Accelerate in '61 With A letter Used Car From This Page. OH 2332 Real Estate FOR SALE 2 bedroom, Urq lot, back - yard fenced In will take '.emping trailer on salt, ok WESTS IDE NEW 3 bedroom home now completed, built in appliances. balhs, birch cabinets and interior finish, fireplace, double oar age. Alto, anci'iier new one under con struction to ehoosa from. Call Builder tves. OR 2-3465. Multiple Sold My House List With Multiple First GET IN ON THE BUSY SEASON COAST MOTEL 9 furnished units, nice gross and net Income, Room for expansion. On highway 101 2 hrs. rido from Rose- burg. Full price S2?,500. Will Take tarm or acreage after the down payment. u units With owner's NICELY located valley motel, owner wishes fast action. iaKe nouse ana lot wim smai amount of cash down. The price here Is In our opinion a bargain. Nice income, LEHMAN REAL ESTATE Ph. OR 3-6193 or OR 3-6091 Helen Glenn Real Estate Cor. Kane & Washington OR 2-3692 Your home might suit our Buyer! List with us and see what happens! Special Neat, attractive 3 BR home on large lot. Nice landscaping. Garage workshop. Rose School DlSt. W5Q0.00. Extra Nice Well located on NE Jackson. Nice 3 BR home, 3 baths, large LR and DR. Bim. Oi forced air furnace. Beautifully landscaped w-trees. siz.ww. Eastwood Nice 4 BR home Lot 100 x ISO In good condition. Nice lawn and trees. 510,000. Glide If no answer call GY 6-3579 OR 2-324B BAUER REALTY 311 N. W. GARDEN VALLEY BLVD. OR 3-3C01 BEAUTIFUL west side location, 90x1 IS lot, lovely lawn and shrubs. 2 bdrm. homn, W.W. carpet, all assessments paid on streets and sewer. Best buy in this area. if, 7 SO. 10 ACRES, more or less, Ideal building site. $4,750. 600 ACRES In this money maker. 7.000 ft. river frontage, 300 acres could be culti vated. Seeded pasture. Good 3 bdrm. home, 3 barns. This comes equipped with tractor and attachments, 200 head of sheep, sever al head of cattle. Near Rose burg lor $79,750. ALL LISTINGS APPRECIATED JIM BAUER, OR 2-1085 NORA CRACROFT, OR 2-362? ROY BARNHART, OR 2-3931 APPLIANCE REPAIR TV, radio, small appliance repair. RfcH Radio Service, OR 3-7876, 824 SE Terrace. SMALL APPLIANCE Repair. Umpqua Val ley. 635 SE StephensOR 3-1616. F"OR YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC appli ance service, Call OR 2-3393 Guar. Work manship at Carter Tire ( o. MAjbRAPUANCE REPAIR. Bob Miller Appl. and Refrig. service. Bob Miller Walt Clemons, OR3-5518 SMALL APPLIANCE repair Best stock"""of small appliance parts in Douglas County. Trowbridge Electric, 721 SE Oak St. OR 3-552K MOST RELIABLE and best Major appli ance repair available. Se us for your host home laundry deal. Bergh's Appli ance, OR 7-I66I. 10 AUTO BODY AUTO BODY and auto paintmq. Free In surance estimates. Work Guarantpod. Pal Motors Body Shop, 2165 NE Stephens, OR 2-3401. 11 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ALL CHRYSLER PRODUCTS Rarcus Mo tor. 1420 NE Stephens. OR 3-5Mft. 14 BATTERY SERVICE BATTERY Generator trouble' For eenn omicel. efficient service sre Powell's Bat tery & Electric, Northside Service Bidg., 1890 NE Stephens. 18 BICYCLES CITY CYCLE CENTER, "The Cycle-Logical" place for bikes, repairs, parts and accessories. 434 NE Winchester. 21 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS FOUNDATIONS, basements, house raising, leveling, repair. Work F.H A approved. Ce ment, block work. Free eMimates. Cal Merqel OR3-4345 or OR 3-844. CARPENTER and cabinet work, Earl Are hart, OR 3-5J56. CARPENTRY nd cabinets. Harry E, Young. OR 3-7419. CONTRACT ING, all types, rcmndriTng," cef pons. Free estimates PR!JJS9: BUTLl)lNGN'REVODfriN. OR 26 CARPET SERVICE SHERMAN'S CARPET SERv IntMllal.. carpet, lineoi-'um ani til.. OR l-e.?Js 29 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery UR 3-831 NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN. 1S3 NE Vine St. OR !!!! or OR 3-7,4, I 32 CRANE SERVICE Crane Service ERECTION work, concrete pogring. CM! Thornton, flay or OR 1 ?sn 40 DRESSMAKING, TAILORING SPECIAL Dble breat'rd suiM revi'd to single, 119 95, Mrs. Gifford CR3-4B6 SEAMSTRESS. Aittrationj and mending Quality work. OR 3-?jlP. p."u tfor yo'ir eve! Spnt mr ad In our ctasiifierl cntmre (ar q Jicfc tuuiia. t'ootw OR I-iJOi. Real Estate TWO bdm. house on Division Strict, Myrtle Creek. Full basement, wall-to-wall carpet. Inquire Myrtle Motel., SMALL WALNUT ACREAGE WANTED Clone In, without buildings. State prict per acre ana location. Write Box 272 co News-Review. Newly Redecorated Two hedroom plastered homo On paved street and sewer. Now vacant. 