan anairs.
i'tn - rnnA;ni in.nnin .w.
Kennedy called for prompt housing
legislation to spur the economy
and reinforce tne c i u e s in
One can't help wondering how
Portland and San Francisco, to
mention just a couple of our cites,
feel about this sweeping inclusion
of them in the ranks of the blighted
and the decayed.
Portland, for example,' growing
and burgeoning as it hasn't grown
and burgeoned in half a century.
The big, new, modern Lloyd Cen
ter, which is expanding the busi
ness district of Portland, as th e
Wilshire Boulevard shopping dis
trict years ago expanded the busi
ness district of Los Angeles. The
glittering new Sheraton hotel that
is already built and functioning.
The big new downtown Hilton Ho
tel that is being pushed along as
fast as men and money can push
it. New shopping centers all over
And San Francisco, with Its new
and fabulous Jack Tar hotel up on
Van Ness avenue, already com
pleted and functioning. The new
multi-story Fairmont Tower, long
discussed and often delayed, foutjnave tried to find out ws can
now in the finishing stages. The "bout Steve and his problems.
big new plans for city transporta
tion, including SUBWAYS that will
put the City on the Golden Gate
on a par with New York and Lon
don. And so on.
City "blight and decay?"
Certainly not out here in the
Far West.
win in 1956 when President Ei
senhower was recapturing the
White House overwhelmingly.
The same conservatism is now
being expressed in joint TV ap
pearances by the Republicans'
leaders in Congress: Sen. Everett
M. Dirksen of Illinois, and Rep.
Charles A. Hallcck of Indiana.
They seem to appear as regu
larly' as "Gunsmoke" to express
their views on President Ken
nedy's programs. Their en
thusiasm is always restrained and
they sound rather doleful.
While "new blood" may help
the Republicans, it can be pointed
out that the idea- of youth-in-gov-ernment,
which occurred this
year, is still pretty much limited
to Kennedy's executive branch.
The age level in the Supreme
Court and among congressional
leaders of both parties is still not
only high but shows no signs of
stepping aside so youth can be
served. ' ,;
Dirksen, for instance, "is 65.
Hallcck is 60. But' older than
either of them is Rep. John W.
McCormack .of ' Massachusetts,
House Democratic leader who
split with Kennedy on the school
aid bill. He's 69.
It would not be politically
proper to limit leadership of the
House Democrats to McCormack.
There the speaker, Sam Rayburn
of Texas, is more powerful than
McCormack in Democratic af
fairs. He's 79.
On the Senate side the Demo
cratic chiefs are a little younger.
The leader. Sen. Mike Mansfield
of Montana, is 58. And powerful
ly in Ihe background, is Vice
President Lyndon B. Johnson at
It's in that third branch of
government the Supreme Court
where youth is truly in a minor
ity. There the average age of the
nine justices ranging from 46 to
78 is 63.
Chief Justice Earl Warren is al
most 70. The other justices and
their ages are: Frankfurter (78),
Black (75), Douglas (62), Clark
(61), Harlan (61). Whittaker (60),
Brennan (54) and Stewart (46).
War, Paint
Communist 'Dupe1 Issue
Fans San Francisco Fires
Editors Note a film called
"Operation Abolition" is proving
one of the most controversial in
years- 11 was made b Washing
Reader Says Steve Eats
Pretty Expensive Meat
To The Editor:
Move over as I would like to
get on the band wagon and ex
press my opinions of Steve Solo
vich. First I would like to thank the
people of Roseburg and vicinity
who understand our problem and
have openly said' so. 1 thoroughly
agree with the teacher who ad
vised her sixth grade students.
"Think logically and openly ana
get all the facts before coming to
a conclusion." Our problem has
been made worse by people who
don't know the facts yelling that
the man should be left alone.
Since we have been living with
Steve's presence, we in tins area
But it seems that even those in
the "know" disagree. As nearly
as we can find out, me man never
served any time overseas but de
serted within seven months of the
time he was inducted into the U.S.
Army. .The man apparently was
in Europe before the war broke
out. We do know that this last
year the man's mental condition
has become steadily worse. He de
finitely needs medical help.
Several men in this area have
talked to Steve, some at gun point,
and his mind goes from rational
to irrational in seconds. He con
siders all people wearing yellow
hats or sweatshirts as members of
the "American Gestopo" and is
trying to liberate us from them.
He also seems to think that we are
peasants working for him and
that lie owns the whole country.
So, in his mind, he is only tak
ing what belongs to him.
From what he has said and our
experiences we know he spends
a lot of his time watching us or
our neighbors. Ask yourself how
long you could stand tins strain!
It is even suspected that he has
watched T.V. with some families.
How would you feel to lock your
house up tight when you leave
home and come back to find it
unlocked? If Steve isn't doing
these things something should be
done to find out who it is.