17.150 WITH LOW DOWN OF (SCO. PHONE OR 3-7:3 152 Acres JUST $13,500 15 minutes to town. Best of soil, 20 acres tilled, more Dossltole. Spring water galore. Mod. 2 BR home consioer nome in trade. Plus Value , NEWER 3 BR noma on street and sewer. Fireplace, nice kit., iqe liv-din. rm, Tub ana shower. Dole garage. Plus extra lot. $10,600. Terms. Fullerton Realty 723 N. E. Stephens Dial OR 2-3:72 EVENINGS OR 3-7523 DICK WILSON TENN'S REAL ESTATE APPEAL with a capital A! Warm, modern exterior and brand new 3 bdrm, lis baths, at $15,750. LONG 'standing, but nice 2 bdrm, F.A. furnace, Benson Dist. $9, 850. $1,000 Dn. Neat and clean, and love ly view. See at $8,450. LOOK down at the city from ex tra Ige 2 bdrm with rental. lVa acres. See at $12,900. HOME and investment. Lge 2 bdm home, 2 apts., 1 bid., i trailer, db!e garage. 2 lots. $15,950. NEW exceptional value. Just think, $12,0003 bdrm, fireplace, PENN'S REAL ESTATE OR 2-3733 1882 N. E. Vine ' 5 Bus'ess Opportunities FOR LEASE OR SALE. Commercial buildinn. 1771 No. Steohens. 5000 sq. ft., clear span Diutj. i-ci iuu x ibo . Knone UK J-4646. SIX VODER N completely "furnished apart ments and house In City Limits SE Rose burq. AH in A-1 cond. A real money maker, will gross 170 as rentals. Call us y-BB4 eves tor appointments. For Rent - Office Space Jackson Street Level Automatic heat, plush office, Car parking Ph. OR 3-6193 or, eves, OR 3-6091. 0 fF n PFrTODV- Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY IF YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE 49 ELECTRICAL WORK Howard Electric Phone OR 3-3571 or OR 2-3805 Commercial, industrial, residential wiring 468 S B. Main Roseburg, Oregon ELECTRICAL WIRING, suppliesbpen days wk. Lansing & Oliver, OR 3-66.16. S3 EXCAVATING, SAND, GRAVEL DOZING, leveling; also gravel rock, rtvr tfiAm And mart mAlprial Ctiarln knelu. fl? 9-5117. SHALE ROCK for rods and driveways. We deliver. Mt. Belte Shale Pits, OS 9-1613. 65 FURNITURE REFIN1SHING HANDY JIM'S Repair Shop. Modern and antique. OS 9-6921. 77 HEATING RFPAIR all oil and 0. heat.r. Mtiniqn HalintJ. I'P NE Stephrn. OR 3-5,M. 87 INCOME TAX Income Tax Service SONYA WHITE 635 W. Fairhavcn Permanent locaiinn Just oft Harvard riiono OK 3 5017 Income Tax Bookkeeping Harry Hatcher OR 3-J50S, ORJ-U04 Opposite bus depot INCOV.E TAX Appointments in your own home. OR 3-4668 alter 5 P M. I'NCOMff TAX-Fcdersl and"statai bothlo SS. OR J-.166. 112 LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING, sprinkler Installation, lawns. Leveling, rololiHiT. Free estimates. Beehe ant R.vnian, OR 3-3738 or OR 3-813S. 119 LEATHER WORK SADDLE and horse qear repairing. 50 SE Pe.rce St OR 3-44 8 122 LOANS loans on merchandise. We buy and Mil, pn)trg 4 5e j,ck.0. 1126 MIMEOGRAPHING ONE DAY service. Pickup and deliver Sm.He Strno OR 3-3444 antime. 128 MOBILE HOME INSURANCE FOR THE BEST in rVob-l" Home Insurance,! a so eipTt repair jnd service by appcnt-I mntp r,9 3-4JH. t 129 MOVING. STORAGE For moving, parking. Oorage, cell WILLIAMS TUANSKEH CR 3-2 4 SE Slsohens Arie-tt f--f A"0 Wav''" Co MUSICAL ptr.0 I -'lis, '.'rs Vav Wagfr, Poe j tijra Vjuc. Ui V h:r,?4, CR. 2-31. '.ACcr,o.)H STUOFSTS. r nry Wells. 2204 1 ,V Freeman Or. ye, OR 21310. 6 Leans & Financial WANT real estate contract. Will pay wllh cash and income properly. OR 1-6513. WANTEO discounted contract-, also equities. nnone ok j-6ivj or u 3-69? i. R E A L E S T A T E L O A N S to" $3 . 500." A u to m obiie, furniture and signature toons. Commercial Industrial Finance Corporation, 113 SE Oak.. OR 3-4494. FAMILY FINANCE Home owned and Operated Loans Up o SI 600 On motor vehicles and furniture 72 SE Wasnington OR 3-3581 9 Sleep, Board, Rooms SLEEPINGR00M.J!!3 SE Dotiglaa. DEUcTouS HOME COOK rw nice roomi. JoAnn's Boarding Housf. OR 3-7947. NICE-WARM slccplnq' room. Hi" blocis bus depot. OR 3-8241. WARM" HOUSEKEEPING Toom'dostTiiTEv- erylhins turn. $25. 416 NE Jackson. 10 Apartments TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment. Phone OR 2-1259. THREE rm, furn. apt. Adults. No-pels. 447 SE Flint. ONE BR, upstairs apt., turn. Close to" city center. OR 3-7023. . 3 Room furnished apt. Ground floor. Re a so.t able. Utilities furnished. Close in, 1038 SE Fullerton. ONE ROOM furnaot7$40permo7 Including ail utilities. Suitable tor bachelor only. OR 2-2609. U N F u Rn! 1 br duplex apt E lecft heat . Neat and clean. Adults only no pets. Call at 1019 SE Roberts Ave FURN. like new large-)" Br, 4rm7uplex type apt. Nice quiet SE sida loca. OR 3-36S9, OS 9-8874. ONE BDRM furn. apt. Ground floor, private i em. aii uiii. paid. 2 blocks from Benson Sch. $65 mo. OR 2-3650. GROUND floor, single bedroom, suitable single person or couple; electric range and Frigidaire, S40. OR 2-1261. RETIRED NURSEwouldlike"toshare"her home with working woman. $72.50 mo. in cludes garage and all house expenses paid. Meals optional. OR 3-4376. TWO BDR 'APT built In elect range, clean. convenient, aDove average tor quality. Gar age, water and garbage disposal. Adults only. Apply 1527 SE Pine. MOTEL UNITS all" electee with kitchens. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Mo tel. (Old Hwy. 99 rso.) at Winchester Bridge. FURN ISHED BACHF ffi P A PT Ground door, private entrance and bath. Lg. ciosei ana storage. Tile dralnboard and shower. Modern, attractive. Easy up keep. Adults. One Wcstside, one east. $50 mo. OR 2-1577. Kohlhogpn Apts. Jackson St. at Lane Ave. Modern, rea&onalb tent ADULTS OR 3-8244 "A Good Plac ? Live" TODD APARTMENTS VERY NICE 1-2-3 bdrm. apts.. In 5 dif ferent locations. Furnished or unturnihivi Water and garbage service Included, as well as hot water heat in some apts. Equip, includes range, rtr., as well as washer and dryer in some. Rent't from oj up. Phono OR 3-4340 OR 3-5631 OR J-1503 IF YOtl like lols of greenery and beautiful scenery, privacy, quiet, ve have throe aiianmenij nor louna in tne usual rentals Nicely furnished. Adults only. Reference SHADY POINT TRAILER SALES J mi. so. HWY 99 BR. OR 2-1438 153 PAINTING, DECORATING HOUSE PAINTING, Inside and out. Paper hanging. Winter rates until April 1st. Your property Insured. Mark Preston, OR 2 4504 , 2946 W Sherwood Ave. 160 PLUMBING FOR FAST efficient plumbini repair serv ice, call Kier Crooch Plumbing Co. 2448 w. narvara. uk 170 RADIATOR SERVICE RADIATOR REPAIR, towin-j Wall's towing, 487 NE Winchester, OR 3-2A52. 174 REAL ESTATE INTERESTED IN SELLING? List with Mul tiple. Ted Smalls Real Estate. OR 2-3444. 179 ROOFING PAINTING ROOFING Winter rotes Free Estimates All work guaranteed OR 3-6457 ROOFING New and repair. Fre Estimates work guaranteed. Fisher Thorsen Paint Co. Call L. E. Bailey, OR 3-6C42; or OR 2-3575. 188 SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Roseburg Sanl t.itiot Service, Ph. OR 3-3.n6. 193 SIGN PAINTING SIGN PAINTING, since 1915 Hulham Sloni, 3)8 SE Jackson, OR 3-M?3. 203 TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPENING. wHding. J3 $VV CasMe Ave. Machine Shoo OR 3-4687. LAWMVOWERtoof "sharoc-nlnq, 'saw tiling. Pick ud. del. OR 34135. e.ccpl Sat. 203 TREE SERVICE PRUNING. ORNAMENTALS and fruit trees. OR J-S743. 230 WATCH REPAIR WATCH REPAIR. Fast service. The Time Shop, 740 SE Cass, OR 3-6007. Christ it' Watch Shop, prompt guaranteed watch repair. 112 NE Wal ut St. 23S WELDING ALUMINUM and ail types w.Wlng, saw tiiirtj, mower rice. Gas and electric motor repair. Pntchett's Shop, Winston, 235 SO AL'JV.INUMrprjf "mftal," ail "stainless"' stMi, AH tpfs o' Hiiarc welflmg. Winston Chain Jaw. OS 9-UJl. . 