Steve has been known to "bor
row" someone's cow for milk, and
in one instance used a horse to
move something heavy. He even
told one neighbor that he (the
neighbor) would "live longer" if
he minded his own business
All the while Steve was living on
the man's place eating the man's
I don t think anyone would be
grudge Steve a few wethers but
gosh, it's the breeding slock he
kills that gets us. This way you
loose your ewe plus the spring's
wool and lamb. Registered bucks
cost from $75 on up and these
Steve seems especially to favor.
Pretty expensive eating wouldn't
you say? Anyone care to toot me
bill? If you have raised the sheep
that Steve kills, instead of buying
them, you Hon t even have the sal
isfaction of being able to deduct
the loss from your income tax. If
this was possible the federal gov
ernment might have something to
sav about this menace.
In one case Steve cut out a sec
tion of a man's fence to make a
holding pen so that it would be
more convenient to keep the sheep
handy for butchering
Children play "Button, Button
Who Has the Button," but in this
area we get up in the morning
and sav.' "Steve.' Steve Who Has
Steve Today?" Steve is a luxury
thai we can t attorcl any longer,
either mentally-or financially.
, Airs. Don Wright
Little River Rt.
- Glide, Oregon
, , ,
j ton, DC, firm from newsreels
subpoenaed by Ihe House Commit
tee on Cn-American Activities
and concerns the riots at San
Francisco's City Hall last May.
Robert Eunson, chief of bureau
for The Associated Press in San
Francisco, attended a showing of
the film Friday night and reports
on a debate which followed.
question of whether college stu
dents were "duped" by Commu
nists during the City Hall riots
here last May has been strenuous
ly debated at the Press and Union
League Club.
A former FBI agent, a San
Francisco business man and an
attorney said the students and
their leaders "did the work of
Communists" when they picketed
a meeting of the House Commit
tee on .Un-American Activities.
Fire Hoses
A student leader, a San Fran
cisco attorney and a representa
tive of the American Civil Liber
ties Union blamed San Francisco
police for the eruption which led
to fire hoses being turned on the
The forum followed a showing
of "Operation Abolition", contro
versial film being circulated
throughout the country with the
committee's endorsement.
Fred Dupuis, the former agent
for the Federal Bureau oX Investi
gation, when asked specifically,
said he had no evidence to prove
that there was Communist activ
ity on the University of California
campus. Dupuis, now a fire in
surance underwriter, called atten
tion to the film which showed a
student being questioned by the
committee on his Communist par
ty affiliation.
Not Duped
Richard Chesney. a senior at
the university, said the student in
question was "not bright enough
nor old enough" to dupe him.
Chesney said he acted as liaison
man for the press and police dur
ing the demonstration.
He declared that if there were
"two or three hard core Commu
nists" on the Berkeley campus, he
doubted they could influence the
20.000. other students. Chesney
said academic requirements at
California were such that students
usually were above average in in
telligence. 'Communist Work'
"The House Un-American Ac
tivities Committee and the Com
munists need each other," de
clared Ernest Besig, executive
secretary of the American Civil
Liberties Union. He blamed the
committee and the police for al
lowing Communists to demon
strate within Uie chamber and
said the disruption was allowed
"to get the headlines."
Edward P. Heavey, a San Fran
cisco attorney, when questioned,
would not say the leaders of the
riots were Communists, but added
"they were doing the work of
lommumsis ana pernaps know
ingly." "Police brutality" was deplored
by James Thatcher, another at--torney,
who was taking the stu
dents' side of the argument.
Thatcher said he saw welts on the
limbs of girls who were taken to
the city jail.
Embattled Seattle
Judge Free On Bail
SEATTLE (AP) Seattle's- con
troversial traffic judge, William
H. Simmons, convicted of con
tempt for refusing to step down
from the bench, was free on bail
Saturday awaiting an appeal to
the State Supreme Court.
Superior Court Judge Lloyd
Shorett cited Simmons for con
tempt Friday for violating a court
order to stay from traffic court.
Simmons announced he would
appeal and posted $1,000 bail, -lie
had spent Thursday ' night in jail
after refusing previously to post
bail until the contempt case was
heard from Judge Shorett.
Attorneys for Simmons also an
nounced they would ask the Su
preme Court, probably late next
week, to decide whether me city
can remove Simmons as traffic
judge or whether only the legis
lature could put him off the bench.
The City Council declared Sim
mons' office vacant because he
was convicted of attempting to as
sault a housewife who went to
see him about a speeding ticket.
The mayor appointed another
Rut Simmons said he still con
siders himself judge and indicated
he might try to hold court again
Federal Information
Flow Increase Planned
Salinger, While House press sec
retary, says he will examine gov
ernment information practices
with a view to increasing the flow
of information.
Salinger will work from a de
tailed list of instances in which
information was withheld in the
last six years. The list will be
prepared by Rep. John E. Moss.,
D-Calif., chairman of the House
government information subcom
mittee. Freedom of information was the
subject of a 3' j-hour closed meet
ing Friday. The session, called by
Moss, was attended by Salinger,
congressmen, government press
officers and newspaper officials.
After the meeting. Moss told
newsmen he had promised Salin
ger he would supply the list. Sal
inger said his office would "see
where in the list of particulars
there are, government practices
we can correct to increase the
flow of information."