238 WELL DRILLING WAT E R I "NAM U R R Y Irrin.l 01 Ogtii;c Cort Fast rotary drilling Dowdy Drilling Co. -UPUS CR J-H Water Well Drilling Nothing oewn on approved credit. MOHR V-ELL DR'LLIN1" OR 2 2321 i;;2 SE JacVwn 10 Apartments FURNISHED and unfurnished 3-bdrm apts. OR' 2-2448. ONE "BR turn, apt., Westhill Apt.. 26)7 W. Harvard. All uilll pd. PLEASANT" r'Barm-furnished apt. Close to city center. Aoults, no pets. OR 3 8244. VERYNICE2 ' BdrmTturn. apt. Closein, available Mrch 11. Adults1OR2-42. BACHELOR apts. Also rwm and board. OR 3-8496. CLEAN 5-rm. turn. flat. Adults. OR 2-3270. 1263 SE Stephens. FURNISHED 5-rm apt. Heated. Carport. Coupla only, 1333 SE Douglas. 11 Houses ONE BEDROOM cabinS35lMMotl Dillard. CLEAN unfuFnT3 bdm house. Couple or 1 sm. child. 2997 Parker Rd. OR 3-1359. f HREEBEDROOmT house, unfurn" W est side. OR 3-3446, TWO BR house, unturn. Out about 1 mile, Hwy 99 So. $45. OR 3-5003 eves. FURNISHED'liousekeeping cabins. 2050 NE Stephens. Rose land Auto Court. iWO"BEbROOM-houier533 Clover Lane, $75 month. WINSTON FurnTshedibedroom duplex. Tower St., OS 9-5700 CLEAN CABIN 3 rooms, bath, turn. $45 mo. plus utll. OS 9-5132 Winston. MOD.ranch-type"2-BR unfurn. cupiax apt. Carport. $85 OR J3-6933. TWO Bdrm, unfurn. house In Little Valley. $35. OR 3-4667. THREE BR house, 3" blks from downtown Safeway. $100. OR 3-5127 after5P.M. UNFURNISHED 2 BR house at Wilbur. OR 3-698JL IWO" BR, unfurn.- house. Carport, utility- West side, Rsbo. OS 9-51 i 6 or OR2-2S32. TWOBDRM house, walking distance. Adults only. No dogs. 326 SE Cass ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single elderly 65. OR3-6548. ADULTS ONLY. Modem, clean, 4 room house. Call OR 3-8U9 after 3 p.m. FURNISHED")- BRhouse; adJlts, no dogs. 4B31 n: Stephens. THREE rooms, bath. Unfurn. 5 blocks town. Adults, no dogs S4B. OR 3-5431. ONE BDM, unfurn. newly decorated house. Close in. Adults only. OH 3-7183. SMALL FURNISHED house, close In. $40 per monm. uk or ok Z-IZ45. 2 Bedroom unfurnished duplex. Basement, carport, economical hat. Close In N.E. location, $80. OR 3-1090. FURNISHED 2 Bdrm house, carport, new wasncr-aryer. 2JI4 Lresiview, near Mark's, $85. OR 2-1627. FURNISHED 1 and 2 bdm. cabins. Water, garbaqe disposal furnished. Harti Cabins. 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-3368. TWO BR unfurn. house on paved street in Winston. Ret. req. Cai. el Union Oil Station in Winston. U NF urNTshEDDUPLE c arpor t e feet . and garbage pd. At Wilbur. OR 3-4663 or OR 3-5861. IN UNIT OF threeplex, 2 bdrm, unturn. Refrigerator, stove, automatic washer gar bage and water turn. OR 3-6765. FIVE BEDROOMHOUSETbig-lot, in city. Might take partial rent for mprovements. OR3-609I or OR 3-6193 ONE BE DROOM unfurnished niM house wild carport, on South Hamilton St. $55 per month. Williamson Real Estate, OR 3-430? VERY DEStRABLE2n)dm71lupl7x7ntun Carport, fenced-in yard with patioj adults No pets. Heat, water, garbage serv. turn. OR 3-4944. ATTENTION "'"Loggers andllnVberwo7k crs houses for rent, partly turn, and redecorated. At old Assoc. Ply.wood camp, 13 miles up Little River. School but and mall at door. GY 6-3339 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals TENWIDE ? BR trailer tor rent In con- venient, quiet Timber Town Trailer Park. OR 3-8506. VACANCY Mod. all paved. 6 blks to city center, aouits. central Trailer Park, 1561 uiamona Lake Blvd. OR 2-4106. TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK 2010 NE Stephens Bst ftecommmodatlon for all size trait ers, incl. all electric. Pa vet Sts.. land scaped, big lawns, meter ?ri gas. 1 block from Safeway. Most Reasonable Rales OR 3-8506 14 Help Wanted COUPLE with teen-age children to operate swimming pool. Must live In apartment. Box 273, News Review. GIRL or lady to live In plus waqcs,carln"g lor Invalid wife. Rev. Wm. A. Garner, Box 3J9, Winston, Ore. OS 9-560$. WOMAN companion for elderly lady, wanting a home more than waqesf light house work. Boxl84, Winchester. WANTED competent, steady-omanfor general housework on ranch. Small fam ily, good home. References required. Write bo 267 News-Review. NEW FIELD FOR SALES WOMEN No parties, no Investments. We offer imme diate high paid commissions, management opportunities, complete training program, unlimited prospects. Salary and fringe ben efits, for those who qualify. Women ac cepted must be mature, career minded and own a car. Set Mr. Duncan, Stat Man ager, Girardian Insurance Co., Carter Bldg. or call OR 3-4153. 15 Work Wanted IRONING andjight mendlio OR 3-S96. CHILD CARE myhome,Wa"ysr3 "Yrs", or older. Winston Section. Oi 9-5S2S. CERTIFIED welder7"lS years experience. Call UN 3-3063 Myrtle Creek. CHILD CARE days and evenings. Rea sonable. OR 3-5109. 18 Instruction PRIVATE tutoring. Maurlta McOarily. OR J-3927. 23 Fuel OAKWOODJi'and JT Terina.JSS OiC FUEL CO. Dry" oaV, 14"" and 24' a 10, fir healer wood. OR 7-3304. DRY OA K and Ta u R eX wood f orsaTe. OR 3-364 or OR Wood Peeler Cora Hardwood Block wood Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5012 Wood Peeler cores green or dry Sawdust Blower or Dump Guy & Francis Gill Fuel 2R14 NE Douglai OR 2-1524 SAWDUST (Blowrr or Dump) WOOD IGreen or Dryl Pont tide short butt cuts Irom old growth fir S'ab wood ttreen or dry) Dry oik wood I Larg peler tv fgreM anly) ja piancr anas (ary i t Roseburg Lumber Co. Ph. OS M741 Or OR 3-SM GUESS WHO.. , .has a child on the program. 21 Building Materinl Time To Build Boards Shiplap Rustic Fencing Squares Dimension, 3x4 and wider, all grades, priced to your nreds. Special cut: ngs aireci irom sawmill. Also a tew Cleanup loaaj ai spe Cial prices. Lumber Sales Co. OR 3-7362 Garden Valley near RR tracks 25 Farm Equipment '52 Farmall B and attach. $1000 value for $675. Or trade for livestock. JJK 4-4Vdi. FOR$ALE Pressure pump, tank and pipes. OS9-5206. p JOHN DEERE wife-tie baler. Excellent con- dition, $500, or trade lor livestock. Call OR 2-3664. EIGHT ft. Dempster grain drill; John Deere 3-14 pull plow; John Deere 3-sectlon spring tooth; 2-scctlon harrow. OS 9-5327. Rt. 4, Box 578. NEED LUMBER? BUILD or repair your ontmiiidlngs now, with low cost lumber from our YARD CLEAN UP SALE. Boarl and 2" lum ber In all widths avallave. Utility $45 M Economy S25 M Odd lots and quantities for even less Umpqua Mfg. Co. 1 ml. S. on 99 BR OR 3-7411 See These Values Tractors IN Ford w-Sherman Trans, overhauled $895 9N Ford and Wagner loader $745 John Deere early model "B" $245 John Deere model "A" very good ... $495 Special 9 N Ford, 4 dtsr. M P'ow S745 Also plows, discs, harrows, drills, haying equip, spreaders, etc. All equip, ready to work. WE buy, sell or trade, WILL YOU? Ranch Equipment Sales Days Creek JE 2-4113 26 Livestock BURRO 4 years old, green broke. OR 3-6446. HOUSESHOEING equipment. Alien's West ern Goods, 3 miles south Dillard. REGISTERED 3" 'year old Hereford bull. O. E. Clayton, Rt. 7, uox uiw-iuui. HORSESHOE ING and horse breaking. Whitcy Howe, OR 3-3902. WANTED sheep and cattle. W. A. Black art UN 3-4515 Myrtle Creek. SERVICEABLE age Hampshire boars. Wm. E. Crawford, Gllde,Ore.Ph. GY 60357. YORKSHIRE "weaner pigs. 45 head. Bill Tipton, OR 3-3619 or OR 3-5547. FRESH "milk cow with whitcfice calf. Milk goats. OS 9-8676. MOST "COMPLETE line of riding equipment in Douglas County. Allen's Western Goods, 3 miles south Dillard. FOR "SALE Yearling and 2 year old req. Hereford bulls. Phone OR 2-2908 before 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m. SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION. Phoni Sulhenln 2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market for all kinds of livestock, Schrlcker and Son, Owners & Mgri. G. A. Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian 27 Hay & Grain Alfalfa, 1st and 2nd cultlngs. Paul Rum- mell. OS 9-5338. Dillard CLEAN BARLEY STRAW 50c bale. Eves att er 6 call OR 2-3261. ALFALFA HAY, $25 to S35 per Ion. A. J. Rice, Dillard. OS 9-8640. EASTERN OREGON ALFALFA, qnod tor sheen and catllf, 5 ton lols delivered. Creswell TW 5-2389. FIRST cutting lfalfa hav will deliver pick up or truckload lots. Roy F.. HoOrlllcr, OS 9-S76. no Sunday ol's pieae. ALFALFA PELLETS Si ton, b-irlt-y pellets $S3 Ion del. to Roeburfj area. J ton loaas. siSKiyou Hanoi miiis. orenaoa, vai. Ph. 2891. L. C. P. Pellet Mill WE MAKE the hiqhest quality, lowest priced pellets that you ca.i buy In Doig las County. Sea us for your pellet needs L. C. Perrin Rt. 1. Oakland Th. 2833 23 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Liv poultry, Rosfburg Poultry OS 9-5400, No Sunday Calls. 