The Oakland Garden Club is
holding lis annual Si. Patrick's
Hay card party Friday, reports
Kdith Dunn, correspondent A
complete 12 30 luncheon will be
served at the Masonic Hall. Tables
of bridge. 300, canasta and
pinochle are planned For reser
vations call Oakland 2907 or 342.
Pigeon Controversy Stirs
Bay Area; Verdict Awaited
mention this to the Chamber of
Commerce, please, but San Fran
cisco is divided roughly into two
kinds of people those who feed
pigeons, and those . who flinch
when they fly over, .
The city fathers held another
unsuccessful conference Friday on
what to do about pigeons, but un
like previous meetings, . this one
ended with an idea for a tort of
bird Alcatraz. ' ... .
Pigeon Cage
The meeting considered a pro-
Flood--Of People
Invades Northwest
PORTLAND (AP) A flood hit
federal forest lands in Oregon and
Washington last year a flood of
people. . '
Swarming over national parks
and forests in the two states in
1960 were about Hi- million sight
seers, hunters, fishermen, skiers,
campers, hikers and other, per
sons, the U.S, Forest Service said
today. That was 16 per cent more
than the previous year. ,
Regional Forester- J.. Herbert
Stone said creation of new facili
ties has not kept pace with the
deluge of visitors, and added that
the pressure will be even greater
in the future.
"Recreation use of national for
ests throughout the nation has
quadrupled in the .past 15 years,
and is expected to be 9 times
greater by the year 2000," he said.
Durno Seeks Halt
To Floods In Basin
Engineers have been asked to do
everything possible to prevent a
recurrence of floods that swept
through part of Oregon's Willam
ette River Basin this year.
The chief of the Army Engi
neers, Lt. Gen. E. C. Itschner,
was asked by Rep.' Edwin R.
Durno, R-Ore., for a report on
flood damage and emergency
steps needed to provide revetment
and bank protection works.
Durno also urged the Engineers
to speed up authorized projects
and studies which are designed
to provide permanent flood con
trol. Many persons have advised him
that flooding was extensive, and
that water in some parts of Linn
and Lane counties reached great
er heights than in the flood of 1861,
Durno told Itschner in a letter.
Shell In Coos
Oil Exploration
COOS BAY (AP)-The Shell Oil
Co. is surveying the Pacific Ocean
floor of the Oregon coast with an
eye toward exploring for oil.
One 100-foot boat, the Miss Jan
et, has been making surveys in this
area for two weeks, and may be
joined soon by three other boats
from California, the firm said.
Shell has proposed leasing all
of Oregon's offshore lands, but no
agreement has yet been signed be
tween the state and the company.
The 10-man crew of the Miss
Janet is conducting tests to deter
mine the composition of trie ocean
floor. Trucks equipped with radar
have been stationed on shore to
help mapping.
The vessel will work its way
north along the entire coastline
in the next two months, ranging
as far as 25 miles at sea, said E.
M. McCracken, a spokesman for
Shell also wants to conduct
seismic soundings, he said, using
explosive charges in the water. A
license from the Oregon Fish Com
mission would be needed for that.
Similar tests in California, al
ways conducted with a state fish
ery biologist aboard the ship have
caused scant damage to fish life,
he said.
Going to build, buy, refinance or remodel?
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Rottbura Orfica: 7JS S. I. Com
1 intN AenriATtnM
posal put forward by the Bird
Guardian League and championed
by the Citizens Committee in Sup
port of the Bird Guardian League,
the chairman of which is Miss
Elizabeth Blodgett, a nursery
school teacher.
Miss Blodgett called for build
ing a giant pigeon cage at San
Bruno next to the County jail to
house an estimated 6,000 pigeons.
They would be caught oy the
city s pigeon lovers acting as vol
unteers, and the cage would be
built on city jail property at an
estimated cost of $10,000 to $15,000.
'No Bird Zoo'
The alternative, she argued,
u-nnM h nines slaughter of the
pigeons, which would give the city
a Dad name ana lunnermore
would seriously damage the -mental
health of the senior citizens,"
said Miss Blodgett. '
, "There are literally thousands
of senior citizens," said Miss
Blodgett, "to whom feeding
nieeons is the only purpose in
living." ' '" '
"We are- not in a position 10
maintain a bird zoo," said Sheriff
Matthew Carberry, who runs the
county jail near San Bruno.
Angel Island
City Health Director Ellis Sox
said he had asked authorities of
San Mateo County, where the jail
is located, what they thought of
the idea and they replied that San
Francisco's pigeon problem was
San Francisco's, not San Mateo
County's. . '.' . ' "
Then someone suggested Angei
Island. This is a square mile of
ilnnl 1,-lntf 4tict' Tmrth nf AlfB-
traz, another well-know island in
the bay: v ;
"Angel Island," said Miss'Blod
gctt. "That's just the place. Yes,
we could out a sanctuary on An
gel Island." ' : - ''
Pigeon lovers could ooai over
and visit them on Sundays,' she
went on. .'.-.
She said she'd look into. it.
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