29 Pets PART COCKER puppies, wkt. old. OR 3-3066. DOUGLASCOUNTY H U MA N ti SocieTy 'Ani mal Shelter. OR 7-mt PUTMAN-S TOY FOX erricr Kennels. Wii hur. flrnmn. OR 3-BQC4 POMERANIANS Lu:EI-ln Kennels. N Ump qua Rrid. OR 2-2?rJ3. or UK 'H.a POOOL6S reg, $""and "up," Terms Myf tie Creek, UN 3-K29- BORDER Collie purebred" pupp.ts. wvj. Ell Sanders, Rt. 3 Bo t?0, OR 3-4W7. TOY" POME RAN IAN puppies. 672 NE Ala meda. OR 2-3720. 1 German Shorthair female, purebred, trained 1 male Boner 3 Collies 4 German Shepherds 1 Part Airedale 1 Part Boston Terrier t Cocker Spaniel 4 Part Cocers 1 Part Boer and part German Shorthair t Part Husky 2 Cairn Terriers 1 Pert Toy Collie and Corker Part Wlffhalrrrt Terrier, part Shepherd pupi. 1 Blafk and Tan hound Douglas County Humana Society OR 3 3907 31 Sporting Equipment YEAR OLD H ft Fitwrg'ets boat. 1000 It) trailer house in QOtvi (onddion. 1S3I UH Keasey. Ph. OR 2-2)41. ' 31 Sporting Equipment USED GUNS, bought, sold anj traded. Ump qua Gun Store. 32 Produce & Plants ELWOOD Cyoress 3 to 4' $150 ea. Box wood I to 2'. $1 ea. 412 W. Bellf. OR 1-3671; eves and Sun. OR 3-456S. 33A Musical STORY and Clarke spinet piano, $400. Con s.der ti eeicr trade. OR 2-3444. 34 Wise. For Sale CEDAR POSTS. OR 3-3810 NEW 30" Philco range, $1!.9S with "trade. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5518. KNAPP "SHUES. ' Call' local representative, G. D. Sanders, OR 2-3607. LATE MODEL Maytag "wringer" washer 185, terms. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5518. USED GUNS bought sold and traded. Urtip- qua Gun Store. ElECTROLUX "vacuum cleaner sales and sitvIco. OR 3-7010 or OR 3-3591. KEN MORE' pushbullon dryer, S65. Guaran- teed, terms. Horn's Appliance OR 3-5518. STANLEY HOME Products V. Millar, OR 3-5959 if no answer OS 9-S809. REPOSSESSED appliances nothing down ap proved credit. OR J-5244 9-5 wk days. BLUE with white " lace semi -form a I; pink lace formal. Both size 12. OR 2-1305. 21" CONSOLE TV, $49." Horn's 'Appliance. Call OR 3-5518. GE Electric relrifl. good cond. $25". Call OR 2-3405. fy HHU.U l v witn stMid, J. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5518. TWO ho'lywood twin beds, 2 bunk beds, used very little, OS 9-5113. GOOD-Montag " "range? TK burners, $65. Horn's Anpli.ince. OR-SS.E COMPLETE BdrrrTTulte, 2 Pc living room suite, dining room set. OR 2-3954. A PA R I'MEN r range and teir, both $138. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5518. TOWER-adding machine, excellent cond. $50. OS 9-5229. 59 MODEL " WiiaVd auto, washer. Excellent COnd. SB5. 0 J-85J. JOIN the Umpqua Fiylrg Club. Special membership rates for taml'v groups and teenagers. OR 3-4444 orOR 3-1577 eves. Fl.ilOR "dniTinnsTr.itor 70 cu. ft. upright Ireerer. List $499.95, sale price $378. Horn's Aopllance, OR 3-5518. BENDiX "dryer In " good condition for sale or trada for sewing machine. OR 3-5460 eves. KILN FOR SAL E7 tree" lessi s, glazes, green ware. Next to Winston lockers. TREVA'S CERAMICS, OS 9-5133. TOP SOIL from new location. The best vou have ever seen no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston OS 9-349X TV bALES and Rentals, day or "weekly rales, call Kler Crooch Plumbina Co. 2448 W Harvard. OR2-3364 REPOSSESSED combination washer-dryer $175. "Irrms; quardnteeo. Hon.'s Appli ance. OR 3-5518. USED LAWN MOWERS reel and rolary. Umpqua vanoy naraware, oju sc ia, OR 2-161A. WATKINS PRODUCTS Spec'al, Mary Klnq Shampoo. Buy ona at requiar price gci one at li price. Merle Weaver, Watklns De.iler, Phone OS 9-36 9 GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats for bfit freezer satisfaction, .usiom cumnu, wrappinq and quick treeiing. WINSTON LOCKERS, OS 9-5133 ' Snp an n TWO room South Roseburg cab ins. Excellent tor guest nouse, unmy room or mountain cabin, tasy to move, tiva- sonnble. OH 2-4501. w unit motel, sawdust or wood, late model steam or hot water healing system, pipe and radloion included, sbuu, terms, uk 2-4501. itTiL ity noARD. used fo- cutting meals, trulls, vegelflbles, also as hot pad and tray, broad board. uuraD.e, ngnt weiqnr, washable $!. Gtcndalo Mfg. Co., Glendala, Oregon. Used Furniture Rainbow Troiler Sales Old Hwy 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7272 Beckwith Cycle Co. Schwinn & Evan? Bicycles New. Used Also Motoicv:les 2928 W. Harvard OR 3-1120 ACME FURNITURE Best Prices In Town Call us and save tit 767 SE Sheridan OR 2-3173 SUPER DOGS On a Slick GET 'cm AT THE DAIRY QUEEN NOW'S the time to save! SEARS APPLIANCE PARADE Freezers, refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, TV sets, carload lawn mowers. Now at Spectaculor LOW PRICES! Sea them today at SEARS ROEBUCK 526 S. E. JACKSON OR 3-6673 35 Wanted Misc. USED FURNITURE wantwj OS . LOOS, ROUGH LUMBER AND TIMBER WANTHO. Hui) Lumber, OR 2-338S. WANTED, used 22 nfllS. Umpqua Gun Store. WAN TED used furniture and misc. Rose burg Furniture, 243 SE JacXson, OR 3-.M04. TO BUY Tadie saw and ointtr, OR 2 3248. WANTED-qoo1 used tilling arbor table saw OR 3i4ii9 after 5. WANTED ANTIOUECOins, "gun, China", Qianware, ewlry, c'ocrs 'ruciiia's An-t-aues. Ji7 SF. Jackson OR 3-M21. WANTED u-,cd gum. Wa pay cash. Umpqua Gun S'ore. WANTED'' set of exercise equipment, Dumbo", b.Kbells etc. Write Box 274, News-Review. WANTED Ihcd Cement mixer. We have our own power. Need not be in perfect shape. Phone OR 3-88D7. WANTED--SCRAP IRON Top Prices Northwest Machinery Sales 1928 NK Airport Rd. Oil 2 3101 Sot, Mar., 11, 1961 The Ncwi-Rovicw, Roseburg, Ore. 9 36 For Trade TRADE AUTOMATIC washer for livestock, or sell, $65 OR .1-4741 . 1952 AUSTIN A 40, 4 dr. srdan.' Good shape $WO cash, or trarte for livestock. OR 3-389 weeVdavs before 2 p.m.. or week ends anytime. WILL TRADE equity In '59 moHHTowTde-47 ft trailer for futniture and car. Call 3408 Sutherlin. 19' MODERN hcWtrailer,mflarlorol(W, larger modern house trailer No equities. J. W. Doyle OR 2-2924 eves. 37 Machinery FOR THE BEST in all types of logging anq consirucnon marnmery, can led Baker, OR 3-6562 after 6, or wrlta 3146 NE Hughes. Engle& Person 1511 Diamond Lake Blvd. Roseburg, Oregon OR 2-4332 OR 3-7314 CRANES AND LOADERS Sales and Rentals Person Heel Booms Marlon yd truck mount With grapple boom Lorain l"i yd Barge mount Excellent Lorain "4 yd truck mount Crana Boom Lorain Hi yd on tracks With grapple boom Northwest a4 yd on tracks With heel boom Northwest Vi yd on tracks Wllh crane boom Truck 4-71 GMC dlasel Ideal lor wafer wagon Scoopmobllo U yd Cheap 38 Logging Equipment FIRE TRUCK, 1200 gallon tank, fully equip ped. Grader yarder and TO 18 and 24. OR 3-4554. D7 LOGGING cal, 3T series. Good shape. Medford canopy. Take modern 8' wide trailer house, clear, as dn. pymt. $4,750, terms. J. W. Doyle, OR 2-2924 eves. 39 Timber & Sawmills 300 M ft. old and second growth. Ph. OR 3-5638 alter 6 p.m. WANTED Douglas fir, cedar ogs and cordwood In multiples ot 8 ft. we load and haul If piled along accessible road Keller Lumber Co. OR 2-1791. 40 House Trailers EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Venus Henslce Rollaway Vacalion Models by JEWEL Complete Line Trailer Supplies I960 NE St.phani OR 3-3354 J Gr J Trailer Sales 10 WIDES Angelus Great Lakes 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms AIRSTREAM TRAVELEZE . 17' To 26' USED TRAILERS Reconditioned It Guaranteed m N8 Garden Val'ay Blvd. OR 21441 NEW For 1961 ! ! ! SFI! THE NEW BILTMORE 10 wld. wllh EXPANDING LIVING ROOM. A WHOLE NEW CONCEPT of trailer living at Bill mora's reasonable price,. Also EXCLUSIVE WITH BILTMOREI The ONLY I wide wllh expanding living room. Sliding Olau pallo doors, one or two bedrooms, 40 leet long. AM lull line ol other NE., and USED TRAILERS - FURNITUPE AUTOMO BILES. Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 mil. South Hwy. n BR. OR MUt It's Here The new 1961 Nationally Known ELCAR Now Built In Oregon To Save You Freight See Its Quality -Get Its Price See The 1961 Fleetwood The Most In Mobile Homes For Tho Money Drive Out To Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hiway 99 N. Winchester Bank Terms Furniture & Appliances In Trade Good Used Trailers RELIABLE TOWING OR 3 7272 . Closed Sundays PATRONIZE NEWS REVI EW AOVERT1SER3 40 House Trailers EQUITY In 1957 I x 45' J bfdroom Naihu $700, assume balance. OR 2-296). At The Big Lot Traileramas Universals Spacemasters Kits and Nashuas 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms CHECK OUR PRICES You will he glad you did and we will gain business Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1028 N. E. Stephens OR 2-4221 42 Trucks "55 CHEV i, too pickup. O'drive. R.H. t?t cellent shapePh. OR3-4358 or OR 3-644 30 MODEL A flatbed pickup-goodcond. Sl!5. Rt. 4, Box J49. Little Valley Rd. FOR SALE 1954 International 4 WD ton pickup. South Umpqua State Bank, phone JE 3-4502, Canyonviile. GOOD '54 GMC-VB truck with 14' bed-5' takes. 2 speed axle. Also 2 horso trailer. Will take 4 wd Jeep pickup, tractor or farm Implements In on trade. Write P. O. Box 504, Yoncalla. 43 Autos & Motorcycles '4.8 FORD, good condition. Call OS 9-S842. 1V5J inev pickup j ioi, good condition 1953 PACKARD hdtoD, S175 or trade for uveirocK. pnone or 2-4240. SELL OR TRADE '5? Ford Falrlane $00 or '52 Chev., lowered leg ppt OR 3-5154. '57 ENGLISH Ford, good t i r eiT" $475 6 R 3-6530. JEEP, lull cab, seats S, Warn hubs, A-1 COnc. SM65. Alter 6 p.m. OR z-Z4lv. 'S9 FORO Galaxie, all accessories. $1,450. UK J-S4S. 1954 BUICK, '59 Oodgt for sal or trade. can UK2-II37, aner 5 o.m. '57 BEL AIR Chevrolet, Turbo glide, exc ceno. y owner, uk z-jwb. 1955 PLYMOUTH 4 door, stand, trans. V8, $400. OR 3-3123. 1954 BUICK, excellent cond., $350 cash, OR J" '57 CHEV 210. Duntov cam, lifters, floor shift. Call OR 1-3487 after 4 p.m. $99, '58 Plymouth 4 dr., $345 '51 Chev. 4 or. P.G., both ex. cond. OR 3-3ZSV, If no arts 2842 Sherwood. 59 CHEV Impala, will take older car tor equity, or, take over payments. OR 2-344J eves. USED CARS, PICKUPS wanted. Cash or trade tor equity. Johnson and Thiele, 1358 SE Stephens, OR 3-61. CSfE MODEL USED CARS WANTED Cash or trade tor equity ATEN t PHIL" L IPS. 1338 SE Stephens. '5? PACKARD 4-dr. sedan, all good shape. OR 3-64B9, or write J. O. Malhls, Rt. 4, Box 435. CADILLAC 1954 sedan DeVtile, loacted with) extras. Full power, Immaculate condition. Full price $1,795. $390 down, $85 mo. Pn. OR 3-8835, eves. BARCUS Used .Cars '60 DODGE V-8 Matador 4-dr Hdtop, R & II, power steering, power braKes. 11,000 actual miles. New car guarantee. Sold new $4135 now only $2798 '58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere so dan. Push button drive, ' pwr. steer., R&1I $1298 '57 CHEVROLET VR Bel Air sedan. Pwr. glide, R&H recond. motor, new paint $1198 '57 PLYMOUTH V8 B e 1 v. sdn, Torqueflite, R & H .. $1098 '56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere se dan. Push button drive. Kill $ 598 '58 PLYMOUTH Belvedere. 2 door Hdtop, push button dr, Rill, new lires $ 698 '5S OLDS Super 88, 4 dr hdtp, Hydramatic, R&H $ 098 '55 NASH Statesman Cust. sdn. hydramatic. You can't beat this one for real economy $ 398 '55 DODGE VS Sla. Wgn., Powerflitc, R&H, recond. motor $ 898 '54 KAISER sedan, special .... $198 IMPORTS '60 S1MCA Super dlx sdn $1298 '59 SIMCA Elysce sdn $1298 '59 SIMCA Wagon, like new $1198 '59 SIMCA deluxe sedan . $ 998 PICKUPS '60 DODGE Vx Ton pickup. New truck guarantee $1898 '58 FORD V8 "i ton pickup 4 speed. New tires, H.D. bumper. Custom cab ... $1393 '57 DODGE V-8 H Ton pickup Long wheel base, 4 snd. trans. Looks and runs like new - - $1198 '55 DODGE Y'H Vi Ion pickup, R&H $ 598 '55 KORD la Ton pickup, Camping canopy. H.D. bumper. Top condition throughout $ 798 '51 CHEVROLET ton pkup $398 BARCUS Opan avtningt 111 L Sunday. 10 to 4. OR 1-3M4 N. SltpMna at OarrJ-n Vtlliy Hi.